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Document Development Exposition: Email

ENGL 2116 | Spring 2018

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

The whole planning process was not as difficult to figure out as my other papers. I wanted the
topic of my email to be different from the rest of the papers I have written. I figured I focused
on the ivory trade, elephant relocation, and adopting an elephant. I also was planning to
support my email topic with my presentation so in all I wanted them to play a part in each
other. In my presentation, I wanted to really focus around different aspects than the usual
ivory trade. I realized I did not go into depth about the circus’s animal abuse and it became my
main focus.

First Draft
My first draft was completed in its entirety, but I did feel like I was missing some things. At
first, I wrote the inquiry to the Ringling Bros. Circus, but then I found that it would be more
effective to write an inquiry to a circus that still uses elephants in their performances.I found
the circus I chose to have a lot of animal abuse violations. It became easy to write about this
particular circus because in fact, with all their violations, they should be shut down for simply
paying fines for the type of abuse they put their animals through.

Second Draft
My second draft looked more clean and the peer review showed that my letter was fine as it
was. Regardless, I still looked over my work and tried to find grammatical errors.I noticed that
I did not add questions into my inquiry. Before revising my draft, I questioned why I needed to
ask questions to a circus if they had clearly not cared about the treatment of their animals. It
hit me that these questions would target their conscience and persuade them that in fact, they
were violating the Animal Welfare Act and that their actions would come back to haunt them
in the near future.

Final Draft
Document Development Exposition: Email
ENGL 2116 | Spring 2018

For my final draft, it was a bit difficult to find any revisions to change. I was simply trying to get
my message across. I realized that I did not directly request an answer to my inquiry and that
is important to request that in this type of letter I was writing. I did find some grammatical and
spelling errors and was able to fix them quite easily. My other problem was formatting the
letterhead. In my second draft, the letterhead took me some time to change, but I soon found
how to add in a horizontal rule to emphasize and organize my letterhead.

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