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irra} Cterensicesraeat TEST WHAT YOU ALREADY KNOW Questions 1-3 refer to the excerpt below. “Beit enacted by (Congress). ..SEC. 6, Tht upon the completion of said allotments and the patenting of the lands to said allotees, each and every member ofthe respective bands or tribes of Indians to whom allotments have been made shall have the benefit of and be subject tothe laws, both civil and criminal, of the State or Territory in which they may reside; . And every Indian born within the territorial limits of the United States to whom allotments shall have been made under the provisions of this act, or under any Jaw or treaty, and every Indian bora within the tervtoral limits of the United States who has voluntarily ‘taken up, within said limits, his residence separate and apart from any tribe of Indians therein, and has adopted the habits of civilized life, is hereby declared to be a citizen of the United States, and is entitled to all the rights, privileges, and immunities of such citizens, whether said Indian has been or nor, by birth or cotherwise.a member of any tribe of Indians within the territorial limits of the United States without in any ‘manner impairing or otherwise affecting the right of any such Indian to tribal or other property.” Dawes Severalty Act, 1887 + Which ofthe following wasa result ofthe Dawes 3. The Dawes Severalty Act most ditecly reflects Severalty Act of 18872 Which of the following continuities in United (A) An increase in American Indian tribal States history? lands (A) Debates about expansion of voting rights (B) An increase in federal American Indian (B)_ Debates about national identity reservations (©) Debates about the growth of executive (©) A decrease in federal intervention in power ‘American Indian afars (D) Debates about globalization (D) A decrease in tribal autonomy ‘ counterexample tothe ideology behind the Dawes Severalty Act would be (A) the Homestead Act of 1862 (B) Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (©) Jim Crow laws (D)_ Booker 7, Washington’ philosophy 167 | 1K ‘8681-S98T Lr la ay CS ieee 1865-1898 Questions 4-7 refer to the excerpt below. “THE PLATFORM OF DEMANDS [of the Farmers’ Alliance] Fit... equal rights to all and special privileges to none! that our national legislation remove existing heavy tari one industry at the expense of another, graduated tax on incomes Sixth... State and National government control and supe and transportation Seventh... an amendment ‘Thomas Campbell-Copeland, Cleveland and Stevenson: TI 4. Which of the following groups would be most likely to support the demands in this excerpt? (A) Opponents of the Grangers (B) Supporters of the Populist (People’s) Party (C) Advocates of business consolidation (D) Shatecroppers in the New South Which of the following events benefited small farmers in the nineteenth century? (A) ‘The governments adoption ofa laissez-faire policy (B) The Munn v.linots court case (C) The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 (D) The in re Debs decision I< | 168 not build up a just and equitable system of ‘sion of the means of public communication [or) government ownership of such roviding for the [direct] election of United States Senators providing. heir Lives and Record, 1892 6. In the second half of the nineteenth century, Am to national and industrial. One of the ways ral als economy shifted from local and rural, roads aided this change was by (A) transporting raw materials to consumer (B) connecting the East, West, and South regions of the United states (©) utilizing private funding for the Transcontinental Railroad (D) increasing the consumption of stel All of the following methods contributed to the rise of big business in America EXCEPT (A) collective bargaining (B) vertical integration (©) horizontal integration (D) trusts and monopolies Questions 8-10 refer to the 1896 political cartoon below. rica (oitele cestode ster 8, Expanding the money supply became a topic of debate during the Gilded Age for all of the following reasons EXCEPT (A) the silver ru of 1859 (B)_the government’ outdated bimetal standard (©) the flactuation of gold and silver values (D) limited circulation of gold-backed dollars 9. Divisions over the currency issue, among others, ‘would lead to the formation of which political party? (A) Whig Par (B) Free Soil Party (C) Populist Party (D) Liberty Party ‘The answer key can be found at the end of this chapter. 10. People who agreed with the argument for silver” would most likely also zecommend which economic stance? “w aws to increase the federal government's power in the economy (B) A return to a laissez-faire economic approach by the federal government (©) Anend to the “separate but equal” position established by Plessy ». Fergu (D) Laws to limit the power of labor unions ‘Wondering about what to do next? Refer to your chosen study plan for next steps, Haven't chosen your stud} that appeats inthe front of the book plan yet? Head over to Chapter 2 to learn more about the perforated study plan page 169 | IC B68T-SoBT rica utheests TEST WHAT YOU LEARNED Questions 1-4 refer to the photograph below of a New York City street. 1. The influx of immigrants in the late nineteenth century to cities like New York most directly led likely to sy 8681-S98T «a 1oters of the New South Een ree eee (B)_ Opponents ofthe settlement house mover (©) Orga fern Europeans to rural areas ers for national unions ‘B) the growth in power of urban political e iy : (D) Advocates of Social Darwinism (C) ethnic diversity in urban neighborhoods (D) a backlash against Protestant immigrants 139 | KK ie) ee SON) 1865-1898 3 Which of the following issues from the mid nineteenth century most clearly parallels the issues surrounding immigration in the late nine- teenth century? (A) Increased nativism connected to Irish and German immigration (B) Political upheaval connected to Manifest Destiny Displacement of native groups connected to territorial expansion (D) States’ rights in connection to the growth of federal power I< | 190 ‘Along with increased immigration, all of the following cultural changes occurred in the late nineteenth century EXCEPT (A) the growth of the working class (B)_ the decline of the middle class (C) increased independence for women (D) increased literacy rates rica ere eeee cr} Questions 5-7 refer to the excerpt below. 6 The first count in the declaration .... [charges] that the Wabash, St, Louis & Pacific Railway Company had, in violation of a statute of the state of Illinois, been guilty of an unjust discrimination in its rates or charges ht [from Illinois to New York State] ... The court... holds as law that said act... cannot apply to transportation service rendered partly without the state. . and cannot operat linois. The court further holds as matter of law of toll and compensation for the transportation of beyond the limits ofthe state of that the transportation in question falls within the proper description of commerce among the sates Decision from Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Railway Company v, State of linois, 1886 ‘The Supreme Court’s decision in the Wabash 7. The reasoning expressed in the Supreme Court’ case directly led to decision most directly reflects which of the iene eee following continuities in United States history? interstate commerce (A) Debates over the effects of territorial (B) a decrease in federal intervention in state expansion economics (B) Debates over industry’s impact on the (C) stricter enforcement of economic regula. environment tions in the railroad industry (C) Debates over the role of government (D) the creation of the Interstate Commerce (D) Debates over competition for land and Commission resources Economic issues arose again in a later Supreme Court case, In re Debs, which centered on the federal government's (A) support of labor unions (B) curtailing of big businesses (C) role in strikebreaking (D) laissez-faire approach it | 1K 8681-S98T Part 2 ule ica 1865-1898 Questions 8-10 refer to the 1898 photograph below, of cotton bundled for sale in New Orleans. 8. Which of the following features of the South in the late nineteenth century is most clearly ilus- trated in the photograph? (A) The limited economic progress of the New South (B) Southern opposition tothe Plessy Ferguson decision (©) “The Souths economic independence from the North (D) The dominance in the South mechanized agriculture 9. Which ofthe following statements is NOT true regarding the South's post-Civil Wer economy in the nineteenth century? (4) ‘Tenant farmers were largely unable to «escape the cycle of debt. (B)_ Most Southerners, both black and white, were impoverished. © \d-owning farmers profited from the crop-li -n system, (D) ‘The price of cotton hit an all-time low by the end of the nineteenth century. I< | 192 Along with the economy, another major issue for the late nineteenth-century South was race relations. The Supreme Court case Plessy 1 rguson led directly to (A) the repeal of Jim Crow laws (B) the establishment of Black Codes (C) the formation of the Ku Klux Klan (D) the Great Migration Chapter 9 Pte Rast tes TEST WHAT YOU ALREADY KNOW Questions 1-4 refer to the excerpt below. ‘The general sanitary investigation of 1912 included 45 cities ofthe State, and covered 1,338 industrial establishments, ... 125,961 wage-earners ... employed... in the different industries of the State Laws Passed as a Result of the Commission's Second Year’s Work [1913] 1. Reorganization of Labor Department 5. Fire escapes and exits; imitation of number of occupants; 7. Prohibition of employment of children under fourteen, in cannery sheds or tenement houses; 8. Physical examination of children employed in factories 11. Night work of women in factories, 12. Seats for women in factories The enactment of these laws matked a n cra in labor legislation .. It placed the State of New York in the lead in legislation for the protection of wage earners Fourth Report of the Factory Investigation Commission, 1915 Which ofthe following terms most clearly 3. ‘Theactions in the excerpt were most likely reflects the goals described in the excerpt? the result ofan alliance between which of the {A) Social Gospel following? fa) Pope (A) Aftican American activists and Southern Democrats (C) Social Darwinism “ (B) Urban polit al machines and progressive (D) Gilded Age prog Which ofthe following political concepts from (©) Industrial capitalists and labor unions the 1930s parallels the ideas of the excerpt? (D)_ Republicans and industrial capitalists (A) Isolationism “The actions in the excerpt mos clearly reflect B) Socialism * ®) : which of the following continuities in United (©) Laisse faire States history? (D) New Deal (A) Debates over the proper degree of government activism over gender inequality (€) Debates over the challenges of urbanization (D)_ Debates over increased consumerism 197 | 1G S¥6t-068T 1890-1945 Lc lied Cems ola AUC 5. Which change in American society in the carly twentieth century most directly led to the situation depicted in the poster? (A) Increased support for American imperialism (B) A demographic shift in immigration patterns (C)_ Decreased support for immigration quotas (D) Increased xenophobia 6. Which event ofthe post-World War I era most directly challenged the sentiment in the poster? (A) ‘The Great Migration out of the South (B) Unrestricted immigration from the Western Hemisphere (C) The first Red Scare (D) The “closing” of the American frontier Kk | 198 7. Theideas expressed in the poster most clearly show the influence of which ofthe following? (A) Violations of civil iberties (B)_ Wartime patriotism (C) Support for women’ suffrage () Nativism Chapter 9 Lote Washers Questions 8-10 refer to the excerpt below, “The President of the United States of America and the Prime Minister... met together... . [and] make known .... their hopes for a better future First, their countries seek no aggrandizement, territorial or other Second, ... no territorial changes that do not accord with the freely expressed wishes of the peoples ‘Third, ... the right of all peoples to choose [their] form of govert nent Fourth,. .. access, on equal terms, to the trade and to the raw materials ofthe world ...; Fifth... the fullest economic] collaboration between all nations Sixth, afer the final destruction of the Nazi tyranny, freedom from fear and want Seventh, .. traverse the high seas and oceans without hindrance; Eighth, .. the establishment ofa... permanent system of general security [and] disarmament “The Atlantic Charter, 1941 8. Which ofthe following events of the early 10. The ideas expressed in the passage most directly twentieth century most clealy represents 2 reflect which ofthe following continuities in continuation of the ideas illustrated in the United States history? passage? (A) The impact migration and population (A) The creation of the League of Nations patterns had on American life (B) ‘The development of a unilateral foreign (B) “The impact changes in transportation and policy technology had on American society (C) Violations of evil ibertes during wartime (C) The difficulty of maintaining a balance (©) Support for isolationism between liberty and order (D) he difficulty of finding acceptable ways to 9. ‘The ideas expressed inthe Atlantic Charter of ppursve international and domestic goals 1941 echo which of the following? (A) Woodrow Wilson's Fourte Points (B) William Jennings Bryan’ “Cross of Gold” speech (©) Theodore Roosevel few Nationalism” {D) Franklin Roosevelt New Deal programs ‘The answer key can be found atthe end of this chapter Wondering about what to do next? Refer to your chosen study plan for next steps. Haver josen your study plan yet? Head over to Chapter 2 to learn more about the perforated study plan page that appears in the front of the book, 199 | 1K Sh6r-a68t Rue) TIME PERIOD REVIEW THE “FORGETTABLE” ADMINISTRATIONS Politics in the post-Reconstruction years were marked by the lackluster performances of presidents Rutherford B. Hayes, James Garfield, and Chester A. Arthur. All three were elected to one term each from the years 1876 to 1884, but none did much to earn a place in the nation’s collective memory. ‘After the “big” government ofthe Reconstruction era, many in Washington, D.C, sought to limit the role of the federal government. This was not so much about ideology as about concerns over job Security The spoils system got a makeover during the Gilded Age as leaders in both partes played the game of party patronage, much as the political machines did in large cities. For example, the Republican party during this time was composed of three major factions: the Stalwarts supported the party patronage system, the Halfbreeds opposed it, and the Mugwumps remained neutral fon the issue and sought modest reforms. The presidency was not immune from the patronage that plagued the parties at the national level After aless-than-stellar term by Hayes, the Republican party chose to run Half-Breed party member James Garfield for president with Stalwart Chester A. Arthur as his running mate. After winning the election, Garfield quickly set to work appointing party loyalists to coveted civil service positions. As Garfield prepared to leave for his vacation in 1881, an irate civil service job Seeker shot him. Garfield hung on for nearly three months, finally succumbing to infection from the wound, Arthur began to separate himself from his Stalwart pals as he took the presidency. Unfortunately for him, the Republican party chose another candidate for the next election: Senator James Blaine, Blaine did not succeed in winning the election of 1884, as his image had been tarnished by his connection to the Crédit Mobilier and other scandals. Instead, Grover Cleveland became the first Democrat to take office since before the Civil War. Some accomplishments were made during in the “forgotten” administrations, such as passage of {he Pendleton Civil Service Act of 1881, which reformed the corrupt patronage system, Nolonger ould political eronyism secure government positions; all potential civil service employees had to take an exam to prove their worthiness 890-194 AGRARIAN DISCONTENT Grover Cleveland dic not win a second term in 1888, in part because of his support fora lower tariff ‘hat would benefit Southern and Wester farmers. The Republicans were able to rally the votes of Norther business owners to gain the upper hand in the Electoral College. The new president Benjamin Harrison, presided over a unified government for two years with Republicans also in control of the legislative branch. The unification was short-lived, however, as midterm elections gave control of Congress back to the Democrats, I | 200

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