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Mao Zedong’s March to Power

Wednesday, April 18, 2018 8:00 AM

The Nationalist Party (Kuomintang, KMT) The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

Leader: Chiang Kai-Shek Party History and Beliefs: Leader: Mao Zedong Party History and Beliefs:
China should become a China should be a
democracy (limited though) communist nation like
Anti-communist: supported
capitalism The government should
take over private property
Supported by wealthy and redistribute it to all
Chinese equally

Allied with the United States Supported by the peasants

after WWII and poor

Supported by the USSR

Chiang Kai-Shek, 1943 Mao Zedong’s Official Portrait

Who would you support if you were a wealthy landlord? Why?

Who would you support if you were a peasant? Why?

Long March Video

Why did Mao and the Communists take the Long March?

How did the Communists benefit from the Long March?

Mao's Use of Propaganda

Unit 5 Page 1
What do you think Mao's intention is with this picture? What feeling is he trying to get the viewer to feel?

Unit 5 Page 2
What are the similarities between these two pictures?

What do you think the artist's intention is with these pictures?

Unit 5 Page 3
What are the similarities between these two pictures?

What do you think the artist's intention is with these pictures?

Unit 5 Page 4

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