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This paper will be addressing the community problem of mental health issues affecting college

students at The University of Texas at El Paso. Members of the discourse community transmit a

set of norms to one another. UTEP occupational therapy program should come together to solve

the community problem of mental health issues among college peers. Also, share many common

assumptions, use genres to communicate their points in a better way. All to achieve all the

common public goals for the community. (Pg. 161)

Boyer, G., Hachey, R., & Mercier, C. (1998). Roles of persons with severe mental illness in the

community :Past, present, and future. International Journal of Mental Health, 27(3), 46-

64. Retrieved from

G.B states that occupational therapy helps with all kinds of mental health. Studies of

patient’s wellbeing in mind and body brought the author to believe and stand by his

points of mental health issues such as depression and born with a mental health issue.

Patients born with a condition and depression in a patient are both as equal and should be

treated with the same help. Occupational therapy helps all those patients advance in to

everyday activities till they become easier to do with time. Therapist can help patients

obtain these activities. Every patient who needs the help is should be able to obtain it

through occupational therapy and will advance at each person’s pace.

Graff, M. J. L., Vernooij-Dassen, M., Thijssen, M., Dekker, J., Hoefnagels, W. H. L., & Rikkert,

M. G. M. O. (2006). Community based occupational therapy for patients with dementia

and their care givers: Randomised controlled trial. BMJ: British Medical Journal,
333(7580), 1196-1199. Retrieved from http://0-

M.G view on dementia patients being treated by occupational therapy. Dementia patients

have a mental illness and should be treated with occupational to recover and be able to

become apart a part of society is what lead the author to follow her believes. Of daily

treatment and the affects it can have on the lives of dementia patients and their

surroundings. Patients daily process skills and motor skills after being treated by an

occupational therapist. Practice makes dementia patients as well as others dealing with a

mental disability.

Legg, L., Drummond, A., Leonardi-Bee, J., Gladman, J. R. F., Corr, S., Donkervoort, M., et al.

(2007). Occupational therapy for patients with problems in personal activities of daily

living after stroke: Systematic review of randomised trials. BMJ: British Medical

Journal, 335(7626), 922-925. Retrieved from http://0-

L.L view of a patient’s life after a stroke. Having a stroke causes patients to be very

dependent of others. The author was leading to believe that patients who suffer a stroke

can be helped by occupational therapy. Since when a stroke occurs many patients are not

able to continue to do all the normal daily activities as before the stroke. Occupational

therapy helps patients who suffered a stroke to do their own daily activities once again.

Suffering from a stroke holds back patients from continuing the activities they once did

before. They need special help to relearn these things so that someday with the help of

occupational therapist the daily routines can come back and be as easy as they were.
Morris, D. N., Stecher, J., Briggs-Peppler, K., Chittenden, C. M., Rubira, J., & Wismer, L. K.

(2014). Spirituality in occupational therapy: Do we practice what we teach? Journal of

Religion and Health, 53(1), 27-36. Retrieved from http://0-

M.D point in the writing is about spirituality in the practice of occupational therapy. The

idea of connecting with a patients speritaluty belives lead the author to believe there

would be a more affective way to treat a patients mental illness. To understand the

patient's spiritual connection to assist them with therapy and help patients recover from

disabilities, setbacks that occurred and other motor difficulties. Spirituality is an

important factor to succeeding in occupational therapy. Therapist taking the spirituality

concept more in mind to understand how to motivate a patient or treat a patient. As each

patients believes may variate therapist need to learn and treat them with each belief that

they may have in order to treat them.

Taylor, M. C. (2012). Evidence-based practice for occupational therapists. Oxford: Blackwell


M.T believes that the practice of occupational therapy practices should be learned by her

handbook of studies. Having a handbook in hand lead her to believe that occupational

therapy is learned better by knowing examples of past studies. To fully comprehend how

to treat a specific patient with a specific mental illness. Looking back at those studies

done in the past can help future and current occupational therapist now needed with a

patient. Having that handbook handy helps patients get the correct help from the therapy

lead by occupational therapist.

Hastings, J., Gowans, S., & Watson, D. E. (2004). Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy

following Organ Transplantation. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71(4),

238-242. doi:10.1177/000841740407100409

J.H argues about the important of occupational therapy after an organ transplant. The

mental instability and new feeling inside a patients body after a drastic change in a organ

transplant surgery. Lead the author to believe that a patient needs to attend occupational

therapy to advance and get better after the surgery. After a transplant a patient not only

needs physical activity to regain everyday activities. Also, to mentally help a patient fully

recover from mental and physical changes after going under an organ transplant. Patients

attending these appointments with occupational therapist may help them become more

aware of the changes that occurred inside their body.

(n.d.). Retrieved April 02, 2018, from

Actioncare is facility that helps children advance through the help of therapy

occupational therapy there helps patients from 0 months to 21 years old. Each patient is

treated equaly and is helped in a special way by connecting to each patient spirituality

and taking each condition well into consideration in order to help each one. There is

patients that have conditions that they were born with and some patients there have

conditions that they had problems with later in life. But that does not stop them from

getting the correct help by the occupational therapist at action care.

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