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Access Identifies the most appropriate sources to answer the The results shown corresponds with The
question; develops effective search strategies that may Guidelines for Information Literacy in the
be unique to each source Curriculum of the Middle States Commission on
Higher Education (2003) which states that senior
students are expected to be information literate in
terms of accessing information wherein they can
already detect the most suitable sources in
answering questions and improving strategies for
effective searching.
Evaluating Sources Reviews information retrieved to assess the reliability In addition to this, the senior students must also
of each source; determines ways of modifying search be capable of evaluating the sources and the
strategies to ensure that information is sufficient to content of information they gathered in which
address the issue at a level appropriate for a senior they can review and assess of the retrieved
information and sources are reliable, identify ways
Evaluating Content (Including: the learner Analyzes information and evaluates point of view; to modify their strategies in searching to evaluate
achieves understanding, then incorporates considers contradictory information; recognizes if the information gathered is sufficient and
selected information in his/her knowledge base prejudice, deception, or manipulation; compares new appropriate. Literacy in evaluating the content
and value system) information with prior knowledge; draws conclusions information is achieved when an individual can
based on the information retrieved; develops a critical assess the point of view of the information,
response to the information compare recent to former information, and make
conclusions and analytical reactions to this
Using Information for a Specific Purpose Effectively organizes content in support of the The expectation that the graduating students to
purposes of a product, using multiple sources; chooses have the ability to use and manage information for
HEAD a communication medium that best supports the a purpose (Middle States CHED, 2003) agrees with
purposes of the assignment; and uses an editorial style the above result of the study.
appropriate to the specific discipline involved
Even though many students may consider themselves Head and Eisenberg (2010) states that even if the
adept at evaluating information and applying students evaluate themselves as adept at
techniques for tackling one course-related research evaluating and applying information, they are
assignment to the next, …. half of the students in our uncertain as to whether they manage and control
sample reported nagging uncertainties with concluding information efficiently. Information are used by
and assessing the quality of their own research efforts. the students in the completion of their
All in all, the findings suggest students in both large assignments, research and thesis, term papers and
universities and small colleges use a riskaverse strategy the development of working outlines.
based on efficiency and predictability in order to
manage and control the information available to them
on campuses. Still, most students struggle with the
same frustrating open-endedness when trying to find
information and conduct research for college courses
and to a far lesser extent, for solving an information
problem in their personal lives.

Dorvlo, Selikem Sebuava Mrs., "INFORMATION Introducing information literacy as part of the Dorvlo (2016) recommended on his study that in
LITERACY AMONG POST GRADUATE STUDENTS curriculum at the post graduate level of education is order for them to use and manage information
OF THE UNIVERSITY OF GHANA." (2016). Library important because of the need for the right properly and appropriately, information literacy as
Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 1392. information to be gathered for assignments, term a part of the curriculum must be taught effectively papers, presentations and theses writing. Information at the post graduate level of education.
literacy must be taught effectively at the graduate
level of education so that students will be able to
choose the right information for the different purposes
information is needed for.
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INFO LIT AND USAGE Significant relationship between information literacy Usage of information technologies have a
OF ELECTRONIC INFO RESOURCES skills and use of electronic information resources was significant impact on the level of information
established from result of the findings. It is evident literacy of postgraduate students (Adeleke and
Adeleke, Dare Samuel D. S. and Emeahara, that postgraduate students need to be assisted by Emeahara, 2016).
Evelyn Nkechi, "Relationship between stake holders to acquire the needed electronic
Information Literacy and Use of Electronic information literacy skills, provide unmediated access
Information Resources by Postgraduate to effectively use and benefit from the myriads of
Students of the University of Ibadan" (2016). electronic information resources available to them to
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). improve the quality of their academic and research
1381. work.

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