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CHAPTER 1 Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt


1.1 Introduction Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt, Bold
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Adama City Water Supply and Sewage Enterprise Formatted: Normal, Indent: Left: 2.5", No bullets or
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Adama water supply and sewage enterprise was established under the municipality of Adama
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town in 1930’s and it has been providgiving water supply service from two deep water wells Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt

drilled around the town. In 1943 the office was re-established as one unit under the Ethiopian Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
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Electric Light and Power Authority and continued giving water supply service from 9 deep wells
up to 1983.

However in 1983 the water supply unit was separateddeparted from EELPA and restructured as Formatted: Normal

Nazareth town water service under the National water resource commission, Wwater Ssupply
and Ssewage Authority.

Finally in 2004 Oromiya town water supply services were re-established under Oromiya water Formatted: Normal

resources Bureau by Oromiya regional state council proclamation number 78/2004 as Adama
town water supply and sewage enterprise whichthat is monitored by board.

Recently Adama town population is getting water service from Awash River source by Formatted: Normal

constructing a modern treatment plant that can filter an average of 300L/s clear water. The
treatment plant was constructed in 2002 on Awash riverRiver, at 17km away to the south of Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

Adama and 3km downstream of Koka Hydropower dam whichit supplies about 20,000m of
water per day to the town and give 24hrs service by 8200m3 service reservoir and about 300km
water distribution pipe lines. Commented [j1]: Sentence structure is vague to convey the
message. Think it’s better to break down the sentences into short
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Mission of Adama Water Supply and Sewage Enterprise Formatted: Font: Times New Roman

The mission of the Enterprise is to provide potable and sustainable water supply and sanitation
services for the residents of Adama town and its surroundings.

Vision of Adama Water Supply and Sewage Enterprise

The enterprises’s vision is to ensure all the residents of Adama town and its surrounding get
access to potable and adequate water supply. Further moreFurthermore, to andimprove ed
sanitation service sin order to to enhance their socio- economic development.

Products/Services of Organization
The organization has served in many different aspects and facilities in Oromiya in order to to
fulfill the community’s wWater service requirements. In general, it has been workinged the
following products in Oromiya;
 Adama water work and service rehabilitation.
 Bishoftu water service upgrading.
Within this few time, the organization also provide some services and products;

 Importing productive pipeline machinery.

 Enhanceing to control water meter services control by using computer.

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CHAPTER 2 Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt


2.1 Management Formatted: Font: Times New Roman
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TheManagement organization/project in which we havewere worked for
has two broadly classified management offices. Those are:-
a) Contractor management offices and Formatted: Normal, Indent: Left: 1.5", No bullets or
b) Consultant offices.
The contractor (Adama water service and sewerage Enterprise)has its Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.5"

own management system at the construction site/project while the

consultants are managed by higher level of authority which is Chief
Resident (CR). Hence during our internship, we spent the most of our time
in the adama water service and sewerage enterprise(AWSSE)company. So
our leader was CR(chief resident) who is in turn as ourwas also a close
supervisor in making comfortable work and working conditions for us.
Adama water supply and sewage enterprise is lead by the general manager of the Enterprise. The
general manager manage the over all of the enterprise works and bodies. In addition to that there Formatted: Font: Times New Roman

is board that its members are selected from different positions of the city and government Formatted: Font: 9 pt
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officials who monitor the enterprise. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman

GENERAL MANAGER Formatted: Font: 12 pt

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E HEAD Formatted: Font: Times New Roman
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AUDIO VISUAL Formatted: Font: Times New Roman
EXPERT Formatted: Font: 9 pt
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HEAD OF WATER Formatted: Font: Times New Roman

2.2Training Formatted: Indent: Left: 1"

TrainingisTrainings essential to realize theoretical and scientifically studies in practical exercise.

SEspecially, for those university students like school of Engineering haves full of doubts, unless
cleared by practical activities. Our hosting organization has training program for some specific Commented [j2]: Don’t get it.
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works, such as Instrument techniques, Surveying and the others activities for fresh employees
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before assigning them responsibilities. Hence we are were properly trained within internship
duration on currently performed activities by the project..
2.3 Employee Information
Adama water and sewage Enterprise has 172 permanent and six contract types of employees.
When we see their educational status;
A) 2 MA
B) 25 BSc and BA
C) 25 Diploma
D) 36 Level (1,2,3,4)
E) 85 Grades (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12).

The Major Duties We Were Assigned To Perform

During our internship, we were assigned toforperform many different activities to perform with
our host organization, Adama water supply and sewage enterpriseperformed both at office and
site. Those major duties we were assigned to perform are were as follows;
 Reading respective materials.
 Exercising some survey activities and software works both at the oOffice and site.
 Interpreting collected data,data anddownload them to computer and process by GIS Formatted: Font: Times New Roman

software package.

 Sometimes work with GIS application, such as; georeferencing, creating shape file, Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt
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displaying data on quantum GIS etc.

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 FIG. A FIG B. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman

 Organizing, leading and follow up survey team.

 Printing site map and reading the map for suitable for field work.
 We use Surveyingmaterials in office and at site.Conducting survey in the office and
also at the project site.
 Reporting collected data to our team leader. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman

How We Oriented With the Responsibilities of Our Jobs Formatted: Font: Times New Roman

The organization gave us orientation as follows;

 Respecting skilled and unskilled person everywhere and everytimeevery time.
 Tolerating and adopting to any uncomfortable conditions.
 Making formal and horizontal communication with all society of the organization, rather
than being inclined in all cases.
 Being polite and patient everywhere and when.
 Respecting rules of conducts of the organization
 Being loyal
 Ignoring aggressiveness.
 Having the best willing to learn more from them.

 Asking and discussing on our questions and doubts with respective work partnersersons.
 Asking our school Advisor (Mohammed Athick) for more information by tTelephone.
 Accepting best comments from experienced workers.
 Being punctual.
 Applying theoretical knowledge that we get from school….etc.

How Did Our Supervisor Help Us to Succeed In Our Assignments

Our supervisor is intelligent and wise. He has man that have more than 15 years of work
experience on different types of water service works. Since Engineering Office was led by him,
he has helped us in many things to succeed in our assignments and has played a great role in
accomplishment of our duty. He helped us the following in our assignments.
 Adjusting and arranging favorable time and working conditions around the working site.
 Giving guide lines for any difficulties
 Advising us to attend our schedule regularly in office and the site.
 Examining us at the end of every month by means of report, and oral discussion regularly.
 Assigning us with respective work department in order to grasp their experience for us.
 Commenting us in our drawbacks.
 CloselySeriously, follow up all responsibilities given to us and whether we were going
good manner or not.
 Allowing us to focus on Geomatics Engineering works performed in the project.
 Supporting us during data collection on site, computer, office, writing materials and copies
 Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt
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The qualities we have developed. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.19"

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From our internship, the theoretical and scientifically calculations of survey, GIS, and other
Engineering courses we have learned in schools are realized through practice. Hence we were
developed our knowledge/qualities in the following Activities.

 Setup GPS
 Co-operate with survey instrument and labors.

 Increase our self confidence from collecting data up to processing by software.
 Working at office and field data.
 Becoming hard and initiated worker in controlling and diligently undertaking technical
 Cooperation and compatibility with different man skill and habit.
 The willingness and tolerance to learn and accept constructive criticism and re-directed
ourselves with comments.
 How to relate practical/real works with theoretical achievements gained from school
 Making solution for problems.
 Making decision by confident.
 Using and keeping project’s resources wisely and effectively.
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CHAPTER 3 Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt


3.1Our daily technical duties and responsibilities. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman

As a Trainee, we have many daily technical duties and responsibilities during our internship
period. Hence the major daily technical duties and responsibilities we had performed are:-
3.1.1 Reading
For the memorization of school courses and to know some constant specifications, we have to
read/refer written materials on water construction especially GIS, survey, cartography,and,
contract and other related texts.

3.1.2Data collection by GPS
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The purpose of this chapter is to give instructions for collecting the data in the field. For instance
we could measure the X Y and Z coordinates of a point water meter. The point could represent a
Hydrant, a Valve or could be a corner of a Valve chamber.

If it represents a Hydrant or a Valve we need to have a code that gives the information in a
correct way to the GIS specialist who is going to use the X, Y to put the Hydrant or Valve in the
GIS database. In the case that the X,Y represent a corner of a valve chamber, then there should
be made a sketch that connects the X,Y of the corner point with the chamber , and the pipeline
and valve that are within the chamber.

This chapter describes collecting data with a GPS device, making sketches, collecting data that Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt
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are necessary for the data model and collecting Meta data such as who did the job and at what

3.1.3 Downloads data from GPS to computer Formatted: Font: Times New Roman

Downloading data is transferring data collected from hand GPS to the computer to analysis,
display and other purpose. This done through the data transfer cable to connect computer and
GPS. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, Not Bold

3.1.4 Georefrence map Formatted: Font: Times New Roman

Geo referencing is a seriess of concepts and techniques that progressively transform Formatted: Font: Times New Roman

mMeasurements carried out on the irregular surface of the earth to a flat surface of a map and
make it easily and readily measurable on this flat surface by means of a co-ordinate system.

In simple terms, georeferencing is the process of registering a geographic data set to an Formatted: Font: Times New Roman

accepted coordinate system. A scanned toposheettop sheet is in the raster format. Raster data are Formatted: Font: Times New Roman

often recorded with respect to

the raster coordinateraster coordinate system. In order to display and analyze raster data, it Formatted: Font: Times New Roman

is necessary to
Ttransform them into a map coordinate system. This is achieved by performing a transformation
n Formatted: Font: Times New Roman

that converts the raster coordinates (row, column) into the corresponding ground
(E, N or lat, long). This type of coordinate transformation is known as georeferencing. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman

3.1.5 Digitization QuantizationDigitization of features

This support sheet is designed to make you familiar with the process of adding new features to a
feature class by way of manual on-screen digitizing in ArcGIS. When referring to this document,
keep in mind that digitizing and editing features in a map is a complicated and extensive process.
Here we describe and illustrate only some of the most elementary, but important aspects.
Snapping; the process of ensuring that one feature (or part of it) coincides exactly
wWith the coordinates of another feature. When digitizeing, this option allows you to make sure
that features connect to each other so that your work is more accurate.
Snapping tolerance; The distance within which the pointer of the mouse or a feature snaps to
another feature.
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3.4 Relevant research projects which we identified from the company. Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt, Bold
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There were many relevant research projects we observed in construction works of 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"

Adama water serviceUpgrading projects. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, Not Italic
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The major relevant/problems we identified from our hosting organization are:-
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 Consulting Foreign Contractors. Formatted: Left, Indent: Left: 0.5", Space After: 10 pt, No
bullets or numbering, Tab stops: Not at 0"
 Managing and supervising unskilled individualsperson.
 Lack of Contractor’s ability to manage time and adopt local materials problems.
 Effect of unskilled workmanship and less quality material on the project.
 Effect of rent equipment regard to owner one.
 Effect of natural weather condition. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman

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 To know parts of Adama which have lack of water supply because of altitude or low Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt
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pressure to distribute. Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"

 To determine the position of water meter.

 To overlap master plan of both pipeline and city.
 To identify comfortable position of tanker that distributes water wisely. Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
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 To convert position of the ground to map
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CHAPTER 4 Formatted: Font: Times New Roman

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4.1 How The Internship Fits Our Career Goals

It is a clear fact that practice makes everybody perfect. Means that the theoretical and sciences
obtained from reading and schools are approved through internship by exercising thoroughly
with the actualreal work. Hence internship fits our career goals especially in using, reading and
manipulating map, converting raw data to software’s and collecting data.

 Supervising and exercising in daily GIS activities.

 To accustom with technology, skill, aptitude and working with others to be more
 Knowing surveying Techniques and Procedures.
 Teaching us best social life with project workers.
 Able to relate theoretical knowledge with real works.
 Making us when and how to make solution and decision…etc.
 To think analytically, solve any problems that challenges and make confusion on the field

4.2 Changes Made To Our Career As Result Of The Internship

There are changes made to our career as a result of the internship in work moral and mental
including the following;

 Working in active for high qualities product.

 Think globally.
 Studying for knowledge rather than for exam.
 Tolerance and acceptance.
 Increasing self-confident and willingness to learn more.
 Being more proud of Geomatics Engineering to be work in position of materialist.
 Working for the people’s satisfaction, rather than selfishness. Formatted: Font: Bold

 Being solution maker for problems we may face Formatted: Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.25" +
Indent at: 0.5"

 . Formatted: Font: Times New Roman
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4.3 Our feeling about the value of internship. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman

Exactly we are appreciatedWe appreciate with the internship program, because it is was a great
chance to approve/clear any doubt concerning theoretical knowledgegain with actual real work in
relation of our hosting organization. Therefore,So we would like to invite all students to enjoy
with Training program to be perfect in all work aspect and hope in continuation of internship for
the future generation

4.4 Recommendations for improvement of internship.

The University should have to make correlationshipcorrelation ship with different

organization/company to assign it’sitshis students for internship in which good experience can be
achieved, which means famous company produce well trained students and in turn shows
modality of the university. Means MeaningthatThis hostmean host organization should be
identified and selected by the department advisor or other person in charge. The university
should also have to teach some software in addition to theory, especially for school of
Engineering before assigning/sending the students for internship, for example for Geomatics
Engineering students, Design software is a mandatory as we observed from our hosting
organization’s Geomatics works. Furthermore, And it will beis better if the evaluation of the
final internship report should be:-
 By grade system, to make trainee follow the daily activities attentively and effectively
during their internship period. While pass or fail may turn the students to be careless.
 The judges chosen for evaluation of quality of final internship report should gather all
sufficient information about what and where the Trainee was doing before evaluation day.
The money allocated for intern students isare very small compared to current lLiving standard,
which cannot fit the accommodation and food of intern student.
Regular personal meeting of advisor and supervisor to identify the problem of the intern hasve to
be consideredcared over. At the last we would like recommend, it is better if university
’s(Department advisor) will discuss with supervisor to make well programmed internship and
revise internship paper content.

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4.5 Our strengths and areas of improvements.

Our major strengths were:-

 Having good adaptation to variable condition and living.

 Willing to learn and accept constructive criticism.
 Suggesting and creating new ideas to make complexity into simple.
 Cooperating with different workers.
 Warmly participating for our assignment and exercising more related works like design
software during our par time.

Areas of Improvements:-

 Studying and exercising more about design software.

 Reading concerned books to upgrade our knowledge.
 As Geomatics Engineering, give more attention to survey materials and software
techniques and procedures.
 Increase ability to inspect problems and solution.etc

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As we have to try to mention all in above, having internship program for undergraduate Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt
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university students are is the core of tTeaching and lLearning process, .sSince practice makes
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perfect. Especially for School of Engineering lLike our dDepartment (Geomatics Engineering), Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt

practice helps the students to scale up their knowledge through exercising in different types of Formatted: Font: Times New Roman
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Engineering works in field with the application of school courses. Hence, we were very glad in
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thisregarding this internship program that helped us too deeply undertake our tasks in our Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt
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concerning department.
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Therefore, having internship in AWSSE made us to appreciate and know our profession and Formatted: Font: Times New Roman

construction industry performance as well as improve our practical skills and theoretical
knowledge with our endeavor and know the value of the Software, , professionals, GPS, weather
conditions and so on. GenerallyIn general, from our internship, we had improved our knowledge
related to education and interpersonal communication skills, work ethics (punctuality, reliability,
efficiency, tolerance, loyalty, honesty and etc.) and how and when to come overover come
challenges with solution, leadership skills and management.

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ReferanceReference. Formatted: Left

 Daily activities in the project.

 (Our supervisor) and advisor advice. Formatted: Space Before: 12 pt
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 Woande Consultant’s Experience share.
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 Contract document of the project.


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