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– a trail for children by
James Mayhew

Katie loves exploring

the National Gallery.
Follow the trail to help
Katie find, draw and
discover exciting
adventures in five
fantastic paintings.

Begin in Room 54


Room 54

Trumpets blast,
sw ,
gold glitte ords slash tter!
rs and flags flu

FIND the large, action-packed

painting where Niccolò the knight and
his white horse belong.
Follow the lovely smell of
oranges and roses and the
clatter of horses’ hooves.
DRAW what you see in
the empty frame.
Well done!
Now gallop
to Room 20

The Battle of San Romano, Paolo Uccello,

probably about 1438–40, Room 54
Her voice fades away
Room 20

until all that remains

FIND sad Echo and vain

Echo loves Narcissus but
Narcissus loves his own reflection.
Can his reflection love him back?
A powerful goddess turns Narcissus
into a delicate, yellow-white flower.
Can you guess what Echo turns into?
(You can find the answer in the
scroll below.)

TRY to make your own echo.

Ask a friend to say something.
Then repeat it over and over,
getting quieter and quieter.

Answer: An Echo

N a rc i s s u s
is an echo ... echo ... ech
o… echo...

Painting title: Landscape with Narcissus and Echo, Claude, 1644, Room 20

DRAW what you will

change into if you can be
anything for a day.

NOW go to Room 11
Room 11... Room 11... Room 11...
Room 11 At the market I buy ...
y cauliflower ...
one knobbl

Painting Title: The Four Elements:

Earth, 1569, Joachim Beuckelaer, Room 11
unchy apples ... thr
... two cr ee juicy che
rries …

FIND a painting
bursting with fruit
and vegetables.
Who is buying and
who is selling?
DRAW your favourite
things to eat in the
empty frame.
TRY and fill the frame
with foods from other
paintings nearby.
You might find a kitchen
to cook your feast in!

Now taste your way
to Room 34
Room 34

A stiff, salty sea breeze blows, waves crash

Painting title: Calais Pier, 1803,

Joseph Mallord William Turner, Room 34
... and storm clouds gather…

FIND seagulls screeching and

fishermen hauling flat fish onto
the slimy, wet pier.
DRAW a stormy sea scene and
fill the empty frame with fish…
and ships. Phew!
Now sail to
TRY to make the sounds of the
sea. What do the waves sound
Room 46
like? And flapping sails?
g h in t he circus dome, she dazzles as she spins,
n s an d sw ings, held by a rope between her stro
ng teeth
Room 46

Painting title: Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando, 1879, Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas Room 46
FIND a circus WELL DONE! Thanks for
performer spinning in joining Katie on her
the air. Oh la la! Can painting adventure. You
you guess her name? can discover more about
Do you have a special Katie’s adventures in the
talent? Katie books written and
DRAW yourself or illustrated by James
Mayhew or by visiting
another circus
character performing
in the empty frame.
National Gallery plan, level 2

21 22
20 18 23
19 24 25
17a 26 27 28
15 29 30 32 33
14 Sunley Room 37

61 60 51 Central 39
9 10 11 12 38 36 35 34
62 52
5 40
8 41
58 54 6 4 2 45 44 43
7 Room 42
65 55 1 46
66 56

Be an art
You can explore tiny details in the paintings
using the zoom tool on our website.
Go to and ask an
adult to help you find the paintings.

Find the Katie books in the

National Gallery bookshop or by visiting
In collaboration with Caroline Marcus
and with many thanks to James Mayhew
Illustrations © James Mayhew 2012
Text © National Gallery Company Limited 2012

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