General Terms: 8.01 Vocab Health and Safety Policies

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01 Vocab Health and Safety Policies

Term Definition


policy A planned, written course of action for a specific circumstance; used to

guarantee consistency and sound decision-making

compliance Conformity and obedience, as in “compliance with the law”

compliant The characteristic of being obedient, of conforming

liability Having legal responsibility and being subject to punishment for not doing

exempt Not subject to; excused from

rule A policy that is implemented as a requirement; in the case of North Carolina

Child Care Rules, a requirement for licensing

ratio The number of times one number contains another number; the relationship
between two numbers


axillary A way of taking body temperature; of or near the armpit

oral A way of taking body temperature; by mouth

rectal A way of taking body temperature; by the rectum

communicable A disease that can be passed from one person to another; contagious,
immunization A medical procedure to introduce a vaccine into the body to provide
antibodies to resist disease; an inoculation, a vaccination, or “shot”

administer To give, as in administering medications

foodborne illness Sickness caused by eating foods containing bacteria, toxins, parasites, or

pathogens Germs, bacteria

sanitary Preserving cleanliness and healthfulness; reducing bacteria

universal Guidelines staff must follow to control infections



supervise To watch, to be aware of

hazardous Having the potential to produce injury, to cause an accident

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