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The ideas are the valid money of 21st century, today. A person is important as
much as that person's idea. Those ideas, which are presented effectively, can
change the world by making the listeners activate, inspired, and motivated. If you
cannot inspire somebody with your ideas, it will not matter how good those ideas are.
Here I will look at the great impact of the public speech. Public speech is so effective
to make the idea available for people.

People, who want to make a good speech in front of a crowd, should be a good
communicator and storyteller. Actually, all of us are making a public speech in our
lives, because each of us is a storyteller even we do not see ourselves like that, it is
what we do every day such as teaching a class, making a presentation about a
product or a mission, job interview, writing a blog, email, making a video for
YouTube. However, we need more talents than we use in our daily lives for telling a
story to success, in this day and age. There is a difference between a story and a
transformative story which originate people to think bigger. The action of a storyteller
is to explain the idea in the framework of intellectual information, clarifying, and
influencing. Furthermore, everybody is able to improve their skills for making a public
speech to make their idea transferred to the audience in a most effective way by
learning the most delicate parts of a public speech.

The Art of Public Speaking



The subject that you will talk about is the most significant decision you
make. You have to ask what the thing livens up you, what your passion is
because you should talk about a subject that you believe in. The first step of
inspiring somebody else is, being sure whether you take inspiration. If you do
not believe your words that you say in the speech, you will be passive and
bored during your speaking, and the audience will not want to listen to you,
and not remember anything after a few minutes from your speech. If you
choose a subject which is about your passion, you will be motivated and full of



beans during your speaking. Moreover, the science says that the passion is
contagious, so when you have a passionate, enthusiastic, and meaningful
connection with your subject, it will be easier to persuade and inspire the
audience. In brief, your psychological state affects the comprehension of your
audience and, the answer to "What is your passion?" builds the stories.

Remember that your passion is not temporary curiosity, even not a hobby.
It is an intensely meaningful thing which is the self of your identity. Actually,
you use it in your chats every time, also you add it to your works.

Make your story based on your passion.

You may have complicated subjects. The most useful ways to make the
subject understandable are using narratives, metaphor and, analogy because
the narratives leave the data behind itself. A fiction cannot make the
connection based on trust, emotions. The analogy is the comparison of how
similar two things are to each other. It links the abstract ideas to the things that
people have already known.

There are three basic narrative types that you can shape it according to the
audience: personal narratives, someone else's narratives and, brand

Personal Narratives

These narratives are based on who you are. The skills of telling a narrative
story of authentic leaders are their fundamental property. If you are going to
tell a personal narrative, personalise your story, so the audience can go on a
journey with you. You should make your story rich with imageries and
descriptions so, the audience is able to imagine themselves in the story.
Enrich your story authentic and relevant details about the narrative.

The Stories of Others

These stories make the audience empathise with others. Empathy is the
capacity of replacing ourselves with someone else to feel the emotions of
others' feelings and get to know them. It is seen that how helpful of making the
audience experienced about others feelings with the stories. Some



neuroscientist says that people have the goods for empathy. Moreover, the
empathy holds the society.

Brand Narratives

Big companies find out that the stories become the face of their brand that
they do not have a face. Domino's Pizza, McDonald's, Starbucks'
advertisements are the story of the product's behind. Their advertisements put
forward their farmers who produce the product. When the audience gets
knowledge about where the products come from, they get more interested in
those products.

Three-stage structure of the stories

The rule of three elements is the fundamental structure of the communication.

Researchers found that a human brain keeps three or seven elements in mind
in a short time. How do we remember the phone number, then? We separate it
into three or four. Why do people find "three" satisfying inherently? People
think with patterns and, the smallest number to make a pattern is three.
Therefore, the command of sprinters are "Ready, set, go!" or the reason of
that the directors say "Light, camera, motor!" is the three elements rule. This
rule is essential to tell what you want basically, transfer the story trenchantly
for a storyteller in a business world. In the famous opening speech of Stanford,
Steve Jobs told three stories. Bryan Stevenson, who has the longest Ted
standing ovation, told three stories. This rule, which starts with Aristotle and
continues with Papa Francis, is a diagram that the famous storytellers have
been using. The storyteller can use this rule by answering those questions:

Can you separate the key point into three groups?

Where else can you separate the content into three categories?
Which stories are you going to use?
Do you have one story that you can connect with each of the three key points?

This rule makes a simple schema that you can give shape to your story. It
makes your story simpler so, the audience can remember the key points of
your story easily. Finally, it makes the speaker's persuasion reach to the




The map is going to be the picture of your idea. You can make a
message map in three steps. This method will help you about the way
you use for delivering the message and help to shape your

First Step: Create a Twitter-friendly Title

If you do not express your idea in 140 characters or less than 140,
keep working on your message. This method brings intelligibleness to
your presentation and helps the audience to remember the big idea that
you try to teach them. Think what the thing that you want the audience
to know from your speech, then you can create a title that is Twitter-
friendly which means the message can be sent as a Twitter message.
The audience can determine the thing that they learn or the purpose of
the speech from the title.



Second Strep: Support the Title with Three Messages

In this part, you will decide three supportive messages about the
theme. As we talked before, we use three-stage structure because a
human brain can print only three things in a short memory.

Third Step: Corroborate Each Supportive Message with the Stories,

Examples, and Statistics

Add bullets to each supportive message. You can write a few words
which remind the story instead of writing the whole story.

Remember that the whole schema must fit into one paper! This map
is the clear picture of the things that the audience should know in a first
look after the speech. Making a map for your presentation content will
help you to see whether your presentation is long and messy.



After you decide your subject and, turn them into the stories. In TED
history, the speech, which has the longest standing ovation, is Bryan
Stevenson's presentation. His presentation consists of 65% pathos, 25%
ethos, and 10% logos. It is seen that the most part of the presentation is
based on the emotions. Therefore you need to separate your speech into
three groups. According to Aristotle, the power of persuasion occurs with
representing three facts: Ethos ( trustworthiness), Logos (evidence and
data), and Pathos ( appealing to the emotions). Researchers found out that
people's brains are more active when they listen to the stories because the
story stirs the language, sensory, visual, and motor areas by using the
whole brain. At the end of the preparation of your speech, if you did not
appeal to the emotions, you would better look over at your speech.




The method of making an emotional story is showing the story comes to

exist from people's normal lives. The character of the story should be an
acquaintance because the audience like connecting with a character whose
fight with difficulties is familiar. Therefore, your story should have a dramatic
curve. For instance, you see the perspective of the main character at the
beginning of an emotional film, and then the main character struggle with the
difficulties, finally, the main character achieves to the goal. You should have a
hero who can overcome the difficulties, learn a valuable lesson from them and,
be identified with, so the audience can see themselves in the story. The
stories have the power to shape the listeners' lives, so stories about
overcoming obstacles involve a dramatic curve. Consequently, in your
presentation, you need to have a three-part story for a dramatic curve. The
structure of classic storytelling requires starting the story with a fact, an event
or an action. Secondly, the main character of the story lives through the
conversion. Lastly, the main character learns the lesson that makes main
character's life to maintain a better life. You should have a character who has
a trigger event, conversion processes, and a life lesson.

Trigger even: The humbling time that everything was wrong, while you were
not succeeding

Conversion Process: the time of the appearance of the benefits when you
overcome your failure.

Life Lesson: The lesson that you take from your experiences.

Then you can build up your story in three steps.

According to Peter Guber (CEO of Mandalay Entertainment Group), there

are three steps to build up your story. I am going to give examples in each
step to be clear. He said:

"If there is no challenge at the beginning of the speech, the listeners will not be
interested. If the story of a struggle does not excite them, they will not be
engaged. And if they will not be excited with the solution comes after the story,
they will not remember the story and, set in motion the solution properly."



Take attention by asking an unexpected question.

"The most advanced phones are called smart phones. So they say. They
typically combine a phone plus some e-mail capability, plus they say it’s the
Internet. It’s sort of the baby Internet, into one device, and they all have these
plastic little keyboards on them. So the problem is that they’re not so smart
and they’re not so easy to use smart phones are definitely a little smarter, but
they actually are harder to use. They’re really complicated. Just for the basic
stuff a hard time figuring out how to use them. Well, we don’t want to do either
one of these things. What we want to do is make a leapfrog product that is
way smarter than any mobile device has ever been, and super-easy to use.
This is what iPhone is. So, we’re going to reinvent the phone. Now, we’re
going to start with a revolutionary user interface which is the result of years of
research and development, and of course, it’s interplay of hardware and
Now, why do we need a revolutionary user interface?"

Struggle/ Story
Now, tell the story that you have overcome the difficulties.

"I mean, Here are four smart phones, right? Motorola Q, the BlackBerry, Palm
Treo, Nokia E62 – the usual suspects. And, what’s wrong with their user
interfaces? Well, the problem with them really sorts in the bottom 40 there. It’s,
it’s this stuff right here. They all have these keyboards that are there whether
you need them or not to be there. And they all have these control buttons that
are fixed in plastic and are the same for every application. Well, every
application wants a slightly different user interface, a slightly optimized set of
buttons, just for it. And what happens if you think of a great idea six months
from now? You can’t run around and add a button to these things. They’re
already shipped. So what do you do? It doesn’t work because the buttons and
the controls can’t change. They can’t change for each application, and they
can’t change down the road if you think of another great idea you want to add
to this product. Well, how do you solve this?"



With an action call, make the listeners set in motion.

"We solved this problem. So how’re we going to take this to a mobile device?
What we going to do is getting rid of all these buttons and just make a giant
screen. A giant screen. Now, how are we going to communicate this? We
don’t want to carry around a mouse, right?
So what are we going to do? Oh, a stylus, right? We’re going to use a stylus.
No. No. Who wants a stylus? Nobody wants a stylus. So let’s not use a stylus.
We’re going to use the best pointing device in the world. We’re going to use a
pointing device that we’re all born with – we’re born with ten of them. We’re
going to use our fingers.
We’re going to touch this with our fingers. And we have invented a new
technology called multi-touch, which is phenomenal. It works like magic. You
don’t need a stylus. It’s far more accurate than any touch display that’s ever
been shipped. It ignores unintended touches, it’s super-smart. You can do
multi-finger gestures on it.
And boy, have we patented it. "

And Steve Jobs made a persuasive narrative in four minutes. He used heroes,
bad guys and the fight with them in his speech. Those elements are used by
inspiring storytellers.


The body language, tone, and the language that you use in the
public speech is the other part that you should be careful about during
your public speaking. For this reason, you have to practice and
personalize your content, so you can do your speech as comfortable as
you talk with your friend. How? Hash out! The real persuasion happens
after you catch an emotional adaptation with the listeners and gain their
trust. If your voice, gesticulations, and body are incompatible with what
you say, the listeners will not trust your message. Authenticity does not
happen automatically. You have to choose the right words for the
greatest effect that you can do with presenting and state clearly how
you feel, and then be sure about your non-verbal communication -using
your body language, gesticulations, and facial expressions- is coherent
with your message. If you do not rehearse the chit-chat, then you will be



thinking another million things such as "What is the next thing that I am
going to talk about?" or " What was my plan, have I thought ever an
animating to that slide?" instead of focusing to your chat and making an
emotional bond with the listeners.

 The Tone

Speed: Speaking speed

Volume: Loudness and lowness
Pitch of voice: High or low tones
Pausing: Short breaks to emphasize the main words

It is good to underline the words or phrases because the verbal

equivalent of underlining is to raise and lower your voice, separating the
words by a pause before you express the main word or phrase. Nothing
else matters if the speaking speed is not right.

Searches say that the ideal speaking speed is 150 to 160 words per
minute for an audio book. It seems like speed that the most of the
audience can hear the information easily, assimilate, and remember it.
Look at the speed of Bryan Stevenson, he does not read, he chats with
you. The ideal speaking speed of a storyteller is faster than an audio
book. It is 190 words per minute for them. Most of the people decrease
their speaking speed while they make a presentation, this causes
verbal messages to be inauthentic. Also, you may tend to decrease
your speaking speed when you want to emphasize a point or pass a
slide, so be careful about that and speaking in your chatting tone.

 The Body Language

According to the body language experts, 7% of a person's message

is conveyed in words and 93% of it is non-verbal (38% ton, 55% body
language). However, it is wrong. Suppose that you are saying an
emotional message if the speaker's body and tone are coherent with
the message and, his words are not, the message can be easily
misunderstood so, the data is wrong.

In a group presentation, the one who has the most impressive

posture is the leader. The leaders get the subject well, teach it and
have the confidence to have responsibilities. Generally, they are well



dressed. They make stronger eye contact and squeeze hands tightly.
They speak short but to the point. They do not hesitate and be calm.
They use apparent gestures. Their palms face up or open. They
separate their hands off from each other. In short, the storytellers
should have that impressive posture as the leaders.

The most charismatic professionals have a very good body

language. They reflect an impressive attitude with trustworthiness,
perfection, attractiveness. Impressive posture means the one who has
authority, be respected and followed in the military. In brief, walk, talk,
and be like a person who can be followed.

Solutions For Common Body Language Problems

Restlessness, Tapping, and Jingling

These are the distracting habits that show that the speaker is
nervous, hesitant, and unprepared.

Solution: Move for any purpose. Watch yourself and take notes of your
movements that are for no purpose like scratching your nose, tapping
your fingers, jingling the coins. Winnow these habits out!

Stand Still

Standing on the stage without moving imply you as a bored,

irrelevant, firm.

Solution: Walk, move, use the room/stage. Every movement will be very
well received. The speakers should be fluent, not firm. As well, you can
walk among the listeners instead of standing in front of them.
Hands In Your Pockets

This implies the speaker as not interested in the subject, bored or

nervous sometimes.

Solution: Easy, take your hands out of pocket! You can put only one
hand to your pocket if you use your other hand for a gesture.



 Gesticulations

Let's look at the Ted Talk of Ernesto Sirolli. All of his gestures
contribute her pictures that he has portrayed verbally. He does not even
use a slide. He does not need it. His gestures and attitude make a big
contribution to his speech. His posture is impressive and energetic.

The gestures are needed. The studies show that the complex
thinkers use complex gestures. The gestures build up a trust between
the speaker and the audience.

Dr David McNeill says that everything is about hands. He is leading

authorized person about the research of hand movements and a
researcher at Chicago University. According to him, trustworthy, smart,
meticulous and well-disciplined speakers use the gestures as a window
to their thinking process.

4 Tips

Move your hands

Do not be scared of using your hands. It is a basic way of reforming

your still position. Hands free!

Move your hands thriftily

Do not exaggerate your hand movements. Be natural. Do not try to

imitate someone and try to avoid of pre-prepared gestures. Do not think
which gestures you will do. Your story will help to your gesticulations.

Use your hands in the key points

Hide your widest gestures to the key point of your speech to support
the message in the best way.

Keep your hand movements in the power sphere



Power sphere of a person is a circle which is from above your eyes

to the tip of your hands that are stretched forward, down to your belly
button and coming up to your eyes again. The hands under your belly
refer to the lacking of trust and energy. The complex gestures above
your waist, assure the audience and make them think you are a leader.
Also, those gestures help the speaker to transmit the thoughts in a less
effort and strengthen your posture.

The old governor of Michigan who is Jennifer Granholm made a Ted

Talk in 2013. Granholm's hands do not leave the power sphere even for
a moment. It also worked for her to stand upright, to keep her head up,
to make full eye contact and to wear a prominent (black trousers, white
blouse, green jacket) in the dark background. Her gestures are an
example of a style that social scientists find as persuasive. That style is
called "enthusiastic nonverbal". This style needs three factors: so
lively, wide and open gestures; outward gestures; lean forward body
posture. Those factors also, assure you as well during the public

 Use Of Language

The effect of short words is longer. If you do not express your

idea with the short, well-chosen words, you may not have the
possibility to persuade the big audiences. Short words, short

Look at the speech of Luther King Jr, you will see the
frequency of "I have a dream!". Iteration of a word affects the
action's construction because it increases the density of the idea
and the audience keep the intense idea in their mind longer.
Also, using rhetoric questions works as useful as iterations.
Using "We" instead of saying "I" makes a great impact, either.

Use quotes, analogy and metaphor to convey your subject

clear and avoid misunderstandings. You may ask the difference



between the analogy and metaphor. Let's suppose that A is the

idea, B is a concrete thing. If you want to use a metaphor, you
need to say that A is B, like saying that Juliet is a sun. However,
if you want to use an analogy, you need to say that A is like b,
like saying that Juliet is like a sun


Make a presentation with elements that appeal to multiple senses:

Image, sound, touch, taste and smell to make your speech
unforgettable. The human brain does not give attention to boring things.
However, if the speaker paints a visionary picture with multi-emotional
experiences inside the audience's minds, they cannot be bored when
they see amazing pictures, attractive videos, interesting stage
materials. Besides, it is seen that when the brain is allowed to establish
two mental representations - a verbal and visual model- the mental
connections become very strong. If you add the touch, victory will be


You should use images instead of texts in your slides as much as

possible. The audience can remember the information more likely with
the texts and images together than only using texts in the slides. Having
a journey with the pictures that the speaker paint with the audience, is
partly science and partly art.

Think. Do not you make the audience shoulder a big responsibility

with expecting them to read the slides and listen to you at the same
time? So, how can you make the attention of the audience alive, make
an emotional connection and take their attention without disturbing
them? The neurology answers the question: Picture Superiority Effect
(PSE). The experts proved that it is more likely to remember the
concepts presented with pictures instead of words. If you hear the
information verbally, you will likely to remember the 10% of that
information three days later but, if an image is added about that
information, the ratio of remembering it will decrease to the 65%.



It means an image helps you to remember an information six times

more than just listening to that information. The experts called the great
impact of visual information as learning in multiple formats.
Be careful about using the images to complete your words, not to
repeat. Visualize your content with adding pictures to the pie charts,
schedules, charts or use a picture to the background and then this will
force you to tell a creative story. You should not use more than 40
words in your first ten slides.


The sense of hearing is so powerful. The way of how you speak can
touch the audience's souls. The speaker can awake the senses
verbally. The speaker should tell the story before showing the image.
This method forces the audience to listen to the speaker carefully
before looking at the picture which is about what the speaker says just
now. This is called as leave a mark in the listeners' minds. If you can
imagine a thing, think it like it is real, the parts of the brain become
active like you see it as a real. Therefore, the analogy, metaphors, rich
imageries are important to portray something in mind. The brain is not
aware of the difference between the reality and dream.


The desiderate goal of a presentation is transporting the audience to

somewhere else. Leave the slides from time to time. Show some
materials, add some demos, let the audience participate. If your content
is an idea or a term, you can form multi-sensory experiences. You can
make the audience feel with using videos. If you decide to use videos,
remember three things: Passion, smile, and chat. Passion and smiling
are catching and the chat will make the audience feel like they are in
the story.


 Who?

In the stage, you are naked. You have only your words and the preparation
that you made before the speech. Besides, you have limited time, a lot of eyes
are looking at you. Now, you have to start speaking with a very interesting



thing that your audience hasn't known yet because it is said that the audience
remembers the first and the last thing mostly, so you should have known your
audience before preparing your public speech. Also, you have to shape your
speech according to the audience to take their attention easily for the speech.
So, you need to ask yourself and search during the preparation for the speech:

How large may an audience be expected?

From what walks of life do the audience come?
(Background knowledge)
What do they need?
What is their probable attitude toward the theme?
Who are they?
-Cultural Factors

 How much?

Also, you need to get information about the time that you will fill
precisely. 18 minutes is the ideal length for a presentation. Listening is
tiring activity because the learner says constantly add the material to be
recalled and brought back. This is called conceptual accumulation.
Researchers have discovered that "conceptual accumulation" prevents
more information from conveying ideas successfully. The accumulation
increases directly with the anxiety, then the listeners get mad and
become sick of the speech. Therefore, 18 minutes is long enough to be
serious and be short enough to keep the attention of the audience.

Consequently, a story dominates the public speech. Whatever the aim of your
speech is, it does not matter. If you have a passion, the steps that you should follow
for a good speech is same. Nobody is born with the skill of making a public speech.
Great storytellers such as Tony Robbins, Bryan Stevenson, Steve Jobs, Simon Sinek
gain talents after a process of studying. Use every opportunity to improve your talents
and show the best you can. Remember that everybody is a storyteller, you just need
to find what livens up you.



ESENWEIN, J. B., & Carnagey, D. (2005, July 17). The Art of Public

Speaking. New York, Brooklyn, USA.

Gallo, C. (2016). TALK LİKE TED. İstanbul: AGANTA BOOK.

Gallo, C. (2017). The Storyteller's Secret. İstanbul: AGANTA BOOK.


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