Stats Licences On Record Queensland

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Queensland Current Driver Licences as at 15 July 2012*


Age Group Total
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
16 yrs 18,366 17,937 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 36,304
17 yrs 15,286 15,160 21 8 0 0 9,881 8,858 29 19 49,262
18 yrs 9,733 9,873 128 61 0 0 10,160 9,035 7,217 6,869 53,076
19 yrs 6,167 6,565 366 224 4 1 5,852 5,524 14,358 13,480 52,541
20 yrs 4,467 5,371 6,814 6,315 25 10 4,030 3,869 11,331 11,095 53,327
21yrs - 24yrs 10,543 14,400 81,698 75,007 2,401 578 7,047 7,616 10,956 11,888 222,134
25yrs - 29yrs 6,140 9,955 141,995 132,527 3,899 1,015 957 1,253 2,598 3,504 303,843
30yrs - 39yrs 5,096 9,812 296,908 284,734 5,034 1,507 0 0 1,588 2,206 606,885
40yrs - 49yrs 2,074 4,645 315,062 305,109 3,122 1,155 0 0 615 801 632,583
50yrs - 59yrs 917 2,016 284,318 274,468 1,504 537 0 0 247 238 564,245
60yrs - 69yrs 329 573 227,077 206,814 618 138 0 0 77 59 435,685
70yrs - 74yrs 74 68 70,508 60,390 87 15 0 0 11 6 131,159
75yrs and above 27 23 91,312 68,526 58 7 0 0 3 4 159,960
Total by Gender 79,219 96,398 1,516,207 1,414,183 16,752 4,963 37,928 36,155 49,030 50,169 3,301,004
Total by Level 175,617 2,930,390 21,715 74,083 99,199
* This data was extracted from the EBI (Enterprise Business Intelligence) on 15th July 2012.

Department of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland Driver Licences as at 30 June 1996 to 2012, 2012
Number of Queensland Current Driver Licences by Age Group as at 30 June from 1996 to 2012
Age Group 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002** 2003 2004 2005
16 yrs * 11,960 11,876 13,430 13,248 13,238 13,246 11,766 11,903 11,782 12,454
17 yrs 34,205 34,988 36,079 37,297 38,144 38,133 37,345 36,619 36,470 36,736
18 yrs 37,307 38,400 38,835 40,528 41,934 43,329 42,717 42,809 42,370 41,739
19 yrs 38,796 39,402 39,299 40,148 41,977 43,191 45,813 44,670 44,165 43,852
20 yrs 39,281 39,790 39,745 40,434 41,049 42,637 44,532 46,109 44,687 44,700
21 - 24 yrs 182,597 178,731 174,292 173,036 173,046 173,066 176,330 180,270 183,044 187,250
25 - 29 yrs 237,786 246,505 249,350 249,799 249,123 243,993 235,687 236,761 231,542 231,409
30 - 39 yrs 485,452 490,624 489,720 494,892 500,573 510,086 519,502 527,081 527,584 534,023
40 - 49 yrs 449,529 456,501 461,321 471,787 483,942 497,655 515,238 524,767 534,230 542,618
50 - 59 yrs 303,245 327,083 345,353 364,768 385,425 405,375 431,275 442,979 456,770 470,843
60 - 69 yrs 192,219 199,338 204,147 212,432 221,550 231,406 250,369 258,309 275,133 293,108
70 - 74 yrs 67,729 72,060 77,003 80,852 79,079 82,151 85,083 86,248 87,873 90,006
75 yrs and over 59,712 65,001 71,603 77,930 79,378 86,498 98,562 104,083 112,009 110,547
Unknown 5 0 0 256 404 7 19 14 8 2
Total 2,139,823 2,200,299 2,240,177 2,297,407 2,348,862 2,410,773 2,494,238 2,542,622 2,587,667 2,639,287

Age Group 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012^

16 yrs * 12,872 18,805 30,043 37,130 38,606 38,063 36,304
17 yrs 38,146 43,875 42,733 46,704 48,489 49,225 49,262
18 yrs 42,550 45,540 45,491 49,214 50,952 52,898 53,076
19 yrs 43,971 45,626 45,757 49,560 51,941 53,121 52,541
20 yrs 45,393 46,473 46,314 49,577 52,309 53,766 53,327
21 - 24 yrs 192,189 199,449 199,705 210,224 215,178 221,566 222,134
25 - 29 yrs 238,477 249,570 261,051 278,486 290,949 303,071 303,843
30 - 39 yrs 544,387 560,147 571,579 586,782 594,225 606,511 606,885
40 - 49 yrs 552,858 566,303 577,868 593,122 604,367 623,699 632,583
50 - 59 yrs 485,501 494,768 506,040 519,901 531,965 549,372 564,245
60 - 69 yrs 310,771 336,547 357,586 377,612 397,086 417,684 435,685
70 - 74 yrs 92,923 98,013 102,873 109,625 115,841 122,862 131,159
75 yrs and over 118,525 126,305 134,069 140,585 140,433 149,101 159,960
Total 2,718,563 2,831,421 2,921,109 3,048,522 3,132,341 3,240,939 3,301,004
This data includes Learners Permits, Provisional and Open licences.
* On 1 July 2007 the minimum age for Learners Permits was lowered from 16 years 6 months to 16 years, and the provisional P1 and provisional P2 licence was introduced.
** Licence figures for 2002 are only available for November
^ Licence figures for 2012 are only available for 15th July

Department of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland Driver Licences as at 30 June 1996 to 2012, 2012
Number of Queensland Current Driver Licences by Level as at 30 June from 2002 to 2012

Licence Level 2002* 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012^
Learner 92,059 92,021 92,506 90,333 91,730 105,751 106,699 155,981 177,348 179,709 175,617
Provisional 1** 0 0 0 0 0 0 51,589 51,377 62,981 70,206 74,083
Provisional 2** 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,670 38,263 72,511 86,464 99,199
Probational 162,494 162,201 160,254 163,683 168,964 179,338 124,247 79,745 31,424 26,503 21,715
Open 2,239,685 2,288,400 2,334,907 2,385,271 2,457,869 2,546,332 2,629,904 2,723,156 2,788,077 2,878,057 2,930,390
Total 2,494,238 2,542,622 2,587,667 2,639,287 2,718,563 2,831,421 2,921,109 3,048,522 3,132,341 3,240,939 3,301,004
** On 1 July 2007 the provisional P1 and provisional P2 licence was introduced.
* Licence figures for 2002 are only available for November
^ Licence figures for 2012 are only available for 15th July

Number of Queensland Current Driver Licences by Gender as at 30 June from 2002 to 2012

Gender 2002* 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012**
Male 1,194,389 1,218,265 1,246,498 1,273,699 1,312,768 1,368,959 1,412,014 1,476,646 1,519,454 1,568,918 1,601,868
Female 1,299,811 1,324,321 1,341,144 1,365,579 1,405,795 1,462,460 1,509,095 1,571,875 1,612,887 1,672,021 1,699,136
Undefined 38 36 25 9 0 2 0 1 0 0 0
Total 2,494,238 2,542,622 2,587,667 2,639,287 2,718,563 2,831,421 2,921,109 3,048,522 3,132,341 3,240,939 3,301,004
* Licence figures for 2002 are only available for November
** Licence figures for 2012 are only available for 15th July

Department of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland Driver Licences as at 30 June 1996 to 2012, 2012

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