Genre Analysis Final Draft

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Running head: GENRE ANALYSIS 1

Genre Analysis

Alexa Ramirez

University of Texas at El Paso



Two separate genres are being analyzed regarding the topic of Binational Health Issues. One

genre being a digital media video in contrast to academic journal genre. The analysis is focused

on my personal opinion of each genre as well as my focus to see on what type of audience each

genre approaches, the usage of rhetorical appeals and the structure and delivery of the video and

journal. Both genres do a great job presenting information and convincing a powerful argument

on the topic of Border Health Issues. The academic journal is more informative and provides

higher levels of logos, pathos and ethos. In conclusion both genres provided persuasive

information. After comparing and contrasting both genres were very compelling with the

academic journal being more powerful in all aspects.


Genre Analysis

Before analyzing two separate types of genre, I first need to define the term genre. Genre

is multiple types of texts forms, constructed to develop a response in language for any situation.

Genre use to be a literary term, now there are numerous types of genres. Whether it is film,

music, writing and speech. A writing genre keeps evolving and are always subject to be

changing. A genre has structure, whether it is for an introduction or an academic essay. The

genres I will be evaluating and analyzing on the topic of Binational Health Issues are a digital

media genre titled, “U.S-Mexico Border Health Issues,” and an academic journal titled

“Globalization and Health at the United States-Mexico Border.” Each genre had a different

perspective and representation addressing the prevention, awareness, solution and background on

binational health issues. In my perspective I found the academic journal to be more persuasive

and powerful, with stronger forms of rhetorical appeals such as higher credibility, reasoning and

easier to comprehend.

Rhetorical appeals

Logos; The appeal to logic and the way of persuading an audience due to reasoning. In

this case both genres had compelling and potent reasoning. In the digital video genre spoken by

Dr. Rosales, she provided the audience with facts, statistics and background information, health

plans, and health conditions that are affecting the border regions. For example, on minute 3:33

she provides the audience all the conditions people in the border region deal with and how they

detect these issues early on with a system, “early warning infectious diseases surveillance

system.” I found this logos to be convincing, however, in the second genre the academic journal,

Dr. Ugalde uses logos through statistics, data, and numerous amount of case studies, tables,

charts, methods and observations to advocate his findings. For instance, he observed participants

and conducted in depth interviews with policy makers and specialists to give reasoning to his

argument. (p2, 2018). In further notice another example of logos in the academic journal is the

visual chart on page 2 that provided characteristics and percentages on the border health

conditions. Over all I found the academic journal exceedingly more reliable and influential.

Pathos; Known as the pathetic appeal or an appeal to make the audience feel emotions or

identity. While I evaluated each genre I found both genres to be complete opposite when it came

to pathos. First, the digital media genre was able to provide an emotional appeal towards the

audience only because of self-interest since I do live in a border region. For example when she

spoke on families who commute and work on both sides of the border I empathized with her

stories since I as well have family on both sides of the border. In contrast to the journal it was

completely clinical. I did not find any emotional appeal, only case studies, data numbers and just

did not really influence me emotionally. For example all the case studies presented on (p3, 2017)

is clearly all clinical since the genre only provides examples and results of political barriers, or

cultural barriers. Thus, I believe the video genre was more influential and powerful in regards to


Ethos; The third rhetorical appeal which is perceived by the audience as the credibility of

the argument. In comparison and contrast both genres had incredible credibility. The video genre

the speaker is director of the University of Phoenix Public Health Program and a member of the

US-Mexico Health commission. (00:19-00:30). The second genre the academic journal by Dr.

Homedes and Dr. Ugalde they provided their years of education. For instance, Dr. Homedes is a

member of the University of House Public Health Program as well as having research on cultural

barriers even in European studies. The second genres credibility was very persuasive and

compelling. (p1, 2018). Nevertheless, I would strongly say that both genres in this case were just

as credible and reliable.

Structure and Delivery

Given the main topic of Border Health issues, each genre the way each information was

organized and presented was particularly different. In the first genre, the video, the presenter

began with introducing her credibility, then she presented her thesis. After presenting her thesis

she gave a brief background on Border Health Issues. The genre also had a red background

intending for the color red to grab the audience attention. Versus the academic journal genre, had

a completely different lay out. Starting with the objectives on the top right in bold blue letters.

With titles on top of every objective like methods, results, background, credibility. After

comparing the lay out I would agree to say that the structure of the academic journal was easier

to manage and to navigate.

Audience and Purpose


The audience is very important especially while evaluating both genres. The first genre,

Dr. Cecilia Rosales in the "U.S-Mexico Border Health issues" she addressed a particular region.

Dr. Rosales focused on the Southwestern Region like New Mexico, Arizona, Texas and Baja

California. The purpose of her reaching out to these Border States was to bring awareness and

centralize her main points to a smaller population (1:15-1:25). The journal genre, Dr. Ugalde and

Dr. Homedes addressed nation as whole and policy makers. In the academic journal

"Globalization and Health at the United States border" was addressed to everyone who feels

impacted affected in any border region. The audience in the second genre was for a larger crowd

and their purpose was to convey a message more to the policy makers, politicians, specialists,

doctors etc. (p1-5). In similarities both genres wanted to inform their audiences about how

sharing a border can be complex when it comes to health. Therefore, I think the journal was more

compelling and resourceful since the author was speaking to anyone who feels affected.

In conclusion, both genres were effective and extremely resourceful for my topic

Binational Health Issues. The journal genre was more comprehensive and scientifically as for the

first genre was harder to understand but it did present powerful information that I did not know.

Each genre transmitted its thesis effectively and left the audience with no questions. Each genre

represented a different approach to the same issue and widened the audience perspective and

awareness on Binational Health Issues. Border health issues is a real problem occurring today,

both sources provided content to strengthen, improve and respond to health security and apply

the knowledge received into our community. In conclusion I would say anaylzing this genres was

a great way to improve my writing skills and evaluating skills, I did think the academic journal

genre was more effective therefore I would say future refrernce I would look for sources that can

provide great logic, pathos, and crediblity like the academic journal.


A. (2011, July 05). Retrieved February 10, 2018, from

Globalization and Health in U.S Mexico Border. (2003). American Journal of Public Health.

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