Guidelines For Publication

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Guidelines for Publication

Format for Submission of Essays

Formal requirements:

-Texts should be 3,000 – 4,500 words long

- Font: Times New Roman CE 12

- Line spacing: 1,5

- Author’s name aligned left, bold

- Main title centred, bold

- Use Footnotes and Works Cited

- number your pages consecutively

- use Justified Left margin only and leave the right ragged


Use only one space after a period or full stop; use double quotes for quotations and single quotes
for quotations within a quotation. Commas, periods, question marks, and exclamation points
precede quotation marks, while colons and semi-colons follow quotation marks.

References within the body of the text and in the Works Cited, Footnotes and Citations:

Use the MLA form of parenthetical citation in the text: (Adams 250). Footnotes are reserved
only for content and used sparingly. At the end of your essay provide a list of your “Works
Cited” in which only works that are referred to in the text are included.

Citations within the text should be given by author’s last name and always abbreviated. When
two separate works are cited by the same author a brief title is necessary: (Crystal The Language
112). When only one work is cited by an author, the page number suffices.

In Works Cited cite first the author or editor (ed.) followed by a period or full stop, then the title
followed by another period or full stop, then place of publication followed by a colon, publisher,
and date, then the last period or full stop. When citing a section of a book, add one space after the
full citation, then the page numbers of the section followed by a period or full stop. Journal pages
are preceded by a colon followed by a space then page numbers, then a period.

For a more detailed discussion of citation consult either the current MLA Handbook or MLA
Style Manual.

In your Works Cited list do not number your entries

Works Cited

Beckett, Samuel. Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnameable. New York: Grove Press, 1955.
Butler, Judith. The Psychic Life of Power. Theories in Subjection. Stanford, California: Stanford
UP, 1997.
Fanon, Frantz. Black Skin, White Masks. Trans. Charles Lam Markmann. Intro. Homi K. Bhabha.
London: Pluto, 1986.
Hamilton, Grant. “J.M. Coetzee’s Dusklands: The Meaning of Suffering.” Journal of Literary
Studies 21.3-4 (2005): 296+.
Hegel, G. W. F. Phenomenology of Spirit. (1807). Trans. A. V. Miller. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1997.
Kojève, Alexandre. Introduction to the Reading of Hegel. Ed. Allan Bloom. Ithaca and London:
Cornell UP, 1996.
Kristeva, Julia. Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection. Trans. Leon S. Roudiez. New York:
Columbia UP, 1982.
Marais, Mike. “‘Omnipotent Fantasies’ of a Solitary Self: J. M. Coetzee's 'The Narrative of
Jacobus Coetzee'." The Journal of Commonwealth Literature 28.2 (1993): 48-65.
Miller, J. Hillis. “The Critic as Host.” Modern Criticism and Theory. Ed. David Lodge. London:
Longman, 1993. 254-262.


Use italics for titles of books and journals, newspapers, plays, films, radio and television
programs, ballets, operas, paintings, works of sculpture, stage directions in plays; long poems
which are published as books in themselves: (Paradise Lost; Dante’s Paradiso); words and
short phrases in foreign languages, unless anglicized. Use Roman type within double quotes
for titles of chapters in books, articles in periodicals, shorter poems, and short extracts from a
text: The poem “Mrs. Sisyphus” is analyzed in Carol Ann Duffy.

Quotations and ellipses:

Use double quotes for quotations except for a quotation within a quotation but no quotation
marks for an indented quotation. Indent quotations of more than 4 lines, whether poetry or
prose, and separate them from the main text with a double space above and below. Place the
full stop before the reference (source/page number) in parentheses. See below.
Ellipses are used to indicate omitted material from the original sentence or sentences; the
resulting passage should be grammatically correct and complete. Ellipses should be indicated
by three spaced periods: . . . If ellipsis exist within the material quoted, then use three spaced
periods and add at the end of the quotation in brackets [ellipsis in the original].

Run-in all quotations under four lines. For those longer than four lines, indent the quotation from
the left margin only. for any material you as author omit from quotations. If ellipsis exist within
the material quoted, then use three spaced periods and add at the end of the quotation in brackets
[ellipsis in the original].

Abbreviations and Contractions:

Please avoid wherever possible abbreviations within the body of the text and footnotes, including
e.g., i.e., and etc.

Abbreviations are written with periods or full stops: Mrs., Ms., or Dr. but USA, IRA; edn. for
edition, ed. and eds. for editor(s), vol. and vols. Write ‘W. B. Yeats’ with a space between initials.

Accents and Diacritical marks

Retain all diacritical marks in foreign words. For example, Lánczi, Lévinas, Tóibín, Ó Riada.

Do not use an apostrophe to form the plural of an abbreviation or a number:

Ph.Ds, 1990s, IRAs, fours, sixes.


Write out dates in full without commas: 18 September 1994. Write decades without an
apostrophe: 1990s. Spell out century numbers in full: the twentieth century. Hyphenate the
adjective: twentieth-century literature. Write dates within the text in full: 1944-1946. Place
publication dates following a title in parentheses:

David Greig’s Bacchae (2007), Caligula (2003), and Oedipus the Visionary (2000).

Foreign language

All quotations in a foreign language should be accompanied by a translation in square

brackets, after the original in the text.

Numbers and dates

Use words for numbers up to ninety-nine. In a range of numbers, give the second number in
full for numbers through ninety-nine: 10-12; 21-48; 89-99. Do not abbreviate page as p.
before page numbers: (10) or pages: (10-11). Numbers that begin a sentence and numbers of
centuries should be spelled out: Nineteenth century or nineteenth century.

Play references

Write references as Act I, scene 3, and so on. Shakespearean references as Henry VI, III, ii.
14; Hamlet, III, ii, 13.


To show possession, English names and surnames ending in ‘s’ require the added ‘s’
following the apostrophe: Charles’s, Thomas’s, Thoms’s, Dickens’s, Yeats’s. Ancient classical
and biblical names do not: Mars’, Herodotus’, Ceres’, Moses’, Jesus’.

Relevant Footnotes


1 In “African Oedipus?” Nicki Hitchcott argues: “In 1966, Marie-Cécile and Edmond Ortigues
published Oedipe africain (African Oedipus), a collection of clinical and ethnographical
observations based on a four-year psychoanalytical study of Senegalese patients in Dakar. (. . . )
The concept of an “African Oedipus” led me to reconsider the suitability of Freud’s theories of
sexuality—and of femininity in particular—in an African context” (59). In Psychoanalysis and
Race Hortense J. Spillers looks further into the Ortigues’ concept of “African Oedipus” “as an
instance of psychoanalytic reference to a non-European community of subjects” (714).


At the end of your essay, please include a brief biographical note with your title and academic
affiliation and a short (150 word) abstract of your essay.

The abstract should be:

Accurate: Ensure that the abstract objectively reflects the purpose and content of your paper.
Report rather than evaluate.

Self-contained: Define abbreviations and unique terms, spell out names, and give reference to
the context in which your paper should be viewed (i.e., it builds on your previous work, or
responds to another publication)

Concise and specific: Abstracts should not exceed 120 words. Be maximally informative, use
the active voice, and include the 4 or 5 most important key words, findings, or implications

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