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CHAPTER 1 REVIEW-Parts 4, 5, and 6

Write the word or words that best complete each sentence in the space(s) provided.
1. Core elements of physical fitness are __________________
__________________ , __________________ __________________ , and
__________________ .
2. Active exercise performed against stable resistance, where muscles are exercised
in a motionless manner is called __________________ exercise.
3. Active exercise during which muscles are worked through their range of motion is
called __________________ exercise.
4. The five major food groups are __________________ , __________________ ,
__________________ , __________________ , and __________________ .
5. For a healthy diet you should avoid or minimize intake of __________________ ,
__________________ , __________________ , __________________ , and
__________________ .
6. If given a choice when lifting, __________________ , do not
__________________ .
7. Always avoid __________________ and __________________ when lifting.
8. Any disease caused by the growth of microorganisms, which may spread from
person to person, is called a(n) __________________ __________________ .
9. Microorganisms capable of producing disease, such as bacteria and viruses, are
called __________________ .
10. While hepatitis B is a(n) __________________ borne disease, tuberculosis is a(n)
__________________ borne disease.
11. The time between contact with a disease organism and the appearance of the first
symptoms is called the __________________ period.
12. A strict form of infection control that is based on the assumption that all blood
and other body fluids are infectious is __________________ __________________
__________________ .
13. Equipment used by EMS personnel to protect against injury and the spread of
infectious disease is called __________________ __________________
__________________ .
14. In addition to protective gloves, the paramedic should wear a(n)
__________________ and __________________ __________________ whenever blood
spatter is likely to occur, as with arterial bleeding or oral suctioning.
15. Whenever caring for a patient with tuberculosis, you should wear a(n)
__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ respirator.
16. Perhaps the most important infection-control practice is
_____________________ .
17. Washing an object with cleaners such as soap and water is called
__________________ .
18. Cleaning with an agent that can kill some microorganisms on the surface of an
object is called __________________ .
19. The use of a chemical or physical method such as pressurized steam to kill all
microorganisms on an object is called __________________ .
20. Any occurrence of blood or body fluids coming in contact with nonintact skin,
mucous membranes, or delivered by parenteral contact is called a(n)
__________________ .
21. There are five predictable stages of loss. The inability to believe the reality of the
event is called the __________________ stage.
22. The patient is in the __________________ stage of loss when he mourns things
not accomplished and dreams that will not come true.
23. Generally, children ranging in age from ______ to ______ believe death is a
temporary state, and may ask continually when the dead person will return.
24. When a patient of yours has died, a basic element of your message to survivors
should include a statement that the loved one has __________________ .
25. Adaptation to stress involves the development of __________________
strategies, __________________ , and __________________ - __________________
26. Your job in managing stress is to learn your personal __________________ .
27. The three phases of a stress response are: Stage I, or __________________ ;
Stage II, or __________________ ; and Stage III, or __________________ .
28. Physiological phenomena that occur at approximately 24-hour intervals are
__________________ __________________ .
29. A set of hours when a night-shift worker can reliably expect to rest without
interruption is called __________________ __________________ .
30. __________________ occurs when coping mechanisms no longer buffer job
31. Warning signs of excessive stress fall into four categories. These categories
include __________________ , __________________ , __________________ , and
__________________ .
32. For long-term well-being, the best stress-management technique is to take care of
__________________ .
33. An event whose powerful emotional impact on a rescuer can cause an acute stress
reaction is called a(n) __________________ __________________ .
34. The component of CISM that is a transition point between a large-scale situation
and going off duty, or back to regular duty, is called __________________ .
35. Principles of roadway safety include evaluating the safest __________________
__________________ when arriving at a roadway incident.
36. __________________ is the study of factors that influence the frequency,
distribution, and causes of injury, disease, and other health-related events in a population.
37. The calculation made by subtracting the age at death from 65 produces what is
called __________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ .
38. __________________ is the intentional or unintentional damage to a person
resulting from acute exposure to thermal, mechanical, electrical, or chemical energy or
from the absence of such essentials as heat and oxygen.
39. A real or potentially hazardous situation that puts people in danger of sustaining
injury is called a(n) __________________ __________________ .
40. A(n) __________________ __________________ __________________ is the
ongoing systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of injury data essential to
planning, implementing, and evaluating public health practice.
41. __________________ __________________ occur shortly after an injury, when
the patient and observers remain acutely aware of what has happened and may be more
receptive to teaching about how similar injury or illness could be prevented in the future.
42. Keeping an injury from ever occurring is called __________________
43. Medical care after an injury or illness that helps to prevent further problems from
occurring is called __________________ prevention.
44. Rehabilitation after an injury or illness that helps to prevent further problems from
occurring is called __________________ prevention.
45. An aspect of organizational commitment to illness and injury prevention is to
assure the __________________ of EMS providers.
46. An aspect of EMS provider commitment is managing __________________ in
personal, family, and work life.
47. The first priority of a paramedic is always __________________
__________________ .
48. Areas in need of prevention activities include __________________
__________________ __________________ in newborns, __________________
firearm-related deaths, and __________________ in the elderly.
49. Alcohol is a factor in about __________________ of all motor-vehicle fatalities.
50. One prevention strategy is conducting a community __________________
__________________ .
51. The social, religious, or personal standards of right and wrong are called
__________________ .
52. Allowing each person to decide how to behave and accepting whatever decision
that person makes is called __________________ __________________ .
53. The single most important question a paramedic has to answer when faced with
an ethical
challenge is, "
54. The principle of doing good for the patient is called __________________ .
55. The obligation not to harm the patient is called __________________ .
56. A competent adult patient's right to determine what happens to his own body is
called __________________ .
57. The obligation to treat all patients fairly is called __________________ .
58. Primum non nocere is Latin for "
_________________________________________________________________ "
59. The first element in solving an ethical problem is, "State the action in a(n)
__________________ form."
60. The second element in solving an ethical problem is, "List the
__________________ or __________________ of the action."
61. The third element in solving an ethical problem is, "Compare the results to
__________________ values."
62. One of the quick ways to test ethics is by asking whether you would be willing to
undergo this procedure or action if you were in the patient's place. This is called the
__________________ test.
63. Asking whether you can defend or justify your actions to others is called the
__________________ __________________ test.
64. The __________________ test asks whether you would want this action
performed in all relevantly similar circumstances.
65. The general principle for paramedics to follow regarding DNRs is, "When in
doubt, __________________ ."
66. Providing the most care to the most seriously injured patients is the
__________________ method of triage.
67. Military triage has traditionally concentrated on helping the
__________________ __________________ __________________ .

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