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The following review will be going over what is Border Health Issues. It will go in depth of 4

major topics about Border Health Issues. These topics were produced based off research and a

survey that was conducted. These topics are questions about research that are concluded by an

answer. A variety of sources were used for this research, it was concluded that many of these

topics have solutions.

Literature Review:

Border Health Issues at UTEP


Sebastian Samaniego

University of Texas at El Paso

RWS 1302

Dr. P.J. Vierra



The following review will be going over what is Border Health Issues. It will go in depth of 4

major topics about Border Health Issues. These topics were produced based off research and a

survey that was conducted. These topics are questions about research that are concluded by an

answer. A variety of sources were used for this research, it was concluded that many of these

topics have solutions.

Literature Review:

Border Health Issues at UTEP

Border health issues is a problem for many border countries. This just doesn’t apply to

country borders but as well state borders. It involves our health and regulation for a safer

environment. Disease and criminal violence play a huge role in this issue. UTEP has been affect

by this due to the fact of how close the border is. The community and UTEP can fix this by legal

regulations through government and more research is needed to help fix this issue. Although

some of these aspects seem very little they can really change in a very large scale. It’s important

we understand the cause and effect of these things, little things like keeping good hygiene can

make a huge change in your community. A larger budget is another thing that can make solutions

come a lot quicker and accurate. Till this day some of the things that happen on the border cannot

be well understood. Texas and its border can standardize a correlation of data collection to make

sure all is compatible with not only the united states but as well Mexico and its bordering states

on both sides. Our public health infrastructure so in need of a stronger foundation, this also

involves education systems and research institutions, also have health care providers that

inclined to the culturally competent. Although a lot has been done already with the

implementation of health care programs, it must be refined for all border regions in Mexico and

as well United States. Residents on the border have a big influence by social ties, this includes

sharing common ideas and perspectives, if properly organized individuals can engage in joint

action in different geographical areas. The development of an innovative health program model

would mend a strong infrastructure that would give Texas great benefits for the long run.

The topic will be answered using four research questions.

1. What are main factors effecting UTEP and the community?

2. Does good hygiene have any effect on border health issues?

3. Does border patrol have the right resources to help better border health Issues?

4. Is funding effecting border health in a negative way?


U.S and Mexican border health

The border between United states and Mexico has been a very large conflict to major

cities. El Paso is one of the main city’s bordering both countries and has encountered different

conflicts. Border health is one of the biggest subject that gets affected, and is something that still

needs a lot of attention. Is it possible that this can hurt the community and as well the university

in the area? This should be acknowledged by everyone because it affects us all in a whole. In the

past year according to Richardson (2006) there has been an increase by 6% of violence on the

border, not only this but health professionals have seen an increase in deceases that originates is

from deep Mexico and other countries. This can cause an outbreak that can be a serious health

hazard for El Paso, more regulation can help solve this and prevent others from encounter such

implications. Levy, A (2012) stated there is approximately 1,969 miles of border that is shared

by the U.S and Mexico that connected economically and culturally. It’s been estimated that about

300 million legal crossing from Mexico into the U.S annually and about 15 million Americans

go and visit Mexico each year. This has led to huge diversity in sharing culture and commerce,

this causes for easy transportation of infectious diseases. Movement of large amounts of people

has created a cause and effect of an increase in public health, one the main and more seen

diseases such as tuberculosis. The border region has about 11 million people, many who cross on

a daily basis, its measured to be that 30% of border families are living at or below poverty. Its

increases the risk of foodborne and water borne infections that can be treated with medical

vaccines. Although vaccines are available to the public many do not have enough income to

purchase vaccines for the whole family lead to outbreaks that are highly contagious.

Good hygiene

Health management is the prime focus of many cities to help get the community in a safe

running order. Many do not understand that even by keeping good hygiene can help your

community be safer. Have you ever thought about how secure your hygiene is? If we can correct

hygiene and make safe decision inclined to that is can help stop the spread of viruses and other

infections. UTEP has a moderately large population, it can be a hot spot for viruses and infection

if we don’t take the right steps to prevent it. As simple as washing your hands more frequently

can make a dramatic difference. Many different inflictions can be passed by even a simple meet

and greet situations such has handshakes and other means of greetings. Clarkson, G (2015) talks

about keeping ourselves in good hygiene can make a big difference to our community and should

be taken in a serious matter to help make a safe community. Water has a huge influence in good

hygiene, in some cases poor hygiene is an inadequate the different quality of water consumption.

Anderson, K (2007) talks in depth about the lack of sanitation facilities cause many millions in

the poorest of areas to die from preventable diseases each year. Some source of water can

become contaminated by in waterborne diseases some that include viral hepatitis, typhoid and

cholera. Lack of adequate water consumptions in induvial can led to severe skin and eye

infections, trachoma being the leading effects of low water consumptions can spread easily.

Without filtrations of our water can have high levels of different chemicals, some include arsenic

and different nitrates that have serious decease that cannot still be understood in science. The

sector of public health can improve water facilities with larger funds and investments, this means

more money for better filtration systems for different areas. Other strategies are the promotions

of health and education in water supplies.


Border patrol.

The first people to address any individual entering the county are border patrol

agents, essentially, they are the first inline when it comes to border interaction. Is it possible that

increasing more regulation and more field personal help better the community? Bruhn, J.G

(1997) evaluates different laws, rules and states that regulations are the foundation for good

public order, going in hand with more field agents it can increase our safety. Having an increase

in this causes more difficulty for perpetrators entering leading to less cause and effects problems.

In some cases, evaluated by Levy, A (2007) there are ratios of 200 to every border patrol agent,

meaning it is very difficult to get order with few field agents. If we can come to a conclusion on

this, field operation can run a lot more effetely and keep the community safer. Some activities

conducted by border enforcement do not address the cause of migration in different areas of the

country according to Buchbinder, S (2014). It includes the growing socioeconomics disparities in

different sending countries, as well the demand for low skilled and low-wage workers. Many of

the unauthorized immigrants come to the united states to seek some sort of asylum, most are for

economic reasons. In illustration, per capita incomes in the U.S are 5 to 7 times higher than of

Mexico and some of central America countries. Numerous studies have shown that the north

American trade agreement and correlation of intensified liberalization of Mexican economy has

concluded in strengthen migratory issues. In combination with social and infrastructural links

with in both countries, it suggests the rural exodus increases in migration from Mexico, this was

a development from the Clinton administration was aware of. Farm labor for example is a big

contribute to the loss of 1.3 million jobs in Mexico’s agricultural sector, it is due to the fact of the

north American trade agreement.


Research funding

Some of the things that influence research and security is government funding. Many

different agencies like Customs and border patrol run on private funding from the government

that allow them to run on a budget. Alcantar, E (1998) describes some of the problems that need

to be fixed, some of the problems that are encounter is the lack of equipment and research for

better solutions. A major health issue is the increase of diabetes and tuberculosis along the U.S

and Mexico border. Medical professionals that work in hand with these agencies are requesting

higher fund to increase the process of understand the real problem. Unfortunately, we are limited

to the amount of money we are allowed to spend and use for. Another thing that is to consider is

the process that research takes, majority of the study’s that are being evaluated take large

amounts of time to understand and analyze. Blumberg, A.S (2002) explains the misconception

that things can happen overnight cannot be applied here, most of the time different research can

take up to months or even years of evaluating. Data transfer also takes a lot of time due to lack of

resource that are available. The border region is currently addressing a significant rise in HIV

documented cases which has made high risk for the surrounding population. Many conclusions

have arisen for this, by awarding a grant to train much needed HIV researchers for the border

region through AIDS international training research funding programs. This new project will

include a new creation of interdisciplinary education courses by researcher in San Diego at the

University of California. This funding will allow the university of Baja California to be the

primary partner institution for this, it will provide advanced training in HIV prevention or other

sexually transmitted infections. A via network will also be deployed for better interaction of new

information and research that will be developed over a period of time for better accuracy and


Primary Research

Analyzing research is very important when It comes to receiving no information.

Different methods can help with this, for example many will do surveys to get a more insight on

a topic. Getting a broad range of response is very beneficial for your own research. There are

very few limitations for this, another method that is used very frequently is interview. This form

allows you to receive fresh information on a one to one bases. Upon a survey conducted with

several questions about border health had very interesting results. One of the first question was

how confident people felt about their hygiene, more than 50% responded low confidence in their

own hygiene. Some believe they lacked different principles when it came to keeping healthy and

stable. Washing your hands was one of the main problems that people stated, in other words

people stated they were bad habits such as not washing their hands as frequently. Another

questioned asked is if there was anything they would change to better the environment. A list of

answers such as getting frequent health checks was stated and as well increasing the awareness

of transmitted deceases, the number one answer was keeping all areas of the community clean.

This meant decreasing pollution and littering in every way possible. As an overall, the survey

concluded that not many people are aware of the dangers that border health has to them. This

factor was the biggest correlation in keeping our health and community a safe and reliable place

for everyone.


This scholarly journal provided me a large insight on some of the many things that define

our daily lives. In specifics, the southern Texas border has a lot of diversity. Culture and labor are

a big issue when it comes to health on the population. It examines many different restraints and

pros on how society in the south can grow on negative levels. Many cannot make a good income

causing them to look for alternative routes. When this happens, a large population will look for

means of work, in search for work they will come over the border for better opportunity. It was

reposted that more than 65% of immigrants crossing were doing so for search of work. Majority

of the time many of these immigrants will find work in a very illegal form. Government laws

state that housekeeping and guarders had the highest of illegal immigrants working below the

radar of the government. 2002 had the largest number of deaths on the border. This now gave the

name “hell on the border” to the border. Ranging from suicide and murder that number of death

per day were above normal. State trooper and customs agency had to response to numerous

senses of blood and gore, it was defined as hell according to personal in a scholarly journal

written by Ganster P. and Lorey D. According to this article business and environment have a big

coloration. If there is good health the circulation of business is an easier task. It is stated that if

we can make society stronger our businesses can grow a lot faster. This can also help with the

overall economy bringing in more money. If we can get this to be a worldwide thing, economy’s

everywhere will be able to make more business. All of these ideas can be incorporated in one,

border health will have a lot of potential for the better.

Graphic image 1

Environmental Protection Agency US-Mexico Border 2020 Program

Graphic image 2

Jill A. McDonald, PhD; Octavio Mojarro, MS; Paul D. Sutton, PhD; Stephanie J.

Ventura, MA (2013)



Alcantar, E. (1988). Health issues along the Arizona-Sonora border. Tucson, AZ: Southwest
Border Rural Health Research Center, College of Medicine, University of Arizona.

Blumberg, A. S. (1974). Criminal justice. New York: New Viewpoints

Bruhn, J. G., & Brandon, J. E. (1997). Border health: Challenges for the United States and

Mexico. New York: Garland Pub.

Buchbinder, S. B., Shanks, N. H., & Buchbinder, D. (2014). Cases in health care

management. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning

International conflicts of law and their implications for cross border data requests by law
enforcement: Hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One
Hundred Fourteenth Congress, second session, February 25, 2016. (2016). Washington: U.S.
Government Publishing Office.
Goodman, D. J., & Grimming, R. (2007). Work in criminal justice. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Pearson Prentice

Levy, A., & Paludi, M. A. (2002). Workplace sexual harassment. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hal

Loue, S. (1998). Handbook of immigrant health. New York: Springer Science Business Media,

Luske, B. (1990). Mirrors of madness: Patrolling the psychic border. New York: Aldine De

Richardson, C., & Resendiz, R. (2006). On the edge of the law: Culture, labor, and deviance on
the south Texas border. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Beatty, J. F., & Samuelson, S. S. (2002). Business law and the legal environment for a new
century. Australia: West/Thompson Learning.

Jill A. McDonald, PhD; Octavio Mojarro, MS; Paul D. Sutton, PhD; Stephanie J.

Ventura, MA (2013)

Environmental Protection Agency US-Mexico Border 2020 Program

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