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Low cost CNC vertical boring

Currently building up technical exper-
tise and experience with the latest
Camshaft inspection Datadrive numerical control systems
inspected. This is then compared developed by Mimik Ltd in Canada,
Geometry of a 16 lobe camshaft can with the measurements obtained: if UK licensees Heathway Mimik have
be automatically analysed in 18 s the measured readings are within introduced the Series 3000 Datadrive
usinga Canadian developed micro- specified "tolerance. levels, the cam- system designed specifically for OEM
processor based inspection system. shaft will be accepted; if they are and retrofit vertical boring applications.
Accuracy of measurement is claimed not it will be.r~jected automatically. The electronically controlled hydraulic
to be -+ 1.25/~m for any one dimension, If required, the system will plot cylinder drive system, in this instance
The electro-optic system mea- out the relevant data of a cam being matched with a GE 1050 T control
sures the geometry of the camshaft as inspected and draw out the deviation unit, can be fitted retrospectively to
the shaft rotates about a fixed axis. of the measured data from specifi- a wide range of machines to give the
•A l t h o u g h most of the functions, such cation. It will also be possible to pro- benefits of NC operation at consider-
as base circle run-out, maximum lift, duce a computer compatible data ably less cost than that of a new NC
lift profile phasing, journal diameter output from the system (tape, cassette, borer.
and out-of-round, carried out by the floppy disc, etc) in a form which can Using the Mimik equipment,
system are comparable with those be analysed later, off-line. The system conversion to numerical control is
employed in a typical mechanical can also generate histographic analyses accomplished without major alterations
inspection system, the difference lies regarding trends in camshaft geometry to the basic machine tool. The original
in the system's completely automatic over .a given production period. This ball screw drive system and associated
operation, in the handling of data data can be used in a diagnostic con- manual controls are replaced by a
within the system, and high speed of text, should the number of rejects digitally-controlled hydraulic drive unit
operation.. reach an unacceptable level. connected to the GE computer control.
• An operational system will employ Survey and General Instrument Advantages claimed over conven-
an 8-bit Intel 8085 microprocessor, and Company Limited, Fircroft Way, tional mechanical drives include
one o,f the functions of this will be to Edenbridge, Kent -I-N8 6HA, UK, or increased accuracy, through elimin-
store information concerning the Diffracto Ltd, 2775 Kew Drive, Wind- ation of lost motion and wear pro-
nominal geometry of the cams being sor, Ontario N8T 3B7, Canada blems, combined with the inherent
stiffness of the design, and high speed
operation, with rapid positioning at up
to 7.62m/min. Repeatability of 5/Jm
is claimed and experience in Canada
ind!ca~s that productivity gains of up
to 500% can be obtained as well as
improvements in quality, reduced
scrap, and simplified production
All machine functions are
brought under control of the pro-
grammed GE 1050 T unit, including
spindle speed, turret indexing, and
continuous path cutting of radii,
tapers and straight lines. Movement
is controlled by electronic signals to
the light-duty stepper motor feeding
the hydraulics, which provide position-
ing forces. As well as rapid movement,
with short respor~se times and rapid
acceleration/deceleration, hydraulic
cylinders give large force applications
over relatively short distances• The
Multi-wire proportional chamber for use at CERN, Geneva, for the detection Datadrive hydraulics embody the
of high energy particles. The two external frames of the chamber each carry experience of servo systems gained
1700 copper beryllium high voltage curves 1.3 m long, 120pro in diameter, set in many years production of Mimik
at 2mm pitch to an accuracy o f O. lmm , and tensioned at 350s to a tolerance Tracer copying units•
o f +- 10%. A further frame between the two high tension frames carries almost Heathway Mimik Division,
1700 gold plated tungsten wires, 1.3m long but only 20pro diameter, also Uxbridge Road, Hillingdon, Uxbridge,
positioned to an accuracy of O. lprn but tensioned in the range 4 4 - 5 5 g. Middlesex. UB10 0PA, UK, or Data-
International Research and Development Company Limited, Forsway, drive Division, Mimik of Canada Ltd.,
Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE6 2YD, UK Gait Avenue, Cambridge, Ontario,


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