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Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Victory System
Guide to Spaceships
Written by Scott Corum

Design & Layout: Scott Corum

Concept Design: Scott Corum and Victor Gipson
Cover Art: Scott Corum
Interior Art: Scott Corum and Victor Gipson
Data and IT Steven Corum ®

Playtesters: Joshua Hall, Amanda Shouse, Alan Stafford, Cameron

Brenner, Jacob Brenner, Max Alhanati, Michael Wilcom, David Dalton,
Wayne Zigelmeyer


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Victory System Guide to Spaceships is a Roleplaying Game supplement, and is for entertainment purposes only. It makes
no claim to being a textbook of any sort, or to represent any actual facts. The concepts, events, and people represented in
this book are entirely works of fiction, including the supernatural elements in its background, storylines, and themes.

Copyright © 2014 Dakkar Unlimited, All Rights Reserved

All Characters, Names, Places Copyright © 2014 Dakkar Unlimited. All Rights Reserved
Illustrations and Text Copyright © 2014 Dakkar Unlimited. All Rights Reserved
Victory System is a registered trademark ® of Dakkar Unlimited.

First Electronic Publication 2014 Dakkar Unlimited

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Contents 3
A Fighting Chance (Intro) 4
How to Use This Book 5
Owning a Space Ship 6
New Merits 6
A Matter of Skills 7
The Need for Speed 7
A Question of Technology 8
Space Opera, Cinematic Play, and Grandeur 8
Making Spaceships 9
In-Game Construction by Characters 10
Modifying Vehicles 11
Repairing Vehicles 12
Some Guidelines and Tips 12
Spaceship Components 13
Some Assumptions 13
Space Vehicle Frameworks 13
Power Systems 14
Drives 15
Space Vehicle Statistics 17
Space Vehicle Features 18
Ship Feature “Tweaks” 27
Ship “Bugs” 29
Weapons and Weapon-Like Systems 30
Weapon Construction and “Tweaks” 36
Ship Artificial Intelligence 43
Essential AI Package 43
Class C “Budget” Ship AI (Character Sheet) 44
Class B “Civilian” Ship AI (Character Sheet) 45
Class A “Military” Ship AI (Character Sheet) 46
Multiplicative Systems 47
Sample Ships and Vehicles 48
Hover Bike 50
Simple Fighter 51
Courier Scout Ship 52
Basic Transport 53
Freighter 54
Luxury Cruise Ship 55
Dreadnought 56
Space Dock Facility 57
Expanded Space Combat 58
Unrestricted Charts 61
Custom Power and Drive Systems 65
Blank Forms and Quick Reference 67

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
A Fighting Chance Captain. He hit the selector switch on his helmet’s commu-
“We’re not going to make it!” yelled Lieutenant Davison.
He ignored the rad-counter in his helmet’s display; blinking nicator. “This is Captain Franklin. Is anyone still alive in
red lights depressed him. The Captain checked the body of engineering? Sound off, people!”
the weapons officer for any signs of life, but as the ship’s hull A sputtering cough came through his speakers. “Sir... as-
was breached and the Bridge was in vacuum, the shredded sistant engineer Miles, here. I think I’m the only one left...”
suit seals were all he really needed to see.
The Captain wracked his brain to remember the female as-
“How many of those damn things are left?” the Captain sistant engineer who had called in. Miles had signed on at
asked as Davison took over the weapons station. The sensors the last star-base, she was a trainee that hadn’t gotten all the
were hazy with the vast amount of debris in local space, but way through the Star Command engineering training yet.
he could get a decent read on the situation. On the other hand...
“Nine, sir. One of them looks like it may be damaged, but ...she WAS a graduate of the Fleming Institute.
the other eight just came in fresh. Recommend we abandon.”
“Miles, I need you to route all of the power that we have left
“And go where?” asked the Captain. “The pods will head through the main sensor grid. You don’t have to tell me that
for the nearest planet, which I’m reading as about fifty light- it’s going to blow the grid out... I just need you to do it.”
years off. You want to spend the rest of your natural life
screaming in an escape pod, Lieutenant? ‘Cause I don’t.” “Yes sir,” came the reply. Davison’s eyes widened.
Davison ran his hands over his helmet, trying to collect his “A sensor burst, sir?” he asked. “That will only buy us a
thoughts. “They’re charging weapons, sir. Our shields are few minutes, and it’ll leave us blind!”
still off-line... everything but our sensors are off line. What
do we do?” “It’ll do more than buy us a few minutes, Lieutenant. I’ll
take your post.”
“We use what they’ve left us, that’s what we do,” said the
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Davison stepped aside as the Captain floated to the weapons “SPACESHIP!”
array controls. It was probably a good thing that the gravity
was knocked out... the Captain’s leg didn’t look like it was In a Space Era campaign, nothing so defines the kind of
bending the right direction. action and trouble that PCs can get into like the space-
ships they use and encounter. Spaceships do more
The Captain’s hands flew over the controls, almost faster than simply carry characters from planet to planet;
than Davison could follow. “I did this thing, once,” said they define the speed at which a campaign can move,
the Captain. “Back when I was closer to your rank. I had they create the opportunity for epic vehicular combat,
the weapons station, we were in port, and the ship next to and they offer the GM endless opportunities to build
us was doing weapons drills. They asked us to imitate a soft tension. A well-built spaceship can be a character all
ping on our IFF so they could check their acquisition.” its own, this is doubly true for a poorly-built spaceship.
Franklin bypassed a few safety features, and continued. “I Whole campaigns can be built around a spaceship; it’s
totally screwed it up. I initiated a hard ping, instead; blew a mobile base of operations for exploration, warfare,
out the other ship’s targeting array and back-fed into their crime of all kinds. Whether it’s been issued to the Play-
reactor. Took ‘em three hours to log it down, and I spent a er Characters so they can engage in a five-year mission
month scraping micro-meteors off the hull.” of exploration, or perhaps carrying the last remnant of
“You’re ready, Sir,” said Miles. “You’ve got one shot.” a civilization looking for home, or even trying to make
a few bucks taking passengers in seedy bars, the space-
“All I need,” said the Captain. His hand hovered over the ships of popular literature are the core of the action.
controls, his eyes fixed on the sensor readout. Eight ships
closed, and as they did, they locked their targeting sensors They are transportation, lodging, profit, and loss all in
on Franklin’s crippled ship. one package. They will protect Characters from the
horrible ravages of airless space and drain their wallets
When he had eight acquisitions, and not a second before, in maintenance and fuel costs. They can be seen as the
Franklin initiated a hard ping. greatest asset that a Character can have, or alternately,
they may be seen as a hole in space itself into which
The sensor readouts all went blank, and the ship shook as one throws money.
the main grid blew out. Davison floated to the breach in the
bridge’s hull to get an eye on the hostiles. In the Space Era, they are the source of infinite action
and adventure.
“Sir, they’ve stopped! I think I can see some fires on-board...”

“You’d damn well better. I just hit them in the eyes with our
How to Use This Book
reactor... that’ll keep them busy for a while. Miles! Talk to This is a supplement for The Victory System; you will
me, lady, are you still with me?” need a copy of the Core Rulebook in order to play. This
The silence at the far end of the line was finally broken by a book breaks down a lot of material from the Victory
weak chuckle. “I am SO going to lose my Fleming rating System Equipment Manual into very campaign-specif-
for that. Good job, Captain. I’m still with you, but I don’t ic bits, you may want a copy of that book as well, for
think I will be for much longer.” reference, but it isn’t necessary.

“Hang on, Miles,” said the Captain. “We’re not done yet.” The Spaceship Guide contains all of the information
for building Spaceships for any Space Era campaigns
Davison looked at his Captain with new found admiration. you may want to play. It contains rules variants and
“That was... incredible. Still, we’re blind, our reactor is like- tweaks that will allow you to match your creations up
ly fried, and even if those ships out there are logging their to the fictional source material of your choice.
reactors down, there’s still the ninth one.”
It includes a few new Merits and Flaws to make the
“I’m counting on it,” said Franklin. “Get your ass down ownership of Spaceships a possibility for the average
to Engineering and get Miles out of there. Bring all of the Player Character.
survivors you find back up here; stop by the ship’s armory on
the way and empty it out.” There is a selection of sample vehicles, rules for includ-
ing Artificial Intelligences as NPCs on-board space-
He smiled a hard smile as he floated over to the breach for a craft, and expanded rules for vehicular combat... In
look. “That ninth damaged ship will be here shortly to try Space!
to board us. When they do, we’re going to board them first.
These people owe me a ship.” Now, please bring your seat backs and tray tables to
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
their full upright positions. It’s time to be on our way. are the lawful owner of a completely paid-off vehicle
capable of transport through space. The size of the ve-
Owning A Spaceship hicle they have depends on how many times they take
this Merit.
Spaceships are expensive. There’s no way around it;
there’s a lot of stuff that goes into a spaceship. Some- # of Shipowner Merits Weight Class
thing that can take you from planet to planet within
1 Personal
your lifetime, much less within a weekend, SHOULD
be expensive. 2 Medium
3 Small Craft
Player Characters can certainly, with a little shrewd- 4 Large Craft
ness and the beating up of a lot of bad guys (and the
5 Massive
taking of their stuff) eventually come up with the cash
to afford their very own spaceship, but that could take This Merit gives them ownership of a Spaceship, but
a while. it does NOT allow them to possess a fully-armed
Spaceship, nor does it cover the costs of operating
This is not to say that there aren’t a few ways that Play-
the spaceship, such as fuel and docking fees.
er Characters can’t start play with a spaceship of their
very own... A Spacecraft acquired with this Merit may have
one (1) weapon mounted on it; it is considered to
GM Fiat: The Game Master can simply give the
be for anti-meteor and self-defense.
party a spaceship; it might be assigned to them by a
military organization, or it could be an inheritance. A Character who also has any levels of the Rich
Such a ship often comes with a heavy burden of Merit may cover the costs of operating their ship
responsibility; the requirement to follow the com- from their own disposable income; the size of ship
mands of a superior officer, or a duty to fulfill some that can be safely covered in this way depends on
last wish of the departed, for example. the number of Rich Merits the Character has.
The Deal: A creative player might be able to come
# of Rich Merits Weight Class Covered
up with something that a GM will feel is worth giv-
ing them a Spaceship. Taking a Wanted or Person- 1 Personal
al Dedication Flaw might be a good start; perhaps 2 Medium
a history of being hunted by space pirates or some 3 Small Craft
horrific alien threat. It should be something that 4 Large Craft
will put the whole party in constant peril; essen-
tially buying a spaceship with the constant threat 5 Massive
of death.
This is something of an “All or Nothing” proposi-
Steal One: In every civilization that produces tion; a Character with the Rich Merit three times
spacecraft, the theft of one is considered Piracy, and (3x) who has the Shipowner Merit four times (4x)
is usually punishable by death. Stealing a space- must still find the funding to pay for fuel and dock-
ship means having very little control over what ing fees, while a character with the Rich Merit four
condition it is in, what or who is on board it at the times (4x) and the Shipowner Merit three times (3x)
time, and how well fueled it is. It will get the whole can not only operate their Small Craft with their
party hunted ruthlessly by every law enforcement random pocket change, but can afford to constantly
agency they encounter, and marks them as crimi- throw ice-cream parties in the cargo hold.
nals of the worst sort. For some Player Characters,
Military License: (MUST have some level of Ship-
this is not only acceptable, but preferable.
owner) The Character with this Merit has acquired
If none of these appeal to you, perhaps you might like not only a spaceship, but a fully armed and operation-
to try one of these on for size. al one. The ship they own may have it’s Hardpoints
completely filled with weapons. This functions as a
New Merits Letter of Mark, effectively making the Character a Pri-
vateer... they are not only legally permitted to own the
Shipowner: This can be taken up to five times (5x). weapons, but to use them as well. Should the weapons
The character with this Merit owns a spaceship; they be pointed at ships belonging to the government that

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
granted the Military License, the License may become communication systems uses this skill.
revoked, and the Privateer becomes Pirate.
Jet Pack: Personal scale vehicles that are worn on
This is not to say that reloading weapons that re- the character’s body use this skill, regardless of
quire reloading (such as missile or torpedo launch- their drive system.
ers) isn’t going to be an issue. The weapons can
assume to come fully loaded with the new ship, but Mecha: When using a vehicle which is designed to
reloading them is the owner’s responsibility. have a human/humanoid/organic shape, or to use
a set of arms on the vehicle, this is the appropriate
As with the Shipowner Merit, having the Rich Mer- skill.
it enough times will cover the costs of weapon re-
loads. Transport Craft: This skill is used when piloting a
Small Craft, Large Craft, or Massive Craft which is
# of Rich Merits Weight Class Covered designed primarily for carrying passengers or car-
1 Personal
2 Medium The Need for Speed
3 Small Craft
4 Large Craft The speed of faster-than-light travel is an important
factor in a Space Era game; it defines the speed of the
5 Massive
action, the amount of downtime that Characters may
This is a fast and easy way to handle the difficul- have in travel, and the general flow of events. For ex-
ties of ammunition cost, and will allow the PCs to ample, we’ll look at the distance between Earth and it’s
avoid having to cough up too much cash after a big nearest stellar neighbor Alpha Centurai, roughly four
space battle. The GM can, at need, disallow the light years (4 Ly) away.
“free ammo for the Rich Merit” rule. Missiles and/
If we were to be moving at the speed of light itself,
or Torpedoes can be REALLY expensive.
then it would take four years to reach the nearest star.
Players rarely want to role-play four years of hanging
A Matter of Skills out on a spaceship... they’d have to be in some form of
In the Space Era, there are a number of different pilot- suspended animation just for the situation to be play-
ing skills for handling Spaceships. What skill is used able, and that’s just reaching the nearest star. It can
for piloting which ship? be good for atmosphere or the background of a low-
er technology setting, but it doesn’t work as well for
Capital Craft: This skill is best used for both Large more “space opera” or “epic” settings.
Craft and Massive ships, particularly ships defined
as warships such as destroyers and battleships. As At the default setting for the Victory System’s Space
a default, if the ship is REALLY huge, this is the Era campaigning, we’re moving at a minimum of one
skill to use. light year each day (1 Ly/D). Alpha Centurai is four
days away; a road-trip. Further destinations are weeks
Crew Vessel: Any attempt to use any feature or months away; to travel as far as the core of the Milky
or function of a ship other than piloting, firing a Way (super-massive black hole that it is) would take
weapon, or using sensors or communications sys- almost seventy years (70 Y) at this rate. It’s where we
tems uses this skill. start to see Space Opera speeds... it’s a four-day road-
trip to the nearest star, and then a few weeks further
Fighter Craft: Any ship at the Personal or Medi- on, but not so long that you need suspended anima-
um weight class that is designed for combat may be tion.
classified as a Fighter, and uses this skill.
At ten Light Years a Day (10 Ly/D) Alpha Centurai
Ground Effect: This skill can be used to guide is only a few hours away; a pit-stop on the road trip
ships with gravitic drive systems along the ground rather than a destination. The twenty-six nearest stars
like a hovercraft. to the Earth are only about a day away, if you travel for
ten days, tens of thousands of stars come into range.
Gunnery: Firing any weapon mounted on a space- This is firmly in Space Opera territory.
ship uses this skill.
At a hundred Light Years a Day (100 Ly/D), Alpha
Instruments: Any roll to use the ship’s sensors or
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Centurai isn’t even a viable pit-stop... it just gets passed matter for “The Deal.” “Sure you can have that faster
by. Millions of stars are accessible within a few days, drive system, but the people who designed it are going
and High Space Opera is ready to ensue. to be chasing you down to get it back.”

A Question of Technology Space Opera, Cinematic Play,

Hyperspace, warp drives, instantaneous interstellar
and Grandeur
teleportation; there are a lot of different science-ficti- There are all kinds of different “levels” of campaign
ony ways to move faster than the speed of light. All where spacecraft are involved. Spaceships can just be
of these methods are not necessarily available in every set pieces that get the PCs from one setting to another
Space Era campaign. Often, only one or two are avail- so the storyline can progress, they can be a location for
able, and others may show up as anomalies or myste- exploration and adventure, or even the center of the
rious ancient technologies. campaign’s plot and action.
These rules are laid out to give a lot of different options The biggest crime that a Science Fiction movie can com-
not only for the individual spaceship, but for the Space mit (in the author’s humble opinion) is to make space
Era campaigns that they appear in. You may recog- travel and the use of space craft boring. Space travel
nize certain technological elements in these construc- should be THRILLING! People sealing themselves in
tion guidelines as being inspired by several different a vehicle to travel through hostile, airless space where
popular science fiction series; this is so the action and every passing minute increases the chance that some-
technology of those series can be emulated and built thing HORRIBLE can happen, from solar flares to
upon. micro-meteorites to friggin’ ALIENS dropping out of
Hyperspace to fire scintillating beams of coruscating
The GM planning a Space Era campaign does get to
energy capable of rending the very atoms in their hull
choose which elements of ship design are and are
not available. Some question that the GM should ask
themselves when determining what does and does not The Space Era is called the Space Era and not the Fu-
fit into their campaign: ture or Science Fiction Era because some of the greatest
potential for action and adventure come when people
• What type of drive (or drives) is (are) used for FTL
travel from star to star. Even should such travel be-
travel in this setting?
come relatively commonplace, the possibilities only
• How fast do you want the PCs to be able to get grow. Space pirates and mysterious undiscovered
around? planets and alien life forms can abound in these situ-
• Is Matter Replication technology available in this
setting? Then, when you add spaceships constructed for battle
to the mix, there is no limit to the potential for adven-
• Is Matter Transmission available in this setting? ture. Warships clashing in the airless void, bathed in
cosmic radiation, and their weapons load-out unfet-
• Are Force Fields available int this setting? tered by the considerations of preserving planetary re-
sources; THAT should get the blood flowing!
• Are Tractor beams available in this setting?
There are a hundred things for PCs to do in a space
• What exotic elements (such as living bio-ships,
ship... commerce, warfare, smuggling, piracy, Search
ships that can utilize magic and/or psionics, ex-
& Rescue, emergency services, catering... the list is
otic science-fantasy power sources, et cetera) will
you allow to be included, either by yourself or the
Players? (‘Cause if you bring it in, you KNOW the Now, all they need is a ship to do something in.
PCs are just gonna steal it).

• What is the maximum damage that you want

spaceship weaponry doing? (Also: How long do
you want your space fights to last?)

As always, Players can attempt to acquire technolo-

gy that isn’t on the “approved” list, but that may be a

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Making Spaceships
The very short version of the process for making a 5. If desired, add any Tweaks to the Power System to
Spaceship, for Players and GMs, is as follows. dial-in the performance you’re looking for.

1. Select the Weight Class of the Vehicle you are de- 6. Add vehicle statistics such as additional DR and
signing. This will give you an idea of how many Shrugs, Armor, crew, passengers, and cargo capac-
people it can carry, and what the base Damage Re- ity.
sistance and Shrugs of the Vehicle will be.
7. Add Features to the vehicle; this includes life-sup-
2. Select a Power system for the Vehicle. This will port, computer (if any), communications, sensors,
give you the range that the vehicle can travel be- hardpoints for weapons and other equipment, and
fore the power system needs to be serviced/refu- a lot of other possibilities. This will define what the
eled; the type of power systems available will also ship is for; cargo? Combat? Courier? A little of
flavor the campaign. everything? It’s all a matter of money and weight.

3. If desired, add any Tweaks to the Power System to 8. If desired, add any Tweaks to the Features to di-
dial-in the performance you’re looking for. al-in the performance you’re looking for.

4. Select Drive Systems. Many spacecraft will have 9. Add Bugs to the vehicle if desired. This adds a bit
more than one Drive System, each giving the ship of variety and “uniqueness” to a design; not every-
another mode of travel. This can represent that a thing is made perfectly after all. It can reduce the
ship will have an Atmospheric drive, something to cost of a vehicle, but at the price of reducing perfor-
propel is in space for short distances, and a Faster mance or durability.
than Light drive for going much farther. The type
10. Fill the vehicle’s hardpoints with weapons and
of Drives available will define the scope and flavor
weapon-like systems. The amount of weight that
of a campaign.
a hardpoint can hold varies by weight class; this is
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
listed in the Hardpoint description. The only limit they’re up to their elbows in tools. If the design roll is a
to what can be stuffed in a given hardpoint is the critical failure, however, there will be hell to pay later.
weight. The construction process continues as normal, but the
vehicle is badly flawed. The GM should secretly roll
11. Tweak Hardpoints if necessary on the Critical Bugs table (page 12). The Character will
have no idea that their vehicle is buggy, or what the
12. If desired, add any Tweaks to the Weapons and/or Bug is, until the first time they actually use the vehicle.
Weapon-Like Systems to dial-in the performance
you’re looking for. Now, armed with a design (or not), the Character as-
sembles the tools and materials necessary to make the
13. Add the total costs of Power System, Drive Sys- vehicle. It is at this point that the cost of the materials
tem(s), Features, Weapons and Weapon-Like Sys- is paid... either forty percent (40%) of the fair market
tems, and Tweaks. Subtract the discount from any value of the item, or ten percent (10%) if the character
Bugs. This is the final Fair Market Value of the ve- has the Natural Engineer Merit.
What tools are necessary to make the item? That de-
14. Add the total weights of systems, features, and pends on the Player’s concept of the item and what
weapons that have a weight listed. This is the final it’s made of. Most ships will require metal-working,
total Weight of the vehicle. working with composites (plastics and such), and tools
for working with computers. Most High-Tech tools
Of course, sometimes Characters like to get involved will do; anything like a shipyard or even hangar space
in making their ships. that gives a bonus to maintaining and/or repairing ve-
hicles also counts as having suitable tools.
In-Game Construction by Characters Unusual vehicles, such as vehicles made with living tis-
To manufacture their own vehicles, a Character can sue or magical enchantments, may require other tools
either dive right into the process of making it “on the not usually considered appropriate for use in vehicle
fly,” making it up as they go along, or they can take a manufacture; the GM is free to require anything they
little extra time to work out a design for the item, first. think may be appropriate, no matter how outrageous.
If the Character goes to the trouble to design the vehi- (i.e. “Where am I going to get a tank for cloning whales?”).
cle on paper (or in a computer) before picking up tools,
they can get themselves a bonus when it comes time to There is plenty of room for roleplaying this part of the
actually produce the craft. process if the GM and Player would like to. Whole
adventures, if not campaigns, can be put into the ac-
Designing vehicles is generally done with a roll on the quisition of plans, rare materials, or exotic tools.
Intelligence Stat plus the Engineering Skill, or another
skill if the Player and GM believe it to be more appro- As a rule, bonuses for good roleplaying in the Fabrica-
priate. A roll on the Academics skill is almost always tion process can go from a plus one (+1) to a maximum
appropriate, as one researches what other designers of the very rare (and very difficult to achieve) plus five
have done before them. (+5).

The benefit of this roll depends on its Margin of Suc- Having the design (or not), the materials, and the tools
cess: necessary to manufacture their vehicle, the Charac-
ter must now spend some time on the process. The
amount of time that is required to Fabricate a given ve-
Margin Bonus to Fabricate
hicle depends on its Fair Market Value... the total cost
0 +0 of all components, minus the cost of any Bugs.
1-3 +1
4-6 +2 Construction time is equal to one (1) Man
Hour for every one thousand dollars
7-10 +3
($1,000.00) of Fair Market Value, or portion
11-15 +4 thereof.
Greater than 15 +5
Critical Success +6 There are a number of skills that can be justified in
use when making a vehicle as complex as a spaceship.
If the design roll is failed, there is no penalty associated Fabrication is always an acceptable skill for producing
with the design; it just isn’t very good, and the Charac- any item, but a case can be made for Construction (par-
ter will have to figure out what they got wrong while ticularly for Large Craft and larger), Engineering, even
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Physics. The GM is the final arbiter of what skill is most So, for a Massive project that had one thousand (1,000)
appropriate for the project, but they should be open to workers involved, there would be only ten (10) dice
suggestions and the Deal should be in full effect. rolls necessary, rolling on the average Intelligence
plus Fabrication of the workers involved. If ANY of
The good news is that, if a character is doing the Fab- those rolls is a failure, that group of workers failed to
rication themselves, their final cost in materials is still contribute their share of hours, and the work must be
only forty percent (40%) of the fair market value; only done again. If ANY of those rolls are a critical failure,
ten percent (10%) if the character involved is a Natural then the vehicle develops a Bug (charts, page 12).
Engineer! The construction time is still based on the
full fair market value, however. Natural Engineers re- If everything goes right, the Character now has their
tain the edge of performing their Construction tasks in own custom vehicle, and is ready to take on the stars!
Man MINUTES instead of Man HOURS. Of course, they may want to buy some weapons to put
on their vehicle... or maybe make their own. We’ll get
That still leaves most Characters out of the action for to that.
days, weeks, or even longer when Vehicles need to be
built. The good news is that the work can be divided MODIFYING VEHICLES
up between a number of people; the number of people
that can be tasked to work on a particular vehicle de- People like to upgrade their stuff, whether they bought
pends on the weight class of vehicle being made. it from a dealer or made it from scratch. Eventually,
people are going to want bigger, stronger, faster, bet-
Division of Labor ter, et cetera.
Weight Class Max Number of Workers
Often, this is easy; fly into a dealership or a custom
Personal 10 shop, pick your mods, and pay for the upgrade. If
Medium 50 you sell off an old component to make room for the
Small Craft 100 new (such as when purchasing a new Power System or
Drive), the cost is the difference between the old sys-
Large Craft 500
tem and the new system.
Massive 1,000
Or, the Characters could do the work themselves. This
The Man Hours necessary to complete the construc- is done much the same way that Construction of vehi-
tion is divided by the number of people involved in cles is performed; a Character may gain a bonus for de-
the project. signing the modification, and needs to have the proper
tools handy.
A Natural Engineer can contribute their man-hours in
an equivalent number of Minutes; Natural Engineers The Fair Market Value to perform the modification
are therefore worth several times their weight in gold is the difference between an existing system and the
when this kind of work is being done. price of the new system. If a brand new system is be-
ing added, rather than replacing on that is already on
If more than half of the workers involved in a project the ship, then the full cost of the new system is the Fair
(including the project leader) are Natural Engineers, Market Value.
then ALL man-hours in the project become man-min-
utes instead. As with the construction of the ship...
When manufacturing vehicles, every worker involved Modification time is equal to one (1) Man
needs to roll on the relevant skills to accomplish the Hour for every one thousand dollars
task. That would be a LOT of time spent on rolling ($1,000.00) of Fair Market Value, or portion
dice, so the work can be broken down to fewer rolls.
Division of Labor Again, Characters who are doing the job for them-
Weight Class Workers per d20 Roll selves pay only forty percent (40%) of the Fair Market
Personal 1 Value in materials cost (10% if a Natural Engineer), but
the time to perform the modification is still based on
Medium 5 the Fair Market Value. Natural Engineers retain the
Small Craft 10 edge of performing their Modification tasks in Man
Large Craft 50 MINUTES instead of Man HOURS.
Massive 100 Like Construction, big Modification jobs can be part-
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
ed out to a number of people, dividing the number of Vehicle Critical Bugs
Man Hours amongst them and shortening the total
d20 Roll Critical Bug
time of the project.
Vehicle has twenty (20) less DR than planned for (mini-
1-5 mum zero [0]), appears normal.
REPAIRING VEHICLES Vehicle is at a penalty of minus five (-5) to be operated.
6-10 Appears normal.
It happens to the best of us... things get broken. This is Vehicle appears horribly flawed and ugly (minus five [-5]
especially true for spaceships and other vehicles in the 11-15 to Style), functions normally.
Space Era, if you’re adventuring right. When the vehicle’s user fails any defensive rolls while
using the vehicle, vehicle stops completely dead until a
Damage done is expressed in Shrugs taken. Occasion- 16-19 Repair roll can be made (takes one [1] hour). Appears
ally, Damage is Cinematic; not expressed in Shrugs,
but in a narrative fashion. Both of these cost money to 20
Vehicle’s Shrugs (and any Armor Shrugs) are HALVED
(round up), but Vehicle appears normal.
get fixed.

The Fair Market Value of repairs varies depending on Some Guidelines and Tips
the Weight Class of the vehicle in question; it takes a
lot longer to restore structure to a Battle Station than it Classic spacecraft that can move from a planetary sur-
does to a Fighter. face to space and between the stars should have three
drive systems... one for atmospheric (planetary) travel,
Repair Costs by Weight Class one Slower Than Light (STL) space drive for maneu-
vering within system, and a Faster Than Light (FTL)
Weight Class Per Shrug Cinematic Condition
drive for interstellar travel.
Personal $750.00 $1,500.00
Medium $2,500.00 $5,000.00 Not every ship is going to have all three forms of drive.
Vehicles meant to operate entirely on a planet (such
Small Craft $50,000.00 $100,000.00
as a grav-bike) obviously don’t need any space drives,
Large Craft $500,000.00 $1,000,000.00 and ships meant to support larger ships (such as shut-
Massive $5,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 tles and fighters) don’t necessarily need their own FTL
drives. They can rely on their “mother ship” to carry
Again, Characters can get their wrecked ship towed them between the stars... but if they get left behind,
into a space station or a dry dock and shell out the Fair they are well and properly stranded!
Market Value for their repairs, or they can handle it
themselves. Large ships often aren’t designed for planetary land-
ing, so they don’t need an atmospheric drive. These
The Repair skill is always appropriate when perform- ships will either use smaller support ships, space sta-
ing these tasks, and having the right tools on hand is, tions, or perhaps even matter transmitters to allow
as always, a good idea. Then there’s just the matter of their crew to reach planetary surfaces. The ship itself
how long it takes to handle the job. will remain in orbit, unless people get VERY desper-
ate. It’s hard to take a drive designed to go thousands
Repair time is equal to one (1) Man Hour for of miles an hour and try to parallel park it planet-side.
every one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of Fair
Market Value, or portion thereof. There may be times as you are constructing ships that
you’ll find a particular system doesn’t carry quite as
Again, Characters who are doing the job for themselves much as you need. You can always use a “Tweak” to
pay only forty percent (40%) of the Fair Market Value increase the capacity of a system, or you can buy a ship
in materials cost (10% if a Natural Engineer), but the multiple systems (such as Hangar Bays) to cover the
time to perform the modification is still based on the needed weight requirements.
Fair Market Value. Natural Engineers retain the edge
of performing their Repair tasks in Man MINUTES in- Make sure you get your ships enough Hardpoints to
stead of Man HOURS. A ship owner or ship captain carry all the weapons, force fields, and tractor beams
will usually be willing to pay Natural Engineers a ri- that you want them to have. Hard points allow for the
diculous salary; they more than make up for it in the attachment of weapons and weapon-like systems; you
long run. can’t just bolt a laser gun to the outside of your ship
and kick the hull to fire it.
Like Construction and Modification, big Repair jobs
can be parted out to a number of people, dividing the
number of Man Hours amongst them and shortening
the total time of the project.
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Spaceship Components
Spaceships, or any vehicle, need a few things to be a ve- Because perfection is hard to achieve, you may also
hicle. They need a Framework, a Power System, and at want to tack on some Vehicle “Bugs...” Flaws in the de-
least one form of Drive (often more). They require a sign which reduce the overall cost of the vehicle even as
few other statistics, such as how many crew they require they reduce, in some fashion, its performance.
and how much weight they can carry.
Some Assumptions
Once you have that, there’s a vehicle. There are, of
course, a large number of other things that can be add- Spaceships have doors and ports to look out of. Doors
to the outside of the ship are airlocks. If a ship is capa-
ed; Features which govern everything from the base
ble of carrying cargo, it has larger doors to access the
structure of the matter the vessel is made from to how cargo compartment, and there is likely crew access to
comfortable the ride is. that compartment from inside the ship.

Building a ship is as easy as going through the following Ships capable of landing on a planet have some form
charts and listing components; it’s a good idea to have of landing gear, and at least one door for personnel to
exit that allows them to safely walk from the ship to
an idea of what kind of ship you’d like to build, so you the ground.
know how large you want it, and what kind of Features
it should have. An exterior airlock can be locked to other airlocks on
other ships or space stations.
As you list components, there are two things you’ll want
Therefore, one doesn’t purchase the airlocks, doors, or
to keep track of; the cost of each component, and the landing gears a ship should need... those are includ-
weight of components that have weight. Tallying these ed in the structure of the ship as it is constructed. If
two things will give you the vehicle’s final cost and total something basic and/or simple seems missing, it can
weight. be assumed to be likewise included.

Space Vehicle Frameworks

Vehicle Size Base DR Base Shrugs Base Weight Weight Increment Multiple
Personal 25 6 50.00 lbs 10.00 lbs x 0.15
Medium 30 10 1,000.00 lbs 250.00 lbs x 0.50
Small Craft 30 10 2,000.00 lbs 500.00 lbs x 10.00
Large Craft 35 15 20,000.00 lbs 1.50 T x 100.00
Massive 40 20 100,000.00 lbs 10.00 T x 1,000.00

Personal craft are Characterized as being one or craft due to size. (Examples: Average-sized transports,
two-person affairs, which are about the size of a per- Small cargo craft, cruisers, yachts)
son or smaller. They may be ridden or even worn on
the back. There is no bonus to hit a Personal vehicle Large Craft are vessels capable of carrying up to a
due to size. (Examples: Grav Bikes, Jet Packs, Motorcy- thousand people. There is a bonus of plus nine (+9)
cle-like vehicles) to hit a Large craft due to size. (Examples: Freighters,
Battleships, Destroyers, Carriers)
Medium vehicles are large enough to carry two to ten
or twenty people. There is a bonus of plus three (+3) Massive craft in the Space Era are occasionally mis-
to hit a Medium vehicle due to size. (Examples: Cars, taken for natural satellites - they are huge affairs with
Trucks, Fighters, very small transports) no upper limit to how much they can hold. There is
a bonus of plus twelve (+12!) to hit Massive vehicles
Small Craft are vessels capable of carrying two to fifty in the Space Era. (Examples: Bases, dry dock Facilities,
people. There is a bonus of plus six (+6) to hit Small “That’s no moon!”)
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Power Systems
Feature Personal Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Notes
$6,037.50 $20,125.00 $402,500.00 $4,025,000.00 $40,250,000.00
Fuel Cell Class A Range 50,000 Miles
40.00 lbs 1,000 lbs 1.00 T 6.00 T 40.00 T
$4,875.00 $16,250.00 $325,000.00 $3,250,000.00 $32,500,000.00
Fuel Cell Class B Range 25,000 Miles
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T
$2,250.00 $7,500.00 $150,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $15,000,000.00
Fuel Cell Class C Range 100 Miles
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T
$225.00 $750.00 $15,000.00 $150,000.00 $1,500,000.00
Fuel Cell Tweak per additional 10 Miles
1.00 lb 25.00 lbs 50.00 lbs 600.00 lbs 1.00 T
$20,500,000.00 $205,000,000.00
Reactor Class A Range 2,500 Light Years
12.00 T 80.00 T
$1,300,000.00 $13,000,000.00 $130,000,000.00
Reactor Class B Range 1,000 Light Years
2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00.T
$42,500.00 $850,000.00 $8,500,000.00 $85,000,000.00
Reactor Class C Range 100 Light Years
1.00 T 2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00 T
$4,250.00 $85,000.00 $850,000.00 $8,500,000.00 per additional 10 Light
Reactor Tweak
200.00 lbs 400.00 lbs 1.20 T 8.00 T Years
$266,000,000.00 $2,660,000,000.00
Exotic System Class A Range 5,000,000 Light Years
24.00 T 160.00 T
$4,100,000.00 $41,000,000.00 $410,000,000.00
Exotic System Class B Range 50,000 Light Years
4.00 T 24.00 T 160.00 T
$81,250.00 $1,625,000.00 $16,250,000.00 $162,500,000.00
Exotic System Class C Range 5,000 Light years
2.00 T 4.00 T 24.00 T 160.00 T
$8,125.00 $162,500.00 $1,625,000.00 $16,250,000.00
Exotic System Tweak per additional 500 Light Years
400.00 lbs 800.00 lbs 2.40 T 16.00 T
$51,650,000.00 $516,500.000.00 $5,165,000,000.00
Exotic Reactor Hybrid Range 10,000,000 Light Years
1.50 T 9.00 T 60.00 T
Exotic Reactor Hybrid $5,165,000.00 $51,650,000.00 $516,500,000.00 Per additional 1,000,000
Tweak 300.00 lbs 1,800.00 lbs 6.00 T Light Years
String Resonance $7,531,875.00 $25,106,250.00 $502,125,000.00 $5,021,250,000.00 $50,212,500,000.00
Range Effectively Unlimited
Chamber 110.00 lbs 1.38 T 2.75 T 16.50 T 110.00 T

Fuel Cells: Use compressed Hydrogen and Oxygen cost of the power system (including any Tweaks).
to generate electrical power that can be used by a ve-
hicle’s systems. Must be refueled with Hydrogen and Exotic Reactor Hybrid: Combines the power supply
Oxygen; while such fuel is available for purchase in of an Exotic System with the efficiency of a Fusion re-
most star-faring civilizations, it can also be harvested actor to produce a hybrid power source. Requires both
from water with Electrolysis or otherwise acquired a supply of hydrogen-rich materials AND the exotic
where it is found in nature. power source costing roughly one-twentieth of one
percent (0.20%) of the cost of the power system (in-
Reactors: Generates power through Fusion; requires cluding any Tweaks).
refueling with materials having a high hydrogen com-
ponent. Such fuel is available for purchase in most String Resonance Chamber: The Universe is full of
star-faring civilizations, it can also be harvested from free power, if one knows how to look. The String Res-
water with Electrolysis or otherwise acquired where it onance chamber draws upon the vibrations of first or-
is found in nature. der quantum strings to power all of the ship’s systems.
As long as the ship is in a universe where reality is
Exotic Systems: Uses some highly-efficient form of derived from first-order string vibration (which is, in
energy such as Antimatter or artificial quantum singu- current thought, all of them), the ship has abundant
larities for power; refueling requires a supply of the power.
exotic material costing roughly one percent (1%) of the
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Feature Personal Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Notes
$4,050.00 $13,500.00 $270,000.00 $2,700,000.00 $27,000,000.00
Atmospheric Class A Atmospheric 4,000 mph (Mach 5)
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T
$3,810.00 $12,700.00 $254,000.00 $2,540,000.00 $25,400,000.00
Atmospheric Class B Atmospheric 800 mph (Mach I)
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T
$3,000.00 $10,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $20,000,000.00
Atmospheric Class C Atmospheric 100 mph
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T
$300.00 $1,000.00 $20,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,000,000.00
Atmospheric Tweak Per +10 mph
2.00 lbs 50.00 lbs 100.00 lbs 600.00 lbs 2.00 T
$37,500.00 $750,000.00 $7,500,000.00 $75,000,000.00
Gravitic (STL) Class A Space 100,000 mph
1.00 T 2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00 T
$7,500.00 $25,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 $50,000,000.00
Gravitic (STL) Class B Space 50,000 mph
40.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 1.00 T 6.00 T 40.00 T
$5,625.00 $18,750.00 $375,000.00 $3,750,000.00 $37,500,000.00
Gravitic (STL) Class C Space 25,000 ,mph
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T
$3,825.00 $12,750.00 $255,000.00 $2,550,000.00 $25,500,000.00
Gravitic (STL) Class D Space 1,000 mph
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T
$382.50 $1,275.00 $25,500.00 $255,000.00 $2,550,000.00
Gravitic Tweak Per +100 mph
2.00 lbs 50.00 lbs 100.00 lbs 600.00 lbs 2.00 T
$6,700,000.00 $67,000,000.00 $670,000,000.00
Hyperdrive Class A Ftl 1.000,000 Ly/D
4.00 T 24.00 T 160.00 T
$166,250.00 $3,325,000.00 $33,250,000.00 $332,500,000.00
Hyperdrive Class B Ftl 325,000 Ly/D
2.00 T 4.00 T 24.00 T 160.00 T
$25,507.50 $85,025.00 $1,700,500.00 $17,005,000.00 $170,050,000.00
Hyperdrive Class C Ftl 100 Ly/D
80.00 lbs 1.00 T 2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00 T
$2,550.75 $8,502.50 $170,050.00 $1,705,000.00 $17,050,000.00
Hyperdrive Tweak Per +10 Ly/D
8.00 lbs 200,00 lbs 400.00 lbs 1.20 T 8.00 T
$2,250.00 $7,500.00 $150,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $15,000,000.00
Jump Gate Drive Instant Travel between Jump Gates
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T
$1,751,000.00 $17,510,000.00 $175,100,000.00
Gate Generator Class A Create Temporary Gate up to 200 Ly away
4.00 T 24.00 T 160.00 T
$1,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 $100,000,000.00
Gate Generator Class B Create Temporary Gate up to 100 Ly away
2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00 T
$975,000.00 $9,750,000.00 $97,500,000.00
Gate Generator Class C Create Temporary Gate up to 50 Ly away
2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00 T
$97,500.00 $9,75,000.00 $9,750,000.00
Gate Generator Tweak Per +10 Ly
400.00 lbs 1.20 T 8.00 T
$16,505,000.00 $165,050,000.00
Warp Drive Class A Ftl 100 Ly/D
12.00 T 80.00 T
$875,000.00 $8,750,000.00 $87,5000,000.00
Warp Drive Class B Ftl 50 Ly/D
2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00 T
$42,750.00 $855,000.00 $8,550,000.00 $85,500,000.00
Warp Drive Class C Ftl 10 Ly/D
1.00 T 2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00 T
$4,275.00 $85,500.00 $8550,00.00 $855,0000.00
Warp Drive Tweak Per +1 Ly/D
200.00 lbs 400.00 lbs 1.20 T 8.00 T
$12,750.00 $42,500.00 $850,000.00 $8,500,000.00 $85,000,000.00 Unlimited instantaneous range in time
Z-Class Vortex Drive
1,600.00 lbs 4.00 T 8.00 T 48.00 T 320.00 T and space

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Atmospheric Drives: Generally operate by taking in at (hopefully) the desired time and space. Time and
atmospheric mass and accelerating it through heating space travel can be accomplished separately, using it
and the use of turbines. Only functional within an at- as either purely a space drive or as a time drive. The
mosphere. two main difficulties with this drive system are 1) the
massive power requirement (power system must be ef-
Gravitic Drives: The general Slower Than Light fectively unlimited) and 2) the difficulty involved with
(STL) Drive; uses ions and gravitons to generate lift using it. The further one travels in time and/or space,
and thrust. Can only reach one tenth (1/10) their full the more difficult the associated piloting roll. Even
speed in a gravity well, only being able to reach their skilled pilots will take long trips in a series of “jumps,”
maximum acceleration once they are in space. Vehi- going to an easier to reach location, getting their bear-
cles with Gravitic Drives do not need to reach Escape ings, and jumping again.
Velocity to leave a gravity well, but can lift on gravitic
force alone. Spatial Distance Traveled Penalty
One light year or less -0
Hyperdrives: Advanced and very fast Faster Than
Light (FTL) Travel. Hyperdrives cause a vehicle to Up to ten light years -1
leave “normal” space and enter a slightly different “di- up to one hundred light years -2
mension” with slightly different physical laws, includ- up to one thousand light years -3
ing a much higher Speed of Light and less inertia. up to ten thousand light years -4
up to one hundred thousand light years -5
Jump Gate Drive: Allows a vehicle to travel through a
Jump Gate. Without a Jump Gate or a Gate Generator, up to one million light years -6
this system is useless. more than one million light years -7

Gate Generators: Creates a temporary wormhole in Temporal Distance Traveled Penalty

space that can be exploited by a ship with a Jump Gate
One year or less -0
Drive. Gate Travel is instantaneous; entering one end
of the gate results in immediately leaving the other Up to ten years -1
end. Some civilizations create and maintain systems up to one hundred years -2
of Jump Gates... Massive structures that create Jump up to one thousand years -3
Gates to specific destinations, which are then net- up to ten thousand years -4
worked together to form travel routes.
up to one hundred thousand years -5
Warp Drives: A drive which warps the structure of up to one million years -6
space-time, making it “thicker” behind a vehicle and more than one million years -7
“thinner” in front of the vehicle; this effectively allows
the ship to travel Faster Than Light (FTL). NOTE: If a ship with a Z-Class Vortex Drive has the
“Glitchy” Bug, then the GM may feel free to make each and
Z-Class Vortex Drive: A drive which removes the ve- every trip end up with some form of complication that must
hicle from the time-space continuum and re-inserts it be resolved before the drive will properly function again.

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Space Vehicle Statistics
Feature Personal Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Notes
Cargo Capacity $11.25 $37.50 $750.00 $7,500.00 $75,000.00 Per +1 Weight Increment of capacity
(Basic) 10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 20.00 T carried inside the hull
Cargo Capacity $5.63 $18.75 $375.00 $3,750.00 $37,500.00 Per +1 Weight Increment of capacity
(Lift Only) 5.00 lbs 125.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 1,500.00 lbs 10.00 T carried outside the hull
$150.00 $500.00 $10,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 Operating space for (a) crew mem-
Crew Space(s)
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 20.00 T ber(s)
Handling $75.00 $250.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 Per +1 to the Piloting skill
$300.00 $1,000.00 $20,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,000,000.00
Hull Armor Per +1 Armor Shrug
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 20.00 T
$37.50 $125.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00
Hull Durability Per +1 DR
2.00 lbs 50.00 lbs 100.00 lbs 600.00 lbs 2.00 T
$750.00 $2,500.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00
Hull Strength Per +1 Material Shrug
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 20.00 T
$75.00 $250.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00
Passenger Space(s) Space for (a) passenger(s)
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 20.00 T

Cargo Capacity (Basic): Each time purchased, adds Handling: Increases the bonus to pilot the ship in one
one (1) Weight Increment to the vehicle’s cargo ca- mode of travel by one (+1) each time purchased. Sug-
pacity. Cargo in the Basic version is carried inside the gested maximum for any one mode of travel is plus
ship’s Hull and has the ship’s full protection (and en- five (+5), but this can be exceeded at the GM’s approv-
vironment, if necessary). A ship is assumed to have al.
the necessary doors and bracing for loading/offload-
ing cargo.
Hull Armor: Each time this is purchased, it adds one
Cargo Capacity (Lift Only): Each time purchased, (1) to the Armor value of the ship... the number of Ar-
adds one (1) Weight Increment to the vehicle’s car- mor Shrugs the ship has. Also adds one (1) Weight
go capacity. Cargo in the Lift Only version is carried Increment to the weight of the ship.
outside the ship’s Hull and does not gain the ship’s
protection nor any environmental services. A ship so Hull Durability: Each time this is purchased, it adds
equipped will also need a number of Hard Points to one (1) to the Damage Resistance value of the ship.
affix external cargo modules to, unless they intend to Also adds one-fifth (1/5) of a Weight Increment to the
use a LOT of duct tape. weight of the ship.

Crew Space: For each time this Feature is purchased, Hull Strength: Each time this is purchased, it adds one
the vehicle has one Crew Space; a space from which (1) Material Shrug the ship. Also adds one (1) Weight
a crew member can operate a function of the vehicle. Increment to the weight of the ship.
Personal vehicles generally need one Crew Space.
Medium vehicles may have one to ten Crew Spaces, Passenger Space: For every time this Feature is pur-
depending on their design. Large Vehicles can have chased, an additional Passenger can comfortably occu-
dozens of crew spaces. Each Crew space must be a py a space in the vehicle. This space has the vehicle’s
designated position; pilot, driver, rower, lookout, en- full protection (unless it is Open, see Vehicle Bugs).
gineer, et cetera. Crew Space includes berthing for Personal Vehicles may have one (1) or two (2) Pas-
crew members on vehicles of the Small Craft class and senger Spaces. Medium Vehicles may have two (2) to
larger. Each Crew Space adds one Weight Increment twenty (20) or more Passenger Spaces. Small Craft Ve-
to the weight of the vehicle. (NOTE: A ship with a hicles (or larger) may have upwards of a hundred (100)
Data System [page 21] can add one additional Crew Passenger Spaces or more. On Small Craft Vehicles
Space designated as the AI Slot - a place to load an Ar- and larger, Passenger Spaces include not merely a seat,
tificial Intelligence into the ship which can act as the but a cabin with a bunk. For every Passenger Space
ship’s intellect. Some sample AIs are included in on added to a vehicle, one Weight Increment is added to
pages 44-47. the vehicle.

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Space Vehicle Features
Feature Personal Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Notes
$7,500.00 $150,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $15,000,000.00 Alleviates Hunger, Thirst, and Suffo-
Agro Facility
500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T cation, very high maintenance
$1,500.00 $5,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00
Arm and Manipulator Can lift 1 Weight Increment
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T
+1 to Handling, Ship regenerates 1
Biotech $3,165.00 $10,500.00 $211,000.00 $2,110,000.00 $21,100,000.00 lost Shrug per hour, regrows lost/
destroyed systems (and ammunition)
Combination $75, 00.00 $25,000.00 $5 0,000.00 $5,000,000.00 $50,000,000.00 Vehicle combines with other vehicles
$8,400.00 $168,000.00 $1,680,000.00 $16,800,000.00
Comm, Civilian Class A Range of 100 Ly
750.00 lbs 1,500.00 lbs 4.50 T 30.00 T
$1,320.00 $4,400.00 $88,000.00 $880,000.00 $8,800,000.00
Comm, Civilian Class B Range of 1 Ly
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T
$9,750.00 $195,000.00 $1,950,000.00 $19,500,000.00 -5 to be Intercepted or Interpreted,
Comm, Military Class A
750.00 lbs 1,500.00 lbs 4.50 T 30.00 T Range of 500 Ly
$1,725.00 $5,750.00 $115,000.00 $1,150,000.00 $11,500,000.00 -5 to be Intercepted or Interpreted,
Comm, Military Class B
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T Range of 5 Ly
$1,550,000.00 $15,500,000.00
Construction Bay +3 to all Shipbuilding tasks
3.00 T 20.00 T
One crew station is crewed by an
Conversion Frame $3,000.00 $10,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $20,000,000.00 installed Modular Pod, bio or data;
+3 to all Ship-related rolls
$1,200.00 $4,000.00 $80,000.00 $800,000.00 $8,000,000.00 Central Vehicle Computer, Use Com-
Data System
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T puter at +3, -5 to “Hack”
$1,250.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 Per prisoner held. -1 to Computers,
250.00 lbs 500.00 1.50 T 10.00 T Escapology Lockpicking and Security
Interior of the vehicle is not in the
$1,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 $100,000,000.00
Dimensional same dimension as the exterior of the
10.00 T 60.00 T 400.00 T
Environmental Controls $300.00 $1,000.00 $20,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,000,000.00 Protection from discomforts
Escape System $2,500.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 Optimization for emergency escape
$3,750.00 $75,000.00 $750,000.00 $7,500,000.00 +3 to Computers, Cybernetics, Elec-
Fabrication Bay
250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T tronics, Fabrication, Repair
Facility for 4 wi worth of vehicles, +3
Hangar Space $900.00 $18,000.00 $180,000.00 $1,800,000.00
to repair/maintain vehicles
$187.50 $625.00 $12,500.00 $125,000.00 $1,250,000.00 Holds 1 wi of weapons on outside of
Hardpoint (External)
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T vehicle, covers 1 arc
Hardpoint (External, $93.75 $312.5 $6,250.00 $62,500.00 $625,000.00 Holds 1 wi of weapons on outside of
Fixed) 5.00 lbs 125.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 1,500.00 lbs 5.00 T vehicle, unidirectional
$262.50 $875.00 $17,500.00 $175,000.00 $1,750,000.00 Holds 1 wi of weapons on inside of
Hardpoint (Internal)
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T vehicle, covers 1 arc
Hardpoint (Internal, $131.25 $437.50 $8,750.00 $87,500.00 $875,000.00 Holds 1 wi of weapons on inside of
Fixed) 5.00 lbs 125.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 1,500.00 lbs 5.00 T vehicle, unidirectional
$1,125.00 $22,500.00 $225,000.00 $2,250,000.00 Holds 1 wi of weapons in movable
Hardpoint (Turret()
500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T turret, covers 2 arcs
Illumination Systems $225.00 $750.00 $30,000.00 $300,000.00 $3,000,000.00 Lights inside and outside of vehicle
$2,775.00 $9,250.00 $185,000.00 $1,850,000.00 $18,500,000.00 Protects against vacuum and dis-
Life Support (Limited)
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T comfort
$330,000.00 $3,300,00.00 $33,000,000.00 Protects against vacuum, provides
Life Support (Long Term)
500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T nutrition/hydration
Luxury Fittings $375.00 $1,250.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 Vehicle has exquisite styling
Allows Martial Artist to control
M.A.R.S. System $4,500.00 $15,000.00 $300,000.00 $3,000,000.00 $30,000,000.00 vehicle weapon systems, add Martial
Arts abilities
$49,000.00 $980,000.00 $9,800,000.00 $98,000,000.00
Mat-Trans Class A Transports 10 wi, Range 1 Ly
1.25 T 2.50 T 15.00 T 100.00 T
$24,900.00 $489,000.00 $4,890,000.00 $48,900,000.00
Mat-Trans Class B Transports 5 wi, Range 300,000 mi
1,250.00 lbs 1.25 T 7.50 T 50.00 T

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Space Vehicle Features (Continued)
Feature Personal Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Notes
$2,370.00 $7,900.00 $158,000.00 $1,580,000.00 $15,800,000.00
Mat-Trans Class C Transports 1 wi, Range 100 mi
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T
$11,701,500.00 $117,015,000.00 $1,170,150,000.00
Mat-Trans Class Cargo Transports 200 wi, Range 300,000 mi
500.00 T 3,000.00 T 20,000.00 T
$5,400.00 $108,000.00 $1,080,000.00 $10,800,000.00
Mat-Trans Emergency Transports 1 wi, Range 1 mi
250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T
$105,000,000.00 $1,050,000,000.00
Medical Bay Class A 50 Patients
75.00 T 500.00 T
$5,250,000.00 $52,500,000.00 $525,000,000.00
Medical Bay Class B 25 Patients
6.25 T 37.5 T 250.00 T
$2,100,000.00 $21,000,000.00 $210,000,000.00
Medical Bay Class C 10 Patients
2.50 T 15.00 T 100.00 T
$6,300.00 $21,000.00 $420,000.00
Medical Bay, Emergency 2 Patients
200.00 lbs 0.25 T 0.50 T
$836.25 $2,787.50 $55,750.00 $557,500.00 $5,575,000.00 Allows for tasks necessary to engage
Mining Gear
30.00 lbs 750.00 lbs 1,500.00 lbs 4.50 T 30.00 T in mining operations
This is a modular component of a
Module $300.00 $1,000.00 $20,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,000,000.00
Allows Psionicist to focus their
Psionic Resonance $6,225.00 $20,750.00 $415,000.00 $4,150,000.00 $41,500,000.00 powers through ship: +3 handling,
magnify abilities
$7,500.00 $25,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 $50,000,000.00 Vehicle can transform into a different
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T vehicle
Recreation Facilities, $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 Recreational areas, +2 to skills for
Actual 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T entertainment and recreation
Recreation Facilities, Virtual recreational areas, +3 to skills
$7,750.00 $155,000.00 $1,550,000.00 $15,500,000.00
Virtual for entertainment and recreation
Per crew station that can be operated
Remote Operation $1,500.00 $5,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00
(MUST Have Life Support: Long
Replication Enhancement $3,375.00 $11,250.00 $225,000.00 $2,250,000.00 $22,500,000.00 Term): Ship’s replication network can
provide 1 wi of Equipment per hour
Entire ship is a robot capable of crew-
Robotic Infrastructure $3,750.00 $12,500.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 $25,000,000.00
ing and repairing itself
Safety Engineering $3,750.00 $12,500.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 $25,000,000.00 +3 to survive emergencies
$2,325.00 $7,750.00 $155,000.00 $1,550,000.00 $15,500,000.00 +3 to all tasks involved in Search and
Search and Rescue Gear
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T Rescue operations
Sensors; Civilian Class A $900,500.00 $9,005,000.00 $90,050,000.00 Range of 100 Ly
Sensors; Explorer Class A $1,050,500.00 $10,505,000.00 $105,050,000.00 Range of 100 Ly, Science Upgrade
Sensors; Military Class A $1,050,500.00 $10,505,000.00 $105,050,000.00 Range of 100 Ly, Military Upgrade
Sensors; Civilian Class B $25,125.00 $502,500.00 $5,025,000.00 $50,250,000.00 Range of 5 Ly
Sensors; Explorer Class B $32,625.00 $652,500.00 $6,525,000.00 $65,250,000.00 Range of 5 Ly, Science Upgrade

Sensors; Military Class B $32,625.00 $652,500.00 $6,525,000.00 $65,250,000.00 Range of 5 Ly, Military Upgrade

Sensors, Superior $1,201,000.00 $12,010,000.00 $120,100,000.00 Range 200 Ly, Science, Military
Stealth Class A $1,500.00 $5,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 -10 to Vision and Scanners
Stealth Class B $750.00 $2,500.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 -5 to Vision and Scanners
Stealth Class C $375.00 $1,250.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 -5 to Scanners
Style & Paint, Classic $225.00 $750.00 $15,000.00 $150,000.00 $1,500,000.00 +3 to Styling
Style & Paint, Custom $375.00 $1,250.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 +5 to Styling
Style & Paint, Variable $1,125.00 $3,750.00 $75,000.00 $750,000.00 $7,500,000.00 Variable Styling, mimic up to +5
Allows Mage to focus their powers
Thaumatech $6,225.00 $20,750.00 $415,000.00 $4,150,000.00 $41,500,000.00 through ship: +3 handling, magnify
Vehicle’s can shift form to gain bene-
Variable Geometry $1,950.00 $6,500.00 $130,000.00 $1,300,000.00 $13,000,000.00
fits (faster OR more maneuverable)

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Agro Facility: This feature allows a vehicle to carry equal to the crew complement of the largest vehicle in
and maintain living plants which provide some nu- the combined vehicle, as the control systems also link
trition as well as recycling the vehicle’s oxygen and and network.
water supplies. Often this system is hydroponic, but
can have a large number of different configurations. Comm, Civilian Class A: High-quality communica-
Includes the necessary equipment for providing light, tions gear for civilian space vehicles and bases. Allows
water, and nutrients to the plants contained in the for communication with audio, video, and data chan-
facility, but the facility must be maintained through nels over a distance of one hundred light years (100
near-constant effort. At least one (1) crew space must Ly).
be devoted to taking care of the Agro Facility unless
Comm, Civilian Class B: Standard quality communi-
the vehicle has a Robotic Infrastructure. Alternative-
cations gear for civilian space vehicles and bases. Al-
ly, robots can be used rather than the labor of living
lows for communication with audio, video, and data
crew members.
channels over a distance of one light year (1 Ly).
Arm and Manipulator: A mechanical arm with at
Comm, Military Class A: High-quality communica-
least two joints, capable of lifting one Weight Incre-
tions gear for military space vehicles and bases. Al-
ment. Equipped with a manipulator with opposing
lows for communication with audio, video, and data
“digits.” May resemble a human hand, a crab claw,
channels. Such communication is heavily encrypted,
or be in some other configuration. Capable of doing
giving a penalty of minus five (-5) to any attempts to
damage with a strike, varying by Weight Class. Adds
intercept or interpret it. Has a range of five hundred
a Weight Increment to the vehicle’s weight. (Note: At
light years (500 Ly).
the Personal Scale, Arms may be hollow and allow the
vehicle user to “wear” the arm; this would be the case Comm, Military Class B: Standard quality communi-
with Powered Armor or very small Mecha). cations gear for military space vehicles and bases. Al-
lows for communication with audio, video, and data
Arm Weight Class Arm Strike Damage channels. Such communication is heavily encrypted,
Personal 20 (or +10 to wearer’s) giving a penalty of minus five (-5) to any attempts to
Medium 25 intercept or interpret it. Has a range of five light years
Small Craft 35 (5 Ly).
Large Craft 45 Construction Bay: This vehicle has the capacity to
Massive 60 produce other (smaller) vehicles. The Construction
Bay can be used to produce any vehicle of a smaller
Biotech: The ship with this feature was not construct- Weight Class than the vehicle it is installed into, no
ed, but grown. It is a living being; should it posses an matter how much smaller. This constitutes having the
AI, it may be considered sentient. It heals very quick- correct tools for ship construction, and includes such
ly, regaining one (1) lost Shrug every one hour (1 H)). things as cranes, hoists, and the specialized tool sets
More, should any ship’s systems be damaged or de- necessary for ship building. Gives a bonus of plus
stroyed, those systems will be re-grown as the Dam- three (+3) to any roll for building vehicles. If the ship is
age the ship has sustained is healed. If the ship has also equipped with Hangar Space, vehicles produced
expendable ammunition (such as missiles), these are in the Construction Bay can be properly stored and
also fully regrown within one hour (1 H). The bio-ship even used.
is innately more responsive to a pilot, so it gains a bo-
nus of plus one (+1) to its Handling. Conversion Frame: Each time this feature is select-
ed, one Crew station is converted into a Modular Pod
Combination: This vehicle is capable of combining dock, allowing a Bio Pod or a Data Pod to be inserted
with other vehicles (that also have the Combination into it. The ship becomes the Conversion Frame body
Feature) to form a single larger vehicle. The larg- for the minds in the pods, who will have to learn to
er vehicle is faster (combining the speeds of similar share if there is more than one (1) of them. All rolls re-
Drive Systems in all of the vehicles involved) and has lating to ship functions made by the occupant of a Pod
a greater range (also combining the ranges of all vehi- attached to the ship are at a bonus of plus three (+3).
cles involved). More, energy weapons on all vehicles This could allow an AI to take up a crew position, but
involved in a combined vehicle gain ten points (+10) would NOT make the AI the “Ship AI,” in charge of all
of Damage due to the networked power systems. The ship functions. For that, use Data System (below).
total crew necessary to run the combined vehicle is
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Data System: The vehicle with this system has a data vehicle is constructed. With features such as Variable
structure that runs throughout the entire vehicle, not Style & Paint and Reconfiguration, the exterior appear-
only allowing the occupants to use the Computer skill ance of the vehicle can be altered at will. Often, the ex-
(at a bonus of plus three [+3]) but also allowing the terior of the vehicle will appear to be at the Personal or
computer to control basic vehicular functions; any- Medium Weight Class. The exterior still retains all of
thing from the level of light in a room to navigation the vehicle’s statistics such as DR, Shrugs, Armor, and
can be controlled through the computer. The data the protection of any Force Fields; the vehicle can op-
system can contact and communicate with any other erate normally, it just as a much smaller exterior. This
data system that the vehicle’s communications system DOES affect the difficulty to hit the vehicle in combat...
can reach. This can function as an effective auto-pilot, the exterior’s apparent size is used to determine the
but does not allow for good reaction to emergencies bonus or penalty to strike it in combat.
or other changes in normal operation... the Computer
can perform routine tasks (which would generally not Environmental Controls: Climate control for plan-
require a Stat plus Skill roll) such as level piloting on et-based vehicles (no life support). Keeps occupants
a set course. Given orders to perform a more complex from being too cool, too warm, wet, or otherwise gen-
task, the Data System rolls against a seven (7) plus the erally uncomfortable.
ship’s Handling (if any). For better service an AI sys-
Escape System: Allows all occupants to escape the
tem can be installed which can deal far better with un-
vehicle in an emergency; all the rigging and supports
expected situations. This system includes a Firewall
to keep escape pods (or other smaller emergency ve-
for protection; any attempts to attack the computer via
hicles) attached to the vehicle; these vehicles must be
hacking or other hostile use of the Computer skill are
purchased separately. For ships with Matter Trans-
at a penalty of minus five (-5). (NOTE: A ship with a
mitter systems, the Escape System allows for rapid use
Data System can add one [1] additional Crew Space
of such systems to offload personnel to the nearest safe
and designate it as the AI Slot - a place to load an Ar-
location in range.
tificial Intelligence into the ship which can act as the
ship’s intellect). Fabrication Bay: A workshop for producing whatev-
er the occupants of a vehicle might need. Constitutes
having the correct tools for Fabrication and Repair, as
well as working with Computers, Cybernetics, and
Electronics. Gives a bonus of plus three (+3) to any use
of these rolls.

Hangar Space: This feature allows a craft to carry

and service other craft. It may be purchased multiple
times, each time allowing an amount of smaller craft
(by weight) to enter, dock, and be serviced; the amount
of weight that a Hangar Space can hold is determined
by the Weight Class of the ship it is installed into.
Detention: This vehicle can hold sentient individuals
against their will. A Detention system holds one per- Ship Weight Class 1 Hangar Space Holds
son (per every time it is purchased), giving them access Medium 1,000.00 lbs
to the vehicles Environmental Systems and Life Sup- Small Craft 1.00 T
port, but little else. They are at a penalty of minus one
(-1) to the skills Computer, Escapology, Lockpicking, Large Craft 6.00 T
and Security; any unauthorized access to the Detention Massive 40.00 T
system (in or out) will alert the rest of the vehicle, ei-
ther by audible alarm or (if available) through the Data Hardpoint (External): Attachment point for a weap-
System. on or other equipment; will hold up to the vehicle’s
Weight Increment in weaponry or weapon-like sys-
Dimensional: The vehicle is a wonder of super-high- tems. Holds the weapon on the outside of the vehi-
tech science; the interior of the vehicle is not in the cle, obvious and without the protection of the vehicle’s
same dimension as the vehicle’s exterior. This allows structure. The weapon can fire in one vehicular arc.
the vehicle to be larger, perhaps MUCH larger, on the
inside than it is on the outside. As a default, the exte- Hardpoint (External, Fixed): Attachment point for a
rior size and appearance of the vehicle is set when the weapon or other equipment; will hold up to the ve-
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
hicle’s Weight Increment in weaponry or weapon-like Luxury Fittings: Padding, decorations, polished wood
systems. Holds the weapon on the outside of the vehi- and brass, and other little touches that make traveling
cle, obvious and without the protection of the vehicle’s in the vehicle a decadent experience. Often allows a
structure. The weapon is fixed in place and can not be vehicle owner to charge more money to people want-
swiveled, it always faces in the same direction relative ing to travel on it. People traveling on a vehicle with
to the vehicle. luxury fittings often find it easier to relax while on the
vehicle; it is considered a requirement of higher ele-
Hardpoint (Internal): Attachment point for a weap- ments of society to travel “in style.”
on or other equipment; will hold up to the vehicle’s
Weight Increment in weaponry or weapon-like sys- M.A.R.S. System: The “Mimetic Articulation Re-
tems. Holds the weapon inside of the vehicle in an lay Simulacrum” or M.A.R.S. System allows a single
internal port which is fairly obviously a weapon port. Martial Artist (must have the Martial Artist Merit) to
The weapon gains the protection of the vehicle’s struc- control a ship’s weapons and defensive systems us-
ture. The weapon can fire in one vehicular arc. ing their combat arts. All systems are utilized using
the same rolls the Martial Artist would make for per-
Hardpoint (Internal): Attachment point for a weap- sonal combat (Grappling, Hand to Hand, Melee, and
on or other equipment; will hold up to the vehicle’s whatever they would use to Dodge); these activate the
Weight Increment in weaponry or weapon-like sys- ship’s weapon systems to fire on the Martial Artist’s
tems. Holds the weapon inside of the vehicle in an targets and the ship’s Shields (if any) to react as the
internal port which is fairly obviously a weapon port. Martial Artist parries. More, if the Martial Artist gains
The weapon gains the protection of the vehicle’s struc- any bonuses to their Damage, additional attacks, gains
ture. The weapon is fixed in place and can not be swiv- an Autofire number, or has any other benefit from
eled, it always faces in the same direction relative to having Martial Arts Abilities, these are applied to the
the vehicle. Ship’s attacks as well!
Hardpoint (Turret): Attachment point for a weapon or Mat-Trans Class A: A very high-quality device for
other equipment; will hold up to the vehicle’s Weight transmitting matter from point to point without trav-
Increment in weaponry or weapon-like systems. Holds eling the distance between; instantaneous transporta-
the weapon in an articulated mount that allows it to be tion. Can transport a mass equal to ten times (10x) the
rotated through a three hundred and sixty degree hor- Weight Increment of the vessel it is installed into, at a
izontal arc and a one hundred and eighty degree ver- range of up to one light year (1 Ly)!
tical arc, while retaining the protection of the vehicle’s
structure. Covers all vehicle arcs. Class Maximum Mass Transported
Illumination Systems: A system of lights that illumi- Personal 100.00 lbs
nates the inside of the vehicle, as well as the vehicle’s Medium 2,500.00 lbs / 1.25 T
path and immediate surroundings. Small Craft 5,000.00 lbs / 2.50 T
Large Craft 30,000.00 lbs / 15.00 T
Life Support (Limited): Life support and climate
control for vessels that will be on short-term missions. Massive 200,000.00 lbs / 100.00 T
Protects those inside from extreme cold, pressure
differentials, radiation, and suffocation as well as al- Mat-Trans Class B: A device for transmitting matter
lowing for the elimination of waste and keeping those from point to point without traveling the distance be-
inside comfortable (not too cool, too hot, wet, or gen- tween; instantaneous transportation. Can transport a
erally uncomfortable). Does not provide hydration no mass equal to five times (5x) the Weight Increment of
nutrition. Adds one (1) weight increment to vehicle’s the vessel it is installed into, at a range of up to three
weight. hundred thousand miles (300,000 mi); greater than a
standard lunar orbit!
Life Support (Long Term): Life support and climate
control for vessels that will be on long-term missions. Class Maximum Mass Transported
Protects those inside from extreme cold, hunger, pres- Personal 50.00 lbs
sure differentials, radiation, suffocation, and thirst as Medium 1,250.00 lbs
well as allowing for personal hygiene and the elimi-
Small Craft 2,500.00 lbs / 1.25 T
nation of waste and keeping those inside comfortable
(not too cool, too hot, wet, or generally uncomfortable). Large Craft 15,000.00 lbs / 7.50 T
Adds two (2) weight increments to vehicle’s weight. Massive 100,000.00 lbs / 50.00 T
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Mat-Trans Class C: A low-powered device for trans- bed will automatically restore one (1) lost Shrug and/
mitting matter from point to point without traveling or cure one (1) minor Condition to patients in the beds.
the distance between; instantaneous transportation. In a pinch the beds can put the patients within into in-
Can transport a mass equal to the Weight Increment definite bio-stasis.
of the vessel it is installed into, at a range of up to one
hundred miles (100 mi).

Class Maximum Mass Transported

Personal 10.00 lbs
Medium 250.00 lbs
Small Craft 500.00 lbs
Large Craft 3,000.00 lbs / 1.50 T
Massive 20,000.00 lbs / 10.00 T

Mat-Trans Class Cargo: A powerful brute-force ver-

sion of the device for transmitting matter from point
to point without traveling the distance between. Can
transport a mass equal to two hundred times (200x) the

Weight Increment of the vessel it is installed into, at a

range of up to three hundred thousand miles (300,000
mi). This device is not available at the Personal weight

Class Maximum Mass Transported

Medium 50,000.00 lbs / 25.00 T Medical Bay Class B: Twenty-five (25) support beds
Small Craft 100,000.00 lbs / 50.00 T fitted with sensors, readouts, tissue regenerators, and
other equipment to facilitate healing. Gives a bonus of
Large Craft 600,000.00 lbs / 300.00 T plus three (+3) to the Medical skill of anyone attending
Massive 4,000,000.00 lbs / 2,000.00 T a patient in the bed. Also, once each hour (1ce H), each
bed will automatically restore one (1) lost Shrug and/
Mat-Trans Emergency: A specialized, low-powered or cure one (1) minor Condition to patients in the beds.
version of the device for transmitting matter from In a pinch the beds can put the patients within into in-
point to point without traveling the distance between; definite bio-stasis.
designed to allow crew members and passengers to
“eject” in an emergency situation by being transmitted Medical Bay Class C: Ten (10) support beds fitted
one mile (1 mi) away from the vessel. Can transport a with sensors, readouts, tissue regenerators, and other
mass equal to the Weight Increment of the vessel it is equipment to facilitate healing. Gives a bonus of plus
installed into; however many crew/passengers that is. three (+3) to the Medical skill of anyone attending a
Used in conjunction with Escape Systems, this function patient in the bed. Also, once each hour (1ce H), each
is nearly instantaneous. This device is not available at bed will automatically restore one (1) lost Shrug and/
the Personal weight class. or cure one (1) minor Condition to patients in the beds.
In a pinch the beds can put the patients within into in-
Class Maximum Mass Transported definite bio-stasis.
Medium 250.00 lbs
Medical Bay, Emergency: Two (2) support beds fitted
Small Craft 500.00 lbs
with sensors, readouts, tissue regenerators, and other
Large Craft 3,000.00 lbs / 1.50 T equipment to facilitate healing. Gives a bonus of plus
Massive 20,000.00 lbs / 10.00 T three (+3) to the Medical skill of anyone attending a
patient in the bed. Also, once each hour (1ce H), each
Medical Bay Class A: Fifty (50) support beds fitted bed will automatically restore one (1) lost Shrug and/
with sensors, readouts, tissue regenerators, and other or cure one (1) minor Condition to patients in the beds.
equipment to facilitate healing. Gives a bonus of plus In a pinch the beds can put the patients within into in-
three (+3) to the Medical skill of anyone attending a definite bio-stasis.
patient in the bed. Also, once each hour (1ce H), each
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Mining Gear: This vehicle can engage in mining op-
erations. It has specialized equipment for sampling,
drilling, and refining ores of all kinds. As a general
rule, ships equipped with Mining Gear can process
one Weight Increment worth of ore over the course of
one day (1 D)... or as long as one week (1 W) or even
one month (1 M) for particularly rare or valuable ores
(GM’s call).

Module: The vehicle with this Feature is not a com-

plete Vehicle, but only a portion of one. It has its own
Hull and is self-contained, and can affix to other vehi-
cles (or portions of vehicles) with the Module Feature.
A Module could contain, for example, crew spaces and
life support; it would need to attach to other Modules
containing a Power System and a Drive (at a mini-
mum) to be a full fledged vehicle. Modules can also
be affixed to a vehicle with Cargo Capacity (Lift Only)
if that vehicle has a Hard Point; this would be an ide-
al way to produce Cargo Containers. Entire ships can
be made out of single-purpose Modules (one for crew,
one for Power, one for Drive, et cetera); these modules Recreation Facilities, Physical: Facilities for keeping
can be put together by anything that can handle their the mind and body fit, including areas for relaxation
weight (Mechanical Arms, Tractor Beams, other ships) and engaging in fitness. On small vehicles, this can be
to form a variety of different ships depending on what a set of exercise equipment and a comfortable couch
Modules are used and how they are configured. with a holo-viewer; on larger ships, it may constitute
Psionic Resonance: Ship is constructed with Psionical- a jogging track and swimming pool, bowling alleys, or
ly active materials and laid out with neural mapping, even an on-board amusement park.
allowing a Psionicist to focus their abilities through the Recreation Facilities, Virtual: Facilities for keeping
structure of the ship itself. This gives anyone with the the mind and body fit, produced via computer simula-
Mind of Power Merit a bonus of plus three (+3) when tion and holography. Can be set to recreate just about
operating the ship; it also allows a single Psionicist any location, activity, or experience, from a stroll by
to focus their Psionic Disciplines through the ship to a river to a running gun-battle against cyborg ninjas.
magnify them. See Multiplicative Systems, page 148 If the vehicle is equipped with Long Term Life Sup-
to see the increased effect given by weight class. port, these facilities can also provide food and drink.
Reconfiguration: This vehicle can transform into (at If the ship is equipped with Replicator Enhancement,
least) one other vehicle. For every time this Feature the Virtual Recreation Facilities can even be used for
is purchased, the Vehicle has a different form, and shopping for actual goods.
can become another Vehicle. The physical structure Remote Operation: This allows one Crew Space (per
of the vehicle reconfigures, but retains its durability. time this Feature is purchased) to be operated by re-
DR, Shrugs, and Armor are the same, and it uses the mote control. This is often placed in the Pilot’s Crew
same Power System. Everything else, however, can be Space to allow a ship to be piloted from a distance; this
different; (a) different Drive System(s), different weap- is useful for Drones. Entire vehicles can be made to op-
ons, even different Features. The base configuration erate remotely; if all of their Crew Spaces are equipped
of the vehicle is the most expensive version. For every with Remote Operation. The range at which Remote
other vehicle it can turn into, the costs of all Features Operation works is a combination of the range of the
and such that differ from the first are totaled, then di- remotely-operated vehicle’s Comm system and the
vided by two (/2). This cost is added to the cost of range of the controlling vehicle’s comm system. The
the primary vehicle. Transforming from one vehicle controlling station (which is a simple Crew station
to another is a Free Action for Personal Vehicles, takes elsehwere, or a Mechanica Remote Operation Unit) re-
one turn (1 T) for Medium Vehicles, two turns (2 T) for ceives all of the sensor data from the controlled ship,
Small Craft, three turns (3 T) for Large Craft, and four allowing it to be used for exploration and recon.
turns (4 T) for Massive vehicles.
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Replicator Enhancement: (MUST be installed in a ship Perception-based rolls to locate survivors or any Med-
that already has Life Support, Long Term). Extends ical rolls to aid them. A vessel that is known to have
the abilities of the Replication systems that already S&R capabilities may be able to cross governmental
provide food, water, and air. Allows other equipment boundaries without formality.
(such as personal weapons and uniforms) to be pro-
duced; the amount of equipment that can be produced Sensors; Civilian Class A: High-quality sensors for
is limited only by mass. Every hour, the ship can turn civilian space vehicles; uses radar/ladar for object/
out a given amount of equipment based on it’s weight ship detection, and can sense navigational data within
class. This CAN be used to produce materials to repair range. Has a range of one hundred light years (100
the ship.... or to manufacture one from scratch, if the Ly).
vehicle is also equipped with a Construction Bay.
Sensors; Explorer Class A: High-quality sensors for
exploration space vehicles; uses radar/ladar for ob-
Class Material Produced per Hour
ject/ship detection, and can sense navigational data
Personal 10.00 lbs within range. Can also read biological,chemical, and
Medium 250.00 lbs radiological information, making them highly effec-
Small Craft 500.00 lbs tive for mapping new star systems and encountering
Large Craft 3,000.00 lbs / 1.50 T strange phenomenon. Has a range of one hundred
light years (100 Ly).
Massive 20,000.00 lbs / 10.00 T
Sensors; Military Class A: High-quality sensors for
Robotic Infrastructure: The ship with this feature has military space vehicles; uses radar/ladar for object/
been constructed with self-maintenance in mind. It ship detection, and can sense navigational data with-
is packed with additional manipulator arms both in- in range. Can also read tactical and targeting data, as
side and outside, as well as having small drone units well as interpreting IFF (Identify Friend or Foe) data.
that it can employ to perform crew services. A ship Essential for vessels that will see heavy combat. Has a
so-equipped can repair itself, reload weapons, even range of one hundred light years (100 Ly).
provide cocktail service to passengers. It is either op-
erated by a crew member from a Crew Space, or by Sensors; Civilian Class B: Standard quality sensors
the ship’s Data System (if one is present). Ideally, it for civilian space vehicles; uses radar/ladar for object/
will be operated by an Artificial Intelligence occupy- ship detection, and can sense navigational data within
ing a Crew Space. The Robotic Infrastructure acts as a range. Has a range of five light years (5 Ly).
number of crew for the purposes of repairs and main-
tenance, depending on the ship’s Weight Class. Sensors; Explorer Class B: Standard quality sensors
for exploration space vehicles; uses radar/ladar for
Class Effective Crew for Repairs etc. object/ship detection, and can sense navigational data
Personal 2 within range. Can also read biological,chemical, and
radiological information, making them highly effec-
Medium 5
tive for mapping new star systems and encountering
Small Craft 10 strange phenomenon. Has a range of five light years
Large Craft 15 (5 Ly).
Massive 50
Sensors; Military Class B: Standard quality sensors
Safety Engineering: Special systems are installed in for military space vehicles; uses radar/ladar for object/
the vehicle’s structure that make it safer in general. In ship detection, and can sense navigational data with-
the event of an accident or other disaster, those inside in range. Can also read tactical and targeting data, as
the vehicle are at a bonus of plus three (+3) to any rolls well as interpreting IFF (Identify Friend or Foe) data.
needed to survive the mishap or escape from the ves- Essential for vessels that will see combat. Has a range
sel. of five light years (5 Ly).

Search and Rescue Gear: This vehicle is equipped to Sensors; Superior: Very high-quality sensors which
perform life-saving rescue operations; it is suited to are generally hard to acquire (may require a Streetwise
perform search and rescue operations in all environ- roll). Uses radar/ladar for object/ship detection, and
ments it is suited to operate in. Those using this vehi- can sense navigational data within range. Can also
cle for S&R operations gain a bonus of plus three (+3) read biological,chemical, and radiological information,
to all rolls necessary for such operations, including any not to mention tactical and targeting data, as well as
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
interpreting IFF (Identify Friend or Foe) data. Has a Style & Paint, Variable: Fiber optics, variable surface
range of two hundred light years (200 Ly). geometry, holographic sheaths, and other systems that
allow a vehicle to take on multiple appearances, often
Stealth, Class A: The Cadillac of Stealth systems. (but not necessarily) to be more stylish and imposing.
Shields the ship from detection with sensor systems as Can be set to give a bonus to impress or intimated with
well as visual spotting, giving a penalty of minus ten the ship of up to plus five (+5). The vehicle can also be
(-10) to either! made to look so shabby that it can have a penalty of up
to minus five (-5)!
Stealth, Class B: Advanced Stealth system. Shields
the ship from detection with sensor systems AND op- Thaumatech: Ship is constructed with occult-based
tically cloaks, protecting from visual spotting. Gives a geometries and enchanted components, allowing a
penalty of minus five (-5) to either. Mage to focus their magical skills through the struc-
ture of the ship itself. This gives anyone with the Spell
Stealth, Class C: Basic sensor shielding, giving a pen-
Slinger Merit a bonus of plus three (+3) when operat-
alty of minus five (-5) to attempts to locate or scan the
ing the ship; it also allows a single Mage to focus their
ship with any type of sensor.
Magic Spells through the ship to magnify them. See
Style & Paint, Classic: Standardized styling for ships; Multiplicative Systems on page 148 to see the increased
perfectly adequate, giving a bonus of plus three (+3) effect given by weight class.
to attempts to use the ship to impress or intimidate.
Variable Geometry: Various surfaces and systems of
Looks very “off the shelf.” This is commonly done
this vehicle are articulated and can alter their shape
with military vessels, law enforcement, or corporate
and function. The operator of this vehicle can operate
fleets; any set of ships that need to have a standard-
it in one of two modes; it can be streamlined for speed,
ized, unified appearance.
which doubles (x2) the speed of one (1) drive system,
Style & Paint, Custom: Paint, custom fabrication, and or it can be optimized for maneuverability, gaining a
other decoration to the vehicle that makes it look more bonus of plus three (+3) to Handling for one drive sys-
imposing or stylish. Common themes include “Infra tem only. To gain these options for more drive sys-
Black,” “the Flame job,” and “Racing Stripes.” Each tems, Variable Geometry will need to be purchased
paint job is uniquely designed to suit the desires of the multiple times.
owner. Confers a bonus of plus five (+5) to attempts to
intimidate or impress with the ship.

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Ship Feature “Tweaks”
Feature Personal Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Notes
$386.25 $1,287.50 $25,750.00 $257,500.00 $2,570,000.00
Arm Strength +5 Damage, Lift +1 Increment
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 40.00 T
Cargo Concealment $75.00 $250.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 Per -1 penalty to detect Cargo
Comm Encryption $75.00 $250.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 per -1 to Intercept/Decrypt
$132.00 $440.00 $8,800.00 $88,000.00 $880,000.00
Comm Range per +1 Light Year of range
2.00 lbs 50.00 lbs 100.00 lbs 600.00 lbs 2.00 T
Data Enhancement $75.00 $250.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 Per +1 to Use Computer skill
Per additional -1 to Computer, Es-
Detention Quality $1,000.00 $20,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,000,000.00 capology, Lockpicking, and Security
$11.25 $37.50 $750.00 $7,500.00 $75,000.00
Hardpoint Capacity Per +1 Weight Increment of capacity
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 20.00 T
Hardpoint Concealment $75.00 $250.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 Per -1 penalty to detect Hardpoints
Mat-Trans Capacity $86.25 $287.50 $5,750.00 $57,500.00 $1,25,000.00 Per +1 Weight Increment of capacity
Mat-Trans Range $150.75 $502.50 $10,050.00 $100,500.00 $1,005,000.00 Per +1 Mile of range
Medical Bay Bonus $75.00 $250.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 Per +1 to Medicine rolls
$3,150.00 $10,500.00 $210,000.00 $2,100,000.00 $21,000,000.00
Medical Bay Capacity Per additional Bed
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 20.00 T
Per additional minor Condition
Medical Bay Curing $1,500.00 $5,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00
cured per hour
Per additional lost Shrug healed per
Medical Bay Healing $750.00 $2,500.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00
Sensor Bonus $75.00 $250.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 Per +1 to Instruments
Sensor Capability $750.00 $2,500.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 Per additional x sensed by sensors
Sensor Range $150.75 $502.50 $10,050.00 $100,500.00 $500,000.00 per +1 Light Year of range
Stealth Enhancement $75.00 $250.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 Per -1 to one type of Sense
Style Enhancement $75.00 $250.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 Per +1 bonus to impress/Intimidate

Arm Strength: Strengthens the actuators and engines chased. Suggested maximum is plus five (+5), but this
in vehicular arms. Each time this is purchased, adds can be exceeded at the GM’s approval.
five (+5) to the arm’s Strength-based Damage and one
(1) Weight Increment to the arm’s lifting capacity. Also Detention Quality: Makes a Detention feature harder
adds two weight increments to the weight of the arm. to escape from. Each time this is purchased (for each
Must be purchased for each arm improved. individual Detention Feature), it increases the penalty
to the Computer, Escapology, Lockpicking, and Com-
Cargo Concealment: Makes it difficult to locate the puter skills by one (-1). Suggested maximum is minus
cargo compartments on a vehicle with inspections and five (-5), but this can be exceeded at the GM’s approval.
scanners (stacks with Stealth systems).. Each time this
is purchased, it increases the penalty to locate cargo Hardpoint Capacity: Increases the carrying capacity
aboard a ship by one (-1). Suggested maximum is mi- of a hardpoint by one (1) weight increment each time
nus five (-5), but this can be exceeded at the GM’s ap- it is purchased. Must be purchased per hard point im-
proval. proved. Also adds one (1) Weight Increment to the
vehicle’s weight each time this is purchased.
Comm Encryption: Increases the difficulty to inter-
cept /decrypt communications... increases the penalty Hardpoint Concealment: Makes it difficult to locate a
by one (-1) for each time purchased. Hardpoint on a vehicle with inspections and scanners
(stacks with Stealth systems). May only be applied to
Comm Range: Increases the range of the vehicle’s internal Hardpoints and Turrets; one can not “hide” an
communication system by one light year (1 Ly) for external Hardpoint. Each time this is purchased, it in-
each time purchased. creases the penalty to locate one (1) specific Hardpoint
by one (-1). Suggested maximum is minus five (-5), but
Data Enhancement: Increases the bonus to use the this can be exceeded at the GM’s approval.
ship’s computer systems by one (+1) each time pur-
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Mat-Trans Capacity: Increases the mass capacity of sensor systems (using the Instruments skill) by (+1)
a Mat-Trans system by one (1) weight increment each each time purchased. Suggested maximum is plus five
time it is purchased. (+5), but this can be exceeded at the GM’s approval.

Mat-trans Range: Increases the range of the vehicle’s Sensor Capability: Adds one more “thing that can
Matter Transmitter system by one mile (1 mi) for each be sensed“ each time this is purchased. Suggestions
time purchased. include odd stellar phenomena, specific species, or
anything else not already covered by the Military or
Medical Bay Bonus: Increases the bonus to use the Science upgrades.
ship’s Sickbay by (+1) each time purchased. Suggested
maximum is plus five (+5), but this can be exceeded at Sensor Range: Increases the range of the vehicle’s
the GM’s approval. sensor system by one light year (1 Ly) for each time
Medical Bay Capacity: Adds one (1) additional bed purchased.
to Sickbay each time purchased, allowing for one (1)
additional patient to receive the benefits of the Medical Stealth Enhancement: Makes it more difficult to lo-
Bay. Also adds one (1) Weight Increment to the weight cate a vehicle with a Stealth system (stacks with Cargo
of the ship. and/or Hardpoint Concealment).. Each time this is
purchased, it increases the penalty to use one addition-
Medical Bay Curing: Each time this is taken, a Medi- al sense to locate or scan the ship by one (-1). Suggest-
cal Bay can remove one (1) additional Minor Condition ed maximum is minus ten (-10), but this can be exceed-
from those in its beds each hour. ed at the GM’s approval.

Medical Bay Healing: Each time this is taken, a Med- Style Enhancement: Increases the bonus to Impress or
ical Bay can restore one (1) additional Lost Shrug per Intimidate with the ship by (+1) each time purchased.
hour to those in its beds. Suggested maximum is plus five (+5), but this can be
exceeded at the GM’s approval.
Sensor Bonus: Increases the bonus to use the ship’s

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Ship “Bugs”
Flaw Personal Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Notes
Fragile -$750.00 -$2,500.00 -$50,000.00 -$500,000.00 -$5,000,000.00 -1 Shrug
General -1 -$75.00 -$250.00 -$5,000.00 -$50,000.00 -$500,000.00 -1 penalty to use item, can be taken up to 5 times
-3 to use whenever the GM thinks it would be
Glitchy -$225.00 -$750.00 -$15,000.00 -$150,000.00 -$1,500,000.00
Hangar Queen -$750.00 -$2,500.00 -$50,000.00 -$500,000.00 -$5,000,000.00
Hard to Maintain -$225.00 -$750.00 -$15,000.00 -$150,000.00 -$1,500,000.00 -3 to Repair
Cumulative -1 penalty for using multiple times
Kick -$15.00 -$50.00 -$1,000.00 -$10,000.00 -$100,000.00
in the same turn
Open -$2,250.00 -$7,500.00 -$150,000.00 -$1,500,000.00 -$15,000,000.00
When pushed, make (Stamina or Will) + Tough-
Stressful I -$187.50 -$625.00 -$12,500.00 -$125,000.00 -$1,250,000.00 ness roll - failure renders the user Unco with
When pushed, make (Stamina or Will) + Tough-
Stressful II -$1,612.50 -$5,375.00 -$107,500.00 -$1,075,000.00 -$10,750,000.00 ness roll - failure costs the user 1 point of Will to
Psychological Trauma
When pushed, make (Stamina or Will) + Tough-
ness roll - failure causes the occupants to save
Stressful III -$2,325.00 -$7,750.00 -$155,000.00 -$1,500,000.00 -$15,500,000.00 vs. Incoming Damage of 20, renders them Unco
with Shrugs (if they have Shrugs left), AND
costs them 1 point of Will to Psych. Trauma
Ugly -$75.00 -$250.00 -$5,000.00 -$50,000.00 -$500,000.00 -1 to Style, per
Weak -$187.50 -$625.00 -$12,500.00 -$125,000.00 -$1,250,000.00 -5 Damage Resistance (DR)

Fragile: This item isn’t nearly as durable of other user when it is used. Whenever the vehicle is used in
weapons of its Weight Class... has one (1) less Shrug a maneuver with a penalty associated, the user must
every time this is taken. This CAN reduce an item to make a roll on their Stamina stat plus their Tough-
having zero (0) Shrugs, but not LESS than zero! ness skill. Failing this roll renders the user Unco with
General -1 Penalty: For no really good reason, this
thing is hard to use. This can be taken up to five (5) Stressful II: This vehicle places mental stress on the
times, for up to a minus five (-5) penalty to use the item. user when it is used. Whenever the vehicle is used in
a maneuver with a penalty associated, the user must
Glitchy: This item occasionally “glitches,” due to poor make a roll on their Stamina stat plus their Toughness
balance or other bad construction feature. Whenever skill. Failing this roll costs the user one (1) point of
the GM finds it appropriate (perhaps once an adven- Will due to Psychological Trauma.
ture), the item suddenly develops a penalty of minus
three (-3) for a turn. Stressful III: This vehicle places great physical AND
mental stress on the user. Whenever the vehicle is used
Hangar Queen: This vehicle requires near constant in a maneuver with a penalty associated, the user must
maintenance to stay operational. It must spend time make a roll on their Stamina stat plus their Tough-
being worked on after every journey it takes, regard- ness skill. Failing this roll renders the user Unco with
less of how far it went. Personal scale vehicles need to Shrugs AND costs the user one (1) point of Will due to
be worked on for a day, Medium scale vehicles need Psychological Trauma.
to be worked on for a week, and Large scale vehicles
need to be worked on for at least two weeks! Ugly: This item is a fashion don’t... looks were simply
not a concern during its construction, and it’s kind of
Hard to Maintain: This item is difficult to maintain, embarrassing to carry around because it looks like a
whether because it is made from rare materials or it’s bag full of suck. Anyone carrying this item has a pen-
just badly made. Any attempts to repair or maintain alty of minus one (-1) to their Style skill for every time
this item are at a penalty of minus three (-3). this is taken.
Kick: This item is difficult to use more than once in a Weak: This item is simply not designed to take dam-
turn... whenever it is used for multiple actions during age. For each time this flaw is taken, the item has a
the same turn, it gains a cumulative penalty for uses penalty of minus five (-5) to its Damage Resistance.
past the first equal to it’s Kick. This can be taken multiple times, and can reduce the
item’s DR to five (5), but not below five (5).
Stressful I: This vehicle places physical stress on the
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Weapons and Weapon-Like Systems

Weapons and Weapon-Like Systems affix to vehicles

through the use of Hard Points; you will need to pur- Vehicle Weight Class Hard Point Capacity
chase Hard Points for a vehicle you want to arm.
Personal 10.00 lbs
If a Hard Point is External, the weapon is mounted on Medium 250.00 lbs
the exterior of the vessel and does not gain the protec- Small Craft 500.00 lbs
tion of the vehicle’s structure. If a Hard Point is Inter- Large Craft 1.50 T
nal, it is mounted on the inside of the vessel and does Massive 10.00 T
gain the protection of the vehicle’s structure.
There are weapons so huge that there are no listed
If a Hard Point, Internal or External, is not “Fixed,” Hard Points that will support them; weapons in the
then it can swivel and be aimed to cover one “arc” of dreaded Excessive class (exclusive to Vehicular Weap-
the vehicle. An Arc of a vehicle is one hundred and ons) are not only incredibly powerful, they are also in-
eighty degrees (180 ) of coverage; the designer of the credibly heavy.
vehicle defines which half of the vehicle is being cov-
ered (front, rear, right, left, top, or bottom). Hard Points can be “tweaked” (page 36) to carry more
weight, and weapons can be “tweaked” (page 36) to be
Hard Point (Turrets) can fire in any two opposing Arcs lighter. Somewhere in the middle is the means to carry
of a vehicle (top AND bottom, right AND left, front just about any weapon, even Excessive ones.
AND back).
Note that there are no listed weapons of the “Person-
The main limit to the size of weapon that can be put al” Weight Class. These vehicles are best armed with
into a given Hard Point is the weight of the weapon; a man-portable weapons, such as those found in the
Hard Point can hold an amount of weight equal to the Space Weapons section of the Core Rulebook (page
Weight Increment of the Size Class of the vehicle it is 131).
installed onto/into.

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Vehicle Weapons
Weapon Acc Dam Range Shots Weight Kick AP DR Shrugs Cost
+3 40 1 mi / 2 mi / 4 mi / 8 mi inf. 950.00 lbs -0 5 35 10 $1,135,500.00
Laser Cannon Class A
(Large Craft)
Autofire 10 (Variable), Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+3 30 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 / 8,000 inf. 250.00 lbs -0 5 30 8 $142,500.00

Laser Cannon Class B
(Small Craft)
Autofire 5 (Variable), Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+3 20 500 / 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 inf. 200.00 lbs -0 5 30 8 $102,000.00

Laser Cannon Class C
(Small Craft)
Autofire 3 (Variable), Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+2 50 1 mi / 2 mi / 4 mi / 8 mi inf. 1,050.00 lbs -0 7 35 10 $1,210,500.00

Blaster Cannon Class A
(Large Craft)
Autofire 5 (Variable), Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+2 40 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 / 8,000 inf. 300.00 lbs -0 7 30 8 $157,500.00

Blaster Cannon Class B
(Small Craft)
Autofire 5 (Variable), Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+2 30 500 / 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 inf. 250.00 lbs -0 7 30 8 $120,000.00

Blaster Cannon Class C
(Small Craft)
Autofire 5 (Variable), Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+4 80 2 mi / 4 mi / 8 / mi / 16 mi inf. 4.75 T -1 8 40 15 $15,270,000.00

Meson Cannon Class A
Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+4 70 1 mi / 2 mi / 4 mi / 8 mi inf. 1,250.00 lbs -1 8 35 10 $1,410,500.00

Meson Cannon Class B
(Large Craft)
Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+5 100 5 mi / 10 mi / 20 / mi / 40 mi inf. 9.50 T -2 10 50 20 $40,060,000.00

Quasar Cannon
Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+3 - per torpedo 100 1,000.00 lbs -2 0 40 15 $6,500,000.00

Torp Launcher Class A
Autofire 10 (Variable), Launcher (Torps up to 1,000.00 lbs)

+3 - per torpedo 20 500.00 lbs -2 0 35 10 $175,000.00

Torp Launcher Class B
(Large Craft)
Autofire 5 (Variable), Launcher (Torps up to 500.00 lbs)

+3 - per torpedo 4 100.00 lbs -1 0 30 8 $7,000.00

Torp Launcher Class C
(Small Craft)
Launcher (Torps up to 100.00 lbs)

+3 75 10 mi / 20 mi / 40 mi / 80 mi - 1,000.00 lbs -0 5 35 10 $5,077,500.00

Photonic Torpedo Class A
(Large Craft)
Homing 10, Launched Projectile, Radius 10

+2 65 5 mi / 10 mi / 20 / mi / 40 mi - 450.00 lbs -0 5 30 8 $304,250.00

Photonic Torpedo Class B
(Small Craft)
Homing 5, Launched Projectile, Radius 7

+1 55 1 mi / 2 mi / 4 mi / 8 mi - 90.00 lbs -0 5 25 5 $45,010.00

Photonic Torpedo Class C
Homing 2, Launched Projectile, Radius 5

+3 70 10 mi / 20 mi / 40 mi / 80 mi - 950.00 lbs -0 6 35 10 $2,440,000.00

Plasma Torpedo Class A
(Large Craft)
Homing 3, Incendiary, Launched Projectile, Radius 10

+2 60 5 mi / 10 mi / 20 / mi / 40 mi - 425.00 lbs -0 6 30 8 $191,500.00

Plasma Torpedo Class B
(Small Craft)
Homing 2, Incendiary, Launched Projectile, Radius 5

+1 50 1 mi / 2 mi / 4 mi / 8 mi - 100.00 lbs -0 6 25 5 $44,760.00

Plasma Torpedo Class C
Homing 1, Incendiary, Launched Projectile

+2 20s 1 mi / 2 mi / 4 mi / 8 mi - 450.00 lbs -0 0 35 10 $923,000.00

Neutron Torpedo
(Large Craft)
Launched Projectile, Stuns, Radius 10

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Laser Cannon Class A: $1,135,500.00. Very high-pow- Torp Launcher Class A: $6,500,000.00. An arrange-
ered laser with efficient pulse mechanism; suitable for ment of one hundred (100) Torpedo Tubes capable
mounting on Large Craft (and larger). of handling torpedoes of up to one thousand pounds
(1,000.00 lbs), which it can launch ten (10) (or less) at a
Laser Cannon Class B: $142,500.00. Moderately effec- time. Suitable for Massive vehicles.
tive combat laser for Small Craft; often used in turrets.
Torp Launcher Class B: $175,000.00. An arrangement
Laser Cannon Class C: $102,000.00. Small laser suit- of twenty (20) Torpedo Tubes capable of handling
able mostly for anti-asteroid or defensive use. Suitable torpedoes of up to five hundred pounds (500.00 lbs),
for mounting on Small Craft, considered underpow- which it can launch five (5) (or less) at a time. Suitable
ered. for Large Craft.
Blaster Cannon Class A: $1,210,500.00. High-yield Torp Launcher Class C: $7,000.00. An arrangement of
particle-projection cannon suitable for Large Craft. four (4) Torpedo Tubes capable of handling torpedoes
of up to one hundred pounds (100.00 lbs). Suitable for
Blaster Cannon Class B: $157,500.00. Moderately ef-
Small Craft.
fective particle-projection cannon. Suitable for use on
Small Craft. Photonic Torpedo Class A: $5,077,500.00. Huge, high-
yield photonic warhead on a complex drive system.
Blaster Cannon Class C: $120,000.00. Low-yield par-
Should it miss its target, it will continue following and
ticle projection cannon, primarily useful for anti-aster-
attempting to hit it (once per turn) for ten (10) more
oid and other defensive functions. Suitable for use on
turns! Impacts with a Radius of ten (10). Considered
Small Craft.
a “Ship Killer.” Suitable for use in a Torp Launcher
Meson Cannon Class A: $15,270,000.00. A huge, Class A.
heavy-yield, high-output quantum particle cannon.
Photonic Torpedo Class B: $304,250.00. Large-yield
Usually only available to the military. Suitable for
photonic warhead on a moderately complex drive sys-
Massive vehicles.
tem. Should it miss its target, it will continue following
Meson Cannon Class B: $1,410,500.00. High-yield ant attempting this it (once per turn) for five (5) more
quantum particle cannon, suitable for Large Craft. turns. Impacts with a Radius of seven (7). Suitable for
use in a Torp Launcher Class B.
Quasar Cannon: $40,060,000.00. A ridiculously huge
weapon of tremendous destruction; with special fit- Photonic Torpedo Class C: $45,010.00. “Low-yield”
ting, can be used by Massive vehicles. photonic warhead on a drive system. Should it miss its
target, it will continue following ant attempting this it
(once per turn) for two (2) more turns. Impacts with a
Radius of five (5). Suitable for use in a Torp Launcher
Class C.

Plasma Torpedo Class A: $2,440,000.00. High-yield

plasma warhead on a complex drive system. Should it
miss its target, it will continue following and attempt-
ing to hit it (once per turn) for three (3) more turns. Im-
pacts with a Radius of ten (10), and plasma-state deto-
nation ignites even the toughest materials, causing the
damage to recur once per turn (1ce/T) until the target
resists the damage, it is extinguished, or it is complete-
ly destroyed (-3x Shrugs). Considered a “Ship Killer.”
Suitable for use in a Torp Launcher Class A.

Plasma Torpedo Class B: $191,500.00. Moderate-yield

plasma warhead on a moderately-complex drive sys-
tem. Should it miss its target, it will continue follow-
ing and attempting to hit it (once per turn) for two (2)
more turns. Impacts with a Radius of five (5), and plas-
ma-state detonation ignites even the toughest materi-
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
als, causing the damage to recur once per turn (1ce/T) Space Era For Most Characters
until the target resists the damage, it is extinguished,
Weight Class Cost Per Shrug Time Per Shrug
or it is completely destroyed (-3x Shrugs). Suitable for
use in a Torp Launcher Class B. Personal $750.00 8 Hours
Medium $2,500.00 56 Hours
Plasma Torpedo Class C: $44,760.00. “Low-yield”
Small Craft $50,000.00 112 Hours
plasma warhead on a moderately-complex drive sys-
tem. Should it miss its target, it will continue follow- Large Craft $500,000.00 240 Hours
ing and attempting to hit it (once per turn) for one (1) Massive $5,000,000.00 480 Hours
more turn. Plasma-state detonation ignites even the
Space Era For Natural Engineers
toughest materials, causing the damage to recur once
per turn (1ce/T) until the target resists the damage, Weight Class Cost Per Shrug Time Per Shrug
it is extinguished, or it is completely destroyed (-3x Personal $750.00 8 Minutes
Shrugs). Suitable for use in a Torp Launcher Class C. Medium $2,500.00 56 Minutes
Small Craft $50,000.00 112 Minutes
Neutron Torpedo: $923,000.00. A “humane” option
in space combat: Vehicles struck by the Neutron Tor- Large Craft $500,000.00 240 Minutes
pedo must roll against their Shrugs multiplied by two Massive $5,000,000.00 480 Minutes
(Shrugs x2) minus twenty (-20), or the ship’s Pow-
er System will be off-line until one (1) Shrug can be Note that the time given for repairs is in Man Hours;
repaired. The time and resources this takes depends divide this by the number of people working on the
on the weight class of the ship, and whether there’s problem.
someone on the repair crew with the Natural Engineer

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Vehicle Weapon-Like Systems
Weapon Acc Dam Range Shots Weight Kick AP DR Shrugs Cost
+3 - - - 6.50 T 0 0 50 15 $16,250,000.00
Force Shield
Class A, Massive
10 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+2 - - - 3.50 T 0 0 45 15 $10.625.000.00
Force Shield
Class B, Massive
5 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+1 - - - 1.00 lbs 0 0 40 15 $6,000,000.00

Force Shield
Class C, Massive
1 Armor Shrug, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+3 - - - 1,700.00 lbs 0 0 45 10 $1,625,000.00

Force Shield
Class A, Large Craft 10 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+2 - - - 1,100.00 lbs 0 0 40 10 $1,062,500.00

Force Shield
Class B, Large Craft
5 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+1 - - - 600.00 lbs 0 0 35 10 $600,000.00

Force Shield
Class C, Large Craft
1 Armor Shrug, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+3 - - - 700.00 lbs 0 0 40 8 $162,500.00

Force Shield
Class A, Small Craft
10 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+2 - - - 400.00 lbs 0 0 35 8 $106,250.00

Force Shield
Class B, Small Craft
5 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+1 - - - 150.00 lbs 0 0 30 8 $60,000.00

Force Shield
Class C, Small Craft
1 Armor Shrug, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+3 - - - 290.00 lbs 0 0 35 5 $32,500.00

Force Shield
Class A, Medium
10 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+2 - - - 170.00 lbs 0 0 30 5 $21,250.00

Force Shield
Class B, Medium
5 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+1 - - - 70.00 lbs 0 0 25 5 $12,000.00

Force Shield
Class C, Medium
1 Armor Shrug, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+3 - - - 145.00 lbs 0 0 30 3 $16,250.00

Force Shield
Class A, Personal
10 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+2 - - - 85.00 lbs 0 0 25 3 $10,625.00

Force Shield
Class B, Personal
5 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+1 - - - 42.50 lbs 0 0 20 3 $5,312.50

Force Shield
Class C, Personal
1 Armor Shrug, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+3 - 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 / 8,000 - 10.00 T 0 0 40 15 $50,250,000.00

Tractor/Pressor Beam
Class A, Massive
Lift/Manipulate 25.00 T, Move 100 feet per turn, Powered by Vehicle

+2 - 500 / 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 - 8.00 T 0 0 40 15 $25,000,000.00

Tractor/Pressor Beam
Class B, Massive
Lift/Manipulate 12.5 T, Move 50 feet per turn, Powered by Vehicle

+1 - 250 / 500 / 1,000 / 2,000 - 6.25 T 0 0 40 15 $14,250,000.00

Tractor/Pressor Beam
Class C, Massive
Lift/Manipulate x, Move 25 feet per turn, Powered by Vehicle

+3 - 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 / 8,000 - 1.20 T 0 0 35 10 $5,025,000.00

Tractor/Pressor Beam
Class A, Large Craft
Lift/Manipulate 2.50 T, Move 100 feet per turn, Powered by Vehicle

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Vehicle Weapon-Like Systems (Continued)
Weapon Acc Dam Range Shots Weight Kick AP DR Shrugs Cost
+2 - 500 / 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 - 1.00 T 0 0 35 10 $2,500,000.00
Tractor/Pressor Beam
Class B, Large Craft
Lift/Manipulate 1.25 T, Move 50 feet per turn, Powered by Vehicle

+1 - 250 / 500 / 1,000 / 2,000 - 750.00 lbs 0 0 35 10 $1,500,000.00

Tractor/Pressor Beam
Class C, Large Craft
Lift/Manipulate 1,250.00 lbs, Move 25 feet per turn, Powered by Vehicle

+3 - 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 / 8,000 - 500.00 lbs 0 0 30 8 $530,000.00

Tractor/Pressor Beam
Class A, Small Craft
Lift/Manipulate 1.25 T, Move 100 feet per turn, Powered by Vehicle

+2 - 500 / 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 - 350.00 lbs 0 0 30 8 $275,000.00

Tractor/Pressor Beam
Class B, Small Craft
Lift/Manipulate1,250.00 lbs, Move 50 feet per turn, Powered by Vehicle

+1 - 250 / 500 / 1,000 / 2,000 - 225.00 lbs 0 0 30 8 $150,000.00

Tractor/Pressor Beam
Class C, Small Craft
Lift/Manipulate 625.00 lbs, Move 25 feet per turn, Powered by Vehicle

Tractor/Pressor Beam +3 - 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 / 8,000 - 250.00 lbs 0 0 25 5 $105,000.00

Class A, Medium
Lift/Manipulate 1,000.00 lbs, Move 100 feet per turn, Powered by Vehicle

+2 - 500 / 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 - 190.00 lbs 0 0 25 5 $54,000.00

Tractor/Pressor Beam
Class B, Medium
Lift/Manipulate 500.00 lbs, Move 50 feet per turn, Powered by Vehicle

+1 - 250 / 500 / 1,000 / 2,000 - 100.00 lbs 0 0 25 5 $30,000.00

Tractor/Pressor Beam
Class C, Medium
Lift/Manipulate 250.00 lbs, Move 25 feet per turn, Powered by Vehicle

Force Shield Class A: Military Combat-rated shields. pressor up to one hundred (100) feet per turn. Use ex-
Capable of blunting even high-energy weapons, diffi- treme caution when moving cargo at this speed. Useful
cult to acquire on civilian vehicles. for freighters and military transports.

Force Shield Class B: Combat-rated shields. Can Tractor/Pressor Beam Class B: Moderate cargo han-
greatly increase survivability for civilian vehicles of all dling unit. Capable of moving items held by tractor/
classes. pressor up to fifty (50) feet per turn. Useful for mer-
chant and light cargo vessels.
Force Shield Class C: Basic shields; useful for mete-
or collisions and general safety; can be of assistance in Tractor/Pressor Beam Class C: Light cargo handling
combat, but are not rated for combat use. unit. Capable of moving items held by the tractor/
pressor up to twenty-five (25) feet per turn. Useful for
Tractor/Pressor Beam Class A: Heavy lifting and car- passenger vessels and emergency response craft.
go unit. Capable of moving items held by tractor/

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Weapon Construction and “Tweaks”
Space Vehicle Weapon Frameworks
Weapon Size Base DR Base Shrugs Base Weight Weight Increment Multiple
Medium 25 5 50.00 lbs 10.00 lbs x 1.00
Small Craft 30 8 100.00 lbs 25.00 lbs x 5.00
Large Craft 35 10 500.00 lbs 50.00 lbs x 50.00
Massive 40 15 1,000.00 lbs 500.00 lbs x 500.00
Excessive 50 20 10,000.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs x 1,000.00
Medium: Weapons for Medium Craft, such as might Massive: Weapons for Massive vehicles, such as what
be mounted on a ground car or tank. Damages should might be mounted on capital ships. Damage can go
max out around sixty (60). pretty high... these are the stuff of battle cruisers and
the like. Damages should max out around ninety (90).
Small Craft: Weapon for Small Craft, such as might
be mounted on a star-fighter or transport. Damages Excessive: These physics-defying weapons may be
should max out around seventy (70). mounted on massive battle stations or even larger
structures. There is, technically, no actual upper lim-
Large Craft: Weapons for Large Craft, such as might it to how much damage these weapons can do, up to
be mounted on corvettes or small battle craft. Damag- and including the destruction of a planet in one shot.
es should max out around eighty (80). Often, vehicles are built around these weapons, rather
than the other way around.
Space Vehicle Weapon Structure Features
Feature Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Excessive Notes
Adds 1 DR. Each 5 DR adds one Weight
Extra DR $250.00 $1,250.00 $12,500.00 $125,000.00 $250,000.00
Adds 1 Shrug. Each Shrug adds one Weight
Extra Material Shrugs $5,000.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 $5,000,000.00
Weight Increase x2 $5,200.00 $26,000.00 $260,000.00 $2,600,000.00 $5,200,000.00 Multiplies item’s weight by 2, adds 1 Shrug
Multiplies item’s weight by 5, adds 1 Shrug
Weight Increase x5 $6,750.00 $33,750.00 $337,500.00 $3,375,000.00 $6,750,000.00
and 5 DR
Multiplies item’s weight by 10, adds 1 Shrug
Weight Increase x10 $8,500.00 $42,500.00 $425,000.00 $4,250,000.00 $8,500,000.00
and 10 DR
Multiplies item’s weight by 20, adds 2 Shrugs
Weight Increase x20 $14,500.00 $72,500.00 $725,000.00 $7,250,000.00 $14,500,000.00
and 10 DR
Decrease weight by one increment per, can
Weight Increment Decrease $500.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $500,000.00
not reduce weight to 0
Weight Increment Increase $500.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $500,000.00 Increase weight by one increment per

Extra DR: Adds to the Damage Resistance of the weap- points of Damage Resistance.
on. For every five (5) DR added, add one (1) Weight
Increment to the item’s weight. Weight Increase x20: Weapon’s weight multiplied by
twenty (20). Adds two (2) Material Shrugs and ten (10)
Extra Material Shrugs: Adds to the Material Shrugs of points of Damage Resistance.
the weapon. For every Material Shrug added, add one
(1) Weight Increment to the item’s’ weight. Weight Increment Decrease: Weapon is made of
lighter materials. For each time this is taken, reduce
Weight Increase x2: Weapon’s weight is doubled, the weight of the weapon by one (1) increment with
adds one (1) Material Shrug. no other effects.. Note: Can not be used to reduce the
weight of the item to zero (0) lbs.
Weight Increase x5: Weapon’s weight multiplied by
five (x5). Adds one (1) Material Shrug and five (5) Weight Increment Increase: Weapon is made of
points of Damage Resistance. heavier materials. For each time this is taken, increase
the weight of the item by one (1) increment with no
Weight Increase x10: Weapon’s weight multiplied by other effects.
ten (x10). Adds one (1) Material Shrug and ten (10)
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Space Vehicle Weapon Statistic Features
Feature Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Excessive Notes
Gives a Bonus to the use of the
Accuracy/Bonus to Use $500.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $500,000.00
item/weapon, maxes at +5
Armor Piercing $500.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $500,000.00 Ignores this many Armor Shrugs
Combat Range, Stand-Alone $2.00 $10.00 $100.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 Per Foot
Combat Range, Stand-Alone i $10.00 $50.00 $500,00 $5,000.00 $10,000.00 Per Foot, Incremental
Non-muscle powered, Each +5 adds
Damage, Stand-Alone $250.00 $1,250.00 $12,500.00 $125,000.00 $250,000.00
1 weight increment*
Range in Miles $10,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 +1 wi
Range in 100’s of Miles $20,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 $20,000,000.00 +2 wi
Range in 100,000’s of Miles $40,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $20,000,000.00 $40,000,000.00 +4 wi
Range in Ly $80,000.00 $400,000.00 $4,000,000.00 $40,000,000.00 $80,000,000.00 +8 wi
Range in 100’s of Ly $160,000.00 $800,000.00 $8,000,000.00 $80,000,000.00 $160,000,000.00 +16 wi
Shots $100.00 $500.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $100,000.00 Number of Shots or Charges

Accuracy: Inherent bonus to use the weapon for attack a weapon’s Range to be measured in miles rather than
and/or defense. Reflects balance, precision, and the feet; i.e. a weapon with a ten (10) foot range would
general “feel” of the weapon in relation to the wielder. then have a ten (10) mile range.
Accuracies of plus one (+1) or plus two (+2) are com-
mon... Accuracies of plus three (+3) are available, but Range in 100’s of Miles: When purchased, this Fea-
uncommon. Accuracies of plus four (+4) are consid- ture causes a weapon’s Range to be measured in miles
ered rare, and Accuracies of plus five (+5), the maxi- rather than feet; i.e. a weapon with a ten (10) foot range
mum available, is very highly prized indeed. would then have a one thousand (1,000) mile range.
Armor Piercing: The weapon has the ability, for what-
ever reason, to penetrate Armor more effectively. This Range in 100,000’s of Miles: When purchased, this
is the number of Armor Shrugs that the weapon can Feature causes a weapon’s Range to be measured in
ignore when doing Damage. miles rather than feet; i.e. a weapon with a ten (10) foot
range would then have a one million (1,000,000) mile
Combat Range, Stand-Alone: This is the range, in range.
feet, of the weapon; most appropriate for weapons
which are not Strength-Powered, such as crossbows. Range in Light Years: When purchased, this Feature
Purchased per foot of range. causes a weapon’s Range to be measured in miles rath-
er than feet; i.e. a weapon with a ten (10) foot range
Combat Range, Stand-Alone (Incremental): This is an would then have a ten (10) light year range.
incremental range of the weapon, in feet. This is most
appropriate for weapons which are not Strength-Pow-
Range in 100’s of Light Years: When purchased, this
ered. This is purchased per feet of Short Range; the
Feature causes a weapon’s Range to be measured in
Short Range is doubled (x2) to find the Medium Range.
The Medium Range is doubled (x2) to find the Long miles rather than feet; i.e. a weapon with a ten (10) foot
Range, and the Long Range is doubled (x2) to find the range would then have a one thousand (1,000) light
Extreme Range. year range.

Damage, Stand Alone: This is the Damage of a non- Shots: For weapons with projectiles or which other-
Strength-Based Weapon, purchased per point of Dam- wise have a limited number of uses; this is the num-
age. ber of times the weapon can be fired before it must be
reloaded; in other words, the number of projectiles it
Range in Miles: When purchased, this Feature causes holds.
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Space Vehicle Weapon Miscellaneous Features
Feature Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Excessive Notes
Armor Shrug(s) $2,000.00 $10,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00 Item has one or more Armor Shrugs, +1 wi each
(Min 2) Weapon has Autofire number, can only
Autofire (Only) $150.00 $750.00 $7,500.00 $75,000.00 $150,000.00 fire at this rate
(Min 2) Weapon has Autofire number, can fire up
Autofire (Variable) $300.00 $1,500.00 $15,000.00 $150,000.00 $300,000.00 to this rate
Breaker $1,000,00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 $1,000,000.00 Parrying weapons must make Damage save

Collapsible $750.00 $3,750.00 $37,500.00 $375,000.00 $750,000.00 -3 to be detected when collapsed

Cyber-Bane $5,000.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 Causes pain when used on cybernetic targets
(Requires Mechanica Cyberlink), +2 Accuracy
Cyberlink $750.00 $3,750.00 $37,500.00 $375,000.00 $750,000.00 when Cyberlinked
Darkness $825.00 $4,125.00 $41,250.00 $412,500.00 $825,000.00 Imposes a -3 Darkness penalty for 1 M
Ranged weapon with no projectiles. Ammunition
Directed Energy $500.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $500,000.00 is from a battery.
Cost is per Shrug. Weapon does (an) additional
Does Extra Shrug(s) $1,000.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 $1,000,000.00 Shrug(s) of damage
Entangles $500.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $500,000.00 Can be used for grappling attacks/parries
Roll Per + Tough at -10, or be -5 to Sight and
Flashbang $8,500.00 $42,500.00 $425,000.00 $4,250,000.00 $8,500,000.00 Hearing for 1 M
Item creates defensive barrier, gives its DR as a
Force Field, General $5,000.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 bonus to user’s DR
Force Field, Energy Only $2,500.00 $12,500.00 $125,000.00 $1,250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 Defensive Barrier is only against Energy attacks

Force Field, Matter Only $2,500.00 $12,500.00 $125,000.00 $1,250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 Defensive Barrier is only against Material attacks

Force Field, Melee Only $2,500.00 $12,500.00 $125,000.00 $1,250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 Defensive Barrier is only against Melee attacks

Force Field, Ranged Only $2,500.00 $12,500.00 $125,000.00 $1,250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 Defensive Barrier is only against Ranged attacks

Homing $7,500.00 $37,500.00 $375,000.00 $3,750,000.00 $7,500,000.00 Per number of rounds the attack follows the target
Main structure of item is immaterial force created
Immaterial Structure $5,000.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 by a hilt or handle
Ignites flammable targets - damage recurs once
Incendiary $1,000.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 $1,000,000.00 per turn
Lifts (x) Increments $750.00 $3,750.00 $37,500.00 $375,000.00 $750,000.00 Item can lift x Weight Increments, +1 wi each

Lifts (x) Pounds $50.00 $250.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $50,000.00 Item can lift x pounds
Projectile, requires a launcher for range and
Launched Projectile $500.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $500,000.00 accuracy
Launcher, requires a projectile for damage and
Launcher $500.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $500,000.00 effect
Missile $5,000.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 Self-contained, launches from a hardpoint
Easy to field strip & modify; Gives a Bonus +3 to
Modular $2,000.00 $10,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00 repair
Item can move a Lifted/Entangled object x feet
Moves (x) Feet/Turn $50.00 $250.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $50,000.00 in one turn
Radius, Combat $150.00 $750.00 $7,500.00 $75,000.00 $150,000.00 Per foot of Radius
Target can not add Toughness skill to DR for
Sharp $150.00 $750.00 $7,500.00 $75,000.00 $150,000.00 Damage Saves
Shots value is number of hours weapon can oper-
Shots as Hours $500.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $500,000.00 ate before reload
Shots value is number of minutes weapon can
Shots as Minutes $50.00 $250.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $50,000.00 operate before reload
Shots; powered by vehicle $5,000.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 Weapon fires as long as the vehicle is operational

Stealth $1,500.00 $7,500.00 $75,000.00 $750,000.00 $1,500,000.00 Attempts to find this weapon are at a penalty of -3

Roll against Stamina + Tough at a penalty

Stuns $750.00 $3,750.00 $37,500.00 $375,000.00 $750,000.00
equal to weapon’s Damage

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Armor Shrug(s): The weapon has (an) Armor Shrug(s) deafening report when used. Those struck by it (or
of its own, and is inherently more difficult to damage. those within its Radius, if any) must make a roll against
Each Armor Shrug added adds one Weight Increment. their Perception Stat plus Toughness skill at a penalty
of minus ten (-10!), or take penalties of minus five (-5)
Autofire (Only): (Ranged Weapons Only) Weapon to all rolls involving sight or hearing (including attack
has an Autofire number, and must always attack using and defense rolls) for one (1) minute. Most useful for
that Autofire number. designing thrown items such as Flashbang grenades.
Autofire (Variable): (Ranged Weapons Only) Weapon Force Field, General: Weapons with this feature gen-
has an Autofire number, and may attack with any Aut- erates a defensive barrier of pure force. The Force
ofire number up to that number, or none at all. Field is generally generated from a component in a
Hard Point or, often, a Turret... the component has the
Breaker: Weapon is designed to do Damage to oth- weapon’s listed DR and Shrugs. The barrier itself adds
er weapons/items/body parts used to parry it... any- the vehicle’s listed DR and any Armor Shrugs to the
thing successfully parrying this weapon must make a vehicle’s. A Force Field in an immovable hard point
Damage Resistance roll against the Breaker’s incoming protects one arc of a vehicle. Turret-Mounted Force
Damage. Fields can be moved to protect more than one arc of the
Collapsible: This weapon collapses into a small, easy- ship; this is done with a roll on the Crew Vessel skill.
to-conceal package. It can not be used as a weapon in Force Fields generally have the Shots and Shots as X
its collapsed state, but it gives a penalty of minus three features; it takes power to run a Force Field. The Gen-
(-3) to anyone attempting to find it while collapsed. eral Force Field protects against all incoming Damage.

Cyber-Bane: The weapon with this feature generates

neural feedback that interacts with electronic control
systems. Cyborgs or wholly mechanical creatures
struck by a weapon with Cyber-Bane feel the damage
as if they were creatures of flesh and blood.

Cyberlink: This weapon is designed to be used with a

Mechanica “Cyberlink” ability. When used by a char-
acter with that ability, they gain a bonus of plus two
(+2) to use this weapon.

Darkness: Weapon is designed to cause darkness at

the point where it hits, giving a Darkness Penalty of
minus three (-3) for one (1) minute at the point where
the weapon strikes. Should be combined with Radius
(below) to cause Darkness in an area. Most useful for
designing thrown items such as smoke grenades.

Directed Energy: The weapon with this feature is a

ranged weapon that fires energy in some form (often a
laser or charged particles). Its “magazine” is a power
cell. It uses no projectile, so analysis of its ballistics is
extremely difficult. Force Field, Energy Only: As with the Force Field,
General, except that the additional DR of the Force
Does Extra Shrug(s): For whatever reason, this weap- Field is only applied against attacks based on Energy,
on does more Shrugs when it does Damage. The num- such as Directed Energy weapons, plasma weapons, or
ber of extra Shrugs done by this weapon is added to attacks involving fire, heat, or electricity. The DR has
any Damage done by the weapon before any calcula- no effect on attacks that are based on matter, such as
tions for doubling damage due to critical hits or critical projectiles.
failures are done.
Force Field, Matter Only: As with the Force Field,
Entangles: With its enhanced flexibility, this weap- General, except that the additional DR of the Force
on can be used to entangle as per the Grappling rules Field is only applied against attacks based on Matter,
(core book, page 70). such as most projectile attacks or attacks using objects
of any kind. The DR has no effect on attacks that are
Flashbang: This weapon produces a bright flash and based on Energy, such as that from Directed Energy
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
weapons. Feature is purchased. Each Weight Increment that can
be lifted adds one Weight Increment to the weapons’
Force Field, Melee Only: As with the Force Field, Gen- weight.
eral, except that the additional DR of the Force Field
is only applied against attacks delivered in Hand to Lifts (x) Pounds: This weapon can lift a number of
Hand or Melee combat. It has no effect on attacks de- pounds equal to the number of times this Feature is
livered at range. purchased.

Force Field, Ranged Only: As with the Force Field, Modular: This weapon is designed to be taken apart
General, except that the additional DR of the Force into smaller components for concealment and mainte-
Field is only applied against attacks delivered at range. nance, without tools. This weapon enjoys a bonus of
It has no effect on attacks delivered in Hand to Hand plus three (+3) to be repaired.
or Melee combat.
Moves (x) Feet/Turn: Having Entangled, Immobi-
Homing: The weapon with this feature continues to lized, or Lifted a target, the weapon with this Feature
follow a target that it misses. For each time this fea- can then move the target a number of feet equal to the
ture is purchased, the weapon will make an additional number of times this Feature is purchased, per turn.
attempt to strike a previously missed target one turn
after missing, using the same margin for success as the Radius, Combat: This weapon has a Radius. Most
initial attack roll. Useful for missiles and other projec- useful for thrown objects such as grenades.
Sharp: All bullets meant to do lethal damage require
Immaterial Structure: This weapon is generally a me- this feature. The target does not get to add their Tough-
lee weapon that generates a “blade” of pure energy ness skill to their Damage Resistance when resisting
or force. The blade itself is, essentially, invulnerable, Damage from this weapon.
and can be used to parry other weapons without any
risk of the “blade” breaking. The weapon’s listed DR Shots as Hours: Modifies the Shots feature - causes
and Shrugs are for the hilt, or generator of the “blade.” the Shots to be a measurement of the number of hours
Most often, these weapons have the Shots and Shots the item can be used, rather than the number of uses.
as Minutes feature representing the power supply for Must be reloaded (or recharged) after this many hours
the “blade” itself... it may be “invulnerable,” but once of use.
it’s out of power, the weapon is a paperweight until
recharged/reloaded. Shots as Minutes: Modifies the Shots feature - causes
the Shots to be a measurement of the number of min-
Immobilize: This weapon immobilizes its targets utes the item can be used, rather than the number of
while leaving them conscious. Those struck by it uses. Must be reloaded (or recharged) after this many
(or those within its Radius, if any) must make a roll minutes of use.
against their Strength Stat plus Toughness skill at a
penalty equal to the weapon’s Damage, or be immo- Shots; Powered by Vehicle: Modifies the Shots fea-
bilized until such time as they would normally heal ture - when applied, causes the item that it is fed by
one (1) Shrug. Most useful for designing thrown items
this piece of equipment (such as weapon to be pow-
such as gas grenades.
ered by the vehicle it is attached to. As long as the
Incendiary: This weapon ignites flammable things that vehicle remains operational, the weapon has, effective,
it strikes, or that are caught in its Radius (if any). Any- infinite Shots. No Shots value need be purchased for
thing failing to successfully roll Damage Resistance this weapon.
against this weapon’s incoming Damage are ignited...
they must continue to make Damage Resistance rolls Stealth: This weapon has been designed to be difficult
each turn until they a) succeed, b) take a turn to extin- to find by any means of inspection. Any attempt to
guish themselves, or c) are reduced to Dead as Hell. find this weapon suffer a penalty of minus three (-3).

Launcher: This weapon is capable of launching a pro-

jectile. Stuns: This weapon stuns its targets. Those struck
by it (or those within its Radius, if any) must make a
Launched Projectile: This weapon is a projectile roll against their Stamina Stat plus Toughness skill at a
launched by another weapon. penalty equal to the weapon’s Damage, or be stunned
(Unco with Shrugs) until such time as they would nor-
Lifts (x) Increments: This weapon can lift a number of mally heal one (1) Shrug.
Weight Increments equal to the number of times this
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Spaceship Weapon Bugs
Feature Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Excessive Notes
Difficult to Conceal -$1,000.00 -$5,000.00 -$50,000.00 -$500,000.00 -$1,000,000.00 -2 to Stealth
Item is destroyed/rendered useless in use;
Expendable (Instant) -$2,000.00 -$10,000.00 -$100,000.00 -$1,000,000.00 -$2,000,000.00
one instantaneous use
Item is destroyed/rendered useless in use;
Expendable (10 min) -$1,750.00 -$8,750.00 -$87,500.00 -$875,000.00 -$1,750,000.00
10 minutes of total use
Item is destroyed/rendered useless in use;
Expendable (20 min) -$1,500.00 -$7,500.00 -$75,000.00 -$750,000.00 -$1,500,000.00
20 minutes of total use
Item is destroyed/rendered useless in use;
Expendable (30 min) -$1,250.00 -$6,250.00 -$62,500.00 -$625,000.00 -$1,250,000.00
30 minutes of total use
Item is destroyed/rendered useless in use;
Expendable (1 hr) -$1,000.00 -$5,000.00 -$50,000.00 -$500,000.00 -$1,000,000.00
1 hour of total use
Fragile -$5,000.00 -$25,000.00 -$250,000.00 -$2,500,000.00 -$5,000,000.00 -1 Shrug
-1 penalty to use item, can be taken up to 5
General -1 Penalty -$500.00 -$2,500.00 -$25,000.00 -$250,000.00 -$500,000.00
-3 to use whenever the GM thinks it would
Glitchy -$1,500.00 -$7,500.00 -$75,000.00 -$750,000.00 -$1,500,000.00
be funny
Hard to Maintain -$1,500.00 -$7,500.00 -$75,000.00 -$750,000.00 -$1,500,000.00 -3 to Repair
Cumulative -1 penalty for using multiple
Kick -$100.00 -$500.00 -$5,000.00 -$50,000.00 -$100,000.00
times in the same turn
When used, make (Stamina or Will) +
Stressful I -$1,250.00 -$6,250.00 -$62,500.00 -$625,000.00 -$1,250,000.00 Toughness roll - failure renders the user
Unco with Shrugs
When used, make (Stamina or Will) +
Stressful II -$10,750.00 -$53,750.00 -$537,500.00 -$5,375,000.00 -$10,750,000.00 Toughness roll - failure costs the user 1
point of Will to Psychological Trauma
When used, make (Stamina or Will) +
Toughness roll - failure renders the user
Stressful III -$11,250.00 -$56,250.00 -$562,500.00 -$5,625,000.00 -$11,250,000.00
Unco with Shrugs AND costs the user 1
point of Will to Psychological Trauma
Ugly -$500.00 -$2,500.00 -$25,000.00 -$250,000.00 -$500,000.00 -1 to Style
Weak -$2,500.00 -$12,500.00 -$125,000.00 -$1,250,000.00 -$2,500,000.00 -5 Damage Resistance (DR)

Difficult to Conceal: This weapon sticks out like a Kick: This weapon is difficult to use more than once in
sore thumb.. Gives the person using it a penalty of a turn... whenever it is used for multiple attacks during
minus two (-2) to their Stealth skill. the same turn, it gains a cumulative penalty for uses
past the first equal to it’s Kick. This does NOT apply
Expendable: This weapon is destroyed as it is used. to Parries performed with the weapon.
Fragile: This weapon isn’t nearly as durable of oth- Stressful I: This weapon places physical stress on the
er weapon of its Weight Class... has one (1) less Shrug user when it is used. Whenever the weapon blocks an
every time this is taken. This CAN reduce an item to attack (or is used to attack), the user must make a roll
having zero (0) Shrugs, but not LESS than zero! on their Stamina stat plus their Toughness skill. Fail-
ing this roll renders the user Unco with Shrugs.
General -1 Penalty: For no really good reason, this
thing is hard to use. This can be taken up to five (5) Stressful II: This weapon places mental stress on the
times, for up to a minus five (-5) penalty to use the user when it is used. Whenever the weapon blocks an
weapon. attack (or is used to attack), the user must make a roll
on their Stamina stat plus their Toughness skill. Fail-
Glitchy: This weapon occasionally “glitches,” due to ing this roll costs the user one (1) point of Will due to
poor balance or other bad construction feature. When- Psychological Trauma.
ever the GM finds it appropriate (perhaps once a com-
bat), the weapon suddenly develops a penalty of mi- Stressful III: This weapon places great physical AND
nus three (-3). mental stress on the user. Whenever the weapon blocks
an attack (or is used to attack), the user must make a
Hard to Maintain: This weapon is difficult to main- roll on their Stamina stat plus their Toughness skill.
tain, whether because it is made from rare materials or Failing this roll renders the user Unco with Shrugs
it’s just badly made. Any attempts to repair or main- AND costs the user one (1) point of Will due to Psy-
tain this weapon are at a penalty of minus three (-3). chological Trauma.
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Ugly: This weapon is a fashion don’t... looks were sim- Weak: This weapon is simply not designed to take
ply not a concern during its construction, and it’s kind much damage. For each time this flaw is taken, the
of embarrassing to carry around because it looks like weapon has a penalty of minus five (-5) to its Damage
a bag full of suck. Anyone using this weapon has a Resistance. This can be taken multiple times, and can
penalty of minus one (-1) to their Style skill for every reduce the weapon’s DR to five (5), but not below five
time this is taken. (5).

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Ship Artificial Intelligence
A vehicle that is equipped with a Data System may set
aside a Crew Space for a Ship’s AI. This is, essential-
Essential AI Package
ly, a sentient program that can operate as the ship’s Package Cost: $15,000.00
“brain,” interpreting spoken (or even gestured) com-
mands from the crew and carrying them out to the best This is the basic framework that most Ship AIs are built
of its ability. around. Individual AIs have variance in their Intelli-
gence, Agility, Dexterity, and Perception; they have no
As such, an AI generally doesn’t actually have a Strength or Stamina, instead relying on the structure of
Strength or Stamina statistic... this can be reflected in the Ship they are installed in for all of their physicality
the Flaw of Physical Impairment: No Physical Body.
An AI should still have an Agility and Dexterity statis- A Ship AI is always acutely aware that it is a creature
tic, though, so it can operate all ship functions and fire entirely made out of ones and zeros; a determined data
ship weapons, as well as Intelligence and Perception combat specialist can “banish” it to the Recycle Bin
stats. with a few well-placed keystrokes.

Exactly what the AI can do depends on how well the Off the shelf, this AI package has ninety (90) Skill
ship is built and what features it has. It can fire any/ points to distribute, with one (1) point each in ALL
all of the ship’s weapons (although firing more than of its Knowledge and Transport skills. It doesn’t take
one weapon a turn incurs a multiple action penalty), it much to make it a serviceable intellect for any ship it is
can operate the Replicators on a ship with Long Term installed into.
Life Support, and it can keep perfect track of the ship’s
maintenance schedules. Over time, these systems do develop more personality,
mostly depending on how they are treated and their
If a ship is equipped with a Arms or, better yet, a Ro- experiences as “the ship.” It is, universally, a bad idea
botic Infrastructure, the AI can even perform repairs to command an AI to lie to either its crew or to itself.
and perform housekeeping services for the crew and
passengers. With Arms or Tractor Beams, the AI can Merits
load/offload cargo, even while it’s researching the lo-
Ambidexterity $15,000.00
cal market for the cost of that cargo using the ship’s
communication systems. Iron Will $15,000.00
Knowledgeable $15,000.00
If there are any robots in use on-board the ship or there Really Skilled (x4) $60,000.00
are sub-ships that can be operated by computer, they Steel-Trap Mind $15,000.00
can be equipped with Remote Systems and the AI can
operate those as well. Transporter $15,000.00
Many ship AI’s are programmed to have pleasant, Infertile -$30,000.00
friendly personalities; this makes them much easier to
work with. They ARE sentient beings, however, and Physical Impairment: No
they CAN develop personalities independent of their Physical Body, Must be
programming. Installed in Computer to
Sometimes, they can go bad... and all of the wonderful “Self” Imposed Limitation:
things they can do for a ship turn into one long horror MUST serve the crew of the
show. ship and protect them at ALL
Sidereal (can be hacked out of

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Name Class C “Budget” Ship Artificial Intelligence
Strength -
Agility 6 Task Roll
Dexterity 6 Notice 10
Intelligence 8 Stealth -
Perception 7 Physical Resistance -
Shrugs - Mental Resistance 7
Speed -
Dodge -
Will 7
Parry/Strike -
Initiative 13
DR - Strength-Based Damage -
Armor Shrugs ATTACK Dam Roll
Risk 70 Grapple Grap. -
Running Speed - Punch (w/ claws) - -
S Broad Jump -
R Broad Jump -
S High Jump -
R High Jump -
Dead Lift -
Base Throw -

Abilities/Equipment Merits Flaws

Ambidexterity* Infertile*
Iron Will* Physical Impairment: No Body*
Knowledgeable* “Self” Imposed Limitation:
Really Skilled (x4)* MUST serve crew and ship*
Steel-Trap Mind* Sidereal*


Acrobatics Art Animal 1
Climbing Cleaning 3 Automotive 4
Extreme Sports Construction Capital Craft 4
Lifting Cooking 3 Crew Vessel 4
Running Dancing Fighter Craft 4
Sports Fabrication 3 Ground Effect 4
Swimming Music Gunnery 4
Throwing Repair 3 Helicopter 1
Zero-G Ropework Instruments 4
COMBAT Sewing Jet Pack 1
Bows Styling Mecha 4
Firearms, Short KNOWLEDGE Remotes 4
Firearms, Long Academics 4 Tracked 4
Grappling Biology 1 Transport Craft 4
Hand to Hand Chemistry 1 Ultra-Light 1
Martial Damage Computers 4 SPECIAL
Melee Cybernetics 4 Do Magic
Toughness Electronics 4 Martial Arts
ESPIONAGE Engineering 4 Use Mechanica
Acting Genetics 1 Use Powers
Business 3 Law 4 Use Psionics
Communicate 3 Lore: Aliens 4
Cryptography Lore: Enigmas 1
Demolition Lore: Magic 1
NOTES Escapology Medicine 4

Investigation 3 Military Science 1


Essential AI Package: $15,000.00. (Includes all * items)


Design Cost: $33,000.00. Lockpicking Navigation 4


Parapsychology 1

Security 3

Seduction Physics 4

Sleight of Hand Psychology 4


Xenology 1



Survival 3
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Name Class B “Civilian” Ship Artificial Intelligence
Strength -
Agility 8 Task Roll
Dexterity 8 Notice 11
Intelligence 8 Stealth -
Perception 8 Physical Resistance -
Shrugs - Mental Resistance 7
Speed -
Dodge -
Will 7
Parry/Strike -
Initiative 8
DR - Strength-Based Damage -
Armor Shrugs - ATTACK Dam Roll
Risk 70 Grapple Grap. -
Running Speed - Punch (w/ claws) - -
S Broad Jump -
R Broad Jump -
S High Jump -
R High Jump -
Dead Lift -
Base Throw -

Abilities/Equipment Merits Flaws

Ambidexterity* Infertile*
Homemaker Physical Impairment: No Body*
Iron Will* “Self” Imposed Limitation:
Knowledgeable* MUST serve crew and ship*
Master Cook Sidereal*
Really Skilled (x4)*
Really Skilled (x3)
Steel-Trap Mind*


Acrobatics Art Animal 1
Climbing Cleaning 6 Automotive 5
Extreme Sports Construction Capital Craft 5
Lifting Cooking 6 Crew Vessel 7
Running Dancing Fighter Craft 4
Sports Fabrication 3 Ground Effect 4
Swimming Music Gunnery 4
Throwing Repair 3 Helicopter 1
Zero-G Ropework Instruments 7
COMBAT Sewing Jet Pack 1
Bows Styling Mecha 4
Firearms, Short KNOWLEDGE Remotes 5
Firearms, Long Academics 7 Tracked 4
Grappling Biology 1 Transport Craft 5
Hand to Hand Chemistry 1 Ultra-Light 1
Martial Damage Computers 4 SPECIAL
Melee Cybernetics 4 Do Magic
Toughness Electronics 4 Martial Arts
ESPIONAGE Engineering 4 Use Mechanica
Acting Genetics 1 Use Powers
Business 6 Law 7 Use Psionics
Communicate 6 Lore: Aliens 4
Cryptography Lore: Enigmas 1
Demolition Lore: Magic 1
NOTES Escapology Medicine 7

Investigation 3 Military Science 1


Essential AI Package: $15,000.00. (Includes all * items)


Design Cost: $140,000.00. Lockpicking Navigation 4


3 Parapsychology 1


Seduction Physics 4

Sleight of Hand Psychology 4


Xenology 1



Survival 3
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Name Class A “Military” Ship Artificial Intelligence
Strength -
Agility 9 Task Roll
Dexterity 9 Notice 15
Intelligence 10 Stealth -
Perception 9 Physical Resistance -
Shrugs - Mental Resistance 8
Speed -
Dodge -
Will 8
Parry/Strike -
Initiative 12
DR - Strength-Based Damage -
Armor Shrugs - ATTACK Dam Roll
Risk 80 Grapple Grap. -
Running Speed - Punch (w/ claws) - -
S Broad Jump -
R Broad Jump -
S High Jump -
R High Jump -
Dead Lift -
Base Throw -

Abilities/Equipment Merits Flaws

Ambidexterity* Infertile*
Deadly Aim Physical Impairment: No Body*
Fast “Self” Imposed Limitation:
God of Reloading MUST serve crew and ship*
Iron Will* Sidereal*
Really Skilled (x4)*
Really Skilled (x3)
Steel-Trap Mind*


Acrobatics Art Animal 1
Climbing Cleaning 3 Automotive 4
Extreme Sports Construction Capital Craft 7
Lifting Cooking 3 Crew Vessel 7
Running Dancing Fighter Craft 4
Sports Fabrication 3 Ground Effect 4
Swimming Music Gunnery 7
Throwing Repair 3 Helicopter 1
Zero-G Ropework Instruments 7
COMBAT Sewing Jet Pack 1
Bows Styling Mecha 4
Firearms, Short KNOWLEDGE Remotes 4
Firearms, Long Academics 4 Tracked 4
Grappling Biology 1 Transport Craft 7
Hand to Hand Chemistry 1 Ultra-Light 1
Martial Damage Computers 4 SPECIAL
Melee Cybernetics 4 Do Magic
Toughness Electronics 4 Martial Arts
ESPIONAGE Engineering 7 Use Mechanica
Acting Genetics 1 Use Powers
Business 3 Law 4 Use Psionics
Communicate 6 Lore: Aliens 4
Cryptography Lore: Enigmas 1
Demolition 3 Lore: Magic 1
NOTES Escapology Medicine 4

Investigation 6 Military Science 1


Essential AI Package: $15,000.00. (Includes all * items)


Design Cost: $216,000.00. Lockpicking Navigation 4


6 Parapsychology 1


Seduction Physics 4

Sleight of Hand Psychology 4


Xenology 1



Survival 3
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Multiplicative Systems
Certain Features allow for the use of Special Abilities to on the Weight Class of the Vehicle in question.
be enhanced via the structure of a vehicle. The Psion-
ic Resonance and Thaumatech Features magnify the This chart governs what benefits each of these systems
Psionic Disciplines and Magic Spells (respectively) of a gives depending on Weight Class.
user within the vehicle by varying amounts depending

Weight Class Range Damage Additional Mass Handled

Personal x2 +5 +10.00 lbs
Medium x10 +10 +250.00 lbs
Small Craft in miles +15 +500.00 lbs
Large Craft in 100’s of miles +20 +1.50 T
Massive in 100,000’s of miles +30 +10.00 T

If a Discipline/Spell already has a listed range in Weight Increment of the vehicle for every time they
Miles, then a Small Craft multiplier system will bump add the Risk cost of the ability.
its range to 100’s of Miles; a Large Craft multiplier will
bump it’s range to 100,000’s of miles, and a Massive ve- I.E.: Guy the Star Psi can use Telekinesis, and is in a Large
hicle’s multiplier will boost it to a range of Light Years. Craft with a weight increment of one and a half tons (1.50
With the expenditure of enough Risk, a potent Mage or T). Normally, he can lift his Will multiplied by five (Will
Psionicist can teleport between star systems. x5) for every five (5) Risk he spends. Using the Large Craft’s
Psionic Resonance system, though, he can lift one point five
If a Discipline/Spell allows for the increasing of lift- TONS (1.50 T) for every five (5) Risk he spends. By spend-
ing capacity by the spending of additional Risk, then ing thirty (30) Risk, he can lift a full nine tons (9.00 T)!
the Psionicist/Mage can lift/manipulate an additional

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Sample Ships and Vehicles
Here are a few examples of what can be built with fore and aft firing laser canons, and fore and aft force
these rules; hardly an exhaustive selection, but a smat- shields. It’s not meant to get into fights, but it IS meant
tering of possibility. to get out of them!

Some of these vehicles make good starting points for Basic Transport: $265,667,000.00. At two hundred
Player Character transport; most of them have some and sixty-five million credits, one might expect to get a
room for upgrades, or can be tweaked a bit here and lot out of this basic transport. Rather, what they get is
there to fit a particular party or even a particular cam- a basic spacecraft with the essentials. Four (4) crew are
paign. complemented by a data core, no AI is included. This
ship will hold twenty (20) passengers, so it can be used
Hover Bike: $5,750.00. Simple and effective air trans- as a commercial transport. It also carries up to twen-
port for one. Capable of speeds up to a hundred miles ty tons (20.00 T) of cargo, so it can be used as a small
an hour (100 mph) and with an advanced fuel cell that merchant ship. Most of its other systems are minimal;
gives the vehicle a range of twenty-five thousand miles minimal reactor, minimal drives, minimal maneuver-
(25,000 mi), these bikes are often purchased by ship ing. It’s considered a “fixer-upper” opportunity, rife
crews for quickly moving around a planetary surface with the possibility of upgrade. Several things that
after planet-fall. They’re incredibly light due to the ad- may not need upgrading are the forward and aft fir-
vanced materials used, and they handle like a dream. ing laser canons, and the forward and aft force shields
Like most vehicles with atmospheric drive, they have a for defense. One problem with the basic transport is
rough ceiling of fifty thousand feet (50,000’), but with- that it’s definitely a Hanger Queen... it requires repairs
out pressurized breathing apparatus, most human or and maintenance after every trip, which can cut into its
human-like riders will want to keep them at fifteen profit margins. Because they’re one of the less expen-
thousand feet (15,000’) or lower. sive transport options, impound yards are always full
of the things, and space service personnel can acquire
Simple Fighter: $562,265.00. At just over a half a mil-
them for next to nothing when they muster out.
lion dollars, these fighters are an inexpensive alterna-
tive to larger, better-armed escort craft. These one-pi- Freighter: $116,688,500.00. Big and reliable, this
lot fighters carry a crew space for the Data Core... they freighter is crewed by nineteen personnel and a Data
don’t, as a rule, come equipped with AI software, but Core with no AI. There’s room for an additional four
having the computer operate a few ship systems frees people in case of emergency. It can carry three hun-
up the pilot to use this maneuverable ship to its limits It dred tons (300.00 T) of cargo inside the hull, and an
carries two forward firing blaster cannons for primary additional kiloton (1,000.00 T) of cargo clamped to the
assault, and sports two turret-mounted laser cannons underside of the hull. It has no planetary landing capa-
to handle harassment targets and do anti-missile duty; bility, although it’s high-class array of Tractor Beams
the ship’s computer is often slaved to using the turrets. allows a trained crew to load or unload the entire ship
While this ship is capable of Mach 1 in an atmosphere in about an hour. The Hangar Bay can accommodate
and twenty-thousand miles an hour (20,000 mph) in twelve tons (12.00 T) of shuttles and/or support craft,
space, it does not have its own Faster Than Light drive; and the moderate armaments give this vessel the abili-
these are meant to be carrier-borne vessels. They CAN ty to venture through meteor-heavy areas or even fight
be stressful to fly, as maneuvering at top speed puts off moderate piracy. With a reactor capable of driving
severe strain on the pilot; for some space forces, that the freighter twenty-five thousand light years between
means that this fighter is how they separate the mature servicing, this ship is a true work horse of the starways.
personnel from the immature personnel.
Luxury Cruise Ship: $265,667,000.00. One hundred
Courier Scout Ship: $5,946,000.00. Used by a number (100) crew and a Class B AI transport up to a thousand
of the space services, the Scout Courier has atmospher- (1,000) passengers and seven hundred and fifty tons
ic, space, AND FTL capabilities. In fact, it has one of (750.00 T) of their cargo in abject luxury. The ship itself
the faster FTL drives available, being almost five times is a massive, complex robot, capable of meeting every
(5x) faster than the average ship while at Warp. Has passenger need instantly and expertly. From the roll-
a crew complement of three plus one computer core er-coasters in the amusement park to the heavy lasers
loaded standard with a Class C Artificial Intelligence. port and starboard, everything about this vessel says
It can carry up to ten (10) passengers and a minimal quality and style. Equipped with force field projectors
amount of cargo; this ship is designed for speed. It has
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
and tractor beams for the fast loading of luggage, these Dreadnought, you pretty much have everyone’s atten-
cruise ships allow for casual travel between the stars tion immediately.
with great food and incredible facilities. Because of
the excellent medical facilities and constant care and Space Dock Facility: $8,827,850,000.00. These mas-
attention. many spacers hope to retire on one of these. sive space stations are one of the most wonderful
Of course, they’re not entirely as durable as other ships sights that a Spacer can see; more-so if they’ve been
of their weight class, they need constant repairs and badly damaged. These facilities weigh in at over six-
maintenance between voyages, and they’re notorious- ty kilotons (61.62 KT), and can service multiple large
ly hard to work on (with all of the complex robotic sys- vessels simultaneously. The Space Dock facilities have
tems and what-have-you), but it seems a small price to four (4) hangar and construction bays, each capable of
pay for the glorious luxury of it all! handling five thousand tons (5,000.00 T) of space vehi-
cles, or a total of twenty-thousand tons (20,000.00 T) of
Dreadnought: $11,540,726,000.00. One hundred and maintenance capability... INSIDE the station. Larger
fifteen THOUSAND tons of aggression; the massive vessels can pull alongside and dock external to the sta-
Dreadnought is a flying city dedicated to warfare. It tion, where they can also receive maintenance and re-
takes five thousand crew to operate and maintain this pairs. The Space Dock is crewed by a thousand (1,000)
vessel, along with a Class A artificial intelligence. A personnel just to make sure the dock itself remains in
complement of five hundred marines stand ready to stationary location, well-maintained, and functional.
unleash hell on the ground. It isn’t overly fast, but it An additional one thousand (1,000) “passengers” form
hardly needs to be. Nestled within the heavily armored the majority of the work force that swarm over dam-
hull protected by banks of force fields, this flying city aged vessels and bring them back to factory spec. In
can hold and maintain four thousand tons (4,000.00 a pinch, Space Docks can construct whole new space-
T) of sub-vessels, including supply craft, shuttles, and ships. They have a cargo capacity of twenty thousand
the massive fighter escort. The ship’s advanced rep- tons (20.00 KT) which is mostly used for raw materi-
lication systems can crank out ten tons of equipment als and spare parts. They keep their fabrication bay
and materials each and every hour, allowing the crew running twenty-four hours a ship-day to produce the
to arm and equip the marines in minutes, reload the various bits and pieces that go into proper repair work;
ship’s massive torpedo launchers, or even produce should that prove insufficient, the space dock has rep-
whole fighters to replace lost fighter escort. The ship lication facilities for flawless 3D printing of up to ten
sports forty (40) massive torpedo launchers carrying tons (10.00 T) of parts an hour, up to and including
a total of eight thousand torpedoes of various capa- the printing of whole ships under ten tons (<10.00 T).
bilities, which it can unload at a rate of four hundred Each repair bay is serviced by a massive mechanical
every turn. The ship’s sixty-four (64) independent tur- arm and ten (10) massive tractor beams for handling
rets each sports an anti-ship Meson cannon, and the spaceships in part or in whole. The Space Dock isn’t
ship’s main Spinal Mount holds a Quasar canon capa- terribly mobile, but it can achieve speeds of up to
ble of doing significant planetary damage. An array of one thousand miles per hour (1,000 mph) in space. It
powerful tractor beams allow the Dreadnoght’s skilled would plummet like a rock in a planetary atmosphere,
crew to grasp enemy ships, holding them helpless for and has NO Faster Than Light (FTL) capacity. It isn’t
the vast array of murder that the Dreadnought holds. armed nor does it have defensive screens, but Space
These ships are often seen in Command and Control Docks in troubled areas will often carry a few warships
roles, and can be used to guide and support fleets or and a hundred or so fighters for support.
to stage massive ground assaults. When you field a

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Vehicle Weight Class
Hover Bike Personal
Mode DR Shrugs Armor Handling Speed Range Crew Pass. Cargo Weight Cost

Atmospheric 25 6 0 +3 100 mph 25 K mi 1 0 50.00 lbs 105.00 lbs $5,750.00

Fuel Cell Class B
Atmospheric Drive Class C
Hardpoint (External, Fixed) (Front)


Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Vehicle Weight Class
Simple Fighter Medium
Mode DR Shrugs Armor Handling Speed Range Crew Pass. Cargo Weight Cost

Atmospheric 30 10 5 +3 4 K mph 50 K mi 1 0 500.00 lbs 3.08 T $561,825.00

Gravitic (STL) +4 25 K mph

Fuel Cell Class A Hardpoints (Internal, Fixed) (x2, Facing Fore)
Atmospheric Drive Class A Hardpoints, Turrets (x2, one port, one starboard)
Gravitic Drive Class C Illumination Systems
Comm, Military Class B (-5 to be intercepted, 5 Ly Range) Life Support (Limited)
Data System Sensors, Military Class B (Range of 5 Ly, Detect IFF and tactical data)
Escape System Style & Paint, Classic (+3 Styling)

Stressful I (Stamina + Toughness roll when maneuvering at full Gravitic speed, or pilot goes Unco with Shrugs)

Weapons/Weapon-Like Systems
Weapon Acc Dam Range Shots Weight Kick AP DR Shrugs Cost
+3 20 500 / 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 inf. 200.00 lbs -0 5 30 8 $102,000.00
Laser Cannon Class C
(x2, turrets)
Autofire 3 (Variable), Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+2 30 500 / 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 inf. 250.00 lbs -0 7 30 8 $120,000.00

Blaster Cannon Class C
(x2, facing fore)
Autofire 5 (Variable), Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Vehicle Weight Class
Courier Scout Ship Small Craft
Mode DR Shrugs Armor Handling Speed Range Crew Pass. Cargo Weight Cost

Atmospheric 30 10 3 +2 800 mph 1 K Ly 4 10 1.00 T 14.65 T $5,946,000.00

Gravitic (STL) +3 25 K mph

Warp Drive (FTL) +2 50 Ly/D

Reactor Class B Illumination Systems
Atmospheric Drive Class B Life Support (Long Term)
Gravitic Drive Class C Medical Bay , Emergency
Warp Drive Class B Recreation Facilities, Actual
Comm Civilian Class A (Range 100 Ly) Safety Engineering
Data System Sensors, Civilian Class A (Range 100 Ly)
Escape System Style & Pint, Classic
Hardpoint (Internal) (x4, 2 Fore 2 Aft) AI Class C (in Data System) (Page 44) (Occupies a Crew Space)


Weapons/Weapon-Like Systems
Weapon Acc Dam Range Shots Weight Kick AP DR Shrugs Cost
+3 30 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 / 8,000 inf. 250.00 lbs -0 5 30 8 $142,500.00
Laser Cannon Class B
(x2, 1 fore, 1 aft)
Autofire 5 (Variable), Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+2 - - - 400.00 lbs 0 0 35 8 $106,250.00

Force Shield Class B
(x2, 1 fore, 1 aft)
5 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Vehicle Weight Class
Basic Transport Small Craft
Mode DR Shrugs Armor Handling Speed Range Crew Pass. Cargo Weight Cost

Atmospheric 30 10 2 +1 100 mph 100 Ly 5 20 20.00 T 35.15 T $4,543,000.00

Gravitic (STL) +1 1 K mph

Warp Drive (FTL) +1 10 Ly/D

Reactor Class C Hardpoint (Internal) (x4, 2 Fore 2 Aft)
Atmospheric Drive Class C Illumination Systems
Gravitic Drive Class D Life Support (Long Term)
Warp Drive Class C Medical Bay, Emergency
Comm Civilian Class B (Range 1 Ly) Recreational Facilities, Actual
Data System Sensors, Civilian Class B (Range 5 Ly)
Escape System

Hangar Queen
Weapons/Weapon-Like Systems
Weapon Acc Dam Range Shots Weight Kick AP DR Shrugs Cost
+3 30 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 / 8,000 inf. 250.00 lbs -0 5 30 8 $142,500.00
Laser Cannon Class B
(x2, 1 fore, 1 aft)
Autofire 5 (Variable), Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+2 - - - 400.00 lbs 0 0 35 8 $106,250.00

Force Shield Class B
(x2, 1 fore, 1 aft)
5 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Vehicle Weight Class
Freighter Large Craft
Mode DR Shrugs Armor Handling Speed Range Crew Pass. Cargo Weight Cost

Gravitic (STL) 35 15 2 +0 25 K mph 2.5 K Ly 20 4 1,300.00 T 901.50 T $116,688,500.00

Warp Drive (FTL) +1 10 Ly/D

Cargo Capacity (Lift Only) of 1,000.00 T (+300.00 T interior capacity) Hardpoints (Internal) (x8) (4 fore, 4 aft)
Reactor Class A Hardpoints (Internal) (x8) (4 fore, 4 aft)
Gravitic Drive Class C Illumination Systems
Warp Drive Class C Life Support (Long Term)
Comm Civilian Class A (Range 100 Ly) Medical Bay, Class C
Data System Recreation Facilities, Actual
Escape System Safety Engineering
Hangar Space (x2) (12.00 Ton capacity) (Shuttle Bay) Sensors, Civilian Class B (Range 5 Ly)

Ugly (x3) (-3 o Styling)

Weapons/Weapon-Like Systems
Weapon Acc Dam Range Shots Weight Kick AP DR Shrugs Cost
+3 40 1 mi / 2 mi / 4 mi / 8 mi inf. 950.00 lbs -0 5 35 10 $1,135,500.00
Laser Cannon Class A
(x2) (1 fore, 1 aft)
Autofire 10 (Variable), Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

Tractor/Pressor Beam +3 - 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 / 8,000 - 1.20 T 0 0 35 10 $5,025,000.00

Class A
(x6) (3 fore, 3 aft) Lift/Manipulate 2.50 T, Move 100 feet per turn, Powered by Vehicle

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Vehicle Weight Class
Luxury Cruise Ship Large Craft
Mode DR Shrugs Armor Handling Speed Range Crew Pass. Cargo Weight Cost

Gravitic (STL) 35 14 2 +3 1 K mph 1 K Ly 101 1,000 750.00 T 5,229.50 T $265,667,000.00

Warp Drive (FTL) +3 10 Ly/D

Reactor Class B Life Support (Long Term)
Gravitic Drive Class D Luxury Fittings
Warp Drive Class C Medical Bay Class A
Comm Civilian Class A (Range 100 Ly) Recreational Facilities, Actual
Data System Robotic Infrastructure
Detention (x10 - Ship’s Brig) Safety Engineering
Escape System Sensors, Civilian Class A (range 100 Ly)
Hangar Space (x10) (Shuttle Bays, 60.00 Ton capacity) Style & Paint, Classic
Hardpoints (Internal) (x20) (10 port, 10 starboard) AI Class B (in Data System) (Page 45) (Occupies a Crew Space)
Illumination Systems

Hangar Queen
Hard to Maintain

Weapons/Weapon-Like Systems
Weapon Acc Dam Range Shots Weight Kick AP DR Shrugs Cost
+3 40 1 mi / 2 mi / 4 mi / 8 mi inf. 950.00 lbs -0 5 35 10 $1,135,500.00
Laser Cannon Class A
(x4) (2 port, 2 starboard)
Autofire 10 (Variable), Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+2 - - - 1,100.00 lbs 0 0 40 10 $1,062,500.00

Force Shield Class B
(x8) (4 port, 4 starboard)
5 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

Tractor/Pressor Beam +3 - 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 / 8,000 - 1.20 T 0 0 35 10 $5,025,000.00

Class A
(x8) (4 port, 4 starboard) Lift/Manipulate 2.50 T, Move 100 feet per turn, Powered by Vehicle

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Vehicle Weight Class
Dreadnought Massive
Mode DR Shrugs Armor Handling Speed Range Crew Pass. Cargo Weight Cost

Gravitic (STL) 40 20 10 +5 25 K mph 2.5 K Ly 5,000 500 1,000.00 T 114.99 KT $11,540,726,000.00

Warp Drive (FTL) +3 10 Ly/D

Reactor Class A Hardpoint (Turrets) (x64) (32 top, 32 bottom)
Gravitic Drive Class C Illumination Systems
Warp Drive Class C Life Support (Long Term)
Comm Military Class A (Range 500 Ly, -5 to be intercepted) Medical Bay Class A
Data System Recreation Facilities, Virtual
Detention (x100) Replication Enhancement
Escape System Safety Engineering
Fabrication Bay Sensors Military Class A (Range 100 Ly, detect IFF and tactical data)
Hangar Space (x100) (4,000.00 Ton Capacity) Style & Paint, Classic
Hardpoint (Internal) (x50) (25 fore, 25 aft) AI Class A (in Data System) (Page 46) (Occupies a Crew Space)
Hardpoint (Internal, Fixed) (x1) (Main Gun, fore)
Weapons/Weapon-Like Systems
Weapon Acc Dam Range Shots Weight Kick AP DR Shrugs Cost
+4 80 2 mi / 4 mi / 8 / mi / 16 mi inf. 4.75 T -1 8 40 15 $15,270,000.00
Meson Cannon Class A
(x64) (in turrets)
Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+5 100 5 mi / 10 mi / 20 / mi / 40 mi inf. 9.50 T -2 10 50 20 $40,060,000.00

Quasar Cannon
(x1) (fixed forward)
Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+3 - per torpedo 100 1,000.00 lbs -2 0 40 15 $6,500,000.00

Torp Launcher Class A
(x40) (20 fore, 20 aft)
Autofire 10 (Variable), Launcher (Torps up to 1,000.00 lbs)

Photonic Torpedo Class A +3 75 10 mi / 20 mi / 40 mi / 80 mi - 1,000.00 lbs -0 5 35 10 $5,077,500.00

(x400) (1 full load for
EACH Torp Launcher) Homing 10, Launched Projectile, Radius 10

Neutron Torpedo +2 20s 1 mi / 2 mi / 4 mi / 8 mi - 450.00 lbs -0 0 35 10 $923,000.00

(x400) (1 full load for
EACH Torp Launcher) Launched Projectile, Stuns, Radius 10

+3 - - - 6.50 T 0 0 50 15 $16,250,000.00
Force Shield Class A
(x6) (3 fore, 3 aft)
10 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

Tractor/Pressor Beam +3 - 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 / 8,000 - 10.00 T 0 0 40 15 $50,250,000.00

Class A
(x4) (2 fore, 2 aft) Lift/Manipulate 25.00 T, Move 100 feet per turn, Powered by Vehicle

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Vehicle Weight Class
Space Dock Facility Massive
Mode DR Shrugs Armor Handling Speed Range Crew Pass. Cargo Weight Cost

Gravitic (STL) 40 20 2 +0 1 K mph 2.5 K Ly 1,000 1,000 20.00 KT 61.62 KT $8,827,850,000.00

Reactor Class A Hangar Space (x2,000) (4 Hangar Bays with 5,000.00 Ton capacity each)
Gravitic Drive Class D Hardpoints (Internal) (x40) (10 port, 10 starboard, 10 fore, 10 aft)
Arm and Manipulator (x4) (one in each Hangar Bay) Illumination Systems
Comm, Civilian Class A (Range 100 Ly) Medical Bay Class A
Construction Bays (x4) Recreation Facilities, Actual
Data System Replication Enhancement
Escape System Safety Engineering
Fabrication Bay Sensors Civilian Class A (Range 100 Ly)

General -3 (Not designed for maneuvering)

Weapons/Weapon-Like Systems
Weapon Acc Dam Range Shots Weight Kick AP DR Shrugs Cost
Tractor/Pressor Beam +3 - 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 / 8,000 - 10.00 T 0 0 40 15 $50,250,000.00
Class A
(x40) (all over) Lift/Manipulate 25.00 T, Move 100 feet per turn, Powered by Vehicle

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Expanded Spaceship Combat
Initiative is figured normally when engaging in vehic- Each of these locations has an associated penalty di-
ular combat; if there are multiple persons on a vehicle rectly associated with how hard the target is to hit.
capable of engaging in combat, the “Captain” or leader These penalties are cumulative with any mismatched
of a given vehicle is responsible for rolling the Initia- Weight Class bonuses/penalties (page 60).
tive for that vehicle.
Bridge: (-6) While there isn’t a Ship Feature de-
fined as the “Bridge,” it can be assumed that wher-
ever the pilot or helmsman of a vehicle is located
is the Bridge. It is the command and control nex-
us of the ship. After resolving Damage Resistance
for the ship normally, any Shrugs that get through
(anything over the Hull’s current material Shrugs)
require all personnel on the Bridge to make Damage
Resistance rolls against the initial attack’s Damage.

Drive System: (-4) Targeting the Drive system of a

ship can effectively cripple it. If more than one (1)
Shrug of Damage is done by a successful attack on
the Drive System, the drive system is considered
crippled until the Shrugs of Damage done in that
attack are repaired.

Hardpoint (External): (-3) Attacking a weapon

or a weapon-like system in an external hardpoint
does damage directly to that weapon or weap-
on-like system with no defense from the Ship’s hull
or structure. If the ship has Force Fields, these will
For every weapon on a vehicle, a crew member can still protect the weapon or weapon-like system in
be assigned who will fire that weapon during com- an External Hardpoint
bat. The pilot of a vehicle can fire weapons that are in
“fixed” hardpoints, using their appropriate Transport Hardpoint (Internal): (-4) Attacking a weapon
skill for piloting the vehicle. Firing any other weapon or a weapon-like system in an internal hardpoint
requires a roll on Gunnery. does damage to the ship itself, giving the weapon
or weapon-like system the full protection of the
Any crew member firing more than one weapon sys- hull. Should any Shrugs of Damage be left over
tem (such as a Tactical Officer firing from the Bridge) after damaging the ship (anything over the Hull’s
will take multiple action penalties doing so. current Material Shrugs), the weapon or weap-
on-like system must make a Damage Resistance
A weapon can fire on any target in its operational Arc. rolls against the initial attack’s Damage.
As a default, an attack against a spaceship will hit the
Hardpoint (Turret): (-2) Attacking a weapon or a
hull amidships if the attack is successful. This damage
weapon-like system in an internal hardpoint does
is resolved normally. If the vehicle takes more than
damage to the ship itself, giving the weapon or
one (1) Shrug as a result of the attack, it risks taking
weapon-like system the full protection of the hull.
Cinematic Damage. Roll a 1d20, add the number of
Should any Shrugs of Damage be left over after
Shrugs taken to the result, and compare this number to
damaging the ship (anything over the Hull’s cur-
the Cinematic Damage Effects chart on page 60.
rent Material Shrugs), the weapon or weapon-like
It is possible to be more precise in one’s space com- system must make a Damage Resistance rolls
bat by calling shots against specific ship systems/loca- against the initial attack’s Damage. Also, if more
tions. Successful hits in these locations can have ad- than one (1) Shrug of Damage is done to the ship in
ditional effects on the target ship and its performance. this attack, the turret suffers the Cinematic Damage
of being fixed in the position it was in when it was
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
attacked (GM’s call which way it is facing), and be- operational Arc. If a ship has multiple Force Fields in
comes a fixed weapon until the Damage from the Hardpoints that are not fixed, and if there are enough
attack is repaired. crew members to man all of the force fields, then each
Force Field operator on that arc can attempt to make
Life Support: (-5) Targeting the Life-Support sys- the defensive roll.
tem of a ship can effectively cripple it. If more than
one (1) Shrug of Damage is done by a successful A Force Field in a “Fixed” hardpoint allows the Pilot
attack on the Life-Support System, the Ship can not to block the attack with a roll on the Transport skill for
provide Life-Support until the Shrugs of Damage piloting that vehicle. There is only one roll allowable,
done in that attack are repaired. The Ship holds ere, so there is little point in having more than one
enough air and heat to keep those on board alive Force Field in a fixed Hardpoint on any single Arc of
for a number of minutes equal to its current num- the vehicle. In any case, the use of a Force Field counts
ber of Material Shrugs. Further Damage to the ship as a “Parry.”
does reduce this duration. This would be a good
time to get into space suits, just in case. Should a ship take more than one (1) Shrug of Damage
in a single attack, it is in serious risk of taking Cinemat-
Power System: (-6) Targeting the Power system ic Damage. Called shot locations (above) have their
of a ship can leave it completely dead in space. If own specific Cinematic Damage. When the attack is
more than one (1) Shrug of Damage is done by a the result of an attack that is not a called shot, roll 1d20,
successful attack on the Power System, the Ship is add the total number of Shrugs taken in the attack, and
left without power. Nothing works... no drive, no compare the result on the following table.
life-support, nothing. The Ship holds enough air
and heat to keep those on board alive for a number
of minutes equal to its current number of Material
Shrugs. Further Damage to the ship does reduce
this duration. The ship can not maneuver, has no
active weapons, and has no sensors. Anyone on
board wishing to see anything outside of the ship
must use a window or open an airlock. If the ship
has Safety Engineering, it has emergency lighting
(red), otherwise the interior of the ship is in Total
Darkness (unless, in the GM’s opinion, starlight
through any windows can provide some level of il-
lumination). This sorry (and deadly) state of affairs
continues until the Shrugs of Damage done in the
attack that crippled the Power System are repaired.

Other Ship Feature: (-3) Any Feature of a space-

ship, from communications and the data system to
hangars and constructions decks, can be targeted
by an attack. In all cases, should an Attack called
against a Feature do more than one (1) Shrug of In the unfortunate event of a ship being disabled or
Damage, that Feature is disabled until the Damage worse, destroyed, the crew may make Intelligence or
can be repaired. If the ship has personnel or other Agility plus Survival rolls to get out before the inev-
ships within that Feature (such as may be the case itable explosion. Safety Engineering gives a bonus
with Medical Bays or Hangars), any Characters or of plus three (+3) to this roll. If a ship has an Escape
other Vehicles in those areas must make a Damage System (and Escape Pods), the crew exits the ship in
Resistance roll against the initial Damage of the at- these. If the ship either has no Escape System or does
tack. The Feature is considered disabled until the not have Escape Pods (or does not have enough Escape
Damage done by the attack is repaired. Pods for everyone on board), then there will be crew
and/or passengers in space suits in space... IF there are
If a ship has a Force Field equipped in a Hardpoint that enough Space Suits to go around.
is not Fixed, a crew member may make a Crew Ves-
sel roll as a defensive roll to “block” incoming attacks This leads to its own unfortunate set of consequences
with it, so long as the attack is from the Force Field’s for those who have not prepared for such a situation.
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Called Shot Table
Called Shot Location Penalty

Large Craft
Small Craft
Weight Class


Bridge -6

Difference Chart Drive System -4
Hardpoint (External) -3
Space Personal +0 +3 +6 +9 +12 Hardpoint (Internal) -4
Space Medium -3 +0 +3 +6 +9 Hardpoint (Turret) -2
Space Small Craft -6 -3 +0 +3 +6 Life Support -5
Space Large Craft -9 -6 -3 +0 +3 Power System -6
Space Massive -12 -9 -6 -3 +0 Other Ship Feature -3

Result Cinematic Damage Effects
2-5 None
6 Vehicle’s interior lights dim, -1 to all tasks inside vehicle
7 Vehicle shaken by attack, all occupants roll Agility + Sports or lose 1 turn stumbling left
8 Vehicle shaken by attack, all occupants roll Agility + Sports or lose 1 turn stumbling right
Sparks shower the occupants of the vehicle; roll Perception plus Toughness (at no penalty) or
be blinded for two turns (-4 to all actions)
13-14 Drive System hit; any Slower than Light drive systems knocked out for five turns (5 T)
15-16 Drive System hit; any Faster than Light drive systems knocked out for five turns (5 T)
17 Drive Systems hit; ALL Drive Systems out until one (1) Shrug of Damage is repaired
18 Maneuvering damaged; Vehicle is at -5 to pilot until one (1) Shrug of Damage is repaired
19 Targeting damaged; weapons are at -5 to Gunnery until one (1) Shrug of Damage is repaired
Power System hit; vehicle is DEAD until two (2) Shrugs of Damage are repaired (a Ship with
20 Safety Engineering will still have interior lights... all others will be in total interior darkness,
-4 to all rolls)
Life Support Failure; all life support and environmental systems off-line until one (1) Shrug of
Damage is repaired; ship has it’s total Shrugs in Minutes before all air is unbreathable
Power System hit; vehicle is DEAD until three (3) Shrugs of Damage are repaired. Interior
of vehicle is bathed in Alpha Class Radiation until repairs are complete. (a Ship with Safety
Engineering will still have interior lights... all others will be in total interior darkness, -4 to all
Weapon Systems OFF-LINE. All weapons and weapon-like systems are OFF-LINE until three
(3) Shrugs of Damage can be repaired.
Power System hit; vehicle is DEAD until four (4) Shrugs of Damage are repaired. Interior
of vehicle is bathed in Beta Class Radiation until repairs are complete. (a Ship with Safety
Engineering will still have interior lights... all others will be in total interior darkness, -4 to all
BREACH! If vehicle is in vacuum, all aboard immediately suffer the effects of Explosive
28-29 Decompression, followed by Suffocation (unless they are sealed/can seal up quickly). A ship
with Safety Engineering grants its bonus to all rolls to resist the effects of decompression.
Power System hit; vehicle is DEAD until five (5) Shrugs of Damage are repaired. All emer-
30 or over gency lighting systems fail. Interior of vehicle is bathed in Gamma Class Radiation until
repairs are complete.
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Unrestricted Charts
In many of the construction charts, there are blank However, that’s just us. You may have a different con-
spots; these are places where we, as the designers, cept of how these things should work, so here we pres-
didn’t feel that a particular system or feature would be ent the construction charts without these omissions.
possible or properly represented at given weight class. Use some of these systems at smaller Weight Classes
Not many Fighters are going to have unlimited range, with caution!
after all!

Unrestricted Power Systems

Feature Personal Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Notes
$6,037.50 $20,125.00 $402,500.00 $4,025,000.00 $40,250,000.00
Fuel Cell Class A Range 50,000 Miles
40.00 lbs 1,000 lbs 1.00 T 6.00 T 40.00 T
$4,875.00 $16,250.00 $325,000.00 $3,250,000.00 $32,500,000.00
Fuel Cell Class B Range 25,000 Miles
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T
$2,250.00 $7,500.00 $150,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $15,000,000.00
Fuel Cell Class C Range 100 Miles
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T
$30,750.00 $102,500.00 $2,050,000.00 $20,500,000.00 $205,000,000.00
Reactor Class A Range 2,500 Light Years
80.00 lbs 1.00 T 2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00 T
$19.500.00 $65,000.00 $1,300,000.00 $13,000,000.00 $130,000,000.00
Reactor Class B Range 1,000 Light Years
80.00 lbs 1.00 T 2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00.T
$12,750.00 $42,500.00 $850,000.00 $8,500,000.00 $85,000,000.00
Reactor Class C Range 100 Light Years
80.00 lbs 1.00 T 2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00 T
$399,000.00 $1,330,000.00 $26,000,000.00 $266,000,000.00 $2,660,000,000.00
Exotic System Class A Range 5,000,000 Light Years
160.00 lbs 2.00 T 4.00 T 24.00 T 160.00 T
$61,500.00 $205,000.00 $4,100,000.00 $41,000,000.00 $410,000,000.00
Exotic System Class B Range 50,000 Light Years
160.00 lbs 2.00 T 4.00 T 24.00 T 160.00 T
$24,375.0 $81,250.00 $1,625,000.00 $16,250,000.00 $162,500,000.00
Exotic System Class C Range 5,000 Light years
160.00 lbs 2.00 T 4.00 T 24.00 T 160.00 T
$774,750.00 $2,582,500.00 $51,650,000.00 $516,500.000.00 $5,165,000,000l.00
Exotic Reactor Hybrid Range 10,000,000 Light Years
60.00 lbs 1,500.00 lbs 1.50 T 9.00 T 60.00 T
String Resonance $7,531,875.0 $25,106,250.00 $502,125,000.00 $5,021,250,000.00 $50,212,500,000.00
Range Effectively Unlimited
Chamber 110.00 lbs 1.38 T 2.75 T 16.50 T 110.00 T

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Unrestricted Drives
Feature Personal Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Notes
$4,050.00 $13,500.00 $270,000.00 $2,700,000.00 $27,000,000.00
Atmospheric Class A Atmospheric 4,000 mph (Mach 5)
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T
$3,810.00 $12,700.00 $254,000.00 $2,540,000.00 $25,400,000.00
Atmospheric Class B Atmospheric 800 mph (Mach I)
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T
$3,000.00 $10,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $20,000,000.00
Atmospheric Class C Atmospheric 100 mph
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T
$300.00 $1,000.00 $20,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,000,000.00
Atmospheric Tweak Per +10 mph
2.00 lbs 50.00 lbs 100.00 lbs 600.00 lbs 2.00 T
$11,250.00 $37,500.00 $750,000.00 $7,500,000.00 $75,000,000.00
Gravitic (STL) Class A Space 100,000 mph
80.00 lbs 1.00 T 2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00 T
$7,500.00 $25,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 $50,000,000.00
Gravitic (STL) Class B Space 50,000 mph
40.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 1.00 T 6.00 T 40.00 T
$5,625.00 $18,750.00 $375,000.00 $3,750,000.00 $37,500,000.00
Gravitic (STL) Class C Space 25,000 ,mph
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T
$3,825.00 $12,750.00 $255,000.00 $2,550,000.00 $25,500,000.00
Gravitic (STL) Class D Space 1,000 mph
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T
$382.50 $1,275.00 $25,500.00 $255,000.00 $2,550,000.00
Gravitic Tweak Per +100 mph
2.00 lbs 50.00 lbs 100.00 lbs 600.00 lbs 2.00 T
$100,500.00 $335,000.00 $6,700,000.00 $67,000,000.00 $670,000,000.00
Hyperdrive Class A Ftl 1.000,000 Ly/D
160.00 lbs 2.00 T 4.00 T 24.00 T 160.00 T
$49,875.00 $166,250.00 $3,325,000.00 $33,250,000.00 $332,500,000.00
Hyperdrive Class B Ftl 325,000 Ly/D
160.00 lbs 2.00 T 4.00 T 24.00 T 160.00 T
$25,507.50 $85,025.00 $1,700,500.00 $17,005,000.00 $170,050,000.00
Hyperdrive Class C Ftl 100 Ly/D
80.00 lbs 1.00 T 2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00 T
$2,550.75 $8,502.50 $170,050.00 $1,705,000.00 $17,050,000.00
Hyperdrive Tweak Per +10 Ly/D
8.00 lbs 200,00 lbs 400.00 lbs 1.20 T 8.00 T
$2,250.00 $7,500.00 $150,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $15,000,000.00
Jump Gate Drive Instant Travel between Jump Gates
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T
$26,265.00 $87,550.00 $1,751,000.00 $17,510,000.00 $175,100,000.00
Gate Generator Class A Create Temporary Gate up to 200 Ly away
160.00 lbs 2.00 T 4.00 T 24.00 T 160.00 T
$15,000.00 $50,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 $100,000,000.00
Gate Generator Class B Create Temporary Gate up to 100 Ly away
80.00 lbs 1.00 T 2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00 T
$14,625.00 $48,750.00 $975,000.00 $9,750,000.00 $97,500,000.00
Gate Generator Class C Create Temporary Gate up to 50 Ly away
80.00 lbs 1.00 T 2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00 T
$1,462.50 $4,875.00 $97,500.00 $9,75,000.00 $9,750,000.00
Gate Generator Tweak Per +10 Ly
8.00 lbs 200.00 lbs 400.00 lbs 1.20 T 8.00 T
$24,757.00 $82,525.00 $1,650,500.00 $16,505,000.00 $165,050,000.00
Warp Drive Class A Ftl 100 Ly/D
80.00 lbs 1.00 T 2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00 T
$13,125.00 $43,750.00 $875,000.00 $8,750,000.00 $87,5000,000.00
Warp Drive Class B Ftl 50 Ly/D
80.00 lbs 1.00 T 2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00 T
$12,825.00 $42,750.00 $855,000.00 $8,550,000.00 $85,500,000.00
Warp Drive Class C Ftl 10 Ly/D
80.00 lbs 1.00 T 2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00 T
$1,282.50 $4,275.00 $85,500.00 $8550,00.00 $855,0000.00
Warp Drive Tweak Per +1 Ly/D
8.00 lbs 200.00 lbs 400.00 lbs 1.20 T 8.00 T
$12,750.00 $42,500.00 $850,000.00 $8,500,000.00 $85,00,000.00 Unlimited instantaneous range in time
Z-Class Vortex Drive
1,600.00 lbs 4.00 T 8.00 T 48.00 T 320.00 T and space

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Unrestricted Space Vehicle Features
Feature Personal Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Notes
$2,250.00 $7,500.00 $150,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $15,000,000.00 Alleviates Hunger, Thirst, and Suffo-
Agro Facility
10.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T cation, very high maintenance
$1,500.00 $5,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00
Arm and Manipulator Can lift 1 Weight Increment
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T
+1 to Handling, Ship regenerates 1
Biotech $3,165.00 $10,500.00 $211,000.00 $2,110,000.00 $21,100,000.00 lost Shrug per hour, regrows lost/
destroyed systems (and ammunition)
Combination $75, 00.00 $25,000.00 $5 0,000.00 $5,000,000.00 $50,000,000.00 Vehicle combines with other vehicles
$2,520.00 $8,400.00 $168,000.00 $1,680,000.00 $16,800,000.00
Comm, Civilian Class A Range of 100 Ly
15.00 lbs 750.00 lbs 1,500.00 lbs 4.50 T 30.00 T
$1,320.00 $4,400.00 $88,000.00 $880,000.00 $8,800,000.00
Comm, Civilian Class B Range of 1 Ly
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T
$2,925.00 $9,750.00 $195,000.00 $1,950,000.00 $19,500,000.00 -5 to be Intercepted or Interpreted,
Comm, Military Class A
15.00 lbs 750.00 lbs 1,500.00 lbs 4.50 T 30.00 T Range of 500 Ly
$1,725.00 $5,750.00 $115,000.00 $1,150,000.00 $11,500,000.00 -5 to be Intercepted or Interpreted,
Comm, Military Class B
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T Range of 5 Ly
$2,325.00 $7,750.00 $155,000.00 $1,550,000.00 $15,500,000.00
Construction Bay +3 to all Shipbuilding tasks
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T
One crew station is crewed by an
Conversion Frame $3,000.00 $10,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $20,000,000.00 installed Modular Pod, bio or data;
+3 to all Ship-related rolls
$1,200.00 $4,000.00 $80,000.00 $800,000.00 $8,000,000.00 Central Vehicle Computer, Use Com-
Data System
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T puter at +3, -5 to “Hack”
$375.00 $1,250.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 Per prisoner held. -1 to Computers,
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T Escapology Lockpicking and Security
Interior of the vehicle is not in the
$15,000.00 $50,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 $100,000,000.00
Dimensional same dimension as the exterior of the
5.00 T 10.00 T 60.00 T 400.00 T
400.00 lbs vehicle
Environmental Controls $300.00 $1,000.00 $20,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,000,000.00 Protection from discomforts
Escape System $750.00 $2,500.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 Optimization for emergency escape
$1,125.00 $3,750.00 $75,000.00 $750,000.00 $7,500,000.00 +3 to Computers, Cybernetics, Elec-
Fabrication Bay
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T tronics, Fabrication, Repair
Facility for 4 wi worth of vehicles, +3
Hangar Space $270.00 $900.00 $18,000.00 $180,000.00 $1,800,000.00
to repair/maintain vehicles
$187.50 $625.00 $12,500.00 $125,000.00 $1,250,000.00 Holds 1 wi of weapons on outside of
Hardpoint (External)
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T vehicle, covers 1 arc
Hardpoint (External, $93.75 $312.5 $6,250.00 $62,500.00 $625,000.00 Holds 1 wi of weapons on outside of
Fixed) 5.00 lbs 125.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 1,500.00 lbs 5.00 T vehicle, unidirectional
$262.50 $875.00 $17,500.00 $175,000.00 $1,750,000.00 Holds 1 wi of weapons on inside of
Hardpoint (Internal)
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T vehicle, covers 1 arc
Hardpoint (Internal, $131.25 $437.50 $8,750.00 $87,500.00 $875,000.00 Holds 1 wi of weapons on inside of
Fixed) 5.00 lbs 125.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 1,500.00 lbs 5.00 T vehicle, unidirectional
$337.50 $1,125.00 $22,500.00 $225,000.00 $2,250,000.00 Holds 1 wi of weapons in movable
Hardpoint (Turret)
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T turret, covers 2 arcs
Illumination Systems $225.00 $750.00 $30,000.00 $300,000.00 $3,000,000.00 Lights inside and outside of vehicle
$2,775.00 $9,250.00 $185,000.00 $1,850,000.00 $18,500,000.00 Protects against vacuum and dis-
Life Support (Limited)
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T comfort
$4,950.00 $16,500.00 $330,000.00 $3,300,00.00 $33,000,000.00 Protects against vacuum, provides
Life Support (Long Term)
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T nutrition/hydration
Luxury Fittings $375.00 $1,250.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 Vehicle has exquisite styling
Allows Martial Artist to control
M.A.R.S. System $4,500.00 $15,000.00 $300,000.00 $3,000,000.00 $30,000,000.00 vehicle weapon systems, add Martial
Arts abilities
$14,700.00 $49,000.00 $980,000.00 $9,800,000.00 $98,000,000.00
Mat-Trans Class A Transports 10 wi, Range 1 Ly
100.00 lbs 1.25 T 2.50 T 15.00 T 100.00 T
$7,335.00 $24,900.00 $489,000.00 $4,890,000.00 $48,900,000.00
Mat-Trans Class B Transports 5 wi, Range 300,000 mi
50.00 lbs 1,250.00 lbs 1.25 T 7.50 T 50.00 T

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Unrestricted Space Vehicle Features (Continued)
Feature Personal Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Notes
$2,370.00 $7,900.00 $158,000.00 $1,580,000.00 $15,800,000.00
Mat-Trans Class C Transports 1 wi, Range 100 mi
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T
$175,522.50 $585,075.00 $11,701,500.00 $117,015,000.00 $1,170,150,000.00
Mat-Trans Class Cargo Transports 200 wi, Range 300,000 mi
10.00 T 250.00 T 500.00 T 3,000.00 T 20,000.00 T
$1,620.00 $5,400.00 $108,000.00 $1,080,000.00 $10,800,000.00
Mat-Trans Emergency Transports 1 wi, Range 1 mi
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T
$10,500,000.00 $105,000,000.00 $1,050,000,000.00
Medical Bay Class A $157,500.00 $525,000.00 50 Patients
12.50 T 75.00 T 500.00 T
$78,750.00 $262,500.00 $5,250,000.00 $52,500,000.00 $525,000,000.00
Medical Bay Class B 25 Patients
250.00 lbs 3.13 T 6.25 T 37.5 T 250.00 T
$31,500.00 $105,000.00 $2,100,000.00 $21,000,000.00 $210,000,000.00
Medical Bay Class C 10 Patients
500.00 lbs 6.25 T 12.50 T 15.00 T 100.00 T
$6,300.00 $21,000.00 $420,000.00 $4,200,000.00 $42,000,000.00
Medical Bay, Emergency 2 Patients
200.00 lbs 0.25 T 0.50 T
$836.25 $2,787.50 $55,750.00 $557,500.00 $5,575,000.00 Allows for tasks necessary to engage
Mining Gear
30.00 lbs 750.00 lbs 1,500.00 lbs 4.50 T 30.00 T in mining operations
This is a modular component of a
Module $300.00 $1,000.00 $20,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,000,000.00
Allows Psionicist to focus their
Psionic Resonance $6,225.00 $20,750.00 $415,000.00 $4,150,000.00 $41,500,000.00 powers through ship: +3 handling,
magnify abilities
$7,500.00 $25,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 $50,000,000.00 Vehicle can transform into a different
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T vehicle
Recreation Facilities, $1,500.00 $5,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 Recreational areas, +2 to skills for
Actual 10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T entertainment and recreation
Recreation Facilities, Virtual recreational areas, +3 to skills
$2,325.00 $7,750.00 $155,000.00 $1,550,000.00 $15,500,000.00
Virtual for entertainment and recreation
Per crew station that can be operated
Remote Operation $1,500.00 $5,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00
(MUST Have Life Support: Long
Replication Enhancement $3,375.00 $11,250.00 $225,000.00 $2,250,000.00 $22,500,000.00 Term): Ship’s replication network can
provide 1 wi of Equipment per hour
Entire ship is a robot capable of crew-
Robotic Infrastructure $3,750.00 $12,500.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 $25,000,000.00
ing and repairing itself
Safety Engineering $3,750.00 $12,500.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 $25,000,000.00 +3 to survive emergencies
$2,325.00 $7,750.00 $155,000.00 $1,550,000.00 $15,500,000.00 +3 to all tasks involved in Search and
Search and Rescue Gear
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T Rescue operations
Sensors; Civilian Class A $13,507.00 $45,025.00 $900,500.00 $9,005,000.00 $90,050,000.00 Range of 100 Ly
Sensors; Explorer Class A $15,757.50 $55,525.00 $1,050,500.00 $10,505,000.00 $105,050,000.00 Range of 100 Ly, Science Upgrade
Sensors; Military Class A $15,757.50 $55,525.00 $1,050,500.00 $10,505,000.00 $105,050,000.00 Range of 100 Ly, Military Upgrade
Sensors; Civilian Class B $7,537.50 $25,125.00 $502,500.00 $5,025,000.00 $50,250,000.00 Range of 5 Ly
Sensors; Explorer Class B $9,787.50 $32,625.00 $652,500.00 $6,525,000.00 $65,250,000.00 Range of 5 Ly, Science Upgrade

Sensors; Military Class B $9,787.50 $32,625.00 $652,500.00 $6,525,000.00 $65,250,000.00 Range of 5 Ly, Military Upgrade

Sensors, Superior $18,015.00 $60,050.00 $1,201,000.00 $12,010,000.00 $120,100,000.00 Range 200 Ly, Science, Military
Stealth Class A $1,500.00 $5,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 -10 to Vision and Scanners
Stealth Class B $750.00 $2,500.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 -5 to Vision and Scanners
Stealth Class C $375.00 $1,250.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 -5 to Scanners
Style & Paint, Classic $225.00 $750.00 $15,000.00 $150,000.00 $1,500,000.00 +3 to Styling
Style & Paint, Custom $375.00 $1,250.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 +5 to Styling
Style & Paint, Variable $1,125.00 $3,750.00 $75,000.00 $750,000.00 $7,500,000.00 Variable Styling, mimic up to +5
Allows Mage to focus their powers
Thaumatech $6,225.00 $20,750.00 $415,000.00 $4,150,000.00 $41,500,000.00 through ship: +3 handling, magnify
Vehicle can shift form to gain bene-
Variable Geometry $1,950.00 $6,500.00 $130,000.00 $1,300,000.00 $13,000,000.00
fits (faster OR more Maneuverable)

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Custom Power and Drive Systems
It is possible to make your own Power and Drive Sys- moves along the ground on wheels... that’s free). This
tems from Scratch. Power Systems require the pur- could be Hovering Ground Effect, Atmospheric Flight,
chase of a base Range (which is listed in feet) and then Slower than Light Space Drive, Faster than Light
buying a Range Modifier to cover the distance you Drive, or even Legs (this would allow one to make Me-
would like your Power System to carry a vehicle be- cha suits or other exotic vehicles).
fore refill/refuel/maintenance. As a rule of thumb,
most Power Systems can be completely refueled at a Then a base speed, in Feet per turn is purchased; final-
cost equal to one percent (1%) of their total cost. ly, Speed Modifiers can change the Feet per Turn into
Miles per Hour or even greater speed.
Purchasing a Drive System means starting with an
Alternate Move Feature; no matter how the Vehi- You never know when you’re going to need some
cle moves, it requires one of these (unless the vehicle landing/walking legs for a space ship, after all.
Space Vehicle Statistic Features
Vehicle Statistic Personal Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Notes
Alternate Move $750.00 $2,500.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 +1 wi
Range $7.50 $25.00 $500.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00

Range in Miles $1,500.00 $5,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 +1 wi

Range in 100’s of Miles $3,000.00 $10,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $20,000,000.00 +2 wi

Range in 100,000’s of Miles $6,000.00 $20,000.00 $400,000.00 $4,000,000.00 $40,000,000.00 +4 wi

Range in Ly $12,000.00 $40,000.00 $800,000.00 $8,000,000.00 $80,000,000.00 +8 wi

Range in 100’s of Ly $24,000.00 $80,000.00 $1,600,000.00 $16,000,000.00 $160,000,000.00 +16 wi

Speed Base $7.50 $25.00 $500.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00

Speed Multiple (Muscle) $750.00 $2,500.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00

Speed in MPH $1,500.00 $5,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 +1 wi

Speed in 100’s of MPH $3,000.00 $10,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $20,000,000.00 +2 wi

Speed in 100,000’s of MPH $6,000.00 $20,000.00 $400,000.00 $4,000,000.00 $40,000,000.00 +4 wi

Speed in Ly/D $12,000.00 $40,000.00 $800,000.00 $8,000,000.00 $80,000,000.00 +8 wi

Speed in 100’s of Ly/D $24,000.00 $80,000.00 $1,600,000.00 $16,000,000.00 $160,000,000.00 +16 wi

Alternate Move: The default movement for vehicles refueled/resupplied. On larger vehicles, may refer
is wheeled movement along the ground. If the vehicle to consumables such as potable water and food rath-
has another mode of movement, such as being driven er than fuel. For substantially greater Ranges, use the
across water with sails, or through the air with an air- Range in MPH feature (below).
bag and propeller, this Feature is required. For each
time this Feature is purchased, the vehicle has an ad- Range in Miles: When purchased, this Feature causes
ditional mode of travel. If the vehicle can ALSO trav- a vehicles Range to be measured in miles rather than
el on ground using wheels, as well as having another feet; i.e. a vehicle with a ten (10) foot range would then
mode, this Feature must be purchased for the wheeled have a ten (10) mile range. Adds one weight increment
ground movement as well. Each mode of Alternate to vehicle weight.
Movement (including wheeled ground movement if it
is an additional mode of movement) adds one Weight Range in 100’s of Miles: When purchased, this Feature
Increment to the vehicle’s weight. causes a vehicles Range to be measured in hundreds of
miles rather than feet; i.e. a vehicle with a ten (10) foot
Armor Shrugs: The vehicle has (an) Armor Shrug(s) range would then have a one thousand (1,000) mile
of its own, and is inherently more difficult to damage. range. Adds two weight increments to vehicle weight.
Each Armor Shrug added adds one Weight Increment.
Range in 100,000’s of Miles: When purchased, this
Cargo (per pound): Purchased per pound of Cargo Feature causes a vehicles Range to be measured in
Range: Purchased per foot of Range the vehicle has hundreds of thousands of miles rather than feet; i.e.
- the distance the vehicle can travel before it must be a vehicle with a ten (10) foot range would then have a

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
one million (1,000,000) mile range. Adds four weight volved a Shrug, and average Stamina plus Tough-
increments to vehicle weight. ness rolls every ten minutes (rather than per hour),
with a penalty of minus one (-1) per ten minutes of
Range in Light Years: When purchased, this Feature effort (in a row). Failing these rolls costs each crew
causes a vehicles Range to be measured in light years member a Shrug of Damage. It is entirely possible
rather than feet; i.e. a vehicle with a ten (10) foot range to kill a crew by working them too hard.
would then have a ten (10) light year range. Adds
eight weight increments to vehicle weight. If a vehicle doesn’t have enough crew to man all
of its Muscle-powered Crew Stations (due to Crew
Range in 100’s of Light Years: When purchased, this dying off from being over-worked, for instance),
Feature causes a vehicles Range to be measured in the vehicle may experience a loss in Speed perfor-
hundreds of light years rather than feet; i.e. a vehicle mance. As a general rule, the percentage of Crew
with a ten (10) foot range would then have a one thou- that is missing is the percentage of Speed that is
sand (1,000) light year range. Adds sixteen weight in- lost.
crements to vehicle weight.
For Example: A vessel that runs at twenty (20) miles
Speed Base: This Feature is purchased per Foot per per hour with a full crew of four (4) Muscle-power crew
Turn of the vehicle’s Speed; i.e., purchasing this Fea- loses one of their muscle crew. One crew member is
ture ten (10) times would net a vehicle that moves ten twenty-five percent (25%) of the Muscle-power crew, so
(10) feet per turn. To make drastically faster vehicles, the vehicle now travels at twenty-five percent (25%) less
add the Speed in MPH Feature (below). of its speed, or fifteen (15) miles per hour. (100 - 25 =
75. 20 x 0.75 = 15).
Speed Multiple (Muscle): This feature is purchased
per Multiple of the crew’s Strength statistic per Foot Speed in MPH: When purchased, this Feature causes a
per Turn of the vehicle’s Speed; i.e., purchasing this vehicles Speed to be measured in miles per hour rath-
Feature three (3) times would net a vehicle that moves er than feet; per turn i.e. a vehicle with a speed of ten
three times (3x) the Crew’s average Strength stat in (10) feet per turn would then have a speed of ten (10)
Feet per Turn. To make drastically faster vehicles, add miles per hour. Adds one weight increment to vehicle
the Speed in MPH Feature (below). weight.
When designing a muscle-powered vehicle, one Speed in 100’s of MPH: When purchased, this Feature
is making a vehicle that is powered by the effort causes a vehicles Speed to be measured in hundreds of
of the crew. The vehicle’s Speed is expressed as miles per hour rather than feet; per turn i.e. a vehicle
a multiple of the averaged Strength stats of the with a speed of ten (10) feet per turn would then have
crew members providing the muscle-power, each a speed of one thousand (1,000) miles per hour. Adds
of which must have a Crew Space from which to two weight increments to vehicle weight.
exert their effort. Personal vehicles can generally
be powered by one (1) Crew Member’s strength, Speed in 100,000’s of MPH: When purchased, this Fea-
Medium Vehicles may need two (2) to ten (10) crew ture causes a vehicles Speed to be measured in miles
members or more, while Large Vehicles (such as per hour rather than feet; per turn i.e. a vehicle with a
oar-driven ships) may require twenty (20), thirty speed of ten (10) feet per turn would then have a speed
(30), or even a hundred (100) people to drive it! of one million (1,000,000) miles per hour. Adds four
Regardless of how many crew are involved in the weight increments to vehicle weight.
work, the speed is still based on the multiple of the
average of their strengths. Speed in Light Years per Day: When purchased, this
Feature causes a vehicles Speed to be measured in
The Range of a muscle-powered vehicle isn’t so miles per hour rather than feet; per turn i.e. a vehicle
much measured in distance as in time; a crew can with a speed of ten (10) feet per turn would then have
operate a vehicle for one (1) hour without too much a speed of ten (10) light years per day. Adds eight
difficulty. Past that, a roll is made on the crew’s weight increments to vehicle weight.
average Stamina plus Toughness once an hour to
continue, with a penalty equal to the total number Speed in Hundreds of Light Years per Day: When
of hours (in a row) they have been driving the ve- purchased, this Feature causes a vehicles Speed to be
hicle. A success means another hour of operation; measured in miles per hour rather than feet; per turn
a failure means the crew must rest for one hour i.e. a vehicle with a speed of ten (10) feet per turn
per hour (in a row) they have been working before would then have a speed of one thousand (1,000) light
continuing on. Driving a crew to continue before years per day. Adds sixteen weight increments to ve-
this rest period is over costs each crew member in- hicle weight.
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Vehicle Weight Class

Mode DR Shrugs Armor Handling Speed Range Crew Pass. Cargo Weight Cost



Weapons/Weapon-Like Systems
Weapon Acc Dam Range Shots Weight Kick AP DR Shrugs Cost

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Agility Task Roll
Dexterity Notice
Physical Resistance
Shrugs Mental Resistance
Initiative Parry/Strike
DR Strength-Based Damage
Armor Shrugs ATTACK Dam Roll
Risk Grapple Grap.
Running Speed
Punch (w/ claws)
S Broad Jump
R Broad Jump
S High Jump
R High Jump
Dead Lift
Base Throw

Abilities/Equipment Merits Flaws


Acrobatics Art Animal
Climbing Cleaning Automotive
Extreme Sports Construction Capital Craft
Lifting Cooking Crew Vessel
Running Dancing Fighter Craft
Sports Fabrication Ground Effect
Swimming Music Gunnery
Throwing Repair Helicopter
Zero-G Ropework Instruments
COMBAT Sewing Jet Pack
Bows Styling Mecha
Firearms, Short KNOWLEDGE Remotes
Firearms, Long Academics Tracked
Grappling Biology Transport Craft
Hand to Hand Chemistry Ultra-Light
Martial Damage Computers SPECIAL
Melee Cybernetics Do Magic
Toughness Electronics Martial Arts
ESPIONAGE Engineering Use Mechanica
Acting Genetics Use Powers
Business Law Use Psionics
Communicate Lore: Aliens
Cryptography Lore: Enigmas
Demolition Lore: Magic
NOTES Escapology Medicine

Military Science


Lockpicking Navigation



Seduction Physics

Sleight of Hand Psychology





Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Space Vehicle Frameworks
Vehicle Size Base DR Base Shrugs Base Weight Weight Increment Multiple
Personal 25 6 50.00 lbs 10.00 lbs x 0.15
Medium 30 10 1,000.00 lbs 250.00 lbs x 0.50
Small Craft 30 10 2,000.00 lbs 500.00 lbs x 10.00
Large Craft 35 15 20,000.00 lbs 3,000.00 lbs x 100.00
Massive 40 20 100,000.00 lbs 20,000.00 lbs x 1,000.00

Space Vehicle Statistics

Feature Personal Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Notes
Cargo Capacity $11.25 $37.50 $750.00 $7,500.00 $75,000.00 Per +1 Weight Increment of capacity
(Basic) 10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 20.00 T carried inside the hull
Cargo Capacity $5.63 $18.75 $375.00 $3,750.00 $37,500.00 Per +1 Weight Increment of capacity
(Lift Only) 5.00 lbs 125.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 1,500.00 lbs 10.00 T carried outside the hull
$150.00 $500.00 $10,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 Operating space for (a) crew mem-
Crew Space(s)
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 20.00 T ber(s)
Handling $75.00 $250.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 Per +1 to the Piloting skill
$300.00 $1,000.00 $20,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,000,000.00
Hull Armor Per +1 Armor Shrug
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 20.00 T
$37.50 $125.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00
Hull Durability Per +1 DR
2.00 lbs 50.00 lbs 100.00 lbs 600.00 lbs 2.00 T
$750.00 $2,500.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00
Hull Strength Per +1 Material Shrug
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 20.00 T
$75.00 $250.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00
Passenger Space(s) Space for (a) passenger(s)
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 20.00 T

Vehicle Weight Class Hard Point Capacity Basic AI Programs Cost

Personal 10.00 lbs Class A $216,000.00
Medium 250.00 lbs Class B $140,000.00
Small Craft 500.00 lbs Class C $33,000.00
Large Craft 1.50 T
Massive 10.00 T
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Power Systems
Feature Personal Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Notes
$6,037.50 $20,125.00 $402,500.00 $4,025,000.00 $40,250,000.00
Fuel Cell Class A Range 50,000 Miles
40.00 lbs 1,000 lbs 1.00 T 6.00 T 40.00 T
$4,875.00 $16,250.00 $325,000.00 $3,250,000.00 $32,500,000.00
Fuel Cell Class B Range 25,000 Miles
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T
$2,250.00 $7,500.00 $150,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $15,000,000.00
Fuel Cell Class C Range 100 Miles
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T
$225.00 $750.00 $15,000.00 $150,000.00 1,500,000.00
Fuel Cell Tweak per additional 10 Miles
1.00 lb 25.00 lbs 50.00 lbs 600.00 lbs 1.00 T
$20,500,000.00 $205,000,000.00
Reactor Class A Range 2,500 Light Years
12.00 T 80.00 T
$1,300,000.00 $13,000,000.00 $130,000,000.00
Reactor Class B Range 1,000 Light Years
2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00.T
$42,500.00 $850,000.00 $8,500,000.00 $85,000,000.00
Reactor Class C Range 100 Light Years
1.00 T 2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00 T
$4,250.00 $85,000.00 $850,000.00 $8,500,000.00 per additional 10 Light
Reactor Tweak
200.00 lbs 400.00 lbs 1.20 T 8.00 T Years
$266,000,000.00 $2,660,000,000.00
Exotic System Class A Range 5,000,000 Light Years
24.00 T 160.00 T
$4,100,000.00 $41,000,000.00 $410,000,000.00
Exotic System Class B Range 50,000 Light Years
4.00 T 24.00 T 160.00 T
$81,250.00 $1,625,000.00 $16,250,000.00 $162,500,000.00
Exotic System Class C Range 5,000 Light years
2.00 T 4.00 T 24.00 T 160.00 T
$8,125.00 $162,500.00 $1,625,000.00 $16,250,000.00
Exotic System Tweak per additional 500 Light Years
400.00 lbs 800.00 lbs 2.40 T 16.00 T
$51,650,000.00 $516,500.000.00 $5,165,000,000.00
Exotic Reactor Hybrid Range 10,000,000 Light Years
1.50 T 9.00 T 60.00 T
Exotic Reactor Hybrid $5,165,000.00 $51,650,000.00 $516,500,000.00 Per additional 1,000,000
Tweak 300.00 lbs 1,800.00 lbs 6.00 T Light Years
String Resonance $7,531,875.0 $25,106,250.00 $502,125,000.00 $5,021,250,000.00 $50,212,500,000.00
Range Effectively Unlimited
Chamber 110.00 lbs 1.38 T 2.75 T 16.50 T 110.00 T

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Feature Personal Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Notes
$4,050.00 $13,500.00 $270,000.00 $2,700,000.00 $27,000,000.00
Atmospheric Class A Atmospheric 4,000 mph (Mach 5)
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T
$3,810.00 $12,700.00 $254,000.00 $2,540,000.00 $25,400,000.00
Atmospheric Class B Atmospheric 800 mph (Mach I)
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T
$3,000.00 $10,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $20,000,000.00
Atmospheric Class C Atmospheric 100 mph
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T
$300.00 $1,000.00 $20,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,000,000.00
Atmospheric Tweak Per +10 mph
2.00 lbs 50.00 lbs 100.00 lbs 600.00 lbs 2.00 T
$37,500.00 $750,000.00 $7,500,000.00 $75,000,000.00
Gravitic (STL) Class A Space 100,000 mph
1.00 T 2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00 T
$7,500.00 $25,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 $50,000,000.00
Gravitic (STL) Class B Space 50,000 mph
40.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 1.00 T 6.00 T 40.00 T
$5,625.00 $18,750.00 $375,000.00 $3,750,000.00 $37,500,000.00
Gravitic (STL) Class C Space 25,000 ,mph
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T
$3,825.00 $12,750.00 $255,000.00 $2,550,000.00 $25,500,000.00
Gravitic (STL) Class D Space 1,000 mph
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T
$382.50 $1,275.00 $25,500.00 $255,000.00 $2,550,000.00
Gravitic Tweak Per +100 mph
2.00 lbs 50.00 lbs 100.00 lbs 600.00 lbs 2.00 T
$6,700,000.00 $67,000,000.00 $670,000,000.00
Hyperdrive Class A Ftl 1.000,000 Ly/D
4.00 T 24.00 T 160.00 T
$166,250.00 $3,325,000.00 $33,250,000.00 $332,500,000.00
Hyperdrive Class B Ftl 325,000 Ly/D
2.00 T 4.00 T 24.00 T 160.00 T
$25,507.50 $85,025.00 $1,700,500.00 $17,005,000.00 $170,050,000.00
Hyperdrive Class C Ftl 100 Ly/D
80.00 lbs 1.00 T 2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00 T
$2,550.75 $8,502.50 $170,050.00 $1,705,000.00 $17,050,000.00
Hyperdrive Tweak Per +10 Ly/D
8.00 lbs 200,00 lbs 400.00 lbs 1.20 T 8.00 T
$2,250.00 $7,500.00 $150,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $15,000,000.00
Jump Gate Drive Instant Travel between Jump Gates
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T
$1,751,000.00 $17,510,000.00 $175,100,000.00
Gate Generator Class A Create Temporary Gate up to 200 Ly away
4.00 T 24.00 T 160.00 T
$1,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 $100,000,000.00
Gate Generator Class B Create Temporary Gate up to 100 Ly away
2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00 T
$975,000.00 $9,750,000.00 $97,500,000.00
Gate Generator Class C Create Temporary Gate up to 50 Ly away
2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00 T
$97,500.00 $9,75,000.00 $9,750,000.00
Gate Generator Tweak Per +10 Ly
400.00 lbs 1.20 T 8.00 T
$16,505,000.00 $165,050,000.00
Warp Drive Class A Ftl 100 Ly/D
12.00 T 80.00 T
$875,000.00 $8,750,000.00 $87,5000,000.00
Warp Drive Class B Ftl 50 Ly/D
2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00 T
$42,750.00 $855,000.00 $8,550,000.00 $85,500,000.00
Warp Drive Class C Ftl 10 Ly/D
1.00 T 2.00 T 12.00 T 80.00 T
$4,275.00 $85,500.00 $8550,00.00 $855,0000.00
Warp Drive Tweak Per +1 Ly/D
200.00 lbs 400.00 lbs 1.20 T 8.00 T
$12,750.00 $42,500.00 $850,000.00 $8,500,000.00 $85,000,000.00 Unlimited instantaneous range in time
Z-Class Vortex Drive
1,600.00 lbs 4.00 T 8.00 T 48.00 T 320.00 T and space

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Space Vehicle Features
Feature Personal Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Notes
$7,500.00 $150,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $15,000,000.00 Alleviates Hunger, Thirst, and Suffo-
Agro Facility
500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T cation, very high maintenance
$1,500.00 $5,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00
Arm and Manipulator Can lift 1 Weight Increment
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T
+1 to Handling, Ship regenerates 1
Biotech $3,165.00 $10,500.00 $211,000.00 $2,110,000.00 $21,100,000.00 lost Shrug per hour, regrows lost/
destroyed systems (and ammunition)
Combination $75, 00.00 $25,000.00 $5 0,000.00 $5,000,000.00 $50,000,000.00 Vehicle combines with other vehicles
$8,400.00 $168,000.00 $1,680,000.00 $16,800,000.00
Comm, Civilian Class A Range of 100 Ly
750.00 lbs 1,500.00 lbs 4.50 T 30.00 T
$1,320.00 $4,400.00 $88,000.00 $880,000.00 $8,800,000.00
Comm, Civilian Class B Range of 1 Ly
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T
$9,750.00 $195,000.00 $1,950,000.00 $19,500,000.00 -5 to be Intercepted or Interpreted,
Comm, Military Class A
750.00 lbs 1,500.00 lbs 4.50 T 30.00 T Range of 500 Ly
$1,725.00 $5,750.00 $115,000.00 $1,150,000.00 $11,500,000.00 -5 to be Intercepted or Interpreted,
Comm, Military Class B
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T Range of 5 Ly
$1,550,000.00 $15,500,000.00
Construction Bay +3 to all Shipbuilding tasks
3.00 T 20.00 T
One crew station is crewed by an
Conversion Frame $3,000.00 $10,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $20,000,000.00 installed Modular Pod, bio or data;
+3 to all Ship-related rolls
$1,200.00 $4,000.00 $80,000.00 $800,000.00 $8,000,000.00 Central Vehicle Computer, Use Com-
Data System
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T puter at +3, -5 to “Hack”
$1,250.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 Per prisoner held. -1 to Computers,
250.00 lbs 500.00 1.50 T 10.00 T Escapology Lockpicking and Security
Interior of the vehicle is not in the
1,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 100,000,000.00
Dimensional same dimension as the exterior of the
10.00 T 60.00 T 400.00 T
Environmental Controls $300.00 $1,000.00 $20,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,000,000.00 Protection from discomforts
Escape System $2,500.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 Optimization for emergency escape
$3,750.00 $75,000.00 $750,000.00 $7,500,000.00 +3 to Computers, Cybernetics, Elec-
Fabrication Bay
250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T tronics, Fabrication, Repair
Facility for 4 wi worth of vehicles, +3
Hangar Space $900.00 $18,000.00 $180,000.00 $1,800,000.00
to repair/maintain vehicles
$187.50 $625.00 $12,500.00 $125,000.00 $1,250,000.00 Holds 1 wi of weapons on outside of
Hardpoint (External)
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T vehicle, covers 1 arc
Hardpoint (External, $93.75 $312.5 $6,250.00 $62,500.00 $625,000.00 Holds 1 wi of weapons on outside of
Fixed) 5.00 lbs 125.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 1,500.00 lbs 5.00 T vehicle, unidirectional
$262.50 $875.00 $17,500.00 $175,000.00 $1,750,000.00 Holds 1 wi of weapons on inside of
Hardpoint (Internal)
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T vehicle, covers 1 arc
Hardpoint (Internal, $131.25 $437.50 $8,750.00 $87,500.00 $875,000.00 Holds 1 wi of weapons on inside of
Fixed) 5.00 lbs 125.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 1,500.00 lbs 5.00 T vehicle, unidirectional
$1,125.00 $22,500.00 $225,000.00 $2,250,000.00 Holds 1 wi of weapons in movable
Hardpoint (Turret()
500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 20.00 T turret, covers 2 arcs
Illumination Systems $225.00 $750.00 $30,000.00 $300,000.00 $3,000,000.00 Lights inside and outside of vehicle
$2,775.00 $9,250.00 $185,000.00 $1,850,000.00 $18,500,000.00 Protects against vacuum and dis-
Life Support (Limited)
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T comfort
$330,000.00 $3,300,00.00 $33,000,000.00 Protects against vacuum, provides
Life Support (Long Term)
500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T nutrition/hydration
Luxury Fittings $375.00 $1,250.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 Vehicle has exquisite styling
Allows Martial Artist to control
M.A.R.S. System $4,500.00 $15,000.00 $300,000.00 $3,000,000.00 $30,000,000.00 vehicle weapon systems, add Martial
Arts abilities
$49,000.00 $980,000.00 $9,800,000.00 $98,000,000.00
Mat-Trans Class A Transports 10 wi, Range 1 Ly
1.25 T 2.50 T 15.00 T 100.00 T
$24,900.00 $489,000.00 $4,890,000.00 $48,900,000.00
Mat-Trans Class B Transports 5 wi, Range 300,000 mi
1,250.00 lbs 1.25 T 7.50 T 50.00 T

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Space Vehicle Features (Continued)
Feature Personal Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Notes
$2,370.00 $7,900.00 $158,000.00 $1,580,000.00 $15,800,000.00
Mat-Trans Class C Transports 1 wi, Range 100 mi
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T
$11,701,500.00 $117,015,000.00 $1,170,150,000.00
Mat-Trans Class Cargo Transports 200 wi, Range 300,000 mi
500.00 T 3,000.00 T 20,000.00 T
$5,400.00 $108,000.00 $1,080,000.00 $10,800,000.00
Mat-Trans Emergency Transports 1 wi, Range 1 mi
250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T
$105,000,000.00 $1,050,000,000.00
Medical Bay Class A 50 Patients
75.00 T 500.00 T
$5,250,000.00 $52,500,000.00 $525,000,000.00
Medical Bay Class B 25 Patients
6.25 T 37.5 T 250.00 T
$2,100,000.00 $21,000,000.00 $210,000,000.00
Medical Bay Class C 10 Patients
2.50 T 15.00 T 100.00 T
$6,300.00 $21,000.00 $420,000.00
Medical Bay, Emergency 2 Patients
200.00 lbs 0.25 T 0.50 T
$836.25 $2,787.50 $55,750.00 $557,500.00 $5,575,000.00 Allows for tasks necessary to engage
Mining Gear
30.00 lbs 750.00 lbs 1,500.00 lbs 4.50 T 30.00 T in mining operations
This is a modular component of a
Module $300.00 $1,000.00 $20,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,000,000.00
Allows Psionicist to focus their
Psionic Resonance $6,225.00 $20,750.00 $415,000.00 $4,150,000.00 $41,500,000.00 powers through ship: +3 handling,
magnify abilities
$7,500.00 $25,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 $50,000,000.00 Vehicle can transform into a different
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T vehicle
Recreation Facilities, $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 Recreational areas, +2 to skills for
Actual 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T entertainment and recreation
Recreation Facilities, Virtual recreational areas, +3 to skills
$7,750.00 $155,000.00 $1,550,000.00 $15,500,000.00
Virtual for entertainment and recreation
Per crew station that can be operated
Remote Operation $1,500.00 $5,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00
(MUST Have Life Support: Long
Replication Enhancement $3,375.00 $11,250.00 $225,000.00 $2,250,000.00 $22,500,000.00 Term): Ship’s replication network can
provide 1 wi of Equipment per hour
Entire ship is a robot capable of crew-
Robotic Infrastructure $3,750.00 $12,500.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 $25,000,000.00
ing and repairing itself
Safety Engineering $3,750.00 $12,500.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 $25,000,000.00 +3 to survive emergencies
$2,325.00 $7,750.00 $155,000.00 $1,550,000.00 $15,500,000.00 +3 to all tasks involved in Search and
Search and Rescue Gear
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 10.00 T Rescue operations
Sensors; Civilian Class A $900,500.00 $9,005,000.00 $90,050,000.00 Range of 100 Ly
Sensors; Explorer Class A $1,050,500.00 $10,505,000.00 $105,050,000.00 Range of 100 Ly, Science Upgrade
Sensors; Military Class A $1,050,500.00 $10,505,000.00 $105,050,000.00 Range of 100 Ly, Military Upgrade
Sensors; Civilian Class B $25,125.00 $502,500.00 $5,025,000.00 $50,250,000.00 Range of 5 Ly
Sensors; Explorer Class B $32,625.00 $652,500.00 $6,525,000.00 $65,250,000.00 Range of 5 Ly, Science Upgrade

Sensors; Military Class B $32,625.00 $652,500.00 $6,525,000.00 $65,250,000.00 Range of 5 Ly, Military Upgrade

Sensors, Superior $1,201,000.00 $12,010,000.00 $120,100,000.00 Range 200 Ly, Science, Military
Stealth Class A $1,500.00 $5,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 -10 to Vision and Scanners
Stealth Class B $750.00 $2,500.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 -5 to Vision and Scanners
Stealth Class C $375.00 $1,250.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 -5 to Scanners
Style & Paint, Classic $225.00 $750.00 $15,000.00 $150,000.00 $1,500,000.00 +3 to Styling
Style & Paint, Custom $375.00 $1,250.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 +5 to Styling
Style & Paint, Variable $1,125.00 $3,750.00 $75,000.00 $750,000.00 $7,500,000.00 Variable Styling, mimic up to +5
Allows Mage to focus their powers
Thaumatech $6,225.00 $20,750.00 $415,000.00 $4,150,000.00 $41,500,000.00 through ship: +3 handling, magnify
Vehicle’s can shift form to gain bene-
Variable Geometry $1,950.00 $6,500.00 $130,000.00 $1,300,000.00 $13,000,000.00
fits (faster OR more maneuverable)

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Ship Feature “Tweaks”
Feature Personal Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Notes
$386.25 $1,287.50 $25,750.00 $257,500.00 $2,570,000.00
Arm Strength +5 Damage, Lift +1 Increment
20.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1,000.00 lbs 3.00 T 40.00 T
Cargo Concealment $75.00 $250.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 Per -1 penalty to detect Cargo
Comm Encryption $75.00 $250.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 per -1 to Intercept/Decrypt
$132.00 $440.00 $8,800.00 $88,000.00 $880,000.00
Comm Range per +1 Light Year of range
2.00 lbs 50.00 lbs 100.00 lbs 600.00 lbs 2.00 T
Data Enhancement $75.00 $250.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 Per +1 to Use Computer skill
Per additional -1 to Computer, Es-
Detention Quality $1,000.00 $20,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,000,000.00 capology, Lockpicking, and Security
$11.25 $37.50 $750.00 $7,500.00 $75,000.00
Hardpoint Capacity Per +1 Weight Increment of capacity
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 20.00 T
Hardpoint Concealment $75.00 $250.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 Per -1 penalty to detect Hardpoints
Mat-Trans Capacity $86.25 $287.50 $5,750.00 $57,500.00 $1,25,000.00 Per +1 Weight Increment of capacity
Mat-Trans Range $150.75 $502.50 $10,050.00 $100,500.00 $1,005,000.00 Per +1 Mile of range
Medical Bay Bonus $75.00 $250.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 Per +1 to Medicine rolls
$3,150.00 $10,500.00 $210,000.00 $2,100,000.00 $21,000,000.00
Medical Bay Capacity Per additional Bed
10.00 lbs 250.00 lbs 500.00 lbs 1.50 T 20.00 T
Per additional minor Condition
Medical Bay Curing $1,500.00 $5,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00
cured per hour
Per additional lost Shrug healed per
Medical Bay Healing $750.00 $2,500.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00
Sensor Bonus $75.00 $250.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 Per +1 to Instruments
Sensor Capability $750.00 $2,500.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 Per additional x sensed by sensors
Sensor Range $150.75 $502.50 $10,050.00 $100,500.00 $500,000.00 per +1 Light Year of range
Stealth Enhancement $75.00 $250.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 Per -1 to one type of Sense
Style Enhancement $75.00 $250.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 Per +1 bonus to impress/Intimidate

Flaw Personal Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Notes
Fragile -$750.00 -$2,500.00 -$50,000.00 -$500,000.00 -$5,000,000.00 -1 Shrug
General -1 -$75.00 -$250.00 -$5,000.00 -$50,000.00 -$500,000.00 -1 penalty to use item, can be taken up to 5 times
-3 to use whenever the GM thinks it would be
Glitchy -$225.00 -$750.00 -$15,000.00 -$150,000.00 -$1,500,000.00
Hangar Queen -$750.00 -$2,500.00 -$50,000.00 -$500,000.00 -$5,000,000.00
Hard to Maintain -$225.00 -$750.00 -$15,000.00 -$150,000.00 -$1,500,000.00 -3 to Repair
Cumulative -1 penalty for using multiple times
Kick -$15.00 -$50.00 -$1,000.00 -$10,000.00 -$100,000.00
in the same turn
Open -$2,250.00 -$7,500.00 -$150,000.00 -$1,500,000.00 -$15,000,000.00
When pushed, make (Stamina or Will) + Tough-
Stressful I -$187.50 -$625.00 -$12,500.00 -$125,000.00 -$1,250,000.00 ness roll - failure renders the user Unco with
When pushed, make (Stamina or Will) + Tough-
Stressful II -$1,612.50 -$5,375.00 -$107,500.00 -$1,075,000.00 -$10,750,000.00 ness roll - failure costs the user 1 point of Will to
Psychological Trauma
When pushed, make (Stamina or Will) + Tough-
ness roll - failure causes the occupants to save
Stressful III -$2,325.00 -$7,750.00 -$155,000.00 -$1,500,000.00 -$15,500,000.00 vs. Incoming Damage of 20, renders them Unco
with Shrugs (if they have Shrugs left), AND
costs them 1 point of Will to Psych. Trauma
Ugly -$75.00 -$250.00 -$5,000.00 -$50,000.00 -$500,000.00 -1 to Style, per
Weak -$187.50 -$625.00 -$12,500.00 -$125,000.00 -$1,250,000.00 -5 Damage Resistance (DR)

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Vehicle Weapons
Weapon Acc Dam Range Shots Weight Kick AP DR Shrugs Cost
+3 40 1 mi / 2 mi / 4 mi / 8 mi inf. 950.00 lbs -0 5 35 10 $1,135,500.00
Laser Cannon Class A
(Large Craft)
Autofire 10 (Variable), Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+3 30 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 / 8,000 inf. 250.00 lbs -0 5 30 8 $142,500.00

Laser Cannon Class B
(Small Craft)
Autofire 5 (Variable), Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+3 20 500 / 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 inf. 200.00 lbs -0 5 30 8 $102,000.00

Laser Cannon Class C
(Small Craft)
Autofire 3 (Variable), Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+2 50 1 mi / 2 mi / 4 mi / 8 mi inf. 1,050.00 lbs -0 7 35 10 $1,210,500.00

Blaster Cannon Class A
(Large Craft)
Autofire 5 (Variable), Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+2 40 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 / 8,000 inf. 300.00 lbs -0 7 30 8 $157,500.00

Blaster Cannon Class B
(Small Craft)
Autofire 5 (Variable), Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+2 30 500 / 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 inf. 250.00 lbs -0 7 30 8 $120,000.00

Blaster Cannon Class C
(Small Craft)
Autofire 5 (Variable), Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+4 80 2 mi / 4 mi / 8 / mi / 16 mi inf. 4.75 T -1 8 40 15 $15,270,000.00

Meson Cannon Class A
Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+4 70 1 mi / 2 mi / 4 mi / 8 mi inf. 1,250.00 lbs -1 8 35 10 $1,410,500.00

Meson Cannon Class B
(Large Craft)
Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+5 100 5 mi / 10 mi / 20 / mi / 40 mi inf. 9.50 T -2 10 50 20 $40,060,000.00

Quasar Cannon
Directed Energy, Powered by Vehicle

+3 - per torpedo 100 1,000.00 lbs -2 0 40 15 $6,500,000.00

Torp Launcher Class A
Autofire 10 (Variable), Launcher (Torps up to 1,000.00 lbs)

+3 - per torpedo 20 500.00 lbs -2 0 35 10 $175,000.00

Torp Launcher Class B
(Large Craft)
Autofire 5 (Variable), Launcher (Torps up to 500.00 lbs)

+3 - per torpedo 4 100.00 lbs -1 0 30 8 $7,000.00

Torp Launcher Class C
(Small Craft)
Launcher (Torps up to 100.00 lbs)

+3 75 10 mi / 20 mi / 40 mi / 80 mi - 1,000.00 lbs -0 5 35 10 $5,077,500.00

Photonic Torpedo Class A
(Large Craft)
Homing 10, Launched Projectile, Radius 10

+2 65 5 mi / 10 mi / 20 / mi / 40 mi - 450.00 lbs -0 5 30 8 $304,250.00

Photonic Torpedo Class B
(Small Craft)
Homing 5, Launched Projectile, Radius 7

+1 55 1 mi / 2 mi / 4 mi / 8 mi - 90.00 lbs -0 5 25 5 $45,010.00

Photonic Torpedo Class C
Homing 2, Launched Projectile, Radius 5

+3 70 10 mi / 20 mi / 40 mi / 80 mi - 950.00 lbs -0 6 35 10 $2,440,000.00

Plasma Torpedo Class A
(Large Craft)
Homing 3, Incendiary, Launched Projectile, Radius 10

+2 60 5 mi / 10 mi / 20 / mi / 40 mi - 425.00 lbs -0 6 30 8 $191,500.00

Plasma Torpedo Class B
(Small Craft)
Homing 2, Incendiary, Launched Projectile, Radius 5

+1 50 1 mi / 2 mi / 4 mi / 8 mi - 100.00 lbs -0 6 25 5 $44,760.00

Plasma Torpedo Class C
Homing 1, Incendiary, Launched Projectile

+2 20s 1 mi / 2 mi / 4 mi / 8 mi - 450.00 lbs -0 0 35 10 $923,000.00

Neutron Torpedo
(Large Craft)
Launched Projectile, Stuns, Radius 10

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Vehicle Weapon-Like Systems
Weapon Acc Dam Range Shots Weight Kick AP DR Shrugs Cost
+3 - - - 6.50 T 0 0 50 15 $16,250,000.00
Force Shield
Class A, Massive
10 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+2 - - - 3.50 T 0 0 45 15 $10.625.000.00
Force Shield
Class B, Massive
5 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+1 - - - 1.00 lbs 0 0 40 15 $6,000,000.00

Force Shield
Class C, Massive
1 Armor Shrug, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+3 - - - 1,700.00 lbs 0 0 45 10 $1,625,000.00

Force Shield
Class A, Large Craft 10 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+2 - - - 1,100.00 lbs 0 0 40 10 $1,062,500.00

Force Shield
Class B, Large Craft
5 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+1 - - - 600.00 lbs 0 0 35 10 $600,000.00

Force Shield
Class C, Large Craft
1 Armor Shrug, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+3 - - - 700.00 lbs 0 0 40 8 $162,500.00

Force Shield
Class A, Small Craft
10 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+2 - - - 400.00 lbs 0 0 35 8 $106,250.00

Force Shield
Class B, Small Craft
5 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+1 - - - 150.00 lbs 0 0 30 8 $60,000.00

Force Shield
Class C, Small Craft
1 Armor Shrug, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+3 - - - 290.00 lbs 0 0 35 5 $32,500.00

Force Shield
Class A, Medium
10 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+2 - - - 170.00 lbs 0 0 30 5 $21,250.00

Force Shield
Class B, Medium
5 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+1 - - - 70.00 lbs 0 0 25 5 $12,000.00

Force Shield
Class C, Medium
1 Armor Shrug, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+3 - - - 145.00 lbs 0 0 30 3 $16,250.00

Force Shield
Class A, Personal
10 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+2 - - - 85.00 lbs 0 0 25 3 $10,625.00

Force Shield
Class B, Personal
5 Armor Shrugs, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+1 - - - 42.50 lbs 0 0 20 3 $5,312.50

Force Shield
Class C, Personal
1 Armor Shrug, Force Field (General), Shots Powered by Vehicle

+3 - 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 / 8,000 - 10.00 T 0 0 40 15 $50,250,000.00

Tractor/Pressor Beam
Class A, Massive
Lift/Manipulate 25.00 T, Move 100 feet per turn, Powered by Vehicle

+2 - 500 / 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 - 8.00 T 0 0 40 15 $25,000,000.00

Tractor/Pressor Beam
Class B, Massive
Lift/Manipulate 12.5 T, Move 50 feet per turn, Powered by Vehicle

+1 - 250 / 500 / 1,000 / 2,000 - 6.25 T 0 0 40 15 $14,250,000.00

Tractor/Pressor Beam
Class C, Massive
Lift/Manipulate x, Move 25 feet per turn, Powered by Vehicle

+3 - 1,000 / 2,000 / 4,000 / 8,000 - 1.20 T 0 0 35 10 $5,025,000.00

Tractor/Pressor Beam
Class A, Large Craft
Lift/Manipulate 2.50 T, Move 100 feet per turn, Powered by Vehicle

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Space Vehicle Weapon Statistic Features
Feature Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Excessive Notes
Gives a Bonus to the use of the
Accuracy/Bonus to Use $500.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $500,000.00
item/weapon, maxes at +5
Armor Piercing $500.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $500,000.00 Ignores this many Armor Shrugs
Combat Range, Stand-Alone $2.00 $10.00 $100.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 Per Foot
Combat Range, Stand-Alone i $10.00 $50.00 $500,00 $5,000.00 $10,000.00 Per Foot, Incremental
Non-muscle powered, Each +5 adds
Damage, Stand-Alone $250.00 $1,250.00 $12,500.00 $125,000.00 $250,000.00
1 weight increment*
Range in Miles $10,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 +1 wi
Range in 100’s of Miles $20,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 $20,000,000.00 +2 wi
Range in 100,000’s of Miles $40,000.00 $200,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $20,000,000.00 $40,000,000.00 +4 wi
Range in Ly $80,000.00 $400,000.00 $4,000,000.00 $40,000,000.00 $80,000,000.00 +8 wi
Range in 100’s of Ly $160,000.00 $800,000.00 $8,000,000.00 $80,000,000.00 $160,000,000.00 +16 wi
Shots $100.00 $500.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $100,000.00 Number of Shots or Charges

Spaceship Weapon Bugs

Feature Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Excessive Notes
Difficult to Conceal -$1,000.00 -$5,000.00 -$50,000.00 -$500,000.00 -$1,000,000.00 -2 to Stealth
Item is destroyed/rendered useless in use;
Expendable (Instant) -$2,000.00 -$10,000.00 -$100,000.00 -$1,000,000.00 -$2,000,000.00
one instantaneous use
Item is destroyed/rendered useless in use;
Expendable (10 min) -$1,750.00 -$8,750.00 -$87,500.00 -$875,000.00 -$1,750,000.00
10 minutes of total use
Item is destroyed/rendered useless in use;
Expendable (20 min) -$1,500.00 -$7,500.00 -$75,000.00 -$750,000.00 -$1,500,000.00
20 minutes of total use
Item is destroyed/rendered useless in use;
Expendable (30 min) -$1,250.00 -$6,250.00 -$62,500.00 -$625,000.00 -$1,250,000.00
30 minutes of total use
Item is destroyed/rendered useless in use;
Expendable (1 hr) -$1,000.00 -$5,000.00 -$50,000.00 -$500,000.00 -$1,000,000.00
1 hour of total use
Fragile -$5,000.00 -$25,000.00 -$250,000.00 -$2,500,000.00 -$5,000,000.00 -1 Shrug
-1 penalty to use item, can be taken up to 5
General -1 Penalty -$500.00 -$2,500.00 -$25,000.00 -$250,000.00 -$500,000.00
-3 to use whenever the GM thinks it would
Glitchy -$1,500.00 -$7,500.00 -$75,000.00 -$750,000.00 -$1,500,000.00
be funny
Hard to Maintain -$1,500.00 -$7,500.00 -$75,000.00 -$750,000.00 -$1,500,000.00 -3 to Repair
Cumulative -1 penalty for using multiple
Kick -$100.00 -$500.00 -$5,000.00 -$50,000.00 -$100,000.00
times in the same turn
When used, make (Stamina or Will) +
Stressful I -$1,250.00 -$6,250.00 -$62,500.00 -$625,000.00 -$1,250,000.00 Toughness roll - failure renders the user
Unco with Shrugs
When used, make (Stamina or Will) +
Stressful II -$10,750.00 -$53,750.00 -$537,500.00 -$5,375,000.00 -$10,750,000.00 Toughness roll - failure costs the user 1
point of Will to Psychological Trauma
When used, make (Stamina or Will) +
Toughness roll - failure renders the user
Stressful III -$11,250.00 -$56,250.00 -$562,500.00 -$5,625,000.00 -$11,250,000.00
Unco with Shrugs AND costs the user 1
point of Will to Psychological Trauma
Ugly -$500.00 -$2,500.00 -$25,000.00 -$250,000.00 -$500,000.00 -1 to Style
Weak -$2,500.00 -$12,500.00 -$125,000.00 -$1,250,000.00 -$2,500,000.00 -5 Damage Resistance (DR)

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Space Vehicle Weapon Miscellaneous Features
Feature Medium Small Craft Large Craft Massive Excessive Notes
Armor Shrug(s) $2,000.00 $10,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00 Item has one or more Armor Shrugs, +1 wi each
(Min 2) Weapon has Autofire number, can only
Autofire (Only) $150.00 $750.00 $7,500.00 $75,000.00 $150,000.00 fire at this rate
(Min 2) Weapon has Autofire number, can fire up
Autofire (Variable) $300.00 $1,500.00 $15,000.00 $150,000.00 $300,000.00 to this rate
Breaker $1,000,00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 $1,000,000.00 Parrying weapons must make Damage save

Collapsible $750.00 $3,750.00 $37,500.00 $375,000.00 $750,000.00 -3 to be detected when collapsed

Cyber-Bane $5,000.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 Causes pain when used on cybernetic targets
(Requires Mechanica Cyberlink), +2 Accuracy
Cyberlink $750.00 $3,750.00 $37,500.00 $375,000.00 $750,000.00 when Cyberlinked
Darkness $825.00 $4,125.00 $41,250.00 $412,500.00 $825,000.00 Imposes a -3 Darkness penalty for 1 M
Ranged weapon with no projectiles. Ammunition
Directed Energy $500.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $500,000.00 is from a battery.
Cost is per Shrug. Weapon does (an) additional
Does Extra Shrug(s) $1,000.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 $1,000,000.00 Shrug(s) of damage
Entangles $500.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $500,000.00 Can be used for grappling attacks/parries
Roll Per + Tough at -10, or be -5 to Sight and
Flashbang $8,500.00 $42,500.00 $425,000.00 $4,250,000.00 $8,500,000.00 Hearing for 1 M
Item creates defensive barrier, gives its DR as a
Force Field, General $5,000.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 bonus to user’s DR
Force Field, Energy Only $2,500.00 $12,500.00 $125,000.00 $1,250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 Defensive Barrier is only against Energy attacks

Force Field, Matter Only $2,500.00 $12,500.00 $125,000.00 $1,250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 Defensive Barrier is only against Material attacks

Force Field, Melee Only $2,500.00 $12,500.00 $125,000.00 $1,250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 Defensive Barrier is only against Melee attacks

Force Field, Ranged Only $2,500.00 $12,500.00 $125,000.00 $1,250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 Defensive Barrier is only against Ranged attacks

Homing $7,500.00 $37,500.00 $375,000.00 $3,750,000.00 $7,500,000.00 Per number of rounds the attack follows the target
Main structure of item is immaterial force created
Immaterial Structure $5,000.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 by a hilt or handle
Ignites flammable targets - damage recurs once
Incendiary $1,000.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $500,000.00 $1,000,000.00 per turn
Lifts (x) Increments $750.00 $3,750.00 $37,500.00 $375,000.00 $750,000.00 Item can lift x Weight Increments, +1 wi each

Lifts (x) Pounds $50.00 $250.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $50,000.00 Item can lift x pounds
Projectile, requires a launcher for range and
Launched Projectile $500.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $500,000.00 accuracy
Launcher, requires a projectile for damage and
Launcher $500.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $500,000.00 effect
Missile $5,000.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 Self-contained, launches from a hardpoint
Easy to field strip & modify; Gives a Bonus +3 to
Modular $2,000.00 $10,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00 repair
Item can move a Lifted/Entangled object x feet
Moves (x) Feet/Turn $50.00 $250.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $50,000.00 in one turn
Radius, Combat $150.00 $750.00 $7,500.00 $75,000.00 $150,000.00 Per foot of Radius
Target can not add Toughness skill to DR for
Sharp $150.00 $750.00 $7,500.00 $75,000.00 $150,000.00 Damage Saves
Shots value is number of hours weapon can oper-
Shots as Hours $500.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $500,000.00 ate before reload
Shots value is number of minutes weapon can
Shots as Minutes $50.00 $250.00 $2,500.00 $25,000.00 $50,000.00 operate before reload
Shots; powered by vehicle $5,000.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.00 $2,500,000.00 $5,000,000.00 Weapon fires as long as the vehicle is operational

Stealth $1,500.00 $7,500.00 $75,000.00 $750,000.00 $1,500,000.00 Attempts to find this weapon are at a penalty of -3

Roll against Stamina + Tough at a penalty

Stuns $750.00 $3,750.00 $37,500.00 $375,000.00 $750,000.00
equal to weapon’s Damage

Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Called Shot Table
Called Shot Location Penalty

Large Craft
Small Craft
Weight Class


Bridge -6

Difference Chart Drive System -4
Hardpoint (External) -3
Space Personal +0 +3 +6 +9 +12 Hardpoint (Internal) -4
Space Medium -3 +0 +3 +6 +9 Hardpoint (Turret) -2
Space Small Craft -6 -3 +0 +3 +6 Life Support -5
Space Large Craft -9 -6 -3 +0 +3 Power System -6
Space Massive -12 -9 -6 -3 +0 Other Ship Feature -3

Result Cinematic Damage Effects
2-5 None
6 Vehicle’s interior lights dim, -1 to all tasks inside vehicle
7 Vehicle shaken by attack, all occupants roll Agility + Sports or lose 1 turn stumbling left
8 Vehicle shaken by attack, all occupants roll Agility + Sports or lose 1 turn stumbling right
Sparks shower the occupants of the vehicle; roll Perception plus Toughness (at no penalty) or
be blinded for two turns (-4 to all actions)
13-14 Drive System hit; any Slower than Light drive systems knocked out for five turns (5 T)
15-16 Drive System hit; any Faster than Light drive systems knocked out for five turns (5 T)
17 Drive Systems hit; ALL Drive Systems out until one (1) Shrug of Damage is repaired
18 Maneuvering damaged; Vehicle is at -5 to pilot until one (1) Shrug of Damage is repaired
19 Targeting damaged; weapons are at -5 to Gunnery until one (1) Shrug of Damage is repaired
Power System hit; vehicle is DEAD until two (2) Shrugs of Damage are repaired (a Ship with
20 Safety Engineering will still have interior lights... all others will be in total interior darkness,
-4 to all rolls)
Life Support Failure; all life support and environmental systems off-line until one (1) Shrug of
Damage is repaired; ship has it’s total Shrugs in Minutes before all air is unbreathable
Power System hit; vehicle is DEAD until three (3) Shrugs of Damage are repaired. Interior
of vehicle is bathed in Alpha Class Radiation until repairs are complete. (a Ship with Safety
Engineering will still have interior lights... all others will be in total interior darkness, -4 to all
Weapon Systems OFF-LINE. All weapons and weapon-like systems are OFF-LINE until three
(3) Shrugs of Damage can be repaired.
Power System hit; vehicle is DEAD until four (4) Shrugs of Damage are repaired. Interior
of vehicle is bathed in Beta Class Radiation until repairs are complete. (a Ship with Safety
Engineering will still have interior lights... all others will be in total interior darkness, -4 to all
BREACH! If vehicle is in vacuum, all aboard immediately suffer the effects of Explosive
28-29 Decompression, followed by Suffocation (unless they are sealed/can seal up quickly). A ship
with Safety Engineering grants its bonus to all rolls to resist the effects of decompression.
Power System hit; vehicle is DEAD until five (5) Shrugs of Damage are repaired. All emer-
30 or over gency lighting systems fail. Interior of vehicle is bathed in Gamma Class Radiation until
repairs are complete.
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)
Ezekiel Hartman (Order #13979703)

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