AVRT Online Quiz 03

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Basic EP 02 Course | AVRT

Online Quiz 03

Case Presentation:

Prepared by: Dr. Mohamed Alzurfi

Revised by: Prof. Mervat Aboulmaaty

A 22 year old man from Libya, with a previous history of palpitation since
2013, in the last few months become more progressive, resting ECG was normal.

Q1: What is the diagnosis?

A. Orthodromic tachycardia.

B. Antidromic tachycardia.
Basic EP 02 Course | AVRT

Online Quiz 03

Q2: What is the type of tachycardia?

A. Long RP tachycardia.

B. Short RP tachycardia.
Basic EP 02 Course | AVRT

Online Quiz 03

Q3: The V-A time is 102 ms at the HIS catheter, what is your diagnosis?


B. Atrial tachycardia.

C. Atypical AVNRT.

D. All of above
Basic EP 02 Course | AVRT

Online Quiz 03

Q4: What is the sequence of atrial activation?

A. Concentric.

B. Eccentric.
Basic EP 02 Course | AVRT

Online Quiz 03

Q5: Where is the site of pacing?

A. Right ventricle.

B. Left ventricle.
Basic EP 02 Course | AVRT

Online Quiz 03

Q6: How you interpret the pacing spikes on this tracing (red arrows)?

A. All three pacing are captured.

B. All three pacing are non-captured.

C. The first red arrow is captured and the other two are non-captured.
Basic EP 02 Course | AVRT

Online Quiz 03

Q7: During programed induction of tachycardia, what is your idea?

A. Tachycardia induced and the pacing should be stop.

B. Tachycardia didn’t induce and the pacing interval should be increase.

Basic EP 02 Course | AVRT

Online Quiz 03

Q8: The below tracing during RF application, what you do?

A. Continue ablation for two minute.

B. Stop ablation immediately.

Basic EP 02 Course | AVRT

Online Quiz 03

Q9: The below tracing during RV pacing from His catheter, after RF application.
what is the next step?

A. Start RF ablation again after proper position of catheter.

B. End the study.

Basic EP 02 Course | AVRT

Online Quiz 03

Q10: We performed RV pacing after 2nd session of RF ablation, what is the


A. Development of V-A dissociation, which is sure sign of successful concealed accessory

pathway ablation.

B. Development of intermittent 2:1 VA block.

Basic EP 02 Course | AVRT

Online Quiz 03

Q11: What are the expected features of the resting ECG post ablation of a
concealed accessory pathway?

A. Change in the axis of QRS.

B. Persistent of pre-excitation.

C. No expected changes.

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