Book 12

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Defcnsc Language fnstltute

English Language Center
The American. Lftngiiftge Course (ALO is a comprehensive, multiíeveJ language program for
teaching English for vocatíonal and professional pur poses, It is designed primarily for intensiva
English language training in a classroom setting, but can easily be adapted for slower-paced
inetruction. The ALC's curriculum haa heen developed by the Defense Language Inatitute
Engliah Language Center (DLIELC), whichis a US Department of Defense school under the
operational control of the US Air Forcé. The primary fbcus of the ALC is to proviíle a language
curriculum for a diversu intornationul military population, To that end, the course includes not
only general English topics, but also military topicsof a general nature highlightíng the typiral
language military personnel will encounter in their professional and vocational career fields,
The ALC has, however, alao been vcry successfully used in tion-military learntng environments
and in US high schools with immigrant student populations.

Course components
The coordinated instructional packages for Books 1-30 conaiatof the following:
> Student text (ST)
> Instructor lext (IT)
»Homework and evaluation exercises bookletíHW and EE)
> Audio recordings (tape or CD)
> Language laboratory activities student text (LLAST)
> Language lahoratary activities instructor text with audio acripts (LLAIT)
> Coniputer-delLvered ioteractive multimedia instruction (IMI)
> Quiz kit
>- Optional training aids

Inquines and orders

Please address inquines and requests for more Information about DLIELC publicntiona to
2235 Andrews Avenue
Lackland Air Forcé Basch Texas 78236-5259
© 2005 by Defense Language Institute English Language Center and ite licensors. Notice of
Rights: All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or trandmittc-d in ony form
or hy any meansh eleclronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the
prior written permission of the publisher.

This book eupersedes ALC Book 12 Student Text, January 1991.

Second Edition, January 2005

Fourth printingj August 2007

ALC Book 12: Scope and Sequence, Lessons 1-5

Lassan Vccabulary Funelicns Grammakcal Structurea SMiib

1 Sea ¡he USA! > Ask about anú If + ptesenttuTu re/moda i »- Listen S select phoneme
express trie > If sbeasks me, lhll go. *• Read 3 sentenctís lo
> Traveí pians effecl of specifted * Should I go if 5 he ashs? delermine word meaning
> Tnps lo the conditions on
beach and The Present Perfed to connect •- Read texl & wiite surriniiiry
tutu re acírons or
mounlains past with presen! > Read paragraph. answer
* l've sludied English for oral questions, lake notes,
five years. presentera! SLjmmary
* l've sludied English smce *- Underline answers to oral
I was a chilti queslions about lexl
Educaban >• Ask and talk Time expressions. already. * Lisien lo 3 words & seled
b aboiji decís ions rtt> tonger, yet, anymor8. tha difieren! one
•• Decís ions about
anyionger, sfííi * Role play with peers.
educaiiu . i'i]
1"™*™ Present Perfectfor listen lo others' role play S,
indefinita past answer queslions
> l've been to Italy. > Predial meaning Irom
> Have you ever cooked? context S selecl definiüon
Coordinating conjunctlons •- Reaü i • ni i|> i S giwe
so 5 or oral su m mar/
> It rained, so we lefE. * ünderlirie answers lo oral
>• Did he go, or did questions aboul tent
hesiay? * Combino 2 inüoporuJenl
cía uses
u tVeVe added on > Ask for and give
statemenis of
Could for possibility and * Listen & select phoneme
lo ttiB nousB. conjecture •* Predict meaning from
possibility Fmotive adjeclives fiom conlext & select definiEion
> Remodeling
> Getling together verbswith -etfand ing. y Read leal & wnle sunimary
> Using a stereo excite, rnleiesl, bote, * LJndorline answers lo oral
contuse> lite, irigltlen questions about lext
P&ported speech wilh say. * Underline important words
^Whaiüidyou say? and phrasoG in texE
x 1 sa U :l'i ri Jane was
he re.
j Hítnling and > Ask and lalk Usedtoforpa&t routines » Listen to 3 words & select
tishing about past and cond ilion s Ihedlfferent one
routines and WowW for past roulines *• Predicl meaning from
> The great conditions context & select defLnition
outdoors Comparative adverbs with
- Read paragraph & giva
> 30 years ago -erfthan} earller, farífter,
oral sjmmary
fastet, hardef, nigher,
tater, lower, neacer, - Underline imporlanl words
slower, sooner, and phrases in lexl
stiaighlGf > Combine 2 independen!

5 %n*w
Lesson 5 reviews all vocabulary and structures inlroduced in Lessans 1 - 4.


Notes to the Student
The American Language Course focuses orí four componeros of language learning:
vocabulary, grammatical structures, language fanctions, and skills.
• The lessons present vocabulary (individual words as well as expressions) that the
learner needs to understand and use in order to communicate effectively in English,
Each new lesson buildson the vocabulary of the previous lessons. The language
included is apprupriate fbr learnerfí working in professional and vocational contesta.
A signiilcant feature of the General English phase ofthe ALC is that military
vocabulary is included wherever applicable,
• The presentaron of gramtnar ís carefully sequenced. The grammatical structures
presented in the lessons are the forma a language Learner needs ín order to speak
and write standard English. New grammar is often depicted in charts or tables that
serve to focus the learner's attention on the particular structurt? buíng presuntod.
• Language functions are the ways we use a language to coinin única te. In each lesson,
exercises that focus on functions show the learner how and when tu use certaín
words, phrases, and sentences.
• In addition, language ünd atademic skills exercises are interspersed throughout the
Lessons. These focus on developing the learner's language prufidency in LiRtenin^,
apeaking, reading» and writing.
The Scope and Sequence chart located on the previous page shuwñ the content ofthe
current book. The four coLumns outline the new material as it relates to the language
acquisition components described above. Each lesson begins with a tuble of ccmU3uty
followed by a preview page.The preview page provides a summary ofthe new material
presented in the lesson. Each ALO book has four lessons introducin^ new material
and one review lesson, These are folluwed by a híimework section and daily evaluation
esercises. Various appendices are also included.
Ttie homework and the evaluation exercises are at the back ofthis test. It generally
takes about two hours to complete the daily homework assignments. The evaluation
exercises are short quixzes that give both the teacher and the student feedback on how
well students have learned the material.
The appendices follow the fifth lesson. AppendixA provides an alphabetical liat of
new vocabulary presentad in this book. The number ofthe lesson in which each word
or phrase is introduced is provided next to the entry. Appendix B presents a list of
grammatical structures introduced in the book; a lesson number is provided along with
each entry for easy reference. The other appendices are included as reference materiaLs,



Book 12 Contente
LESSON1: SoetheUSA! 1
LESSON2: Education 33
LESSON3: WeVe addedon to thehouse 65
LESSQN 4: Hunting and fishing 91
LESSQN 5: Review 117

A: Word List 137
B: Structure List 139
C: The English Alphabet 141
D: American English Sounds 143
E: Lists of Contractions ..................... 145
F: Spelling Rules for Regular Past Tense Verba 147
G: Patternsof Irregular Verba 149
H: Punctuation and Capital!zation 153
I: Transparency Master - 157
School itenis; B12L2 159





See the USA!
VOCABULARY: Travel plans 3
AJÍ unpleasant trip 6
WRITING: Underlining and using informatíon 8
Taking notes and summarizing 10
READING: Writing a aummary 12
GRAMMAR: The conditional;True m the present orfuture 14
DIALOGS: What can we buy if we have only $10?. . . . . . . . . 19
LISTENING: Hearing the -ed ending of regular past verbs 21

GRAMMAR: Using the presenl pcrfcct tenso 22

READING: Choosing the meaningof a word from clues 31
Prevíew What's new in Lesson 1 ?


Nouns Verba Qther words

beach be -* was / been over calm
breeze belong (to) clcar
cümate blow —' blew / blown dangerous
heat clear up deep
humidity could use duríng
sea expect íto) ever
thought last except
win<Í remain freezing
slip MghLcued
stay humid
no longer


Where will yon go if you have free time? about and express the effect o!
If we have free time, we'll go to the beacb. specified CDnditions orí fulure actions or
Have yon seen your aunt aince last year?
Will you leave at noon if the weather
Vos, Tve seen her twice flince last year. dears up?
Wliat will you do if the weather
dears up?
The weather is awful. If you are
leaving, you ehould leave soon,
I expect to leave at noon if the -
weather clears up.


Vbcabulary Travelplans

Lvok oí the pictures on the cover ü/'Travel Talk. Choose o place you want to visit. Soy why.



This Month'sTrips

EXERCISE A Listen and repeat the dialog.

Stan: Hi, Pete. Are you taking any

trips this year?
Pete: Yes, TVe thought about going
Stan: That sounds like ftuv I want to
go to a hotel on a beach. y.
Pete: Have you seen the trips in
Trauel Talkf
Stan: No, I haven't. Where can I get
Travel Talk! I could use it to
plan my trip.
Pete: You can get Trauel Talk at the travel office here on base-
Stan: Thanks for clearíng that up. Have you ever gone on one of their trips?
Pete: Yest I went on a trip to New York City last year. It was great.
Sian: I expect 111 find a good trip, too-
Pete: If you goon one of their trips, be sure to send me apostcard.

EXERCISE B Read the sentences.WríteTfor true and F forfalse.

1. Pete wants to go skiing this year,

2. Stan will stay home and go to the beach.

3. Pete has seen difÉerent trips in Travel Talk.

4. Stan could use Travel Talk to plan his trip,

5. Pete is going to New York City this year.

6. Stan wants Pete to send him a postcard*


EXERCISE C Read the postcard. Match the new word wlth Its meaning.

Hi Pete!
I'm havíng a greal lime here in Havvaii.
The beaches look like the pictures
I saw in Travel Thlk, and the sea is a
clear blue. There have been calni breezes
without any unpleasant wind the whole
week. Except for a little humidity, the
climate is great. Occaaionally, Jill and Mr Pete Smith
I apend a quíet evening here at the hotel. 1017 RiverAvenue
It belonga lo a local faniily, I want to San Antonio, TX 78210
gtay at this hotel again. How's your ski
trip? I hope you're having fun, too!

Nuniber 1 is an example.

1. clear a. water in the air

2. quiet b. to live in a place, like a hotel, for a short time
3, humidity c. almost the same as something else
4, occasionally d. easy to see through
5- sea c. moving air outdoors
6. wind f. the land next to a sea or ocean
7. beach g. notoften
8. like h. the common wcather of a place
9. stay i. not noisy
10- climate j. salty water on much of the earth
Vbcabulary An unpleasant tríp


Dear Stan,
Diana and I are spending a week at a place for skiing called
Ski Parkin the townofBIueTree, Utah. Doyou rememberthe
picturesof BlueTreein Travel 7b/A? There were snowy mountains
with dear blue skies. During our drive here, we were happy becousc
we expected to go skiing every day*
But none of our days here have been like the pictures in
Travel Talk. We're in the middle r>f a storm that has lasted for three
days. The sky has been gray, the wind has been blowing every dayf
and there has been too much snow. We can't see the mountains, and
skiing ia dangeroíis right now.
We're staying in an apartment in Blue Tree. It's nice, but
there's nothing else to do but remain in the apartment until the
storm is over. We can't dríve because the anow is too deep on the
roads, The sidewalks are slippery because we have had freezing
rain, too. Pm frightened to walk outside because yesterday I slipp«U
and fell. When the storm clears upf I hope our trip will no longer be
ao unpleasant.
How's your trip? How are the beautiful heaches of Hawaii?
What about the cliniate? Is it humid because of the heat» oris it
pleasant? Diana had a great thought- Next year? we'll go to Hawaii-
See yo u soon,

EXERCISE A Select an ítem from the box to complete the sentones.

none be over expect to could use

remain blow unpleasant
heat frightened cleared up dangeroos

1- Thp from the sun will dry your clothes.

2. Sam will cali rae today. I hear from him soon.
3. We wanted to go to the beach, but the wealher was culd and
4. He went to a party, butknew of the people who were there.
5. Tbmorrow weVe going home, Our trip to California will
6. In autumn, strongwinds leaves offtreeg.
7. Whcn they heard a loud noise late at night, they were
8. The sergeant told me to here untíl he called my
9. After the bad storm, the weather and got sunny.
10. Driving is in the winter when. there is snow and iw,
11. Can yon help me? I same help writing this letter.

EXERCISE B Use a word from each box to make a complete sentence.

angry happy nervous

aad calm rcloxed
quiet excited busy

EXAMPLE: He / when he heard a loud noise

He remained calm when he heard a loud nolee.

1. 1 / after 1 had an accident 5. They/while they were atJoe'e party

2. Yon / when your friends visited 6. We / when we did our homework
3. He / while his son drove the car 7- She / when she did not pass the test
4. She / when hcr child was sick 8. Thc atudcnt /while he took the test
Writing Underltning and using information

Lisien to qtitixtians ahout the places on tkis page from Travel Talk. Uiulufiate and nurriber
your artswers. Yvur teaeher will do the firstporagraph on Utah asan exampie.


There are macy winter aporta to try when you visit Blue Tree, Utah. The most
popular sport is skiing. At Blue Tree, there are beoutiful mountaina with lotn
of snow, and most days are clear and sunny You will stay at thn fiki Pnrk
Apartments, where there is a kitchen in each ñpartnient. There are also many
restaurante to choose from if you want ta gü out to eat.
Go on a trip to see one of Hawaü's most beautiful islands. Hawaii has terrific
beaches, hígh mauntains, and a warra, pleasant climate all year round. During
the day, you can relax at the hotel swimming pool, go sightseoing, or swim in
the sea. You will stay at the Clear Sees Hotel near the beach and eat every
rneal at the hotel',? restaurant.
Take a trip to Colorado on your next vacation. Colorado is famous Tur iU
high moutitains, the Rockies. Duríng the day, you can wylk in Üio mountains,
swim in cold lakes, or eat lunch under the trees. There is so much to see and
do! You will stay at the Blue River Apartments, Each apartment has a kilchu'n
to make meáis, Thcrc are also restaurants if you want togo out.
Visit the beautiful islanes of Florida called the Keys, The Keys have awarm
climate and sunny days all year. Every day you can take a bus to a different
island. There yon can swim in the sea, reías on the beach, or go aightaecing,
You will stay at the West Breezes Hotel in Key West. This hotel has a large
swimming pool, two different restaurants, a gym, and so much more.


EXERCISE A Use Information from Travel Talklo complete the chart.
(t/) the boxee. Number 1 ¿san

TRÍP LIST Utah Hawai! Colorado Florida

1. ¡ r i . n u i t . i i n - - >/

2. ialands
3. restaurant

4. hotel
5. apartment
6- swimming

7. sightaeeing
8, warm climate allyear

EXERCISE B Look at Ihe chart. Tell a partner where you want to go and why.

Where do you want I want to go to

to go on a trip? Utah because there
are raountains.

Writing Taking notes and summarizing

Read the paragraph, Listen to qttestions and write notes. Qraliy sumnutríze the. pnragraph
from your notes. Yotir instructor u/iil do the example with yon.

Many people want to viait Texan

year because they can find many things to
see and do there. Texas is tho second lurgt-at
átate after Alaska, It takea at>uut 11 hours to
drive from East Texas to West Texas. Dallas,
Houston, San Antonio, and Austin are big
cities where people can go sightíiefiín^. Texas
has a plcasant climate, hut it 3s sometimes
very hot in the summer. That'a why peuplu
like to go to South Texas where they can ftrtd
beautiful beachts with cahn breezefi from the
sea and nice places to swim. Texas also has 125 parks with lakus and
People like to go to the parks to walk, ride in boato, or Hwim.






EXERCISE Read, listen, take notes, and summarize.
A. Arizona and Oíder Americans

Arizona is a state in the American Southwest. It is very popular with older

Americans because it has a warm climate all year round. Many older Americans
like tu spend winters there because the winters are pleasant. Arizona can get
very hot in the summer, bul people still say that the climate is nice because ít is
not humid. The biggest city in Arizona is Phoem'x. Near Phoenix is a small city
where only people 55 years oíd and older can buy houses. It is called Sun City
and has about 45,000 people. 'Hiere are shops, restaurante?, and services that
are very popular with older Americana.





B. California is the Movie State

California is one of the most famous states in tlie US. Lo¿ Angeles (LA)>
Hollywood, and Beverly Hills are three of the most famous cities in California.
LAis famous for the hundreda of movies that take place there. Hollywood has
many famous companies that make movies. People like to go to Hollywood to
visit the movie companies' large buildings, called studios, where thcy make
the movies- Beverly Hills has many expensive hotels, restaunuiU, und shups
where famous people oftcn go to spend their time and money. Many of theae
famous people work in the movies and live in this city*s most beautiful homes.
People like to go sightseeing in Beverly Hills to see the movie stars and their
wonderful homes.




Reading Writing a summary

Yon ivctrit to win a trip toarte afilie places you saw ¿n TravelTalt 7b win, yon musí write a
summary about one of the pluces: Utah, Hfuvaii* Colorado, or Florida. Look at ítif



This trip takes you to San Antonio, where you will atay downtown at
the Big Wheel Hotel. The hotel is near the Riverwalk, wheru yuu (/mi
enjoy lots of different stores and restaurants by the San Antuniu River
You will also be near the Álamo, which is a famoua oíd army fort. You
can take a bus to viait other places in the city, too. See aome of the
famoua oíd buildings and learn about tbeir interesting storiea. Viait
some of the muaeums and see the interesting things in them. Lastly,
walk in the beautiful parks around the city- The best one haa a ]arpe
zoo with raany kinds of animáis. Welcome to San Antonio!


Ñame: James Miller
Address: 804 Seventh Street
Phone N u m ber: 809-5 55-4598

jn thia trip, you'll stay in downtown San Antonio, Texas. You can ahop
and eat on the Riverwalk. You can aee famous oíd places líke
the Álamo and other buildings. You can also visit museums. parks,
and a 200.


EXERCISE Write a summary from a lext in Travet Talk.




Phone Nutnber:

<3rammar The conditional: True in the present or future

Jill: HiT Greg, What are you doing this

Greg: If the weather's nice, I'm going to
go to the beach with Jira,
Jill: You always go to the beach if the
weather'a nice! When are you
Greg: If Jim has to work tonight, we'll
go tomorrow.
Jill: What time are you leaving?
Greg: If Jim gets up early, we can go in
the moming, but we may wait tmtil noon,
Jill: The weather may stay unpleasant.Whatwillyou do if it raina?
Greg: If it rains, we won't go to the beach. Wc could go to the malí if Jim needs to
go shopping, If he doesn'twant to go to the malí, we might go to a movie.
Jill: If you goto a movie, you should cali me. I'd like to go, too!

CONDITION (if-clause) RESULT (main claufie)

If the weather is nice, we wííl/are goingto goto the beach.

*+* Use \villof BE go/ng fo+verb In the main clause for a resuHthalis true in the futura.

can/ could
If the weather is mee, we may/might go to the beach.

V Use a modal+verb in Ihe maln clause for suggestlons and resulte that are posslble.

EXERCISE A Use your own words to complete the ctiarts.

CONDiriON (tf-clause) RESULT (mam clause)

If the weather is nice,

Tf the weather is bad,

V* Use a comma after the if-clause when it comes before the mam clause.

RESULT (rnain clause) COND1TION (if -clause)

I will atay home ¡f

Where will you go ;f

EXERCISE B Match a number and letter to make a compIete sentence.

Numher 1 isan exatnple.

b 1. If Joe wants to go to the malí, a. shc sliould study tonight.

2, If Sara is sick, b- he can come with ua.
3- John will use my car c. we shouldn't bother her.

4. I won't get a trafftc ticket d. he could atop and buy a map,

5. If ítrains tonight, e. if I don't break the law.
6. You should cali the pólice f. if hiü car isn'í working.

7. IfBillgetalost, g. if you have a car accident.

8. You must use the safety belt h. if you wanl to rkle in my car.
9. If you runa red light, i. the roads may bicorne slippery.
10, IfKate has a test tomorrow. j. you might hit anuther car in the
EXERCISE C Use ffto combine the sentences. Wr i le two new sentenccs.
Number 1 is an example.

1. Ed isn't going to the beach. Let's ask Paul to come with us.
If Ed isn't goíng to the beach, let'g ask Paul to come wi
Lgt'e ask feul to come with ug if Ed isn't to the beach,
2. Anne's car has enough seats. We can go in one car.

3- Gary hae a test tomorrow. He mutít atudy tunighL.

4. Jane has iots of chango. Sho can buy a candy bar.

5. Sue has problema with her car. She'll take it to a mechanic.

EXERCISE D Work with a partner. Use //to combine the sentences.

EXAMPLE: Tom doesn't want to go. Let^s ask Mark,

If Tom doeen'-t want "togo, leí'saek Mark.

1. North City Malí ian't crowded. We can go shopping there.

2. A lotof people are at the restauran^ Wc can go to the movies,
3. Bill has a car. He can drive us to the ball game.
4. Sam can/t find his book. He can use mine.
5. You can drive. I'll buy the gas.
6. T have some money, I'll buy asnack.
7. Sara's not buey. She'll come to the party.
8. Tim doesn't have to study. He may go to the snack bar.
EXERCISE E Make yes/no questions from the sentences.

EXAMPLE: Will they cali ff their train Js late?

1, Yes, they will cali if their train is late.
2. No, Pat won't stop at the bank íf she has money,
3- No, Gary won't buy a new lamp if the oíd one still works.
4. Yes, we're going to the beach if it doesn't rain.
5. Yes, the new teacher arrives at noon if the train is on time.
6. No, they aren't coming if their car doesn't start.
7. No» I won't need to change the oil if I don't drive the car.

EXERCISE F Wríte questions about the main clause. Use the words m ( ).
Number 1 is an exanipfe.

1 If Tom has to work tonight, what will we do? __ _ (what)

If Tom has to work toníght, we'Il take him to dinner tomorraw.

2, __ (what)
If llu-re are too many people at the malí, you should wait until tomorrow.

3. _ íwhat)
If Cari wants a refund for his socks, he must show the ulerk hís sales slip,

4 _ (who)
The boys will be happy if they can play baseball this afternoon.

5. __ (when)
The train will arrive at 3:00 p.ra. if the workcrs flnish repairingthe railroad.

6 _ (where)
Joe must go to the dentist's office if he has a bad toothache-

7b ____ ___ (when)

Wc'll cnjoy playing soccer today if the humidity isn't high.

g __ (where)
If the Smiths' friends viñit this weekend, theyll go to a good restaurant.
Díalogs What can we buy if we have only $10?

Yon are on a trip. Yon want to buy some food and have $10.00 to spend. Look nt the pnces.


5oft Drínks (6-psck) $3.50
Pótate Chipe $2,75
Corn Chíps $2-25
Bread $1.50

Meat $6,00
Fruit $2-00
Cookies $2.50
Ice Cream $3,50
Candy $150
Paper platee $1.50
Paper cups $1,50
Ice.. .. ..$1.00


EXERCISE Work with a partner to ask and answer questions. Use if.

Yes, if we buy meat,

we can buy
Can we buy fruit and candy.
fruit and candy
if we buy meat?
If we buy
ice cream and soda,
can we buy bread?

1. soda and candy / meat

2. soda and fruit/paper cups
3- bread and meat / pótalo chips
4. corn chips and cookies / ice cream
5- paper piales and paper cups / cookies and fruit
6. meat and bread/iruit and ice
7. potato chips and candy / ice and paper cupa
8- cookies/bread and corn chips
9. paper cups and ice / sodas and corn chips
10. candy and ice cream / cookies and fruit
(3ra m mar Review

Circle the beat anawer.

1. Dan can buy a new lamp if he some money

a. will have
b. having
c. hae
d. have
2. Ifit ., we won h t play succer today»
a, will rain
b. raínlng
c, rain
d. rains
3. If I have enough time, I to see a movie.
a. going
b, am going
c, goes
d. went
4. Kate: How is Tora's English?
Jill: If he English more with other people, it will get better,
a. «ptíEilting
b. will speak
c. speaks
d. speak
5. Cari: Does Bob want to go to the game tonight?
Pat: No, he doesn't, but Jay if he doesn't have a test tomorrow.
a. will go
b. has gone
c. was going
d. go
6. Dan: When do yon have time to help me with my car?
Paul: If I this Job soon, I'll have some time to help you.
a. fínish
b. have ñnished
c. will finish
d. finished


Ustening Hearíng the -ed ending of regular past verbs

Listen to the verbs. Pay attention to the souid ofthe -ed ending. Wr¿íe íhe eerbs under tíu-ir
ending sound. The first word in each column is an example.

/d/ M /ad/

callad watched sndeÁ

¿iJH Worhin paire. Listen and check(O every dey or ye$t&rday.


1. We (cook/cooked) a big meal.

2. They (travel/traveled) a lot. n D

3. I (end/ended) the phone cali.

4. She (asks/asked) many queations.

5. I ílike/liked) watching the program.

6. He (wants/wanted) a new car. D

7. We (look/looked} at the bus schedule.

8. She (needs/needed) more money. D

Grammar Using the present perfect tense

Read ttie neivspaper árdele and underüne ¡he


FORT SAM HOUSTGN, Tesas — Líeutenant Colonel Robert
Gray was 22 years oíd when he decided to become a military
üfficer. He joined the US Army on Juiy 4, I984r He has been
in the Army for 20 years.
LTC Gray began his military career at Fort Sill. In 1986,
he moved to Germany for three years. Sincc 1989, he has
served in five othcr countries. He went to Command and
General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth five years ago.
He has been a lieutenant colonel sírtce last year.
In May of this year, he carne to Ttexas. lie has lived at Fort Sam Houaton
for four months. Since he arrived, he has worked aa a Dcputy Inspector
General. He and hia wife have enjoyed meeting new people here.

EXERCISE A Answer these questions about the newspapgr article,

1. When did LTC Gray join the Army?

2- HQW long has he been in the Army?
3- Is he still in the Army?
4. Wheredid LTC Gray livein 1986?
5. When did LTC moveto Texas?
6. Where does LTC Gray livenow?_

I/We/You/They have
(aot) lived in Texas for two years.
He/She/It has

V Use IKIVG + past participio to fni m the present perfect tense.


EXERCISE B Write the verbs írom the article in the correct column.
The fírst verb in each column ¿$ on examplv.


ha6 been

EXERCISE C Compare the past tense and the presen! perfect


The action started The action started in the past...
and erid&d rn rhe past.

now now

and continúes to the present

Api M ay J u n e J u ly AupS ept Ap rMay J u n e J u lyAugS ept

In May, he moved to Texas. He haa lived in Texas since May.

| Add an -etf ending to write the past participle of the veros.

colitmn ofthe sound ofíhe -ed ending. Numhcr í ia an examplü.



| Use the present perfect of the verb in ( ) to fill in the blank.

Number I is an example.

1. ThflWallcftrB HaVG \\ved (live) in Los Angeles for ten years,

2. Barbara (cali) Sam three times since noon.
3. Frank (want) to learn to dríve since laat year.
4. It is noon. We_ . (studyt math sinte 9:00 a.m. today.

5. I'msorry. I still fnot finisht thÍ3 exercise.

6. I (wait) ten minutes for Bob. He's still not here!
7. John (work) here for three montha. He likea his Job
8. We_ (not use) this dassroom since Monday.

EXERCISE F Use toror stnce to complete the time phrases.
Natnhem 1 and 2 are etamples.
for a week (period of time)

! Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun i Mon Tue
• » since Monday (point in time)

1. for 20 minutes 6. last week

2. sínce IQ:QQ 7. Monday
3. May 8. three ye ara
4. sixmonths 9. 1996
5. fivedays 10. three hours

EXERCISE G Use the present perfect and for or since to make a sen ten ce.

Nutnber 1 ¿s tttt eiample.

1. Geoi^e / study / math / two hours / today

Geor$e has studigd math fortwo houre today.

2. Sue / plan / to take a trip to Californíü / last year

3. Pote / exercise / at the gym / two hours thia morning

4. The Smitha/own/their home/1995

5. 1 / work / at thia bank / four years

Q We / want / to buy / a new car / June

EXERC1SE H Complete the chart. Look at Appendix G if necessary.


1. know

2. eat

3, do

4, drove

5. spoke

6. took

7. written

8. see

9. break

10. gol

V Memorize the simple past and trie past participio of Irregular verbs~

EXERCISE I Work m pairs. Choose an irregular verb. Say the three parís.

What are the three

parts of the verb eat? [ eat - ate - caten


EXERCISE J Use the present perfectof the verb in ( (toflll Inthe blank.
Nutnber 1 is an exaftipie.

1. Emily known_ fknow)Dave fbr 20 years.

2. They (eat) at the new restaurant six times since May
3. Chuck _ (do) all his homework since last week.
4. We (drive) the same car for eight years,
5. Leo (speak) no Spanísh since he left Puerto Kico,
G, Jill (take) this medicine every day for a month.
7. Paul _ (write) five letters since 10:00 a.m.
8. I (see} my sunt three times thíp week.

9. Thechildren (break) the same window twice this month.

EXERCISE K Check the sentences that are correct.

1. I saw John yesterday.

I have seen John yesterday.

2. Paul and Jan bought their house two years ago.

Paul and Jan have bought their house two years ago.

3. We studied English since last year

We have studied English since last year.

4. You forgot to cali me last níght.

You have forgotten to cali me iast night.

5- Lt Keller rodé in a helicopter ten times since last month.

Lt Keller has ridden in a helicopter ten times since last month,

6. The students sang a song at their graduation last week,

The students have sung a song at their graduation last week.
EXERCISE L Gírele the correct answer.
1- Bill Uves ¡n México» He _ there for seven
a. livea
b. is living
c. lived
d. has lived
2. Thc Bells _ two new cars since last winter
a. will buy
b. have bought
c. bought
d. are buying
3. I _ Pam yesterday in my math class,
a. see
b. have seen
c. saw
d. will see
4. Ms. Quinn _ at this bank aince last year. She's a teller.
a. has worked
b. worked
c. works
d. will work

5. Paul's now going to college in Texas, He _ from high school in June.

a. has graduated
b. is graduating
c. graduates
d. graduated
6. Last night, we _ to a movie about thc early daya of Texas-
a. are going to go
b. are going
d. have gone
7. Peter _ at this school sincc Scptember. The studente reslly like hlm.
a. taught
b. has taught
c. will teach
d. teaches
EXERCISE M Read the answers.Then write questlons wlth the words in () r
Ntimher I i.t an example.

Lhe newmovie

the new movíe

Has Paul begnat the doctor's office sJnce noor\? (Has)

Yes, PauFs been at the doctor's oíilce sincc noon.

2, (HaveJ
Nü, we haven't had any rain today.

Yes, I Ve met the new secretary.

4. (Who)
Mr. Johnson's worked in Dallas since May,

5. (Why)
Annc's been absent for three days becauae she's aick.

6. (How many)
IVe read five books since November.

7. (Where)
Lt Hall's been in the colonel's office all morning.

8- (liow long)
TOIU'Í; known Carol for two years.

EXERCISE N Use How long to ask questions. Answer with for or since.

How long have

you played soccer? I've played soccer \
for eight years. )

Lt Kim's played
soccer since 200 L

Sliicicnl 1 Student 2 Gtudenf 3

pla.y soccer for £> years since 200}

play any sport

live in your city / house

work at your Job

know your boss / teacher

know your best friend

have a credit card

study Engliah

have a driver*s license

read your favorite newspaper

Reading Choosing the meaning of a word from clues

at the sentences. Find the meatutig ofthe new word in italics. Circie (til ofthe answers
tkat can 6e trae. Yoiír instructor wiü do the exampie with yon.

A. Bi]l uses a locker.

a. A locker is a small closet.
b, A locker is a savings account.
C. A locker Is a basketball.

B. Bill uses a locker at the gym,

a. A locker is a small closet.
b. A locker is a savings account.
c. A locker is a basketball.

C. Bill uses a locker at the gym to keep his uluthes in while hu

a. A locker is a small closet
b. A locker is a savings account.
c. A locker is a basketball.

1. A. Bill went with his friends to a barbecue.

a. A barbecue is a big school.
b. A barbéate is a new kitchen.
c. A barbéate is an outside party.

B. Bill went with his friends to a barbecue and had aome meat.
a, A barbecue is a big school.
b, A barbecue is a new kitchen.
c, A barbecue is an outside party,

C. Bill went with his friends to a barbecue and had sora§ meat cooked
over a fire in the open air,
a. A barbecue is a big schooL
b. A barbecue is a new kitchen.
c. A harbecue is an outside party.
2. A. Bill has a condominium.
a. A condominium is a headache.
b. A condominium is a Job.
c. A condominium is an apartment.

B. Bill has a condominium in Florida.

a. A condominium is a headache.
b. A condominium is a job.
c. A condominium is an apartment.

C, Bill has a condominium in Florida with two bedruoms.

a. A condominium is a headache.
b. A condominiurn is ajob.
c. A condominium is an apartment.

3. A. Bill bought a convertible.

a. A convertible is a tool.
b. A convertible is a vehicle.
c. A convertible is a building.

B, Bill bought a convertible with a roof that moves.

a. A convertible is a tool.
b. A convertible is a vehicle.
c. A convertible is a building.
C- Bill bought a convertible with a roof that moves» and he drives it on nice
a. A convertible is a tool.
b. A convertible is a vehicle.
c. A convertible is a building.



VOCABULARY: Education inthe USA 35

Higher education 36
Whichjobshouldlaccept? 38
What cholee should I make? 39

GRAMMAR: Using adverbs of time 40

READING: Selecting a word with the same mcaning 45
DIALOGS: Talking about decisions 46
LISTENING: Listeninglo role-pJays 48
GRAMMAR: Using the present perfect tense 50
VOCABULARY: Review . • - . . 55
GRAMMAR: Using or and so to connect clausea 56
LISTENING: Hearing different vowel sounds 59
WRITING: Connecting 2 sentences 60
Undcrlining important information 61
READJNG: Summarizing a paragraph 62
GRAMMAR: Review: Inthe pastfewdays 64
Previ eiv What's new in Lesson 2?

Nouns offer talk over
associate degree Ph,D, think —* thought / Iboufíht
bachelor's degree profession over
career professional turn down
cholee refusal
college tour Other words
course tour of duty already
decisión university confuacd
diploma Verba inatead
accept instead of
educatiori change one's mind just
educator discuss medical
elementary school edúcate
field make - * made / made up 30
future one's mind technical
grade ofler yet
hígh school refuse (to)
master's degree retire
middle school take —* took / taken


Have you seen the new movie? Ask and talk aboul decisions.
Yes, I have. I liked it a lot. Are you going to college?
He no lon.ger works here. Yes, I want a degree iu business.
He doesn't live here anymore.
Have you decided to take that Job in
Are you still waiting? New York?
Ye3, the nurae haan't called my ñame yet. No, T've changed my mind. I decided
Tve already seen the doctor. to stay here and go to the university.
I can pay with cash, or I can use my
credit card.
I didn't have any cash, so 1 used my
credit card.


Vbcabulary Education in the USA

Children in the United Statca muat get an education. It'a the law, When they
are six yeara oíd, children start first grade at an elementary, or primary, achooL In
each grade, a teacher educates children in rcading, spelling, math, and other
subjects. The number of years of elementary school is not the same everywhere in
the US. In some towna, children stay in elementary school from Ist U> 6th grade.
Then they go to a júnior high school from 7th to 9th grade before starting high
school. In other places, atudents start middle school in the 6th grade. After the Bth
grade, they go to high school. Some towns have a aix-year high school inatead of a
júnior high school or middle school, Finally» afler twelvc years nf education, atudents
with good grades gradúate and receive a high ¿chool diploma.
12 17
11 high school high school 16
(diploma) (diploma)
TO high school 15
9 (diploma) 14
8 13
high schoof
mi Odie
7 12
6 11

5 10

4 elemenlary elemantary 9
elemenlary (primary) (primary)
3 (prrmary) SCllDOl school e
2 7
1 6
grade 5-3-4 years 6-3-3 years 6-6 ysars age

EXERCISE Answer the questions about educatloñ in the US.

1. How oíd are US children when they start school?

2. Where do children go to fírst grade?
3. What grades are there at a middle school?
4. How many years of education do US children get?
5. What do graduales from high school receive?
Vocabulary Higher education

After high achool, students can decide to go to a vocational, or technical,

achool. This kind of school offers uourses in technical fields líkc mechamos,
electrónica, computers, etc. Students can also chooae to go to a comrnunity college,
which uaually has many of the subjects atudents necd to study during their first two
years of higher education. Community colleges and aome votatiunul schuota oíler
associate degrees. It usually takes two ycars to gct an üsüucíiitíí degree,
Another choice for students is to go to a college or univerfiity. A collegp nffers
only a bachelor's degree, which usually takes four years to finifih. A university is
larger than a college. It offera degrees in a wider selection of'subjects, and also in
aome professional flelda like businesfi. Students can get a bachelor's degreet master's
degree, or a Ph.D. at a university. A master's degree usually takes two or more years
to finish. A Ph.D.» or doctoral degree, takes an extra three to eight years, Students
who want to become medical doctors must go to medical school after they receivc a
bachelor'a degree.
Continuing education ís popular, too. In the US, there are two kinds of
continuing education. Professionala auch as tcachera, dentista, etc., need to learn
new information about their professions, so they take extra courses to learn the
newest things in their fields. A different kind of continuing education iü fur adulta
who juat enjoy learning new thinga, like dancing, speaking another language, or
using a peraonal computer. People who take theae coursea do not receive a dipinma,
Theyjusthave the satiafaction of knowing aomething new.


college / unlversüy
(bachelor's degree)
conimuniíy coliege vocatronal school
(associale degree)


EXERCISE A Select the best answers to Ihe questions about ihetext.
1. Studenta receive a diploma _ _.
a. when they begin school
b. at the end of middle school
c. at the end of high achool

2. A offers the most kinds of degrees.

a. technical school
b. uníversity
c. college

is a field you can study at a univerüíty.

a. Associate
b. Grade
c. Educatfon

4- To learn to be a mechanic, a person can go to a schooL

a. technical
b. medical
c. professional

5. Ib become a doctor, a student has to go to a school.

a. career
b. medical
c. bachelor

EXERCJ5E B Ask your classmates about their education.

Can you tell

me about your

I went to high
school and got a
diploma. Then I went to
college. I like math, so I
got a bachelor's degree
in mathematioft.

Vocabulary Which job should I accept?

Ann: Ron, I just got a calí from Spring

Community College.
Ron: Did ihey offer you a teachingjob?
Ann: Yes, they did, but I haven't accepted ít
yet. I wanted to discuss it with yon. English Instructor
Ron; Let's talk it over, It's important for you Do you have a master's degree
to make the right decisión. If you say in English? Have you Taughí
yes now, you don't want to change your English for five years? We are
mind later. looking for educaíors. Teach day
Ann: You're right, but l'm confused. I want to and evening classes.
be an educator, but I also want my Ph.D,
Send yo jr informafiori to:
If I take the job, I won't have enough
Spring Communily College
time to get my degree.
900 Main Slreel
Ron: It's confusing because you want to do Spnng, Ohio 35555
both things. If you refuse the job offer, Qr go online: peoplelink.scc edu
you'll finish your degree sooner They
will understand why you're giving them
a refusal.
Aun: This has been a good discussion. 111 think it over some more, but it looks
like Til turn down the job. It's important to ñnish my degree inatead.

EXERCISE Match the word with its meaning.

Nttmber i is an example.

1. refuse a. take time to think about and decido

2. confused b. say yes to something
3. lurn down c. teach
4. accept d. say no to something
5. think over H. refuse
6. offer f. talk over
7. edúcate g. not understanding clearly
8. discusa j. ask someone if they would like to
have something

Vocabulary What chotee shouíd I make ?

Tom: IVebeen thinking about the future. If I

Whatrs in your future?
retire from the milítary in four years, 111
You wantajob youiike. need a career as a civilian.
YQLJ want a Job Thal pays welL Jim: Have you heard about Highland
We have courses in many fielcís. Vocational School? They ofler associate
degrees in raany different fields.
We oiter associate degrees.
Toni: I'd like to get a degree in a technical
field. How long does it take?
Jim: You can finish an associate degree in two
years. Do you think the military will
send yon on a taur of duty far away?
Por more informadon:
llíghland Tom: Tve already been outof the country un
ntfbcationalScHool two other tours. They told me I would be
2000 Second Sireet here fbr three
Highlanü, Texas G5555
Jim: Then Highiand is a good choice for you.
Tom: Fve made up my inind. Til ca]l loday]

EXERCISE Write the best word to complete the sentence*

inatead of courses diploma

edúcate degree carecr
tour of duty retired discussion

. Jan worked for 30 years, Thea she fromherjob.

2. Tim teaches English in a high school. His Job is to students.
3. Pete went to a universíty. He received a bachelor's ín math.
4. Roger decided to buy a car a truck.
5. Pam'fí a student at a collí-ge. She lakes in difTürt¡ri.t subjtícita.

6. The students talked about the problem. They had a

7. Karen finiahed high school and received a
8. Sgt Miller's in the Air Forcé. He's on a
9. Tina's a teacher. Her is in education.
Grammar Using adverbs of lime

Ruad ¿he articlc. Then fiad and underline the wordñ from the gray box.

stiíl already no longer anymore any longer yet

Long Stay Almost Over

FORT HOGD, TEXAS — Sara and Jim Mills have been at Pr>rt Ilood since last
summer, They ha ve been caring for their grandson, Mike. They ha ve already
buen hete half a year Pat Mills, their daughter, is a sergeant in the US Army.
She is TDY in another country. She has a tour of duty there for six months.
Mike Mills is En the fourth grade at Fort Hood Elementary Schoul. HD
has already chatlged schools two times before moving here. He didn't want tu
move anymgre, so Pat asked her parents to take her place. They can stay with
Mike becauae they retired last year and don't work any longcr.
Sara and Jim are still here at Fort Hood because Miku'a motker hasn^t
returned home yet, Her TDY is almost over When Pat comes home, Mike won't
need his grandparents to he ivith him anymore. He is already cxcited about
seeing his mother again, but he will misa his grandparents when thoy are
no longer here.

EXERC1SE A Read the sentences. Write T for true and F for ful so.

1. Sara and Jim are still living at Fort Hood.

2. Mike is already a student in high schooL
3. Pat is no longer in the US Army.

4. Mike didn't want to change íithuuls anymore.

5. Pat is still a sergeant,
6. Sara and Jim don't work any longer.
7. Mike is no longer in third grade.
8. Pat is already home from her tour of duty.


EXERCISE B Study the chart.


something happened Ed already has a high school diploma,

already before now (often The children are already at school. (BE)
sooner than expected) Do they already have a new car?

We still want to know the

something is He's síill weiting at the door. (BE)
continuing Jan still doesn't have a college degreo.
Do you stil! drive a truck?

something ís not Can you wait? Al hasn't arñveáyet.

yet happening now but is
expected in the future I'm hungry. Is dinner ready^eí?

no longer
something has She no longer works here.
stopped or changed He's no longer a student. (BE)

anyrnore something has He isn't in the Army any more/any longer.

any longer stopped or changed Does he work here anymorefany longer?

V Put the adverb after BE when the adverb is in the middle of the sentence; for
exampfe: atready, stilí, and no longer.

EXERCISE C FUI in Ihe blanks with already, stilí, or no ¡onger.

1. Peter's4Q, but he can _ play soccer well,

2. Biirsonly20,buthehas gotten a college degree.
3, Karen stopped toaching becauae she enjoys it.
4. Tve been doing homework for hours, but I haven't finished.
5. Do we have to clean the barracks today?
fi, The Smitha moved away They live here,
7. Tina called, so you don't have to cali her again.
8. Bob retired from teaching laat year. He teaches school.

EXERClSE D Fill m the blanks wilhyef, anymore, or any tongsr.

1. Ron left a week ago. He doesn't wark here

2. Wc're late. Has class started
3. Wendy hurt her leg. She can't run

4, Dan'g been at college for five years, but he hasn't graduated

5, I'm atill getting ready I'm not ready to leave
6. They stopped smoking a year ago, They don't smoke
7. Havft you gotten your Ph,D _?
8. Is Bill still here? Does Bill work for you —

EXERClSE E Seíect and write the best word to complete the senience.

1. Dan and Jim have been to the gym today.

2. My brother ^ works at the bank. He has a new jnh.
yet / aitymore / no longer

3. Major Wilson retired last year. He isn't in the Army

still / nnymcirt? / already

4. Tom can't meet us tonight. He's mado other plans.


5. JaoTs been learning French, but she . can'l speak it.

no longer / already / stíll
6- Jim graduated in May He doesn't go tn high school
any longer / already / yet

7. They haven't made a decisión

still / yet / no longer

8. Hie sales clerk has helped us,

anymore / already / still
9. Tve tried to hurry, but I'm . not ready to go.
any longer / still / yet


EXERCISE F Write the best words to complete the questions.

already yet still anymore any longer

1. You're only 16. Have you gotten your high achoo] diploma?
2. Jane is 19. Why is she in high school?
3. You're moving to another city. WilL yüu come to see us
4. The mechanic's had my car for over a week. Has he íixed it ?
5- Does Mary like to play tennis ?
6, The teacher answered your question. Are you conñised?
7. Bill's been looking a long time for a new car. Has he bought one ?

EXERCISE G Reacf the sentence.Then write a question.

Replace the words in iialics with the ivords in parenthesus. Number I is an exatnple.

1. Mr. Smiíh is no longer an instructor at the (Ms,

le Me. Jones etill an instructor at the uni^erelty?

2. John, has already arrived at the party. CSara/yet)

3. Brian no longer owns a truck. (Frank / anymore)

4. Pat and Jay haven't gooe on (Suc and Joc/alroady)

5. George is still studying Germán. (Kathy/any longer)

6. Yon aren't reading the newspaper onymore. (Carl/sLiíl)

EXERCISE H Work with a partner to talk about the schedules.

Take turns rttaking sentences nbout Torn'fi nrAnn'a schedule. Talk ahctut diffeníjit íimtis. Use
yet, already,, still, anymore, any longer, vr no longer in your s

It's eight o'clock.

Tom's already at work.
Tom's notat borne

It's cight o'clock.

Ann's still at homc.
Ann haan't gone to
class yet.


6:30 a.m, getup 7:30 a.m, getup
7:00 a.m, eat breakfast 8:00 a.m, eal b
7:3Ü - 8:00 a.m. drive to work 8:3ü - Ü:OÜ a.m. ride the bus

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m, be at work 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m, be i u el asa
5:00 - 5:30 p.m. drive home 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. eatlunch
6:00 p.m. eat dinner 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. study at the líbrary
6:00 - 7:00 p.m. read the paper 5:00 p.m. eat dinner/reías
7:00 - 9:00 p.m. watchTV 7:00- 10:00 p.m. study
10:00 .m. go to bed 11:00 p.m go to bed


Readmg Setectlng a word with the same meaning

Setect the wordfe) with the same meaning as the ¿falicized wordfs). Gírele <i, h, ar c.

EXAMPLE: I have a $£ain on my new pants. I slipped and fell on the wet grass.
Now my pants have a green atain from the grass, I tried to wash the
pants, but the green ís atill there.
a color that is dífficult to Hke
a color that is difficult to see
c, i a color that is difficult to remove

1. Barbara works downtown. She likes herjob, but she doesn'twant to live in the
city. She found an apartment that she likes on the city's oiíiskifls. Shtí doesn't
mind driving longer to get to work,
a. a place that is near the center of a city
b. 0 place that is in the middle of a city
c. a place that is far from the center of a city
2. We bought some bread at the store, but it's state now WeTve had it for over a
week. Now it's oíd and dry, and doesn't taste good anyinore, We need to buy
more bread.
a. not warm
b. not new
c. not white
3. Arter all the rain, the river had lots of water. It was brown and full of trvah.
You could see Iota of paper, bagri, and oíd botttes in it. There were some tirea
and oíd kilchen things, too,
a. things that pcoplc don't want
b. things that people like to see
c. things that people like to buy
4. Jane'a house is huge. lL has 25 rooms. All the rooms are large. Some people
want to buy the house and make a hotel, but Jane saya no. She likos
because she often asks friends and family to visit.
a. very pretty
b. very big
c. very heavy

Dialoga Tatking about decislons

Reod and repe&í tfie diafogs. Thert practice saying thern witk a partner.

Dialog 1 Dialog 2
Greg: Have you made a decisión Jane; Have you decided to go on
about the job offers yet? vacation this year?
Paul: Yes, Tve decided to accept Sara: Yes, I have. iVu duuided to
the job in Chicago instead of take two wceks in July.
the one in Dallas.
Jane: Havo you made up yt>ur mind
Greg: Why did you make that where you 11 go?
Sara: Yes, Fm going to go to Florida,
Paul: I already know people in 1 want to visit friends in
Chicago, and it pays well. Miami.

EXERC1SE A Read and match the questlons and answers.

Number I i$ an example.

^ 1- What have you decided about your vacntion?

2- Did you decide which language course to take?
3. Have you made a decisión about buying a car?
4. Have you changed your mind about not wcrking anymore?
5- Have you decided to get a master's degree?
6. What are you going lo do about the job ofíer?

a. IVe decided to go to México in October.

b- I'm going to refuse it. Tve decided to keep working here.
c. I can't make up my mind. I might keep driving the one I have.
d. Yes, I have. The university accepted me as a student this fall.
e. No, I haven't. Tm still going to retire next month.
£ Yes, Tve decided to take Spanish instcad of FYench,


EXERCISE B Use words from the box to complete the dialogs.

accepted decide decided talked decisión

Dialng l
SI: Whatdidyou about your career?
S2: Tve to get a new Job. I've already a job offer.
SI: Why did you make that ?
32: I it over with a gooá friond.

made up colleges choicea decided mind

Diolog 2
Si: What have you about your education?
S2: T have two I can get an associate or a bachelor's degree.
Si: Have you your „ about where to study?
S2; No, I haven't. Fm still collecting infbrmation about

EXERCISE C In pairs, compíete the díalogs and perform them as role-plays.

Diafog 1 Dialog2

31: Have you decided to take a SI: Have you made a decisión obout
vacation this year? k iivincFii
n-r irm j • • ^ ^ i^r _i— ^^^^-

32: V^a

SI: SI: What ?


SI: SI: ?

Uetening Llstening to rote-plays

What have you

decided about gettíng I have two Job offers.
a newjob? One ie in Dallas, and
one is in Denver.


llave you made a decisión? Yes, I'm going to accept thc Job in Dallas.
No, I haven't made a decisión yet,
What did you decide? I've decided to turn down thiijnh in Dnnvnr.
What are you going to do? I'm going to take the job in Dallas.

When are you going to do it? I'm going to move in August.

Why did you make that choice? Fve thought it over. It's the best one for me,
Which offer did you accept? I'm guing tu accepL Ihe job in Dallas,
Where have you decided to go? I'm going to move to Dallas.

Have you made up your mind? Yes, Tm going to take the job in Dallas.

Have you changed you mind? Not yet, 1 want to know more about the job.

No, I haven't. This is w}iat I want to do.


EXERCISE ii i pairs, role-play a sltuation in front of the class.

Your leactier will assign your pair o situation. One vfyoit asks questions about itand the
other ansivers the questions. Perfbrm the role-play for the class. Wlien you ore finished, y&ur
dassmates will answer questions about the role-play from Ihe teacher.

You want to buy a car. You saw You want to rnove. You looked at
two cars today. two apartmente today.
• One is new but expenaive. • One is emall but cheap.
* One is chcap but four years * One is big but expensive.

Yon have a long weekend away You have a week of vacation and
from work, You can: want to go to a ncw city. You can:
* go to the beach and relax. * drive and stay with friends.
* go to a big city and sightsee. * fly and stay in a hotel-

You have two Job offers* You want to relax with a friend
* You don't Uke one jobf but it ia on Friday night*
in your town. • One wanía to go to a
* Youlike the other job, but it is basketball game.
in a different town. * One wants to go dancing.


You want to go to coltege, but don't You have two job offers*
have enough money, You can: • One paya well but is not
• work now and go later. interesting.
• borrow money and go now. * One doean't pay well but is
Grammar Using the present perfect tense

This is Jan's sititcase. Whaf doyou know abottf Jan? Check rVJ the boxes, Then underíine the
verb in each neníente.

know don't know

1. Jan has been to many countries.

2- Jan visited París last year.

3. Jan has been to Egypt.

4. Jan flew to London last week.

5. Jan has flown to other countries.

6. Jan went to Egypt last month.

7. Jan has seen London. r

8. Jan saw París in June.

9. Jan visited Rome last year.

10. Jan has seen Egypt.

EXERCISE A Study the chante.


The acíion síarted The action i$ important,
and ended in the past. not when ií happened.


now now

lasl year


Rome Rome

Jan visited Rome laflt year. Jan has visited Rome before.
i i

V Use the present perfect to talk about a past actlon when thQ time Is not Importan!.

EXERCISE B Use the present perlecl to complete the sentences.

Use the uerb m italics. Nitrnber 1 Is an

1. Tfed: The Hílls went to California nn vacation.

Jay: They ha ve gong to California un vacation. often.

2. Jim: The movie will start soon. Dave and Kathy arrwed carly.
Bob: Where's Greg? He . not yet.

3. Kay: Rogergoí three letters today.

Tim; He already _ almost a dazen letters.

4. Lea: Mary tocik her car to the mechanic this mnrning.

Bill: She it to the mechanic many times this month.

6. Pat: Tina read the book for English clatís quickly.

Joe: Jane not the book yet.

6. Ray: Joan didntgo to the doctor yesterday.

Kim: Roger already to the doctor

7. Tira: We kad lwo tests in English last week.

Kay: We atOl not any tests in Spanish.
EXERCISE C Use the prese nt perfect to write sen ten ees.
Jim han retired. Use a wordiphrase from each box to write sentences about Jim's Ufe.

I've lived in Canadá.

teach live five countries many i ni rrcsi i ne peopl

write eight booka u i y JA >• plauus
el meet around the world a lotof exciting thingfi
see lots of atudents hundreds of Jetters










EXERCISE D Use ever and the present perfect to write a question.
Number 1 is an example.

1. Has barbara ever worked at her uncle'g company?

Yes, Barbara has worked at her uncle's company.

No, Bob has never lost his wallet.

Yes, Frank has sent his mother flowers.

Ves, Col Nichols has written two bookg.

No, the Hills have never been to California.

EXERCISE E Write a questlon. Use a question word for the word in te I i es

Number 1 is an example,

1. Cari has lived in México befare.

WHo has livfld in México before?

2, The Millers have already gone to Son Francisco.

3, Hugo has played American fbotbaíl bcfore.

4. The mechanic has repaired Ed's car pramptly.

5. Jean haa decided to go to college to get a bachelor's degree.

EXERCISE F Use the preeent pertect to play Blngo wlth cla&smates.
Asfc rlfufsmtitefs questians about thf things in the chart. When astudvnt cmstvers yuur
question wiík Ves, wñte hisor her ñame in the square. Talk to aft ycur cíassmafes. 7b win,
yon need to have four different ñames ¿n a row down, across, or

Haue you e ver had

a sports car, Major KJm?

( Yos, I have.

Have you ever drunk

iced tea, Captain Roaa?

have a write a talk toa nee a bad

sports car very long person from accident
drink gO OQ cook your go i ' i an
iccd tea a long favorita American
vacatíon meal footbull game

• -t a
viEit i
J1BVR a H sec a very i •
orive a
person í¡í animal in funny large car
inthe your house movie

visit the make have a ! ÍM 1 ni a

capital ofyour ' a píece of temfic very small
country furnitute teacher town


Vocabulary Review

Select tke best answer.

L Doctors are in tht? ííeld of medicine.

a, educators
b- professionala
c. instructor s
2. Jan graduated frnm and received a n

a. degree
b. diploma
c. grade
3. Doctora should their patients about keeping
a. learn
b. accept
c. edúcate
4, Paul didn't understand. He was

a. confused
b. confusing
c. coníüse
6. Al told me he was going to the party, but he síayt;d ht>me. He bis mind.
a. changed
b. made up
c. carne to
6. Janis dedíled not to take the Job. Sho .
a. talked it over
b. cleared it up
c. turned it down
1. The inatructions aren't clear to me. They're
a, confused
b. confusing
Grammar Using or and so to connect clauses

it can pay with cash. she can use her credit card.

*** Use orto talkabout cholees.

Pat didn't have any cash, so she used her credit card

*#* Use sa to talk about the result of something.


EXERCISE A Combine the sentences. Use or.
Number 1 is an example.

1. We might drive to Chicago, We can take the train.

Wemiaht dnVe to Chicago, or toe can take the train.

2. Bill might buy a car He could rent a truck.

3. I can pay cash for the gas. I could charge it.

4. The children may stay here. They might stay with their grandp árente.

5. You could return the shirt to the store. You can exchange it.

EXERCISE B Combine the sentences. Use so.

1. They didn't have class on Friday. They went to the beach.

2, Doug had to work Friday evening. He couldn't go to the party.

3. Dave took his car to the mechanic. We went in Jim's car

4. I don't have enough uash to pay the bilí. I'll write a chcck.

ñ. It was raining hard yesterday. We didn't work in the yard.

EXERCISE C Match two clauses to make a sentence.
1 iñ an exampie,

1. __!_ He felt sick yesterday, a, or she can buy it at a bookatore.

2. We might watch a movie, b, so thií suocer game began late.
3. Itwas raining earlier today, c, so 1*11 take the bus to work.
4. She might cali home, d, or we could play carde.
5. She couJd borrow the book, e, or she may write a letter.
6- The mechanic's fixingmy car, £ so he went to the doctor.

EXERCISE D Select a conjunction to combine the clauses.

Number 1 is an examplc.

1. Dan can go Ui the gym today, 2£ he could go sivininiing.

2, Patwanted toread about the game, he bought a newspaper-

3, Al might drive hia car to the malí, _ he could ríde with fn


4, Tina doesn'tlike the city ( _ she wanta to move to a small town.

so /or
5- Paul doesn't like the heat, - he goes to the mountaina in July.
or/ so
6. The Lees can play carde with friends, they may ^o to a movie.

7. The weather may clear up, _ . it may keep snowing.


fi, It's raininE today, _ 111 take my urobrella.

9, The door was difficult to open, JangroQscd it.
or/ so

Listening Hearlng different vowet sounds

tree fish bread cat ball

/ti /€/ /V

EXEPCISE A Listen. Circle the letter of the word that is diíFerent

1. a. b. c. 5. a. b. c. 9. a. b. c.

2. a. b. c. G. a. b. c. 10. a. b. c.

3. a. b. c. 7. a. b. c. U- a. b. c.,

4. a. b- c. 8. a. b, c. 12, 0- b. c.

EXERCISE B Listen and repeat. Wrlte the word In the column wfth its sound.

tree fish plañe bread cat ball

Writing Connecting 2 sentences

Combine th# sentences witk and, or, but, or so,

FXAMPLE: Susan retired from her job when she was 62,
Her husband kept working.

Su5an retired from her job when ghe was 62. but her huebatid
working. ____

1. Tom refuaed to drive on the slippery road. Hís wife did, too.

2. Pat didn't get the job. She'H have to look for another one.

3. Andrew decided to enlist in the Air Forcé. Paul didn't.

4, Are you going to college? WilJ you get a job?

6, Tina likea little children. She wants to teach at an elementary Rchool.

6, Are you going to the party tonight? Have you decided tu stay home?

7. It's t-aining this morningr It should clear up this afterno^n.

8, Did Al aelect a technical tareer? Did he choose a career in education?


Writing Underlining important information

Read the paragraphs. Then underline and number answers to the questions yoií hear.

A Famous African-American; George Washington Carver

1. George Washington Carver was born ín the early ISfíOa. At thattime, most
Aíriuan-Ameri can s were claves» people who belonged to other people, Carver
was very sick when he was young, so he couldn't do the hard work that moat
young African-American boys couJd do, Instead, Carver learned to read, and he
studied plants En the garden, When he was about ten years oíd, he went to a
schooifor African-Americans. The school had only ane teacher for 75 children.
Carver liked to learn, so he studied before and after school. Soon ht knew more
than his teacher. At age 13, he went to high schooL

2. Carver couldn't go to college until he was almost 30 years oíd. Carver wanted tu
find new ways to use southern plants, so he decided to study agrifuTture. He
had many good ideas. Carver received his bachelor's degree in 1894, He got hit;
master's degree En 1896, and he became the first African-American to teach at
his college. He was an exceüent educator there and at another school. He also
becatne famous for his work with plants. For example, he tbund 300 ways to use
juat one plant, the peanut plant.* After a full life, Carver died in 1943.

* u popular imt

Readítig Summarizing a paragraph

Work in smallgroups. Ckoose aparagraph. Readandsummarize it orally for your group.

EXAMPLE: The United States Coast Guará Academy
The Coast Guard Academy began in 1876. At that time, it was importan! to
teach soldiers how to guard US land near the sea, Young men received an
education in the cJaesroom and on a boat called the Dobbin. Today, young men
and women take courses in the claasroom, and they spend timt? cvery summer
learning on a kind of hoat called a cutter. The Coast Guard Acadumy ÍK likt: the
uthur acadcmies, but it has fewer students. When atíldente (iniFjh Lhcir ütudies,
they receive their bachelor's degree and bucome enaigna in the US Coast Guard.

Young people at the Coast Guard

Acadetny learn ín the classroom and
on a boat* At the end of thelr etudies,
students get a bachelors degree and
become unsíta ns in the Coast Guard

L The United States Air Forcé Academy

Th(¡ Air Forcé Academy is the neweat military collcge in thp United Statefi.
After the Second World War, the Air Forcé was no longer a part of the USArmy.
Important men thought there should be a colíege just to prepyry Air Forcé
ofificers, They talked to many people and had many díscussiona. It took a long
time until they madc all the decisions for an academy. In 1954, tlu¡ Air Fui-cc
Academy opened in Colorado Springs, Colorado, The first class had 306 meo,
but the Dumbei-of studenta has grown over the years. There
are now 4,000 students at the Academy from all 50 states
and some foreign countries, too. In 1980, the first woman
graduated from the Academy When students gradúate,
they receive a bachelor'B degree and become
licutcnants in the US Air Forcé.


2- The United States Military Academy
The oldest military college in the United States is often
called West Point. It Js 50 miles north of New York City.
During the Revolutionary War (1775-1783), West Point
was an important fort in tíifferent battlos. lu ltíU2, it
became a military college. Many important military
leaders have studied at West Point. ín the Civil War (1861-
1865), West Point gradúate Ulysses Grant led an army against
another gradúate, Robert E. Lee. Generáis Dwight Eisenhower,
MacArthur, and George Patton were important graduates who led soldiers in
the Second World War. Today, West Point still prepares young men and women
to be officers in the US Army, The Academy accepta students from all 50 States
and also some foreign students, When students gradúate from the Acadnmy,
they receive a bachelor's degree and become second lieutenants in the US Armyr

3. The United Stales Naval Academy

The aeuond oldest military college in the United States is the
US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. In 1845, the
Academy began preparing men to lead the Navy in battles
on the sea. Some famüus men to gradúate from the Naval
Academy are Chester Nimitz, an Admiral in the Pacific
Ocean in the Second World War, and Hyman Rickover, who
helped ihe Navy become modern. Today, the Navy has
submarines, boats that go under water, and aircraft carriera that carry all kin
of airplanes.The edocation of students at the Academy has uhanged since it
opcned over 100 years ago. Now, the Academy accepts youn^ men and women
from all 50 states, Students rect-ive education and professional inñtruction to
become officers in the Navy, When they gradúate, they become ensigns in the
Navy or second lieutenants in the Marines,
Grammar Review; In the past few days...

Work in pairs. Use the words in theboxes and the prcscnt perfect to ask and ctnswer
ubout ikingsyou have üftd haven't done in the pasi few days.

I haven't
In the past few days, watched a movie,
have you watched but Tve watched
a inovie? TV prnfíram»

in the past few days, have you ...T

eat game meal ot horoc

watch shopping gym
meet TV program magaaine
buy music movie
play newspaper cup of coífee
make soccer showar
read soda baaketball
drink stamp book
listen to fast food telephontí cali
take candy test


We Ve added on
to the house.
VOCABULARY: Remodeling a home—adding on a second story . . . . 67
Planning a get-together 69
Using a smalJ stereo , , 71

QRAMHARi \Jamg cauld to expresñ poñsibility 72

DIALOGS: Making guesses 76

LI5TENING: Hearingthe -s ending of verbs . . , . . , . 76
GRAMMAR: Using adjectives with ~ed and -ing 77
GRAMMAR: Reported speech 82

READING: Seleutíng a word with the same meaning S6

WRITING: Underlining important information 87
GRAMMAR: Past review - - . . . . . . . , 88
READING: Reading a text and writing a summary 89
Previ e w What's newin Lesson 3?


Nouns stereo Othcr words

sddition story interés ted (iní
buildcr suburb near
cassette trouble perhaps
CD wood then
den tiring
dimng room Verbs
íire add ' 111
fireplace boil
get-together build -»built/built
idea burn
meetirig could
oven enlarde
patio get -* got / gotten together
plan heat
piaycr leave -* left/Ieft
room play
shed sol ve
solution take —* took / laken place


What could this be? Express possibilily and guesses.
Could it be a desk?
It could be a box. Where could Ann be?
Could she be at home?
Was tbc trip interesting?
Yes, T was very intcrested in the city. She could be in a meeting.
She may be at the doctor's.
I want to go to Europe next year. She might be at lunch.
He said he wanted to go to Europe next


Vocabulary Remodeling a home—adding on a second story

Tom is speaking to his neighbor, Ken.

Tom: My wifeand I just had twins soour
house is too small now. We necd to
add some rooms and maybe enlarge Leí us soive your buüding prohle
the patio outside.
Ken: Are you planning to build an
Horne Builders'
addition or add on a second fitory
Solutions, Inc.
to your house? 555-2019 office
555-3778 cellphcme
Tom: We don't know what todo. I need
a buildcr's advice. Do you know Rick Peters
anyone that I can cali?
Ken; Yes, I know aomebody, Rick Petera,
He did some work for my bruther
last year and did a good job. I'll get
his business card for you.

js*-* -^i Tom; Look, Ken. We got the plans back
from Rick Peters, the buílder. He
said that we had to add a second
íloor. If we build an additian tci the
house instead of a second story, we
ÜN=4 III 1 wíll lose the backyard.
i—••_ ^^^^m
Ken: These plans look good, What rooms
PATIO are these on the second floor?
First Floor Tom; Two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a
den. We wanted bedrooms for the
K twins, and a room for them to play in
and where we can all watch TV
if.ii1 y

OPENTO together.
iJ ""

C 1 111! ||
Ken: Yes, and what about the patio? I
remember that you wanted to make
it bigger.

Second Floor Tom: We decided to loave it for now. Tn a

few years, perhaps we'll have enough
money to change it.
EXERCISE A Use the lext on the previous page to answer these questions.

1. Why does Tom need to enlarge his house?

2. What are the two ways that Tom can enlarde his house?

3. Why dues Tum need a buildfir's advice?

4. Which builder did Ken tell Tom to cali?

5. Why does the builder tell Tom not to build an addítion in tho buck yurd?

6, What will Tom do about the patio?

EXERCISE B Match each vocabulary Ítem with its meaning.

Number 1 in an exanipie.

• 1. additicm a. a tRchnical drawing

_ 2. leave h. maybe

, ___ 3. enlsrge c. to make something by putting pieces tofíether

_ 4. sol ve d. a room where the famiJy con relax togethur
_ 5. build e. to let something remain without changes
_ 6. den f. to find the answer to a problem
_ 7. plan g. afloorof abuilding
_ 8. solution h. to make aomelhing biggcr
9, i. soratíthing that Is addud Ui anuthyr Ihing

10, perhaps j. the artawer to a problem


Vocabulary Ptanntng a get-together

Kay: Hi,Ann.I'm onmy way to ameetíng V VIII ~í

at school, but I want your advice iirst, " 11
You know that weVe just added on to
our house, and I want to let everyone
come and see it. Can yo u help me plan
a get-together for everyone to take
place soon?
Ann: Yes, I can help. We could get everybody
together for Gary's birthday. It's in ten
days, right?
Kay: Yes, but driving out here in the
winter's hard for some family
membera. Since we've moved out here
to the suburbs, Gary's parents don't
vÍ3Ít U3 much. We saw them more
oftcn when we lived in the city.
Ann: Tell them Gary will make a big ñre in
your new fireplace. Yon and I will
make lotfl ofgtiod food with that new
oven in your new kitchen. If it's
snowing that day, then they1!! reaüy
enjoy a good meal and a warm fire
after a longdrive. If the weather's
really bad, then they can sleep in the
spare bedroom,
Kay; That's a great idea. We have lots of room now. Oh, look aL thc time. Fvc got
to leave for the meeting. Thanks for your ho]p. Bye.

EXERCISE A Read the sentences, WríteT for true and Fforfalae.

1. The get-together will take place at Gary's house.

2. Ka/s husband has a birthday in ten days,
3. Ann has a new kitchen, oven, and fireplace,
4. Gary's parents live in the suburbs,
5. Gary's birthday takes place in the summer.
EXERCISE B Read Ihese tips. Underlíne the words from the gray box.

Make a fire on]y with very dry wood.
Keep your wood dry by putting it under your
fireplace or in your garage or shed. Mover keep
it outside on a patio.
Do not burn oíd furniture, boxes, or trash in
your fireplace, The smoke Cüuld be dangerous.
Do not keep any rugs or furniture near the
fircplace. They could start burning.
Do not use the fire to heat food or boil water.
Clean the fireplace after e very fire.

near wood fire

burn shed
could firoplace heat

EXERCISE C Use the words from the gray box to fill ¡n the blanks.

If you want to safely enjoy your fireplace, here are some things you ahuuld
know. Firstf you should make a only with very dry wood beca use
wet causes a lot of thrck srnoke. You can keep your wood dry in a
garage or , not outside. Also, it's not a good idea to,
trash or oíd furniture because those things cause amoke.
Furniture and rugs should not be your fireplace when you
it. They could start burning by accident. Since your fireplace is for heating
your home, you should not use it to food or . water.
Lastly, clean and check your every time you use it.

Vocabulary üsing a smaíl stereo

Label the parís of íhe stereo. Use the u-ards Ln thegray box. Numbers 4 and 6 are



pvwvr cora cassette-playera CD player

speaker CD radio cassette

EXERCISE the texl. Listen to your instructor^ questíons.

The text isfrojíí the stereo user's gitidc. Underline and number the íttiswers to the

Before you try to play anything on your new MX-90 stereo, you should check it.
First, uüe the p¿irts liat on p. 2 to check that all the parts are in the stereo package.
Next, follow the directions on pp, 3-4 to connect al] the parts, After that, plug in the
power cord and check that all the parts are working correctly, Finally, follow the
directions on pp, 5-9 to learn how to use your stereo, If you have any trouble, read
the problcm-solution list on pp. 10-11, or cali us at l-SOO-555-8331,
Grammar Using could to express possibility

Joe: What could thifi be?

Ann: It could be e glaas.
Bill: It may be something to put
flowern in, a vaac.
Kay: It might be two people looking at
each other.

:'*'lMll Complete the chart wlth the modals from the dialog.

a glasa.

It be a vase.

twu people.

*** Use couid the same v/ay you use the modals may and m/g/rMo make guesses.

EXERCISE B For each picture, write a sentence starting with It could be.





EXERCISE C Match the Cuestión and the answer.

1. Where are my keys? a. Fm afraid it could be too heavy.

2, Could the two oí1 us move the sofá? b. It could be one of our neighbors.
3. Should I take my umbrella? c. She could be late for a meeting.
4. Why is she in a hurry? d. He couTd have otherthings todo.
5. Why is the soup so hot? e. It could have too much pcpper.
6. Who could be at the door? f. Good idea, It could rain today.
7. Where couldFred be? g. They could be in your desk druwur.
8. Why is he leaving so SQon? h. He could be at the doctor's.

EXERCISE D Change mayor m/g/ifto cou/d. Rewrite the sentences.

1 is an exampie.

1. Markraay be sick.
Mark could beaick.

2. John may go to Chicago tomorrow.

3. Where might the newspaper be?

4. We might miss the movie if we don't hurry.

5. If the weather is nice, we may go to the beach.

6. Might Tom be at lunch?

7. When might you get here tonight?

EXERCISE E In pairs, talk about the rooms in the house plan. Use couíd.

bedroom bathroom dining room

kitchen closet den
living room library laundry room

We could eat in room F- It

could be oxir dining room.

^^^^i"^^tn^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^f1

O 5 10 20ft


Pialogs Making guesses

Reod íhe Itvo quesüons ftnd the lisl üf responses. Decide whích responses answer (¡uestion A
and which answer question B. WriteA ar B in the blanks.

Question A Questioj^B
The captain isn't hore yet. I don't know what this thing is.
Where could he be? What could it be for?

It could be for cutting things.
He could be in the generáis office.
Maybe he's taking a break.
It might be for slicing bread.
It may be for shaving,
Perhsps he felt sick and went home

EXERCISE In pairs. choose a question to answer. Wrile 3

The phone ia ringing. f I can*t fínd my wallet,

Who could bo calling Where could it be?
so late? ^^^^

We've been waiting

for 20 minutes. Why is
Bill late again?




Listening Hearíng the -s ending of verbs

Listen to the verbs. Pay (¡Mentían to tke sound of flie -s ending. Wriie the verbs undertheir
ending sound. The firsf tvord in eack caiumn is on exampíe.

/s/ /z/ M


HSS Write the -ssoundof the ending: /s/ ( /z/, or/az/.

>ordis an example.

1. miases /3Z/ ñ fincan Q pninyc 1Ü Inrlrn

2- drope
,g fi flpdTlílw in ÍIiniH Id p^RCdB

3. 'p
paye 7 hrpulra 1 1 rptphpfc 1 íí nfflara

4. rinees fl Vtnichp^ 15 irnipH-q Ifi rmintn

r^-l.'- J Practlce saying the verbs in the gray box, as in the exampla.

Student A. MÍ39. I mi'ss ft.

Student B: He misses ¡t.
Enjoy- [ enjoy it.
Student A: He enjoye it.
Lock. I \ock it-

Grammar Using adjectives with -ed and -ing

How did you I was exctted by

like your trip to I was interested alJ the people.
Chicago? in the museums. I was tired
¿y the flight

*+* Use adjectives that end with -erfto describe how people feeI.

EXERCISE A Complete the sentences wiih adjectives from íhe box.

do yuu ftxl <ihuitt these things? Write the adjectives that match your opinión.

1. I'm sücctsr games.

bored by
2. I'm — English grammar.
confused by
3. Tm aightseeíng.
excited by
4. I'm goodfood-
frightened by
5. I'm long meetings.
tired by
6. I'm not tests. *
1. l'mnot hospitsls- interés ted in
8. I'm not large cities.
9. I'm no: _ tong walks in the park.

EXERCISE B Complete the sentences with adjectives from the box.

What do yon thitik abouí (hese things? Write the adjectiucs tkaí match your opinión.

What did you

think of Chicago? J ítwas
Tt was f&ring


V Use adjectlves that e nd with -ingto describe thlngs (or peo pie) that cause feelíngs.

1. My job is
2- Sports are
3. I think that travel is
4. Commercials on TV are
5. I think doctora usually are
6. Homework isn't
7. Storms aren't

EXERCISE C Compare -ed adjectives wlth -Ingadjectlves.

The person for group) that leéis The thing or person [or groupj that causes
a feelmg uses the adjective wfth -ed a feelmg usas The adjective wlth -ing.

I am bnreíí. lí boring.
confosed. The inovie is confusing.
He is The book
She excitcd. r \ ( ' j { ,•;::,'.

frigh tened, The peopJe Mghteni^.

interested. The noisea are ínteresting.
We are
tirerf. They tirtíig.

EXERCiSE D Change the verbs to the correct adjectives. Fill in the blanks.

1. excite George is by bis new Job. He thinks

his career is

2. bore A: Is John already at his school?

B; No, he doesn't think it's

3. tire The flight from Chicago was Inng and

Tm going to bed early because I'm so.
4, interest A: Doyou think this musicclassis
B: No, I'm not very m music.

5. confuse This map is very small and I'm

complete ly by it.
6. frighten The storm was becaxise it brokfi some
windows last night. Were the children

EXERCISE E Underline the correct íorm of the adjectives in this e-maíl.

From: Nancy Black Sent: Wed 12/10/04 8:08 p.m, _

"Tb: Bill Black
Subject: Trip to Chicago
Hi Dad!
The class and I got back yesterday morning, The trip was really excited I
exciting. We learned a lot snd everyone was very interested ! interesiing in
all themuseums.Thecity is so large, it was almost frigtitennd f
frightemng. Also, the schedule ofthe city trains was very confused I
conflísing. I was usually confused i confusing and tired f tiring at the end
ofthe day. But we were never bored / boring\ The city is so interested I
interestingl We're planning to go back next year, Maybe you and mom
could join us next time.
Vocabulary Review

Match tke ttvo halves ofthese sentences. Some coufd fiove more rhan one endirig.

1. We burn only wood a. to the fire.

2. The builder is adding on b. in the fireplace

3. Ben and Sue live near th.e cily u. frum tbe

4. Jackis heating his dinner d- to ourhouse.

5. Add more wood e. in the di&ing
6. We keep our woud f. al Kay'tí houae.
7. If the weather is good, we eat outsíde gr on the pñtio.
8. The table and chairs are h. in theoven r
9. Jane is playing her new CD i. in a tiuburb,
10, The get-together will tabe place j. on the stereo.
11. I can't hear any sound k, intheahed.

EXERCISE Circle the answer to complete the sentence.

1- I have , Let's go see a

a. a fire
b. a room
c. an idea

2. Will the take place at 3:00 p.m, in your office?

a. meeting
b. solution
c. trouble

3. We1]] add on to our house beuause we need more

a. shed
b. room
c. get-together

4. John put the into the tape player.
a. CD
b. stereo
c. cassette
5. WeT add a fireplace to the den, but the kitchen until next year.
a. leave
b. heat
c. boíl
6, T don't know where he is. he went home aiready.
a, Then
b. CouJd
c- Perhaps
7. I*m really not sports.
b. interesting in
c. interested in
8. You can water very quickly in a microwave oven.
a. boil
b. leave
c. play
y. The of our new house show wherc all tho monis íiro.
a. meetíngs
b- plans
c. Solutions
10. The builder has a lot of to solve.
a. carpeta
b. rooms
c. problems
1L Dan: Tm having trouble with my stereo.
Ann: you'll have to take it to a repair shop.
a. Then
b. Near
c. Could
Grammar Reported speech

He said that
I like the new What did he Hked the new
MX-9G stereo, Matt say? MX-90 stereo.

Matt Dan Bill

Jl Dan

like the stereo.

Matt said

Wc usually have to change the subject and the verb in reported speech.

EXERCISE A Change the instructoras sentances to reported speech.

EXAMPLES: Instructor; l'm busy.

Studentl: What d\d he eay?
Student 2: He ea\d that he waa busy.

Instructor: I need a new car,

Student 2: What did he say?
Student 3: He saíd he needed a new can


EXERCISE B Repeat these dialogs after your instructor

Alan: What are you planning for your house?

Eric: I'm planning to enlarge the kitchen.
Tony: What did Eric say that he was planning for hís house?
Alan: He said that he was planning to enlarge the kitchen.

Kevin; Mark, do you know how tofixcars?

Mark: No, I don't. I'jn not a méchame.
Peter: Did Mark say he knew how to fix cars?
Kevin: No, he said that he didn't know how to fix cars and that
he wasn't a mechanic,

Mary: Jill, do you want to go to the malí with Ann and me at 3:00?
Jill: No, thank you. 1'm not fccling well, I need to rest.
Ann: Did Jill say she was going to the malí with us?
Mary: No, she said she wasn't ftjeling well, and she needed to rest.

EXERCISE C Unscramble the sentences and wrlte the responses.

1, Rick: I'm building an addition to my house.

Ann; What did Rick say?
Joe: an addition. was he that building he said
to his house.

2. Sue: I know all the answers to the quiz.

Pam; What did Sue say?
Bob: all the she knew answers said that she
to the quiz.

3. Bill: My wife enjoya studying Japanese.

Sally: What did Bill say?
Ben: that he wife said Japanese studying enjoyed his
EXERCISE D Answer the questions using reported speech.
Numbars 1 and 5 are exampies.

Amn Thomas, you're Amn Pool, I don't

O best student. You nave want you to start your
good acores. vacation next wcek.

Amn Baker, you need to Amn Scott, you don't

help rae in the office. spond eiiough time
Amn Mann, your
appointment is at 0900 Maj Black isn't coming
tomorrow. back on Friday.

Sgt Hill We aren't ffettinfí a

library this y car.

1, Amn Thomas, what did Sgt Hill say to you?

He gaid (that) I wag thg best etudent and that I had qood &core&.
2. Amn Baker, did Sgt Hill say that you needed to deán the office?

3. Amn Mann, did Sgt Hill sayyour appointment waa at 093Ü tomorrow?

4. Amn Hall, what did Sgt Hill say about the test?

5. Amn Pool, what did Sgt Hill say?

He sa id (that) hg didn't want meto start my vacatkm ng*t wegk.
6. Amn Scott, did Sgt Hill say that you spent enough time studying?

7. What did Sgt Hill say about Maj Black?

8. What did Sgt Hill say about the library?


EXERCI5E E Interview your partner and write the answers. Report 3 answers.

Síudenl Questionnaire Yes No

1. Are you tired today?

2. Are you interested in sports?

3. Do you drink coffee every day?

4. Do you like to sightsee?

5. What do you do for fun on weekends?

6- Whfin do you want to go on vacation?

7. Wherc do you want to go on vacation?

Lt Brown saíd he was tired, and he dídn t

drink coffee. He said that he wantcd to go
to the mountains on vacation.
Keading Seíecting a word with the same meanfng

Selecí ¡he tvordfs) ufith the same meaning as the italicized word(s). Círcte o, b, or c.

EXAMPLE: Ms. Kinggaüe a lecture last night. It lasted one hour. Everyone
enjoyed listening to her because her information was important and
a. played the pian ci
b. showed pictures
c. spoke on a topic

1, We gut drertcked in the storra thís aílernoon Wc had to change into dr-y
when we got home.
a. tircd
b. frigbtened
c. wet
2, John needa a lawyer to help him solve his prubleins. He's a careless driver. He
has caused too many accidents. He has not been hurt, but he may have to pay a
lot of traflic tickets and fines.
a. akind of doctor
b. a professional of the law
c. an oíd and famous teacher
3- When you heat chocolate in a pan, it will became soft, Whcín you turn oífthe
heat and let the chocolate become cool again, it will solidtfy.
a. not have any salt
b. go away
C- become hard

4- My company imports furniture, Sometimes it takes months to get the order.

Sometimes the furniture is in píeces when it arrives. It is difficult to do
business with countries that don't speak my language.
a, builds only very cxpensive things
b, brings things from one country into another
c, shows and sella expensive oíd things

Writing Undertining important Information

Read the paragropks. Underline the importa nt itwrds nnd ph rases.

EXAMPLE: The White Hoase and Its Additions

Wgrkers started building the White House in

1792. It wes very gmall at flrst, but presidents
have been adding on to it since then- The most
famous additions are theWeatWing (1902)
and the EastWing (1942). Tho President's
Oval Office and the offices of his most
important advisors (profesa! anal* whn give
advice) are in the West Wing. The East Wing
many other offices. After sil the additions, the White Hause has grown írom two
stories and 62 rooms in the past to three stories and 132 rooms today.

A Famou s American Architect: Frank Lloyd Wrighí

L Born in 1867, FYank LJoyd Wright was an architect who spent more than
70 years of his life designing and building new and wonderful places. He £rew
upinsmafl towns, near lots of nature (trees, rivers, hillñ, etcJ.Thiñ caufied him
to love nature and build Ihings to match the naLure jiround them. He built
all kinds of things: schools, office buildingst houses, bankSs and tnudí more, He
also wrote more than 20 books and íovcd to teat-'h. He started a schuul íbr
fitudent architects. He was the most important American architect when he died
in 1959.
2. Mr. WHghL's school iñ the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, He started
it in 1932 at his home in Wisconsin. The school now has two campuses where
students work in different seasons of the year. The spring campus is in
Wisconsín, and the winter campus is in Arizona, The school offers two degrees: a
Bachelor of Architectural Studíes and a Master of Architecture. The most
interesting thing about the school is the apprenticeship program, in which all
students work with professional architects for a few years. With their help,
students must design and buitd something new and different before they can

Grammar Past review

Ftll tu í/ií.' fni.tsing forms ofthe verbs. Look ai Appendix G ifyou iiced lir.lp.


1. know knew known

2. get

3. cut

4. try

5, want

6. built

7. found

8. le ave

9. kept

10, dry

11. broke

12. think

13. took

14. play

15. stood


Reading Reading a text and writing a summary

EXAMPLE: The Whiie House and Its Additions

Workers started buildíng the White House in

1792. ít was very smsll at first, but presidente
have been adding on to it since then. The most
famous additions are the West Wing (1902)
and the East Wing (1942). The President's
Oval Office and the offices of his most
important advisors (profcssionals who give
advice) are in the West Wing. The East Win^
has many other offices. After all the addítions, the White House has grown from two
stories and 62 rooms in the past to three stories and 132 COQUIS today.
Presidents have been adding on to the White House since workers fítarted
building it in 1792. The two most famuuí; additiona are the West Wing and the Eafit
Wing. Thu White House is now more than two times bigger than ít was at ílrst.

EXERCfSE A Read the paragraph. Write a summary.

Why Should I Remodel My Home?

There are two good reasons to remodel your homo. The most popular reasun is
to have a more beautiful house tu enjuy. You should think about getting a new
kitchen or bathroom. You could enlarge same rooms or add on a few. A good
choice is to add a bedroom with a bathroom. Another reason to remodel is to sell
the house. Perhaps the house is oíd and needs to look better. Maybe tlie kik'hen
is too small or the house noeds an extra bathroom. Changes that fix these
problems will bring a higher price for the house.

EXERCISE B Read Ihe paragraph.Wrlte a summary.

How Should I Remodel My Home?

One of the bestthings yon can do for your home is to add on a den. A den. is a
place for the family to do things together: relax, íalk, play games, listen to music,
and watoh TV. If you decide to add a den, be sure to get a very goud builder Tlie
builder should be able to let you see other houses where he díd sumí? work. Fmm
the inside and the outside, the addition ahould look just like the other purts uf
thehouse.Thisaddition will help get a better pnce if you ever sell youríiüuse.



VOCABULARY: Hunting and fishing in the great outdoors. . . . . . r 93

GRAMMAR: Uüíng camparativtí adverbs wilh -er .......... 97

VOCABULARY: We used to hunt deer all over. ............. 100

LISTENING: Ilcaring difíerent vowel soimds , . . . , . . . . . , ,103
GRAMMAR: Usingusedto to talk abuut tht? past .......... 104
totaikabout the past .......... 107
DIALOGS: Bofore 1 joined thc military ................ 1U9
WRITIHG: Connectíng 2 sentences . . . . . . . . ......... 111
Underlining important Information .......... 112
READ1NG: Selecting a word with the same moaning ....... 113
GRAMMAR: Past review .............. * . , . . , * . .114

READING: Summarizing a written text . . . . ..... - . . - .116

Frevietv WhaVs new ¡n Lesson 4?


Nouns verba Other ivords

country catch -* caught / caught all over
deer / deer fish farthor
duck go —* went / gone + v-ing further
fish/fish hunt hard
fishing rod kill higb
gun practice in the open
instructions prepare indoors
line shoot -* shot / shot low
outdoors uaed to more
own woxild once
pistol outdoors
plenty out-of»doors
rifle own
shot aeveral
walk slow
weapon Lwice


Did you use to fish often? TaJk and ash about past routines.
Who used to fish with you? Did you use to hunt in wiafer?
Would you fish every weekend? What would you do in wintcr?
Whcro would you go?
We didn't use to fiah uñen. We used to hunt in winter.
We would go to Bluebird Lake. We wouldn't hunt in summer.

Does he drive faster than you?

Who livcs nearer to the office than Bill?
Sara doesn't arrive earlier than Joe.


Vocabulary Hunting and fishing in the great outdoors

EXERCISE A Match the Jetter of the picture to its word, Write the letter.

1, rabbit 5. deer

2. fishing rod 6. shotgun

3 pistol 7 rifle
4, duck 8 fish

EXERCISE B Read the ad and the sentences. Write T lor true and F for false.

Tired ofivvrking indoora all day?

Do you ivant to go out-of-doors?
Go fishing on Btuebird Lake! Fishing Company

Bring your own boat and fishing

roda, ur rent some of ours. We have
lots of boats and several kinds of
rods to choose from, Need more ñshing line? Get more at our
Bluebird Lake Fishing Company Store. Tt has evprything For
the beginner to the professional fisherman, Need a fishíng
license? It's the law. We sell those, too.

When you have taught your ñsh,

you can clean your own or ask us to
do it, In fact, let us prepare dinner
for you with your own fisli at our
Bluebird Lake Fiahing Company
Restaurant, where you can eat
indoors, or enjoy eating in the open
on our patio.
Callustoday! (931)555-0972
Bluebird Lake Fiehing Company
Store & Restaurant
15044 Country Road 46
Greenwood, Colorado
7 miles wes¡ o! Hrghwsy 65 Ptiorth, Exit 182

1. The atore does not rent fishing roda, only boats,

2. At the store, you can buy everything yoii need to fifih.
3. You can go fishing on Bluebird Lake without a li
4. You can't buy a fishing license at the store.
5. The restaurant will prepare your own fish to eat.
6. The store and restaurant are on Country Road 46,
EXERCISE C Read the sentences. Cross out those that are not about hunting.

Hunting Deer with a Rifle

Instructlons for beglnners
class, then gct your hunting
license. Practice shooting at
a gun club.
2. Do not load your weapon
until you are ready to begin
3. Check that your boat and fishing rod(s) are in good shape
before you go to the lake.
4. Keep the rifle pointed in a safe direction (in the air, down to
the ground}.
5. Do not clirnb over fallen trees or fencea with a loaded gun.
Unload it first.
6. Du not put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to
take a shot.
7. If you catch a bigfish, take pictures of it, then take it off the
line and 3ct it goh to leí someone else enjoy catching it.
8. Before you shoot, check your target twice, and check behínd
ít- Remember that there are other hunters nutdoorfí with you,
but perhaps you can't see them.

EXERCISE D Draw a line fiarn each word to the word it goes with.

1, i'-lllll'. a. gun
2. loaded b. rod
3. hunting c. trees
4. fallen d. a shot
5. takc c. license

EXERCISE E Match each vocabulary Ítem with íts meaning.

1. tocatch a. inside a building

2. to shoot b. to get ready; to cook

•'i. to prepare c. to repeat an action to get better

4. to practice d. a rifle, shotgun, or pisto!
5. inatructions e. to stop and hold a peraon, Ihing, or animal
6. íishing rod f. any tool for harming or killing
7. gun g. to use a gun
8. outdoors h. outside a building; the open air
9. weapon i. dirt-ctiüus for telling how to do somethmfí

10. indoors j, a long atick with Q line for catching

EXERCISE F Complete the seniences with words from the box.

1. Dan will need a fishing rod if he wants to

2. I like to hunt because I enjoy being
3- Before you go hunting, you shoütiiifí
own your weapon at a gun club,
deer 4. Who wants to __ dinner tonight?
pistol 5. Matt shot a deer yesterday after _ for six hours,
caught 6, Will you buy your _ boat instead of renting
hunting 7. Do we need to buy morefishing_ bef'ore we go?
8, You should use a rifle, not a pistol, to hunt a --
9. A rifle is a longer gun than a _ --
10. Yesterday I ___ three fian for dinner.


(Srammar Using comparative adverbs with +er

Jim can rían/así. Rick can run

> faster than Jim,

Rick can ron faster than Jim (can}.

EXERCISE A Read the sentences. Underline the adverbs.

Number 1 is an exampfe.

1. Joe is hitting the baseball high. but Al is hitting it higher than -Joe (is).
2. Jane left the house carly, but Suc left. the house earlier than Jane (did).
3. Bill works hard, but Dan works harder than Bill (doesl,
4. I live near the school, but you live nearer than I do.
5- Your bus arrived late today, but their bus arrived later than youra (did).
6. Airrnan Jones is standing straight, but Airman Brown is standing straighter,
7. The soldiers walked far today, but they walked farther yesterday.
8. Some planes can fly low, but heticopters can fly lower than planes (can).
9. The major speaks slow, but the colonel speaks slower than the major (does).
10, The teacher will arrive socn, but the students arrived sooner than expected.
EXERCISE B Write answers to the question3. Use adv&rbs with -er.
Numbtíi-1 is an example,

1, Kay lives one block from the malí. Ann lives five blocks from the malL Who
livcs nearer to the malí?
Kay \\vee nearer to the malí than Ann (doeg),
2. Patty gol up at 5:30 thia morning, John got up :it fí:15.
Díd John get up earlier than Patly?

3. Lt James has run 4 miles today. Lt Hill has run 3.5 miles.
Who has run farther today?

4. Hank and Fred wash cars for extra money on weekenda. Big cars take
20 minutes to wash. Small cars take 15 minutes to wash-
Which kind of car can they wash faster?

5. Mfi. Cox planned her get-together for 7 o'clock last night. The peoplc arri
at 6:45, Did they come on time or soaner than expected?

6. Larry can't hit the target. George hits it evcry time.

Can Larry shoot straighter than George?

7. Sgt Dunn has shot the target right in the center Sgt Creen has shot it
above the center Who has shot higher?

S. The post office here closed at 1700. The post office duwntown closed at 2100,
Which po&t office closed later?

9, The speed limit near the school is 20 m,p,h. The speed limit on the highway
is 65 m.p,h. Where do people drive slower?

10. Ron is a mailman. His hours are 5:30 a.m, to noon. Bob works for a bank.
Hiji hours are 9:30 a.m. to 5 o'clock. Does Ron work longer than Bob?
EXERCISE C In paira, ask and answer quostions about íhe Information,


Results: Top 2 Finishers

minutes ; aeconds
¿F SWIMMING 500 yarda
Lisa K 02:44
Wendy B. 02:48

cM-, BIKING 12 miles

2 Wendy B.
Sandra L.


3 miles
19; 10

SHOOTING 20shots(pistolk

^ AnnS, 13 center shota

10 center shots
Lisa K-

Did Wendy arrive sooner

than Sandra in the biking?
Vocabulary We used to hunt deer all over.

Bob: Look at Ihese mapa! Tnis new map

shows how big Huntingtown haa grown
in 30 years, Look how small it is on this
oíd map froni 30 years ago!
Jim: Do you remember when we were young,
the trees used to be all arnund our
house? We lived in the country.
Bob: Yes, and we couLd go huntinR1 all over,
Now the animáis live further away Jrom
ufi. We didn*t use to drive an hour to f^o
Jim: No, wc didn't. It would takc only 30
minutes to get far away from town to the
middle of'the ernjntry.

Huntingtown today Bob: I remember the íirst time we went

hunting together. We were, what, 16? 177
We needed the whole mornmg just lo get
ready. It was noon before we started.
Then we got lost more than once!
Jim: Yes, we had to cross the river several
times because we were going in uirtledf
And we went hungry that ni^ht because
we didn't kill anything for diiincr thot
Bob: I remember when we used to go for
walks in our own neíghborhood. We
would really feel like we were in the
country, not in the suburbs.
Jim: You're right. We wouldn't aee anothcr
car on our road more than twice a day
because alniost no one lived fartlier nut
Huntingtown 30 years ago than us. It was so quiet.
Bob: Now our neighborhood has plenty of
trees/CQimtry houses and stores—and noise. I can't
believe it. I miss the past.
town Jim: Those were the days!

EXERCISE A Read the sentences, WriteT for true and Ffor false.

1. There are more houses now than there were 30 years ago.

2. The animáis are now only a few miles away,

Ü. Bob and Jim only had to drive an hour to go hunting 30 years ago,

4. They needed only 2 hours to get ready to himt for the first time.

5. They got bst two or more times on their first hunting trip,

6. They had nothing to cat for dinnor because thcy killcd nothíng,

7. They used to ttve on a quiet country road.

S. They like all the chances in the neighborhood.

EXERCISE B Match each vocabulary item with its meaning.

1. twice a. two times

2. walk b. farther; also more

3. in the open c. a short trip on foot

4. once d. to cause to stop living

5. severa! e. more than 2; not many

6. country f. land outaide a city or town

7. further g. everywhere

8- all over h. every part of

9. whole i. outaide

10. kiíl j r more than enough

11. plenty k r one time

Note: Further and faríher are hoth comparativas of far, but further also
means more. For examplet 1 want further instructions before I starl.
EXERCISE C Complete the sentences with words from the box.

country plenty all over

welk more once
kiiling whole in the open

1. We moved away from the city to enjoy living out herc in the
2- Do you need the box of cnlnr pencils or just a few from it?

3, I don't want any cake. Tve had of dessert already.

4. Jill doesn't want to run today, bul she would like to go for a
5. I'd like to catch a fish just one time today, just !
6. Are there fish only in some parts of the lake or

1. The students were tired of studying inside, so they ate lunch

8. I don't enjoy catching and fish. I take them off the fishing
line and let them go back in the water.
9. Have you eaten enough fish for lunch, or do you want

EXERCISE D Reviewthevocabularyof this unit in 2 groups.

In turn, eaeh group gives a definitivn ofo word. The other group has foguesa íhe word.

This word means you

have more than you need
of something.


Ustening Hearing different vowel sounds

book boat pot boy bike

/a/ /ai/

EXERCISE tM Listen. Circle the letler of the word that is different.

1. a. b. c. 5. a. b. c. 9. a. b. c.

2. a. b. c. 6. a. b. c. 10. a. b. c p

3. a. b. c. 7. a. b. c. 11. a. b. G.

4. a. b. c, 8, a. b. c. 12. a. b. C•

EXERCISE B Listen and repeal. Wrile the word in the column with lEs sound.

moon book boat pot boy bike

Grammar Using used to to talk about the past

Alien, do yo u remember when Yes, Gary, I remember,

we started our company? We We didn'í use to have enuugh
used to build only a few houses work. Now we have too
in a year. much work.

V Used to means aomething happened regularly or existed in the past, but not anymori.

EXEflCISE A Listen. Put a check under PAST or NOW.


have6 workers

2. have L secretary D
3, have 1 computer D
4, drive trucks D
5. work on Saturdays


feel sick and tired

EXERCISE B Read and repeat these sentoricos after the Instructor.

1. The captain used to smokc, but he stopped lasl year.

2. The soldiers didn't use to FUD often. Now they run every day
3. My instructor used to get angry because I used to be late to class.
4. A; Did Lt Hill use to play football for the Army?
E: No, he didn't. He used to play for the Air Forcé.
5. A: Did you use to exercise more before than yon do now?
B: Yes, I díd, but now I don't have enough time.
6. A: Where did yon use to live?
B: I used to live in Spain, Now I live in England,

EXERCISE C Fillin the blanks wlth i/sed toor use to and the verb in (J,

He used to run.

Did he useftto run?

V In questiona ivith did, use use to instead of used lo.

1. A: Bob doesn't look like he did iii college.

B: No, he doesn'L He (have) hair.
2, A; Did you know that Wendy can speak Spanísh?
B; Yes, she (live) in México.

. A: Did you (be) a student here?

B: Yes, and now Fm an instructor here.

4. A: Did a post offíce (be) here?

B: No, but there (be) a school here.

5. Who (live) in a small town?

6. Where did you (work) ?

7. What did you (do) on vacatíon wThen you were a child?

EXERCISE D Ask and answer questions about the past. Use use(d) to.
Ask athür siudents questions fihaut these past habiís and conditions. Starr yaur quentiorts
with the datiste, "When you were ackiid..."When someone saya yus, write the ñame ío
the sentence. Number 1 Is an exc

EXAMPLE: Lt Sims: When you were a child, did you use to go for walks?
LtChip: No,Idídn'L
Lt Sims: When you were a child, did you use to go fur walka?
Lt Hart: Yes, I did, I used to go for long walka.

^ used to go for walka.

2, fc used to read a lot ofcomic hooks*.

3. _ used to play with toy cura and trsins.

4. . used tr> climb trees.

5. used to help the parents around the home.

6. used to like watching cariouna**.

7. uaed to have a pet (dog, cat, etc.)

8. . used to be thinner

Yest I did, When you

When you were a child, did were a child, did you
you use to go for walks? use to havc a pet?
Ora m mar Us'mg would to talkabout thepast

Before I was in the

Before I was in the military» military, I wouldn't get up
I would get up early to go till 10:00 a,m. on Saturdays
fishing on Saturdays^

*** Would means somethrng happened regularfy in the past, but not anymore.

EXERCISE A Read and repeat these sentences after the instructor.

1. Before Ijoined the military, I would spend all weekend playing soccer.
2. When I was a child, my mother would cook a big dinner on Sundays,
3. Before we carne to the US, we'd never eat fast food.
4. Captain Grant wouldn't speak loudly when he waa giving us work to do.
5- I'd fish all day when I had the time ten years ago.
6. Bufare sh*? had childrt-n. she'd spend her money On clothes and movies.

7. Would you spend your money on toys when you were a child?
8. Wliere would your family go on vacations?
9. Why would you hide under the bed when you were a child?
EXERCISE B Read thestoryand underline would-t- verb.
Thf otie is an example.

Before Paul was in the military, his life was very different from the way it ifi
now He would stay up late at night, and he would get up late in the morning. He
didn't nave good health habits, so he would never go for walks or work aut. Hu
wouldn't buy foods that were good for his health. He bought chips and hamburgera
instead because he thought they tasted better. He enjoyad havinglots of friends and
liked to talk to them often, so they would cali him flt any time during the day or
night to talk. He a]so liked to play loud music un his sterco, so his neigllbors would
have to ask him to turn down the aound at 10:00 p.m. fie was still a single man, and
ifi parents would ask him to come for dinner on Sundays.

EXERCISE C Answerthequestions with woutdor woutdn't.

1. Would Paul stay up late before he was in the military?

2. When would Paul get up?

3. How often would Paul go for walks or work out?

4. What would Paul buy mstead of good fo<Jd to eat?

5. Would Paul's friends cali him only during the day?

6. Why would PauFs neighbors ask him to lurn down his stereo?

7. Where would he go on Sundays for dinner?


Pialogs Befare Ijolned the military...

Listen ond repeat the sentences after the instructor.

1. I would
Fd play soccer in the evening.
I used to

2. I would
Fd go to the movies every weekend.
1 used to

3. I would
I'd do laundiy every Saturday.
I used to

4- I would
I'd go fishíng at the lake near my home.
I used to

6. I would
I'd spend my vacations in the mountaina.
I used to

6. I would
I'd spend hours on the computer every day
1 used to

EXERCfSE A Change the sentences above to yes/no questions.

Use both usetoan<¿ would- Ask yourportner the questions,
EXAMPLE: Si: Would you play soccer in the evening?
32; Yes,Iwould,/No P Iwouldn t t.
Si; Did you use to play soccer in thtí evt-ning?
S2: Yes,Idid./No,Ididn í t.
EXERCISE B Ask & answer questions about the pasl BEFQRE a big change.
Write your <twn queslions in numbers 7 and I I . interview your partrter.

A. Choose a big change in your ufe

You gradúa ted from school You bought a house,

You joined the militara You had childrerL
You got married. other

B. Talk about PASTHABITSffom before with wouldand usedto.

1. How would you spend your free time before [big changel?
2. Who would you spend ynur free tirnc with?
3. How often would you goout?
4. Wliat did you use to apend your money on?
5. When would you get up on weekends?
6. Where did you use to go on vacations?

7. .

C. Tatk about PAST CONDiTIONS from before with tise(d) tú only.

8. Where did you use to live?

9. Did you use to be more happy or less happy?
10. Who used to be your best friend?


How would you

spend your frutí time Before I got married,
before you got Fd spend a lot oftime
married? on the computer.


Writing Connecting 2 sentences

Combine the sentenees witk and, or, but, or so.

EXAWPLE: Al and Joe wanted to go hunting early in the morning.

They decided to sleep out-of-doors.
Al and Joe wanted to go hunting early in the morning, so they

dscided to sleep out-of-doors.

. They hunted all weokend. Al shot a deer on Sunday moming.

2. They were very tired. They had a good time.

3. They couldn't eat the whole deer, They gave some to their nei

4, Next time, they can go hunting again. They could go físhing.

5. They're going to the lake. They hope to catch a lot of fish.

6. They have to leave at 4:00 a.m, They should go to bed by 10:00 p.m.

7. They want to go to bed early They have ;L lot of things to prepare íirst.

8. They might spcnd all Saturday fishing. They tould wail till Sunday
Writing Underlining ímportant Information

Read tke paragrapk. Write the tapie, mam idea, and tifie. Then underiine the Ímportant
and phrases.

Many towns and cities in the US

have deer i Kai live in theír parks. In
some of theae parka, there are UHJ
raany deer for them to live healthily.
In the paat, the deer used to have
plenty of food to eat, bul thure wy¿
mm nothiiig, like animáis or hontcrs, tu
7 ggfr,t. ',S£2£ BMSaoÉÉ
?*JKB keep their numbers low. They don't
have enough to eet now, so they get
sick. The deer also go onto the roads and cause automobíle accidenta, In the
last few years, many of these towns and cities have had to decide what to do
with the extra deer Same places let hunters kill the deer and sell the raeat. Of
course, animal lovera don't like that solution, so many places catch the deer
and send thom to wildlife parka where other wild animáis live,

Main Idea;



Reading Selecting a woici wilh the same meaning

Sefect the word(s) with the same meaning as the italicized

1. The flowers in our garden looked terrible. There were a lot of bugs, and all
the leaves íooked brown. We put apesticide on the ílowers. We think it helped
because all the bugs got sick and died ímmediately.
a. something that killa bugs
b. something that covers flowers
c. fuud for flowers
2. When Tom first told me aboot bnying a new tnick, I didn't believp it was a
good idea. Later, he gave me further information about the truck. His idea
atarted to aoimd good. He convinced me to help him buy the truck.
a. changed my mind
b. let me
c. wrote to me
3. Usually, the laat train of the night from the auburbs to the city has only a few
people on the whole train. It is practicaliy empty.
a. almost
b. very
c. always
4. We need to repair thcportion of the wall under the window. That part alwaya
becomes wet when it rains.
a. fihape
b. piece
c. aign
5. We didn't have a car on our last vacation, but transportation wasn't a problem.
We were able to get a bus or taxi everywhere,
a. akindof food
b. money
c. ways to travel
Grammar Past review

FUI in the missing ffrrms ofthe verbs. Louk oiAppendix G ifyou tieed help.


1. show

2. made

3. cut

4, leave left

5, hunt

6, sold

1. kill

S. caught caught

9- ring

10. shot

11. forget forgot

12. grown

13. bring brought

14. seem

15. fcll


EXERCISE Complete the sentences with the verbs in the gray box.

rung made shot left.

flhowu fbrgotten taken cut
caught fallen grown sold

1. The oven is broken and we haven't your birthday cake yet.

2. The phone has about 15 times in the last hour.

3, James has twice on that slippery flúor.

4, Will hasn't his rifle in over five years, so he can't shoot well.

6, Your chíldren have taller since I last SQw thcm.

6. Tom hasn't any fish yet this morning.

7. Have you how to get to Harry's house?

8. You can't see Pat now because ahe has already íbr the day.
9. Tim has . enough wood for the whole winter.

10. Jim and Barbara have therr house and moved to Texas.

11. Lisa, have you your book back to the library?

12. Ron has us his pictures before.

Reading Summarízing a written text

Read each paragríipk. Think obout the moiti poinls of&ach. Get (i.
one paragrapk for your partner. Then lisien tu your partner's RUfnmory aftíie other

US Foresta and Fires

A. The USA has thnusands of forests which face

the problem of forest fires. For over 100 years, the
American government tried to manage forest fires
by keeping them from ever starting. If a fire started,
firemen put it out quicEdy. But in the last 20 yeara,
the governrnent has learned that forests occasionally
need fireg. Foresta can get too ftill of oíd treea and
leavcs, and fires clean the foresta by burning thoae,
without killing the treey. Because foreats did noL
have any fires for so many years, now many foresta
are full of oíd, dry wood. Some of those forests have
caught fire and have had the worst firea ever aeen
becauae they had too much oíd wood. Now the
government manages forest fires by letting some of
the firss burn while watching them careñilly.

B. People cauae two of every

thr«e forest fires, usually by
accident. For 50 yeara, the
government has used a black
bear in cartoons to apeak about
foreat fires. The cartoons are on
TV. The bear's ñame ís Smokey
Bear. The government thinka that
Smokey Bear has helped people
stop causing fires. Smokey tells
people to be careful when they
use ñre in the forest. Forexample, if they make a small fire to cook fbod, they
should use water to put out the fire when they have finíshed cooking, Also, people
who smokE- rnust be suri? to put out theír cigaretlea completely. This and other
information have helped people be more careful about using fire in the foreat.


tr O
EXEPCISE A Select the best answer.

1. Bill: Where do you live now?

Tim: In Chicago there for a year,
a. Tve lived
b. I live
c. I'm livíng
d. I lived
2. Mel haan't caten in that restauran!
a. three wetsks ago
b. for many years
c. ycstcrday
d. last night
The plañe is flying _ the helicopter because it's landing.
a. low
b. iower
c. low than
c. lower than
4. The Smiths arrived an hour ago. We didn't thom to arrive so early
a. edúcate
b. expect
c. blow
d. belong
5. After four years, ahe got (ai from high schooL
a. breeze
b. humidity
c. diploma
d. instructiona
6. Let's thia weekend.
a. go hunted
b. going hunt
c. go hunting
d. hunting


7. If time to travel this summer, where will you go?
a. ha ve you
b. you have
c. you will have
d. will you have
8. the new movie yet?
a. Are you seeing
b. Do yo u see
c. Will you aee
d. Have you seen
9. They me a Job, bul I had to say no.
a. ofíered
b. retired
c, slipped
d, solved
10. I don't like the weather here. It's very
a. unpleasant
b- medical
c, professional
d. slippery
11- Do you know what you want? Did you your mind?
a- make up
b. olear up
c. think over
d. turn down
12. They haven't called my ñame
a. no longer
b. instead
c. yet
d. still
a. interested
b. interesting
c. interested by
d. interesting by

EXERCISE B Write sentenccs. Use trie 2 words ¡n any order.

Nurnber 1 is an example.

1. enlarge / patio Nextyear we w\\\ the patio.

2. build / additioa
3. uould use / vacati.on
4. turn down/offer
5. addon/den
6. shoot/duck
7. career / college
8. breezea / beach
9. wood / fireplace
10- walk / outdoors

EXERCISE C Write questions. Usethe 2 words ¡nany order.

1 íind 2 are exampies.

. discuss / problem jjavg discuseed the problem with your

2. you ha^c a flrgplace in your dining room?

3. field / diploma
4. ducka/kill
5. build/shcd
6- courses /take
7. clouds / blow away
8. boíl /water
9. still / get together
10. climate / unplcasant

EXERCISE D Use reported speech to answer questions about dlalogs.

EXAMFLE: Ann: Do Alice and Larry have a big house?

Ben: No, they have a smaJl house.
What did Ben say?
said Cfchat] Alicé and Larry had a smal

1. Ann: Do they want to enlarge their house?

Ben: Yes, they want to add on a den and a patio,

2- Ann; Do they have a ñreplace?

Ben: Yes, they have two fireplaces.
What di d Ben say?

3. Aun: Can we heal the chiuken in the oven?

Alicc: Yes, but the microwave heats food fasler than the oven.
Whal did Alice say?

4. Ann: Where are the bedrooms?

Alice: They're upstairs.
What did Atice gay?

5, Ann: Do you like having get-togethers at your house?

Alice: Yes, the whole family gets together every few months.
What did Alice say?

6. Ann: Is your dining room big enough Ibr the whole family?
Alice: No, some of the chíldren eat in the kitchen.
What did Alice say?

EXERCISE E Complete the sentences wlth your own ideas.

Number 1 ¿s an sxample.

1. ]fa Qood movie comee on the TV at 9:OO p.m. i W0n't go to bed early.

2. , FU cali my family today.

3. 11 can study in the library.
4. if it raine this weekend-
5. if I pasa the bouk quiz.
S. iFJ'm hungry at noun.

EXERCISE F Listen and complete the sentences. Then repeatthe dialoga.

1. Dave; Where's Dan? We planned to get together and study tunighl.
Mark: He - be in the barracks. I saw him there a minute agu,
Dave: Tve already looked there. Wherc eise he be?
Mark: He has a test tomorrow, so he be in tha librury.
Dave: Which one? The base library or the school library?
Mark: I'm not sure. He be at the school library, but, T knnw
he uses both.
Dave: Thanks. Til try both places.

2- Lee: Harry called. He said he be late because he'a liaving

troubie with his cer- What _ be the matter with his car?
Robín: It be anything. His car is very oíd.
Lee: Yes, it is. It be the tires. They seemed low yesterduy.
Robín: Orit be the motor. It really sounded noisy. Tt
just neod a tune-up.
Lee: it's the lights. Maybe he stopped to fij( them.
Rubín: Like I saidt when a car's that oíd, it be anything.


EXERCISE G Gírele all the answers that can be true.

1. A. Ann voíunteers twice a week,

a. To volunteer means to work out.
b. Tu voiunteer means to work to get extra raoney.
c. To uoluníeer means to work for no money.

B. Ann voíunteers twice a week to help her son's teacher.

a. To uoiunteer means to work out.
b- To uolufiteer means to work to get extra money.
c. To volunteer meana to wurk for no money,

C. Ann uolunteers twice a week without pay to help her sün's teacher.
a. To voiunteer means to work out.
b. To volunteer means to work to get extra money.
c. To voiunteer means to work for no monuy»

2. A. I don't want to live in a metrópolis.

a. A metrópolis is a bíg city.
b. A metrópolis is a sm&li, oíd house,
c. A metrópolis is an apartment in a big building.
B. I don't want to live in a metrópolis that is big, noisy, and crowdcd.
a. A metrópolis is a big city
b. A metrópolis is a sma.ll, oíd house.
c. A metrópolis is an apartment in a big building.
C. I don't want to live in a metrópolis that is big, noisy, and crowded with
too many cars, trains, and people,
a. A metrópolis is a big city.
b. A metrópolis is a small, oíd house.
c. A metrópolis is an apartment in a big building.
3, A, Let's goto the firing range.
a. Afiring range is another ñame for the place where you work.
b. A. firing range is a place to learn how to make things.
c. A firing range is a place to practice shooting a gun,
B. Let's ga to the firing range after work.

a. A. firing range is another ñame for the place where you work.
b. A firing range is a place to learn how to make things.
c. A firing range ís a place to practico shooting a gun,
C. Let's go to Ú^e firing rouge after work to get ready to gu hunüng ín a week.

a. A firing range is another ñame for thü place where you work.
b. A firing range is a place to learn how to make things,
c. A firing range is a place to practice shooting a gun.

4- A, Henry wasn't happy with his income.

a. An income is the money you receive for working.
b. An income is a part of your body.
c. An income is a kind of Job in a very big company,

B. Henry wasn't happy with his income, 30 he wanted to chango joba.

a. An income is the money you receive for working.
b. An income is a part of your body.
c. An income is a kind of Job in a very big compauy.

C, Henry wasn't happy with his income, so he wanted to change Jobs to get
more money.
a. An income is the money you receive for working.
b. An income is a part of your body.
c. An income is a kind of job in a very big compauy.

EXERCISE H Write sentences with the -erform of the sdverb.

Number 1 is an example.

1, John arrived at 0900. Bob arrived at 1000. (early)

John arrivcd earlierthan Bob (did).

2. Bill drives 55 m,p r h. Sara drives 65 m.p.h. ífast)

3. Sam went 200 miles to hunt deer. Henry went 150 miles.

4, The Smiths left the party, Then the Johnsons lea. (SUUH)

5- Frank walks two miles in an hour. Ted walks four miEes in an hour. (slow)

6- Mary's flight lasted eight hours. Jane's flight iasted four hours.

7. Hank shot the target once. Will shot the target every time. [straíght)

8- Stan scored 84 on the test. Ann scored 80. (low)

9, Jan lives next door to me. Pat lives across town. (ñutir)

10, Sam got to class at 7:45, Dan got to class at 8:00. Cíate)

EXERCESE I Complete the sentences with the words m the box.

except remain instead

ever humid none
lasted alipped expectE to

1. Linda wantsto here until the summer.

2. The rnovie moro Lhan three hours.

3. Pete on the icy road and fell.

4. Lt Dunn , travel to Egypt nest week.
5. Freddoesn'thaveany books, so of those hooka are his.
6, This hot afternoon i 9 bccause it rained thie morning.
7. Everyone is here .Mary. She's sick.
8. He doesn't like movies. He doesn't go to the mouioa.
9. It's too hot outdoors, FU stay indoors

EXERCISE J Complete the sent&nces with the words In the box.

take place be over turn down

cJimate ata teke
several whole no longer

1. Rob will the job offer He doesn't want it.

2. When the weather's great all the time, we say the is pleasant.
3. Next year, I want to some courses at the college.
4. We livi; in New York. We moved to Florida,
5. The is full of salty water.
6. They want to leave now. Will the show soon?
7. Did yon study the book or just parts of it?
8. We need more than two pens. Please give ua
9. Where are we supposed to go? Where will the meeting

EXERCISE K Hli In the blank with the correct adjective.

1. The builder was by the plans.

confiísed / canfusing

2. They were in the plana for the get-together.

interested / interesting

3- Emmawas about Dan's Ídi?as for tht? paríy.

excited / exciting

4. The movie on the TV was

5. The child wanted the light on to fall asleep.
frightened / frightening

6. The exercises were. for the new people.

tired / tí ring

7. The solution to the problem is tome.

8. Fred thought that the suburbs weren't very

excited / exciting

9. The storm last night was too to get any sleep.

frightened / frightening

10. The language CDs were tous.

interested / interesting

11. The children didn't like the oíd movie and were _
bored / boring

12. Jim went to bed late. The next day he was very
tired /tiring
EXERCISE L Use the words in the box to complete the sen ten ees.

already no longer yet still anymore any longer

1. You're only 15, Are you preparíng to go to collegc?

2. Don now works at a different bank. He doesn't work here
3. Has Wendy gotten her degree?
4. Your frietlds have talked for years about seeing New York. Have they vi&ited
New York ?
5. We moved. We 1 i ve in Chicago.
6. Mary doesn't heve her diploma,
7. Ed hasn't made up his mind about his career
8. I haven't stopped. I'm taking courses in French.
9. Jill changed her mind. She wants to get a
10. WeVe raade up our mínds. We don't want to discuss it

EXERCISE M Use forof sincetG complete the time phrases.

for a week Iperiod. of time)

Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun | Mon Tuo
• » since Monday (point in time)

1. last Tuesday 6. September 4th

2. last week 7. 3:00 p.m.
3. a few weeks 8. a quarter of an hour
4. nine days 9. noon
o. 2003 10. about a monlh

EXERCISE N Use the present perfect and /or or since lo make sentences.

Use controctiotift. Number 1 is an example.

1. Bill / not study / Spanish / he waa a child

haen't etudigd Spanigh gince hg was a chfU.

2. Kevín / work / at the post oílice / more than 20 years

3- We / see / that movie / twice / it opened a month ago

4. Betty/have/herhuutíü/2003

5. I / be / here / three montha

6. Sue and Jane / not visít / thoir mother / last summer

7. Mr. Kent / teach / math / about 11 years

B. Joe and I / Uve / in this oíd house / only a few nionths

9. You / not cook / a meal / you broke your arm

10. I / not buy / any carsdy / many wecks

EXERCISE O Complete the dialoga with words from the boxes.

excited coursea matead of universiries

offers career accept

Tota: What has Dan decided to do about the job

Bill: He's decided to the one in Dallas,
Tom: the one in Houston? Why did he do that?
Bill: Theyll pay him well, and he wants to take aome
at one of the there.
Tom: I think that's a great idea for his
Bill: Yes, he's about the futuro.

thought decided changed niy mind

think it over decisión choice

2. Sue: What are you going to do for your vücation next month?
Tina: Tve to go tu the numiiUiins.
Sue: I you were going to go to the beach.
Tina; I after I began to
I like walking in the mtmntains better than swimming at the beach.
Sue: Are you Hure of your this time?
Tina: Yest this is the Til be happie&t with-

hard instructions fishing rod

line catch outdoors fiah

3. Jim; Let's ^at thelake. Doyouhave a

Ann: Yes, I do. I really like being at the lake.
Jim: Me, too, Will you need any on how tú fian?
Ann: I don't think so. I know I 3hou]d pulí in the slowly.
Jim: That's right. Don't pulí it . or you may lose the fish.
Ann: Okay. I hope we lots ofíísh tüday!
EXERCISE P Draw a une from each numbered word to the letter it goes with.

1. go for a a. a Job offer

2. take some b. from a career
3. tum down c, walk
4. make up d, outdoors
5. retire e. weather
6. solve £ aproblein
7. the great g, uuurses
8. freezing h, yuur mind

EXERCISE O Use and, or, but or so to complete the sentences.

1. Do you have to leave today, can you waít until tomorrow?

2. We like to go hunting, we like to go flshing, too.
3. Fd like to go with you, I don't feel well.
4. Lt Kidd doesn't play soccer often, he plays wull.
5. Ann broke her CD player last week, she bought a new one.
6. Fred's rifle doesn't work anymore, his pistol nt-t-ds repairs.
7. Do you like your new technical course, are you gomg tn chfmge it?
8. You can spend the weekend thinking over the problem, you can talk it
ovür with me nowr
9, Henry tüuk aeveral shots at the ducks, he didn't hit any.
10. She wants to show her friends the addition to her house, she's planned
a get-together for next Saturday.
11. We used to go for walks in the park near our house, we'd play baseball
and football there.
12. Did they eat the whole pie. have they left any for us?
13. Emily no longer wants to work in Chicago, 's ut:cepted a Job in
EXERCISE R Write answers to the questions. Use used to.

Write a qitestion with used to in number 5.

1. What did you uae to do before you started the Job you have now?

2. When you were younger, did you use to p]ay any sports?

3. Did you use to Uve ín a city or in the country when you were little?

4. When you were a child, did you use to help your parents around the house?

EXERCISE S Write answers to the questlons. Use would.

d qaextifHi with would in number 5.

1. When you were a child, what would you do during summer vacction?

2. What would you do for fun when you were younger?

3. Who would you spcnd the most time with before you graduated from school?

4. When you were younger, what wouíd you do on weekendsV


EXERCISE T Read the paragraphs. Wnte thc iopic and main idea.

María Montessori: An Italia ti Editcator

1. María Montessori was a doctor and cducator in Italy almos! 100 years ago. In
1907, she started a difierent kind of school for childrcu in a poor neighborhood
near Rome. The school was called The Children's House. The achool became
very famous quickly because thc childrt-n learned so much in a short time.
Professionals came írom all over the world to watch her classes and teacherü.
By 1915, more than a hundred Montessori achoola opened in countries around
the world, most in the USA.
Main Idea: .

2. At first, there were many Montessori schools in the USA. Then in 1914» two
famous profcssionals in American eduííation said that Dr. Montessori's schooJs
were not good. After that, most of them closed. Today, there are again many
Montessori schools in the USA because parents now think that they are very
good. Most of them are prívate schools, and parentshave to pay tosead their
children there, Most oí these schools are for childron in elementary suhuol
through middle school. Theae schools give a choice to parents who want a
difTerent kind of school for their child.
Main Idea:

EXERCISE U Select one of the paragraphs. Summarize it orally for a partner.

( María Montessori...
EXERCISE V Read and underline the important words and phrases.

Wlial is so dlfferent about Montessori schools? Dr, Montessori had a ncw way of
thinking about children and education. She believed that children love to learn if
the teacher gives them choíces about what to learn and when to learn it. The
teacher is supposed to watch carefully to SGC whon a chi]d is ready to learn
something new. Thcn the teacher has to give the child the right toóla and the right
inatructions. The teacher starts teaching the child alune or in groups if others want
tojoin. After that, the teacher then watches and helps only if a child or group wants
help.This kínd of education foliows the idea that teaching (math yr reading, for
example} should take place only when a child is ready lo learn, not when the school
schedule says it's time to teach something.

EXERCISE W Match each vocabulary Ítem with its opposite.

1. turndown a. -a¡"

2. several b. begin
3. quiet c. not enough
4. be over d. hot
6. further e. noisy
G. dangerous f. few
7. freezing & high
8. low h. ncarer
9. plenty i. accept
]Q. prohlem j. solution

EXERCISE X Write the past participle of the verb to complete the sentences.

1. Have you ever at thti Fuur Seasons Restaurant?


2. It's only 8:00 a.m., and the phone has aíready ten
3, Pathasn't _ her delidous cake in a long time.
4. Tom has to the gym every day since last month,

5, Mary has _ that ugly car for ñve yi?ar^.

6, The Millers have already their house in Dallas.

7. Mrs. Jones has the new bike xintil her 3onh3 birtliday.
8. Has Rita to meet her friends añer work?
9. Eric has never a deer bofore.
10. Tho scrgeant has alrcady s to clean the harracks,

11. Have you ever me your new CD player?


12. Mr. Milla has math for many years.

13. Pete has lots of fish in the lake near his home.
14. HasRick . all his clothes in the closet?
EXERCISE Y In palrs, ask and answer questions vvith Have you ever....

Use the present perfect in your questions. Use the past in yoítr answers ifyou wartt tngive
üs. Use the words in the boxes or use your own.

Haveyou ever... ?

eat chenies com

see deer snow
goto England Japan
study Chínese French
watch a black & while movie a ñinny movie
read a long book a boring book
buy a sports car a motorcyde
lose apieceof clothing a watch
find a purse $20 or more
have enough time enough money

Yes, I liave. I found

Have you ever found 0-billinthest
$20 or more? ten years age.


discussion .................. . , . .2
accept ............. . ............ 2 duck ........... . ............... 4
add on ..................... . . . .3 during ......................... 1
addition ....... . ...... . ......... 3
all over ............... .......... 4 edúcate ........................ 2
already. . , - ...... . ............ . . 2 education ........... . ........... 2
degree ................. 2 educator ................. ....... 2
B elementary school- ............... 2
bachelor's degree ................. 2 enlargc ................. . ....... 3
be • was/been ovcr 1 ever ..... . . .................... 1
beach .......... - 1 .......................... I
1 (tu) ...................... 1
blow * blew/bJown 1
boil 3 farther (adv) ... - ................ 4
breeze ..,,,. 1 íield ........................... 2
build -+ büilt/buílt 3 fire ............................ Ü
builder ......................... 3 fireplace- , , - - ................... 3
burn ................. . ....... . , 3 fish/íish ........................ 4
fish .............. >\
calm ............ . .............. 1 fishing rod , . , , - ................. 4
career .......................... 2
cassette . . . . . ...... . ...... . ..... 3 írightened ...................... 1
catch * cauglit/caught ....... . . . . 4 further . . , , . ...... . ............. •!
CD ............................ 3 future .......................... 2
change nne's mínd. ............... 2
choice. . . , - , ................... .2 get-to^pther ................ . . . . . 3
clcar ............. - ............. 1 get -* got/gnttfin togülhur ......... ü
clear up . . - - - ................... 1 go * went/gone + verb-ing ..... ... 4
grade ........... . ...... . ....... 2
colJege ......................... 2 gun ............................ 4
cnnfused .............. . ...... - - , 2 H
confusing ....... . . .............. 2 hard <adv) ................ ...... 4
could .......................... 3 heatíii) ........................ 1
tould use . . ..................... 1 heat(ví ........................ 3
country ........... . , , . . , , . ..... 4 high (adv) ...................... 4
íourse ............. - - ...... - , . . 2 high achool ..................... 2
humid . . . . . ...... . ...... . ...... 1
dnngerous ...................... 1 humidity ....................... 1
decisión ............... . ........ 2 hunt (v'i ............ . ...... . . . . . 4
deep .......................... .1
deer/deer ....................... 4 idea ......................... ..3
degree ..... . . . . . ............... 2 if .............................. 1
den ............................ 3 in the open ....... . .............. 4
dining room ..................... 3 indoors ........................ 4
... 2 instcad ............ . , ........... 2
,2 instead of . . .2

insUuctions --,,. 4 ....... 2
interested (in), 3 riñe ........................... 4
room. . . , . . ............. . ....... 3
sea ......................... ... 1
kill aeveral ........ - ...... - ........ . 4
shed ........................... 3
last 1 shoot ~* ñhot/ñhat ...... - , ........ 4
Leave -* left/left 3 shot .................. ......... 4
like 1 slip .................. . ......... 1
line 4 slippery. ....................... 1
low (adv) 4 slow (adv) .................... ,,4
M ao ............................. 2
make -* made/made up nne's mind.. 2 solution ........................ 3
mQster'e dcgree,.,, - 2 solve .......................... 3
medical . , - - - 2 speaker ........................ 3
meeting 3 stayílvHv) ..................... 1
middle school,. - - Etéreo ..................... .....S
more. ,4 story, - ............. - ...... . . . . . 3
N suburb ...... . ...... . ...... . . . . . 3
near.... ,3
no longer ,1 take -* toak/taken ............... 2
none. . 1 take » touk/Laken place .......... 3
talk over .................. - , , ..2
occasionally 1 technical ....................... 2
offer(n)tv) 2 tlien ........................... 3
once - 4 think -* thought/thought over ..... 2
outdoors (adv) (n) - - 4 thought ........................ 1
out-of-doors -. 4 tiring .......................... 3
oven - -. 3 tour ........................... 2
own (adj) (n) 4 tour of duty ..................... 2
trouble ......................... ^
patio 3 turn down . . ...... - ...... - ...... 2
perhaps - 3 twice ............ - ............. 4
Ph.D 2
pistol -,,.4 university
plan 3 uiipleasant
play ---. 3 used to.
player. 3 V
plenty ,.,,... 4 W
practice 4 walk 4
prepare - - 4 weapon 4
prnfeñsion 2 whole .4
profesional (adj) ín) 2 wind .......*... 1
wood - 3
quiet. would. -.-- 4
refusal ,2 V
reñías (to) - -£ yet
remain (lv) (v). - -1

APPENDIX B Structure List


Adjective Participial ~ 3

Adverb Comparison -er Joe runs faster than Bill. 4

single syllable adverbs Sal arrived earlier than Joe.
(and early}
Adverb Time tíhe has already fbund a
already, any longer, newjob.
anymore, no íonger,
Adverb Conditíon Tomorrow we will help you
Clíiuse ifto introduce real ifwe have time.
condition (one event
Conjunction Coordinating orfso I need to exercise, so I'll run
every day for 30 minutes.
Reported Reported present tense He said he enjoyed
speech with soy and simple bis own meáis.
past tense
Vcrb Modal could She could be in class until a
(possibilityl 4 p.m.
Verb Modal used to We used to live in New York. 4
(past routine/condition)
Vorb Modal wouid I would swim every day 4
(past routínu) wht-n I wüs young.

Verb Present perfect He has iwed here aincc last

(event begun in the June,
past and continuing)
Verb Present perfect He has been to England
(indefinite past) three times.

PENDtX C | TheEnglish Alphabet



A a A a $ f¿

B b 0 b B Á
C c C G e
D d 0 d % ¿
E e E e £
F f F f # i
G g 0 0 Q f
H h H h Jl U
I *
i 1 1 9

J J J 1 i
K k K k £ ¿
L 1 L 1 a ¿

M m M m M m.
N n N n h
0 o 0 0 0 0

P P F F P p

Q q Q q 2 f
R r R r /? í

S a e e S 4

T t T t 7 i
U u U u K
V V V V V u.
W w W w W ^
X x X X X
Y y Y y 1f ?
Z z z z 3 f

APPENDJX D American English Sountís

English is not spelled phonetically. The same sound is spelled severa! different
ways. Por this reason it is helpful to assign sepárate symbols to each .sound. Tht?
following is the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) system. Twenty-four (24)
consonant symbols, eleven (11) vowel symbols, and five (5) symbols representing
diphthongs are used to represcnt the significant sounds of American English.
These charts are only aids and not to be memorized. However, the students mufit
be aware cif the different sounds represented in theso charts. Thcy must be oble
to recognize and repeat them accurately.

Symbol Examples Symbol Examples
/i/ he, raect, toach, chief /p/ past, stop, put, paper
/i/ in, is, sit,big /b/ bed, baby, barbert lab
day, ruake, train, vein, steak /l/ take, sent, ten, gentle
met, lett saíd, bread /d/ date, student, do, hord
cash, half, laugh, hand /^/ car, chcmical, remorder, book
¡o/ father, far, heart, pot, not /9/ gas. eggs, cíog. cigar
all, saw, bought, caught arin, myh number, from
goh know, coat, tow, pole no, line, find. noon
book, took, good, should /"]/ eing, long, wrong, ronk
/u/ foodh bluc, blew, do, soup /'/ wellj laboratoryf alwaysh let
/A/ cup, son, sun, enough M read, course, for, write
I, nice, tie, buyh by, write ÍM farmer, alftrm. phone, laugh
noiee, boy, point, oil M very, givo, live, scven
nut, now, town h mouth /e/ thank t Thursday, bath. north
ago, alphabet, listen, student the. thist theseh weather
her, hird, doctor, earn see, this, lesson, tapes
zero, rose, blows, dozen
/// ship, nation, ghould, puah
ÍlJ pleasure, measure, usual
/h/ have, he, how, hot
/'// chair, teacher, picture, march
judge, bridge, page, July
we, walk, wish, aw;iy
yes, you, yesterday, young



APPENDIX E List oí Contractions

aren't - (are nut) we'll (we will/wf; shall)

can't - (cannot) we're - (we are)
couldn't - (cüiild not) weVe - (we have)
didn't (díd not) what'a (what ia)
doesn't - (does not) where's - (where ia)
don t (do not) who'g - (who ia /who haa)
hasn't (lias nol) wnn't — íwill not)
haven't - (have not) wouldn't — (wouTd nol)
he'd (he would / he had) you'd (you would / you had)
he'll (he will) you'U (you willl
he-'s (he is/he haa) you're (you are)
how's íhow is) you've - (you have)
Fd (Iwould/Ihñd)
Til (Iwffl/IshaLI)
I'm (lamí
IVe <I have)
isn't - (U not I
it's (it ís / it has)
let'a (letus)
mustn't - i . 1 1 . 1 -i not)
she'd (she wouJd / she had)
she'll (she will / she shall)
she'a - (she is y she has)
shouldn't - (ghould not)
that's (that ia)
the/d Itliey would / they had)
they1!! - {they will /they shall)
they're - (they are)
they've - (they have)
we'd (we would/we had)



APPENDIX F Spelling Rules for Regular Past Tense Verbs


talk talked
2 consonants f*f*
want wanted

2 vowels + 1 consn- \t\lf* repeat repeated

nant clenn cloancd
vowel +y W play playeil

vowel + consonant open DpBDad

in a 2-syallable \ir~
word with stress on Vi*
first sy Hable answer anfiwered

Drop Ihe -e circle circled

coneonant + e CE and add
-ed shavc ehaved

vowel + consonant VC stop stopped

ia a 1-syllable word
Double the
vowel + consonant and add occur OÍCUITtid
in a 2 -sy Hable word
with stress on sec-
ve -ed
ond syllable prefer preferred

study íluitÍL'J
Change y to i
consonant + y Cv and add dry dried
try tried


APPENDIX G Patlerns oí IrregularVerbs

I.Three principal parís the same hit hit hit
quit quit quil
spTit aplit split
bet bel hct
let leí let
sel sel sct
pul pul put
cul cut cut
shul shut shut
bid bid bid
hurt hurt hurt
burst burst burst
cosí cost coat
shed -b'd shed
spread spread Mprtüld
cast cust CEISt

2. Last two principal parts the

a. Final consonant change only have had had
make l l i , '.Ir made
build built huill
bond bent bent
spend spent spent
aend sent senl

b- Vowel change u meet met mel

•! read read
bletíd bled bled
fced fed fed
lead led led
light lit lit
slide slid slid
sit sat sat
shoot shot shot
hold heJd htld
win wun wun
-l'ini shone ñhone

find found found
wind woiind wound
bind bound bound
dig dug dug
stick stuck Btuí^k
strike struck struck

c. Vowel change - Addition of -t or -d sleep elept aJept

keep kept kept
creep crept crept
weep wept wept
Ihink thnught thought
tcach taught tuugtiL
buy bought bought
catch caught caught
fight ibught füuj;ht
seek sought aought
mean muont meant
le ave left Ipfl
flee flüd fled
tell told told
sell sold sold
lose lost lost
hear heard heard
understand understood understond

3-Three principal parta differ

a. No similaríty be waa bean
go went gone
do did done

b. Vowel change - Addition of -n arise aróse ariscn

drive drove drivcn
fly ñew flown
ride rodé ridden
rise rose rísen

c. Vowel change - No -n aing snng BUng

ring rang ning
driuk drank drunk
swim swam awum
bcgin began begun


mtj.ViR 3JQ/AB




auiej amos
anj UBJ uru

jH{Tnng L¿ -p



APPEHDIX H Punctuation and Capitalizad o n

A. PEñlOD(.)

1. Use aperiod at the end of a statement cr conunand,

pen and paper are on the table.
Go ío the chaikboard and wriie your ñame.
2. Ueu a period after an abbreviation or an initial.
NOTE: Abbreviated military ranks do not require a period.
Feb. (Februaryf Mr Brown a.m.
Df- Smith (Doctor Stritih) MS. Liüte p,m.
J. Jones (John Jones) Mrs, Whíie M-d¡ Johnson

Use a question mark after a question. Scmetimes Ihe queation may be written
Hke a statement.
How many chütífen are in your famíty?
He's here loday?

Use an exclamation mark after words, sentencos, or expressiona thal ghow

menl, «urprise, or emotTon, Any exclaraation, even if not a suntence, will endwith
an exclamation mark.
Wttat a garne!
Look out!
Wowf Oh!

1. Uac quotation marke toshow the worda of a speaker. They'ra always placed above
i l n 1 1 e 1 1 • and are used in pairs,
John said, "The commissary ciases at 2iQQ hours foday,"
"Where are ¡he chiltfren?" $he asked.
2. Tf tíie worda of the speaker are divided into two parís, u6U quutatiun
around both parts.
"Doyou,"she asked, "go to {he librafy atter class?"
3, Use quütation marks around the titles ofchapterst articles, partsof bookfi and
magazines, short poems, short stnríes, and songa.
Lasí nighl i read the chapter "Grammar Is Easy" in our bcjok. Then, I read the arríele
"Leamíng Engli$h"in the newspaper.


1. Use an apostrophe in contractions.

i'm she's íhey're
isn't aren'/ can't
what's where's
o'ciock (of the dock)
'L. Use an apostrophe tu indícate
B. If tho noun is singular, add-'s.
Bill's book
the girl's coat
b. When the noun is plural, add-'s, if the plural does notend in E.
the chüdren's ciofhes
the men's shirts
e. If the plural noun ends in s, add anly an apostrophe.
the boys'shoes
the libraries'books


1. Use comrnas to sepárate Ítems in a series.

We ate sandwiches, pótalo chips, and fruft for lunch.
She looked behind íhe chaiis* under fíe bed, and in the kitchen fot ner notebook.
2. Uae a enroma befbre the conjunctions and, but, or,nur, for, yel when theyjoin
indupendent clauses.
We //Ved in Venezuela fot íhree years, and then we retumed to íhe Urtitaa States.
Frank can speak Chínese Metí, bul he can't reatí it.
3. Use a coinma after yn inlrnductory clause or phrase to sepárate it fr<jm the rest
of the aentence.
After we stutíy thís book, we waní to take a break.
Because John was sick, he didn 7 íake the fesr.
Looking up atthe shy, the smafS boy sutídenfy ran hotne.
4. Uac a corama afler words auch as yes, no, well when they bcgin a
Do you want ¡o go to the itbrary? t didn't pass íhe test.
Yes,! do. Weilt study more.
Fi. UHecGmmaa to sepárate the words of a speaker fram the rest of the
"Listen to me.^she saicí.
Jack asked, "Where's /rty lunch?"
"t don't know"said John, "the answerto the question."
G. Use a cornraa in dates and oddresses.
June9r 1970
143 Main Street, Los Angeles, California

7. Use a comma in figures ío sepárate thuuaands.
5,000 (Of 5000)
1. Capitaliza the first word of a sentence.
The boy stood up and waihed outside.
Your book is behirid me chair.
2. Capitalize the ñames of people, citíea, statos, countries, and languages,
Martí Bul Mary Linda
San Antonio Chicago Housíon London
Texas California Florida New York
Spain Unifed States Catada Venezuela
Aiabic Chíflese Russian English
3. Capitalize the ñames of schooís, strecta, buildings, bridges, companies, and orga-
Dótense Language Instituía University ot Chicago
Main Stfeet Empire State Buiiding
Goídon Gate Bridge Ford Motor Company
Genera! Molors National Fooíoalí League
4. Capitalize the days uf the week t months of the year, and holidays.
Sunday Monctay Tuesday
June July August
Chrisímas Easter Thanhsgiving
5. Capitfllize titles and military rankg before namen.
Gen Hoberts Capí Smiíh Sgt Joños
Proféssor Land Pfesiden t Lincoln
6. Capitiilizc? thu pronoun"!"
i can tgo wtthyou.
l'm happy lo see you again.

"¡. Capitaliza the first word of every direct quotatíon.

She asketí, "Can I sil here?"
saw her,"said John, "at the univftrsity."


APPENDIX I Transparency Master

The following master raay be copied for use with an overhead projector or as a

School ítems; B12L2 . .159


EXERCISE A Complete the dialog. Use the worris in the box.

blew dangerous freezing

blown calm during
blows frightened slippery

John: The wind really hard last night

Mary: Yes, it's üke that all week r
John: And it's so cold- H's outsidef
Mary: It's always cold the winter. The wind
hard and the streets get
They be come because ofthe ice and snow.
John: I know. l'm sometimes when Fin drivin^ un
SHOW. It's hard to stay. whcn the snow is dcep.

EXERCISE B Complete the dialog. Use the words in the box.

unpleasant expect
heat occasionally clear
humidity Iwach

Tom: What's the climate like in your country?

Leo; ít's usually nice, but sometiraea it can be
Tom: I didn't to hear that. Tve hcard you can go
swimmitig at the every day, and the skies are
with no clouds.
Leo: That's true, but the wEnd changesr Then the
and are torriblc.
EXERCISE C Use the present perfect and for or since to makea sentence.

1. Barbara / see /her doctor/ every day /Monday

2, Lt Sims / drive / a car / ten years

3. John/get up/every morning at 5:30 / October

4. Jan and Pete / rent / their house / ten mtmths

5. I / be / here / 10:00 a.m.

EXERCISE D Write questions. Use the words in parentneses ().

Nitmbcr I is ari

1. Paula has lived in México for e year, íwho)

Who has \\ved in Maxfco for a year?

2, If Don remembers, he will ask Tom to go to the party tonight. (when)

3- The Millers have had a new pet since last week. (whot)

4. They'31 uae Bob's car if they can't use Brian's car (whoee)

5. I have worked at a bank for fbur ycars. thaw long)

EXERCISE E Use the present perfect to complete the sentences.

1. Major Sears ffly) this kind of plañe for 10 years.

2. , Helen e ver _ (eat) cherries?
3. This storm (last) all morning.
4. Pete (not buy) a new car for the last eight years.
5. Sandra Cnot speak) Korean since ahe left Seoul,
6. Mary (take) her medicine today?
7, Thehouse (belong) to my family for 5Ü yeara.
8, Tina, (apeak) to her aunt two times this week.

9. Itis eight o'clock. they ígo) to work?

10, Theraovie (be over) for an hour.
11, Laura (not work) here for severa I years.
12, Paul (play) football since he waa ten years oíd.

EXERCISE F Change the aff irmative sentence to a nggatíve sentence,

Replace the word in ifalics witk the word in parenfheses. Number 1 fs on example.

1. We cnjoy the breeze on the beach if the weather's warm. (cold)

We ííon't enjoy the breeze on the beach tf the weathgr's cü\d.

2. I can understand you if you apeak slowly. ífast)

3. Mary will fínísh the bíwk if it's interesting. (boríng)

4. You should live near the sea if you like kumid weather- ídry)
EXERCISE G Match a number and letter te make a complete sentence.
Number 1 is an example.

E 1. You can drive in moimtains a. if you don't do your homework.

2. If someone calla, b. if the roadñ don't frighten you.
3. Don't expoct to pass the test c. you should learn Frenen.
4. You can swim ín deep water d. you may broak u buno.
5. If you expect to go to Franco, e. if you can swim well,
6, Ifwe have tostay afterclass, f. please take a message,
1. If you ever see thet movie, g íf thu day ís huL and humid.

8. A colddrink testes great h. ifitrains,

9. If you slip on the ice, i. you'll never fürgot it.
10. The roads can be slippery j. wecan't go to the beach.

EXERCISE H Read the paragrapti and write a summary.

How We Get Our Newspapers

Millionsofpeoplealloverthe world read newspapers every day. They want to

hnow more about the world, their tountry, ur sports, But how do they get their
newspapers? There are different ways, One way is to buy it at a newBKtand* or nt a
store. Another way is to get it from a vending machine. A third way iñ for aomeone to
bringit to your home. If a personwants a newspaper, it's ea&y to get one.
* newñstand: a place on the street to buy newspapers and
EXEPCISE I Gírele all of the answers thaí can be truc.

1. A. Judy declined the lemon pie.

a. Declined means she enoked it*
b. Declined means she wanted more.
c. Declined means she did not want any.
B. Judy declined the lemon pie when Tom brought it.
a. Declined meaos she cooked it.
b- Declined means ahe wanted more,
c, Declined means she did not want any,
C. Judy declined the lemon pie when Tom brought it becauae ahe waa full.
a. Declined means she cooked it.
b. Declined means she wanted more,
c. Declined means she did not want any.

2. A, She sketched the house.

a. Sketched means she cleaned it.
b. Sketched means she drew it quickly.
c- Sketched means she lookod at it.
B. She sketched the housc in two minutes.
a. Sketched means she cleaned it.
b. Sketched means she drew it quickly.
c. Sketched means she looked at it*
C. Shc sketched tho house in two minutes with ü ponciL
a, Sketched means she cleaned it.
b. Sketched means she drew ít quickly,
c- Sketched means she looked at it.
EXERCISE J Read the paragraph, Write the topic, main idea, and míe.
EXAMPLE: Wc don't know when man first began to use salt, but today people
use it in many different ways. Businesaes uae salt to make glaas,
airplane parts, same kinda of medicine, and many other tilinga.
Sometimes cities that have bad winters put salt on ro^s and
highways to remove the ice. At home, people uaually use salt only
to help food taste better.

Main Idea; use salt fn many different ways.

Title: Uee Salt

You sbould visít your dentist for a checkup two times a year becanfte it is
iraportant to keep your teeth healthy and strong, The dentist or his helpc^r will
clean your teeth and check them. He will work on any problema you have. Then
he will tell you to bruah your teeth often and not to eat fooda that have a lol of
sugar in them. A visit to the dentist every sis months is good for your health.

Main Idea;


2. The atorra last sumrner was terrible, It wa« the worst storm we have had in our
city since 1970. The wind was so strong that it blew down many trees and an
oíd house. It also broke windows in housee and cars. The rain lllled the roada
with water, and it became very dangerous for cars to drive on them. The atonn
lasted four days before it was over

Main Idea:

EXERCISE K Flll in the missing forms of the verbs.

• • 1 1
' L h
1 L L

1- E°

2. start

3. do

4, kept

5. drive

6. made

7. sold

8. ílow

y. atudy

10. put

11. found

12. opea

13, rodo

14, stop

15. fileep

16. forgot
EXERCISE L Find and circle the words from the gray box.
The wvrd breeze is an example.

clear reraain wind qaiet

expect thought beach
like deep slip humid
none stay climate

z q m e s y t P y X f u n v t

r e a d t e f d o z q v e a h

i X 1 t a e O k o b e a c h o

e e h s y f r t X d y w 1 o u

d c 1 e a r r e m a 1 n t g
r k k b 9 V e f a d n n w g h

e f u 1 c k X h i y e d p C t

e k a o s c P u 9 o y 1 n 1 n

z s d w 1 e e m 1 n m 1 j 1 o

l*> P e V i o c i s y h k b m n
¡ P e d p k t d s y r e c a e
f a P y 1 y h t o X s y h t r

1 9 a 9 o n i t p f f r t e p

a 1 c a 1 m q u 1 e t d a 1 f

w b m k 9 2 V r d a u s i h m
EXERCISE A Compíete the texts. Use the words in the boxcs.

• •high school accept education

refuses offered decisión
instead of discuss career

Ann Miller has taught Spanish at a for the past eight yeare.
Last year, she got her master*s degree in the field of Tilia
afternoon, River City Callege called. Tho college her u Job as a
Spanish instructor Ann would like to the Job because it wuukl be
good for her _ But the classes are in the evening
during the day, Ann has two children who are in school, so she wants to spend time
with thera when they are home in the evening. She has decided to
the offer with her husband this evening. It is an important for their
faniily, but she knows that if she the job now, ahe raight not fmd
another one soon.

• • retire fíeld think over

future take degree
prafession choices make up

Sgt Ron Adama has been in the military for eighteen years. He likes his Job,
but he needs to think about his __ There are two _
that he can make: He can leave the mílitary in two years, or he can stay in longer.
Ron is glad that he has some time to _ __ his decisión. Kon doean't nccd
to _ his mind yet, but he'Jl need a new ___ if he decides
to become a civilian. He works in a technical npw, so he wants to
9pme classes at a vocational school in the same ficld. If he
now, he'll be able to finish an a&sociate in two years. A degree will
help him find a job that he likes if he decides to .frorn the military.
EXERCISE B Match the question and answer.Wrlte the letterinthe space»
Tkenput the dtiilog in order. Write the numbers in the boxes beloio.


_ 1. Hi, Kevin. What have you decided to do abuut your Job

__ 2. Where are yoa going to live in Austin?
_ . 3. Youll enjoy the university, When do you plan to leave?
_ 4. Insteadof the one in Houston? Why did yon decide that?

a, I havea't made up my mind yet, 111 have to look at apartments,

b. Tve decided to take the one in Austin.
c, The pay is better there. I can take courseR at the university, too.
d. Sornetimc next month.


EXERCISE C Seleot the best meaning for the word In itálica.

1. Kate got a bargaiti at the store, so she had enough maney to go to the moviea.
a. something good and expensive
b. something good and cheap
c. something from a different country
2. The Hills moved into an oíd house. They decided to remodel it hy mating the
kitchen and living room larger.
a. clean
b. visit
c. change
3. Ann and Tim got married last Saturday. Late? that same day> friends and
family enjoyed eating and dancing at the reception at the Spring Seafiün Hotel.
a. party
b. movie
c. course

EXERCISE D Change the verbs in italics to the present perfect.

1. Ted: Pat and Don went to the library yesterday.

Jay: Pat and Don to the library cvcry day this wcck.

2* Jim; Dave called me about the party this moming,

Bob: He not me yet.

3. Kay: Sara wrote three articlcs for the newspaper this week.
Tim: She ruany articles this month,

4. Lea: The bus will leave soon, Kim arrived five minutes ago.
Bill: Where's Eric? He not yet,

5. Pat: Yesterday Jane cooked a big meal for dinner.

Joe: Jane not a big meal in a long time.

6. Ray: The Lees flew to Los Angeles this mcirning.

Kim: The Lees to Los Angeles many times this pusl year,

7. Tim: Igot a ticket last month because I drove too fast.

Kay; I not any tickets yet.

EXERCISE E Write the best words ta complete the sentences.

still already no longer anymore any longer yet

1. The Millers moved. They don't Uve here

2. Did the bus leave early? Has it left?
3. Al graduated a year ago, but he hasn't found a Job
4. Sgt Hill's a civilian now. He*s in the Army
5. Jim changed his hours, so he doesn't work at night
6. Tt's early in the evening, bul Sara'ñ left the party.
1. It rained all day yesterday, and ít's raining today.
EXERCI5E F Use or, so, or batió combine the two sentences.

1. Jan wants ta be a teacher. She's taking education

2. You could accept the pffer now. You can think it over.

3, The temperatura ia freezing. The water hasn't fmzen yet.

4. It'a ralmng oulaide. We're going to the malí matead of the beach.

5, Donna uaually worka late, She's not working late today.

6. We inighl drive to Chicago. We may take the train.

7. The child was frightened. We turned on the light.

EXERCISE G Draw a Une from each numbered word to the letter rt goes wilh.

1. tour a. one's mind

2. make b. it over with aomeone
3. turn c. up one's mind
4. talk d. down an offer
5. think c. of duty
6. change f it over in one's head
EXERCISE H Road the paragraphs. Wrlte the topJc, matn Idea, and title.

A Famous American Educator; Noah Webster

1. Noah Webster was a famous American who wrote books about the English
language in America and how to use it. He was born in 1758. Aftcr he went to
law school, he wanted to become an educator. Soon he decided to write a spelling
book and a gramnmr book. His spelling book was called the Blue-Backed
Speller. It became popular and helped many children learn to spell English
correctly. He wanted more people to know about his books, so he went irom
town to town showing them to people. He called them "American books ftir
American chíldren." Many American children learned to spell and use English
correctly because they used Webster's books.

Main Idea:


2. Noah Webster is also famous for making an. early dictionary of American
English, He saw that the people who carne to live in America spoke many
lanfíuages, They couldn't understand each other. He thought there ahould be
t?ne language, or a "mother tongue," to help people work together, Hig idea WOR
to make a book of words to show how to spell cach word and whal il meuns.
When Webster started working on hia dictionary, he wanted evHrything in it to
be nght. He wanted to know where thc words carne from and the different ways
we use them. He did all the work. When he finished the dictionary, it had 70,000
English words in it. He called it An A menean Dictionary tífthe English

Main Idea: .

EXERCISE I Use the missing words below to so I ve the crossword puzzle,


1, JiH went tocollegeforfouryears, She'll geL her this spring,

4* Teachers want every child to receive a good -

7. Mr. Jacobs teaches math at a high school. Education ís his
8, Bill doesn't want to work for that company, so he'Il the Job offer.
10. Did you ask your parents for advíce? Will yon what they said?
12. I have two cholees, but I can only choose one. I have to make a ,
13. A is the professional Job that a person does for a long Lime,
15. Most people decide to from their joba when they tumt>5,
16. John stadied math in college. He took many courses in that
18. Steve fixes computen He has a Job.
20. Pat received a(n) tugólo a very good college. Ile'll accept it.
21. Sara wants to become a doctor, but first she raust go to school.
22. Pam called a minute ago. Do you want to ga shopping today?
23. You can buy a red, blue, or gray car. You have three

1. Students who gradúate from high school receive a
2, Tim wants to talk to Dan about a problera. He'll it with him.
3. Ann went to a and received a master's degree in educatiun.
6- The Wílsons talked a lot about a decisión. They had u about. it,
6- The bank oífered Al a jobf but he didn't take it. He sent them a
9. If you become a teacher, it's your Job to atudenls.
11. Al couldn^t gradúate from college until he took one more math ..
14. I have a daughter who is in thlrd - at an elementory school
16, We can make plans, but no one knows what wilJ happen ín the
17. I didn't understand. the directions, I was by them.
19. My neighbor teaches at a community college. ñhe's an
10 II




ÉXERCISE J Read the dlalog and write the correct words on the linea.

Bill; Did River City College all of'the students?

(accept / except)
Jill: I hoard thcy took everyone Dan.
(except/ accept)
Bill: No ( they to take him, but he it,
(discussed / offered) {retircd / rcfuacd)
Jill: Why did he make that
(choíce / tour)
Bill: He decided to get a job ^^^^^^^•v

(already / malead)
Jill: Well.Ihopehe it with aomeonc.
(discussed / edutated)
Bill; I'rn sure he did. He's serious übout his
Icourse / future)

EXERCISE K Fill ín the missing forms of the verbs.


1. do

2. went

3, know

4. ridden

5. forgot

6. fly
7. ran

3. see

9- ate

10. aell
EXERCISE A Read the letter. Fill in the blanks with the words ¡n the box.

stories patio room get together

fireplace suburbs cassette
stereo oveo woad dining roora

Dear Rosa and Keo,

I'm sorry for taking so long to write. WeVe been so buay with our new house. It's
in the , not the city. It's beautiful! It has two I can't
wait for winter because we can burn in our new
The kitchcn is vcry iarge and has the newest kind of stove, , and
refrigerator, We also have lots of room for our bigtable in the _,EQ

we can all eat together. There are eight of us, remember, and the oíd house didn't
have enough . We can eat outaide, too, because there is a
with trees around it,
We fmally got a new Lo play musk, It has a CD player, twu
piayers» and a radío. Thanka for the CD that you aent. I love it! T
hope we can next summer. I miss you and want to see you soon!

EXERCISE B Match each vocabulary Ítem with its meaning.

1. boíl a, happen
2. oven b- problems
3. trouble C. a meeting <¡f fri^ndH nnd family
4. shed d. machine for cooking food in the kitchen
5. take place e. small building for keeping thinga like toóla
G. get-together f. make water hot enough for tea
7. then g. if that happens
EXERCISE C Combine the 2 sentences with and, but, or, or so.

EXAMPLE: The house was too small, They enlarged it.

The houee waa too small, eo they enlarged ít.

1. They had some extra moneyr They added on a den.

2, The house waa cold. We made a líre in the fircplacc.

3. Jane got up ]ate. She still güt Lo work on time.

4. John wants a new car. He doesn't have enough money.

5. We went to the store. We bought somc toys for the chíldren.

6. You may borrow my oíd tools. You can buy ¿jome new ones.

EXERCISE D Draw a line from each nú m be red word to the letter It goes with.
Number 1 i& an example.

1, enlare^ a. a problem
2, solve , b. nrnsic
3- play ^"su c. wood
4. boil "^d. a houae
5. burn e, water
EXERCISE E Use reported speech to answer the questlons.

EXAMPLE: A: I need to get more sleep.

B: What did he say?
C: He said that he needed to get more steej?.

1. A: I want to enlarge my garage.

B: What did he say?

2. A: I'm not going to travel tomorrow.

B: Whatdidshesay?

3, A; You have to see the cobnel at 3 o'clock.

B: What díd he say?

4, A: Ken doesn't have enough time to go with us.

B: Whatdidshesay?

5. A: I'm enjoying the program.

B: What did he say?

6. A: They aren't happy that the/re leaving sn soon.

B; Whatdidshesay?

7. A: You don't need to exercise anymore.

B: What did he say?


EXERCISE F Fill In the blank with the-edor-/f?gform of the word in f).
Number 1 is an exantple.

1. How does Pete feel about his new Job?

He's very (excite)
2. How's that new bookon airplanes?
It's really „. (interest)
3. How do you feel after two hours of exercise?
I always feel (tire)
4. Why do you always look so sieepy añer that class?
Because it'a . (bore)
5- Will you decide soon which car to buy?
No, I can't because Tm so . íconfuse)
6. How did she feel after the accident?
She was „, (fríghten)
7. Can you read the directions on the map Lo me?
Tra soiry but they're very (confuse)

EXERCISE G Select the best meaning lor the word in ¡talles.

1. He had an accident because he drove the car recklessly.

a. safely
b. easily
c. carelessly
2, He didn't like his new job because his boss intimidated him,
a. helped
b- frightened
c. paid
EXERCISE H Select the best answer.

1. Where wIQ the get-together

a. add on
11. take place
c. clear up
2. Water freezes at 0° CeUius and it at!00°C.
a. baila
b. burns
c. builda
3. Ifwelookat the for this building, we can aee all the
a. wood
l>. patio
c. plan
4. Pvt Reed was late for another meeting, Now he's in _,
a. trouble
b. suburb
c. idea
5. These picturcs are too small. Can you them?
a. solve
b. enlarge
c- heat
6. Jim; Do you want to read this book sbout music?
Jan: No, thank you. I'm not in music,
a. interested
b. excited
c. tired
7. Jim: Whose books are on the teacher's desk?
Jan: They*re mine. I them for the teacher to look at.
a. played
b. burned
c. left
8- Jim: Someone changed the furniture in the living room.
Jan: Yes, Mary changed it. It was her .
a. cassette
b. oven
c. idea
9. He hasn't decided about his vacation he'H go tu Cumíela. He
know yet.
a. Perhaps
b. Near
c. Still
10. The papers fell into the fire and
a. burned
b. heated
c. boiled
11. We títill have a big problem. We haven't found to it yet.
a. an addition
b. a soJution
c. a suburb
12. This soup is cold. I want to it up,
a. play
b. enlarge
c. heat
13. Jim; I'd Hke to record some niusic.
Jan: Do you have a _ .?
a. cassette
b. shed
c. fireplace
14. Jim: This den looks different from the other rooma in the house.
Jan: Yes, it's ,
a. a buiEder
b. a speaker
c. an addition
EXERCISE I Read the paragraph. Write the topic. main idea, and tille.

Americans heve a nickname for the United

Statcs1 governmcnt. Thcy cali it Únele Sam.
Some people say the ñame Únele Sam comes
from the letters U and S of the ñame of the
United States. Qthers say it comes from the
ñame of a person, Sam Wilson, who worked for
the government in the 1800a. He checked boxea
of meat to see if the meat was good or bad. He
wrote the letters of hia nickname, US. (for Únele
Sam), on the boxea that had good meat- Únele
Sam is also an icón that means the government.
The picture shows a tall, thin man with long,
white hair and a white beard on his face, He's
usually wearing a tall hat and clothes that Inok
like the American flag.

Main Idea:


EXERCISE J Read the paragraph. Underline the most important parts.

Chicago, Illinois, is home to the John Hancock

Center, Tt is an interestíng building of 100 stnritis,
It is not the tallest tower in the city, but it may
be the most popular of the people uf Cliicagu
because it is so different from the Dther towera.
It has big "Xs" on the outside that make it strong
and beautiñil. It alao has two very large, white
antennas on the roof, Inside, there are apartmenta,
officea, restaurants, shops, a hotel, e post office,
and a floor for sightseeing.
EXERCISE K Read the paragraph.Write a summary.

Why is Mount Ritshmore Famous?

Mount Rushmore is a mountain in
the state of South Dakota. It is 6,000 feet
high. An artist narned (riitznn Rnrglum
cut four largo heads into the siHe of the
mountain. These heads are each 60 feet
high and show four American presidents:
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson,
Theodore Roosevelt, andAbrahara
Lincoln, Each of these presidenta was
important during the first 150 years of
the United States, Mr. Borglum started
with 400 workers in 1927 and was still working on tho faces when he died in
1941. His son, Lincohi Borglum, finitihed Ihe faces later that same year.
EXERCISE A FIN in the blanks. Use the -er form of the adverbs in the box.

Tliere are more words i't íhe bdx than yon need. Nttmher 1 is an ezampie.

high soon near low

straight early late
hard fast slow far

1. Frcd likeü to drive at 65 m.p.h. on the highway. Ed likep to drive at 70 m,p,Ti.

Fi-ed drives _ e\ower__ than Ed

2. Ron used the aíde of his book to draw lines. Paul didn't. Ron riréw Hnes
_ than Paul.

3. Jean gets up at 6:30. Linda gets up at 6:15. Linda geta up ___

than Jean. Jean gets up _ than Linda.

4. Mark got to the airport at 8:30. The plañe arrived at 8:00. The plañe arrivcd
___ than Mark espected.

5- I Uve in París. Víctor lives in London, and Arny lives in New York- Vktor livot
__ to ule than Amy does. Amy lives _ írom
me thfln Víctor doea.

6. Anncanjump 5 feet 6 inches high. Her brother can jump 6 feet linch.Ann's
brother can jump __ than she can.

7- Mike acored 72 on his test, and Kate scored 90. Mike acured _
than Kate.
EXERCISE B Circle the same meaning as the italicized word.

1. Animáis were eating grasa under the treea in the fidd,

a., land in the country
b. parking lot in the city
c, intersection near a school
2. The coach showed the boys and girls how to tlirow a football.
a. a person who owns a husmeas
b. a person who tells stories
c. a person who teaches sports
3. The girls won the game, They were happy because they were the beat.
a. fmished last
b. finished second
c. finished firat
4- We finished our work earlier than expected because the new machine
factlitated the Job.
a. couldn't do it
b. made it easier
c. did it slowly
5. We were cold last night at horne because the fumacr. was broken and the
temperature outside was 30° Fahrenheit,
a. a machine that heats a building
b. a vehicle that moves heavy Ihings
c. a tool for fixing big machines
6. The Holdier had courage whcn he ran inta the burning house to bríng out three
a. no feeling of being afraid
b. a lot of information
c. fióme really awful ideas


EXERCISE C Write answers to the questlons. Use used to.

Write a question with used to in nitmber 5-

1. When you were a child, did you use to be afraid to meet new people?

2, When you were younger, did you use to be thinner?

3. Did you use to live in a house or an apartment when you were httle?

4. What did you use to do before you joined the military?

EXERCISE D Write answers to the questlons. Use woutd.

Write a question with would in tiumber 5.

1. What would you do for fun before you carne to the language achool?

2. Who would you spend the most time with bcforc you joined the military?

3. When you were younger, what would you do on Saturday nights?

4. When you were a child, who would play with you the most often?

ÉXERCISE E Read the paragraph. Wrlte the topic, main idea, and tille.

Why do some people like to hunt? People who

don't hunt often ask this question- There are many
artides and Letters in hunting magazínes that cover
this topic. There is nut juat one anawer that people
give for üking to hunt. Many writers are men who
say that hunting is something that their family and
fríends like to do together. Qften just the mcn and
boys go hunting, but there are some women and
girls who hunt, too, These writcrs often add that
their families have been hunting for many years.
Their grandparents and earlier family started
hunting maybe a hundred years ago. A third anawer
to the question is the good feeling a perdón gets
from going outdoors. Sometimea a peraonjust feels
guud Lo be out-of-doors and far from the city Lastly,
same hutiters say they enjoy hunting and killing their own food.

Main Idea:


ÉXERCISE F Match the question to the answer. Wrlte the letter in the blank.

1. Have you read a lot of books? a. No, T dnn't want any more.

2. Is that your uncle's hat? b. YesT I had plcnty,

3. Do you want some tea? c. Twice, ¡Uso.

4- Did you eat enough cake? d. Yes, severa!.

G. Do you know how to get to my house? e. Noh it's my own.

6. Tve been to Spain two times. f. No, bccause Fve only been
How many times have yüu been there? there once.
EXERCISE G Combine the 2 sentences with and, but, or, or so.

1- Helen likea being out-of-doors. She doesn't enjoy hunting.

2, The lieutenant misaed the meeting. She apologized to the capLain,

3. Jane used to be in the Air Forcé. Now she's a civilian.

4, He bought a car last week. He doean't have to take the bus anymore.

5. Bob practiced shooting all weekend, Then he went hunting.

6. You can return yoiir book thia Friday. You can wait until no?ct weck.

7. We like to walk in. the country We enjoy waLching Lhe birds.

EXERCJSE H Draw a lino from each numbered word to the letter It goes with.

1. catch a. a mcal
2. prepare b. a fish
3. shoot c. the open
4. go
5. in e. a walk
6. go for f. fishing

600K1? LE5S0.^4 HOMEWORK

EXEHCISE I Underline the importan! words and phrases.

Relttxing at Work
What can you do to relax while at work? One key thing to do is to keep
moving. Ifyou have a deskjob orother Job that keeps you from movin
try not to spend the day at your desk or ¡n one place, because that is bad for
your health. Be sure to move around twice an hour. You could move your arms
and head. Move your fingers, Then stand up once an hour, Go to the restroom.
Ifyou can, get up and go for a ahort walk twice a day.

EXERCISE J Read the paragraph. Write a summary.

Samuel Colt's Ideas

Samuel Colt was always interested in guna. He
thought about them a lot, and he was always
looking for new ideas to meke a better gun. When
he was a sailor on a ship to India, he waa watching
the wheelof theship. Thisgavehimanideafor a
new kind of gxm, 30 he drew plans for it He
changed the plans when he got to India because he
saw other things there that gave him more new
ideas, At ilret, his ideas didn't workt bul Sam tried
again and again until he made a weapon thet could repeat shots. Samuel Colt was
able to do that because he looked for new ideas and never stopped trying.

EXERCISE K Write sentences. Use the words provlded.
Numbers 1 and 2 are examples,

1. hunt/deer I like to hunt deer with my

2. caten/fían Ws caught three fíeh yesterday.
3. fishingrod/Ii
4. shoot/gun
5. prepare / food
6. go fishing / lake
7. walk/country

8. deer / all over

9. practico / rifle
10. shoot / straight

EXERCISE L Write questions. Use the words provrded.

1 and 2 are exampies,

1. enjoy/out-of-doors Poyou er\]oy being

2. own/boat Ha ve yo u boughtyourown boatyet?

3. go hunting / yesterday , __
4. like /in the open __
5. shoot/duck __
6. instructions / pistol __
7. plenty of/fish ___
8. buy/weapon ___
9. kill/duck
10. walk/farther
EXERCISE M Fill in the blank wíth the past participio.

1, Sue hasn't _ that lamb difih ta the party before.


2. My mother hasn't her hair for years.


3. It's November, and the leaves haven't yot.


4. Jimmy has two inches this year.


5- Has the major for the day?


6. The phone hasn't once aJl evening.


7. Where have you _ the cash?


8. Have you already your hunting ] ícense?


9. I haven't aboot our meeting today

10. Roger has never farther than

11. WhyhasTom_ . his rifle and his fishing rod?


12. Mr. Capphss us not to park our bikes here.

EXERCISE A Use the present perfecl and for or sfnce to mahe a sentence.

l r We/want/to learn / Japanese /last year

2. Major HoUie / fly / an airplane / ten years

3. They / go / to the moviea / two times / last week

4. John / own / his car / 2001

5 I / go / to this school / two months

EXERCISE B Read, then wrfte a question. The word in italics is the answer.

1, If Sam has to work on Saturdey, they1!! go Sunday.

2. Jane has taught English since 1990,

3. Ed will go to the parfy if Sara is goingto be there.

4, I have spoken to my teacher about the homework.

5. The Wilsons have ílown to Chicago two times since last year


EXERCISE C Read theparagrflph.Wrttethetopic, main idea, and a titie.
Did you put some coina in a machine tD buy a soft drink today? Then you used a
vending machine. People began to use vending machines in the late 18Qüfi, One of
the first machines sold postcards when people put in coins, In 1907, a chewing gum
company put a vending machine with a clear round lop to sell gum near trains, This
machine is still popular today. Vending machines usually sell faod and drínka, but
they siso sell Lhings such as toys, socks, or toothbrushes. Vending machines httvo
made buying and selling things easier,

Topic: . .
Main Idea:


EXERCISE D Read the paragraph. Write a summary.

Machines to Study the Sea
We need machines to help us study the things that live and grow in the occun.
There have beea severa! machines in the past, but we couldn't study things
carefully with them, Today, we have better machines to help us study the sea-
Usually they are vehicles which, like an automobilet can move to places we want to
study under water. They often have lai^er windowg that make it easier to see
outside. They can stay undor water for a longer time and can go into deeper seas
Ihan earlier machines.
EXERCISE E Círcfe the besl answer.

1. Bill: Is that movie on TV finished yct?

Tim: Yes? it was „ about 15 minutes ago.
a. 11 .1
b, over
c. up
d. off

2. Bill: How long was the movie?

Tim: It about three hours.
a. belonged
b. stayed
c. lasted
d- satis fied

3. Bill: Is Linda still in Italy?

Tim: Yes, ñhe wants to there until her courae enda in December.
a. stay
b. blow
c. connect
d. slip

4. Bill: What happened to Paul?

Tim: He _ on the wet floor and broke his arm,
a. expected
b. remained
c. refunded
d. slipped

5. All of the atudents are still here of them left early.

a. A few
b, One
c, None
d. All
6, It lookñ like the has blown away the clouds.
a. humidity
b. beach
c. heat
d. wind
7. Bill: Excuse me. Doea the meeting begin at 5;00 or 5;30?
Tim: At5:30.
Bill: Thanksfor
a. expecting that to
b. clearing that up
c. beingover
d. giving back
8. Bill: Are these your magazines?
Tim: No, they're not mine. They to Pat,
a. belong
b. atay
c. blow
d. slip
Bill: Where are you going on your vacation?
Tim: I want to go to the and enjoy the beach.
a. wind
b. ntountains
c. sea
d. heat
10. Bill: Is the water in the lake atill cold?
Tim: Yes, it*s outside.
a, deep
b. freezing
c, humid
d. raining
11. Aíler it snowed, the roads were
a. clear
b. hot
c. glippery
d. deep
12. An icy road can be to drive on.
a. easy
b. frightened
c. quiet
d. dangerous
13. Bill: How long havc you lived here?
Tim; I here for 10 years.
a. am living
b. will live
c. live
d. ha ve lived

14. Bill: Do you ever go to the movies?

Tim; Yes, I go only a few times a year.
a. always
b. occasionally
c. often
d. no longcr

15- Bill: Was everyone in your class at school today?

Tira: Yes, everyone „ Kathy. She's sick, remember?
a. except
b. ever
c. expect
d. if

16. Bill: How long has it been sínce you Ann?

Tim: Aboul five years.
a, see
b, are seeing
c. will see
d. have seen

17. Sam has . in the office after 5:00 p.m. Lo finish hia work.
a. cleared up
b. remained
c. lasted
d. slipped

18. Bill: How is tlie river?

Tim: About fífteen feet.
a. quiet
b. deep
c. humid
d. calm


EXERCISE F Unscramble the letters.Then use the word In a sentence.
Number 1 is un exatnple.

1. a e 1 c r p u o\ear uu

2. alai

3. zeiegfnr

4. d p e e

5. o h g u t t h

6- u 1 u d c s u e

7. p s i 1

8. o n regoln

9. e e r v

10. e g n 1 b o to

11. ees

12. g r u n d i

13. eb veor

14. i m r n a e

15. e u i q t

16. r d s g o n u e a


EXERCISE A Underline and number the answers to the questlons you Mear,
Read the parogroph, Then Unten to thf. questions.

The decisión to retire is not difficult for most people. They have worked
hard all their livea, and now they want to rclax and have more free time. When
some people stop working, they make plana to travel. Othera may have another
Job waiting for them. There are alao thoae people who wynt to spend their time
helping others. Most people likc the idea of retiring becauae they con
their own deciaions about how to spend their time.

EXERCISE B Read a paragraph and give an oral summary to a classmate.

1, We see atara in the sky only at night, but they are really there all the time. Our
sun is a star During the day, the sun makes the aky very light, so we cannot aee
the weak light of the other stara. At night, when the aun is not there, we can
easily aee the other stars.
2, When the weather stays very cold for a long time, very large pieces of ice, called
glaciers, cover parta of the world. These big pieces of ice move and break treeñ,
rocks, and aometimea mountains. They push the earth and mountains to other
places. They change the land and th.e way it iüüks.
3, Jazz is a kind of muaic that began in the United States in the city of New
Qrleans, Louisiana, in the 1920s. It was very popular thenh and it still is tíxiay,
Every night in New Orleans, you can hearjazzin many places around the city.
ríazz haa many sounda, and there are many pt-oplí? who likü tu liatón to it.

EXERCISE C Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about decfsions.

You want to buy a car. You want to move.
• Yon saw a car that is new but • You saw an apartment that ia
expensiva, cheap but far from your Job.
• You saw a car at a good príce, * You saw an apartment that ia
but it ia five years oíd. expenaive but near your Job.
EXERCISE D Use eygrand the presenl períect to write aquestíon.

No, Pat and Bill have never seen an ocean.

No, Cath^s never been to France,

Yes, the Deana have bought a new car before.

No t Cari hasn't played American football.

Yes? Ms. Wright's taught at a bigh acnool

Yes, Ben's flown to another country.

EXERCISE E Select a conjunction to combine the cíauses.

1. Jason might buy another TV, _ he may keep the one that he has.
so / or / but
2. Col Lee's retí ring, this is his last year in the military-
and / or / so
3. We're going to California, we might go to Orügun, too.
ür / and / so
4. Tina wants t o b e a teacher, going to a university.
ao / or / but
5- Jill works at a hank, she wants to become a nurse.
and / but / so
6. Al's only worked here a week, he doean't know mimy pcople.
so / but / or
7- You can pay caafaforthe CD player, you can use e credit card.
so / but / or


EXERCISE F Write the best word to complete the sentence.
1. TheHitts live in Denver. They moved last month.
yet / anymore / no longer
2. Sandra graduated in June. She doesn't go to college
any longer / already / stíll
3, Aun isn't here. She's gone home for the day.
4. Eric Jearnedto drive, but he doesn't have a license.
no longer / already / still

G. Sam graduated last year. He ísn't a student

still / anymore / ah-eady
6^ Al hasn't made up his mind
stiíl / yet / no longer

1, Jadt and Sue have - seen the Smith's new hüuse.

already / yet / sti]l

EXERCISÉ G Read the sentence.Then write a questinn.

Replace the words in italics with íhe words in parentheses.

1. Jane already left the shopping center. (Pam/yet)

2. Pat still runs fíve miles a day. (Ki m/any more 1

3. Dan is no longer a mechanic at the Auto Center. (Bub/atill)

4, Tony still drives his oíd car. (Bill/any longer)

5, Mrs. Richards hasn't arrived in Dallas yet. (Mr. James/already)


EXERCISE H Gírele the best answer.
1. Bill: Were you in Hawaii last year?
Tim: Yes, I had a __ there for a ycar.
a. tour ofduty
b. rightof way
c. sign of refusal
d. change of mind
2. Mrs. Meyers New York many times.
a. visit
b. viaiting
c- has viaited
d. to visit
3, Bill: What did you ta]k about m class?
Tim: We had a _ . about Central America,
a. deciaion
b. comitierical
c. refusal
Bill: Can you take me to the airport?
Tim: I thought Mike was going to take you.
Bill: He changed _ when he realized he had to study for a test,
a. profesa ions
b. tires
c. bis mind
d. bis Job
5. Snme párenla their children at home inatead ofaendiikg thcm to school,
a. atudy
b. accept
c. retire
d- edúcate
6, Bill: \Vere the instructions ?
Tim: No, they weren't. Fm still confused.
a. clear
b. happy
c. deep
d. unpleasant
7. Bill: Are you going to takc thejob in Dallas?
Tim: Yes, I it
a. offered
b. refused
c. decide d
d. accepted

8. Bill; Where docs your father work?

Tim: He doesn't work anymore. He last year.
a. accepted
b. retí red
c. stalled
d. refuaed

9. Bill: Did Jim take thejob in New York?

Tim: No, he
a. turntid it down
b. made up its mind
c. thought it over
d. changed your mind
10. Bill: Art? you Still teaching?
Tim: No, I nave another I now work for a bank,
a. channel
b. career
c. course
d. future

11. Bill: Are you going to college?

Tim: Yes, Fm same interesting claases.
a. refusing
b. oífering
c. taking
d. refunding

12- Bill: Have you seen the new movie about Texas?
Tim: Yes, Tve seen it.
Q. yet
b, fitíll
c. no longer
d- already
13. Amy is fifteen yeara oíd. She goes to a(n) school.
a. middle
b. hígh
c. elementary
d. grade
14. Mr. Grant's a dentist. That's his
a. education
b. ñame
c. profesión
d. college
15. Thtí room was empty, I turned off the Üght,
a. but
b. yet
c. or
d. so
16. Cari is a soccer player. He makes alot ofmoney.
a. profesional
b. medical
c. horizontal
d. vertical
17- When we make plans for the next five years, we make plans for the
a. field
b. time
c. degree
d. future
18. Jim went to college. After four years he got a(n)
a. maater's diploma
b. associate degree
c. bachelor's degree
d. asaociate diploma
19. Bill: Do you want me to pick you up after the game?
Tim: No, thanks, Paul has already to let me ride in hia
a. offercd
b. refused
c. retired
d. charged

EXERCISE A Write 3 guesses to answer the question. Use the words in ().

I can't find my dictionary.

Where could it be?


2. (may)

3- (might).

EXERCÍSE B Write 2 guesses to answer the question. Use the words In (_).

John i^n't hereyet.

Why is he late?


2, (maybe)
EXERCISE C Use reported speech to answer the qucstions.

EXAMPLE: A: I need to get more sleep.

B: Whatdidhesay?
C: He said that he needed to get more

1. A: They want to visít tomorrow.

B: Whatdidhesay?

2, A: Bill's arriving at 3:00.

B; What did she say?

3, A: You don't have to return the book today.

B: Whatdidhesay?

4. A: Betty ian't going to take more courses in the falL

B: What did she say?

EXERCISE D Fill in the blanks with and, oí. but, or so.

1. 1 liko the music in the new movie, I like the story.

2. We Hke the coior of this car? we don'L liko the si^e,
3. The Millers have twins now, they need to get a higger car.
4. It's raining right now, we won't use the patio for lunch.
5. I'd like to play sorae music, , my CD player doesn't work,
6. Do you want to have lunch at 11:00 a.m,, can you wait until noon?
7. We can study right now, we can wait and study tunigHt at 7:00 p,m,
8. You've taken the last piece of pie, you didn't kave any milk for me!

EXERCJSE E Select the best meaning for the words in itatics.

1. When you cali a big company you usually have to tell a secretary what your
cali pertains to so the secretary can cannect you to the right person.
a. receíves
b. sounds like
c. is about
d. remembers
2. Same workers found a fire En the building they were repairing. They called the
pólice and the firemen h who evacuated tlie building, No onp waa Icit inside.
a. took a]l the furniture out of
b. turned 011 the water in
c. took all the people out of
d. tried to open all the doors to

EXERCISE F Read the paragraph. Underfine the rnost important parte.

Why is Mount Rushmore Famous?

Mount Rushmore is a mountflin in
the state of South Dakota, It is 6,000 fecl
high. An artist named Gutíon Borglum
cut four large heads into the ait\e of the
mountain. These heads are each 60 fet-L
high and show four American presidenta:
George Washington, Tilomas Jeñerson,
Theodore Roosevelt, ojidAbraham
Lineóla* Each of these presidenta was important duringthü first 150 years of the
United States. Mr. Borglum started with 400 workers in 1927 and was still working
on the faces when he died m 1941. His son, Lincoln Borglum, ñnished the faces
later tbat same year.


EXERCISE G CircJe the be&t answer.

1. Dan: I'm going to the beach.

Ann: Wh&t did he say?
Sam: He said he „_ to the beach.
a, went
b. will go
c. goes
d, was

2. Dan: They study in my room on Tuesdays.

Ann: What did he say?
Sam: He said that they _ in his room on Tuesdays,
a, study
b, willstudying
c. studicd
d. are studying

3. We will add on to our house because we want __

a. more advice
b. more time
c. anotherjob
d- another room

4. IVe moved to the suburbs. Now I live

a. downtown
b. far from the city
c. near the school
d. by a

5. A lot of problema mean a lot of

a. trouble
b. additiori
c. practice
d. room

6. A: How was your trip?

B: It was _ ,

a. ínterested
b. interesting
c. interest
d. interests
7. My televisión can also movies on tape.
a. boil
b, heat
c, play
d. sol ve

8. it rains» then I won't go.

a- Then
b. If
c. And
d. But

9. They flxed the houae, but they will leave the oíd garage.
They won't it.
a. see
b. changa
c. k about
d. walk to

10. He's a builder. He

a. cooksgood food
b- teachcs many people
c. makes new houses
d. records new music

11, A; Did you undcrstand the directions?

B: No, they were
a. confused
b, confuaing
c. confuse
d, conduses

12- Do you like my new fireplace? It

a. keeps the house warm
b, looka like a sports car
C- freezes food very quickly
d. cleans my clothes well
13, Can you help me with this problem? Do you nave a for it?
5. stereo
b. solution
c. story
d shed

14. This houae ia too small, We need more

a, speakers
b. offers
c. discussion
d, room

15, 1 like the because it heats things quickly.

a, pay phone
b, post office
c, washing machine
d, mkrowave oven

16. Let's go outside and sit on the

a, oven
b, patio
c, atereo
d, cassette

17. A: What could thia be?

3., He has been late before.
bh Itmight be a kind of cupr
c. It wasn't raining until you arrived.
d. He didn't like that color.

EXERCISE A Complete the questlons. Use use(d) to QT wcuttí.

Then ask a pttrtner your questions. Numbcrs 1 and 2 are exampies.

1. When you were a child,

\d ypu usg to play ¡n the park?

2, When you went on vacationst

vvhgre wouU you 30?

3, When you were in school,

4. Wlitín you lived in a different place,

5. Eefbre you were in the mílítary,

6. When you played sports,

7. Before you were married,

8. Before you had children.

9, Before you carne here,

EXERCISE B Complete the sen ten ees. Usa the-erform of the adverbs.

high soon near low

straight early
hard fast slow far

1. George was driving at 80 m.p.h. The speed limit waü 70. Ht- wan driving
_ than the speed limit. People obeying the speed limit were
driving than George,

2. Bub ran one ralle. Fred ran 2 railes. Fred ran Lhan Bob.

3. Your toy airplane can ily up to 100 feet above the ground. My toy airplane can
fly only 40 feet above the ground. Yours can fly than mine.

4. Ann went to bed at midnight. Helen went to bed at 11:30. Ann went to bed
than Helen. Helen went to bed
than Ann.

5. At work, Jean writes 2 lettera in an hour. Linda writes 3 letters and finds time
lo help other people, Linda works than Jean,

6. Dan shot and killed a deer today. Harry shot at one but missed. Dan shot
than Harry.

7. Bill fmished his test in 45 minutes, Kate finished her test in 35 minutes. Kute
finiahed than Bill,

8. Al scored 89 on his test, and Joe scored 92. Al scored

than Joe.

9. You íive 2 miles from me. Jay Uves 5 miles from me. You live
than Jay.
EXERCISE C Circle the same meaning as the ítalicized word.

1. The team worked well together. They helped each other happily.
a. machines that work togcther
b. people that work together
c. animáis that live together
2. The man used his right foot to kick the balL
a. hit with his foot
b. hit with his hand
c. hit with a stick
3, Ron kncw that the story was true. He was positine thut it was true.
a. sure
b. wrong
c. sad
4, That man is a hypocrite. He told me to obey the rules, but he ÍK breaking
a. a person who works with the pólice
b. a person who says to do one thing but does another
c. a person who thinks no one should obey the rules

EXERCISE O Pili in the bfank with and. or, so, or btif.

L George wanted to go hunting, he decided to buy his own gun.

2. He went to a big store,, he bought a rifle.
3. He went hunting, he missed every shot-
4. George should practice more» he should sefl the rifle and stop
5. He wants to sell his rifle now, he has a problem,
6. His brother wants to go hunting in three weeks, he wants to use
George'a gun.


EXERCISE E FJII in the blanks wlth the words from the box.

several pisto] fishingrod allover

own walk kill
country whole inetructions twice

1. I'm tired of workiag at my desk. Let's go for a

2. We see deer every place we Icok. They are
3. Bill didn't want a big rifle, so he bought a amall
4. They didn't need just one pendí. They neecJed _
5. I don't waat to rent a boat. I want to buy my —
6. The boya don't know how to físh. They need
7. Do you need to get more lino for your before yon go
8. The Smiths moved away from the cíty and the suburbs. They wunted to live in

9. Rob couldn't fis my car the ñrst time he tried. He had tu try _.
10. Sue doesn't fish when she goea ñshing. She tokcs a pictwre of

the fish, and she puts it back into the water.

11. We ate only part of the deerthat Henry ahot. The deer was toobigtoeat thc


EXERCISE F Select the best answer.

1. Brenda goí up Sue.

a. early
b. early than
c. earlier
d. earlier than
2. Didyou sing when you were in sthool?
a. would
b. would Lo
c. used to
d. use to
3. Glen wanted to swim, he went to the lake.
a. so
b. but
c. if
d. or
3go, I to the beach every weekend.
a. used go
b. use lo go
c. used to go
d. used togoing
5. We can wash small cars big cars.
a. fast than
b. more faster
c. more faster than
d. faster than
6. Ann tried to fix her fan, it still doesn't work.
a. so
b. bul
c. if
d. or


7. Uve in París ten years ago.
a. would
b. used to
u, once
d. twice

8. Wnere go fishing?
a. did you use to
b. do you used to
c. you used to
d. did you would

9. You ímjoy playing soccer, you play every weekend.

a, but
b. and
c. or
d, if
10, Who shoots Larry?
a. straight than
b, straighter than
c, straight
d. straighter

11, every nightwhen you were In high school?

a. Would study you
b. Study you would
c. You study would
d. Would you study

12. Who, play with toy soldiers?

a. uso
b- used
c. use to
d- used to

13- Do you nave to buy a new car, could you use this onc for another year?
a. but
b. and
c. or
d. if
American Language Course

The Amencan Language Course is a comprehensiva, multilevel

prQgramfQradullsthat teaches Englfsh for vocationaJ and profesional
puíposes The ALC is designed pnrnanly lonnlensive English language
tratning in a classroom setting bul ir can be adapted for slower-paced
¡nsTruciion. A significan! leature of Lhe ALC is [he inclusión of basic
inililary lopics and vocabulary.
communicaiive apptoachear ihe ALC s presenlalion is systematic and
carefulJy sequenced ro ensure Ihal learners can bujld on preuiously
acquireü knouuredge. Photographs. ¡lluslraiions, charts. and lables
explam vocabulary and grammar while dialogs and student-centered
activilies jntroüuce and reinforce language funclions and skills. Each
book is supplernonietí by an mstructionai package that includes Ihe
• instructor re^ T
• Siudenite<t
• Audio recordings
• Language laboralory aciivilies marrucior text wilh audio scnpls
• Language laboratory adivines siudem iexi
• Computer-del i veré ti interacnue mullimedfa mslmciion (IMI)
• Qui? kil
• Optional tralning aids
The ALC's second edition leaturcs a compieiely revi sed sludent texl
with an accompanymg instructor Text Insiruclor notes oiter detailed
guiüelines lor presen! ing classroom excretes, supplemenlal adivines,
and pciimeni cullura! informalion. A vanety ot teachinp slrategtes are
providcd lo kcop sludents mon valed and e ni i ven (he ciassroom.

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