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Overview and Context

Your name(s): Molly & Koumei

Grade level and school: 4th grade, Mitchel elementary school
Title of lesson/activity: Book B, Lesson 11
Teaching date(s) and time(s): 10/05/17
Estimated time for lesson/activity: 15 minutes
Overview of lesson: Students will first complete pg. 24 of Student Workspace. We will
then go over as a whole class discussion to see what methods
students used to find the difference.
Context of lesson: Students have worked on partial sums on Tuesday. They will now
transition to subtraction using open number line concept.
Sources: Book B Teacher’s Manual, Lesson 11 & Book B Student workbook
pg. 24

Learning Goals and Assessments

Connection to Standards Learning Goals Type of Assessment Connection to

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.2.NBT Students will be able to find Students will Standard algorithm
.B.5 the difference between the independently work, of subtraction can
Fluently add and subtract two given numbers by then we will have a throw off some
within 100 using using the open number whole class students. Using the
strategies based on place line. discussion. open number line,
value, properties of students will be able
operations, and/or the to break down their
relationship between steps into meaningful
addition and subtraction. ways.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.2. Students will be able to use Students will Instead of simply
NBT.B.9 break down the subtraction independently work, using standard
Explain why addition and algorithm through the then we will have a algorithm where
subtraction strategies usage of open-number line. whole class students may just
work, using place value discussion. know the motion of
and the properties of subtraction, the
operations. open-number line
concept allows
students to
understand place
values, and utilizing
the friendly ten to
make the calculation

Attending to the Learners

Anticipating student ideas: Students may use standard algorithm to solve the provided
Students may find themselves confused of how to utilize open
number line. They may not know whether they should start
subtracting by tens or ones.
Students may find it challenging splitting the ones value into two
numbers and using one of the number to arrive the next ten.
Making the content accessible to Not all students will be able to have the chance to come to the
all students: board and show their work due to time constraint. However, all
students will be actively participating by viewing and reiterating
other students’ work. The goal for this discussion is to show there
are different methods students can utilize to reach their answer.
Students who come up to the board will have to describe each step
they made to their classmates. I will choose another student to
reiterate the method that’s written on the board. By introducing
multiple methods and having deep discussions, students should
build a better understanding of places values and the concept of

Materials: Book B Student Workspace, pg. 24

Vocabulary: Difference, subtraction, subtract, minus, jump, split, price.

Instructional Sequence

Time Steps Describing What the Teacher and Students Will Do Notes and Reminders (including
management considerations)
10 2. Monitoring student work ● Encourage students to
minutes alternative method to
Interns will look around to see if students are either using solve their problem.
standard algorithm or using open number line to solve the
difference. If students are relying on standard algorithm, let them ● Instruct students to look
at the directions so they
solve at least one problem with it, and then encourage them to
can follow the procedure.
try what Mr. Krigbaum has taught.

E.g. “I see that you solved the first problem already. For the ● Be on a lookout for
second one, try solving it by using the open number line”. students making mistake
in place value.

-Provide guidance for students who may find this method


-We will also show the difference of the first problem by drawing
the open number line model.

5 3. Launching the discussion  Is this an addition or

minutes subtraction question?
“Students, find a space that will best fit for your learning for the
discussion. Find a space so that you’ll be able to see the board ● Raise your hand if you
have solved the second
and hear clearer of the speaker.
● (Pick a student) Come on
“Hello students, my name is Mr. Tsunoda, you can simply call me up here and show us
Mr. T for short. Before we begin, there are few things that I your work of how you
would like to go over with all of you. solved this problem.

● Everyone will sit criss cross applesauce. That means we

will all sit cross-legged and sitting up straight.

● You will stay in your selected spot. Last week, too many
students got distracted because they were moving
around. If you have trouble seeing what’s written on the
board, tell the other teachers.

● We are going to place our books on the floor, in front of

us. The book will not be used as a megaphone, balancing
on our head, sitting on it, or playing around with it. The
book should be placed right in front of you, with the
right page open.

● Finally, only person should be talking. Last time, we had

some issues hearing students sharing their work. If you
have something to share or have a question, you may
simply raise your hand. Otherwise I should only hear
one voice talking at all times. (Model all of these first for
the students [I do]).

● So we’re going to sit criss cross applesauce, we’re going

to remain seated in once place, books placed in front of
us, and one person talking at a time. (Model with the
students. Everyone should be participating).

Ok, since I already solved the first problem for you, we’re going
to solve the second problem together. So the second problem is
written as, I had $63. I spent $39. How much do I have left? Is
this question asking for the sum or the difference? (Let the
students answer this question).”

“Raise your hand if you finished the second problem?”

“Would anyone like to come up and show me how they solved


Pick a student, and have him or her solve the second problem.
Try to have the student faced sideway so that other students can
see his/her work.
5 4. Orchestrating the discussion ● I noticed that you used
minutes similar/different strategy
If the student use standard algorithm, say the following line. compared to Mr. Krigbaum’s way.
Tell me your strategy of how you
reached your answer?
“I noticed that you used different strategy compared to the one
Mr. Krigbaum showed us early. Explain to me how you got the
answer. And make sure you speak loud enough so that everyone ● Let other students know that they
can hear you. To the rest of you, it’s important that you listen will be picked to reiterate the
method that’s written on the
carefully because I’m going to pick one of you to explain what board. Use your own words to
_____ just said.” describe how (a student at the
board) found the difference.
After the student explained, “Okay, (pick another student),
explain to me how _______ found the difference.
● Students may find it challenging to
grasp the splitting of the ones
(If the student cannot reiterate, say) “Would you like to have
value into two numbers so that
________ explain again? Okay, _______ tell us again how you they can conveniently use one of
solved this problem.” the two numbers to subtract the
larger number and reach the next
“Okay you may go back to your seat, thanks for being the first ten. In order to assist the students
volunteer, I know it’s not easy coming up here. Students, I without telling them directly, I will
solve the first question and write
noticed that there’s a box that’s written as Open Number Line. the number model on the board
Can any show me another way to find the difference? Okay, during students’ work time. That
______ come up here and show us your work.” way, if students need reminders,
they can simply look at the board.
(If the student did use the open number line, ask) “Okay, I will inform the students during
their work time that the first
students notice that both ______ and _______ have the same
problem is already solved for
answer but they solved it differently. _______, explain to them, and they can use the same
everyone what you here. Again, I’m going to call a different strategy that’s written on the
student to explain _______ method.” board to solve other problems.

“Okay, (choose a different student), explain to everyone how

______ got his/her answer.”

I noticed that you listened very carefully to what ______ had to

say. Both of you did excellent job explaining and listening. (High-
five both students). You may go back to your seat ______.

“Who else can show me another way to solve this problem? Or if

you already solved question 3 and 4, who would like to come up
here and show their work.”

*Look at the time, be aware of your time usage. Switch with your
partner if you have already used up your time.

*[Molly’s turn]

Now that we’ve done a few of these examples, let's try another
one. (Choose a problem that was done multiple ways during
independent work).

Explain your process to the class. Wow! Can anyone else repeat
what this students process was? Did anyone have a different
way? I notice that both of these methods get us to the same
answer. Do you notice anything else about these methods?

Let’s try another one. (Choose a problem that was done multiple
ways during independent work).

Who would like to share their process with the class? Who can
repeat this process?

Did anyone solve it a different way?

Within this discussion, try to write student’s thinking process on

the board as they explain so other students have a clear
understanding of the work their peer has done.

5. Before we do that, I wanted to say that I noticed really strong

mathematical thinking when working with this method today.
We can use different methods to solve the same problem. It’s up
to you! We’re going to move into our game next. It is the same
game as last week so let’s count off by 4’s again.

Reflection on Planning

Learning goal for self: Instruction and prompting are explained short and concise. Managing
students’ behavior by repeatedly instructing them to sit criss cross
apple sauce and only one person should be talking.
Making sure students are respectful and engaged, setting up the space
with expectations and meeting them. Making sure students are sharing
their processes and others are listening.
Preparing to teach this lesson: Answered the worksheet questions myself.
Thinking about what students could possibly say and making sure that I
have questions on hand that will be appropriate for the students
various responses.

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