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Dust of Snow


The way a (1)……

Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock (2)……

Has given my (3).…..

A change of (4) .…..
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.

1. Read the poem on your own and try to guess the missing words.
a. Hint #1: the missing words are related to the pictures.
b. Hint #2: there is rhyme. (1) rhymes with “snow”; (2) rhymes with
“me”; (3) rhymes with “part”; (4) rhymes with “rued”.

2. What is the poem describing?

3. Who is the speaker?

4. What change is described in the speaker of the poem?

5. How did the speaker feel in the beginning of the day?

6. Why do you think the title of the poem describes the snow as “dust”?

7. Can you picture the speaker at the end of the poem? Where is he/she?
What is he/she doing?

8. Change the following words in the first stanza to create your own
poem: crow, me, dust of snow, hemlock tree.

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