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GOVERNMENT OF JAMIMU & KASHAMR DIRECTORATE OF SCHOOL EDUCATION JAMMU nai ssn wer ‘Sub:- Regularization of Rehbar-e-Taleem Teachers. Ref Govt, Orcer No. 396-Edu of 2000 dated 28.04.2000. i) Govt. Order No. 549-Edu of 2005 dated 22.08.2005, i)Govt, Order No. 631-Edu of 2015 dated 29.12.2015, (iv)Govt Order No 184 -Edu of 2016 dated 24.05.2016 order No, S14-pse9 of 2018 Dated: 07-04-2018 In pursuance to the Govt. orders referred supra, sanction is hereby accorded to the regularization of (41) Rehbar-e-Taleem (as per detalsglven in Annexure “A”) inthe pay scale of 5200-20200 with grade pay Rs. 2800)- for graduate and 5200-20200 with grade Pay 2400)- for undergraduates, (as the case may be) subject to the fuiflment of flowing ‘conéitons:- 1) That the Rehbare-Taleem(s) hasjhave completed five years continuous / Luvinterrupted service and was/were engaged genuinely. li) That the work and conduct of the Rehbar‘e-Taleem(s) teacher has/have Femained satisfactory forthe last fve years which shall be cetiied by the Village Education Committee concerned in assadation with respective 7EO/Head of insiution/CEO asthe case may be it) That the Rehbar-e-Taleem(s) posses the minimum prescribed qualifcation for engagement at the time of inal appointment as Rehbar-e-Taleem through 2K Board oF Schoo! EducationUniversity or any other recognized Boaré/University and hes not obtained any quaifeation/degree(s) through study centre, ') That none of RET(s) hasfhave remained on the rolls of any cllege/institaion during the fve years of honorarium service. V)___That the CEO/DDO concerned shall ensure that the maternity leave, if any, ‘availed by the female ReTs during 5 years honorarium service, which has ‘not been reportedjreiected earlier, is entered in the service book of such ReT(s) whose regularization has been considered, No. oseunet AG) S3~SF ‘Copy tothe 1 2 3 4 “) vi) vy “That the CEO/ODO concerned shall remain personaly responsible to verity following orginal testimonials and ensure that the ReTs fulls all the ‘ondions as lid down in the above cted Government Orders before giving leffectto ther regularzation:= 2) Educational qualification cerifcates, ) Age and Health certicate ©) Permanent Residence Cerificate ) Wo Loan certificate fom Distict Industries Centre/Self Employment Scheme. ) Charactor/Antecedents vericaion certincates from IGP, CID. Dy Category certiicate in case of STISC/ALC/REA candidates, if "=ppointed under reserved category, That in case, at any stage, itis found that the certificates/documents fumised by’ the appointees "are foke/icitous the order of ‘2pointment/egulrizaton shall be cancelled ab initio, AS @ matter of poly and consistent withthe imperatives of smooth working Of respective schools, the Rehbar-eTaleem so regularized shall not be Uwansterred, ‘This order Is sued without preludice to the outcome of any writ Deliton/suitcase, pending adjudication in the cour of aw. (fakosh Kumar Srangal) KAS Dirgtor Senool Education, Dated: 27 OS» DeTE- Secretary to the Government, Scheol Eiveatn Department, Chil Secretariat, Srinagar! Jammu fer information. Chief Education Officer Poonch Jammu, Udhampur, Ooda and Ramban for information and nia. Office recorded Fi, UC Computer Section for upload on ofcal website =] ecm] need, aa og ‘keo8| wou 9100 pea] peal nanan ave waoa'nvave avai FOE rea | eae oo SRT IT | ADT | TL RE | ST ERT ETT | GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU & KASTDAIR DIRECTORATE OF SCHOOL EDUCATION JAMMU Sub:- Regularization of Rehbar-e-Taleem Teachers. Refi- (1) Govt. Order No. 396-Edu of 2000 dated 28.04.2000. (W) Govt. Order No. 549-Edu of 2005 dated 22.08.2005. (wiGovt. Order No. 631-Edu of 2015 dated 29.12.2035. (vil) Govt Order No .184 -Edu of 2016 dated 24.05.2016 Order No. 5! 7-DSE3 of 2018 Dated:2 7-06-2018 Tn pursuance to the Govt, orders referred supra, sanction is hereby accorded to the regularization of (54) Rehbar-eTaleem (as per detals given in Annexure “A’) in the pay scale of 5200-20200 with grade pay Rs. 2800)- for graduate and 5200-20200 with rade pay 2400/- for undergraduates, (as the case may be) subject tothe fuflment of fllowing conéitons:= 1) That the Rehbar-e-Taleem(s) has/have completed five years continuous / ursinterrupted service and was/were engaged genuinely, 1) That the work and conduct of the Rehbar-e-aleem(s) teacher hasjhave remained satisfactory for the lat Five years which shall be certified by the Village Education Committee concerned In association with respective £0 /Head ofinsttton/CEO asthe case may be. ii) That the Rehbar “Talecm(s) posses the minimum prescribed qualification for engagement at the time of intial appointment as Rehbar-e-Taleem through 3K Board of School Education/University or any other recognized ‘Board/Universty and has not obtained any qualitcaion/degree(s) through study centre. iy) That none of RET(S) hagfhave remained on the rolls of any calege/insttution during the fve years of honorarium service, ‘v) That the CEO/DD0 concered shall ensure thatthe maternity leave, if any, availed by the female ReTs during 5 years honorarium service, which has rot been reported/reiected earl, is entered in the service book of such eT(s) whose reguarzaon has been considered fo weecupee au ate ps mana ot ee ee care a) Educational-qualification certificates. ——— a Sasee=alipe Een woe re 2 ena a Samet Se eee eee ee eee eee cles wy TE ees oe pew ve ee wy we gee ne OW9) (Rakesh Kumar Srangal) KAS. ae i notion no: vseunen A160 —-66 pate: O7 OSs De7g— Cryo ‘Seerelary to the Government, School Education Department; Chil Sescetarit, ‘Jammer information 2, Chief Education Officer DodaJammu, Rajour, Reasl, Samba and Poonch for information ann, 3. Office recordecord Fie, Lae 6 Pty! SR = EI) rs wearer ig Sastre) 5 sist we) a esr S00) 5 oar wl a 5 = SSUES BOS re i Tag SH weaee 5 eae eral Ee TOES weer Tear ne = ee a ee eae ee re aun mang 7 ee a Freer —pueeresy eureray wereee|— Sareoe| ae, — Ta = Ticerar|—florsreeresrar weracbilpaavel "wa Afueevsg| mes se A ee somal mice ay » aos PezUanSeu] swsKowsse) , fSH seat lx pe owe | somo) S| goo suresyosces) stewie szuonan| ez Jawa] S93) | woysea | see] eye) suoge : oN ‘earo| svn | “wer9| t aT PA ORS A ily WOOT TSLTG HS TITTOOT ny nonuse wy non Cavan an gaurd Sn On Bu 40 SSTWETEST=]-S~ URINE TLS bSUr860-0N ato eh Ob. BHM AWWW! 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