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Those who heed history… Needle in a Haystack

Hole in the world-I Hole in the world-I

You will need a geologist to tell you where the alien

Algonquin legends whisper of the spirit-well. Vasco
metals they seek are found. You will need to hire a
De Gama’s log book says he traded strange, shining
private investigator to follow Doctor Walsh.
metals on the African coast. Aborigine carvings
show the Rainbow Serpent rising from a crack in the You will need a radio operator to trace the strange
world. Alexander the Great came back forever radiation the Mi-go industry emits. You will need a
changed after he went missing in the desert near federal agent to get access to the record of cattle
Hormuz for three days. mutilations and abductions, and you will need others
Whenever an investigator performs a research too numerous to name. When an investigator acquires assets, they may
A hundred cultures have a thousand stories, told
over ten thousand years. A seemingly impossible encounter, they may search for clues as to the Through some combination of skill, contacts or spend two successes and one clue token to call in
task, but someone must know where the Mi-go’s Mi-go’s location. If they would gain clues they straight bribery, you will have to find the people their contacts for information about the Mi-go.
best guarded secret is. you need before it is too late…
may spend one of the clues to put an
If they do, place an eldritch token on this
Eldritch token on this card.
When this adventure is completed, you have When this adventure is completed, you have adventure.
found the Mi-go’s base. Place the Mystery When there are Eldritch tokens on this card equal found the Mi-go’s base. Place the Mystery
token on a random wilderness space. When there are eldritch tokens on this adventure
to half , you have found the fabled location. token on a random wilderness space.
equal to half , your contacts have tracked
Then reveal a Hole in the Complete this adventure. Then reveal a Hole in the down the Mi-go’s base. Complete this adventure.
World II adventure. World II adventure.

Finding the Escapee Source of the Ley-Lines

Hole in the world-I Hole in the world-I

Your researches make it clear, the Mi-go could not

You have heard rumours of someone who not
place their horrific industries just anywhere. These
only has been to the Mi-go’s stronghold, but
escaped it alive. A victim of one of their cruel dark technologies require a font of power, a place
experiments, this luckless individual fled of malign conjunctions where the veil has been worn
forever marked by the alien surgery. thin by foul acts and evil magic.

They know where the base is, but they have There are those sensitive to these mystic forces,
kept hidden from the Mi-go and their agents As an encounter, an investigator on a space with a clue those who can sense the pattern of magic and
for years, so you have little chance of finding may try to track the escapee down before the Mi-go menace that crisscross the world. Perhaps they may
do. A cultist ambushes them! help guide you to the source of the magic, and the When an investigator would gain a spell, they
them. However, for the sake of the world you
have to try. source of the Mi-go. may instead gain Arcane Insight.
If they defeat the cultist, they may spend clues equal to
half to gain the ally as an asset. At the end of the Mythos phase, the
When this adventure is completed, you have When this adventure is completed, you have
found the Mi-go’s base. Place the Mystery When you gain the ally, they tell you their harrowing found the Mi-go’s base. Place the Mystery investigators may collectively discard an
token on a random wilderness space. tale, including the exact location of the Mi-go’s hive, token on a random wilderness space. Arcane Insight spell and clues equal to in
complete this adventure. order to locate the Mi-go’s base.
Then reveal a Hole in the Then reveal a Hole in the
World II adventure. World II adventure.

Dwellers in the Darkness Claustrophobia

Hole in the world-II Hole in the world-II
The Mi-go need no light, relying on other senses A chill horror settles in your stomach as you see the
alien to human experience. Knowing this, you tunnel you must brave, barely wide enough for a
expected the void below to be lightless, but seeing man to crawl through on hands and knees, pitch
the pitch black you must enter is still chilling. black and lined with jagged rocks.

From the dark you hear soft buzzing, and you know You know how deep the Mi-go make their base, and
that somewhere the Mi-go await you. They are you know these tunnels they can scuttle through in
waiting for you to enter the blackness which is their As an encounter, an investigator an hour will take you days. Days of eating, sleeping,
on the mystery token may try to fight their way fighting on your knees. Days where you cannot sit As an encounter, an investigator on the mystery token
home, where they will have every advantage in
tearing this unwelcome guest apart. through the tunnels. They are ambushed by a Mi-go. up, stretch your arms or even turn around if you may discard an improvement token to navigate the
find the way blocked. tunnels, place an Eldritch token on this card.
In one hand you have your torch casting its feeble Due to the alien’s advantage in the dark, the investigator
light ahead, and your other holds your weapon. You Only the strongest body and will can brave these As they crawl through the earth, they try to keep mind
automatically loses one health and gains an Abducted
must trust in both to make it through. nightmarish tunnels, but brave them you must for ( -1) and body ( -1) together. If they fail the test,
condition before rolling dice.
the sake of the world.
they gain a madness condition, and if they fail the
When this adventure is completed, you find For every damage dealt to the Mi-go in this encounter, test they gain an injury condition.
When this adventure is completed, you find
your way to the heart of the Mi-go operations. place an Eldritch token on this card.
your way to the heart of the Mi-go operations.
When there are Eldritch tokens on this card equal to
Reveal a Hole in the When there are Eldritch tokens on this card equal to , Reveal a Hole in the half , you have navigated the tiny pathways, complete
World III adventure. you have cleared a path, complete the adventure. World III adventure. this mystery.
Ever Their Praises and Abundances The Heart of Darkness
Hole in the world-III Hole in the world-III

In the caverns below the world, you notice the walls In the bowels of the earth, the Mi-go have
are run through with a thick black fibres, webbing the been busy. They have been extracting not only
entire complex. As you follow the strands deeper crude matter, but also harvesting very fabric
into the aliens mad hive, you realize the black cords of space that it existed in, for inscrutable
are alive - leathery tentacles of some great beast! reasons of their own.
When you achieve the centre, the owner of these
The heart of this evil enterprise stands before As an encounter, an investigator on the mystery token
tendrils keens its horrific approval. Nug, the
messenger of Shub-Niggurath, the beating heart and Nug’s reckoning effect spawns a cultist on his you, a demonic engine the size of a cathedral, may try to pierce the swirling dimensions of the engine.
pumping ichor of this hive. space rather than a Ghoul. shimmering in and out of the angled space you
know as it bores still deeper into reality. They draw an Other World encounter. During the
The Mi-go have recently fed their honoured guest encounter they may not use the effects of any of their
When an investigator encounters Nug, they may
human captives, but like its mother, the thousand Clearly the energies of this hideous technology possessions (Assets, Spells, Clues, or Artifacts).
maws of Nug are ever hungry. spend a clue. If they do not, they automatically fail could be turned against the Mi-go, but
the check. piercing the fluctuating dimensions to get to it If they would close the gate, they may instead spend two
When this card enters play, spawn the Nug Epic
will be near impossible. clues to place an eldritch token on this adventure.
monster and a cultist on the same space as the
When you defeat Nug, the dying beast lashes out
Mystery token. If there are Eldritch tokens on this card equal to half ,
in its death throes, bringing the impossible alien
When this adventure is completed When this adventure is completed the sabotaged engine erupts in a burst of cosmic energy,
complex crashing down with it.
the investigators win the game! the investigators win the game! annihilating the MI-go’s base and ending their dark plans.

Naked Oblivion His Final Face

Hole in the world-III Hole in the world-III

At the heart of the world, you find a preview of the The crawling tunnels turn to onyx steps, and despite
fate that the rapaciousness Mi-go industries would the fact you know you are descending beneath the
damn Earth to. Whenever an investigator world, they somehow lead upwards. As you climb
gains an artifact, they may the steps they become more and more ornate, forcing
A void of nothingness, the utter black that remains you to avert your eyes from the mad, alien scenes
instead gain a tome artifact.
when all matter, all light, all energy and even reality etched into them in shimmering blood.
has been removed, a gnawing cancer that will
When an investigator has an Expedition encounter, they As an encounter, an investigator on the mystery token
consume the world if the Mi-go are allowed to The stairs lead to a chamber etched of the same onyx,
continue unchecked.
may spend a Focus to draw another Expedition from the and in the middle on a throne of jagged angles and may try to withstand Nyarlathotep’s maze of lies ( -1).
same location. They may only do this once per turn. screaming fear sits the architect of the Mi-go, the
As dangerous as this void is to Earth, it is just as If they pass, they may spend a clue to place an Eldritch
Crawling Chaos, Nyarlathotep, with the face of an
dangerous to the Mi-go, who keep it contained with As an encounter, an investigator on the mystery token token on this card. If they fail, Nyarlathotep snares them
angel and the voice heavy with death.
a dark mixture of magic and science. If you can find may try to use a ritual to control the rift ( ). If they in his web of deceit, they gain a Dark Pact condition.
the arcane knowledge needed to control the rift and pass, then the investigators may collectively discard “Welcome, my friends. You’re right on time…”
unleash its nothingness on them, their just desserts tome artifacts equal to half and any combination of When there are Eldritch tokens on this card equal to
may well save our planet. While this card is in play, Dark Pacts trigger on a you have banished the architect of this mad abyss. With
spells and clues equal to twice to master the rift.
roll of 1-4, rather than just 1.
his power gone, the stretched laws of reality begin to
When this adventure is completed If they do this, the rift spasms for a second before When this adventure is completed reassert themselves, crumbling the impossible tunnels and
the investigators win the game! vanishing, dragging the Mi-go base into oblivion with it. the investigators win the game! sealing the Mi-go forever beneath the earth.

Infinite Descent Non Euclidean Geometry

Hole in the world-II Hole in the world-II
Your stomach reels, for the narrow shaft shoots They should’ve sent a poet.
straight down as far as the eye can see. Does it go
kilometres deep? Hundreds? To the core of the world A mad labyrinth of tunnels weaves its way under
or the depth of madness itself? You can’t imagine the world, according to a symmetry only the bizarre
what bored the impossible hole, but it fused rock into aliens understand. Your eyes water and brain reels as
You may gain debts when you
glass and left your Geiger counter clicking fretfully. you try to understand this place, water trickles up
already have them, and you the walls, objects seem larger the farther away they
It is this seemingly endless descent you will have to can have any number of Debts. are, and you swear you catch glimpses of yourself
brave to reach the Mi-go’s operation, but the it will As an encounter, an investigator on the mystery token
As an action, an investigator on a city space may buy vanishing around the next corner.
require lights, climbing pitons, kilometres of strong may try to find the true path. They roll one dice, and if
rope, oxygen canisters and much else besides. climbing equipment ( +1). They may place eldritch Navigating this bizarre place would take either a they roll equal or over their current sanity, they pass.
tokens (equipment) on their card up to the number of genius or a madman, and as the maze takes its toll,
You will have to beg, borrow and steal to get the If they pass, they may gain a madness condition to
successes, and gain the same number of Debt conditions. you begin to wonder if there is a difference
equipment to such a remote location, but at this final between the two.
understand the maze, place an Eldritch token on this card.
hour you have no choice. As an encounter, an investigator on the mystery token
may use their equipment to descend. They move any If they fail, the angles begin to get to them, they lose half
When this adventure is completed, you find number of eldritch tokens from their sheet to this card. When this adventure is completed, you find their sanity (rounding down).
your way to the heart of the Mi-go operations. your way to the heart of the Mi-go operations.
When there are Eldritch tokens on this card equal to , When there are Eldritch tokens on this card equal to
you reach the bottom of the indeterminable shaft, Reveal a Hole in the half , you have learned the way through the alien
Reveal a Hole in the
complete this mystery. World III adventure. tunnels, complete this mystery.
World III adventure.

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