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A. Description of The School

1. School Profile

Nama Sekolah : SMP Negeri 2 Purwadadi Subang

Status : NEGERI

NSS : -

NPSN : 20232745

SK Pendirian : 1998

Alamat Sekolah : Jalan Raya Ciela Purwadadi - Subang 46121.

Kabupaten : Subang

Propinsi : Jawa Barat

Headmaster Profile

Nama Lengkap : Dra . Enung Junirah

NIP : 19600617 198903 2 003

Pendidikan terakhir : S1

Pangkat, Golongan : Pembina IV/a

2. Misi SMP Negeri 2 Purwadadi - Subang:

 Melaksanakan kegiatan belajar mengajar secara efektif dengan

mengarah kepada pemberdayaan siswa dalam mengembangkan

potensi yang dimiliki;

 Menumbuhkan motivasi/semangat unggul kepada seluruh warga


 Menumbuhkan kemampuan berkreativitas dalam kegiatan seni dan

olah raga dengan didasari disiplin yang tinggi;

 Menerapkan manajemen partisipatif yang melibatkan seluruh warga

sekolah, masyarakat sekitar serta orang tua siswa.

3. Tujuan SMP Negeri 2 Purwadadi - Subang:

 Untuk terlaksananya proses pembelajaran yang maksimal antara

siswa dengan guru sehingga mencapai target yang diharapkan.

 Untuk memberikan kemudahan kepada siswa yang mengalami

kesulitan dalam belajar serta meningkatkan kemampuan siswa yang


 Untuk memiliki sarana prasarana pendidikan yang memadai guna

meningkatkan proses pembelajaran dan profesionalisme guru.

4. Gambaran Sarana dan Prasarana SMP Negeri 2 Purwadadi - Subang

a. Data ruang kelas

Jumlah Jumlah
Jumlah ruang kelas asli (d) ruang ruang yang
lainnya digunakan
Ukuran Ukuran Ukuram Jumlah yang u. R. Kelas
7x9 m2 >63m2 <63m2 (d) = digunakan (f) = (d +
(a+b+c) untuk e)
ruang kelas
Ruang 18 - - 18 - 21

b. Data ruang lain

Jenis ruang Jumlah Ukuran (m)
1. Lab computer 1 5x7
2. Perpustakaan 1 9x7
3. Ruang kepsek 1 3x4
4. Lab ipa 1 15x10
5. Ruang multimedia 1 12x10
6. Ruang guru 1 18x7
7. Ruang TU 1 9x8
8. Ruang osis 1 9x7
9. Ruang uks / pmr 1 7x2
10. Ruang pramuka 1 9x7
11. Ruang BP 1 3x5
12. Ruang komite sekolah 1
13. Ruang tamu 1 3x4
14. Gudang 1 10x5
15. Rumah dinas 1 6x5
16. Koperasi sekolah 1 7x2
17. Kamar mandi / wc guru 3 2x2
18. Wc siswa 8 2x2
19. Mushola 1 12x9
5. Gambaran ketenagaan

a. data guru
Jumlah guru / staff Bagi SMP negeri Keterangan
Guru tetap (PNS) 22 orang -
Guru tidak tetap 14 orang -
Guru PNS - -
Staff tata usaha 13 orang -

6. Classroom Profile

Class VII/III of SMP N 2 Purwadadi Subang consists of fourty two

students. Female is twenty two students, male is eighteen students. Classrooms is

4x4 m² sized, painted in blue, having ventilation light and air adequate. With the

number of students 41 people, classroom seem more spacious. There is 41

students’ desk, one teacher's desk, 41 student’ chair and one teacher's chair. SMP

N 2 Purwadadi Subang located at Jl. Raya Ciela kec. Purwadadi – Subang 46121.

The position of class VII/III is less than 200 meters from the street, so the learning

atmosphere is pretty quiet because it is not too close to the street.

B. The Implementation of Action Research

1. Cycle I

a. Planning 1

1). Formulate lesson plan flashcard media.

2). Preparing instructional media is flashcard.

3). Constructing the assessment format.

4). Constructing teacher observation sheet on the

implementation of learning English writing using flashcard

b. Acting 1

1). The teacher made an effort to raise apersepsi students' prior

knowledge related to the English Writing and activities that have
been done.

2). Teachers demonstrate flashcards in front of the class.

3). Teacher showing flashcards with fast / flash.

4). Two students are given the opportunity to name - the name
of which is on a flashcard.

5). Students are asked to make a sentences of each - each

flashcard is shown by the teacher.

6). Students and teachers to discuss the results orally and

classical writing, so that they complement each other's
shortcomings. Teachers act as moderator, guiding and
straightening the course of the learning process.

Researchers, teacher observations of student activity using the observation

guide has been prepared.

In the implementation phase of the first cycle was conducted during the first
meeting with details of the time (1 x 40 minutes). 6 stages of learning that has been
compiled, not everything goes to the maximum because there are many students who
are lagging behind in the writing of the English language.

c. Observation 1

This observation activities conducted in conjunction with the

implementation of the activities of the action. This activity is
carried out by the teacher as researcher. At this stage the
teacher to recognize and document the entire process and the
results of the changes that occur in the learning process.

In the observation phase accuracy is reported on a draft prepared formats

including assessment, implementation of activities by the teacher, and the condition of
the student.

With the time available, 1x40 minutes, is still lacking. Because this study was the
first time for students especially for students of SMP Negeri 2 Purwadadi Subang
particular class VII / III. They still need a lot of time for adjustment in Britain learning to
write the language using postscript flashcard media is still a new learning for them.
Mastery is still weak writing a significant barrier. So that the course of the learning
process can not be done optimally.

English is a foreign language need to understand the process of learning especially

for those who use the media flashcard. In one cycle, the learning is considered very
difficult because in addition to an accurate portrayal of a letter, students should pay
attention to strategies or steps that must be taken in order to form a sentence.

But the difficulties can be overcome with a more active teachers around to
provide guidance. With teacher guidance students can be motivated to write correctly.
In addition to providing guidance, teachers also give students the motivation to learn.
Table 4. The Result Of Test in Cycle 1

No Students KKM Students' Score Description Passed/ Failed

1 Students 1 65 40 Failed Less

2 Students 2 65 40 Failed Less
3 Students 3 65 60 Failed Less
4 Students 4 65 50 Failed Less
5 Students 5 65 40 Failed Less
6 Students 6 65 30 Failed Less
7 Students 7 65 70 Passed Enough
8 Students 8 65 20 Failed Less
9 Students 9 65 30 Failed Less
10 Students 10 65 40 Failed Less
11 Students 11 65 50 Failed Less
12 Students 12 65 70 Passed Enough
13 Students 13 65 60 Failed Less
14 Students 14 65 60 Failed Less
15 Students 15 65 50 Failed Less
16 Students 16 65 40 Failed Less
17 Students 17 65 30 Failed Less
18 Students 18 65 40 Failed Less
19 Students 19 65 30 Failed Less
20 Students 20 65 40 Failed Less
21 Students 21 65 40 Failed Less
22 Students 22 65 40 Failed Less
23 Students 23 65 40 Failed Less
24 Students 24 65 50 Failed Less
25 Students 25 65 40 Failed Less
26 Students 26 65 50 Failed Less
27 Students 27 65 40 Failed Less
28 Students 28 65 50 Failed Less
29 Students 29 65 50 Failed Less
30 Students 30 65 60 Failed Less
31 Students 31 65 60 Failed Less
32 Students 32 65 60 Failed Less
33 Students 33 65 40 Failed Less
34 Students 34 65 30 Failed Less
35 Students 35 65 20 Failed Less
36 Students 36 65 40 Failed Less
37 Students 37 65 30 Failed Less
38 Students 38 65 50 Failed Less
39 Students 39 65 20 Failed Less
40 Students 40 65 40 Failed Less
41 Students 41 65 50 Failed Less
Total 1790
Maximal 70
Minimal 20
Average 43,66 Failed Less

The results of the test cycle I explained that there are two people of 41 students
or 5% who get the KKM, this means that the average student in English writing is very
low. The results of the test or tests of the first cycle of the highest value and the lowest
70 20. 95% of students who do not pass or do not meet the KKM (Minimum Criteria for

From the above data can be described learning outcomes in cycle 1, the student has not
been quiet memehami learning English writing using flashcard media.

d. Reflection 1
With regard to the involvement of the student, although students have a lot of
trouble, especially with the strategy and the selection of the letters to be the perfect
sentence, but the students are very active to ask the teacher as a researcher
involved help learning activities in the classroom as well as active in work and
discussions. Interest of the students to be able to form a sentence and can be
worked out to be a huge winner. Similarly, a teacher, do not stop walking around in
the classroom to provide guidance to students. And this study is not enough here to
remember until the student learning outcomes are still under KKM, this research will
be on Continue to cycle II.

2. Cycle II

a. Planning 2

1). Implementation plan flashcard learning using the media.

2). Preparing instructional media is flashcard.

3). Constructing learning format.

4). Constructing teacher observation sheet on the

implementation of learning English writing using flashcard


b. Acting 2

1). The teacher made an effort to raise apersepsi students'

prior knowledge related to wtiting language yag Britain and

the activities that have been done. Teachers evoke

memories of the students who never studied writing.

2). Teachers demonstrate flashcards in front of the class.

3). Teacher showing flashcards with fast / flash.

4). Two students are given the opportunity to name - the name

of which is on a flashcard.

5). Students are required to make a paragraph from one of the

flashcard is shown by the teacher.

6). Students and teachers to discuss the results orally and

classical writing, so that they complement each other's
shortcomings. Teachers act as moderator, guiding and
straightening the course of the learning process.

Researchers, teacher observations of student activity using the observation guide

has been prepared.

In the implementation phase of the second cycle was carried out during the first
meeting with details of the time (2 x 40) minutes. And in different weeks. Of learning
activities that have been compiled, not everything goes to the maximum because there
are students who are lagging behind in terms of failure.

c. Observation 2

This observation activities conducted in conjunction with the implementation of the

activities of the action. This activity is carried out by the teacher as researcher. At this
stage the teacher to recognize and document the entire process and the results of the
changes that occur in the learning process. There are three things which observed that
the accuracy of the strategy, the accuracy assessment compiled format, student activity,
and precision application of assessment by teachers.
In the observation phase accuracy is reported on a draft prepared formats
including assessment, implementation of activities by the teacher, and the condition of
the student.

With the time available, 2x40 minutes, still not enough to resolve the target of
making a paraghrap. This is because the mastery of writing is still weak become the
bottleneck is still quite large. But in this second cycle to show an increase from the first
cycle despite the absence of a perfect score, and there are still some left.

The difficulty can be overcome by staying active teacher in the classroom around
to provide guidance. The teacher-students be motivated to do the right writing. In
addition to providing guidance in the form of an individualized approach, teachers also
give students the motivation to learn.

Table 4. The Result Of Test in Cycle II

No Students KKM Students' Score Description Passed/ Failed

1 Students 1 65 70 Passed Enough

2 Students 2 65 60 Failed Less
3 Students 3 65 70 Passed Enough
4 Students 4 65 70 Passed Enough
5 Students 5 65 60 Failed Less
6 Students 6 65 60 Failed Less
7 Students 7 65 80 Passed Good
8 Students 8 65 60 Failed Less
9 Students 9 65 70 Passed Enough
10 Students 10 65 70 Passed Enough
11 Students 11 65 60 Failed Less
12 Students 12 65 80 Passed Good
13 Students 13 65 60 Failed Less
14 Students 14 65 70 Passed Enough
15 Students 15 65 70 Passed Enough
16 Students 16 65 60 Failed Less
17 Students 17 65 70 Passed Enough
18 Students 18 65 70 Passed Enough
19 Students 19 65 60 Failed Less
20 Students 20 65 70 Passed Enough
21 Students 21 65 70 Passed Enough
22 Students 22 65 80 Passed Good
23 Students 23 65 60 Failed Less
24 Students 24 65 70 Passed Enough
25 Students 25 65 60 Failed Less
26 Students 26 65 70 Passed Enough
27 Students 27 65 60 Failed Less
28 Students 28 65 70 Passed Enough
29 Students 29 65 60 Failed Less
30 Students 30 65 60 Failed Less
31 Students 31 65 60 Failed Less
32 Students 32 65 80 Passed Good
33 Students 33 65 70 Passed Enough
34 Students 34 65 70 Passed Enough
35 Students 35 65 60 Failed Less
36 Students 36 65 50 Failed Less
37 Students 37 65 60 Failed Less
38 Students 38 65 70 Passed Enough
39 Students 39 65 60 Failed Less
40 Students 40 65 70 Passed Enough
41 Students 41 65 60 Failed Less
Total 2710
Maximal 80
Minimal 50
Average 66,10 Passed Enough
d. Reflection 2
1). Measures already implemented by teachers can improve
students showed an increase in significant quantities.

2). Explanation further deepened again due to the limited

understanding of flash media cards for students.

3). No students are passive because the students all want to

collect the highest score and come out as the best.

So the number of students who experienced a significant increase in the cycle needs
to be maintained so that all three will be more perfect. Just one step closer to writing
that is strengthening. Because of the difficulties experienced by students is still located
in the writing ketermpilan in kerenakan pengucapakan way of writing and in the English
language are different. Therefore, learning English writing through flashcard media
should continue to cycle III.
3. Cycle III
a. Planning 3
1). Implementation plan flashcard learning using the media.

2). Preparing instructional media is flashcard.

3). Constructing learning format.

4). Constructing teacher observation sheet on the

implementation of learning English writing using flashcard


b. Acting 3
1). The teacher made an effort to raise apersepsi students'

prior knowledge related to wtiting language yag Britain and the

activities that have been done. Teachers evoke memories of the

students who never studied writing.

2). Teachers demonstrate flashcards in class

3). Teacher showing flashcards with fast / flash
4). Two students were asked to mention the name - the name
of which is on a flashcard.
5). Teachers conduct and evaluation of students were asked to
describe one of the flashcards that show by the teacher.

In the implementation phase of the third cycle was conducted during

the meeting with details of the time 1x 2 x 40 minutes. At all stages of
the third cycle can be implemented, namely the refinement of
previous cycles. Students after learning goes beyond the individual to
get satisfactory results
c. Observation 3

This observation activities conducted in conjunction with the implementation of

the activities of the action. This activity is carried out by the teacher as researcher. At
this stage the teacher to recognize and document the entire process and the results of
the changes that occur in the learning process.

In the observation phase accuracy is reported on a draft prepared formats

including assessment, implementation of activities by the teacher, and the condition of
the student. In this cycle time is given 2X4 minutes, can be utilized to the maximum by
the students and there are many students who are able to describe the course of
flashcard So the learning process can be performed optimally.

Table 4. The Result Of Test in Cycle III

No Students KKM Students' Score Description Passed/ Failed

1 Students 1 65 90 Passed Very Good

2 Students 2 65 90 Passed Very Good
3 Students 3 65 80 Passed Good
4 Students 4 65 90 Passed Very Good
5 Students 5 65 70 Passed Enough
6 Students 6 65 80 Passed Good
7 Students 7 65 100 Passed Very Good
8 Students 8 65 60 Failed Less
9 Students 9 65 80 Passed Good
10 Students 10 65 70 Passed Enough
11 Students 11 65 80 Passed Good
12 Students 12 65 100 Passed Very Good
13 Students 13 65 80 Passed Good
14 Students 14 65 80 Passed Good
15 Students 15 65 90 Passed Very Good
16 Students 16 65 70 Passed Enough
17 Students 17 65 90 Passed Very Good
18 Students 18 65 80 Passed Good
19 Students 19 65 70 Passed Enough
20 Students 20 65 80 Passed Good
21 Students 21 65 80 Passed Good
22 Students 22 65 100 Passed Very Good
23 Students 23 65 70 Passed Enough
24 Students 24 65 80 Passed Good
25 Students 25 65 80 Passed Good
26 Students 26 65 90 Passed Very Good
27 Students 27 65 70 Passed Enough
28 Students 28 65 80 Passed Good
29 Students 29 65 90 Passed Very Good
30 Students 30 65 80 Passed Good
31 Students 31 65 70 Passed Enough
32 Students 32 65 100 Passed Very Good
33 Students 33 65 70 Passed Enough
34 Students 34 65 90 Passed Very Good
35 Students 35 65 60 Failed Less
36 Students 36 65 90 Passed Very Good
37 Students 37 65 80 Passed Good
38 Students 38 65 90 Passed Very Good
39 Students 39 65 60 Failed Less
40 Students 40 65 70 Passed Enough
41 Students 41 65 80 Passed Good
Total 3310
Maximal 100
Minimal 60
Average 80,73 Passed Good
d. Reflection 3
There was a significant increase in learning outcomes by doing
repairs on the second cycle. A total of 41 students have been
able to write correctly. In the first cycle showed a distant or
minimal value memngumpulkan to form rudimentary sentences.
an increase in the second cycle although there is no very
satisfactory results or very good.

And the third cycle is an increase that is very good, the number of 41 students
started much of the writing. With the following translation, the student with the results
"very good" in each lesson so it can be concluded that there is a good student with a
category, the category and the category is quite less. Just stay behind because students
are still learning everyday, than English, too "late" in understanding the subject matter.
Delayed two students in the mastery of writing does not affect the learning process so
as not to cause disturbed his friends. And at the end of this research activity until
enough cycle III.

The observations can already apparent absence of a satisfactory result. Activities

that have been carried out for three cycles turned out really need the outpouring of
attention, ability, and thoroughness teacher. Ability to write English very low for the
students of class VII / III SMP N 2 Purwadadi Subang is a significant obstacle in the
achievement of learning objectives. Ability to memorize sometimes lower (main reason
is the nature lazy) and high language that requires good language skills are two very
contradictory. However, these obstacles can be overcome has been slowly but surely
through three cycles of this study. With this flashcard media, students are encouraged
to create and enhance the ability to write in English in order to get the highest score and
earn rewards in the form of an award that is included in the student's name and the
reward board got a surprise gift from the teacher.

Teachers and students actively in the learning process through the medium of
English flashcards. Students will not cease to ask something that they do not know.
While teachers also do not get tired walking around in the classroom to provide
guidance and direction to students. Of the activity of teachers and students, the
classroom atmosphere manifested life, energetic learning. Such learning atmosphere
should be maintained. English proficiency of the students still have to be improved. It
should be laid out again the material that will be given to students and arranged
appropriate learning strategies to improve the English language skills of students.

C. Discussion

According to the observer, the lesson on last cycle was much better

than the previous cycles. They enjoyed the learning process. Media

flashcard method had improved students’ writing ability.

Students’ participation on each cycle was getting better. It indicates

that the students began enjoying the activities and did not seem to be nervous

anymore. Media flashcard made students easier to develop their writing ability.

It could be seen from the result of writing test which improved on every cycle.

Referring to the whole results above, teacher thought that this was a good

progress for the continuity of teaching learning process of writing in the

classroom by using flashcard method. It was known from the average score in
cycle 1, cycle 2 and cycle 3. There were improvements of students’ average

score in each cycle. In the cycle 1, the students’ average score was 43,65 ,cycle

2 the students’ can avarage score was 66,09 and than in cycle 3 students’

avarage score was 80,73. As stated in the previous chapter that the targeted-

score for the students’ mean was 65 (based on KKM). The score in cycle 1 did

not reach the goal with the students’ average score 43,65. And in cycle 2 been

increasing, although the results are not so satisfactory 66,09. However, the cycle 3

was conducted to ensure that flashcard method can improve students’ writing

ability. The result shows that the students’ average of cycle 3 was 80,73 and

the goal of the research was achieved.

Based on the students scores, it might indicate that there was an

improvement in students writing ability by using flashcard. As outlined in the
previous chapter that the criterion of success in this study is more than 93% of
the students in the classroom achieve score above 65 (KKM). Therefore, the
students scores showsed that 100% students got score above 65. It means that
the targeted-score had been achieved. In addition, the cycle also stopped
because in the second cycle the average score achieved the targeted-score with
the score 80, 73.

Table ..... The Students of Completed KKM


1. Total of students completed KKM 2 22 38
2. Percentage 5% 54% 93%
3. Average 43,66 66,10 80,73
Blue color charts shows average test result of students of in cycle I,cycle II

and cycle III. Red color chart shows the percentage of students who have

completed in cycle I, cycle II and III. Green color chart shows the number who

have completed KKM cycle I, cycle II and cycle III.

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