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Hormones and Behavior 94 (2017) 33–39

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Administration of an oxytocin receptor antagonist attenuates sexual

motivation in male rats
D.S. Blitzer a, T.E. Wells a, W.R. Hawley a,b,⁎
Franklin and Marshall College, Department of Psychology, United States
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Department of Psychology, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In male rats, oxytocin impacts both sexual arousal and certain types of consummatory sexual behaviors. However,
Received 12 October 2016 the role of oxytocin in the motivational aspects of sexual behavior has received limited attention. Given the role
Revised 20 March 2017 that oxytocin signaling plays in consummatory sexual behaviors, it was hypothesized that pharmacological atten-
Accepted 3 June 2017
uation of oxytocin signaling would reduce sexual motivation in male rats. Sexually experienced Long-Evans male
Available online xxxx
rats were administered either an oxytocin receptor antagonist (L368,899 hydrochloride; 1 mg/kg) or vehicle con-
trol into the intraperitoneal cavity 40 min prior to placement into the center chamber of a three-chambered arena
Sexual behavior designed to assess sexual motivation. During the 20-minute test, a sexually experienced stimulus male rat and a
Sexual motivation sexually receptive stimulus female rat were separately confined to smaller chambers that were attached to the
Oxytocin larger end chambers of the arena. However, physical contact between test and stimulus rats was prevented by
Oxytocin receptors perforated dividers. Immediately following the sexual motivation test, test male rats were placed with a sexually
receptive female to examine consummatory sexual behaviors. Although both drug and vehicle treated rats exhib-
ited a preference for the female, treatment with an oxytocin receptor antagonist decreased the amount of time
spent with the female. There were no differences between drug and vehicle treated rats in either general activity,
exploratory behaviors, the amount of time spent near the stimulus male rat, or consummatory sexual behaviors.
Extending previous findings, these results indicate that oxytocin receptors are involved in sexual motivation in
male rats.
© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction of an OT receptor antagonist (Argiolas et al., 1987; Melis et al., 1999,

1992) or lesions of the PVN (Liu et al., 1997), which is partially com-
Oxytocin (OT) is well known for regulating a variety of social behav- prised of oxytonergic neurons (George et al., 1976).
iors. For example, in male rats, oxytonergic signaling has been shown to In addition to its role in sexual arousal, OT is involved in the consum-
impact affiliative behaviors and aggression (Calcagnoli et al., 2015a, matory aspects of male rat sexual behavior. Levels of OT in blood plasma
2015b), social memory (Lukas et al., 2013), the rewarding aspects of so- increased following sexual experience in both sexually naive male rats
cial interactions (Ramos et al., 2015), and social defeat-induced avoid- and male rats with previous sexual experience (Hillegaart et al.,
ance of a conspecific (Lukas et al., 2011). Interestingly, OT also 1998). Furthermore, levels of OT in the cerebrospinal fluid have been
influences different types of sexual behavior in male rats (Argiolas, shown to increase two to three-fold after ejaculation (Hughes et al.,
1999). Male rats exhibited higher levels of sexual arousal, as indicated 1987; Waldherr and Neumann, 2007), an effect abrogated by lesions
by the occurrence of penile erections, following direct administration of the PVN (Hughes et al., 1987). Sexual experience increased OT recep-
of OT into either the ventral tegmental area (Succu et al., 2008), the tor mRNA and protein expression in the medial preoptic area (MPOA),
paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus (Melis et al., the area of the brain that is critical for the execution of consummatory
1986), the posteromedial cortical nucleus of the amygdala (Melis et sexual behaviors (Gil et al., 2013). As might be expected, OT adminis-
al., 2009), area CA1 of the hippocampus (Melis et al., 1986), or the tered either centrally or peripherally decreased the number of mounts
subiculum (Succu et al., 2011). In accordance with these findings, penile (Gil et al., 2011) and intromissions (Stoneham et al., 1985) prior to ejac-
erections were reduced following either intraventricular administration ulation, reduced the latency to first mount and first intromission (Arletti
et al., 1990), as well as the ejaculation latency and the post ejaculatory
interval (Arletti et al., 1992, 1990, 1985; Gil et al., 2013, 2011). Con-
⁎ Corresponding author at: Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Department of
Psychology, Compton Hall, Room 106, 210 East Normal St., Edinboro, PA 16444, United
versely, central administration of an OT receptor antagonist, either
States. into the medial preoptic area or ventricles, resulted in a longer latency
E-mail address: (W.R. Hawley). to first intromission (Gil et al., 2011), a reduction in both mounts and
0018-506X/© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
34 D.S. Blitzer et al. / Hormones and Behavior 94 (2017) 33–39

intromissions, as well as a reduction in the likelihood of ejaculation 2.2. Drug and hormone treatments
(Argiolas et al., 1988). Collectively, these results indicate that OT influ-
ences the consummatory aspects of male rat sexual behavior, and that Sexual receptivity in stimulus female rats was induced by intramus-
alterations in oxytonergic signaling are not merely a byproduct of ejac- cular injections of estrodial benzoate (10 μg; Custom Prescriptions of
ulation (Murphy et al., 1987). Lancaster, Lancaster, PA) and progesterone (500 μg; Custom Prescrip-
Although considerable attention has been given to the role of OT in tions of Lancaster) that were delivered 48 h and 4–6 h, respectively,
sexual arousal and consummatory sexual behaviors in males, the role prior to either sexual experience or the sexual motivation test. Both hor-
of OT in sexual motivation has received limited attention (Arletti et al., mones were suspended in a 0.1 mL vehicle solution that consisted of
1992, 1990, 1985; Gil et al., 2013). The notion that OT influences sexual sesame oil and benzyl alcohol (3%; Custom Prescriptions of Lancaster).
motivation is supported by evidence which indicates that oxytonergic A timeline depicting the behavioral and pharmacological procedures
signaling is modulated by testosterone and estrogen, hormones that conducted with test male rats is shown in Fig. 1. Test male rats received
play a significant role in male rat sexual motivation (Attila et al., a single injection into the intraperitoneal cavity of either an OT receptor
2010). Gonadectomized male rats exhibited reduced OT receptor bind- antagonist, L368.899 hydrochloride (1 mg/kg; Santa Cruz Biotechnology,
ing and reduced expression of OT receptor mRNA in the ventromedial Dallas, TX), or vehicle (sterile water; 1 mL/kg) 40 min prior to the begin-
hypothalamus (VMH) (Bale and Dorsa, 1995; Johnson et al., 1991, ning of sexual motivation testing (Boccia et al., 2007). The non-peptide OT
1989; Tribollet et al., 1990). Administration of testosterone (Bale and receptor antagonist L368,899 was found in both the cerebrospinal fluid
Dorsa, 1995; Johnson et al., 1991, 1989; Tribollet et al., 1990), or a com- and hypothalamus of female rhesus monkeys at this dosage and time
bination of estradiol and 5-α dihydrotestosterone (DHT) (Johnson et al., point following peripheral administration, an effect that corresponded
1991), reversed the effects of gonadectomy on OT receptor binding and with a reduction in sexual behavior (Boccia et al., 2007). In addition,
levels of OT receptor mRNA. Notably, in vitro, estradiol has been shown administration of L368,899 directly into the amygdala has been shown
to modulate the release of OT from hypothalamic neurons (Wang et al., to counteract the anti-aggressive effects of OT in male rats (Calcagnoli et
1995). Additionally, the aromatase enzyme (El-Emam Dief et al., 2013), al., 2015b) and intraperitoneal administration of L368.899 attenuates
G-protein coupled receptor 30 (GPR30) (Hazell et al., 2009; Sakamoto et social reward in wild-type male mice (Wei et al., 2015).
al., 2007) and estrogen receptor β mRNA (Hrabovszky et al., 1998;
Laflamme et al., 1998; Simonian and Herbison, 1997), colocalize with 2.3. Sexual behavior prescreen
OT, which may explain why levels of OT receptor mRNA and OT receptor
binding in male rats are influenced by alterations in estrogen signaling Test male rats were individually acclimated to temporary home cages
alone (Bale and Dorsa, 1995; Johnson et al., 1991; Tribollet et al., 1990). on three separate 10-min sessions in a behavioral testing room that was
Given the relationship between OT and gonadal hormones, as well as illuminated by red light with a standard house fan on in a corner of the
the role that OT plays in consummatory sexual behaviors in male rats, it room to minimize background noise (Hawley et al., 2011). Prior to the be-
is reasonable to hypothesize that administration of an OT receptor an- ginning of sexual motivation testing, all test male rats were given three
tagonist would reduce sexual motivation, as well as consummatory sex- separate 45-minute sexual experiences with a novel sexually receptive
ual behaviors. However, characterizing the role of oxytocin in sexual stimulus female rat in the temporary home cage. Each experience was
motivation as either the latencies to achieve first mount or intromission, separated by one week. The frequencies of mounts, intromissions, and
or the post-ejaculatory interval, does not fully capture the motivational ejaculations were scored by a trained observer and recorded by a video
aspects of sexual behavior because these outcomes do not occur inde- camera. Test male rats that did not exhibit at least one mount on any of
pendent of changes in consummatory behaviors (Everitt, 1990). With the three prescreen tests were removed from the study (N = 1). In addi-
this in mind, it is advantageous to examine the influence of OT on the tion to confirming sexual activity in test male rats, stimulus male rats
motivational aspects of male rat sexual behavior independent of con- were given two sexual experiences in temporary home cages prior to
summatory behaviors. Therefore, it was predicted that administration the beginning of sexual motivation testing to confirm sexual activity. All
of an oxytocin receptor antagonist would reduce the amount of time five stimulus male rats exhibited at least one ejaculation on the first expe-
male rats would spend adjacent to a sexually receptive female rat that rience (40 min) and at least two ejaculations on the final experience (1 h).
could not be physically contacted.
2.4. Sexual motivation and consummatory sexual behavior testing
2. Methods
As indicated in Fig. 2, the sexual incentive motivation arena
2.1. Animals consisted of a primary arena (100 cm × 50 cm × 40 cm) with outer
walls that were constructed of clear Plexiglas. Two internal walls of
All procedures were approved by the Franklin and Marshall College black Plexiglas created three equal sized chambers. Each of the internal
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee in accordance with the walls had an opening in one of the lower corners (10 cm × 10 cm) that
Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (2011). Thirty behav- was placed opposite of the opening on the other internal wall and oppo-
iorally naive test (N = 25) and stimulus (N = 5) male Long-Evans rats site to the smaller stimulus rat chamber to which it provided access.
were obtained from a breeding colony in the animal care facility at Stimulus rat chambers (25 cm × 15 cm × 40 cm) were comprised of
Franklin and Marshall College. No more than three test male rats were three sides constructed of clear Plexiglas and a fourth side constructed
used from each litter. Each litter was comprised of both drug and vehicle of perforated metal (0.1 cm wide). The side of the stimulus rat chambers
treated rats. Male rats were between 121 and 126 days of age on the day
of sexual motivation testing. Ovariectomized stimulus female Long-
Evans rats (N = 24), which were between 118 and 120 days of age on
the day of sexual motivation testing, were purchased from Harlan Lab-
oratories (Indianapolis, IN).
All of the test and stimulus rats were group housed by sex and pro-
vided unrestricted access to food and water in polycarbonate cages that
were lined with wood chip bedding. Rats were maintained in a temper-
ature-controlled environment on a reverse 12:12 light-dark schedule
(lights on at 10:00 pm). All behavioral testing was conducted at least Fig. 1. Experimental timeline of all behavioral and pharmacological treatments involving
2 h after the beginning of the dark cycle. test male rats.
D.S. Blitzer et al. / Hormones and Behavior 94 (2017) 33–39 35

more time spent in the female approach zone, were indicative of higher
levels of sexual motivation. A greater frequency of approach zone visits
was indicative of increased activity. Longer latencies to first enter the
larger two end chambers were indicative of reduced exploratory
Immediately after sexual motivation testing, all test male rats were
given sexual experience for 40 min with the same sexually receptive
stimulus female that was used to test sexual motivation. Consummatory
sexual behavior testing, which was recorded by a video camera and
scored by a trained observer that was blind to the conditions, was con-
ducted in the same testing room and in the same temporary home cage
in which the sexual prescreens occurred. The frequencies of mounts and
intromissions, as well as the latencies to achieve first mount, intromis-
sion, ejaculation and the post-ejaculatory interval (latency to achieve
first intromission after first ejaculation) were examined for the first cop-
ulatory series, which consisted of all behaviors prior to the first ejacula-
tion. The total number of ejaculations over the course of the entire 40-
min test was also recorded. One vehicle treated rat that did not exhibit
any mounting behavior during the consummatory sexual behavior test,
but exhibited mounting behavior and intromissions on all three sexual
prescreens, as well as at least one ejaculation on the each of the final
two prescreens, was removed from the study.
Fig. 2. Sexual motivation testing arena with walls 40 cm in height. Gray lines =
transparent walls; black lines = opaque walls; dotted lines = perforated metal divider
separating smaller stimulus chamber from end chambers, which were accessible to test 2.5. Statistical analyses
male rats. Superimposed upward diagonal lines in end chambers indicate stimulus rat
approach zones characterized by video tracking software. One-sample t-tests were conducted to examine preference for the
male and female associated end chambers relative to chance (400 s).
constructed of perforated metal faced against a larger opening (23 cm The total time spent in the entire end chamber adjacent to the female
× 25 cm) that was cut into the center of each of the two larger end and the male, the time spent in the male and female approach zones,
chambers of the primary arena. Consequently, although physical con- the latencies to first enter the male and female end chambers, and the
tact was not permitted, the perforated partition allowed for transmis- frequency of approach zone entries, were examined by independent
sion of visual, olfactory, and auditory cues. samples t-tests. Dependent variables for consummatory sexual behav-
Acclimation to the testing arena and sexual motivation testing were iors, which were analyzed by independent samples t-tests, were the fre-
conducted in the same room as the sexual behavior prescreens, under quency of ejaculations over the course of the entire 40-minute test, as
red lighting and with a standard house fan on in order to minimize well as the latency to first mount, intromission, and ejaculation, the
background noise. Behavior in the arena during the tests was recorded total number of mounts and intromissions, and the PEI during the FCS.
by an overhead camera. During the acclimation test, which occurred All statistical analyses were conducted using the Statistical Package for
two to three weeks prior to sexual motivation testing, test male rats the Social Sciences (SPSS). Statistical significant was indicated by p b
were placed in the center chamber of the primary arena and were 0.05. Cohen's d effect sizes of 0.2 were considered small, whereas medi-
allowed to freely explore all three larger chambers of the arena for um and larger effects sizes were indicated by d = 0.5 and d = 0.8,
20 min without the presence of stimulus rats. The acclimation period respectively.
served to both familiarize rats to the arena and to establish an initial
preference for the larger end chambers. The amount of time spent in 3. Results
each of the larger end chambers indicated each rat's natural preference.
On the day of sexual motivation testing, a novel sexually receptive As indicated in Fig. 3A, both vehicle treated rats [t(10) = 7.45,
stimulus female rat was placed in one stimulus chamber and an unfa- p b 0.001, d = 2.25] and rats treated with an OT receptor antagonist
miliar sexually active stimulus male rat was placed in the other stimulus [t(11) = 5.20, p b 0.001, d = 1.50] spent a greater amount of time in
chamber, prior to placement of the test male into the center chamber. the end chamber adjacent to the sexually receptive female relative to
Importantly, stimulus males were from different litters than the test chance (400 s). However, when compared to vehicle treatment, adminis-
male rats they were paired with. Upon placement into the center cham- tration of an OT receptor antagonist attenuated the amount of time spent
ber, each test male rat was allowed to freely explore all three larger in the end chamber adjacent to the sexually receptive female rat [t(21) =
chambers of the primary arena for 20 min. The placement of stimulus 2.16, p = 0.041, d = 0.90]. Vehicle treated rats [t(10) = −3.48, p = 0.006,
rats was contingent upon each test rat's initial preference for the end d = 1.05], but not rats treated with an OT receptor antagonist [t(11) =
chambers during acclimation, such that the stimulus female rat was −1.84, p = 0.093, d = 0.53], spent significantly less time in the male as-
placed in the smaller chamber adjacent to the larger end chamber of sociated end chamber relative to chance, as illustrated in Fig. 3B. However,
the primary arena that was not preferred during the acclimation test. there were no differences between vehicle and drug treated rats in the
The three chambers of the primary arena and the smaller stimulus rat amount of time spent in the end chamber adjacent to the sexually expe-
chambers were cleaned thoroughly between trials with 10% ethanol. rienced stimulus male rat [t(21) = −1.23, p = 0.233, d = 0.51].
Recorded video files were played back and scored by an observer A refined analysis of sexual motivation revealed that rats treated
blind to treatment conditions who used Ethovision 3.0 (Noldus Infor- with an OT receptor antagonist spent less time than vehicle control
mation Technology Inc., Leesburg, VA) to record the time spent in the rats in the female approach zone, which was the half of the female asso-
end chambers and approach zones. Stimulus rat approach zones, ciated end chamber that was closest to the female [t(21) = 2.41, p =
which provided a more refined analysis of sexual motivation (Agmo, 0.025, d = 1.01; Fig. 4A]. However, there were no differences between
2003a), were indicated as the halves of the larger end chambers that vehicle and drug treated rats in the amount of time spent in the ap-
were closest to the stimulus rat chambers (see Fig. 1). Greater time proach zone of the stimulus male rat [t(21) = − 0.54, p = 0.598, d =
spent in the entire end chamber adjacent to the female, as well as 0.23; Fig. 4B].
36 D.S. Blitzer et al. / Hormones and Behavior 94 (2017) 33–39


Total Time in Female

Approach Zone (sec)
750 *




A Vehicle L-368,899

Approach Zone (sec)

Total Time in Male





B Vehicle L-368,899

Fig. 4. Sexual motivation in male rats as a function of drug treatment. Mean (A) total time
spent in female approach zone and (B) mean total time spent in male approach zone.
Sec = seconds; *p b 0.05 vs. vehicle; Error bars represent ± SEM.

Fig. 3. Sexual motivation in male rats as a function of drug treatment. Mean (A) total time
spent in female associated end chamber and (B) mean total time spent in male associated
end chamber. Sec = seconds; *p b 0.05 vs. vehicle; #p b 0.01 vs. chance (dotted line). Error
bars represent ±1 SEM.

As expected, administration of an OT receptor antagonist did not af-
Latency to 1st Enter the
Female Associated End

fect the latency to first visit the female [t(21) = −0.26, p = 0.796 d =
0.26; see Fig. 5A] or the male [t(21) = −0.93, p = 0.364, d = 0.39; see 35
Chamber (sec)

Fig. 5B] associated end chambers. In addition, there were no differences 30

between rats treated with an OT receptor antagonist and vehicle treated 25
rats in the total number of approach zone entries [t(21) = 0.86, p = 20
0.396, d = 0.36; data not shown]. 15
Unexpectedly, there were no differences between rats treated with 10
an OT receptor antagonist and vehicle treated rats in the latency to
achieve first mount [t(21) = 0.07, p = 0.945, d = 0.03], intromission
[t(21) = 0.34, p = 0.741, d = 0.14], and ejaculation [t(11.22) = 1.22, 0
p = 0.247, d = 0.51]. In addition, there was no effect of the OT receptor A Vehicle L-368,899
antagonist on the PEI [t(19) = − 1.51, p = 0.147, d = 0.63], the fre-
quency of mounts [t(16.92) = 0.40, p = 0.699, d = 0.17] and intromis- 45
Latency to 1st Enter the

sions [t(21) = 0.04, p = 971, d = 0.02] during the first copulatory 40

Male Associated End

series, and the frequency of ejaculation across the entire 40 min of the 35
Chamber (sec)

test [t(21) = 0.31, p = 0.763, d = 0.13]. 30

4. Discussion 20
When allowed to freely explore an arena that did not permit physi-
cal contact between a stimulus male and a stimulus female rat, both ve-
hicle and OT receptor antagonist treated rats spent more time with the 5
female than would be expected relative to chance. Importantly, the 0
amount of time spent with the female was reduced in test male rats B Vehicle L-368,899
treated with an OT receptor antagonist relative to vehicle treated rats,
which indicated decreased sexual motivation. However, administration Fig. 5. Initial exploration of sexual motivation testing arena in male rats as a function of
of an OT receptor antagonist did not reduce the amount of time spent in drug treatment. Mean (A) latency to first enter the female and (B) the male associated
the vicinity of the stimulus male rat, which suggests that social end chambers. Sec = seconds. Error bars represent ±1 SEM.
D.S. Blitzer et al. / Hormones and Behavior 94 (2017) 33–39 37

exploration was not affected by attenuating oxytonergic signaling. An- when characterized as the amount of time spent adjacent to a sexually
tagonism of OT receptors did not impact initial exploratory behaviors receptive stimulus female rat that cannot not be physically contacted
or overall activity as indicated by a lack of difference between condi- (Hurtazo et al., 2008), which was the case for the current study. Specif-
tions in the latencies to first enter the male and female associated end ically, temporary neural inactivation of the MPOA with lidocaine re-
chambers and by a similar frequency of approach zone entries, respec- duced the amount of time male rats spent in the vicinity of a sexually
tively. Unexpectedly, there were no differences between drug and vehi- receptive female rat (Hurtazo et al., 2008). With these results in mind,
cle treated rats in consummatory sexual behaviors, which were it is interesting to consider the possibility that OT receptors in the
examined immediately after the sexual motivation test. Results of the basolateral amygdala (Elands et al., 1988) and MPOA (Gil et al., 2013,
study indicate that sexually experienced male rats exhibit a preference 2011) may modulate different types of sexually motivated behaviors.
for sexually receptive female rats and that OT signaling plays an impor- Previous evidence indicates that administration of OT peripherally
tant role in sexual motivation in male rats. or directly into the substantia nigra decreased activity of rats in an
When given the choice between a sexually receptive stimulus fe- open field (Angioni et al., 2016). Alternatively, locomotor activity in-
male or a stimulus male, or when given the choice between a sexually creased following direct administration into the substantia nigra of an
receptive stimulus female or a non-receptive stimulus female, sexually OT receptor antagonist. Despite these findings, rats in the current
naïve test male rats prefer the sexually receptive female, as indicated study treated with an OT receptor antagonist were no different than ve-
by an increased time spent adjacent to the sexually receptive female hicle treated rats in either overall levels of activity, as indicated by the
(Agmo, 2003a, 2003b; Merkx, 1983). However, other studies have total number of approach zone entries, or general exploratory behavior,
shown that, unlike sexually experienced male rats, sexually naïve as indicated by the latency to first visit the male and female associated
male rats show no preference when given the choice between a sexually end chambers. In addition, there were no differences between drug
receptive female rat and a sexually active male rat (Vega Matuszczyk et and vehicle treated rats in the amount of time spent in the male associ-
al., 1994). In the present study, test male rats were given sexual experi- ated end chamber, which indicated that the drug's effect on sexual mo-
ence on three separate occasions prior to the sexual motivation test. Re- tivation was not due to a decrease in social motivation, as posited
gardless of drug treatment, both groups of rats spent more time with the elsewhere (Hurtazo et al., 2008). In fact, only vehicle treated rats, and
sexually receptive female rat relative to chance, which supports past re- not rats treated with the OT receptor antagonist, spent significantly
search showing that sexually experienced male rats exhibit a preference less time in the male associated chamber relative to chance. Collectively,
for a sexually receptive female (Vega Matuszczyk et al., 1994). these results indicate that the reduction in sexual motivation exhibited
Results from the current study indicated that administration of an by rats treated with an OT receptor antagonist was not affected by alter-
OT receptor antagonist reduced sexual motivation, when operational- ations in activity, exploratory behavior, or sociality.
ized as a decrease in the time spent in the proximity of a sexually recep- There were no significant differences in consummatory sexual be-
tive female. Consistent with the results from the current study, haviors between drug and vehicle treated rats in the current study, an
alterations in oxytonergic signaling have been shown to impact indica- effect consistent with a previous study which found that genetic dele-
tors of sexual motivation in paradigms that permit physical contact be- tion of the OT gene during development does not impact the consum-
tween the test male and stimulus female rat. Specifically, either central matory sexual behaviors of male mice (Lazzari et al., 2013). However,
or intraperitoneal administration of OT reduced the post-ejaculatory in- in adult male rats, central administration of OT receptor antagonists
terval (Arletti et al., 1992, 1990, 1985; Gil et al., 2011) and intra-MPOA have been shown to attenuate consummatory sexual behaviors, such
injections of an OT receptor antagonist decreased anogenital investiga- as the frequency of mounts and intromissions, as well as the likelihood
tion (Gil et al., 2011). Collectively, these results suggest that OT plays a of ejaculation and the latency to ejaculation (Argiolas et al., 1988; Arletti
role in sexual motivation whether or not physical contact is permitted. et al., 1992; Gil et al., 2011). Although previous evidence indicates the
However, it is worth noting that intraperitoneal administration of OT dose of the drug used in the current study readily crosses the blood
to male rats was unable to restore fluoxetine induced reductions in sex- brain barrier in non-human primates (Boccia et al., 2007), we cannot
ual motivation, which was operationalized by the frequency of level rule out the possibility that either central administration of the OT an-
changes in a bi-level testing arena prior to the introduction of a sexually tagonist or a higher dose of the drug is necessary to affect the consum-
receptive female (Cantor et al., 1999). Although the low dose of OT used matory sexual behaviors of male rats.
was effective at enhancing aspects of consummatory sexual behavior in However, it is also important to note that test male rats in the cur-
other studies (Arletti et al., 1985), it may be the case that somewhat rent study were given a 20-minute sexual motivation test immediately
higher doses, which do not impact locomotion or cause sedation prior to the consummatory sexual behavior test. Previous research indi-
(Uvnäs-Moberg et al., 1994), are required to restore reductions in sexual cates that a brief 10–20 minute exposure to a sexually receptive female
motivation in male rats treated with drugs that enhance serotonergic placed behind a barrier that prevents physical contact raises levels of
activity. testosterone in both male mice and rats (Amstislavskaya and Popova,
Contrary to the results indicated above that OT in the MPOA is in- 2004; Bonilla-Jaime et al., 2006) and facilitates copulatory behavior in
volved in sexual motivation (Gil et al., 2011), past research indicated male rats (de Jonge et al., 1992). In addition to the reflexive release of
that lesions of the MPOA do not affect male rat sexual motivation, as testosterone that occurs in males following exposure to sexually recep-
measured by lever pressing behavior to a conditioned stimulus in tive females, endogenous levels of OT tend to rise in the presence of a
order to gain access to a sexually receptive female (Everitt and Stacey, sexually receptive female placed behind a perforated wall (Waldherr
1987). However, once exposed to a receptive female, male rats with and Neumann, 2007). Conceivably, enhanced neuroendocrine respon-
MPOA lesions were less likely to mount, intromit, and ejaculate, which siveness as a result of exposure to sexual stimuli may have overcome
indicates that the MPOA is important for consummatory sexual behav- the effects of the OT receptor antagonist on consummatory sexual
iors. Although these findings indicate that the MPOA does not play a sig- behavior.
nificant role in male rat sexual motivation, lever pressing to gain access The results of the current study have important implications for cli-
to a stimulus female rat is significantly reduced by bilateral excitotoxic nicians working with those suffering from premature ejaculation, which
lesions of the basolateral amygdala (Everitt et al., 1989). Conversely, le- is one of the most common sexual dysfunctions in men (Laumann et al.,
sions of the basolateral amygdala do not affect consummatory sexual 1999). Popular pharmacological interventions for treating premature
behavior, such as the latency to ejaculation. At face value, these results ejaculation include the use of short-term selective serotonin reuptake
indicate a dissociation between neural systems in the control of male inhibitors (SSRIs) (Giuliano and Clèment, 2012). However, patients
rat sexual behavior. However, more recent evidence indicates that the who use SSRIs often report lower sexual desire (Rosen et al., 1999). In
MPOA plays a role in the sexually motivated behaviors of male rats light of promising preclinical findings in rats, which indicated that OT
38 D.S. Blitzer et al. / Hormones and Behavior 94 (2017) 33–39

receptor antagonists lengthen the latency to ejaculate (Argiolas et al., Clément, P., Bernabé, J., Compagnie, S., Alexandre, L., McCallum, S., Giuliano, F., 2013. In-
hibition of ejaculation by the non-peptide oxytocin receptor antagonist
1989; Clément et al., 2013), reductions in OT signaling may be a viable GSK557296: a multi-level site of action. Br. J. Pharmacol. 169:1477–1485. http://dx.
option for the treatment of premature ejaculation in men. Treatment
with an OT receptor antagonist resulted in slightly longer ejaculation la- Elands, J., Beetsma, A., Barberis, C., de Kloet, E.R., 1988. Topography of the oxytocin recep-
tor system in rat brain: an autoradiographical study with a selective radioiodinated
tencies relative to placebo, although the effect was not significant oxytocin antagonist. J. Chem. Neuroanat. 1, 293–302.
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