Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

14 Sources

Sebastian Samaniego

University of Texas at El Paso

RWS 1302

Alcantar, E. (1988). Health issues along the Arizona-Sonora border. Tucson, AZ: Southwest
Border Rural Health Research Center, College of Medicine, University of Arizona.

Arizona is a large bordering state for Mexico, and holds some of the largest open land

areas for illegal immigrants. This is an opportunity for many to come united states not knowing

the conflicts that come with it. It is estimated that annual there are between 50 to 125 deaths due

to conflict of open land smuggling. If developing better technology this issues can be fixed to

prevent this from happening.

Blumberg, A. S. (1974). Criminal justice. New York: New Viewpoints.

According to this article Blumberg states that our court system is lacking finance

agreement. Other agency’s that work with the court system work of different plans of finance

which cause an uneven correlation of money. This also make correction a difficult task for both

sides of the spectrum. Although this can be fixed with a bigger budget it’s hard to finalize such

thing. It has to pass thru different legislation and then be finalized.

Bruhn, J. G., & Brandon, J. E. (1997). Border health: Challenges for the United States and

Mexico. New York: Garland Pub.

After reading this source I came across a lot of information based on border health and its

conflict. Much that was stated referred to the conflict of violence and law systems that aren’t

followed. Majority of that is based off the rate of immigrants captured and deported back. Those

that come have a high rate of carry some sort of decease that can cause outbreaks. This can be

fixed if we figure out the cause of high rate of immigrates.


Buchbinder, S. B., Shanks, N. H., & Buchbinder, D. (2014). Cases in health care management.
Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Health management is the prime focus of this book, it talks about different regulations

that aren’t followed by a state or county level. The cause of this is due to the fact of low

inspection of different population. As well low funding effects this due to the fact some medical

equipment can’t be purchased. Doctors and medical personal can’t be located for proper

evaluations leading to a higher rate of disease.

International conflicts of law and their implications for cross border data requests by law
enforcement: Hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One
Hundred Fourteenth Congress, second session, February 25, 2016. (2016). Washington: U.S.
Government Publishing Office.

According to this article international regulation are in new development. Different

agencies have shared data for a long period of time. These new developments have made data

transfer an easy task. It is important to allow for this due to the fact for new research. Our laws

and regulation can be made easy thru this method.

Goodman, D. J., & Grimming, R. (2007). Work in criminal justice. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Pearson Prentice

Having a carrier in the field of criminal justice comes with a lot of responsibility. There

are many things you will encounter. Much of this will be misdemeanors which is not as serious

as other offensives. There are times where you will be deploy to different states because of the

different crimes the happen. You must be willing to stand up to the plate and take affirmative


Levy, A., & Paludi, M. A. (2002). Workplace sexual harassment. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hal

Levy say that with each passing generation, sexuality becomes an easier idea. He thinks

that the morals that come with it have been completely ignored. This has make society

dependable on it causing for health concerns. This applies everywhere in the world not only in

the united states. The best way to make this better is to offer education on this subject.

Loue, S. (1998). Handbook of immigrant health. New York: Springer Science Business Media,

According to Loue, S, he states that the health of some immigrates have been below average.

Over a 5-year period he conducted research on the percentage of immigrates with health issues.

Throughout that duration he discovered that more than 37 percent have some sort of health

issues. He says this is caused by low medical professionals is the area of their origin. This leads

to serious conflicts causing them to come to the united states looking for help.

Luske, B. (1990). Mirrors of madness: Patrolling the psychic border. New York: Aldine De

According to this book by Luske, B, it is stated that the physical border itself is inefficient for the

main purpose that it was built for. For hundreds of miles the border has no wall or anything that

can define the line between 2 countries. He believes that this is the cause for an easier access for

immigrates trying to come over the border. It’s also talked about how an actual physical border

will not stop immigrates and the drug trade. If not making it on top of ground, law breakers will

use an underground system to get across the border.

Power, J. G., & Byrd, T. (1998). U.S.-Mexico border health: Issues for regional and

migrant populations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications


Population patterns are very irregular according to Power, J G, much of this is because of

the increase in pregnancy in different areas. This is from ages ranging from 18 to 28 which is

very near to be looked at. It still allows to understand the problem and its source thru a different

perspective. If we can bring the awareness to the younger population it can bring lower

pregnancy. We have to inforce the cause of this which is the lack of education systems that many

don’t have access to.

Richardson, C., & Resendiz, R. (2006). On the edge of the law: Culture, labor, and deviance on
the south Texas border. Austin: University of Texas Press.

This scholarly journal provided me a large insight on some of the many things that

define our daily lives. In specifics, the southern Texas border has a lot of diversity. Culture and

labor a big issue when it comes to health on the population. It examines many different restraints

and pros on how society in the south can grow and be better.

Ruggiero, A. (2007). Public health. Detroit: Greenhaven Press.

This article addressed public health as the underline cause for infections and disease. A

lot of the research done brought the conclusion that more than 70% of Americans have

experienced some sort of mental fatigue that has alerted their perception. This can be cause by

colds or even viruses that are air Bourne or easy to transmit. Ruggiero explains that more of us

need becc ome more aware of our surroundings. If we can do this we can prepare ahead of time

with the attention we need.

Thompson, J. M., & Bean, F. (2002). Hell on the border. New York: Signet.

2002 had the largest number of deaths on the border. This now gave the name “hell on

the border” to the border. Ranging from suicide and murder that number of death per day were

above normal. State trooper and customs agency had to response to numerous senses of blood

and gore, it was defined as hell according to the personal.

Beatty, J. F., & Samuelson, S. S. (2002). Business law and the legal environment for a new
century. Australia: West/Thompson Learning.

According to this article business and environment have a big coloration. If there is good

health the circulation of business is an easier task. Beatty thinks that if we can make society

stronger our businesses can grow a lot faster. This can also help with the overall economy

bringing in more money. If we can get this to be a worldwide thing, economy’s everywhere will

be able to make more business.

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