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EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

PDP Professional Development Plan (1)

Goal 1
(specific and measurable) My goal for this semester is manage the classroom with two different
Competency gender which is boys and girls.

Rationale/Reflection of previous I will try to manage and make good relationship with both genders to be
practice (what led to this goal? easy for me and who need focus in the class about this both genders.
MCT/ MST recommendation)
Strategies (include resources
needed) 1- I will make groups and let the boys sit with the girls to be easy for
2- I will make my own rules for the class to all he students follow it.
3- I will choose one leader for each group to help me in collecting the

Evidence of Progress towards goal Issues

The issues that I show is the boys is more active

This goal help me to focus about managing the boys than girls and it hard for me to manage them but
and girls. Also, give me power to be active with them. I try my best to solve this problem.

Reflect upon your progress

towards your goals
New or modified goal (s)

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