Lesson Plan CM MM M

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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Maitha Abdulazeez

Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on in order to grow professionally?)

1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal):
 Always demonstrates consistent attendance and punctually.
 To be prepared and ready for each lesson, bring all the materials, be positive if students didn’t
understand the lesson.

2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used):
 Effectively uses questioning as a form of assessment “Show Me”.
 Successfully implement a range of CRM strategies “Thumbs up for understanding, Thumbs down if
student didn’t understand, and thumbs in middle if students need more explanation”.

3. Describe how you can tell if you’re achieving your goal (Evidence):
 Evidence of pictures of their work.
Grade Level: Subject: Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):
Convert between all units of measurement of length
Grade 4 Math (mm, cm, and m)

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)

The teacher will use the ruler and measuring tape in  Ruler
the group so they can measure.
 Measuring tape
The teacher will give the students worksheet to write
their answers.  Materials like box of tissue, leaves, board and
The teacher will use materials in class like door and
window.  White board

The student will write their answers in white board.

Introduction (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

(HOOK) what unit we have in the ruler : cm and mm

Okey know I want to measure my pencil, let’s see what unit we will use?

Look at your rulers and tell me?

Student possible answer:

 Cm

 mm
Okey this pencil is 7cm

Imagine if we want to measure from here to Dubai, will we measure by cm or mm ?

No because we will have to have many rulers to measure it. So we will measure by meter.

Because we use meter to measure the longest object or distance. And we use measuring tape or
meter stick.

Tr: I will talk about length so I have to know the units of the measurement.

We measure the material with centimetre, millimetre and meter.

Cm is the unit of centimetre and mm is the unit of millimetre and m is the unit of the meter.

Tr: Maryam can you give me your small bottle?

St: Yes

Tr: I will measure the length of the bottle, I will use the ruler to measure, so it’s 5cm. Know I want to
convert it to mm what should I do?

Convert mean to change, let’s repeat convert all together.

St: Convert
Time: 15 min

Let’s see
Tr: This is how we convert from m to cm to mm or the opposite, from mm to cm to m.

Know we have measured the length of the bottle so we know that it’s 5cm right?

We will see how we will change it to mm? Turn and talk to your partner you have 15 seconds

Okey know I want Fajer to help me how will I change cm to mm if I have 5cm ?

Student possible answer:

We will multiple by 10 that means 5 times 10 will give me 50

Tr: yes good job, but don’t forget the unit, so it will be 50mm

Active Engagement (group working with the teacher):

Tr: now I want to measure the door

The door is 2 meters

We want to change from meter to cm

Tr: we will use this to convert from m to cm so, if the door is 2 meter and we want to convert it to cm
what we will do?

Think for 10 seconds with your partner.

Time: 15 min

Tr: Okey now I want Fatima to tell me how I will convert from 2m to cm?

Student possible answer:


We will multiple 2 by 100 and we will get 200

Tr: Yes, good job and don’t forget the unit so it will be 200cm

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

First activity will be in pairs so the teacher will give each group a ruler and meter and peace of
materials then ask the students to measure the materials with ruler and measuring tape like:

 Pencil

 leaves

 board
Student will take the measurement of these materials and compare cm, mm and m.

(In this time the teacher will go around the class with check list to monitor who understand and who

Independent Experience (small group activity 2)

The teacher will give the students some materials like ruler and measuring tape to convert from mm
to cm like:

 Book

 box of tissue
Students will have worksheet to write their answers on them.

(In this time the teacher will go around the class with check list to monitor who understand and who

Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

The teacher will give the students a challenge activity, the teacher will give the students ruler and
measuring tape and take them to corner that they have to measure the windows and convert from m
to cm and mm.
Students will have worksheet to write their answers on them.

(In this time the teacher will go around the class with check list to monitor who understand and who

At the end, the teacher will give students an example like using the whiteboard of “Show Me”

Tr: Know I have a laptop, I will measure it and I will measure the bottle. The laptop is 15cm and the
bottle is 12cm.

I will give each student a whiteboard and I want you to write your answer

Tr: Who can tell me which one has largest length? When I will count 1.2.3. Show Me, I want you to
raise your whiteboard.

Student will write: laptop

Okey know I want to convert the length of the laptop from cm to mm what should I do? I will use this
to help you

Tr: I want you to write the answer in the whiteboard when I say Show Me raise your whiteboards

The answer: we will multiple 15 times 10 which is 150 mm

Thumbs up for understanding, Thumbs down if student didn’t understand, and thumbs in middle if
15 min

students need more explanation.

Good job everybody.




First assessment that the teacher used is questioning.

Middle assessment that the teacher used is check list

Last assessment that the teacher used is white board and Thumbs up and down

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