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This guide will briefly explain the armory and mainly focus on weapon crafting strategies. I
decided to write this guide because I see too many people with CRIT stats on their raid /
defense weapons XD.


The armory is first unlocked at Town Hall Level 8 with a second unlocked at Town Hall Level

Houses can be converted into armories and vice versa. This is helpful in planning armory
upgrades as houses take a lot less time and resources to upgrade than the armory. This
strategy will be described in section [1.1].

Weapons are graded on a 1* to 4* scale. They are also graded by a PowerScore. The
PowerScore is determined by the weapon's stats. Every stat is worth a certain score and
the total weapon score can be found in the bottom right corner of the picture. Additionally,
every stat score can be found on the right side of the stat.

Number of times each weapon can be altered:

● 4* = a total of 3 times.
● 3* = a total of 2 times.
● 2* = at total of 1 time.
● 1* = a total of 1 time.

Resetting a weapon reverts it back to its original state clearing all upgrades completed on
the weapon and will allow the weapon to be upgraded again.

When viewing a weapon in your inventory, you will notice boxes under the "trait" logo on the
left hand side of the window. Per the note above regarding the number of times each
weapon can be altered, each weapon will have between one and three boxes. Boxes
shaded in gray represent an "open" spot for a weapon upgrade and boxes shaded in green
represent a completed upgrade. For instance, a 4* weapon that has been upgraded once
will show two gray boxes and one green box.

Upgrading weapons appropriately by adding modifications that complement the weapons

given characteristics is crucial to your success. A good team with shitty weapons can be
easily overcome by a less powerful team with great weapons. Additionally, weapons impact
your ability to successfully complete all aspects of the game including raids, wars, world,
roadmap, and Survival Road stages.
The best (least time and resource consuming) way to upgrade your armory is by leveling a
house and then converting it to an armory. Start with one house and level that as high as
you are able to. When you are satisfied with the house's level, convert it to an armory. Then
continue do the same with a second house. This will save you a lot of time and resources.


When you only have one armory, you should focus on researching certain stats and not just
anything that's unlocked. Before researching upgrades, have an idea regarding the intended
purpose of the weapon so that you aren’t wasting materials. As you progress and get a
second armory, you will eventually research and unlock most of the schematics in the
armory anyway. However, in the beginning, try to focus on stats you need to improve the
weapons you already have.


Survival Road, World map farming, Weapons tokens and even the Supply Depot can be a
good source of high-quality weapons and parts needed for crafting weapons.

World map farming of stages 12 and up is a good way to acquire weapons (especially 4*
weapons) which will be your bread and butter as you develop further. My personal choices
are 13.3 and 15.3. Make sure you farm them with two medium drop leaders (or better) to
maximize your chances of getting 4* weapons.

Higher levels (80 and up) of Survival Road give you a steady income of rare parts needed to
alter 4* weapons.



This option is selected when you want to improve a weapon's given stat. This only upgrades
a current stat of the weapon and does not add a stat.
The increase of each level is as follows:
Level 1 = +1 on a normal upgrade, +2 on a critical success upgrade.
Level 2 = +2 on a normal upgrade, +3 on a critical success upgrade.
Level 3 = +3 on a normal upgrade, +5 on a critical success upgrade.


This option is selected when you want to add or replace a stat on a weapon. It adds a stat
when you select an empty space on the weapons stat slots. It replaces a stat if you select a
slot on the weapon that already has a stat.
The increase of each level looks like this:
Level 1 = +8 on a normal upgrade, +10 on a critical success upgrade.
Level 2 = +16 on a normal upgrade, +20 on a critical success upgrade.
Level 3 = +24 on a normal upgrade, +30 on a critical success upgrade.
This is only true for the 4 basic stats, ATK, DEF, HP and CRIT.
The AP bonus which builds your character's attack rush has its own levels as detailed below:
Level 1 = +3 on a normal upgrade (minor), +4 on a critical success upgrade (small).
Level 2 = +5 on a normal upgrade (medium), +7 on a critical success upgrade (large).
Level 3 = +8 on a normal upgrade (very large), +10 on a critical success upgrade (huge).


This option is selected when you want to add or replace a special stat on a weapon. It adds
a special stat when you select an empty space on the weapons stat slots and replaces a
special stat if you select a slot on the weapon that already has a special stat. I felt this
needs its own section to describe it more in depth; see section [4] to learn more about
special stats.


This option is selected when you want to craft certain parts needed to alter the weapons
Parts to especially craft / save and look for: Hardened Spike & Laser sights.

Parts that increase the crafting success rate and the critical result rate are needed for
successful alterations.

The parts to look for: Super Glue & Duct Tape (for crafting success rate) and Spray Paint &
Polishing Kits (for critical result rate). The duct tape and polishing kits are very rare and they
can’t be crafted. They can rarely be found by disassembling a 4* weapon or found in the
higher levels in the Survival Road. Spend these items very wisely and ensure you're using
them to alter weapons you plan to use for quite some time.


This option is selected when you want to destroy weapons to get parts used in the crafting of
weapons. Be careful to not disassemble weapons you will need later, once they are
disassembled then you can’t get them back.
Destroying 4* weapons for which you have no need is a good risk to take. You may receive
rare parts such as duct tape and polishing kits.


This option is selected when you are not satisfied with your alterations on a weapon. This
option resets the weapon to its original state. While the original stats still intact, any / all
alterations will be removed.


Most times Offense and Defense go hand in hand with each other. You probably don't want
to have a purely defensive setup when defending as you will need to do some damage to
your opponents otherwise they will just wear down your defense. The same concept goes
with your offensive setup. You don't want a purely offensive setup while attacking since you
have to be alive to do damage. The aim of this section is to give you recommendations and
an idea which stats should be a priority in each setup, but not a must. It will not cover the big
impact the special stats can have on a weapon. See section [4] Special stats for that.


This section will give my personal opinion of good offensive weapons and which stats are
best for raiding / warring.
These weapons are always worth saving.
There are, of course, a lot of situational weapons and stats, but the following are what I
consider to be valuable weapons and would recommend retaining these weapons.

[3.1.1] Good Weapons

Weapon names in uppercase lettering is in my opinion the best ones in that category.
Alert 3 & 4* Weapons: [4*] DESERT EAGLE, [4*] REVOLVER, [4*] Assault Pistol, [3*] Army
SMG ([4*] Spec Ops SMG can be good as well since it is the only alert 4* weapon with very
large AP on attack. Replace the crit with a more useful stat.)
Fast 3 & 4* Weapons: [4*] St.John Carving Knife, [4*] ICE CLIMBING PICK, [4*] TACTICAL
KNIFE, [3*] Meat Cleaver, [3*] Cultist Knife (For the very large AP bonus)
Strong 3 & 4* Weapons: [4*] REINFORCED KATANA, [4*] Oar, [4*] Dwight’s Club, [4*]
Michonne's Katana (Only if you don’t have a Reinforced Katana), [3*] Pitchfork (If you don’t
have a Dwight’s Club), [3*] Brush Axe
Tough 3 & 4* Weapons: [4*] MILITARY SHOTGUN, [4*] Andrea’s Rifle, [3*] Heavy
Machinegun, [3*] Camouflaged Shotgun

[3.1.2] Good Stats (to aim for in the armory)

For raiding, your weapons' stats should have any combination of the following stats
depending on the character using the weapon.
Considering the current state of the game, fast AR’s are key to winning raids. So, a good
offensive weapon needs the best AP boost you can get.
VERY LARGE or HUGE AP bonus on attack (lvl 3 in your armory) is what you should aim
for at all times. AP bonus while taking damage can also be good but is a bit random,
because you don't know whether or not the bot you are fighting will ever attack that
character. So, AP on attack is best.

The second stat should be +30 or +24 ATK (lvl 3 in your armory) to inflict more damage with
regular hits, but also to do more damage with your AR’s. This stat can be replaced by the
Raider special stat. See the special stats section.

The third stat should be a defensive stat to keep your character alive longer. So +30 or +24
DEF or +30 or +24 HP is what you should aim for. Whether to choose DEF or HP is
situational, if your character has low DEF then choose DEF. If it has low HP then choose
This stat can be replaced by the Defender special stat. See the special stats section.


This section will give suggestions regarding which weapons I personally think are good
defensive weapons and the combination of stats that are best to have when defending.
These weapons are always worth saving.
There are, of course, a lot of situational weapons and stats, but the following are what I
consider to be valuable weapons and would recommend retaining these weapons.

[3.2.1] Good Weapons

Weapon names in uppercase lettering is in my opinion the best ones in that category.
Alert 3 & 4* Weapons: [4*] DESERT EAGLE, [4*] Revolver, [4*] Assault Pistol, [3*] Army
SMG ([4*] Spec Ops SMG can be good as well since it is the only alert 4* weapon with very
large AP on attack. Replace the crit with a more useful stat.)
Fast 3 & 4* Weapons: [4*] ST.JOHN CARVING KNIFE, [4*] ICE CLIMBING PICK, [4*]
Tactical Knife, [3*] Meat Cleaver, [3*] Cultist Knife (For the very large AP bonus)
Strong 3 & 4* Weapons: [4*] Reinforced Katana, [4*] OAR, [4*] DWIGHT’S CLUB, [4*]
Michonnes Katana (Only if you don’t have a Reinforced Katana), [3*] Pitchfork (If you don’t
have a Dwight’s Club), [3*] Brush Axe
Tough 3 & 4* Weapons: [4*] MILITARY SHOTGUN, [4*] Andrea’s Rifle, [3*] Heavy
Machinegun, [3*] Camouflaged Shotgun

[3.2.2] Good Stats (to aim for in the armory)

Having a good defense is hard. Because almost every defense team can be beaten, since
they are bots. But having defensive stats is pretty straight forward.
+30 or +24 DEF (lvl 3 in your armory)
+30 or +24 HP (lvl 3 in your armory)
and VERY LARGE or HUGE AP bonus on attack or when TAKING DAMAGE. (lvl 3 in
your armory)

You can replace the +HP or the +DEF with the Defender special stat. See the special stats
Having some hard hitting characters with +ATK is also good to have, but you will be
sacrificing your character's longevity. If you have a shield that shouldn’t or doesn’t need to
use his AR, I would put only +DEF, +HP and the Defender special on the weapon intended
for the shield character.


This section will give suggestions regarding which weapons I personally think are good
zombie weapons and the combination of stats that are best to have when slaying zombies.
These weapons are always worth saving.

This section is pretty straightforward. Crit is king, the more crit the better. +DEF, +ATK and
AP bonus on attack can also be good to have. The AP bonus on attack is important if you
have a character with a AR that boosts your characters crit.
I have written another guide a while back focusing on gear maps. That guide covers a lot of
things needed to be successful against zombies. If you need further advice on zombie
weapons you should check that out.

[3.3.1] Good Weapons

Weapon names in uppercase lettering is in my opinion the best ones in that category.
Alert 3 & 4* Weapons: [4*] ARMY PISTOL, [4*] SPEC OPS SMG, and basically anything
with a 20+ crit stat.
Fast 3 & 4* Weapons: [4*] KUKRI, and basically anything with a 20+ crit stat.
Strong 3 & 4* Weapons: [4*] LUCILLE, [4*] FIRE AXE, [3*] Pick-axe, and basically anything
with a 20+ crit stat.
Tough 3 & 4* Weapons: [4*] SCOPED ASSAULT RIFLE, [3*] Assault rifle, and basically
anything with a 20+ crit stat.

[3.3.2] Good Stats (to aim for in the armory)

I never ADD a crit stat on zombie weapons. I just use the ones that have a high crit stat
already (for example, Lucille or the Spec Ops SMG). I instead add the Slayer special stat. It
gives you additional crit. I advise you to NOT waste your parts on adding high basic stats on
zombie weapons. But if you do these are the ones to aim for.
+30 or +24 CRIT (lvl 3 in your armory). This stat is a must have.
+30 or +24 ATK (lvl 3 in your armory).
+30 or +24 DEF (lvl 3 in armory).
Depending on your character's AR, in some situations, +AP on attack is also good to have.
If the character has camouflage or crit boost for your other characters this is a good stat.


This section is probably the most important section but also the most difficult material to
cover. I will only focus on suggesting and recommending the best level 3 special stats, since
the possibilities are many and I want to keep the length of this guide managable.

This is the spreadsheet I will use as reference:
Credit to Petrapool for creating it.

Quick explanation of the spreadsheet:

Universal stat = A stat that can be crafted across ALL weapons.
Melee stat = A stat shared by the MELEE weapons.
Trait stat = A stat unique to that specific trait.


Best universal normal Defender stat: “Bonus DEF: +30% DEF when enemy’s HP >70 %”

Best universal normal Raider stat: “Bonus ATK: +30% when enemy’s HP >70 % HP”

Best universal normal Slayer stat: “Bonus CRIT: +30 crit when HP > 70%” This stat is only
good on characters that have a special skill that benefits from high crit or on zombie

Best universal normal Supporter stat: This is very situational. But I would have to say “Bonus
HEAL: When healed, regain 80% more HP” is probably the best of the 4. I would advise to
not focus on the support special stat. Only use it if you aim to get one of the critical success


Best critical Defender special stat: “Absolute Defense: When taking damage, a better chance
to reduce the damage to 0”. This is one of the best stats currently in the game. Only
available to FAST weapons (or Unique weapons i.e Konrads weapon)
The reflect damage special stat is not very good in my opinion. The damage it deals is not
very impactful and as far as I know it only helps the enemy build their AP up.

Best critical Raider special stat for FAST: I would say any of the 3 options are really good.
The AP bonus ones can help very fast AR characters get off their AR turn 2 for example. So
any of the 3 is a good option.

Best critical Slayer special stat for FAST: Neither of these 3 special stats is a good option in
my opinion. The “Bonus CRIT: +35 CRIT when enemy’s HP > 60%” is good on zombie maps
or on a character that has a special skill that benefits from high crit. Other than that, I
wouldn’t go for any of these. It would be a waste of precious crafting parts.

Best critical Supporter special stat for FAST: “Random HEAL: When taking damage, better
chance to heal one team member for 20% of their max HP”. Can be useful on a shield
character to negate some of the damage done to it for example.


Best critical Defender special stat: Def Down: when taking DMG, a better chance to cause
-35% def for 3 turns. The universal crit stat is also a good option.

Best critical Raider special stat: “AP Down: when taking DMG, a better chance to cause -30
AP” is the best option if paired with a shield character for example. The “Random AP: +20%
to one team member at beginning of each wave” stat is also a good stat.

Best critical Slayer special stat: “Stun: when attacking, a better chance to stun the enemy for
2 turns”. The only viable none zombie option in that column.

Best critical Supporter special stat: I’m gonna go a bit “safe” with the suggestion on this stat.
“Def Down: when attacking, a better chance to cause -30% def for 3 turns to the enemy” is
my recommendation for this special stat. I would recommend getting the “Teammate
reviving: When killing an enemy, a better chance to revive a teammate with 40% Hp and
+100% def for 1 turn” IF I knew how it correlates with your AR and with the special execution
skill. IF this effect works when killing someone with your AR or the execution special it would
be a beast of a special stat. But as far as I know it only works when killing someone with the
normal attacks. So that’s why I won’t recommend it.


Best critical Defender special stat: “Stun: when taking damage, a better chance to stun the
enemy for 2 turns”. Second best stat in the game in my opinion. Paired with a shield
character and it can be game changing. The “ATK down: When taking damage, better
chance to cause -30% ATK for 3 turns” is also a really viable option.

Best critical Raider special stat: “AP down: When attacking, a better chance to cause -30
AP”. None of these are very good. But this stat can be useful. That or the “Bonus ATK:
+35% when enemy’s HP > 60%” stat.

Best critical Slayer special stat: None of these special stats are worth your precious parts.

Best critical Supporter special stat: Like the strong supporter special stat I’m gonna go safe
and choose “Def Down: when attacking, a better chance to cause -30% def for 3 turns to the
enemy” as my recommendation. If I knew more about how the “Self Healing: When killing an
enemy, a better chance to regain 100% HP and + 50% DEF for 1 turn” stat works with AR’s
and the execution special skill.


Best critical Defender special stat: “Impair: when taking damage a better chance to impair
the enemy for 3 turns.” A huge part of raids is how fast you can get off your AR combo. So if
you impair one or two enemies then you have an advantage.

Best critical Raider special stat: “Bonus AP: receive +20% AP at the beginning of each
wave”. Can help when wanting to get off characters AR quicker.

Best critical Slayer special stat: “Double Attack: When attacking, a better chance to make a
second attack with 150% ATK”. Only real viable option here.

Best critical Supporter special stat: “Impair: when attacking, a better chance to impair the
enemy for 3 turns.” Same rule as the defender special stat. Impair can really impact your
enemies combos. The fight is usually over after 3 turns if your raid team is good enough.
The “Random HEAL: When taking damage, better chance to heal one team member for 20%
of their max HP” can also be a good addition.


The length of this guide became WAAAY longer than I would like and the special stat section
could really use a guide of its own. I feel like I only scratched the surface in the armory and
weapons subject, but I hope this guide will help some of you to make good decisions when
crafting your weapons.

All the suggestions and recommendations I have written in this guide should be seen for
what they are, suggestions and recommendations. Not followed blindly. As long as you have
a clear plan on weapon's intended purpose and which character with whom you wish to pair
it, the result will be good. However, if you plan on using the weapon in raids or defending
then you should really stay away from the crit stats.
Many of the special stats can be good on certain characters or situations. So the
recommendations can be discussed endlessly. I’ve tried to focus on raiding and defending in

A quick summary of the stats I think you should have on your weapons when raiding or

Links used:

My gear roadmap guide:

If you have any criticism or suggestions on how to improve this guide feel free to message

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