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MCT and MST Placement Feedback Form Semester 2

Student Name: Khulood School: Rooh Al Etihad

MCT/MST: Malika/ Fatema Date: 14\3\2018

Directions: The MCT and MST will use this to formally observe your performance during the Internship,
offering you feedback based on the selected competencies for this semester.

Commitment to the Profession

Demonstrates consistent attendance and punctuality
Accepts and respects school based authority structures, and complete reasonable request from school MST
and leadership
Is prepared and ready for each lesson
Develops relationships within the school

Khulood always comes on time and helps her MST. The MST seems happy to work with Khulood
and she is helping her in providing her with strategies and ideas to teach a whole class.

Khulood gave me the lesson before I observed her teaching to let me have enough time to go
through it and to know what to focus on during her lesson.

Planning for Learning

Has completed lesson plan for every lesson, printed and available to MST and MCT upon request
Ensures lesson plans have sufficient detail to secure effective delivery
Plans a student-centred activity

No lesson plan!

Managing Learning
Attempts to implement a range of appropriate classroom management strategies based on age and context
Clear classroom management
Implementing Learning
Presents material which is accurate, meaningful and accessible to support student engagement and learning
Implements cooperative strategies
Creates & presents resources which reflect best practice
Builds a positive rapport with students
You started the lesson by saying to students that you will give them 2d and 3D shapes. Then you
drew some shapes on the board and you asked them to tell you more shapes and you used the
cube, sphere and cylinder for 3D shapes. So you explained the difference between 2D and 3D
shapes through the board and the materials and you asked them why the sphere is 3D and the
circle is 2D (Good)

Make sure you pronounce Sphere and Cylinder correctly

Then you showed them a video about 3D shapes. When the students see the video, you should
watch the students and observe them.

Then you said that you will give them a paper and you said (work together) without instructions
and it was in groups? It would be individually

The activity was very simple. It should be more complicated

Uses questioning as a form of assessment
Monitors students through interaction

No assessment has been applied

Reflection on Practice
Reflects on herself as a teacher and identifies strengths, beliefs & areas for developments
Reflects on situations in sufficient detail to secure a constructive way forward
Clear voice (sometimes)
Clear explanation

Areas of development:
The activity should be harder. Not matching
The activity should be printed out on A4 and it should be done individually
You should give instructions before you give the students the activity
No lesson plan!

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