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Dataviewer quick-start guide

Thank you for downloading the Piuma Dataviewer. We provided the download file with a
dataset you can use to familiarize yourself with the Dataviewer.

1. Installation
To install, open the "Piuma_Dataviewer" folder, open the "Installer" folder and start the
"Setup.exe" file. Go through the installation procedure and restart your computer.

2. Use
Open the newly installed Piuma Dataviewer by double-clicking the executable or the
shortcut. Click the "Select folder" button. Navigate to the folder containing the Piuma
measurement data. The program includes a set of measurement data, which can be
accessed by navigating to the downloaded "Preview data" folder and select the folder
"BU_Wong_PA_gradient". Click "use current folder". The data set is now loaded into the

Under "Matrix scan folder" you can select different measurement scans which are done
with the Piuma or Chiaro. In this preview data there is only one, which is selected

Under "Indentation files" you can select the single indentation files of the selected scan, or
use the arrow buttons to easily scroll to the next indentation file. The selected file will be
shown on the right under the "Load vs Displacement" and the "Load & Displacement" tab,
and on the bottom left you can see the results, indentation parameters and indentation
profile used in the corresponding tabs.

Under "Matrix files" you can select the different matrices if there are multiple scans in one
measurement. The selected file will be shown on the right under the "Young's modulus" tab.

Under "Histogram files" you can select the different histogram files made with the Piuma or
Chiaro. Note: these contain not necessarily the same data as the matrix files. The selected
file will be shown on the right under the "Histogram" tab.

You can change the upper load limit, lower load limit and contact point of the selected
indentation file by dragging the cursors in the "Load vs Displacement" tab. The red cursors
are the upper and lower load limit, the white cursor is the contact point. You can also
change the upper and lower load limit more precisely by changing the indicators on the

OPTICS11 B.V. , De Boelelaan 1081, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands,,
right directly. When you change these parameters, the indentation results on the bottom
left will be recalculated.

When you are happy with the change, click the "Save" button. The matrix scan folder in
which you are working will be copied and renamed to "<current folder>-corrected". The
changes will be saved in this folder, leaving the original data unchanged.

The preview data, provided with this download, is a Piuma measurement of a gradient
hydrogel. The sample was provided by the lab of Prof Joyce Y. Wong, PhD, of the Biomedical
Engineering department of Boston University. If you have any questions or suggestions for
the software, please feel free to email us at

OPTICS11 B.V. , De Boelelaan 1081, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands,,

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