Mech205 Assignment 3

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1.1 – Problem statement and Assumptions

Problem Statement: A task has been assigned to design and manufacture three steel
swords with sharp edges from three regular martensitic bars provided with a composition
of Fe-0.76 wt%C. The tools provided are a CNC machine, large furnace (1200°C max.),
cold water bath and one cutting machine. The three swords must have a finishing
microhardness (HV) of 350- 400, 550-700 and 900-950.

Assumptions: The assumptions made for this project are the martensitic steel provided
is Type 440B Martensite. Since the carbon content of 440B matches the parameters given
in the rubric.

A large proportion of this report will focus on the material and the techniques to achieve
the desired hardness and quality. The design of the sword will be mentioned, but this is an
aesthetic feature of the final product.

1.2 – Introduction to Martensite

Martensite is a material that can be formed from Carbon Steels through a series of rapid
cooling or “quenching” from the austenite form which is a g-Fe phase which is a solid state
phase of alloying elements and of course, steel. This is a method where the Carbon has no
time diffuse out of the crystal structure in large enough quantities to produce Cementite

For a Eutectoid steel (0.76 wt.%C), there are traces of austenite (between 6-7%) which is
known as “retained austenite”, this will remain in the mix. When worked upon, the amount
of retained austenite will skyrocket from an insignificant for <0.6% carbon steel to a value
of 13% at a 0.95% carbon steel as an example.

A rapid quench is required to form martensite. For a eutectoid carbon steel with a thin
cross-sectional area; if the quenching initiates at a temperature of 750°C and ends at 450°C
in the timeframe of 0.6 seconds, no pearlite will be produced and the final product will be
a martensitic steel with trace amounts of retained austenite.

As a result of quenching the Austenite rapidly, the crystal structure transforms from a Face-
Centered-Cubic to a Body-Centered Tetragonal form which is highly strained structure
known as Martensite which has a high carbon concentrate. Shear deformations are present
in the material which produce copious amounts of dislocations that is known to contribute
to a primary strengthening mechanism in most steels and also will produce a hard material.

1.3 – Material and properties

Type 440B Martensite is a stainless steel which is on the higher carbon content class of most
materials. This grade of steel attains the highest hardness, wear resistance and strength of most
steels known. The hardness of 440B Martensitic steel is typically manipulated using techniques
that require hardening and tempering treatments in order to achieve lower rates of hardness.
The initial hardness of the material is at ~910 HV according to [7]

Figure 1: Effect of carbon content on the hardness of martensite [7]

The initial hardness of the material falls into place for what would be material A since the
carbon content of 0.76 wt% C is known. Therefore, the only heat treatment for sword A will
be to heat the material in order to relieve the stresses from the machining process. But for the
other two swords (B and C), a much lower hardness is required. One property of 440B is when
tempering, the material loses hardness as the temperature is increased, this can be found in the
figure below [1].

Figure 2: The effect of tempering for 1 hour for carbon steels of 0.75-0.8% wt.%C [1]
When heat treating martensite, there are significant changes to the material in the context
of composition and the microstructure. Tempering is a reheating process where the
martensitic steel is heated below the eutectoid temperature for a known period [7]. When
tempering martensite, this allows via diffusional processes, the formation of Tempered
Martensite where the a-Fe + Fe3C phase is present which contains small uniformly
dispersed cementite particles. The properties include high strength but not as hard as
martensite although the ductility is superior to martensite.

Type 440B is a stainless steel which is classified as an alloy [2]. The composition of 440B
includes a range of materials for the product to have greater properties so it may perform
at a high standard and increase the working life of the material, the composition is shown
in the table below:

Figure 3: Chemical Analysis (%) of Martensitic Steels [5]

These added elements allow the material to hold properties such as corrosion resistance. 440B
stainless steel exhibits great resistance to acids, water and air and a smooth polished surface
allows the material to resist corrosion in tempered, passivated and hardened conditions [6].

1.4 - Design Process

Sword A will undergo heat treatment in the form of tempering. This will relive stresses from
the cutting process. 150°C for an hour and quenching will allow the material to hold the
hardness of ~900 HV.

Sword B will be tempered at a higher temperature. 300°C for one hour and also quenching will
give a hardness of ~570HV

Finally Sword C will be tempered at the highest temperature. 500°C for one hour and
quenching will give a hardness of ~392HV.

All these values are obtained from Figure 2 [1] and converted into HV [4].
1.5 - Applications of the material

This project requires a sword restricted in the dimensions (40 mm x 100 mm x 1000 mm). The
cross-section and the blade harmonics which scope into the length and the hardness of the
material will be the prime focus.

Figure 4: Cross-sections of swords [3] Figure 5: Blade harmonics – Nodes [3]

The cross-section of the sword is a significant factor to determine the purpose of the wielder.
There are a variety of shapes a swords cross section may have advantages over others. Blades
of a hexagonal cross-section consists of six faces with two broad faces that will make the flat
of the blade and four sides that make the sharp edges of the sword [3]. A diamond cross-section
may be found with a with a hollow ground design which will result in a very rigid and light
blade. Both hexagonal and diamond can have narrow and broad fullers that is used to lighten
the blade without losing integrity and adds to the visual aesthetic to the blade as shown in
Figure 4.

The blade harmonics focuses on the blade while it is in practical use. There are two nodes when
wielding the blade. The primary node is the centre of percussion which is located towards the
end of the blade and a secondary node that is located by the guard of the sword handle as shown
in Figure 5 [3]. High vibrations from these two nodes must be avoided as it may cause the
sword to fracture rendering the sword useless. The shape and the material of the swordplay a
significant role in order to minimise vibrations during the lifespan of the sword .

A hollow ground cross-section will be the optimum choice for the sword due to rigid and light
property mentioned above. Since the material may experience ductility from tempering, a
narrow face which will not allow the sword to have an exposed face to crack. It also has an
appealing visual aesthetic.

Note: Steps 1-6 applies for all materials (A,B,C)

1. Inspect the material and ensure it is clean and free of inconsistencies such as
chips, dents and scratches.
2. Obtain the measurements and create a 3-D Model of the sword using an
AutoCAD software (preferably CREO. Parametric)
3. Import the 3-D Model into an STL format that can be read by the CNC
4. Ensure appropriate PPE is worn before using the mill and safety practices are
5. Place and fasten the martensitic bar into the CNC machine and initiate the
milling process. This will cut the bar into the desired geometrical shape as
drawn in the software,
6. When the CNC has completed the milling process, it will produce the “sword

2.1 Method for Bar A

1. Ensure appropriate PPE is worn before using the mill and safety practices are
2. Place the sword blank in a furnace for 1 hour at a heat of 150°C.
3. Quench the sword and allow the material to cool down.
4. A hardness of 900HV is achieved

2.2 Method for Bar B

1. Ensure appropriate PPE is worn before using the mill and safety practices are
2. Place the sword blank in a furnace for 1 hour at a heat of 300°C.
3. Quench the sword and allow the material to cool down.
4. A hardness of 570HV is achieved

2.3 Method for Bar C

1. Ensure appropriate PPE is worn before using the mill and safety practices are
2. Place the sword blank in a furnace for 1 hour at a heat of 540°C.
3. Quench the sword and allow the material to cool down.
4. A hardness of 392HV is achieved.

Once the hardness of the materials have been achieved through tempering processes,
the sword is now ready to be used. Although the three swords have hardness’s the
question of which has the highest probability to have the highest lifespan may be asked.
According to [8], the hardness of a high quality sword should be aimed towards 512-
597 HV. This allows the sword to have a striking force that will not break the blade.
Sword B falls into these parameters which will be the recommended sword to use out
of the three options.


[Accessed: 30- May- 2017].

[2] E. GmbH, "Martensitic Hardening",, 2017. [Online].

process/martensitic-hardening/index.html. [Accessed: 01- Jun- 2017].

[3] Kelly, P "Understanding Blade Properties",, 2017. [Online].

Available: [Accessed: 01- Jun- 2017].

[4] "Lucefin » Hardness Conversion",, 2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 02- Jun-

[5] NiDl, "Design guidelines for the selection and use of steels", 2017. [Online].
uidelinesfortheSelectionandUseofStainlessSteels_9014_.pdf. [Accessed: 01- Jun-

[6] "Stainless Steel - Grade 440 (UNS S44000)",, 2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 01- Jun-

[7] W. Xu, "Lecture 9 - Steels", 2017. [Online]. Available:
017_Week%209.pdf. [Accessed: 01- Jun- 2017].

[8] A. Lovric, "Properties of a Good Sword - Darksword Armory", Darksword Armory,

2017. [Online]. Available:
sword/. [Accessed: 03- Jun- 2017].

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