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Official Citation

The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, March 3, 1863, has
Sergeant Henry Johnson of Albany
awarded in the name of Congress the Medal of Honor to
American Hero

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty:
Private Johnson distinguished himself by acts of gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of
duty while serving as a member of Company C, 369th Infantry Regiment, 93rd Division, American
Expeditionary Forces, during combat operations against the enemy on the front lines of the Western Front
in France on May 15, 1918. Private Johnson and another soldier were on sentry duty at a forward outpost
when they received a surprise attack from a German raiding party consisting of at least 12 soldiers. While
under intense enemy fire and despite receiving significant wounds, Private Johnson mounted a brave

The Albany County Legislature

retaliation, resulting in several enemy casualties. When his fellow soldier was badly wounded, Private
Johnson prevented him from being taken prisoner by German forces. Private Johnson exposed himself to
grave danger by advancing from his position to engage an enemy soldier in hand-to-hand combat.
Wielding only a knife and gravely wounded himself, Private Johnson continued fighting and took his Bolo Commemorates the Centennial of Henry Johnson’s Battle
knife and stabbed it through an enemy soldier’s head. Displaying great courage, Private Johnson held
May 15, 1918 to May 15, 2018
back the enemy force until they retreated. Private Johnson’s extraordinary heroism and selflessness
above and beyond the call of duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect
Washington Park, Albany
great credit upon himself, his unit and the United States Army.

Henry Johnson resided at 23 Monroe St., in Albany. He and his wife, Edna Johnson, had three children.
But Henry Johnson’s wartime injuries caused him to become destitute. He died in 1929 at age 32 and
was buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

Photo Credit:
10:30 a.m. May 15, 2018 We are honored to welcome Command Sergeant
Major Louis Wilson (retired), who accepted the
Congressional Medal of Honor on behalf of Henry
Johnson from President Barack Obama in the
Albany County Legislature Chairman Andrew Joyce, Majority Leader Dennis Feeney, and Legislators,
White House on June 2, 2015, following a
including members of the Legislative Black Caucus, formally welcome you to a wreath-laying ceremony to
decades-long campaign for the medal. Wilson will
recognize the 100th anniversary of the actions that led to Albany hero Henry Johnson being posthumously
discuss the experience.
awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

The office of U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer of

New York played a fundamental role in uncovering
The centennial anniversary of Henry
additional evidence that led to Henry Johnson
Johnson’s battle in France is an important
being awarded the highest U.S. military decoration. Here to explain how they did is Stephen Mann, deputy
milestone for Albany County that merits our
state director for Senator Schumer, who worked on Johnson’s case for many years.
attention and respect. Standing just 5-foot-4
and weighing 130 pounds, Henry Johnson
worked as a soda mixer in a pharmacy and
Traveling to Albany to pay their respect to Henry Johnson’s memory today are New York Army National
redcap porter at Union Station in Albany
Guard Lt. Col. Shawn Shutts, Deputy Commander, and Command Sergeant Major Andrew Lampkins,
before he enlisted in an all-black New York
leaders of the 369th Sustainment Brigade, the modern-day unit that Henry Johnson joined. Also present
National Guard regiment formed in Harlem,
today are cadets with Albany High School's Sgt. Henry Johnson Battalion Junior Reserve Officers' Training
which became known as the 369th U.S.
Corps (JROTC), which is part of the rich legacy that Johnson left behind in the City of Albany. Local officials
Infantry Regiment, or the “Harlem
dedicated Henry Johnson Boulevard and the Henry Johnson Charter School to the soldier, and Henry
Hellfighters.” The unit served under French
Johnson’s image, created by Capital Region sculptor Vince Forte, Sr., serves as the model for the bronze
command during World War I.
bust installed in Albany’s Washington Park in 1996.

Chairman Andrew Joyce, a captain in the New York Army National Guard, will lead today’s program and
Henry Johnson became the first American to receive
the Croix de Guerre Avec Palme, one of France’s highest military
introduce our guests. Chairman Joyce, Majority Leader Dennis Feeney and members of the Legislative
awards, in 1918. The U.S. awarded Henry Johnson a Purple
Black Caucus will pay tribute to the life and legacy of Henry Johnson, who President Theodore Roosevelt
Heart in 1996; a Distinguished Service Cross in 2002; and the
called one of the five bravest Americans to serve in World War I, by reading from a resolution the entire
Congressional Medal of Honor in 2015. Chairman Andrew Joyce
Legislature approved last night.
and Command Sergeant Major Louis Wilson will lay a wreath at
the base of the Henry Johnson statue.

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