Release Notes

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fixdatweek is a simple Windows cmd utility that will correct the GPS week

number in 4700 and 4800 dat files.

To run:

1, Open a cmd prompt in Windows and change to the directory where the dat

file is located.

2. Type fixdatweek <datfilename>, where <datfilename> is the name of the

file to correct. fixdatweek must be on your search path. The program does

not alter the original dat file. The corrected dat file will have the same

name as the original dat file with "wn_" add to the begining of the file


3. Alternatively, at the cmd prompt, you can navigate to the location of

the fixdatweek program. When running the program you can specify a full

path to the location of your dat file. The corrected file will be created

in the same directory as the original file.


fixdatweek 60672012.dat

The dat file is in the current directory and the corrected dat file

will be named wn_60672012.dat.

fixdatweek "c:\my job\raw data\60672012.dat"

The correct dat file will be in c:\my job\raw data and will be named

This program can be easily scripted to convert multiple files. The program

returns 0 on success or an non-zero error code if a conversion error


Example to fix all dat files in the current directory:

for %v in (*.dat) do fixdatweek %v

Version ========================================================================

1.0 - 2016/02/26 - Initial release

1.1 - 2016/05/12 - Handle special case in some versions of 4700 f/w that writes

extra bytes to the record 12. Previous version would generate

a file that would fail to import into TBC.

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