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BS in Criminology in the Philippines

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Program Overview
The Bachelor of Science in Criminology or Criminal Justice is a 4-year college degree
program intended for individuals who wish to have a career in the fields of law
enforcement, security administration, crime detection and prevention or
correctional administration.

The course is comprised of CHED mandated general education subjects, profession-

related courses and 2-phase practicum. BSCrim students will learn various theories,
policies, practices and laws associated with criminal behavior and the methods
applied to manage such deviant activities.

Subjects in this course include Police Photography, Ballistics, Forensic Science,

Toxicology,Polygraphy and Legal Medicine. The course also offers special Physical
Education classes which include Martial Arts, First Aid, Survival Training,
Markmanship and Combat Shooting.
Is Criminology a profession?

Criminology is a proffesion. A graduate of BS in Criminology who passed

the Criminologist Licensure Examination is called a Criminologist.

A Criminologist’s job includes practice in the field of Law Enforcement as:

o a police officer
o an officer in any correctional and penal institutions (jails)
o a teacher / instructor of Criminology subjects in universities
o a counselor in various agencies such as those involved in criminal research or
public welfare
o an agent, adviser or administrator
o a Technician in dactyloscopy, ballistics and other scientific aspects of crime
What are the admission requirements for B.S. Crim.?

Requirements at each school may differ, but these are the common requirements:
o Must be a high school graduate.
Those who did not complete high school education may opt to first attend
Alternative Learning System (ALS) and pass the Philippine Educational Placement
Test (PEPT) to qualify for college. However, some universities only offer selected
courses for PEPT passers admission.
o College entrance exam
o Interview: pass the interview conducted by the college / university admission
o Good Moral certificate from the previous school (sometimes from enrollees
o NSAT rating: some schools require particular rating in the National Secondary
Assessment Test (NSAT)
o GPA: some schools require particular high school grade or gross point average
o Drug and Psychological Test: CHED Memorandum Order no.21 series of 2005
section 16, specifically includes Drug and Psychological Test as requirement for
BS Criminology admission.
What skills will help you succeed in this course?

BS Criminology does not require any special skills, except general skills helpful for
any course:
o Organization and time management skills – being able to establish priorities
and schedules for studies or review, rest and social period
o Interpersonal skills – being able to get along and work well with peers and
classmates. It helps to have study groups to assist you in understanding and
remembering lessons.
o Communication skills – oral and written ability in English and in vernacular
specially when making investigative and technical reports, feasibility studies and
project presentation in classroom
o Problem-solving abilities – being able to weigh the consequence of every
situation presented and apply a reasonable solution
How difficult is this course?

Many students would classify this field of study as interesting and not difficult at all.
The course includes several intriguing subjects such as forensic, criminal phsycology,
human behavior and crisis management, criminal investigation, accidents
investigation, arson, crime organizations, drugs, criminal procedures, defense tactics
and more. Even the 2-phased Practicum is highly anticipated by the graduating
students due to its social relevance.
How long does it take to complete BS in Criminology in the
Normally, the BS Crim. program takes 4 years to complete(Note: this may change
due to the K-12 integration). The program may be completed in a shorter time in
schools that follow the trimestral curriculum.

On the job training / internship takes 1 semester or 540 hours.

Reviews for the board exam may require an additional few months, depending
wether you pass on your first try.
On The Job training / Internship

As mandated by CHED (CMO no.37 series of 2010) BS in Criminology students are

required to take Practicum for 1 semester on the fourth year of the program. The
Practicum is divided in two components, 270 hours of on-the-job training and
another 270 hours of Community Immersion, to complete the 540 hrs of internship.

The Practicum is designed to provide practical experiences for BS Crim. students

working in the 5 pillars of the Criminal Justice System: Law Enforcement,
Prosecution, Judiciary, Corrections and the Community. During this period, the
criminology interns are allowed to observe and assist, but not to perform actual
operations that may compromise their safety. Interns are expected to keep the
informations learned during the practicum confidential.

o Police Administration – focuses on on basic management functions applied to

the police organization. This includes organizational structure and
administration of the Philippine National Police, both at the national and the
local levels.
o Criminal Justice Administration – focuses on the Law enforcement management
of activities such as detection, apprehension, detention, pretrial release, post-
trial release, prosecution, adjudication, correctional supervision, or
rehabilitation of accused persons or criminal offenders or the collection,
storage, and dissemination of criminal history record information.
o Forensic – concentrates on the application of a broad spectrum of sciences and
technologies to investigate and establish facts of interest in relation to criminal
or civil law.
o Jail Management and Penology – is a branch of Criminal Justice study that
focuses on the management of prisons and jails for the rehabilitation of convicts
and criminals in an attempt to maintain and ensure public safety.
The Board Exam

A Criminology graduate needs to take the Criminologist Licensure Examination

before he/she can practice as a Criminologist. The examination is conducted by the
Board of Criminology under the supervision of the Professional Regulation
Commission (PRC). It is usually scheduled twice a year.

The main subjects of the BSCrim. Board exam are Criminal Jurisprudence, Procedure
and Evidence; Law Enforcement Administration; Criminalistics; Crime Detection and
Investigation; Sociology of Crimes and Ethics; and Correctional Administration.

After graduation, students have a few months to review the material before the
exam. Review programs are sometimes provided by the school. However, some
students decide on enrolling at specialized review centers.
Career opportunities for BS Crim. Graduates

o Jobs for licensed Criminologists (board exam passers)

o Entry Level jobs Jobs requiring no prior to minimal level of experience:
o Police Patrol Officers – Patrol assigned area to enforce laws and
ordinances, regulate traffic, control crowds, prevent crime, and arrest
o Forensic Photographers – Photographs accidents and crime scenes for
use as evidence in court.
o Court Peace Officer – provides security and order within the premises
of the court house
o Discipline Officer – staff member who has been appointed and trained
to adjudicate alleged violations, counsels and facilitates conducts
investigation, surveillance and interview report
o Mid-Level Positions Require trainings and prior job experience of a few
o Investigator / Paralegal Officer – In charge of data gathering,
investigation and surveillance, and build up of cases of
abuse/exploitation. Assists the lawyer in preparing affidavits, follow up
and update of cases.
o Dactylographer or Dactyloscopy Technician – the person who study
fingerprints for purposes of identification
o Polygraph Examiners (Lie Detector Operators) – conducts interviews
with crime witnesses, criminal suspects and others to determine
whether they are being truthful regarding specific questions asked by
the examiner.
o Forensic Science Technicians – help solve crimes by collecting and
interpreting evidence from crime scenes. They use sophisticated
technology to analyze fiber, hair, weapons and bodily fluids.
o Forensic Document Examiners (FDEs) – help lawyers by examining and
offering written opinions on a variety of disputed document problems
including: wills, deeds, medical records, income tax records, time
sheets, contracts, loan agreements, election petitions, checks, and
anonymous letters.
o Fraud Investigator – Investigates cases of fraud involving use of charge
cards reported lost or stolen, cash refunds, and nonexistent accounts in
retail stores: Receives information from credit, sales, and collection
departments regarding suspected fraud cases. Interviews store
personnel, and observes and questions suspected customers to obtain
o Court Deputy – Supervises and coordinates activities of court peace
officers engaged in providing security and maintaining order within
individual courtrooms and throughout courthouse.
o Security Guard Dispatcher – send out security personnel to client's site
for private, protective-service, notifies guards of work assignments.
Compiles and records data for dispatch, payroll, billings, and personnel
o Academician – professor, instructor or teacher for Criminology subjects
in any university, college or school
o Advanced Positions Require years of extensive experience and practice:
o Chief of Police Department – top official in the chain of command of a
police department
o Head Correction Officer – Supervises activities of Correction Officers
and issues duty assignments. Directs release or transfer of prisoners
based on court order instructions. Maintains prison records and
o Chief Security Guard – Supervises and coordinates activities of security
force of establishment, such as industrial plant, department store, or
o Chief Deputy Sheriff – Directs and coordinates activities, work
assignments and deployment of human resources in patrol division and
transmits orders to subordinate officers for execution. Supervises
investigations of narcotics traffic and auto theft, evaluates progress
with investigators, and plans actions, such as raids, surveillance, or
o Armored Transport Service Manager – Plans, directs, and coordinates
activities of personnel engaged in providing armored car services
o Identification and Communications Supervisor – supervises designs
and installs criminal identification filing systems, such as fingerprint,
photograph, modus operandi and name, criminal-wanted and crimes
reported files, to facilitate information retrieval.
o Jobs for Non Board Passers:
o Security Officer – Guards shipments of valuables and investigates reports of
theft or damage of shipments of valuables, such as money, bullion, strategic
metals, or prototype machinery.
o Alarm Investigator – investigates the source of alarm and trouble signals on
subscribers' premises, as recorded in central station of electrical protective
signaling system.
o Personal Bodyguard – Escorts individuals to protect them from bodily
injury, kidnapping, or invasion of privacy.
o Bouncer – patrols place of entertainment to preserve order among patrons
and protect property. Circulates among patrons to prevent improper
dancing, skating, or similar activities, and to detect persons annoying other
patrons or damaging furnishings of establishment.
o Industry Detective – patrols premises of business establishment to preserve
order and enforce standards of decorum established by management.
o Jobs not related to criminology that graduates can apply to
o Call center agent – answers phone calls and inquiries of clients and provides
customer support, usually to people from other countries
o Administrative Staff – personnel responsible for the organization and
management of office duties and tasks; positions that include office
secretary, personal assistant and office clerk
o Freelancer working online – doing online jobs for clients abroad, such as
data entry, article writing, SEO, customer support, administrative support
etc., which mainly depends on your skills
o Career Opportunities Abroad
There are only a limited number of job opportunities abroad for Filipinos in
fields of Security, Paralegal and Armed Forces (source).
o Salary Levels
In the Philippines, Criminology graduates starting a career in Law Enforcement
usually begin as Police Officer 1 (PO1) with the entry salary of about php14,000
per month; or as Jail Officer 1 (JO1) in the Bureau of Jail Management &
Penology with the same salary. Police and BJMP Directors earn a monthly salary
of php50,000, while the highest ranking Police officer, a Director General earns
php67,000 a month.(source)

Salaries for those who work abroad are generally much higher.
Find schools offering BS in Criminology:

Reviews of BS in Criminology graduates:

J. S.
◈ Studied BS Criminology
◈ At Republican College
◈ Graduated 2005

Why did I choose Criminology:I wanted to be a police officer since I thought it is a good
profession, to serve the country.

About my college education:It is both difficult and enjoyable for me. If you really like
this course, the discussions of the subjects will be interesting for you since you are eager to learn.
You just have to be patience and you can finish it.

My current job:I am a police officer now, serving and protecting the country and the

Am I using what I learned in college:I am now using what I have learned from our
school since I am now a police officer. The skills and knowledge are helpful and practical to me

How long did it take to find a job:After several months, I had the opportunity to work
Do I recommend studying Criminology:Graduates on this course can have the
opportunity to work as a police officer. If you really like to serve the country or become a police,
enroll in this course. It is important that you like it and you are not forced into it.
It can be a fulfilling career, but the salary level is just okay.

Advice to people who are thinking of studying this course:If you want to be a
police, this course will be the best course for such profession. It will be an interesting course for you
if you have this goal.

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