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EDSC 330 Strategy Presentation Lesson Template

This is a simplified version of the official EDSC Lesson Plan Template. If you prefer to
use the full EDSC Lesson Plan Template for this assignment, you are welcome to do so.

Names: Jordan Hurtado Subject Area(s): Physical Education

Lesson Topic: Introduction to soccer Grade Level(s): 7th and 8th

Literacy Standard(s):
Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and
phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant
to grades 6-8 texts and topics.
Content Area Standard(s):
7. 2.1 Identify and describe key elements in the mature performance of overhand,
sidearm, and underhand throwing; catching; kicking/punting; striking; trapping;
dribbling (hand and foot); and volleying.
8. 2.5 Diagram, explain, and justify offensive and defensive strategies in modified
and team sports, games, and activities.
English Language Development (ELD) Standard(s):
Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative discussion on a
range of social and academic topics.
o Emerging-Engage in controversial exchanges and express ideas on familiar
topics by asking and answering yes-no and wh- questions and responding
using simple phrases.
o Expanding-Contribute to class, group, and partner discussion by following
turn-taking rules, asking relevant questions, affirming others, adding
relevant information, and paraphrasing key ideas.
o Bridging- Contribute to class, group, and partner discussion by following
turn-taking rules, asking relevant questions, affirming others, adding
relevant information and evidence, paraphrasing key ideas, building on
responses, and provide useful feedback.
Lesson Objectives & Supports
Content objectives:
SWBAT explain at least 3 different terms from the content and describe 1 formation
Literacy objectives:
SWBAT cite specific evidence from the text of their understanding of soccer terms.
Academic vocabulary:
Tier II (General) Field, ball, strike, kick, formation, soccer
Tier III (Domain specific) football, defender, holding, midfielder,
attacker, domain, penetrate, contain, touchline, endline, arc

Literacy strategies and Integrated ELD Strategies (SDAIE, Specially Designed

Academic Instruction in English):
 Name and provide a brief (1 sentence) description of each literacy and SDAIE
strategy used in the lesson.
o Students write a quick write using admit and exit slips of what they already
know about the content and of what new information they’ve learned and
discuss with a partner.
 Be sure to include a reference (author, date) for each strategy.
o Buehl, D. (2017). Quick-writes: Admit and exit slips. In Classroom strategies
for interactive learning (4th ed., p. 170). Portland, OR: Stenhouse

Assessment: How will you know if students met your objectives?

For EACH content and literacy objective listed above, indicate how you will evaluate if
students met the objective. These assessments might include formal and informal
assessments, individual or group assessments, oral or written assessments, in- and out-of-class
assessments, etc.
 To assess students on soccer terminology, I will ask them on a scale of 1-5, using
their fingers, how comfortable are you with defining these terms. A 5 being you are
very comfortable and could teach someone else, a 1 is very uncomfortable and still
need help.
 To assess what they have learned, students will turn in their quick write to me to
determine if they are able to define 3 different terms and 1 formation.
Instruction: What you’ll teach, and how

Lesson Introduction/Anticipatory Set

Time Teacher Does Student Does
Review concepts from game basics from Day 1
Review concepts with teacher
0 -1 min. Open class with discussion question: “What do you
know about soccer language?”
Grabs sheet and writing instrument
Instruct students to grab a piece of paper and
writing instrument.
1 – 3 min
Students answer question in complete sentences or
Walk around the classroom checking in with
bullet point
Lesson Body
Time Teacher Does Student Does
 Passes out the article while giving  Listen quietly
instructions for the article and the
questions they need to answer.
 Ask “What stands out/any new  Reads the article independently underlining
3-5 minute information?” and making notes in the margins.
 Answering the questions provided.
 Walks around interacting with students
o Ask questions or help anyone if
5-10 needed
Minute  Sharing with their elbow partner and asking
 Ask students to share their thoughts or them questions if they have any on the
10-12 new knowledge with their elbow partner. topic
minutes  Bring the class together and review the  Raise their hands and discuss the questions
questions asked as a whole.
Minute  Release students to play game using terms
they’ve learned.
15- 
 Highlight the positions with the asterisk Students play game using new acquired
30 terms.
Minute (*) are the ones students will focus on
for the remainder of the unit.
 Circulate games listening for terms

Lesson Closure
Time Teacher Does Student Does
 Ask students on a scale of 1-5, 5 being  Students will hold up the number of fingers
30 – 32 min
most comfortable you could teach depending on how they feel about the new
someone else and 1 being uncomfortable terms.
you need more help and practice, how do
you feel these new terms?
 Have students get their piece of paper  Students grab their sheet from the
from the beginning of class and have them beginning of class and fold it in half or flip it
32 – 42 Min
fold it or flip it over over and answer the questions
 Ask the question,
o “What do you know about
soccer, after this lesson?
o “Define 3 new terms you
learned and describe 1
formation you learned?”

 Instruct students to turn in slips and  Leave the exit slips on the back table on
42 – 45 Min release students. their way out of the door.

Instructional Materials, Equipment & Multimedia

List any readings, websites, materials, handouts, technology, etc. necessary for your lesson.
Use APA format for any citations, and attach copies of any handouts or other print
materials used during the lesson.

Buehl, D. (2017). Quick-writes: Admit and exit slips. In Classroom strategies for interactive
learning (4th ed., p. 170). Portland, OR: Stenhouse Publishers.

Football Bible. (2014, June 20). Soccer positions explained: Names, descriptions, field roles,
diagram. Retrieved from

Soccer Training Guide. (n.d.). The ultimate soccer formations guide with illustrations. Retrieved
Indicate how you could adapt this lesson for each of the following groups of students.
Adaptations might include additional literacy supports or scaffolds, texts written at multiple
levels, etc.

English learners: English learners will have images to go along with the terms
to help their comprehension.
Striving readers: Partner them up with a stronger reader for the partner
discussion. Have them circle words they know and box things they don’t know,
like vocabulary words or concepts.
Students with special needs: Using storyboards
Advanced students: Provide an optional bonus question to challenge their
thinking. Have them use the more advanced terms (holding midfielder,
attacker midfielder, wing back, winger).
Soccer Positions Explained
Football Bible. (2014, June 20). Soccer positions explained: Names, descriptions, field roles, diagram.

Retrieved from

Published on Jun 20, 2014

Football positions are as varied as the skills of players and the
tactics of the game. Find out which spot you belong.

Soccer has many different positions and many different names that come
along with them.

Each player position has their own very specific task, from defending against
opponent attacks to scoring.

To simplify, we will categorize the football positions into four: the goalkeeper,
defenders, midfielders, and forwards.

Goalkeeper (GK)*
The goalkeeper is simply known as the one with gloves who keeps the
opponents from scoring. They have a special position because only they can
play the ball with their hands (provided that they are inside their own penalty
area and the ball was not deliberately passed to them by a team mate).

Aside from being the last line of defense, the goalkeeper is the first person in
attack. That is why keepers who can make good goal kicks and strategic ball
throws to team mates are valuable.

The goalie has four main roles: saving, clearing, directing the defense, and
distributing the ball. Saving is the act of preventing the ball from entering the
net while clearing means keeping the ball far from the goal area.

The goalkeeper has the role of directing the defense since they are the
farthest player at the back and they can see where the defenders should
position themselves.

Distributing the ball happens when a goalkeeper decides whether to kick the
ball or throw it after making a save. Where the keeper throws or kicks the ball
is the first instance of attack.

Some of history’s finest goalkeepers are Lev Yashin, Gordon Banks, Dino
Zoff, Peter Schmeichel, and Gianluigi Buffon.

A defender’s task is to keep the ball away from the keeper, prevent opposing
attackers from passing or receiving, and block shots. Defending requires a
player to be well-fit, hard-working, and quick at anticipating the movement of
the opponents.

Defenders must protect the keeper: they should think of the goalie as an
important person that opponents are not allowed to get near to. Typically,
teams play with four defenders.
Center-back/center-half/central defender (CB)*

Midfielders link the offense and the defense: they bring the ball up to the forwards in attack and
prevent the ball from reaching the defenders when not in possession. You can think of them as
the telephone line that connects two people.

Without a solid midfield, it is very difficult for the forwards to score and the defense is often put
at risk of the opponents’ attacks. Below are the many types of midfielders and the roles they

Central/Box-to-box midfielder (CM)*

A central midfielder is stationed at the center of the field. If they play both offense and defense,
they are called a box-to-box midfielder. The name implies that they run from their own penalty
box to the opponent’s to fulfill different roles.

A box-to-box midfielder does the following: create opportunities for the striker and stop the
opponent’s attacks. Stamina, technical ability, and relentless hard-work are the attributes of this
type of midfielder. Steven Gerrard is the best box-to-box midfielder of this era.

Forwards are the most celebrated players in the team because they are often the ones who score
goals. Since there are many ways to score a goal, there are also many types of forwards.

Accuracy, head ability, and ball control are the typical qualities of a forward. A forward does not
have to as much work as the midfield or defense but they must be able to convert when their
teammates give them the ball.

Center-forward/striker (CF)*

Center-forwards are positioned closest to the opponent’s goal. They have two roles: first, they
score goals through passes from teammates; second, they distract the defense to give room for
the attacking midfielder, winger, or withdrawn striker to attack.

A striker must be brilliant at receiving and controlling the ball, must be strong, and capable of
winning the ball in the air. Skills at playing with the back to the goal is a prerequisite. Some of
the greatest strikers of all time are Batistuta, Ruud van Nistelrooy, and Ronaldo.

Learn Popular Formations With Our Illustrated Guide

Soccer Training Guide. (n.d.). The ultimate soccer formations guide with illustrations. Retrieved from

There are many formations and it's probably impossible to list them all, but
in this part I will present some of the most common that have been used in
soccer, from Brazil World Cup winners to Nederland's total soccer...

44 Secrets for Playing Great Soccer

The Ultimate Guide to Soccer Positions

A formation describes how the players in a soccer team are positioned on

the field. Different formations may be used depending on the skill of your
opponents but also if your team wants to play more attacking or defensive

For example the 4-4-2, is a formation with 4 defenders, 4 midfielders and

two forwards, and is the most widely used formation in soccer today. There
is no optimal formation that your team can use for every match.

Instead, the election will depend on how your opponents are playing. You
may have heard that choice of a formation varies from one squad to another
and that the best formation is the one which most suits your team.

Well, this is true, but if you want to become good at soccer you must be
able to play in all possible formations. The best and most sought after
players are the ones that remain as versatile as they possibly can.
Your team cannot either rely on one single formation; instead, the tactic
must be adapted to the opponent's. For example, let's say that your
opponents are playing 4-3-3.

Then, your team may have to give up their standard formation (for ex: 3-4-
3) because playing with only 3 defenders, especially against opponents with
3 forwards (for ex 4-3-3), will not bring good results if both your and the
opposing team are on the same level.

A formation can be altered during a soccer match, (if your team wants
to defend or attack more) but it will require fast adaptations from you and
your teammates.

Some formations lend themselves to dynamically change1 during a match.

The ultra-offensive 4-3-3 formation can be switched to a more defensive 4-
5-1 during a game.

In a formation the only unchangeable position is the soccer goalie.

Regardless of your team's formation choice, there must always be a

The 4-4-2 is The Most Popular

Formation Today

This is the most used formation in soccer

today. The main strength of the 4-4-2
formation is true balance. Offensive attacks
are combined with solid defense. The
weakness is the two center players who must
be supported by the midfield. The 4-4-2 is
probably the first formation you will
encounter as you start to play regular games.

The 4-3-3 Flat is Synonym for Total


A classic formation that was adapted by

the 1970's great teams. It was with the 4-
3-3 that West Germany won the World
Cup of 1974. This formation is typical for the total soccer system that was
played by The Netherlands and West Germany. The mighty F.C Barcelona of
Spain has adapted this formation successfully in their games!

The 3-4-3 Flat is Highly Offensive

The 3-4-3 is an offensive formation with

little defensive thinking and most focus is
put on attacking. It is pretty unusual
because it makes your team vulnerable to
counter attacks. You will not see many
coaches using it today. However if you still
want to test it make sure to give
clear instructions to midfielders!

The 4-5-1 is a Highly Defensive


A formation with big defensive thinking that is

usually adapted when you know the opposing
team is the big favorite to win the match. It is
criticized by many because it is so boring to
watch; you should not expect any Brazil
samba soccer when playing in this formation.
The 4-3-3 Triangular Midfield is
Used by Italy

The 4-3-3 with a triangular midfield puts

a holding central midfielder above the
four defenders with two offensive
midfielders behind the center forward
and two wingers. The wingers are the
workhorses of this formation as it flexes
between a 4-3-3 on attack and 4-5-1 on

The 3-5-2 is Also Known as The Modern Formation

The 3-5-2 is one of the modern formations in soccer today and is primarily
associated with German soccer. The formation had its biggest popularity
boost during the world cup in Italy (1990) where Germany won the whole
competition. The system was also practiced successfully during the
European Cup (1996) by Germans.

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