Reflection Prepositions Revision

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Prepositions Revision

Name: Aisha Ali Alowais – H00330699

Course: EPC 3903 – Practicum 3b
Instructor: Robin Ogdol

(Technology, 2017)

Prepositions Revision Reflection

Lesson Prepositions Revision / My Aisha Ali Alowais

Room Student
MST Nora Ong School Sharjah International Private School

Class KG2-F Date March 1st 2018

Overall aim and context of the lesson

To understand the concept of prepositions along with the unit of My Room

A lesson is a give and take of information process in which both parties gain a new
piece knowledge. I was addressing the average preschool standards during this lesson, I was
also following along the theorized lines that my MST has taught along, and added a bit more
engagement that we both felt worked well regarding the students’ attention span. This lesson
is for the KG2-F students, and took place in their classroom. The professional goal I wanted to
achieve during this lesson was, student management. During the lesson my objectives were to
ensure that all the students are able to identify, remember, and recognize the prepositions and
then be able to differentiate them.

I personally felt that the students were engaged by the first part of the lesson, they were
immersed and shouting along with the where is it song, also having to work together during
the activities kept them socializing and focused. But having being observed in every semester
I tend to get shaken up and rushed during my lessons, so I was unable to tackle my professional
goal for this lesson. I was unable to manage the classroom for the second half of the lesson,
the students were slightly chaotic and I tried different methods to direct their attention to me,
they seemed to do so for only a brief minute then would lose focus again. I believe that they
responded that way as they wanted to discuss what picture they had and where to put it and
how they want it to look rather than wanting to follow the instructions. The students however,
were able to fully understand the lesson and were engaged in their learning and understood
what each preposition means. The students tend to randomly come up to me during the lesson
and like to have me sitting by them during my MST’s lesson and that comes up during my
teaching, the students start to randomly stand up and come tell me something that isn’t related
to the lesson, I know that it’s not professional however I don’t to tell them to go back and have
them close off to future discussions.

An issue that came up during the lesson was my student Seef, he held onto the cards after the
activity was over and wanted to play with them and I asked him to put it back as I didn’t want
him to get distracted nor put it in his mouth. That led him to cry and I scaffolded by playing
the song and consoling him quietly so that his peers don’t get distracted and so that he
understands why I told him to put it back. I believe that the misunderstanding was solved as
he had calmed down and said he was okay now. Another issue that I had to scaffold was that
the lesson was longer than it was previously, I tried my best to keep them active and engaged
for those extra minutes and they seemed to go with it thankfully. To enhance the students’
learning in my future lessons I want to create a more open learning experience where rather
than following instructions constantly, there would be specific instructions that can be bended
in different ways, I would also have more questions to ask the students as I didn’t have much
of them during this lesson.

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