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10/5/2018 Flash flotation equipment design - AusIMM Bulletin



Flash otation equipment design

By Jason Heath MAusIMM, Technology Manager – Bene ciation, Outotec

Flash otation is a mature application of otation technology to recover fast- oating liberated particles from within the grinding Advertise with us
circuit before they can be ground further us)

Flash otation is the rapid otation of mineral particles to produce a suitable concentrate. Normally, the feed to a ash otation cell is the cyclone under ow stream. The aim
when treating cyclone under ow is to recover liberated fast- oating mineral particles before they present back to the grinding mill for further comminution. These particles
would otherwise be ground ner and report to the cyclone over ow as very ne particles, where the recovery may be signi cantly lower due to slower otation kinetics (Gaudin,
Groh and Henderson, 1931; Morris, 1952).

A ash otation cell is designed di erently to a conventional mechanical otation cell in that it operates at higher pulp densities and with coarser feed compared to
conventional otation cells. This requirement means that a number of unique features are present in ash otation cells that are not noted in conventional otation equipment
(Figure 1).
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The main di erence between a ash otation cell and a conventional otation cell is the shape of the tank. A ash otation cell is cylindrical, with a conical section at the bottom
of the tank to assist in the hydraulic transport of very coarse particles (eg mill scats) out of the cell. These larger particles are present in the cyclone under ow stream but are
too large for separation by direct otation. The shape of the tank also allows a ash otation cell to be self-draining in the event of a feed disruption or power failure, which 1/6

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