Lesson 2 Stem

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K5 Science Endorsement GPS Lesson Plan

Title Create-ure STEM Challenge

Teacher(s) Maggie Elmore, Lauren Ross, Kim Sanders
Maggie.gudgle@cobbk12.org, lauren.ross@cobbk12.org, Kimberly.sanders@cobbk12.org
School Frey Elementary School
Grade Level  First Grade Concepts(s)  Classification of organisms
 Fifth Grade Targeted  Traits
 Basic needs of animals

Performance Expectations:

 SW go through the steps of the engineering process.

 SW create and design a newly discovered creature.
 SW describe/classify their creature.

Science & Engineering Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concept

Practice (Content)
 Developing and using  LS3: Heredity: Inheritance  Structure and Function
models and Variation of Traits  Patterns
 Planning and carrying out  LS4: Biological Evolution:
investigations Unity and Diversity
 Analyzing and  ETS1: Engineering Design
interpreting data
 Constructing explanations
and designing solutions
Georgia Performance Standards

S5L1. Obtain, evaluate and communicate information to group organisms using

scientific, classification procedures.

S5L2. Obtain, evaluate and communicate information showing that some

characteristics of organisms are inherited & other characteristics are acquired.

S1L1. Obtain, evaluate, & communicate information about the basic needs of plants
& animals.

The Learning Plan:

 Ask/Engage- Video of newly discovered animals

 Imagine/Brainstorm
o First Grade: SW compile a list of their favorite animals from different
o Fifth Grade: SW compile a list of their favorite animals and their main
attributes for classification.
 Plan/ Design-
o First Grade: SW dabble in the materials and begin to design their new
o Fifth Grade: SW draw and label their design plan.
 Create/Test- SW make their creature using the provided materials.
 Evaluate/Improve-
o First Grade: SW make a Chatterpix to explain their animal.
o Fifth Grade: SW make a Seesaw video to explain how to classify their animal.
 Extension- During the Museum Walk, SW write down three questions they may still
be wondering about their peers’ “newly discovered” animals.

First Grade:
Lesson Logistics/Materials:

Learning Style:
 Grouped (4-5)

 Feathers
 Pipe cleaners
 Clay
 Beads
 Craft sticks
 Tooth picks
 Plates
 Recording sheet

Other Considerations:

 Students need the opportunity to touch the materials prior to being give the recording
sheet, in order to maintain engagement and focus throughout the challenge.

Opening/Hook/Initial Focus:

 TW show a video of a newly discovered, exotic animal. This will provide the students
with a phenomena and visual prior to creating and designing.

Work Session:
 Ask/Engage
o TW ask students to design their own newly discovered creature.
o Criteria:
 Must have a way to get food, water, and air.
 Must have a way to protect itself from predators.
 Must have a way to move to find food, water, air, and shelter.
 Must be free standing.

 Imagine/Brainstorm-
o SW brainstorm their favorite animals.
o They will pick characteristics from each animal and combine them together to
create a new creature.

 Plan/ Design-
o SW draw and label their new creature.
o SW make a list of the materials they want to use.

 Create/Test-
o Using the ideas from their brainstorm and design plan and the materials
provided, SW build and accessorize their creatures.
o Students must make sure there are following the criteria while building.

 Evaluate/Improve-
o SW use Chatterpix to report the needs and details of their creature.
o They will make sure all materials stay in place on the plate and that their
creature is free standing.


 After all students have created their creatures and explained them on Chatterpix,
they will take a Create-ure Museum Walk to explore and explain their design.
 The students will provide feedback and collaborate with classmates to incorporate a
speaking and listening grade.
Fifth Grade:
Lesson Logistics/Materials:

Learning Style:
 Grouped (4-5)

 Feathers
 Pipe cleaners
 Clay
 Beads
 Craft sticks
 Tooth picks
 Plates
 Recording sheet
Opening/Hook/Initial Focus:

 TW show a video of a newly discovered, exotic animal. This will provide the students
with a phenomena and visual prior to creating and designing.

Work Session:

 Ask/Engage
o TW ask students to design their own newly discovered creature.
o Criteria:
 Must be combination of real-life animals.
 Must be able to classify the new animal.

 Imagine/Brainstorm-
o SW brainstorm their favorite animals.
o They will pick characteristics from each animal and combine them together to
create a new creature.

 Plan/ Design-
o SW draw and label their new creature.
o SW make a list of the materials they want to use.

 Create/Test-
o Using the ideas from their brainstorm and design plan and the materials
provided, SW build and accessorize their creatures.
o Students must make sure there are following the criteria while building.

 Evaluate/Improve-
o SW classify their creature in multiple ways.
 Vertebrate vs Invertebrates
If Vertebrate:
 Mammal
 Fish
 Bird
 Reptile
 Amphibian
 If Invertebrate:
 Arthropod
 Cnidarian
 Annelida
 Mollusca
o SW record a Seesaw video introducing their new creature.
 In the video, students must share their classification as well as their
reasoning behind the grouping using the attributes of each group.


 After all students have created their creatures and explained them on Seesaw, they
will take a Create-ure Museum Walk to explore and explain their design.
 The students will provide feedback and collaborate with classmates to incorporate a
speaking and listening grade.

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