Energy Management of Fuel Cell/ Battery/ Ultracapacitor in Electrical Hybrid Vehicle

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i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 8 8 5 7 e8 8 6 9

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Energy management of fuel cell/ battery/

ultracapacitor in electrical hybrid vehicle

Hajer Marzougui, Mansour Amari*, Ameni Kadri, Faouzi Bacha,

Jamel Ghouili
University of Tunis, 05 AV Taha Hussein Montfleury, 1008, Tunisia

article info abstract

Article history: This paper describes an energy management algorithm for an electrical hybrid vehicle. The
Received 30 May 2016 proposed hybrid vehicle presents a fuel cell as the main energy source and the storage
Received in revised form system, composed of a battery and a supercapacitor as the secondary energy source. The
27 September 2016 main source must produce the necessary energy to the electrical vehicle. The secondary
Accepted 29 September 2016 energy source produces the lacking power in acceleration and absorbs excess power in
Available online 2 December 2016 braking operation. The addition of a supercapacitor and battery in fuel cell-based vehicles
has a great potential because it allows a significant reduction of the hydrogen consumption
Keywords: and an improvement of the vehicle efficiency. Other the energy sources, the electrical
Fuel cell vehicle composed of a traction motor drive, Inverter and power conditioning. The last is
Battery composed of three DC/DC converters: the first converter interfaces the fuel cell and the DC
Supercapacitor link. For the second and the third converter, two buck boost are used in order to interface
DC/DC converter respectively the ultracapacitor and the battery with the DC link. The energy management
Management algorithm algorithm determines the currents of the converters in order to regulate accurately the
NEDC power provided from the three electrical sources. This algorithm is simulated with MAT-
LAB_Simulink and implemented experimentally with a real-time system controller based
on dSPACE. In this paper, the proposed algorithm is evaluated for the New European
Driving Cycle (NEDC). The experimental results validate the effectiveness of the proposed
energy management algorithm.
© 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

energy converters. Thus, there are a lot of electrical hybrid

Introduction vehicles available now with different types of storage system.
Typically, since these vehicles are equipped with a fuel cell, an
New zero emission vehicles are an attractive solution to electric motor and an electrical storage system, such as bat-
reduce pollutant, noise and CO2 emissions. Electric hybrid teries or/and supercapacitors. Fuel cell (FC) is an energy
vehicles are proposed as an effective and potential solution to source that converts the chemical energy into electrical en-
ensure environmentally friendly operation using clean energy ergy. Actually, it becomes acknowledged as one of the most
sources such as hydrogen [1]. Furthermore, hybrid vehicles promising technologies to meet the energy requirements.
take advantage of the higher energy efficiency of electrical However, this energy source has known some technical lim-
traction systems [2]. Hybrid electric vehicles architecture in- itations. Indeed, it has a slow power transfer and a high cost
cludes two or more energy sources with their associated

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (H. Marzougui), (M. Amari), ameni-kadri-ensit@hotmail.
com (A. Kadri), (F. Bacha), (J. Ghouili).
0360-3199/© 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
8858 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 8 8 5 7 e8 8 6 9

traction applications. Storage systems are usually used as

Nomenclature secondary energy sources which produce the lacking power in
acceleration, and absorb excess power in braking operation
M Vehicle mass
[5,6]. Commercially, battery (BAT) presents many disadvan-
v Vehicle Speed
tages when it is used alone as storage system in electric
SCx Frontal area
vehicle. Indeed, it presents long recharging time and a high
Cr Rolling resistance coefficient
time response in transient state [7]. Besides, battery perfor-
rair Air Density
mances may considerably be affected by significant current
g Field of gravity
discharges. For this reason, we have associated to the battery
VFC Voltage fuel cell
a pack of super capacitors (SC) that can be used complemen-
IFC Current fuel cell
tary to the battery and the fuel cell to satisfy the vehicle power
N Number of fuel cells
requirement [7,8]. Compared with fuel cell and battery,
PH2 Hydrogen Pressure
ultracapacitor presents a lower energy density and a higher
PO2 Oxygen Pressure
power density.
Vsc Ultra-capacitor voltage
For a multi-source system, there are various converters
Rsc Resistor of ultra-capacitor
connection topologies for combining the various elements of
Csc Capacity of ultra-capacitor
the power source and the load. The selected solution must be
iSC Current in the ultra-capacitor
efficient, reliable, and compact and must have a low cost [3,9].
Ns Number of supercapacitor cells connected in
The energy sources must be connected to the DC link with
a unidirectional or a bidirectional DC/DC converter. These
Np Number of supercapacitor cells connected in
converters are used to transfer the electric energy between the
source elements (fuel cell, battery and supercapacitor), which
Rbat internal resistance of the battery
are characterized by a low voltage, and a load (high voltage).
Ibat battery current
Several DC/DC converters can be used to boost the low voltage
Vbat battery voltage
of energy sources to the required level. In the literature of
rD Internal resistor of the diode
power electronics field, there are two topologies interfacing
rT Internal resistor of the transistor
DC/DC converter, non isolated interfacing and isolated inter-
m Transformer turn ratio
facing [10]. In this context, many papers have been elaborated.
Cr Resonant capacitor
Authors, in Ref. [11], have presented a FPGA based fault-
Lr Resonant inductor
tolerant control of an interleaved DC/DC non isolated con-
VDC DC link voltage
verter which is applied in electrical vehicles. In Ref. [12], the
ich Current demanded
authors propose a dual active bridge DC/DC in which the low
D The DC conversion ratio of the converter
voltage ranges from 11 V to 16 V and the high voltage is be-
L inductance of the filter
tween 220 V and 447 V for three controls modes such as phase
C0 Capacity of the filter
shift operation, trapezoidal modulation and triangular current
mode modulation.
per watt. Besides, it is characterized by a slow power transfer In Ref. [13], a hybrid FC/SC based power system using a
rate, especially, in transient operation. For this reason, fuel multi input converter based power interface was proposed for
cells are can not be used alone in electrical traction to satisfy vehicular applications.
the load demands [3,4]. Therefore, the automotive industry is The converter topology proposed in Fig. 9, will reach the
undertaking to adapt to these constraints by using storage following objectives. It allows:
systems to satisfy with fuel cells the power demand in

Fig. 1 e Electrical vehicle structure.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 8 8 5 7 e8 8 6 9 8859

Rsc Isc

Csc V1 Vsc

Fig. 5 e Electrical model of a supercapacitor.

Fig. 2 e Electrical model of a fuel cell.

Fig. 6 e Supercapacitor stack model.

Fig. 3 e Polarization curve at different temperatures.

Fig. 7 e Battery electrical model.

management algorithm for a hybrid vehicle. The energy

Fig. 4 e Polarization curve at different hydrogen pressures. management algorithm gives the current references of the
converters in order to regulate accurately the power from the
three electrical sources. To distribute the energy between the
 Obtaining a high voltage of the output converter. two storage systems, we consider the limitation of battery
 Reducing the converter losses and the size. current. To validate the energy management algorithm pro-
posed. The latter has been implemented with a dSPACE plat-
To ensure a better energy management between the three form. The experimental results presented in the end of this
energy sources, we proposed in this work an energy paper prove the validity of the proposed algorithm.
8860 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 8 8 5 7 e8 8 6 9

110 energy without any thermal or mechanical process. The

Discharge curve operating principle of a fuel cell is described by a chemical
Nominal area reaction that reacted hydrogen and oxygen to produce elec-
Exponential area tricity, heat and water, according to the chemical reaction
given by the Equation (2) [14].
Voltage( V)

2H2 þ O2 /H2 O þ electricity þ heat (2)

Fuel cells have several types which are, generally, classified

according to their electrolyte. One of these types, which is
widely used in vehicular applications is Proton Exchange
70 Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) [15]. There are many fuel cell
models; each model has its own specificities and benefits,
according to the phenomena studied. The chosen model
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 should be simple and accurate. Indeed, this work presents an
Time (h) electrochemical model which can be used to predict the fuel
cell behavior in static and dynamic conditions [16]. The FC
Fig. 8 e Discharge characteristic of the battery. model used in this work has been built with the relationship
between the fuel cell output voltage and the partial pressure of
System description hydrogen, water and oxygen. Fig. 2 shows the detailed model
of the FC, which is used as a controlled voltage source.
System topology The fuel cell voltage depends on the partial pressures of
hydrogen and oxygen, the chemical reaction temperature of
Fig. 1 shows the overall scheme of the studied hybrid system the membrane hydration and the output current. It is defined
topology. This system is composed of three energy sources: fuel by the following equation [17].
cell, battery and Supercapacitor. For the fuel cell, a DC/DC boost
converter is associated to increase the voltage level to the desired VFC ¼ ENernst  Vact  Vohmic  Vcon (3)
value and to keep it constant at its output. A DC/DC bidirectional where:
current converter thus increases a constant voltage from a var-
iable voltage is associated at the battery. Similarly for super- ENernst : the average thermodynamic potential of each unit
capacitors, they are associated with a reversible converter for cell. We can present it by the Equation (4) [10].
transferring power in the both directions.
The load power is expressed by the following equation: 3
ENernst ¼ 1:229  0:85
 ðT  298:15Þ
  þ4:3085  105 T ln PH2 þ 0:5  ln PO2
1 dv
PLoad ¼ rair SCx v2 þ MgCr þ M v (1)
2 dt
Vact : the activation voltage drop.
Energy sources Vohmic : the ohmic voltage drop.
Vcon : the concentration voltage drop.
Fuel cell
A fuel cell is an energy conversion system that converts Thus, we can define the voltage Vstack for N cells connected
chemical energy existing in hydrogen fuel into electrical in series, forming a stack. Vstack is defined as following:

Fig. 9 e Topology of the unidirecional DC/DC converter.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 8 8 5 7 e8 8 6 9 8861

Vstack ¼ N$VFC (5)  Z 

E ¼ E0  K Z þ A:exp B i:dt (13)
The polarization curve of a fuel cell is that which repre- Q0  i:dt
sents the battery voltage as a function of current output. This
curve is presented for different temperature and hydrogen where
pressure values. FC polarization curves increase with
decreasing of operating temperature and increasing of E: is the no load voltage (V)
hydrogen pressure such as shown respectively in Figs. 3 and 4. E0 : is the battery constant voltage (V)
A fuel cell produces a continuous electricity amount as long K: is the polarization voltage (V)
as it is provided with oxygen and fuel to maintain the chemical Q: is the battery capacity (Ah)
reaction process. Proton exchange membrane fuel cells are the A ¼ exponential zone amplitude (V)
most used in vehicular applications because of their high power B ¼ exponential zone time constant inverse (A h)1
density and their low operating temperature [18]. However, due
to the chemical reactions which occur in the FC, their perfor- The discharge characteristic of the battery is presented in
mances, when responding to load demand, are limited [19]. For Fig. 8.
this reason, this source is associated with a hybrid storage
system composed of a battery and supercapacitor.
DC/DC unidirectional converter
Supercapacitors are one of the latest innovations for compo- Topology of the fuel cell converter
nents dedicated to energy storage especially for embedded
systems [20]. Mainly, the DCeDC converters can be divided into two cate-
The SC electrical model is given by Fig. 5. The model con- gories basing on the use of galvanic isolation or not: So, we can
sists of a capacitance Csc in series with an equivalent series obtain a non-isolated converter or an isolated converter [22].
resistance Rsc. Non isolated converters are more simple, but they require a
Ultracapacitor voltage Vsc is given, as function of SC bulky input inductor in order to limit the current ripple. For
currentIsc by the following equation: this reason, in many cases, isolation between the input and
the output becomes necessary for security reasons. In this
Vsc ¼ V1  Rsc *Isc ¼  Rsc *Isc (6) work, we have used an isolated DC/DC converter and the
chosen topology is divided into three elements: a high fre-
where Qsc is the electricity quantity stored in a cell. quency DC-AC converter and an AC-DC converter which are
Ultracapacitor power is given by the Equation (7). isolated by a high frequency transformer that ensure the
Qsc galvanic isolation between the fuel cell and the load the [23].
Psc ¼ *Isc  Rsc *I2 sc (7)
Csc Thus, the operation with high frequency allows minimizing
Using ultracapacitors as a storage element in an electrical the size and weight of the converter [23].
vehicle requires the realization of a stack consisting of several The structure of the power converter, used to realize the
cells which Ns cells are connected in series and Np cells are electronic interface between the fuel cell and the DC bus, is
connected in parallel as presented in Fig. 6. detailed in Fig. 9. This converter achieves unidirectional cur-
The capacity and the resistance of supercapacitor stack are rent DC-DC conversion. This converter operates in boost mode
defined respectively by Equations (8) and (9). for adapting the voltage level of the battery at the DC bus.

Np Modeling of the fuel cell converter

Csc ¼ Celem (8)
Ns To determine the average model of the DC/DC converter, we
Rsc ¼ Relem (9)
Np chose two state variables which are the output capacitor
The voltage and current of the stack are given, as function voltage and the inductor current. As control variables, we
of the element voltage and the element current, by the chose the FC voltage and the current demandedid . The rep-
following equations. resentation of the state space representation is shown by the
equation system (14).
Vsc ¼ Ns $Velem (10) 
x_ ¼ Ax þ Bu
y ¼ Cx
Isc ¼ Np $Ielem (11)
Battery 8
The battery is modeled using a simple controlled voltage < x ¼ ½iL VDC t
u ¼ ½VFC id 
source in series with a constant resistance as shown in Fig. 7 :
y ¼ VDC
[21]. The battery voltage Vbat is described by Equation (12).
Vbat ¼ E  Rbat Ibat (12) The state representation of the converter average model
during a period T is given, as function of the duty cycle d, by
The controlled voltage source is given by Equation (13).
the following system of equations:
8862 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 8 8 5 7 e8 8 6 9

> Req1 ¼ 2rD þ 2m2 rT
Leq1 ¼ L þ m2 Lr (16)
: C ¼ C þ Cr
eq1 0

Control of output voltage of the unidirectional converter

The voltage at the output of the converter must be regulated to

the DC bus voltage. For this reason, we must add a propor-
tional integral regulator (PI) which allows controlling the
converter as given in Fig. 10.


Fuel Cell model and its associated converter are simulated in

order to improve the effectiveness of the proposed converter.
In this section we present some simulation results which are
Fig. 10 e Control strategy of the unidirectional converter. given in Fig. 11. These results are obtained applying a variable
load current which is presented in Fig. 11(a).
Fig. 11(b) and (d) show the influence of load current varia-
0 1 0 1
2Req1 ð1  2dÞrD 2d ð1  2dÞ tion on the fuel cell current and voltage. For the converter
B diL C B Leq1    C ! output voltage, presented in Fig. 11(c), it stays always constant
B dt CC B
L Leq1 L C iL
B ¼ B C
even when a high load current is required because of using the
A @ 2d 1  2d A vDC
PI regulator. For this reason, the duty cycle follows the load
dt þ 0
C C eq1 0 current as given in Fig. 11(e).
0 1
B Leq1 0 C ! (15)
B C*
B C DC/DC bidirectional converter
@ 2d  1 2d A id
C0 Ceq1
! Topology of the supercapacitor converter
y ¼ ð0 1Þ*
VDC For the studied traction system, the storage system used is
composed of a battery and supercapacitor. In order to inter-
10 60 180
Full Cell voltage (V)

8 160
Output Voltage (V)
Load Current (A)

6 140
4 120
2 100

0 40 80
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
Time (s) Time (s) Time (s)

(a) Load current (b) Fuel Cell voltage (c) Output voltage

50 0.34
Full Cell Current (A)

Duty Cycle

10 0.29

0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
Time (s) Time (s)

(d) Fuel Cell current (e) Duty cycle

Fig. 11 e Simulation results of a fuel cell associated with a DC/DC converter.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 8 8 5 7 e8 8 6 9 8863

Fig. 12 e Topology of the bidirecional DC/DC converter.

face these two elements with the DC bus, it is necessary to use

bidirectional current converters which are capable of trans- 0 1
2ðd  0:5Þ 8ð1  dÞ
B þ 0 C
ferring energy in both directions. Each one of these converters B L L þ Lr C
is composed of [22]: B1 ¼ B C (19)
@ 2ðd  1Þ 2ðd  0:5Þ A
0 þ
Ceq C0
- Full bridge side ultra capacitor is constituted by four tran-
sistorediode pair. C1 ¼ ð 0 1 Þ (20)
- Full bridge side DC bus consists of four transistorediode
pair. with:
- Two planar transformers provide both galvanic isolation 8
< Leq ¼ m ðL þ Lr Þ
and energy storage through winding leakage inductance.
: C ¼ C þ Cr
eq 0
Since both converters associated to SC and BAT are similar,
we will be limited in this work to the study of only that it is Operating in boost buck (charging of supercapacitor)
connected to supercapacitor. The topology adopted in this For this case, the state representation of the converter average
work is presented in Fig. 12. model is given by the following system of equations:

Modeling of the supercapacitor converter

For modeling the converter associated with the super-

capacitor, and similarly to the case of fuel cell, two state
variables including the converter output voltage and the
inductor current are chosen and as control variables, we have
chosen the super capacitor voltage and the current

Operating in boost mode (discharging of supercapacitor)

The state representation of the converter average model for
operating in boost mode is given by the system of Equation (17).

x_ ¼ A1 x þ B1 u
y ¼ C1 x

The three matrixes A1, B1 and C1 are given by the following

0 1
4ðd  1Þ
B 0 mðL  Lr Þ C
A1 ¼ B C (18)
@ 1d A
0 Fig. 13 e Control strategy of the bidirectional converter.
8864 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 8 8 5 7 e8 8 6 9

30 46 200

Supercapacitor Voltage (V)


Output Voltage (V)

44 150
Load Current (A)

42 100
40 50
38 0
-20 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
0 20 40 60 Time (s) Time (s)
Time (s)
(a) Load current (b) Supercapacitor voltage (c) Output voltage
50 70
Supercapacitor Current (A)

State Of Charge
0 60 0.7

Duty Cycle
-50 50 0.65

-100 40
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0.6
10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (s) Time (s)
Time (s)
(d) Supercapacitor current (e) State of charge (f) Duty cycle

Fig. 14 e Simulation results of a supercapacitor associated with a DC/DC converter.

 0 1
x_ ¼ A2 x þ B2 u 1d 8d
y ¼ C2 x
(22) B L þ L þ Lr C 0
B2 ¼ B C (24)
@ 2d 2ðd  1Þ A
The three matrixes are given by the following equations: 0 þ
Ceq C0
0 1
B 0
B mðL þ Lr Þ C
A2 ¼ B C (23)
@ d A C2 ¼ ð 0 1 Þ (25)

Fig. 15 e Studied system with energy management algorithm.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 8 8 5 7 e8 8 6 9 8865

Control of output voltage of the bidirectional converter ICV-FC

In order to control the two converter (DC/AC) and (AC/DC), we Eq(1) ./. ID
have to use two proportional integral regulators. So, the
voltage at the output of the converter must be regulated to the algorithm
DC bus voltage as shown in Fig. 13. SwCV-FC
Simulation results SwCV-SC

In this section we are interested in presenting some simulation Fig. 16 e Energy management algorithm principle.
results of the supercapacitor associated to the DC/DC buck boost
converter in order to improve the effectiveness of this system
and see the influence of the load current charge in the super-  
capacitor. These simulation results are presented in Fig. 14. Icv sc ¼ ID  Icv FC þ Icv bat max (27)
For a load current which is shown in Fig. 14 (a), we obtain a
The control of three converters is ensured by proportional
supercapacitor voltage and current as given respectively in
integral regulators.
Fig. 14(b) and (d). Since the load current presents negative and
The energy management algorithm is presented in Fig. 17.
positive values, the supercapacitor can be in charge or
It allows giving for a current demanded Id, the current value
discharge state corresponding to the sign of the current which
provided from the three converter associated to the FC, BAT
is proved by the curve of the state of charge (Fig. 14(e)). For the
and SC which are named respectively Icv_FC, Icv_bat and Icv_SC.
output voltage, it is maintained constant and equal to the
reference value despite the current variation which allows
confirming the effectiveness of the PI regulator. The duty cycle Simulation results
is presented by the Fig. 14(f). It varies according to the varia-
tion of current in order to control the converter and maintain In order to prove the proposed study, some simulations have
the output voltage at its reference. been done. For this reason, a detailed model, whose parame-
ters are given in Tables 1e4, has been developed using MAT-
LAB/Simulink and mathematical models of the described
Energy management system.
Simulation results are given by the following figure.
Energy management consists in finding the required powers To test the behavior of our system, we used a speed profile
values of the Fuel Cell PFC , the battery PBAT , and super- (NEDC) which is given by Fig. 18(a). For this speed profile, we
capacitors stack PSC in order to satisfy the power demand Pd , obtain a required power as given in Fig. 18(b). For the DC link
without knowing future driving conditions. voltage, it is regulated at a reference value which is equal to
This can be written as the following equation: 140 V.
By exploiting simulation results shown previously, we can
Pd þ PFC þ PBAT þ PSC (26) confirm that the different currents curves, presented in
Fig. 18(c), satisfy, always, the Equation (26).
Energy management algorithm When the vehicle is braked (negative current required), the
fuel cell is stopped by the switcher associated to the converter.
In this paper, we proposed an energy management method So, the fuel cell current is equal to zero as given in Fig. 18(e).
whose main function is to distribute the energy flux between The recovered energy is used to charge the storage system
the three sources of the electric vehicle. It allows the selection which is formed of two elements: battery and supercapacitors.
of the source which should operate to satisfy the power de- Energy storage in these two elements must be done by a
mand with three switchers (Swcv-FC, Swcv-Bat and Swcv-SC) suitable energetic management. The adopted strategy is pro-
associated respectively with the three converters of the Fuel posed to share the energy in the storage electric system be-
cell, battery and supercapacitor as given in Fig. 15. tween the supercapacitor and the battery in depending on the
The control of the energy flux between Fuel cell and storage value of the supercapacitor voltage, given in Fig. 18(d), obeying
system depends on the required current and the super- to the energy management algorithm given by Fig. 16.
capacitor voltage such as presented in Fig. 16. When the vehicle accelerates, it demands higher power.
The rule on which we based our work, is the limitation of The FC generates its maximum power and the storage system
the battery current. So the SC provides the difference be- supplements to FC producing the rest of power required by the
tween the current required by the vehicle and the sum of the vehicle during the acceleration phase. The rule on which we
current supplied by the battery, which is limited to an based is the limitation of the battery current. The SC provides,
imposed value, and the current given by the FC such as given so, the difference between the current required by the vehicle
by Equation (27). The adjustment variable will, in this case, and the sum of the current supplied by the battery, which is
the value of SC current. In order to develop an energy man- limited to an imposed value, and the current given by the FC.
agement strategy in hybrid electrical vehicles, an approach Operating or not of battery and ultracapacitor is assured by
based on the minimization of the battery current is proposed the two switches associated to their converters (respectively
in this paper. Fig. 18(f) and (g)).
8866 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 8 8 5 7 e8 8 6 9

Fig. 17 e The energy management algorithm.

Table 1 e Vehicle parameters. Experimental validation

Parameter Value
In order to prove the feasibility and effectiveness of the
M 800 kg management algorithm proposed in this work, it is imple-
SCx 1.75 m2
mented with a dSPACE platform and tested for the New Eu-
Cr 0.009
ropean Driving Cycle (NEDC).
rair 1.2 kg/m3
G 9.81 m s2 It should be mentioned that some variables are multiplied
by a rapport in order to allow seeing them in the oscilloscope.
So, we have present images of the driving cycle NEDC, the
required power and the ultracapacitor voltage respectively in
Fig. 19(a)e(c).
The speed and the power required are presented respec-
Table 2 e Fuel cell characteristics. tively in Fig. 19(a) and (b). The driving cycle is composed of
Characteristic Value four urban cycles and one extra-urban cycle.
Nominal power 1260 W Fig. 19(c) shows the supercapacitor voltage. As it can be
Maximal power 2000 W observed, this voltage changes at each acceleration and
Nominal voltage 24 V deceleration.
Resistance 0.0012 U Fig. 19(d) and (e) show the current of each energy source of
Hydrogen pressure 1.5 bar electrical vehicle: fuel cell, battery and supercapacitor. In the
Oxygen pressure 1 bar
case of deceleration, negative load power is produced. In this
Temperature 55  C
state, part of the negative power is used to charge the super-
capacitor until the maximum voltage value. The remaining

Table 3 e Supercapacitor characteristics. Table 4 e Battery characteristics.

Characteristic Value Characteristic Value
Capacity 150 F Rated capacity 6.5 A h
Resistance 4.5 e3 U Maximal capacity 7Ah
Maximal voltage 45 V Internal resistance 1.8462 e3 U
Maximal current 280 A Nominal cell voltage 1.2 V
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 8 8 5 7 e8 8 6 9 8867

140 2000

120 1500

100 1000

Power demanded (W)

speed (Km/h)

80 500

60 0

40 -500

20 -1000

0 -1500
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
time (s) time (s)
(a) Driving cycle NEDC. (b) Required Power.


5 Id
20 Icv-bat

10 500 550 600

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
time (s)

(c) Required current, Supercapacitor current, fuel cell current and battery current.

31 5
sw ich control and current of fuel cell converter

30 Icv-FC
4 Swcv-FC
Ultracapacitor (V)


28 3


25 1

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0
time (s) 400 450 500 550
time (s)
(d) Ultracapacitor Voltage.
(e) Swich control and current of fuel cell converter.

swich control and current of supercapactor converter
swich control and current of battery converter

Icv-bat 4

Swcv-bat Icv-SC
3 3
Sw cv-SC

2 1



-1 350 400 450 500 550
200 300 400 500 600
time (s)
time (s)
(f) Swich control and current of battery converter. (g) Swich control and current of supercapacitor converter.

Fig. 18 e Simulations results of management algorithm applied to electrical hybrid vehicle.

8868 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 8 8 5 7 e8 8 6 9

Fig. 19 e Experimental results.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 8 8 5 7 e8 8 6 9 8869

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