Project 3 Script

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Project 3 Script

Intro: The worldwide famous band The Beatles broke records in the music industry and are one of the
best bands of all time. Many remember them for their music, but would you believe me if I said they had
a dark secret. In 1966 in Germany Paul McCartney met his untimely end in a car crash. The members of
the band allowed a doppelganger to take his place. The name of this doppelganger is William Campbell.
The man was not an exact match though and fans caught on to the differences. That’s not the only
reason why the fans caught on, The Beatles started to leave clues within their music and on album
covers. For example, in the song “Taxman” George Harrison gave his advice for those who die. Another
example is the Album cover for Yesterday and Today where the band members are posed amid of
dismembered doll parts and raw meat symbolizing the gruesome event that happened. We asked an
expert on if this was at all possible.

For the interviews: Armed with this new knowledge we asked random people on the street if they
believed in the urban legend that Paul is dead.

Outro: Without having the band members or anyone involved confirming this urban legend we may
never find out what really happened to Paul.

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