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Tht? American Languoge Course (ALC} is a comprehensive, multilevel language program far
teaching English for vocational and professíonal purposes. It is designed primarily for intensivo
Englísh language training in a classroom setting, but can easily be adapted for slower-paced
inñtruction. The ALC's Cuiríciilum has been developed by the Béfense Language Inslitute
English Language Center IDLIELC), which is a US Department of Béfense school under the
operalional control of the US Air Forcé. The prímary focus of the ALC is to provide a language
curriculum for a diverse international military pnpulation. To that end, the course indudes nol
only general English topics, but also military topics of a general naturc highUghtmg the typical
language military personnel will cnoounter in their professional and vocational career ficlds,
The ALC has, however, also been very successfully used in non-military learníng cnvironmtnts
and in US high schools with immigrant student populations.
Coitt'se componente
The ooorcíinated instnictional packages for Books 1-30 consist of the following:
>-Student textlSTí
> Instructor text (IT)
* Homework and evaluation exercises booklet (HW and ESJ
*• Audio recordinga (tape or CD)
*- Language laboratory activitietí títudent text (LLAST)
*• Language laboratory activities instructor text with audio scripts (LLAIT)
> Computer-delivered interacttve multimedia instruction (IMI)
» Quiz kit
* Optiontil training aids

Inquines and orders

PleEisc uddretís inquirieg and requests for more informatíon about BLIELC publicHlions lo
2235 Andróws Avpnue
Lackland Air Forcé Bfl3C,TeíaR 78^3S-5259
© 2004 by Béfense Language Institute English Language Center and ite licensnrs. Notíce of
Rights; All rightñ reservad. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmittod in any form
or by any meansh electranic, mechanLcalT photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the
prior written permissiou of the publisher.

r J¿uiuary 199!,

Second Edition, Janityry 2004

Pounh priniing, üciobcr 2UU6
ALC Book 8: Scope and Sequence, Lessons 1-5

1 Lesson Vocabulary Functions Gramrnalical Slruciuros Skills

Gettmg directions > Give directions -FulurewithRE+go^gtó * Follow oral and wrirten
using a city or state > afTirmative and dfrections on a map
> The 4 directions
map nagaiive slalemenls ^ Repeat a üiaiog
*• Giving dlrections
•• Yes/no questions *- Select ihe míerence
.- Me as u ring 1
temperatura > Information questions * Complete a box outline
> Comparative adjectives (rom an oral text
b&tt&rífyQfse (lt>3tt) and > Puncluate a paragraph
superiaiive adjectives >-Wnlea loqically
•3 f
the bestiworst sequen^ed paragrapri

2 Lei's g&í irt sftapet >darily ownership >• Preseni active inlinilive > Follow oral and wriUen
using possessive as direct objecl after direotions on a map
+ Gefling in shape
•forms of nouns, üegin, forget, team, > Repeal a dralog
+• Having fun m your pronouns, and íske, need. remember.
Iree lime ^ Selecl the inierence
adjecliues sfarl, try, waní
* Ad|ectives and their *• Identify main idea and
*• Possessive pronouns wrile the topic oí a lext
opposites mine, yours. fters, h¡9,
> Complete a bo» ouilme
' from an oral text
> Punctuale a paragraplí
* Write a logicaíly
sequenced paragraph
Using the phone >Ask foranü give * Comparaiive adjsdives > Repeat a dialog
h&ip using ihe wüh mvrefl&ss + >• Select the inference
> A long distance cali telephone adjective (+ Jfían) and F- Follow semi-technical
>- Using the phone superlative wilh ¡he
B. .m. 1 writlen in^TruclionSí
mosülGasl (+ adjective)
> U&ing a pay phone > Complete a box outline
^ Possibility with mayand froman oral text
* Punctuaie a paragraph
> Wtiont (alternative
* Wrile a logically
Who} m dUirmali^e
infoi m^non queslions seque nced paragraph

Leave a messsge > Make and respond > Ustng IEÜ+ indireol *- Repeat a dialog
4- lo requests to object + (THAT) noun
> Calling about an > Selsct the inference
speak to someone c lause (noun clause f Identify main ¡dea and
and have a asdirect object) write the topic of a Text
f Renting an lele phone In affirmative and
apa rime ni > Follow semi-technical
conversation negative imperativos
. Saying lime before written instructions
and afterthe hour » Complete a bou oullme
Irom anoral text
>- Punctuate a paragraph
> Wrile a logically
sequenced paragraph
Lesson 5 reviews all vocabulary and structures introduced in Lessons 1-4.

Notes to the Student
The American Language Course focuscs on four components of language learning:
vocabiílary, grammatical structures, language functionsr and skiíls.
• The lessons present vocabulary (individual words as well as expressions) that the
learner needs to understand and use in order to commumcatc effcctively in English.
Each new lesson buildson the vaca bulary of the previous lessons. The language
included is appropriate for learners working in professional and vocationa) contexto.
A signiíicant feature of the General English phase of the ALC is that military
vocabulary i 3 included wherever applicable,
• The presentation of grammar is carefully sequenced. The grammatical structures
presented m the lessons are the forms a language learner needs in order to speak
and write standard English. New grammar is often depicted in charts or tablea that
serve to focus the learner's attention on the particular structure being prescnted.
" Language functions are the ways we ase a languago to communicate. Tn each lesson,
exercises that focus on functions show the learner how and whtn to use certain
words, phrases, and sentences.
• In additíon, language and academic skills exercise^ are inLursjit-rstíd throughout Lhe
lessons, These focus on developing the learncr's language proficiency in listening,
speaking, reading, and writing.
The Scope and Sequence chart located on the previaus page shows the content of the
current book, The four columns outline the new material as ít relates to the language
acquisition components described above. Each lesson begins with a table of contenta
followed by a preview page. The preview page provides a summary of the new material
presented in the lesson, Each ALC book has four lessons introdudng new material
and one review lesson, These are followed by a homework section and daily avalnation
exercises, Variouw appendices are also included,
The homework and the evaluation exerciscs are at the back of this text, It generally
takes about two hours to complete the daily homework assignniprits. The evaluation
exercises are short quizzes thal give both the teacher and the student feedback on how
well students have learned the material. Assign these exercises after each lesson is
The appendices follow the fifth lesson. Appendix A provides an alphabetical list of
new vocabulary presented in this book. The number of the lesson in whích each word
or phrase is introduced is provided next te the entry, Appendix B presents a list of
grammatícal structures introduced in the book; a lesson number is provided along with
each entry for easy reference. The other appendices are included as reference materials.


LESSON1: Getting directions 1
LESSON2: Let'aget in shape! 33
LESSON3: Using the phone 65
LESSON 4: Leave a message 93
LESSON5: Eeview 123
A: Word Uat 141
B: Structure List 143
C: The English Alphabet 145
D: American Engliñh Sounda 147
E: Lists of Contractíona 149
F: Spelling Rules for Regular Paat Tense Verbs 151
G: Patternaof Irregular Verbs 153
H: Punctuation and Capitalizaron Í57
I: Activity Pages 161
WorkoutSchedule;B8L2#l 163
Student B's Map; B8L2 #2 165




Getting directions
VOCABULARY: Inwhat direction is Los Angeles? 3
Getting to the airport 7

DIALOGS: Giving directions 11

READING: Making inferences 12

VOCABULARY: Measuring the temperatura U

LISTENING: Skills 16

WRITING; Punctuatmgaparagraph 17

GRAMMAR: Talkingabimt the future vtitii BE gving to . . . . . . 18

Negating sentences vfithBEgoing to 20
Asking yes/no questiona \vithBEgoingto 22
Asking wh-questions v/ithBEgoing to. . . . . . . . . 24

WRITING: Sequcndng sentynces in a paragraph 26

GRAMMAR: Comparing good and bad test scores . . 28

WRITING: Taking notes in a box outline 30

PERFORMANCE CHECK: Classiiying vocabulary words 32

Previ ew What's new in Lesson 1 ?


Nouns north 01 he i words

avenue park best
block quotation marks better
Celsius (C) road cast
centigrade south for (distance?
córner temperatura For (tiinc)
degrees íü) thermometer north
direction wcst of fnorth of, etc.)
directions south
east Verbs straight (aheadl
exclamation be -* was going to weat
exit fall -» fell ídown) worse
Fahrenheit (F) folbw worst
freeway freczc —* froze
ground grow * grew
highway land
ice take (a right/left, a street)
ki]ometer take off—* took off


We're going to finish on time. Give directions using a city or slaíe map.
Wlien are we going to leave? How can I get to ?
Jet Stream Air is better/worse than
Take Highway 35 north for 15 miles.
Sil ver Air
Take exit 85 and turn left.
Blue Sky Air is the best/worst airline. Go west for 4 blocks end take a right.
Go straight ahead for 2 blocks,
Go up Pine Street to Main Street and
turn left
Go down the atreet to the comer of
Main and 3rd.


Vocabulary In what direction is Los Angeles?

Student 1: Are you going on a trip?

Student 2: Yes, to San Antonio.
Student 1: Where's that?
Student 2: It's in the US. *Visít the Álamo
Student 1: Oh really! What part of the US is that
in? the A meneas
Student 2: It's in the south, in the state of Texas. the RivenvaEk

EXERCISE A Look at the map of the US. Repeat the sentences,


New York


Loe Angeles

1. North is the opposíte üf south.

2. East is the opposite of west.
3. North, south, east, and west are directíons.
4. Houstonis south of Dallas.
5. Chicago is in the north of the United States.
6. San Antonio is in the south of the United States.
7- Los Angelen (LA.) is west of San Antonio.
S. L.Ah is 1,403 miles from San Antonio. iThere are 1.6 kilometers ¡n one mile.)
9. You take a freeway or highway going west to travel from San Antonio to L,A,
10. In what part of the United States are Washington, D,C. and New York?
Map 2

EXERCISE B Look at the map of Texas, Repeat the sentences.

1. San Antonio is in the south of Tesas.
2. Dallas ¡sin the north of Texas.
3. Travel between cíties is much faster and easier when you use a freeway»
4. You can take Interstate Highway 35 (IH-35) north from San Antonio to Dallan.
5. IH-35 also goes through Austin.
6. To get from El Paso to Houston. drive easl on IH-10 for about 12 hours.
7. From El Paso to Dallas, take IH-10 east, then IH-20 east,
8- To dríve from Dallas to Houston, take IH-45 south for 240 miles.
9, US freeways end before you get into México or Canadá.
10- Which road can I take to get to Houston from San Antonio?

EXERCISE C Make sentences about Map 2. Use the ivords in the box below.

north south east west

highway freeway Interstate
.,„. road
north of south of east of west of
Map3 ,„ ,.
Washington Ave.

O Post
Office •
ce »

Base Gps ' Commiasary

E i senhower Ave.
Center Library po<

L_ * J o
J Bookstore
[ QSj Quick Stop

Adama Ave.

EXERCISE D Look at Map 3. Read the sentences.

1. The bookstore is on the córner of Jefferson Avenue and 3*1 Street,
across the street from the barracks.
2. Quick Stop's on the same block as the bookstore.
3. From the bookstoreh take Jefferson west and turn righl on I6'
Street. Go straight for one block to get to the Leaming Center.
4. The Learning Center is at the córner of Eiaenhower and 1**.
5. The library is across the atreet from the Learning Center, It's very
large. Ifs on one cíly block.
6. The swimming pool is between tha library and thi? bonk on
Ei senhower.
7. Ace Bank ia on the córner of Eisenhower and 3íd.
8. From the bank, go two blocks west on Eisonhower til l*r. Takt? a
left and go one block.
9. There's a diníng hall at the córner of JeíTerson and l %t .
10. To get to the BX from the dining hall, go north on 1B| for two
blocks. Take a right on Washington Avenue and go two blocks. It'a
on the córner of Washington and 3 rJ , next to the conimissary.

EXERCISE E Listen to the instructor and mark Map 4.

03 Office

Eísenhower Ave.
O Bank

Jefferson Ave.

^^ Dining Darracka Barrado

Adams Ave.

EXERCISE F in pairs, say where things are on Map 4.

The BX Í3 next to the commissary

on 3rd Street, It's across the street
from the dispensary.


Vocabulary Getting to the airport

Map 5

EXERCISE A Listen to the conversatioa Look at the map.

T\t¡(¡ people oí L&cklfind AFB.
Joe: Excuse me, Mary, Can you gíve me directions to the airport?
Mary: Sure. Look at this map. We're in the south part of thia mup, on Lackland
Air Forcé Base. There are three exits from this base, You'll want to us& the
exit from the base to Highway 90.
Joe: Which direction do I drive on Highway 90?
Mary: Drive east on the highway for about 10 miles. Then takc Highway 37
Joe: Okay. Then what?
Mary: Well, Highway 37 is also Highway 281. It changes its number on the map
íriíin 37 to 281 when you follow it north, You will drive on 281 and pass
over Highway 410. Añer 410, you will see the exit for the airport to the
Joe: Okay. Thank you for the directions.
Mary: You're welcome.

Washington Ave.

Eisenhower Ave.
f •>

Ouick Stop

Adams Ave.

EXERCISE B Read the directions and write down where you are on Map 6,
Number 1 es na example.

1. You're at the dining hall. Take Jefterson Avenue east

for two blocks, Turn left, Go up 3* Street to Washington
Avenue, &X
2. Now go west on Washington to 1"', go south one block,
and take a right onto Eisenhuwür. Go one block and park
íii the parking lot on the left,
3. From there, go one block Hüuth Lo Jefferson and take a
left, Go straight ahead for three blocks, pass 3ri Street,
and park on the right.
4- Go back west on Jefferson to 1". Turn north and go two
blocks. You can park on the right.
5, Finally, go east to 2"", turn right, and go down the street.

EXERCISE C Listen lo the directions and mark the route on Map 6.


Map 7
Cenier Britt
Pecan St, Pubhc
Pecan Street School
Pecan Street
Malí Road
Motel Bus Station

Gak Road

Pine Street g

EXERCISE D Read the directions and wrlte down where you are on Map 7.

1. Start at Bob's Cafe. Go down the road to 3 r ^ and take a

lefl, Go two blocks north, take a right and park ai the
córner of 3^ and Pecan. Go inte the building ncxt to the
parking lot.
2. Go half a block north on 3ld and lurn left onto Pecan.
Follow Pecan to Main Street. It's on the right,
3- Frorn there, go south on Main to Pirie. Turn east and go
straight ahead for four blocks. You can1! miss it.
4, Nciw go around the b]ock and go west on Oak Road for
four blocks. It's on the lefl.
5. Go east on Oak to 4lh. Turn left and go two blocks. It*s on
the córner.

EXERCÍSE E Listen to the directions and mark the route on Map 7.

EXERCISE F Pili in the blanks. Use Map 7.
Work with a partnvr to complete these sentences. Your frit-nd in corning to visiéyou. You hnve
lo be oí the bus staiisn al 9:30 to pick her ttp. First, you ga to ¡he bank at 9:00 a.m. tu wixh a

1. To get to the bus station from the bank, go on Oak Road for
blocks. The bus station is on your

2. Your friend has a headache from traveling. To go to the drugalore for medicine»
, north on tu Pecan Street left
and go to ,

3. Take your friend to the Holiday Hotel to check in. From the drugstore, go
. on Pecan to Take a right and go about
blocks to Oak Road. Turn left. lths on the córner of Oak
and 4th.

4, It's now 11:30 and you're both hungry.You eat at Bob's Cafe, then go shopping
at the malí, Now you want to take a walk in Oak Road Park. From Oak and
Main, go blocks on Oak Road, The park is on
your . , between 4th and 5th Streets.

5, Afler the park, you go to the cinema to watch a movie. Take

weat to 3rd Street, Go for blocks and turn
right on Pecan Street to go into the cinema*s parking íot,

6, Now you want to go horae. But you need to buy food for dinner at the grocery
store. From the cinema, east on Pecan Street to 5th. Then go
for 3 blocks. Turn left onto Fine Street and park in the grocery
store's parking lot.


Dialogs Gíving directions

MapS Houston sr.

Commerce St.
Dolorosa t

• ^ jp
j? ÍS La Vtllíca

San Antonio

Bill: Excuse me, sir. How can I get to the Álamo from Market Square?
Man: Takc Commerce Street east. Go about five blocks to Álamo Street, The
River Center malí is on that córner,
Bill: Okay, Where do I go from there?
Man: Take a left on Álamo Street, Go a block or two, You'll see the Álamo on the
Bill: Thank you very much.
Man: You're welcome.

EXERCISE Use these sentences togive directions, Work with a partner.

Bill: Pardon me, sir, How can I get

to the Álamo from here?
Man: ItTs on Álamo Street. Go east S2:
en Commerce. Go straight
anead for 5 blocks. Turn left
on Álamo Street and go 2
blocks- It wítl be on the right SI:
Excuse me, ma'am. How do I
find the Álamo from here?
Lady: Go up Santa Rosa Street.
Take a right on Houston and SI:
go six bJocks. The Alamo's on
the córner. S2:

Reading Making inferences

EXAMPLE: Aune likes to run, She can run for

hours. Last Saturday, she ran 10
miles- After that, she drank a ]ot of
She was hungiy
She was thirsty
She was angry.
She was tired.

EXERCISE Read the sentence. Select the statement that !s true.

1. I studied last night, and I think rll get a good score today.
a. You're going to lunch,
b- You'll play football today.
c. You'll have a test today.
d. You're doing your homework.
2. Mr and Mrs. White got their traveler's checks this mnrning, and now they're
a. TheyVe staying at a hospital,
b- They're going on a trip.
c. They're going to the bank.
d. They're drivíng a new car.
3. Class starts at 8;30 a.m., and you're late!
a. It's after 9:00 a.m.
b- It's 7 in the morning,
c. It's 5 o'clock in the morning.
d. It's 8:25 a.m.
4. Joe put on a heavy coat, a hat, and gloves, and left the building.
a. It was summer.
b. It was winter.
c. It was spring,
d. It wasfall.


5. My friend Mana ís from Spain» and she speaks two languages.
a. Maria spcaks English and Arabia,
b. María speaks French, English, and Spanish.
c. María speaks only French and English.
d. María speaks English and Spanish.
6. The Johnsons loft the store with a couch, an armchair, a coffee table, and two
end tables.
a, They just bought a new car.
b- They needed some new clothes,
c, They needed living room furniture,
d. They went to eat dinner,
7. George uves near the river, and al] tiis friends visit him on hot summcr days.
a. George usually goes to his frietids1 houses.
b. George's mother is a very good cook.
c. George plays basketbaíJ in the summer.
d. George's friendo like lo swim in the sumraer.

8. Mary got her soap, a towel, and a washcloth.

a. Mary wants to take a shower.
b- Mary went to the store.
c. Mary needs some dgarettes,
d. Mary's tired and thirsty.
9. For Lunch today, Sam ate two sandwiches, three pieces of chicken, some potato
salad, and fíome fruit.
a, Sam had a big breakfast this moming.
b- Sam was very hungry today.
c. Sam didn't eat much lunch Lutiay.
d. Sam wasn't hungry today at lunch.
10. Sally bought flour, buttcr, sugar, and chocolate at the store.
a. Sally wants to make soup.
b. Sally wants to make a sandwich.
c. Sally didn't eat breakfast.
d. Sally wants to make cookies.

Vocabulary Measuríng the temperatura

Joe: It's very hot todayl What's the tenlperature?
Kim: I think it's near 100 degrees,
Joe: There's a thermnmefec Whai does it say?
Kim: It's 98 degrces Fahrenheit (98Ü FJ! That^s why you are hot.
Joe: I don't like it t but the plants can grow tall in this weather.
Kim: That's right. But I'll be happy when the temperature falls
back down to the

EXERCISE A Look at the thermometer and compare the temperaturas.

Ce J si us
Fahrenheit ícenti grade}

Body Temperature

reezmg pomt oí water


EXERCISE B Listen and re peal these se n ten ees -

L A thermometer tells yon the temperature.

2. The marks on a thermometer are called degrees (°X
3. Doctora use a thermometer to take body temperature.
4. We use 2 different scales for mcasuring temperature — Fahrenheit ÍÜF) and
Celaius Í"C). Celsius is also called centigrade.
5. Water freezes at 32°F or 0°C and boils at 212T or 100"C,
6. -40" Fahrenheit is the same temperature as -40° centigrade.
7. Body temperature is usually 98.6° Fahrenheit.
8. A nice day will be sunny and 75° to SO"F.
9. This winter was cold. It fell to -5°C. The water in the lake froze,
0. In winter, the temperature in San Antonio is usually between 50" and 60°F.

EXERCISE C Listen to the questions. Select the best answer.

EXAMPLE: It's 27° Celsius.

b.l It's 5° Celsius.
It's T Celsius.
1. Itis 5. a. 2rC
b- 50a F
a. 28 Ü F
b. 28° C 6. The temperature ia
2. You looked at a a. 38" C
thermometer b. 20° F
c- 47* F
a. Celsius
b. Fahrenheit 7. You looked at a ,
3, It is Celsius.
a. Celsius
a. 27° b, Fahrenheit
b. 21°
c. 8. a. -1°C
b- 20" F
4, Itis Fahrenheit.
a. SO"
b. 70Ü
c. 60°
Listenin0 Skifls

EXERCISE A Lisien to a weather report. Write Ihe information you hear

Use the words sunny, cloudy, windy, etc., from bclotu the charf. Titesday ¿í fin




Sunny CToudy Windy Rainy Snowy

EXERCISE B Listen to these words. Show the number of syllables yo u hear.

EXAMPLE: Fah • ren • heit <3 ayllables)


Writing Punctuating a paragraph

íhe sentences vn tl¡e teft. In each one, circle the punctuatton named oti the rrght,

Captain Andrews works at an air forcé base. He's in the US Capital

Air Forcé. tetter

'ft a pilot, and he'g also my fríend's instructor. ApOKtrophe

Captain Andrews teaches student pilota. Next week, we'll be Feriad

student pilots at Medina Air Forcé Base.

Do yon think Captain Andrews wilJ come to our base to teach Qwaliun
U9? mark

Captain Andrews fliss on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Comino

momings, and he teaches the student pilots every afternoon-

Great! We have class in the afternoonsf Captain Andrews will

be our ín3tructor,

You're wrong about that, This morning the major said, 99 Quotation
"Captain Andrews won f t teach new students next month,* tnarks

ÍXRRCISE Listen to the paragraph.Then write it and punctuate correctly.

frank robert andjoe wanted to take a vacation together frank andjoe wanted lo go
to the mountains but robert wanted to go to the lake frank said why do we always
have to go to the lake lets go to the mounlains this year
Grammar Taiking about the future with BE going to

EXERCISE A Read the dialog. Underline the examples of BE going to.

Mark: A plañe is landing over there. Do you think that's Susan's?
Jan: That plane's not landing It's taking oñ\ See it going higher?
Mark: Oh, you're right. When did her plañe take ufí this morning?
Jan: It took off at 8:30. It's going to arrive at 12:00 noon. Look! There's a plañe
that's going to land now. It's going to touch the ground in just a seuond,

%>+ You can use ivtí/or BE going /oto talk about the future.

I am

She is
It going Ui leave at 5:00.
You are


EXERCISE B | Study these contrae! ions.

lam ' Fin '

Heis He's
Slie is She's
Itis goingto.,. ü It's going to...
We are We're
You are You're
They are , =* They're ,

EXERCISE C | Repeat these senteñces after your instructor.

1. She's going to live with her daughter next year,
2. Fm going to grow tomatoes this aummer
3. Watch outf There's ice on Ihe street. You're going to fall down.
4. Be careful! That lamp is going to fall.
5. We're going to follow you to the airport in our car.
6- Sam and Lou are going to drive tu the airport,
7, Sarah's going to pick up her brother, Jim.
8, Mr Phillíp's plane's going to land at 7:00 this evening.
9, My mother's going to stay for sis days.
10. Phil's going to return his books to the library on Saturday.

NOTE: We often say gonna for going to, but we don't use gonna in wrlting.

EXERCISE D Talk to your partner about an airplane trip you took.

take off land ground taking off

people airport landing

landed sky tookofT fly

Grammar Negating sentences with BEgoing to

I am

She is not going to leave at 8:00.

They are

I am not Fm not I'm not

He ís not He's not He isn't
We are not going to... = We're not going to... = We aren't going to.
You are not You're not YÜU aren't
They are not They're not They aren't

EXERCISE A Rewrite the serrtences in the negativo. USO Ule word in ().

Number 1 is an exampie.

1. I'm going to buy a sweater. (jacket)

l'm not goínfl to buy a jacket.

2, You're going to leave at 5:00. Í6:30)

3. They are going to grow tomatoes. (potatoes)

4. We're going to eat lunch now. (dinnerf

5. Tm going lo cook lamb. (beeí)

6, Judy and I are going to swim thia afternoon. (this cvening)

EXERCÍSE B Rewnte these sen ten ees. Use BE going to.
Number 1 is on example.

1. The jet will land at the San Antonio airport at midnight.

The jet te floinfl to land at the San Antonio airport at

2. Jeff won't buy a new car.

You won't move the bookcase.

4, The radio said it will freeze tcnight.

5. They will go to the park this afternoon.

6. The leaves will fall to the ground in autumn.

7. You will take the second exit off Highway 90.

8. I won't use the Celsius thermomcter.

9. Thyre will be ice on the roads tonight.

10. Sandra won't sit on the wet ground.

Grammar Asking yes/no questions with BE going to

going to tea ve at 6:00 •

he going to

EXERCISE A Read the answers and write yes/no questtons.

Number 1 i$ on example.
1. Is his plañe going to Jand at 3:OO in the afternoonl
Yes, bis plañe is going to land at 3:00 in the afternoon.

Yes, tho stxidents are going to study for their test.

Yes, Amanda's going to get a haircut today.

Tliat's right, I'm going to cook dinner

Yea, the temperature's going to go below freezing tonight.

No, it isn't going to rain.

No, Bob and Sue aren't going to travel by plañe.

No, I'm not going to eat my apple.

No, our plañe isn't going to take ofT Qn time.

No, Fm not going to buy a new car


EXERCISE B Ask and answer yes/no questions about Tom's schedule.
Use BE going to in your quentions.

Things to do

the bank

12:00 have lunch_tíithJ3elzlzifl he 3 going to

tía ve lunch with
:00-4:00 Debbie,
5:50 cook dirner

e a movie with

EXERCISE C Ask your classmates about therr plans. Use yes/no questions.

Are you going to see a movie toníght?


Is James going to eat in the mess

hall this evening?

(5rammar Asking wh-questions with BE going to

EXERC1SE A Answers the questions. Use BE going to.

Nuntber J is an example.

1. Whatis Sara going tomail? (the

Sara's going to malí the packages.

2. Where are the students going to study? flihrary)

3. What are you going to wear tomorrow? new suitt

4. When are they going to arrive?

5. Which shirt are you going to buy? (the blue onel

G. When is the ptane going to take olí? (in one hour)

7. Where are Mike and Floyd going to eat? (in the dining hall)


EXERCISE B Rewrite the sentences as questlons.
Number 1 in an example.

Jill ís going to leave tomorrow,

Nora and Jean are going to go to Dallas.

They are going to walk to acfaooL

1'm going to wear my brownjackgL

You're going to travel in California.

Fred is going to send the letter.

Tm going to cook the chicken.

Lt Adams is going to fly the newest planes.

Irene is going to put the salad in the refrigerator.

Our plañe is going to leave at 3:25 p.m.

Fred is going to write three letters today.

Jim is going to visit his parents jn Apríl.

Writing Sequencing sentences in a paragraph

EXAMPLE: 4 He paid the waiter and left the restaurant.

1 Lee ordered a hamburger and a soda at a restaurant.
2 A waiter brought the hamburger and the soda.
_3 Lee ate them.

Leg ordered a hamburger and a soda at a reetaurant. A waitgr brought

thg hamkurger and thg soda. Lee ate them. He paid the waiter and left

thg restaurant.

EXERCISE A Put the sentences ín order.Ther^write the paragraph.

Jim got dreased and went to a drugstore.

He went into the bathroom and took a shower.
He bought some toothpaste.
Jim got up at 8:00 a.m. Jast Saturday.
After his shower, he wanted to brush his teeth, but he didn't
ha ve any toothpaste.


EXERCISE B Put the sentences in order. Then write the paragraph.

Fred said, "Gkay, I'll come back this afternoon."

He went to a barbershop and spoke to the barber.
Fred ueeded a haircut.
Tbe barber said, "I can't cut your hair this morning. Can
you come back ]ater, please?"

EXERCÍSE C Put the sentences in order. Then write the paragraph,

_ Jane was late to class,

_ But this morning sbe got up late.

_ Jane usually gets up at 5:30 on weekday marnings.

_ She íjot dressed and left the house at 7:30.

(5rammar Companng good and bad test scores


Mame ID number Score
better (than)
Robín 30412 100
Kate 21215 98
Lee 30206 93
Scott 30621 83
Gary 31010 69 worse (than)
Tina 30817 62
the worst
Bob 31004 53

EXERCISE A Listen and ful ín the blanks.Then repeat the sen ten ees.

1. Leo has a score. Kate has a score Lee.

2. Robin has
3. Gary's score is ., Tina's score is Qary'ñ.
4. Bob's score is _ of all the scores.
5, Scott's score is _Tina'sandBoir5.
6 r Gary has a score _ Scott.

EXERCISE B Answer these questions.

1. Is Scott's score bcttcr than Kate's?

2. Is Bob's score worse than Lee's?
3. Which score is worse, Tina's or Scott's?
4. Which score is better, Lee's or Gary's?
5. Whose score is the best: Tina's, Kate's, Lee's?
6. Whose score is the worst: Robin's, Scott's, Gary's, Lee's?


EXERCISE C Chouse the correct answer and write ¡t on the Une,

Steve: I'm going on a trip next week. Fm going to fly on Jet Stream Airlines,

George: Is Jet Stream Airlines _ thanBlueSkyAir?

Steve: Yes, I heard it was much
George: A lot of people think Blue Sky is the _ of al] the airlines.
Steve: That raay be. But Jet Stream isn't the airlme.
George: Thal's true. My dad thinks that Sílver Star Airlines is the
Steve: Well, I'm not going to take the yirliiií?h bul Fui also not
going to take the _ one.
George: Have a safe trip. ít Hiire is the _ time of year to travel.
Steve: Thanks.

EXERCISE D Answer these questions. Use better, best, worse, worst.

1. Which season has the best weather?

2. Which has worse food, the mess hall or the Qfíkers' Club?

3. Which is better for yon, candy or fruit?

4. Which is the best month for vacation?

5. Which is the worst — hot, wet, cold, or freezing weatherV

VVriting Taking notes ín a box outline

John's ehopping trip

post office drug store grocery

star/i ps medicine bread

EXERCÍSE A Listen to the paragraph and fill fn the box outline,

Sports for every eeason

sprmg autumn


basketball football


EXERCISE B üsten to the paragraph and fill in the box outline.

Thíngs for Tom's house


EXERCISE C Listen to the paragraph and fill in the box outline.

Milítary bases [n 6an Antonio

Performance Check Ctassifying vocsbulary words

Look ai these ivords. Wríle each ivord iu a zategory.

block Celsius weat road

comraa degree hi EQUth

freeway kilometer direction period

exclamation exit quotation . t
mark marks
question north sirüight luke a
iu ai ü ahead right
thermometer mile Fahreoheit east



Let's get in shape!
VOCABULARY: We're aul of shape! . . . . . . . . 35
Getting in shape . , - 38

READING: Where are you? r 40

LISTENING: Marking a routeon a map 41

VOCABULARY: What do you havc fun doing in your free time? . . . . 4'¿
Target practice: Is it a hit or a miss? 43

GRAMMAR: Ray wants to buy shoes 46

READING: Identifying the topic and the maín id(?a . 49

VOCABULARY: Adjectives and theír oppositos 50

WRITING: Taking notea in box outlines 54

GRAMMAR: Uaing possessive pronouns 56

READING: Making inferences 61

WRITING: Sequencing and writinga paragraph 63

DIALOGS: How*s your coffee?. . . 64

Previ e w What's new in lesson 2?


Nouns Verba OlherWords

exercise exercise beautiful
ñm forget -» forgot (to) boring
gymnasium (gym) get - * got in shape diñicult
push-up have -» had a good time \' I I . I L J

sit-up have —* had fun free time

watch hit-* hit healthy
ivorkout misa hers
remember (to) his
shut- * shut irapurlaiit
try -* tried (to) in (good) shape
work out
out of shape



I need to buy some new shoes. CJarify ownership with possessive
Do you want to go to the store together? Is thia Mary's?
Sure. Don't torget to bring some money! No, ít's not. It's oxu'a.
When do you do your exercises?
My coñee's delicious. How's yours? She doea hers first, and I do mine
awfuL later.
Vocabulary We 're out of shape!

Weight and Height Chart for Women Weight and Height Chart for Men

height weight height weight

feet/ feet/
meters pounds •cilograms meterá pounds kilogrunifi
inches ¡nenes
5'4" 1.62 116-131 52-58 510" 1.77 143-158 64-71

5'5" 1.65 120-136 54-61 5'11" 1.80 147-163 66-73

5'6" 1,68 124-139 55-62 6'G" 1.82 149-168 68-75

57" 1,70 132-147 59-66 6T 1.85 155-173 70-78

John: Look at what this scale says. Tm 6 feet tall, and I weigh 200 pnundñ. Fra
o ver weight!
Mary: Well, I'm 5 feet 6 ínches tall, and I weigh 139 pounds, Fm not overweight,
hut I am aJways very tired at the end of the day. Tm not iii good ríhape,
John: I'm really out of shape.
Mary: What can we do to get in shape?
John: We need to exercise. Maybe wc can go to the gym.


EXERCISE A What can John and Mary do to get in shape? Check the boxes
Compare your choices wifh your partner's chulees.

walk the dog watch TV

play the piano play tennis

play soccer deán the houee

drink tea talk on the phone

late drive to work

With your partner, wrife fíve more wfiysJohn and Mvry can get in shape.

Thoy can
Thcy can
Thcy can
Thoy can
They can

EXERCISE B Read the sentences and look at the picture.

John and Mary think exercises will help them get in shape, Thcre ia a
gymnasiuní near their house, It has a lot of thinga to holp them exorcisc.


EXERCISE C Find the hours Mary and John can go to the gym together.
Mary and John want to go to the gym together in their free time. But they
often can't go there at the same time. Compare their schedulos below. When can
they be at the gym and work out together?

EXERCISE D Read what John and Mary can do at the gym.

They can do push-ups. They can do sit-ups. They can liíl weights.

They can walk on the They can use the They can climb atairs.
treadmill. bicycle.
Vocabulary Getting in shape

Listen to íhe instructor read Afary's workout schedule. Check fl/J the aclivtíies she UjilL do otí
her chart. Then do the same for Jofin^s chart. The first row in jtí&ry's chart isan example.

ce s

Mary 's workout es
Tí s n
<f¡ T3

do sit-ups */ I/ •
do push-ups
lift weights
walk on the treadmill

OJ >*
John's workout ta Oí & >,
& &
0> TU T3
Ti Ul C ¡1* l- TS
UJ TJ >_j
^ 3 X 'C n= 3
S E" £
^ E- fe 7J

do sit-ups
do push-ups
lift weights
walk on the treadmill

EXERCISE A Discuss activiti&s that Mary anü John can do together.

EXAMPLE: They can liíl weights together on Tuesday and Thursday,

EXERCISE B FIN out a chart with your workout schedule.

Use íhe workout chart in Appendtx /.
EXERCISE C Read and practice the dialogs below.
John: It's time to go to the gyra.
Mary: I think we forgot something. Do we nave
John: What did we forget? everything
Mary; I'm not sure. I can't
remember! Oh, yes. I know. I
forgot to shut the windows,
and Et's going to rain!
John: It's all right-1 rernembered to
shut them.

John: What time is it now? I don't

want to be late.
Mary: Let me check. Oh, no!
John: What?
Mary: I forgot my watchl

EXERCISE D Match the beginning of the sentence with ¡Es ending.

1. Did J forget a. when I swim,

2. I never wear a watch b. to brush your teeth every day,

3. Please shut c. to lock the doorthis morning?

4. 11*3 going to rain! Did you d. to cali my mother on her birthday

5. Remember e. the door when you leave.

6- I always remember f. shut the windows before leaving?

Reading Where are you?

N Key
0 Hightown Park
e Park Apartments
2¿ird Street o City Bank
o City Parking
o Hightown Malí
o Dale1? Drugstore
o Doctor's Office
24th Street o Hightown Library
o Lee's Flowers
© Kosa's Kcstaurant
Main Street ffi SanTs Shoe Store

25th Street 'E O
o o

EXERCISE Read Ihe directions and wrlte down where you are on the map.
1- You parked your carin front of Sani's Shoe Store, #11.
Get in and drive south to Main Street. Turn left and go 1.
one block. Turn right. The place you want is on your left.
Park your car there,
2. Walk west on 25ltL Street. Go to Athens and turn right. 2.
Cross Main and go 2 more blocks. Turn right, then left,
and then right again. The place is on your left,
3. Follow 23rt to Athens. Turn left. At the nest córner, turn 3.
right. Go in the building on your left.
4. Go to the comer of24 lh and Cairo-Turn right. Go 2 4
blocks. Turn left and go to the 2níl building on your right.
5. Walk down Paris Street and acroaa Main. Go into the 5
park. Walk across the park and leave it at Cairo and 23 .
Walk down 23[d. Cross Athens. The place is on your right.
Listen ¡ng Marking a route on a map

Lisien tu íhe directions and mark íhe map ivilh a pendí.

Washington Ave.

Rx -3-

Learning Library Swimming Bank;

Jefferson Ave.

Barracks Barracks
QS OulckStop

EXERCISE Ask for and give dircctions. Mark the map with the numbers

Student B: Look atAppendix 1. Both students: Síart at íhe * each time.

Student As map:
Student A
Ask for directions to:
© Joc's Snack Bar
O Downtown Cinema bus stnp
School Oak St,
OGym O
Student B wíll ask for dírections to;
Mapte Avenue
O Boh's Ice Cream Shop
O Ann's Flower Shop
Ron's Barbershop co CG Oí
O Dolly's Restaurant ElmSt. -n
A: How do I get to the bus stop? Poplar St.
B: Go up 34th to Oak. Turn left. Gü
two blocks and turn right. The bus
stop is on the left on 32nd Street. Fine St.
Vbcabulary What do you have fun doing in your free time?

John and Mary are happy. They

finished their first wcek's workout.
They had a good time. Exercíso is
work, but it can he fun, too.

EXERCISE A Check (Q what yo u have fun doing in your free time.

Add 4 more things to íhe fist ond then compare your fisí with a

dancing shopping

doing my homework going to the movíes

doiiig nothing watchingT\'

listening to music beiug with my f'ríends


EXERCISE B Write 4 sentences about what your partner has fun doing.




Vocabulary Target practica: Is it a hit or a miss ?

Yon hit the

target 5 times! Yes, but I also
missed it 5 times
Let's try again!

EXERCISE A Listen and match. Then say the sentences,

a. b. c.
EXERCISE B Describe what each perspn is doing or trying to do.
Number 1 is an exompl?.

1. JHé's trying to read.


EXERCISE C Fill in the blank with the correct word or phrase.

have a good time try to

work out sit-ups gym

Tips for Getting in Shape

Gotoa(l) nearyour home.

Í2) exercise three days a week.

Stsrt SLOWLY! The first day, (3) for only (I ve
to eight minutes. The next day, you can work for a longer time.
Í4) with a friend. Exercise is more (5)
Select an exercise you like. You don't have to run or do push-ups

You can play tennis, (7) , or basketball.

Try not to have more than three days between workouts, or you
wiJl (8)


Grammar Hay wants to buy shoes.

Joe: Hi, Ray, Where are you going?

Ray: To the BX-1 want to buy some new shoes. Mine are oíd.
Joe: Really? I'm going there, too. I need to buy some new tennis shoes.
Ray: Mmm. Do you play tennis?
Joc: Fin Ifcarning to play- Let'a just say, I'm trying to play. Do yon play tennis?
Ray: Yes, T started to play when I was a child,
Joe: Wowf You aro a good player!
fíay; I'm okay. Do you want to take lessons with me?
Joe: Of course! Do you want to teach me?
Ray: Sure, no problem. Meet me at 9:00 tomorrow morning on the tennis court.
Joe: Great!
Ray; Oh, and don't forget to bring lots of tennis balls,
Joe: Will do!

John needs to exercise at the gym.

>* Notice the pattern: verb + to + base verb.

EXERCISE A Complete the sentences wtth to and then say them.

1. Bob likes swim. 5. Don't forget salute.

2. We tried . cali you last night. 6. He learned. pronounce it.
3. Mai>r wants learn Chínese. 7. T'm beginning like this.

4. Mark rüinembered ask him. 8. We need review tonight.

EXERCISE B Unscramble the sentences.

í is ttn example.

1. door / night / Last /1 / to / lock / forgot / the

got to lock the door last night.

2, want / brother / next / I / to / week / my / vi

3, gym /1 / yesterday / began / to / out / the / at / work

4. tonight / rny / need / I / EngJish / to / study

5. I / Saturday / buy / forgot / last / to / food

6, remember / my / didn't / this I I I momíng / to / book / briiig

7 T'm / math / starting / to / understand / problem / thia

tonighl / FU / my / do / try / homework / to

want / Saturday / I / to / play / on / soccer

last / I / tennis / to / year / learned / play

EXERCISE C Make yes/no quL'stions. Then interview a classmate.
Write tuio more questions ofyotir own far 9 ond 10- Ask yoiíf partner aÜ the qu-estions, and
check {*/) the boxes with the answers.

Do yo u want a nevvlanguage?



oí m O

> Z
£ 2
1. want / !earn a new language
2, leaxn / read / before you were 5 years oíd
3. remember / do / homework
4. necd / havc / a car in your town
5. try / eat different foods at restaurants
6. start / think about borne / on your last trip
7. forgot / pul your ñame on your book
8. like / spend time with your friends

EXERCISE D Choose five Ítems from above and write the questions.
Number 1 is an exampie.

Pid you learn to rgad bgfore you were 5 yearg




Reading Identifying the topic and the main idea

It was Paul's birthday. He met his family at a restaurant They had a delicious
meal. Afber the meal) they had cake, Each person in his family gave him
something. It was a nice time for everyone.

Main Idea: a. Paul's wife went to the restaurant.

b. Paul lovoa his family very much.
c. Paul and his family had a good time on his birthday.

2, Every day, Greg goes to the gym on the base. He puta on his gym cluthes and
begins to exercise. First, he does sit-ups. Then, he doos push-ups, Afltír Ihese
exercises, he goes outside and runs around the gym eight or ten times. Then,
he goes back inside, and he takes a shower and gets dressed,
Topic: ______ _____
Main Idea: a, Greg is in good shape.
b. Greg exercises each day
c, Greg starts to exercise slowly.

3, Do you want to be healthy? Exercise helps you get in shape. Go to the gym
after work or schooL Walk three miles a day. After you cxercise for a few
weeks, you will be in better ^hape.
Main Idea: a. Exercifie at the gym is best.
b r Students exercise in the afternoon.
c. Exercise is important for a healthy büdy.
Vbcabulary Adjectives and their opposites

Read the odjectiues in thegray box, ihen read íkesixtexts. Underline and
tkeir upposites in íhe texis.

My child is beautiful. Most mothers think that about

their children. Bul, there's one time I can say my child
is ugly. That's when she is angry. At that time, she is ñor
very luce to Jook at or listen lo.
The teacher said, "This will be an easy test," fieven
people took the test. Two thought it was easy, one cried
because of it, and four more didn't have time to finiah- 1
think it was a difficult test!
3. What a terrific tennis player you are! You never mías u
ball. Fm an awful player. I miss a lot ofballs,
4. Some people are a little ovcrweight, and that is a s
unimportant problem. Other people are very, very
overweight That's a big, important problem, H's hard
for them to move and to walk, They don't have fun doing
5, Oíd peopl« usually get sick often. Oíd people aometimes
feel bad, Young people are usuaHy healthy.
G. I watch sports on TV, I think basketball is exciting to
watch, but golf is a horing sport to watch onTV.

EXERCfSE A Write the opposite adjective -i- noun.

Nuinher 1 is an example.
adject!ve + noun opposite adjective + noun

1. easy test -* difficult test

2. ugly child -*

3- boring sport -*
4, sick people -*
5, awful player -1
6, unimportant problem —•
EXERCISE B Complete the webs and talk about them.
Choose an adjecíiue from the box. Wriíe it in íhe centcr nf a web. Think nf 4 pv'iple or things
that each adjective describes. Wriíe those words in the 4 shapes. Sliow ynur chutees to a
dosamate and talk abouí them. Then dv the second web.

difficult terriííc healthy

esciting important beautiful

EXERCISE C Read the sentences.Then write them ín just one sentence,
Nuniber 1 is an example.

1. Jan has a Job. It is exciting,

Jan has an exoitíng Job-,

2. Mrs. Smith is a cook. Her food is terrific.

3. I saw a soccer game an TV last night. It was exciting.

4. San Francisco is a city in California. It is beautiftiL

5. Jim read a book about China. It was interesting.

6. He ís the father of fíve children. They are healthy.

7. The students have a test tomorrow. It is important.

S. Ms. Walters gave us a test thift morning. It was diñicult.

9. The students have a test tomorrow, They are important.

10, Paul took a picture of the moon.The picture waís terriflc.

EXERCISE D Listen to these words. Show the mjmber of syllables you hear

EXAMPLE: di • rec • tion (3

EXERCISE E Listen, Write each word in the column with its stress pattarn.
• A*


sliassed . i i <i

EXERCISE F Listen.Then write the paragraph with correct punctuatlon.

joe saw ray at the bxjoe needed to buy tennis shoes because he was learning to ploy
tennis ray needed new tennis shoes because his were oíd joe didnt know that ray
was a good tennis playea ray wanted to help joe learn and said canyou meet me
tomorrow morningon the tennis courtjoe was very happy about thtit and said
terrific ill see you there
Writing Taking notes in box outlines

today's menú

soup salad dessert

chichen fruít cherry pie

EXERCISE A Listen to the paragraph and ful in the box outline.

enlieted m£n and women

EXERCISE B Listen to the paragraph and fill in the box outline.

Dave's pets

EXERCISE C Listen to the paragraph and lili ¡n the box outline.

phyeícal training (PT) test

Grammar Using possessive pronouns

Complete the table with It's + possesgive pronaun.

Whose ball is it?

It's hers.
tl ¡lili IT
It's my ball ff* =: It's mine,
It'a your ball. -*
It's bis ball. ->
It's her ball. -*
It's its ball. -^
It's our ball, -* _
It'atheirball, -* _
It's his.
_J !

V Do not use ¡ts as a possessive pronoun.

Use tt's + noun: /f Ts the dog's.
EXERCISE A Read the paragraphs.

Lola and Mike Uve in a small

house. It has 3 wíndows and a
garden in front. Duke and
Red, their dogs, Uve in a
doghause in the backyard.

Lola is a cook. Her cookies and

pies are terrífic. She also Ukus
to draw pictures of people. And
she Hkes to watch TV. Mike
bought her a large TV for her
birthday. Khe likes to watch it
aíler a long day in the kitchen.

Mike is a photographer. He has four cameras and takcs lots of picturcs. He

often travels for his job. He has an expensive watch and a cell phone beuuusu he
always needs to be oa time.

To get in shape, Lola and Mike go to the gym three times a week. There, they
work out and play basketball together. To be healthy, they also walk their dogs
every day. Because they walk often, Duke and Red are healthy, too.

EXERCISE B Listen. Answer questions about Exerci5e A. Use possessives.

Look at Ihe piclures and retid the exampie questions and annioers. Then turn to the next
page and fook ai íhosc pictures, These things belong to Mike and Lola and íheir dogs.
Answer the questions you ftcar.


Teacher: Whose suitcase is it? Teacher: Whose bowl is it?

Student: It's Mfke's. Student: It's Duke*s.
It's his. It's the
EXERCISE C Listen and change the sentencia.

Teacher: Mv car is blue.

Student; Mine ¡5 blue.

1. Hia track is black.

2 Hia shirt is white.
3. That's the Smíths1 car.
4. Our house Í3 over there.
5. That's Kevin'a camera,
6. This is Ann's el asa,
7. Her coat is dirty.
8. That's the dogs bone.

9. That's herwau:h.
10. That's my_Eatlm

EXERCISE D Now wrlte the sentences you said in Exercise C.

EXERCISE E Fill in the blanks with words from trie gray boxes.
Yon wiU use same words more thati fríe time.

my your her mine yours hers

hÍ9 our their his ours theíra

My wife and I exercise every day at Lhe gym. We don't do

exercises together, Our schedules are different, The men do
exercises in the morning, and the women do in the afternoon.
My wife works out with sister, and I work out with
friend, Jack.. workout is diíTert-nt from mine. I do
push-ups and sit-ups for , and he plays volTeyball for
My wife likes to do push-ups and sit-ups, too, but wo do at
different times. She does iirstt and then she swims. I do
All of us need to exercise. Why? Enerases make us strong and healthy. We
do , Do you do ?

EXERCISE F Col lee t objects from your class and ask questions.
Making inferen ees

EXERCISE rtead the sentence. Select the truc statemant

. This morning, Ed ate a very big breakfast.
a. He doesn't like to eat breakfast
b. He was very hungry.
c. He had two pieces of toast for breakfast.
d. He is eating a big lunch nu\v.
2. On the first day, the Whites drove for seven hours and then stopped at a hotel
for the night.
a. They're taking a trip.
b. They like to eat breakfast in restaurants.
c. Thcy don't have any money
d. They have a new car
3. Stan has ttj wLudy English 4 hours every night,

a. Stan has a nice desk.

b. He's also Icarning French,
c. Stan's English class is large.
d. His English class is difEicult.
4. Greg's learning Spanísh from Ms. Rivas.
a. Greg is a mcchanic.
b. Ms. Rivas is a teacher,
c. Greg's studying Fcench, too.
d. Ms. Rivas speaks Italian, too.
5. Fred packed a small suitcase.
a. He bought a new hoiiüs.
b. He went duwntown.
c. He went on a trip.
d. He stayed in bed.
6. Mary geta in her car and drives to the hospital five days a week.
a. She uves at the hospital.
b. She doesn't have a car.
c. She works at the hospital,
d. She hkes the hospital food.
7. Sharon took some letters to the post office,
a. She wanted to mail them.
b. She likes to read,
c. She pícked up a pen.
d- She gave me a stamp.
8. Frank is trying to get in shape.
a. He drives a beautiful new car.
b. He always eats at the mesa hall.
c. He sees the doctor every week.
d. He works out at the gym every day.
9. Fred and his friendo are having a party, and everyone ís laughing.
a. Fred goes to a lot of partiea.
b. The food is good at the party.
c. Everyone is having fun.
d. There are twenty people there.
10. Betty asked Jane, "What time is it?"
a. Betty likes to ask questiona.
b. Betty has the same watch as Jane.
c. Betty ia in a hurry,
d. Betty ian't wearmg a watch.
Writing Sequencing anrí writing a paragraph

Looktttthe sentencus. Pul fhetn in arder-and write thepar-agraph.

1. Karen said, "Gkay, Jane. Your house or mine?"

Jane and Karen are in the same Spanish dass.
Jane said, "Karen, let's study for the test together."
Jane said) "At your house, Karen, We studied for the last test
at mine."

2. . After their visit, Ned said, "I like your mother's house."
Mark and Ned visited Mark's mother at his sister's house.
*Well then," Ned said, "your sister has a very nice house,"
Mark said, "Oh, that house isn't hers. It to my sister
and her husband."
Pialogs How's yourcoffee?

Repeal and recite the dialoga.

Before class...
Sally: How's the coffcc here?
Jane: Mine's fine.
Bob: Really? Mine's awful!
Sally: Why's that?
Bob: It's cold and weak.
Sally: Fm sorry. Thafs too bad. Just leave it. We need to get to class.

After class...
Tom: How was your class?
Bob: It was okay for rae, but Jane didn't like it.
Tom: What's the problem?
Jane: I don't know.
Bob: She won't sayr I think the problem is the teacher. She doesn't
make the class very exciting,
Tom: Isthatright?
Jane: Fm borcd.
Bob: Well, T'm not, but my English isn't as good as yours.

In the teacher's roorn. ..

Teacher 1: Tfell me about your two new students.
Teacher 2: Well, Bob works hard, but Jane is lazy. He studies all thc time, but
she is always talking to her friends.
Teacher 1: Who does better on the tests?
Teacher 2: Jane doea, but I can't understand why!
Teacher 1: I think your class is very easy for her. She'a bored,
Teacher 2: Mmm. I think you're right.
Using the phone
VOCABULARV: A long distance phone cali 67
American phone bouk$ - 69
Finding plione numbers , , . - . , , 70
Using a pay phone 71

GRAMMAR: Making questions with Wkom - - - 74

READING: Making inferences 76

GRAMMAR: Reviewine the comparativo and superlativo 77

LISTENING: Words with two or moresyllables 78

GRAMMAR: Making the comparativo with mnrv and less 79
Making the superlative with the rrtost and ¿he leasi. . 81

READING: Doingmath 83

GRAMMAR: Making sentenues with may and migkt - 85

DIALOGS: Can you help me, please? . 88

WRITING: Sequencing and punctuating 89
Taking notes ín box outlines 91

Preview What's newin Lesson 3?


Nouns Verbs O: he; v/o 1 ::r

área code cali fup) busy
bell dcposit cheap
cali find -* fbund expensive
chango hartg up -* himg up international
coin make —* made aphone cali just a minute
conversation may least
factory might less
une pay -* paid local
operator ring -> rang long dis Lance
page more
pay phone most
person O = operator
pablic phone whom


Ask for and give help using a ! h ;. innu
A truck's more expensive than a car.
A bicycle's less expensive than a car, Is there a pubfic phone here?
A plane's the most expensive vehicle. How do I cali the operator?
A bicycle's the least expensive vehicle. How can I get a phone number?
T may get a phone in my room, How do I make a long distance cali?
His phone might not be working, There's a pay phone down the street.
With whom am I speaking? Dial the number O to get the
You can find phone numbers in the
phone book or dial 1411.
Look in the Help Pages of the phone
book to make a long distance cali.
Vocabulary A long distance phone calí

It wíifc Saturday moming and

Jim wanted to make a long distance
cali to his friend. Lee, in Korea. Jim
made the first cali early in the
morning, but Lee's line was busy.
Abont an hour later, Jim made
the second calL The line was busy
again, Jim waited a few minutes and
called for the third time. The line was
still busy Jim thought Lee's phone
might not be working.
Jim waited until eveninjí
Lried to cali his friend again, At last,
the phone rang, A person answcrcd,
but it wasn't Lee. It was L<se*s wife.
Before thcy could start a conversation,
Jim heard his doorbell ring. Jim said,
"Just a minute, piense*" Then he
answered Üie door. Whom did he seé?
It was Lee. Lee was smiling. He said^
I tried to cali you thia morning, bul
yüur phone was alwnys busy."

EXERCISE A Read the senténces.Wr¡teT for true and F for false.

1. Jim wanted to cali long distance to Horca

2. Jim made only one cali.
3. Lee's phonc was not working.

4. Lee'g wife answerecl the phoae in the

5. Lee was happy to see Jim.
6. Jim heard his phone ring.
EXERCISE B Listen* Write the phrases and sentences you hear

EXERCISE C Fill in the blanks with the phrases and sentenees Irom above.

1. Lt Ray: Helio. Is Captain Miles there?

Lt Dan: 111 got him.

2- Alan: Are you calling Joan now?

Mark: I'm trying to, but

3. Sally: What are you doing?

Burt: I'm trying to to Japan.

4. Bill: Do you have a problem with the phone?

Julie: Yes. It doesn't ring, It

6. Beth; Let's get together and talk, okay?

Roy: Sure, but not now. I don't have time to

6. Dad: „ Can you answer it?

7. Rick: We have to go back to class now.

Ray: Yes,
Vocabulary American phone books

Jim and Lee ore woikiiíg in a pork.

Loe: Say, Jim. I'd like to cali my friend Scott. Can you show me how lo use
a pay phone?
Jim: Sure. There's s public phone down the gtreet.
Lee: Is a public phone lik$ a pay phone?
Jim: Yes, usually.

At the pay phone...

Jim: Do you have your friend's phone number?

Lee: Oh, no. I forgot it.
Jim: No problcm. We can Fmd it, TU show you how to use the phone book here.
First, you'll find important information in the Help Pages. They are the
first pages in the phone book.



EXERCISE Read the questions and find the answers on the gray page,

1, What Information can you find in the Customer Help Pages?

2. What number can you dial to get a local number?
3, When you need help from the operator, what number do you cali?
4. How can you cali another country?

Vocabulary Finding phone numbers

Jim: In the US, we have two telephone books. They are called the Yeílow Pages
and the Whíte Pages.
Lee: Why are there two phone books?
Jim: Because they have different information. Yon can fmd the phone numbers
of businesses Jike stores, faetones, doctors1 offices, and schools ín the Ycllow
Pages. It has all the husmeas phone numberH yuu may need.
Lee: Oh, Can I íínd the phone numbers for botéis, restaurante, banks, and taxis
m the Yellow Pagea, too?
Jim: That's right. Nowr let's look for your friend's phone number in the White
Pages. They have people's phone numbers and addresses. You'll fmd the
ñames in alphabetical arder by last ñame.
Lee; Let me see. Scott's last ñame is Jones. Hcrc'a his number, It's 201-555-

Sally l04ElmSt 78227 201-555-3021

Sam 1632 Jackson Ave 73247 201-555-4478

Sandy 396 Pecan St 79232 201-555-6692

Scott 2Í34MainAve 78250 201-555-1247

Simón !372MartinAve 78242 201-555-2506

Stan 4078LongSt 78242 201-556-6863

Aun 24GONorthSt 7S216 201-555-6677

Bob SlOlMapleAve 78212 201-555-9215

Vocabulary Using a pay phone

Jira: Scott's number is 201-555-1247.

You just need to dial the last
seven numbers to make a local
cali. You don't nccd to dial 201.
That's the área code for our city,
You only need the área codc for
long distance calis.
Lee: Okay, what do we do now?
Jim: First, you'll need aorae change,
Next, pick up the receíver and
listen for the dial tone. Then,
dcposit the coins ín the slot.
After that, dial the numbor
Lee; Is a local cali expensive?
Jim: No, it's cheap. You usually pay
just 50 cents. The price is on the
Lee: Snmetimes I don h t have any
change. How can I pay for a cali
without thange?
Jim: Oh, that's no problem. You can
use a calling card. Just be sure to
hang up tht phone when you
finish, or your card will use all of
its time.

EXERCISE A Fill in the blanks wíth words from the dialog above.

1. Tn use a pay phone, you'll need sorne or a calling card.

2. How much will I for a cali on a public phone?

3. Local calis are usually 50 cents on a public phon?,
4. Pick up the receiver and put the cointí in the
5. For a long distance cali, you must dial the
6. Don't dial the área code for a cali.

EXERCÍSE B Fill in the bianks with words from the gray box.

alot operator buay

make ringíng be 11 conversation
coins hang up paid

1. Quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies aro

2. How do I . a ]ong distance phonc cali?

3. An can holp you make a cali from a pay phone.

4- Where do I put the money? Deposit it in the .
5, Afleryaur cali the phone.
6, I tried to cali you last night, but your lino was
7. Did you hear something ring? I thought I heard a
8. When two people are speaking to each other, they are having a
9. Please answer the phone when it is
10. I a lot of money for my new telephone.

EXERCÍSE C Match the words on the left with the correct letter on the right.

1. coins a. a cali inside your city

2. pay phone b. a cali outside your city or country

3. busy c. pennies, dimes, quarters, etc.
4. O d- A person is using the phone.
5. pages e. the number of the operator
6. factory f. public phone
7. local cali g. People make things in this building.

8. longdistancecall h. All books have these.

EXERCISE D Put Ihe sentences in order. Use numbers.

Number 1 is an example.

Get a number from the Operator with a pay phone

! Dial 0.

!v •Listen for the dial tone.

¡r _Ask
_ _ _ _ _the
_ _ _ _ operator
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _for
_ _ _ the
_ _ _ _ _phone
_ number you need,

! Pick up the rece_iver,

¡Deposit coins in the slot.

! Listen to the number and write it down.

EXERCISE E Fill ín the blanks with words from the gray box.

pages cheaper just expensive

pay found person

T went to a bouksture yesterday to buy a book about Alexander Graham Bell,

I think he was an intísrusting I wanted to read about him, I

a terrifíu book about Bell, hut it was very I had

ten dollars with me, but the book cost $20.99.1 luuked again.
I found a book, but it had a problem. I didii'L want Lo buy it because
it had dirty I wrote down the ñame and trallcd a diffcrent
bookstore. They have it at a better price. Tomorrow Tm going to buy it, 111
juat $3.99 for it.

Grammar Making questions with Whom

On íhe telppttnne...

Lee: Helio. To whom am I speaking?

Suñie: This is Susie Jones.
Lee: Hi, Susie. This is Lee Kim.
Susie; Helio, Mr, Kim, Who do you want to speak to?
Lee: Td like to speak to your father, please.

want to speak

*T* When Americans speak, they usually use who and not whom.

EXERCISE A Listen and repeat these questlons.

1. WhodidCaptCertergiveitto?
Whom did Capt Cárter give it to?
To whom did Capt Cárter give it?
2- Whodidyou make that for?
Whom did you make that for?
For whom did you make that?
3. Whodoesshe study with?
Whom doea she study with?
With whom does she study?
4. Who did you get the preaent from?
Whom did you get the present from?
From whom did you get the present?
5. Who do you want to cali?
Whom do you want to cali?


EXERCISE B Listen to the question, Repeat the short answers.

1, Whorn do you know here? 3, For whom does she work?

You. For me.
Him. For him.
Them. For us.
2. Whodidhegiveitto? 4. Who do you exercisti wiLh?
Tome. With her,
To her With him.
Tbus. With them.

EXERCISEC Listen to guestions and give short answers.

EXAMPLES; T: Who do you write letters or e-maíls to?

S: To ínyfamily.

T: With whom do you walk to class?

S: With my fríends.

EXERCISE D Frll in the blanks with Who or Whom.

Number 1 is on
1, To was she writing?

was she writing to?

2. With was he dancing?

was he dancing with?

did they see?

did they see?

To did you give the book?

did you give the book to?

For are you making that cake?

are you making that cake for?


Reading Making inferences

Rcod the sentence and select the true siatemenl.

L The line is busy,
a. It's a pay phane,
b. Put coins in the slot.
c. Someone is talking.
d. Makc your cali now.

2. Jan took some medicine and went to bed.

a. She's sick,
b. She's a doctor,
c. She's healthy
d. She's a teacher.

3. Dan sent me a posteará.

a. He's writing a check.
b. He's on vauation.
c. He's on the phone.
d. HG'S taking a picture.

4. Capt Smith cashed a check.

a. He bought a new car.
b. He stayed at a hotel.
c. He needed some money,
d. He wrote some letters,

5, Oh no, I didn't bring my

;i. It*a raining outside.
b. It'll be cold tomorrow.
c. 11*3 warm today.
d. It'lt bcnight soon.

6. Maj Moore hung up the phone.

a. She wants to cali hsr friend.
b, fihtí finishcd her cali.
c, She's using a public phone.
d. She's making a local cali.
<3rammar Reviewing the comparativa and superlative

l'nií/zc shortest,
and he's the tallest

EXERC15E Look atthe chart.writethe comparativa and superlative.

Spellíng changes Adjective Comparativo Superlative

narrmver (than) the narrowest

Many ahort adjectives:
5- add -er fast
J^ add -est

Wyrds that end in silent -e: late

1. drop the -e then
2, >- add -er nice
>- add -

1-syllable C-V-C* worda: hot

1. double the consonant then
2,í- add-er

Words that end in -y. heavy

1. change,y toi thcti
2. >- add -er healthy
*• add -esí easy

2 irregular adjectives:
= consojiant-voweí-^onsonont

Listening Words with two or more syllabíes

EXERCISE A Listen to the words and circle the number of syllabEea.

1. 1 2 4 7.! 2 3 4

2.1 1 2 4 8.

3.1 1 2 4

4.1 2 4 4

5J 1 2 4 3 4

6- 2 4 4

EXERCISE Listen and write the words you hear.

1. 7. _
2- 8. _
3. 9.
4. 10.
5. 11.
6. 12. _
Grammar Making the comparative with more and less

Yes, but is time more

important or lesa
important than money?

big large sad

cold late ahort
cool light sick
clean long slow
clear low sinall -er than
faat near strsight
hard new strung
High nice tall
hot oíd weak

angry happy pretty

dirty healthy thirsty
early heavy ugly -er than
eaay hungry windy

more a^-ful than

leas upset

beautiful expensive
more delicious important
different interestíng than
leas diffkult terrific

EXERCISE A Repeat these sentences.

1. A long distance cali is more expensive than a tocal cali.

2. A tocal cali ís less expensive than a long distance cali.
3. Is a big city more exciting than a town?
4. la a town less exciting than a bíg city?
5. Chicago is windier than Dallas.
6. Dallas is less windy than Chicago.

EXERCISE Listen to the sentences and change them.

1. His watch is cxpensive. (her watchT lesa)

2. Myjobis difficuh\ fyourjob, less)
3. Mr. Jones was upset about the bad food. (Mrs. Jones, more)
4. Today's test was awful. (last week's testh more)
5. Colonel Right is important. (Captain Rungf less)
6. Thcse books are important. (papers, more)

EXERCISE C Use the comparative to complete the questions.

J in fin exomple.

happy different angry

exciting delicious interesting

1. Do yon think cake is more / less de\\c\oL\s than ice cream?

2. Wasthebook than the movie?
3. IstheArmy than the Navy?
4. WasJohn about the bad weather than Bill?
5. Is your wife _ about the trip than you are ?
6. Are English and Spanish from each ather than
English and Japanese?

(3 ra minar Making the superlativa with the most and the least

but happincss is
the most important thing
Time is more
important than mnnt?yL

big large sad

cold late short
cool light sick
deán long slow
the clear low smtill -est
fast near atraight
hard new strong
high nice tall
hot oíd weak

angry happy pretty

dirty hcalthy thirsty
the early heavy ugly -est
easy hungry windy

most awfid
the upset

beautiful expensive
delicio QS important
most difíerent interesting
least difficult terrific

EXERCISE A Repeat these sentences.

1. Spring is the moat beautiful season of the year.

2. Winter is the least beautiful season of the year.
3. Do you thírik Arabic ís the most difficult language?
4. Do you think Spanish is the least difficult language?
5. My morning class is the easiest one of all.
6. My afternoon class is the ]east interesting one of a]].

EXERCISE B Listen to the sentences and change them. Use the words in { ) .

1. Soccer is the least exdting sport, (basketball, the moat)

2. Lt Kent is the happiest man in the world. {Lt Mitchell, the least)
3. Small cars are thc least expensivc cars. (sports cars, the most)
4. Army Ufe is the most difficulL ícivilian life, the least}
5. Robert Red is the least terrific movie star (Julie Robert, the most)
6. Apple pie is the most delicious food, (yelTow ñquash, the least)

EXERCISE C Use the superlative to complete the questions.

diíllcult early upset

important beautiful interesting

1, Do you think París is city in the world?

2. Whüis per son in your class?
3. Which exerciae is one to do?
4. Which student comes to class
5. Whowas about the difficult test?
6. Why don't you forget about the small problems in your life and just think about
Reading Doing math

Solue o Qitd ó, then wriíe tíie aitswer in the box.

a. addl9and!7 b. divide the total by 6
10 B
f 17
36 ±ü
The answer is

EXERCISE A Follow the instructions. Write the final answer In the box.

Here are seven numbers: 13, 12, 25,1, 37, 9, and 42.

a. add the seven numbers b. multiply the total by 15

c. aubtract 12 from the aaswer divide the answer by 3

The answer is
EXERCISE B SolvelheproblenrWrite the final answer In the box.

(45 + 17)+ (68-23) x 15


a. add the first two numberp. b, subtract23from 68

c. multiply 5 by 3 d. divide the answer in c. into 15

e. add together the answers in f. multiply the total by the

a. and b. answer n .

The answer is
Gramtnar Making sentences with may and might

Lee: Hey, there's a problem here!

Scott: Whatisit?
Lee: I can't make a cali on this phorie.
Scott: Well, the phone might not be working.
Lee: Then why do I get a dial tone?
Scott: I dcm't know. You may need to put in more money.
Lee: Hmm, You might be right. Do you have a quartcr?
Scott: Let me see. I may not have a quarter, but here are some other coins.

The phone
We may
need more money.
They might

V* Use msyand might to say you are not 100% sure about something.

EXERCISE A Repeal tlicso sentences.

1. Fm tired. I may go to bed early tonight.

2. Look at all the dark clouds in the sky I think it might rain.
3. He doesn't answer his phone. He might not be at home,
4. The movit? starts soon, We may not have time to eat dinner first.
5. I want to talk to my sister in New York. I might cali her tonight,
6. My mother called me yesterday. I may not cali hyr today.


EXERCISE B Match the question and the answer.
Number 1 ¿san example.

1. Where's Col Williams? a. You may not. I thirikit's warm.

2. When can he seo me? b. He may work out after dass,
3. Can I see him tomorrow? c. He might be at lunch,
4. Where is the key? d. She might be Jate,
5. Is it going to rain? e. He may have time aftcr lunch,
6. Will I need a aweater? f It might be in the tork.
7. Who's at trie door? g* She might be síck.
8. When is he going to the gym? h. He might nol be here thon.
9. Why did she go to bed? i. Il may be our neighbor.
10. Why is she running? j. It might not, It's not cloudy.

EXERCISE C Write answcrs with muy or might and the words in {},

Nuritber 1 is an example,

I, Where's Tom goíng for his vacation? (go to San Diego}

He may / might ao to &an Diego.

2. How will he get there? (go by plañe)

3, When is he going there? (go in July)

4. What will he do there? (swim in the oceaní

5. Will he go to Los Angeles, too? (not have time)


EXERCIGE D Write aboul next weekend. Use may or

1. I'm going to wake up at on the first day of the weekend.

2. Then

3. After that,

4. Then at _

5. At o'clock,
6. On the second day,

7. I not

8. But
9. Later,

10. Atlast,

EXERCISE E Ask and answer questions about next weekend.

I might
visit my brother next weekend,
What about you?

I may
to the gym.
What about you?

Dialogs Can you help me, please?

Read and repeat the dialogs. Theri practica saying rhent laith o partner.

Dialog 1 Dialog 2

Mary: May I use your phone? JeíT: I want to rnake a cali to

Jane: Sorry. I don't have it with me. Japan, but I need some help.
Mary: Where can I find a puhlic Gary: You can cali the operutur for
phone? help.
Jane: I think there's one outside.
Jeff: How do I cali the operator?
Mary: Oh no. I don't have any Gary: Just dial zero, The operaLor
will answer
Jeff: Do I have to poy to spcak with
Jane: I can give you some money
Mary: Thanksf Til pay you back.
Gary: Yes, but it's not expensive. It'a
Jane: No problem. the same as a luca.1

EXERCISE With a partner, write a dialog and roie-play it for the class.

At a friend's houae; At a pay phone:

• the frícnd • caller
• a visitar * operator
The visitor wants to make a local The caller wants to make a local
cali on a home phone but doesn't cali on a pay phone but doesn't
know the number. He needs to use know the number. There is no
the phone book. phone book.

In a hotel: In a store:
* guest • customer
* sales person
The guest wants to make a long The customer wants to make a
distance cali, but doesn^t know phone cali but can't find a phone.
what it costa. He needs to ask He needs to ask where the phone is
about cheap calis. and how much the cali will cost
Writing Sequencing and punctuating

Look <it the sentimces. Put them in arder and wriie the par/igraph.

1. An officer stopped her.

She asked him, l£What's the problem, ofíicer?"
Lt Right was driving her car yesterday.
Trien hü gave hor a ticket.

He answered, "^You were driving very fast."

2. Today he must padt bis

Sgt Berry is going to move tu a differenl Air Forcé base tomorrúw.

After he packs, he'11 be ready for his move.

Yesterday he went there and pkked up his ticket.
He called the rnilitary travel office the day before yesterday and
made a piane reservation.

EXERCISE Listen to the paragraph, then punctuate it.

Where do I put the period';

sunday evening Lee made a long distance caEl to his family hís wife answered the
phone Lee said hi how are you how are the children she said Lee it's terrifít; lo hear
¡rom you then Lees son and daughter picked up the phone they talked for abuut
fifteen minutes
Writing Taking notes in box outflnes

Listen tu eacfi parügrtiph and ful in the box Quilines.


EXERCISE Use the information in the box outlina to write a paragraph.

EXAMPLE: Nancy's sons

Rnbert Ronald Richard

Air Forcé Army Navy

Nancy has three gong. Thgir ñames are Robert, Ronatd, and Richard. Alt of
her sons are mflítary mgn> Robert is in thg Air Forcé, Ronald ¡0 in the Army,
and Richard fs in the Navy-

Ted'a new shoes

ite brown Wa

.00 $59,00 $59

Leave a message.

VOCABULARY: Can you hold, pJease? 95

I'd like to rent an apartment 9fi
How much is the rent? 97

GRAMMAR: Using tellin imperative sentences 101

VOCABULARY: Saying time before and after the hour 104

WRITING: Wríting times and punctuating a paragraph 107

DIALOGS: May I take amessage? 108

READING: Alexander Graham Bell and the fírst IJfí telephone. . 110

VOCABULARY: Time phrases: untii, tul, from, to 114

READING: Making inferences 117

WRITING: Using box outlines 118

READING: Solvingmath problcms 120

PERFORMANCE CHECK: í'd like to rent an apartment .122

Previeiv What's new in Lesson 4?


Nouns Verbs Oífior w o i a s

auswering machine be back a quarter after / past / till /
apartment cali back to (hour)
basement hold >held for rent
bedroom hold on -* held on from (time)
deposit iook for half past (hour)
diningroom manage minutes añcr / past íhfinr)
garden rent minutes till / to Ehour)
kind (of) tell -»told that
manager wait (for) till (time)
mese a ge to (time)
moment until (time)


Tell him that I might go to Dallas. Make and respond fo requesTs to speak
lo sorneone and have a telephone
Dan't tell him I may see him there. conversation,

May I speak to Tom?

Can you hold the line?
Can I take a message?
Can he cali you back?
Hold on, pleasa
He's not here at the moment,
He'll return your cali tQmorrow.
I want to le a ve a message.
Vocabulary Can you hold, please?

I¡¡ ¡he

Secretary: Sunnyside Apartments,

LtCol Day: Hi, I'm calling about the
apartment you have For rent.
Secretary: FU get the manager. Can you
hold the Une?
LtCol Day: Sure.
Secretary: I'm sorry. He's not here at the
moment, He'll be back at 1
p.ra. Can you cali back later?
LtCol Day: Yes. Thank you.

Later íhaí day..

Secretary; Helio, Sunnyside Apartmenls.
LtCol Day: Hi. I need to rent an
apartment. I called earlier
about the apartment you hava
Secretary: Ohh yes, Hold on a moment.
Manager; Hello. I manage these
apartmenta. Would you like to
see one today?
LtCol Day: No, thanks. 1 ctui't loday. Can I
wait until tomorrow?
Manager: Yes. Any time tomorrow is
fine. Til be here all Hay.

EXERCISE A Ansiver the qucstions.

1, Why does the secretary ask LtCoi Day to hoJd the Hne?
2. Docs LtCol Day speak with the manager the first time hti calis?
3- What does the sccretary ask LtCol Day to da later?
4. Why is LtCol Day calling the apartment manager?
5. When can ho look at the apartment?
Vocabulary /tí like to rent an apartment

The nexí day un (he phone...

LtCol Day: Hi. Is the apartment manager
Manager: Speaking, What can I do for
LtCol Day: I spoke with you yesterday
about the apartment for rent.
Can I see it today?
Manager: Yes. When can you be here?
LtCol Day: I can leave here in just a
moment, I can be there in
about thirty minutes.
Manager: Okay. 111 wait for you.
Ai íhe apartmeitf buildiiíg...
Manager: What kind of apartment are
you looking for?
LtCol Day: One with two bedrooms, but
not very expensive,
Manager: I have a fine residence for you.
It's one of our nieest
apartments, The living room is
vcry sunny. And some
apartments have a garden for
ílowers or vegetables. Yours
has one- You can see it from
your dining room window.

EXERCISE Answer the questions.

L What did LtCol Day speak to the manager about yesterday?
2. When can LtCol Day be there to look at the apartment?
3. What kind of apartment is LtCol Day looking for?
4. What can he see from the dining room window?
Vocabulary How much is the rent?

Iri the apartment...

Manager: Well, what do you think?
LtCoJ Day: I don't know. It's beautiful, but
the secónd bedroom is very
small, It won't hold all my
Manager: Wel), each apartment also has
a big room in the basement.
And there's a gym for
exercising in the ba sement
LtCol Day: Good. How much is the rent?
Manager: The rent for this apartment
is $675.
LtColDay: Not bad.
Ouiside íke apartment...
LtCol Day: Do you need a deposit?
Manager: Yes The deposit is also $675.
LtCol Day: When do I pay the deposit?
Manager; Before you move in.
LtCol Day: Okay. 111 think about the
apartment tonight. Til te¡l you
Manager: That's fine. Cali any time
tomorrow and loavt a moatage
on my answering machine.

EXERC15E A Answer the questions.

1. Where can LtCol Day oxercise?

2. How much is the rent?
3. When does he havc to pay the deposit?
4. Does LtCol Day want to rent the apartment?
EXERCISE B Read the ad and fill In the blanks with the correct answers.



Simny livíng roums •o 3O
Sunny dining rooms §
X ^^ ce
Exercise gym in basement JC © c

Flower / vegetable gardens 3 £

1, 2, and 3 bedrooms 5th Street

Lerge kitchens 6th Street
1 to 2 bathrooms


(Pay deposit of $675 befare mnving in)

For information. cali the manager at 555-4192


L This ad is for ,
2- The is from $395 to $775 a month.
3. You must pay a of $675 before you can move in.
4. When you an apartment here, you pay nothing the first month.
5. Do you want 1, 2, or 3 ?
6. The livingand rooms are sunny.
7. Some apartments have a for flowers or vegetables.
8. Goto the to exercise.
9. Piease cali the apartment for more information.
10. The manager's phone number is
EXERCISE C Fill in the blanks with words from the gray box.

managers 1. He's not here now, but he'll be back in a

deposit 2. Dinncr i$ ready. Please go to the __—
baaement 3- The manager wants a of S50Ü befóte WQ movc in.
moment 4. Stores, companies, and apartments need
díning room 5. People in these apartments pay month.
bedroom 6. The manager will be right with you. Can you .
mesaages 7, An answcring machine records
gardens 3. The is bclow a house or building.
hold on 9. Put thenew bedin the
rent 10. Djfferent kinds of flowers and trees grow in

EXERCISE D Match the questions on the left with the answers on the right
Number 1 i$ fin example.

1. What kínd of airplane is that? a, soccer

2. What kind of thcrmometer d^ you need? h. with 1 bodroum
3. What kind of fruít do you like to eat? u. a trxick
4. Whatkindofchange does it take? d. a terrifíc one
5. What kind of apsrtmont will yon rent? a rnilitary jet
6. What kind of sport do you play? Inng distance
7. What kind of weather will we have? g, Fshrenheit
8. What kind of day did you have? h, nickels and diraes
9. What kind ofvehicle do you dríve? i. bananas
10, What kind of phone cali did you make? j. cold and rainy
EXERCÍSE E SeJect the best artswer.

1. I must go now. I cannot

a. rent c. look for
b. wait d. tell
2. I'dliketo — an apartment with thrcc bedrooms,
a. wait c. rent
b, be back d cali back
3, I can't fincl my kcys. Fm for them now.
a. telJing c. managing
b. holding d. looking
4. Mr.Willis a furniture factory.
a. man ages c, tell E
b. waits for d. holds
5, The manager's not here nowr She'll after lunch.
a, hold on c. tell
b, be back d. wait
6, Your friend Jack called you this morning. He wants you to
a. hold the line c. cali hiui back
b. wait a moment d. be back later
7. What's in your hand? What are you ?
a. holding c, looking
b, waítíng d- telling
S. Please me. I'll go with you in a minute.
a. ÍGok for c. hold on
b. wait for d. manage to

EXERCISE F Listen to a word. Circle the number of syllables you hear.

b, 3
c. 1 3
d. 1 3
Grammar Using tell In imperativa sentences

Hi therc, ...uh. r .uh,,. Don't tell me that you

\, forgot my ñame!

Sgt Jones; Sir, Captain Johnson is on line one.

Col Irving; Tell him that FU cali him back this afternoon.

2. Vicky: Did Chery] tell you about her problern?

Tina: No, and please dort't tell her I know about it.

3. Lt Kline: Sir, your wife is waiting on line two.

Maj Bush: Fm busy now. Tell her 1*11 return her cali in about an hour,

4, Mark: Did Mr Cross or Ms. Strict see you come in late?

Mike; No, they didn'L And please don't tell them thaL I did!

5, Bruce: Joe forgot to brrng money for lunch.

Thomas: Don't tell him I have any. I don't want to pay for his

6. Lt Winters: Sir? Major Lewis is waiting for your answer.

Col James: Please tell Major Lewis that FU have to cali hini later.

7, Ms, Moore: Mr. Butler, Ms. Peters is waitíng to see you,

Mr. Butkr: Don't tell her that Fm here. Tell her that I ju&t left.

8. SgtThomas; Sir> Captain Adama is holdíng for you.

Col Smith: Tell Captain Adams FíJ hük to her in a moment.
EXERCISE A Listen to and repeat the sentences m the charts.

Tell (that) i you are fine.
the teacher
Dcb and Sue

Don't tell íthat) the plañe departed.
the teacher
Deb and Sue

EXERCISE B Listen to the sentences and change them. Use tell or don't tell.

EXAMPLE: T: I'm going to the mess hall (Sam)

S: Tefl Sam that I'm geing te? the mees hall.

1. Dinner is ready. (children)

2. Sam doesn't feel well. (the teacher)
3. I heard their conversatíon. (don't / them)
4. His wife left a message for him. (Lieutenant Ryan)
5. The train is going to leave snon. (them)
6. I foi-got to mail the letter. (don't / her)
7. Colonel Brown called. (Captain Dodson)
8. We'll be back before midnight. <Mom)
9. I lostJohn's book. (don't /John)
10, Sergeant Miller's cap is on the floor. (Sergeant Miller)
EXERCISE C Match the 2 halves oí these sentences.
Number 1 is an example.

1. J'm hungry. Tell her that a. he needs to study,

2. I'm tired Tell them that b. reinóme.
3. TomorroVs the test. Tell him c. we'lt be back later,
4. Here comes Momf Don't tell her d. I want to cat now.
5. WeVegoingshopping.Tell Sue e. you fcirgotf

6. I need rest. Don't tell them that f. I'm going to bed.

7. Fin busy now. TellJoe that g. we ate the cookies.
8. Youdidn't cali. Don't tell me h. FU cali hi

EXERCISE D Rewrite these sentences. Use tell.

Number 1 is an exampie.

1. Hcr husband callad about an hour ago. (Karen)

Tell Karen (thatl her hueband called about an houraaa

2. Major Young wants to see him now. (Lieutenant Green)

3. The basketball game's on TV now. (Jim)

4. You'll take a message. (her)

5. He can wait in my office- (Pred)

6. I'll pick him up at a quarter till eight. ÍScrgeant Kennedy)

Vocabulary Saying time before and after the hour

15 to
It's 15 inmutes tiJl two.
a quarter until

V Say time before the hour with tu, íittQt until.

EXERCISE A Read and rcpeat the examples.

1. It's five till four. 4. IfeSOt
2. It's five minutes till four. 5. It'fi ten to two.
3. It's 20 minutes urtlü six. 6. It's ten minutes till twn

EXERCISE B Look at the clocks. Say the time.

1. 2.

4, 5,
EXERCISE C Repeat the examples after the instructor.

It's 15 minutes two.

EXERCISE D Read and repeat the examples.

1, It's fwe past four. 5. It's 30 past nine,
2. It'sfíve minutes after four 6. It's 30 minutes after nine.
3. It's 20 minutes past six. 7. It's half past nine.
4, It's 20 after six. 8. It'a a quarter after nine.

*** Use only It's hall past fíveor ll's five thirty. Never use halt after.

EXERCISE E Look at the docks. Say the time.


4. 6,
EXERCISE F Draw the time on the face of the dock.


a quarter after one half past twelve ten past five

4. 5. 6.

25 minutes to three half past eight a quarter tillnine

EXERCISE G Read the lime on the face of each clock.Then write it.

1. 3.

Writing Writlng times and punctuating a paragraph

Change íhe militaiy times to written times using to, till, until, past or aíter. Number 1 is
an exampie

1, 1040 It'etwentytííl eleven.

2. 1525

3. 2115


5. 0705

EXERCISE Listen to the paragraph. Then write it and punctuate correctlv-

ron wanted to cali his brother yesterday he picked up the receiver and dialed thc
number there wasnt a dial tone he thought his phone was not working then he saw
a letter on the table he opened the letter and read it it said the phone is turnerf ofT
until you pay your bilí
Pialogs May I take a message?

This isJeff Jones. Yes, he is. FU get bim for you.

Is Sam there? Hold on a minute, okay?

EXERCISE A Repeat the dialoga and choose one to role-play for the class.

Irene: Helio? Customcr: Hetlo, may I speak with

David: Helio, May I apeak with Mr.
John Barry? Secretary: FU check. Can you hold,
Irene: Pm sorry, he's not here. May I picase?
take a message? Secretary: He's not here. Do you
want to le a ve a message?
David: Yes. Picase tell him that
David Smith called. My Customer; Yes, This is Prestan
number is 555-3458. Jones. Can he return my
Irene: 5-5-5-3-4-5-8? cali? My nuniber is 555-
David: That's right, Thanks.
Secretary: Til tell him, ñir.
Irene: You're welcomo. Goodbye.
Customer; Tharik you. Goodbye.

Dialogó Diaifíg 4
Ken: Holló? Mr. Greeti: Helio. May 1 speak to Mr.
Jane: Hi. This is Jane, Is Ed home? Bowman'?
Mrs. Lee; What nuraber are you
Ken: Hi, Jane. Ed's not here right
now. I'll tell him that you calling?
called. Mr. Creen: 555-2225,
Jane: Okay. He has my number, Mrs. Lee: Tm sorry. You have the
wrong number, This is
Ken: Okay, Goodbye.
Mr. Groen: Oh, please excuse me.
EXERCISE 6 Rote-play 2 situations with a partner and wrfte the messages

Role-play 1 Role-play 2
• Travel agent • Richard
The 10 a.m, flight tomorrow is now Calí Bob to play tennis un Saturday
at 2:45. Cali Mr. Evans to tell him, at 10 a.m.
* Office worker • Jane (Bob's daughter)
Mr. Evans is having lunch. Take a Your father is not home, Take a
message. message.

Role-play 3 Role-play 4
* Secretary 1 « Man
Mrs. Jenkíns called and wants to Yon have to work late and won't be
see your boss, Ms. Lee, Friday at 1 home for dinner. Cali your wife.
p,m. Me. Lee is visiting the factory • Son
all day. Cali her.
Your mother went to the store for a
• Secretary 2 few minutes. Your dad calis, Take o
Ms. Lee is at lunch, Take a measage.

A Message ForYou A Meeea^e ForYou ^

f N
Date; Patin
Time: Tim<
Fror i:
ff- Phoiie#:
Called Called
Called back Cíi ¡lí-'íJ yon back
Will ca Will cali a& ain
Hease cali P lea se cal

Mes Sí i^p*
Reading Alexander Graham Bell and the first US teíephone

Alexander Graham Bell waa born on March 3,1847, in Edinburgh,

Scotland, He went to school in London, England. Later, in 187lf hu
moved to the United Statea. He was a teacher and also an inventor. He
made things. These were new things that people could use, and
Alexander Grahara Bell made theni for the first time.
Bell was a teacher. He taught deaf people. These people conld not,
hear. Because these people couldn't hear, they usually couldii't talk.
Bell taught them how to use a new language. This language used rhe
lipa, tongue, and throat to make sounds. In 1872, Bell began a school
for the deaf Later, his school was part of Boston University. At that
ii time, Bell was also a professor at Boston University, He taught there.
Years earlier, when Bell waa just eighteen years oíd, he began to
think about using electricity to send sounds. Then in 1874, he starled
to make a teíephone. He worked hard on ít for two years, On Merch 10,
15 1876, his invention worked. On that day, Bell used his tefephone. He
said to his friend, James Watson, "Watson, come herel Z want you." A
17 year later, Bell started the Bell Tclcphone Company.
EXERCISE A Wnte thetopic.

1. What is the topic of Paragraph 1?

2. What is the topic of Paragraph 2?

3. What is the topic of Paragraph 3?

EXERCISE B Select the main idea.

1, Paragraph 2
a. Bol] moved to the United States in 1871,
b. Bell's school was part of Boston University.
c. People use their lips, tongue, and throat to speak.
d. Bell taught deaf people a new language.
2. Paragraph 3
a. Bell's helper was Mr. Watson,
b. Bell worked hard for two years,
c. Bell made and spoks on the first telephone.
d. Bell startod the Bell Telephone Company in 1S77,

EXERCISE C Pronoun reference

1. In line 2, He refera to ^

2- In line 5, them refers to ^

3. In line 11, there refers to

4. In line 14, He refers to _

5. In line 16, you refers to _

EXERCISE D Use the context to guess the word's meaning.

1. Bell ¡vas barrí in Edinburghh ScotlaruL

a. carne into the world
b, left the world

2. He
a. peo pie who could hear
b. people who coiildn't hear

3. He wanted to use electricity to send sounds.

a, in a letter
b. over a line

EXERCISE E Read the sentences and select the correct inferences.

1. Bell went to school in Condón.

a. He spoke English.
b. He didn't have a family,
c. He didn't like rnath.
d. He liked his school,

2. Bell taught his students a new language.

a. Bell wanted to learn the íanguage, too.
b. Bell didn't know the language,
c. Bell knew the new language.
d. Bell's language was French.

3. Bell began to think about using electricity to send sounds.

a. He didn't like loud sounds,
b. He wanted to make a telephone.
c. He wanted Watson to do it,
d. He didn4t go to the United States.
EXERCISE F Pul the sentences in order and wrlte a paragraph.

When he waa a small boy, he went to school in Scotland.

In 1870, Rell moved to Ganada.

Then, in 1871, Bell carne to the United States.

Later, when he was older, he went to school in England.
Bell was born in 1847 in Scotland.

EXERCISE G Putthe sentences in order and write the paragraph.

Then, he started the first telephone company in the US.

Bell thought of and made many new things,
In 1917, Bell made a fast boat that could travel on top of water.
In 1876, he made the first telephone in the US.
After the record player, Bell worked on an early airplsne,
Later, in 1886, he began to work on a record player.
Vocabulary Time phrases: untll, till, from, to

Do you want to get

some coffee?

EXERCI5E A Listen and repeat the sentences in the charts.

Lisa studies math fíve o'clock every day.

Well be on vacation Sunday, July 31at.

EXERCISE B Use the schedule to complete the sentences.

8:00 - 11:15 C laases*

11:15 - 12:00 Lunch
12:00 - 3:00 Classes
3:00 - 6:00 Free time
6:00 - 7:00 Dinner
7:00 - 9:00 Study
9:00 - 10:30 WatchTV
10;30 - 7:00 Sleep

L David has clasaes in the afternoon.

2. After class, David has free time

3. David studies . in theevening.
4. In the evening, David watches TV
5. David sleeps in the moming.
EXERCISE C Listen and repeat the sentences in the charts.

I exercise
from 6:00 to 7:00.

ShowatchesTV from ten until tec thirty.

They're on vacation from Monday until Friday,

EXERCISE D Ask your c la ss mates questlons about Don na's schedule.

EXAMPLE: Student 1: When does Donna work?

Student 2: She works from 3:00 untíl 7:00.

Student 1: WHat doee Ponna do from Monday to Frlday?

Student 2: She goe& to school.

Monday to Friday Sattirday

8:00 - 12:00 Schoo! 9:00 - 10:00 Breakfast
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch 10:00 - 11:00 Wash cluthes
1:00 - 3:00 School 11:00 - 12:30 Exercise
3:00 - 7:00 Work 12:30 - 1:30 Lunch
7:00 - S:00 Dinner 1:30 - 3:30 Commissary
8:00 - 10:00 Study 3:30 - 6:00 MOV Íes
10:00 - 11:00 WatchTV 6:00 - 8:00 Dinner
11:00 - 7:00 Sleep &QO - 12:00 Dance
EXERCISE E Listen and repeat the sentences in the chart.

When do you gradúate?) Not until August


I won't
We can't gradúate until August.
Lt Jones didn't

EXERCISE F | Read Ihe text and complete the calendar.

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Lt Jones has a new Job and rank, and now he has to move. He didn't learn
about it until June 5th. He has a lot to do. He won't arrive at the new base until
June 15th, He'll rent a car on the 16th and begin to look for an apartment on the
17th, He can't roove into the ncw apartment until the 2Qth> He starts his new Job on
the 23rd and gets his new rank on the 26th, His famíly won't arrive until the 27th.
They'll go to a restaurant and have a good time together.

EXERCISE G Complete the sentences.Then lalk lo a partner about them.

. Iwon ] t until

2. I can't till

3. Ididn't. until
Reading Maktng Inferences

l'd like a ticket to X

San Francisco.

EXERCISE A Listen to the sentence and select the true statement.

1, a. They'll stay at our houae. 3. a. He doesn't have a car.
b. They're going to takc a trip. b. He doesn't have a horno.
c. They're going to aee a movie. c. He doesn't have a license.
d. They'll eat dinner late toníght, d. He doesn't have identification.
2. a. It's windy, 4. a. A person just gol home.
b. It's winter. b. A person felt very tired,
c. It's hot. c- A peraon had a lot of fun.
d. It's cold. d. A person. asked for directions.

EXERCISE B Read the sentence and select the true statement.

1. Captain Smith put a deposit on an apartment.
a. He wants to live there.
b. He bought a new house.
c. He's the apartment manager.
d. He doesn't have any money.
2- Mrs. Kossler is keeping dinner warm on the stove,
a. She was the best student.
b. She wants to visit San Francisco.
c. It'a time for breakfast.
d. It's not time to eat now,
3, Mr. Brown goes to the bank every day from 8:00 to 5:00.
a. He doesn't have a phone.
b. He works there,
c. He needs some money.
d- He forgot his homework.
Writing Using box outiines

Listen to the porograph and writeyour notes in the boxoulline.

EXERCISE A Use your notes about Bob to rewrite the paragraph.

EXERCISE B Use the notes in the box outline to write a paragraph.

Bob's restaurant meáis in San Francisco

breakfast lunch diTiner

hotel snack bar hotel resta urant

coffee shop dining room
Reading Soíving math probfems

add 19 and 17 b. divide the total


+ 1 7 6 | 3 6
3 6 3 6


EXERCISE A So I ve this problem by following instructions a through d.

a. add 45 to 72 b, subtract 53 from your


c. divide; the answer in b, by 4 d. multiply the answer inc,


The answer is
EXERCISE B Use 5 numbers to solve the math probiem.

Here are ñve numbera: 118, 73, 34, 22, 4.

subtract the aecond number b. divide the anawer by 3

from the first number

c. add the answer in b, to d. add the fourth and fifth

the third number numbers to the answer in c.

e. multiply the answer in d. f. subtract the answer in d,

by5 from the anawcr in c.

The answer is

Performance Check /tí like to rent an aparíment.

Look at the ad. Yvti Wüní to rent an aptirfmenf. Cali the m&noger. Use the tuurás ¿n the box.



Large Uving rooms
Beautiful dining rooms
Exercise room in basement

1, 2, and 3 bedrooms RíversicfeAvenue

New kitchens
1 to 2 bathrooms


(Pay d^posit of $800 before moving in)

For Information, cali the manager at 555-4337


lanager deposit moment kind (oO garden

dining room rent basement bedroom hold on

EXERCISE In groups of 3, role-play 3 limes till each person plays all parts.

PartA PartB PartC

• You • Secretary
You rented an The boss is not here. Cali your worker back.
apartment. You need Take a message. Get Tomorrow is not a
to move in tomorrow. the caller's nuniber. good day to take a
Cali your boss to ask vacation day. Find
for a vacation day another- day.

EXERCISE A Match words to their meanings.

1. temperatura a. change to ice

2, freezc b. along, wide road

3. grow c. from one Street córner tu ttie nexL córner

4. highway d. a number in dcgrees

. block e, get larger or taller

EXERCISE Use the words from the gray box to complete the sen te rices.

centígrada Fahrenheit miles

roads kilometers degrees
theruiometer directions Celsiua

1. In the US, people talk about temperature ín degrees

2. FVance for temperaturas.

3. Celsius and are the same.

4, Lines on a. show degrees.

5. In Fcihrenheit, 40 is cold; in Celsius, 40 is hot.

6- North, somh.east, and west are

7. Cars and trucks travel on

8. San Antonio and Ilouston are cities in Texas. It is 197 from

San Antonio to Houston, That is about 315
EXERCISF C Match beginnings and endlngs.

Let's cali before we visit. a. It's one in the morning!

2, It's cloudy today, b. but he may not get the Job.

3, I can't doit today, c. I don't know! She might.

4. John wants to work there, d. Pat may not be home now.

5. Does Mary have a car? e, but I might do it tomorrow.

6. He may be asleep. f It might rain.

EXERCISE D Read the time on the face of each clock and write kt.
EXERCISE E Match statement to inference.

1. Don is holding a phone. a, It's night.

2. Alien missed the hall. b. He works at a hospital.

3, The streets are wet. c. He's mgking a cali.

4, John is a doctor. . It rained.

5, Bill needs books and pens. e. He tried to hit it.

6- I see the moon and stars. f. He3s a atudent*

EXERCISE F Wrlte inlerences. Use the patlern verb + fo + verb.

Nuntber 1 is an

learn like need

forget remember hegin
wanta try Btart

Jill is at the dining hall.

Jíll wantg to eat &ome food.

2. Jack goes to the gym every

3. Joe made a bad score on his test.

4, Jane is very tired.

5, Robert gwims cvery day.

6- The bell rang, and the students are going to class.

EXERCISE G Ask and answer questíons. Use present or past tense.

Do yüu want to go to the Yes, I want to see an

movies on Saturday? exciting show.

1. like tu eat 5. start to play

2. need to exercise 6. forget to pick up
3. want to visit 7. rcmember to cali
4. have to study 8. try to learn

EXERCISE H Match opposites.

1. a. most

2, sick b. easí

3- land c. beautlful

4. cheap d. forget

5. remember e. expensive

6. easy f. diffkult

7. worse g. legs

8. more h. better

9. west i. take off

10. least j. healthy

EXERCISE J Rewrite the sentences using possesslve pronouns.
Number 1 is ati exampíc.
I- This is Jane's hat.
It's hers. _
2. This is BilFs coat.

3. That picture is Jan's andTom's,

4. I think thcscare my CDs.

5. These are your tennis shoes.

6. These are Robert's and my books.

7. That'sthegirls'bedroom.

8. Theae are the students'desks.

EXERCISE J Wríte possessive pronouns in the blanks.

More íhan one answer is possible. Nitmber 1 is an example.

1. Onr ríximifi cold. _JQl£Íce. is hot.

2. Their car is red. is blue.

3. Both ofour grades were good was 88, and was 90.

4. Marvin and Mary both havc pcts. are cats. are dogs.

5. This isn't my pen, Tt's

6. Jane and Joe's house is on the córner is in the middle of the block.
EXERC1SE K Listen to the words. Circle the number of syllables you hear.




e. 4


EXERCISE L Ask and answer Wh- questions with going to-

Who What Where When

EXAMPLE: Mike / go (mess hall)

Student. 1: Where \& Mike going to
Student 2: Mike'e going to go to the mess hall,

1. John / eat (restaurant)

2. you / fly to Los Angeles tFriday)

3. Crace / do in hor free time ttennisj

4. Sally I make a depoait (today)

5. plañe / take oíf(2:30 p.ra,)

6. ?/getinshape(Bill)

7. ? / leave a message (Lealíe)

8. Jan / make a phone cali (in. the hotel)

EXEñCISE M Use (he words in the gray box to complete the paragraph.

push-ups out of shape sit-ups

healthy gym exerdse freetime
valleyball in good shape work out

My brother John wants to be in the Armyt but he is The

sergeant told him to go to the and . Jullll lltlS LWU

Jobs right now and doesn't have any Because he wants Lo bu

and go into the Army, he maltes time to . He
to the gym evcry day now. He does and , H« wlso
plays ., Soon he will be

EXEñCISE N Rewrite the se sen ten ees. Use more, tess, or a new adjective.

EXAMPLES: John is shorter than Mary.

Mary is taller than John.

TV is more interesting than the radio,

The radío is less interestína than TV.

1. The chair is older than the sofá.

2. A mountain is hígher than a hill.

3. The door is narrower than the table.

4, Football ís more exciting than baseball.

5. The red shirt i& more expenaive than the green shirt.

6. This problcm is moro difílcult than that one.

EXERCtSE O Read each sentence. Choose the best answer.

1. Which of these three questions is important?

a. the more
b. more than
c. the most
d. most than
2. Question number four was difficult one.
a. the Least
b. less than
c. least
d. the less
3- My Spanish is than my Frenen.
a. better
b. bad
c- best
d- the best
4, This is road in Texas.
a. worse
b. worse than
c. the worst
d. warst than
5. Issoccer esciting than football?
a. most
b- least
c. better
d, less
6. Which is restauran! in town?
a. better
b. best
c. the better
d. the best
EXERCISE P Read the directions and wrlte where you are on the map.
Use the map on (he next page for exercises P and Q.

You are at Stetson SchooL Leave the schooL Turn right

on Adobe Road. Follow the road to Highway 1836. Turn
left. Go straight for two blocks. Turn left si the córner
of Longhouse Road and Highway 1836. The building is
on your left.
Where are you?
Leave the building in 1, Go left on Longhouac Road,
Take your first right. Go one block south and turn left
on Houston Highway. Go east one and a half blocks.
The building is on your left.
Where are you?
Leave the building in 2, and turn left, Go to the córner
and turn left. Follow Highway 1845 north for a mile till
you get to Adobe Road. Turn left again. The building is
on the torne r,
Where are you?
4. Leave the building in 3 and turn righL Gn one block
west and take a left. Go into the park. Leave the park
on the south side at City Hall. Turn left. Walk to the
córner of Longhouse Road and River Road. Go one half
block more, The building is on your Jeft.

Where are you?

EXERCISE O Give your partner directions to a building in Stetson.

Use the vtfcabufary abone. Start oí the star.

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SVX31 'NOS131S
EXERCISE R Listen to the paragraph and complete the chart.

Kobert's ínteresting I ¡fe

What is the topic of the paragraph?

EXERCISE S Read the paragraph and select the main idea.

Jack wants to buy a new car. He is tired of the problema with the one he has
now. He looked at four new cara lasl week. One of them wes cheap, but it didn't look
good to him. He would like to buy a very good new car, but many new cars are very
expensive. He thinks he may buy a Japanese car. They are sometimes cheap, and
they work well.
a. Jack looked at four cars.
b. Japanese cars are good.
c. Jackis lookingfor anew car.
EXERCISE T Listen and write the missing words.

Manager: Green Hills Apartment.

Ma. Black: I'm for an apartment with two.
Do you have any ?
Manager: Yes have one.
Ms. Black: Dees it have a and a
Manager: Yes, it does.
Ms. Black: How rnany bathrooms does it have?
Manager: The has two baths and for
Ms. Black: What about a ?

Manager: The is $150. Can I show it to you today?

Ms. Black: Yes. I can come añer work at about 5.
Manager: Greatl See you ai 5. The office is in the front.

EXERCISE U Put the sentences in order.Then wrlte the paragraph,

The manager showed her an apartment on Tuesday.

She moved into her apartment yesterday
Sho called an apartment manager last week,
Ms. Black needed a place to live.
She looked in the Ycllow Pages for an apartment.
She paid a deposit.
EXERCISE V Use teií to ask someone to give a message to another person.

EXAMPLE: Teacher: John called.

Student: Tell Mark that John called.

L Mark 5, John
2, him 6, them
3. her 1. Bill
4. the teacher S. the sergeant

EXERCISE W Jj Practice a role-play with a partner. Then perform it for the class.

1, 2.
You need to cali a Answer the phone
taxi, YQU are atyourjob, The
downtown. Ask person wanta to
someone to show speak to your
you howto use the friend, butyour
pay phone. friendís at wurk,
Take a meas age.
A méchame from
Al's Garage calis.
General Allen's
car is ready. Take
the message.

4. Cali your husband
Call a travel agent. or wife at work, TelJ
You want to fly to him/her you muat
México next week, work late today. You
Ask about ílight cannot pick him/her
schedules. up until 7 p.m.
EXERCISE X Solví? the math problem. Write the final answer in the box.

(52-14) + (4x20)

a. subtract the first two numbers b, multiply 4 x 20

c. subtrect 99 f r()m 103 d. divide the answer in c. into the

answer in b.

e. add the answer in á. to the answer f. subtract 29 from the answer in e.

in a.

EXERCISE Y Select the best answer

1. Janet forgot _ her room.

a. cleaning
b. cleans
C- to clean
d. cleaned

2, Tell Lt Smith that I need _ him today.

b. to seo
c. seeing
d. fiaw

3, George on the iceT but he's okay.

a* grew
b, found
c, hit
d, fell

4- The plañe wiJJ at 3:00 this afternoon.

a. deposit
b. hold on
c. hang up
d. land

5. Please the door. Ifs cold in here.

a. cali
b. ahut
c. rent
d. deposit

6. Shehasa silver She wears it on hcr arm.

a. dock
b. bel!
c. watch
d. fan
7. Julie didn't talk to the captain because the line was
a. busy
b. healthy
c. cheap
d. terrific
8. I need some to use the pay phone.
a. change
b. message
c. lines
d. slots
9. These bananas are only fifteen cents a pound. They^re
a. important
b. interesting
c. cheap
d. fun
10. Ted and Bob talked to each other on the phone last night. Thcy had a
a. sbt
b- conversation
c. change
d. message
11. Thia coat costs a lot of money. ít's
a. importan!
b. difficult
c. exciting
d. expensive
12. Ib make a cali on a pay phone, you raust put coins ínto the
a. bell
b. alot
c. block
d. cup
13, You've got mail! From ÍH your letter?
a. who
b. what
c- why
d. whom
14. How much is the apartment you have
a, for rent
b. tocieposit
c, to take
d. straight

15. Dan and Linda work in a . They make cars tliere.

a. basement
b. gymnasium
c. factory
d. conversation

16. What of fruit do you want after dinner?

a. shape
b. kind
c. change
d. line
17, SarrTs not here now. Can yon
a. grow up
b. take off
c. cali back
d. work out

18. Tm nol sure. Mr. Brown may not be here. Can you ., and 111 see?
a. hold on
b. take off
o. cali back
d, hang up

19, Col Johnson for you. 11*3 on your desk.

ah gotin shape
b. had a good time
c. left a message
d. returned a cali
20. put thtíse flowers on my table?
3s Whom
b, Who
c, What
d, Where

a quarter after / past / till I to ihour), 4 factory 3

anawering machine 4 Fahrenheil (F) 1
apartment 4 fall -'felUdown) 1
área code -3 find -* found .,3
avenue 1 fbllow - 1
B for (distance) 1
basument - 4 forUime) , 1
beautiful - - 2 for reñí 4
be b a c k , . . , , 4 íbrget -» forgot íto) 2
bedronm, . . , 4 free time ,2
be going to 1 freeway 1
bell 3 freeze - * íroze 1
best 1 from (time] 4
better 1 fim 2
bluck 1
bormg - 2 garden 4
busy -- 3 get -* got in - l i . n . i .2
ground.., - 1
cali 3 grow * grew 1
cali back - 4 gymnasium <gym) 2
cali up 3 H
Celsiue(C) 1 half past (hour) *4
centigrade 1 hatig up -* hung up a
change -- . 3 have * had a good time 2
cheap 3 have •» had fun 2
coin 3 healthy 2
comma ,1 hers 2
conversation --, 3 highway 1
córner , 1 his 2
hit — hit '¿
dcgreete) (•) 1 hold-*held 4
deposit (v) 3 hold on-* held on . , , 4
deposit (n) -,, 4 híild the Vine 4
dífficult 2 Hnw can I get there?. i
diriing ronm 4
direction - 1 ice.
dírections 1 irnportant 2
in (good) shape 2
east (n) (adv) -, 1 interestíng.. - 2
exciting --2 internatíonal 3
exdamation mark 1
exercise (nMvl .2 just 3
exit 1 a minute 3
expensive 3

a cali 4
kilonieter - - 1 ring -* rang 3
kind(of) 4 ruad . .1

land (v) 1
leaat 3 sit-up -- 2
leave -• Icft a message . , - - 4 slot 3
less 3 SQuth (n) (adv) 1
line (phone) - -,. 3 straicht (ahead) . .1
local 3
long distance -, 3 a message
look for - -, - 4 tJike (a right/ a IclV a street) . 1
take off-* took off , , , - 1
make -* made a phone cal] 3 Ull-lold 4
man&gc 4 tijmperature - - 1
rnanager .,. 4 tenifk 2
may 3 Ihat 4
message...,-- - . ,. - 4 theirs 2
might 3 thermometer - 1
mile 1 til! (time) 4
mine 2 to (time) - -4
minutes aíter / past (hour) 4 try - Iried (to) 2
minutes till / lo (hour) 4 ü
miss 2 unlil (lime)
moment -- 4 V
more. 3 W
mosl. .3 wait (for) -4
N watoh (n) -- -, - 2
north (n) (adv) west (n) (adv) , , , 1
whom 3
of (north of, etc.). . , - 1 work out (v) ,-2
operator (0) 3 workout (n) 2
ours - 2 worse 1
out of shape 2 worst . -1
page 3 Y
park - 1 yours - 2
pay -* paid -- 3
pay phone 3
peraon -3
pubUc phone -- -3
push-up - 2

quotation marka ,1

remember (to) 2
rent(n)(v) 4
residence . -. 4
APPENDIX B Structure List


Adjeclives Comparativa Summer is better than winter 1

better, worse <+ than)
Adjectives Compara ti ve English is l&ss difficult than 3
more, less + adjective C hiñese.
(+ than}
Adjectives Superlative New York's weather is the worsL 1
íhe besi, worsí
Attfectives Superlative the most, That watch is the most expensive. 3
least + adjective

Pronouns Interrogative 7b whotn did you give the book? 3

whom as a direct object
Pronoans Possessive mine, yours, My coffee is good. How's yours1* 2
herst his, ours,

Verba active infínitive He forgot to dose the window.

as direct objett after a We want to learn English.
mental activity verb
Verbs Fu tu re She's going to íly to Chicago. 1
BE going to
Verbs Imperativa Teü him (that) I'll buy his car. 4
tell + indirect object +•
that noun clause
Verbs Modals of possibility Your friends may/might be late. 3
moy, rnight
3ENDIX C || The English Alphabet



A a A a rf a-
B b B b J ¿
C c C c í? c
D d 0 d ¿
E e E e í e
F f F f
G e G e í f
H h H h ^ k
I 1 1 i í i


J J 1 i
K k K k R ¿

L 1 L 1 I 1

M m M m M m.
N n N r N tt

O o 0 0 0
P P P P P 1°
Q q Q H 2 ¥
R r R r R Ir

S 9 S 0 M í

T t T t 7 ¿

U U U u í/ U-

V V V V V »
W w w w W til
X X X X X *
Y y Y y V ?
Z z z z 3 f
APPENDIX D American English Sounds

English ís not spelled phonetically- The same sound is spelled several differcnt
ways. For this reason it is to assign sepárate symbols to each sound. The
fbllowing is the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPAI system. Twenty-four (24i
consonant symbols, eleven (11) vowel symbols, and five (5) symbols repreaenting
diphthongs are used to represen! the significant sounds of American English.
Thest! charts are only aids and not to be memorized. However, the studcnts must
be awareof thedifferent sounds represented i n these charts. They must be able
to recognize and repeat tbem accurately.

Symbol Examples Symbol Examplea
/'/ he, meeth teach, chicf /P/ past, stop, put, paper
/i/ in, is, sit, big /b/ bed, baby, barber, lab
day, rnakc, train, vein, /I/ take, sentt ten, gentle
met, let, said, bread /oV date, student, do, hard
t;ashT half, laugh, hand ¡Vi car, chemital, récordes book
father, far, heart, pot, not
allh saw, bought, cauEht arm, myh number, from
/oo/ go, know, coat h towr pole /n/ no, linc, find, noon
/u/ book, tonk, good, shuuld fr}f sing, long, wrong, rank
/"/ tbod, blue, blew, do, soup l\í wellh lüboratory, always, let
/A/ cup, son, sun, enough read, course, forh write
¡( nice, tie, buy, byr write farmer, anlrm, phone, laugh
noise, boy, point, oifc /v/ very, give, live, aeven
out, now, town, mouth /0/ thank, Thursday, bath, north
agoh alphabet, listen, student tho, this, these, weather
ber, bird, doctor, earn see, this, lesaon, tapes
zero, rose, blowa, dozen
ship h nation, should, puah
/3/ pleasure, measur^, usual
have, he. how, hot
chair, teacher, picture, march
judgc, bridge, page, July
we, walk, wish, away
/]/ yes, you, yesterday, young
APPENDIX E List of Contractions

aren't - not) well - (we will / we shall)

can't we're - (we are)
couldn't - (could not) wc've - (we have)
didn't (did nut) what's - (what is)
doesn't - fdaes not) where's - (where ia)
don't (do not) who's - íwho is / who has)
hasn't (has not) won't - (will not)
haven't - (have not) wouldn't - (would not)
he'd (he would / he had) you'd — (you would / you had)
hell (hewíll) >W11 - (youwill)
he's (he JE / he has) you're - (you are)
how'fl (how is) you've - [you liave)
Fd (IwouJd/Ihad)
Fm (lam)
Tve (1 have)
isn't íis not)
it's (it is / it haa)
let'e (leí usf
mustn't — (musí not)
she'd Ishe would /shc had)
she'll íshe will/she shall)
she's (she is / she has)
shouldn't - ( should not)
that's íthat IB)
Ihey'd fthey would / they had )
theyll (theywill/ they shall]
the/re - (they are)
the/ve - (they have)
wc'd (we would /we had)


APPEND1X F Spelling Rules for Regular PastTense Verbs


talk talked
2 consonante CC
want wanted

2 vowels +• 1 conso- VVC repeat repeated

nant i liMIl cJeaned
vowel +• y VK -ed play playpd

vowel + consonant open optued

in a 2-5yallable ve
word with stress on
first sy Hable angwer answerod

Drop the -e circle circled

consonant + e CE and add
-ed shave shaved

vowel + consonant VC stop stopped

in a J-syllable word
Double the
vowel + conaonant and add occur occurred
in a 2-syllablc word
with stress on sec-
ve -ed
ond syllable prefer preferred

study -,n.i ' ¡

Change y to i
consonant + y CY and add dry dried
try trítíd

APPENDIX G Patterns Of Irregular Verba


1. Three principal parts the same hit hit hit
quit qutt quit
split split split
bet bet bel
let let let
sel set set
put put put
cut cut cut
shut shut shut
bid bid bid
hurt hurt hurt
burst burst burst
cost cost cost
ahiíd shed shed
gpread sprefld spread
cast oast cast

2. Last two principal parts the

a. Final consonant change only have had hart
make made made
build built buill
bend bent bent
spend spent spcnt
send Bent sent

b, Vowel change only meet met met

read read read
bleed bled bled
feed fed fed
lead led led
light lit lit
slide slid slid
sit iat sat
shoot abot shot
hold held held
win won wcm
ghiue shone shooe
find found found
wind wound wound
bind bound bound
dig dug dug
stick stuck stuck
strikt: struck struck

c. Vowel change - Addition of -t or -d sleep slept slepl

Iteep kept kept
creep crept crept
weep wept wept
think thoughL thoughl
teach tuughl taught
buy bought bought
catdi caught caught
fight fbu^ht fought
seek sougbt pought
mean nieant meant
lea ve lea left
flee fled fled
tell told told
sel! sold sold
lose lost lost
hear hüard heard
underetand undcrstood understoud

3. Three principal parts dlffer

a. No Himilaríty be waa been
gO went güne
do did dono

b. Vowel change - Addition of-n arise aruse arisen

drive drove driven
fly flew ilown
ride rodé riddui.
riae rose risen

c r Vowel change - No -n sing sang sung

ring rang rung
drink drank drunk
ñwim swam swum
begin began begun
d. First and third vowels similar blow blew blown
know knew known
grow grew grown
throw thrown
run ran run
come cami? come
eat ate estén
give gave given
draw drew drawn

e. Second and third vowels similar break broke broken

spoke .- pM.-L1 11
choose choso chosen
steal stole a tole n
tear tnre tom
wear wore wom
swear awuní
bear bore büm
get got got (gotten)
forget forgcit forgotten




APPENDIX H Punctuation and Capitalizaron


A. PERlODf.)

1. Use a period at thtí endof a statenient or command.

Thepen arsdpaperare on (he tabte.
Go to the cftalkboard and wriíe your ñame.
2. Use a period aíter an abbreviation cr an initiaL
NOTE: Abbreviatecí military ranks do not require a period,
Feb. (February) Mr. Brown a.m.
Dr. Smith (Doctor Smith) Ms. Littie p.m.
J. Jones (John Jones) Mrs. White Ma¡ Johnson


Use a question mark aitcr n qucstion, Sfnnetimñs tlie question may be written
1 1 ' ' a statement,
Haw many chtidren are in your lamify?
He's hete today?


Use an exclamatinn mark after words, aentences, or expressions that show excite-
ment, surpriseh or emotion. Any exclamaticn, even if not a sentenco, will end with
an exclamation mark.
What a garne'
Look OUt!
Do iV.
Wow! Oh!


I. Uso quotation marks tn show the words of a speaker The^re always placed above
the Une and are used in pairs.
John $aidt "The commissary clases at 2100 hours íoday."
"Wbere are the children^" she asked.
2. If the words of the speaker are divided into two parts, use quotation marke
around both parts.
"Do you," s!ie asked, "goto the übrary afier ctass?"
3. Use quotation rnarks around the titles of chapters, articles, parts nf bookíj and
i'i, .'. • i in - short poems, short storics, and aongs,
Last nighí, i read tfte chapler "Grammar ¡$ Easy" in our book. Then, i read the articte
"Learning English"m the newspaper


1- Use an apostrophe in contractions.

f'm she's they're
isn't aren't can't
what's where's Bob's
Q'docK (of the dock)
2. Use an apostrophe to indícate possession.
a. Iflhe noun is singular, add-hs.
thegírí's coat
b. When the noun is plural, add-'s, if the plural docs nnL fnd in s.
the chüdren's ctothes
themen's shirts
c. If the plural noun ends in s, add only an apostrophe.
the librarles'books

\-. COMMA f , )

1. Use commas to sepárate ítems in a series.

We ate sandwiches, pótalo chips, and truit for lunch.
She tooked behind the chairs, under the bedr and in the kitchert for her notebook.
2. Use a cnmmabefore the coi^unctions and, but.or, ñor, for, yet when theyjoii;
independent clausea.
Weiivedin Venezuela for ihree years, and then we r&furned to the Uniíed Stales.
Frank can speak Chínese welt, bul he cant read ;í.
3. Use a comma after an introductory clause or phrase to sepárate it from the rest
ofthe sentence,
After we slutíy íhis book, we waní ío lake a break.
Because John was sick, he didn't take íhe test.
Looking up at íhe sky, the smaii boy suddenly ran home.
4. Use a comma after words such as yes, no, well when they begin a sentence.
Do yon wantto go to íhe library? I didri'f pass the test.
Yes, i do. Wetí, study more.
5. Use commas to sepárate the words of a speaker from the rest ofthe sentence.
"Listen Jo me,"$he ssid.
Jackasked, "Where's tny lunch?1'
"í don't know," said John, "the answer to 1he question."
6. Use a comma in dates and addresses.
June 9, 1970
143 Main Street, Los Angeles, California
7. Use a comma in figures to sepárate thousands,
5,000 (or 5000)

1. Capitalize the first word of a sentence.
The boy stood vp antí walkeü oufaide.
Your book is behind the cnafr.
2. Capitalizo the ñames of people, citíes, states, countries, and languagesr
Mark Bifl Mary Linda
San Antonio Chicago Houston London
Fex^s California Florida New York
Spain United States Canadá Venezuela
Arabic Chínese Russian Engíish
3. Capitalize the oamegof schoola, streeta, buildings, bridgea, companies, und
organi zaticos,
Def&nse Language Instttute University of Chicago
Main Síreel Empire State Buüding
Golden Cate Brídge Ford Motor Company
General Motors National Football League
4. Capitaliae the days of theweek., months of theyeur, and holidays,
Sunday Montiay Tuesday
June Juty August
Chñstmas Easter ThanKsgiving
5. Capitalize titles and military ranks before iu i 1 •••
Gen Hoberts Capt Smitrt Sgt Jones
Professor Land Pr&stüent üncoln
Q. Capitalice the pronoun "I.1"
ican'igo withyou.
t'm happy to see you again.
7. Capitalize the first \vord of every direct quotation.
She asked, "Can I sit herV"
"We saw her,"$aití John, "a! !he university."
-ujoojssep eu.i ueA[|ua pue PSIBAIJOUI siuapn;s dae>i oí papiAüjd
aje saffJaiHJis Guiupeo] jo XiauEA v "uoueuiianJi lem^no lueinugd pue
se¡ljAi]3B |eiu3iii3|ddns 'saspjaxa ujoojssep 6ui|uas9J(3 joj sauíjapinG
pa|ieiap JBJJQ ;aiou joioruisuj 'i^ai jopmisui ÉJuiAuediiiosDe UB q^w

ei|j sapnpui IEHI eGeiioed leuoipnjisui ue Aq paiuaiu3|ddns si >jooq

ijoeg JS]|iJ|S PUE suoipunj aBenBuei aajoiuiai pue aarpojiJi sanift^c
pa^ue^iuspnis pue sGoieip SMUM 'jeujujejfi pue /JB|nqe^oA u¡e|d>í5
seiqej pue 'sijen^ "BiíOJiejisnni Jsu|dtfi6oioijd 'e6p3jjwou>i peunbae
A|sno|A3Jd uo p|mq ÜES sjajjeai leqt fljnsirs oí paauanbas A||n)eje3

J0| paidEpe eq uea 11 inq 'Sumas UJOOJSSEP E ui BUIUIEJI


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