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Step 1

To Create an Item
Switch to “Toyota Inventory Superuser” Responsibility.
Select the “Master Item” menu to create new items.
Enter the Item Name in the Item Field with detail description in the Description field.
Select the Primary “Unit Of Measure” from the List Of Values.

To apply the “Finished Goods”, “Purchased Item”, etc.

Select Tools > Copy from
Select the type required from the List Of Values
Select “Apply” & “Done”

Created Following Items

1) MB-120407-P2 (Finished Good)
Enter the Markup Percentage, Currency & List Price for the Item in the Descriptive
Flexfield [] next to the Item Description field.
To Apply the “Finished Goods” item Template
Select Tools – Copy From
Select – Finished Goods, Click Apply & Done
Save the record.
Assign the Items to the required Organizations by selecting from Tools menu
“Organization Assignment” or the “Organization Assignment” icon to the left.
Select the Assigned Check Box next to the required Organization.
Save your record.
Similarly Created Following Items
1) MB-120407-C3 (Outside Processing Item)
2) MB-120407-C4 (Purchased Item)
For an Outside Processing Item MB-120407-C3
Select the Purchasing Tab & Enable the Outside Processing Check
Select the Unit Type.
Save the record.
Step 2
To do Miscellaneous Receipts for the Components/Items.
Navigation -
Switch to “Toyota Inventory Superuser” Responsibility.
Select the “Transactions” Menu & Select Miscellaneous Transactions.
Select “Misc. Receipts” to have material in stock & enter the Account details.

Select the items for which Misc. Transactions to be done.

Select the Item MB-120407-C4 and Subinventory & the qty required.
Misc. Receipt done for Qty 10
Misc. Receipt for Item MB-120407-C3 will not be done since it’s a OSP item.
Select the “Descriptive Flexfield” [] to the right hand corner of the “Misc. Receipt”
Select the Customer Name, Customer Number & Customer Address.
Select OK

Please note the Reference number generated in the Reference field.

After the Misc. Receipts have been made, request for the Goods Receipts Note.
In the Inventory Responsibility
Navigation –
Select View – Requests – Submit a New Request
Select the Name “Toyota Goods Receipt Note” from the List of Values.
Select the Reference no. from the LOV (Ref No. Generated when creating the Misc.
Select OK & press the “Submit” button for the request to process.
To View the Goods Receipt Note.
Select the “View Output” button
The Goods Receipt can be viewed in the pdf format.
Step 3
To proceed with the creation of Job Order the prerequisite is to create Departments &
Resources & then Assign Resources to the Department.
To define a “TEST-OSP1” Department (Outside Processing Dept..
Navigation –
Switch to Bills Of Material Responsibility.
Select Routings > Departments
Enter the Name of your Department in the Department field & enter the detail description
in the description field.
Select the location (Where the Dept. is located i.e. the Inventory Organization)
Save your record.
If required you can define the Overhead Rates of the Department by selecting the Rates
Step 4
Creation of Resources for Outside Processing.
To define a “TEST-OSP1” Resource.
Navigation –
Switch to Bills Of Material Responsibility.
Select Routings > Resources
Enter the Name of your Resource in the Resource field & enter the detail description in
the description field.
Select the type of the Resources if it is a Person, Machine, Miscellaneous, etc.
Select the Charge Type as “PO Receipt” for the Outside Processing.
Select the UOM of the Resources & the basis type Item.
Select the Outside Processing Item MB-120407-C3 after checking the OSP check box.
If the Resources is to be costed, then check the costed field.
Save the Record.
Assigned “TEST-OSP1” Resource to “TEST-OSP1” Department.
Save the Record.
Step 5
Creation of Routing.
To define a Routing for the production of an assembly.
Navigation –
Switch to Bills Of Material Responsibility.
Select Routings > Routings
Select the Assembly for which the Routing or Operations are to be defined
Enter the Operation Sequence as 10 which will be the first operation.
Select the Department where the operation has to take place i.e. the OSP Dept.
Select the “Operation Resource” button to select the resource from assigned department.
Enter the sequence for the Resources
Select the Resources available in the Dept. i.e. the OSP Resource.
Enter the Usage Rate or Amount for that resource.
Ex. 2 Hrs you would require to create one assembly, the value in the Inverse field is the
reciprocal value of Usage field. The either field reciprocates each other.
Save the record.
Step 6
Creation of Bill Of Material.
To define a Bill for the production of an assembly.
Navigation –
Switch to Bills Of Material Responsibility.
Select Bills > Bills
Select the Parent Assembly for which the Bills are to be defined.
The Item Sequence 10 which will be the first component for the Bill.
Select the components for the parent assembly & enter the qty of the component.
Save the record.
Step 7
Creation of a Standard Job Order.
To define a Job for the production of the assembly.
Navigation –
Switch to Work In Process Responsibility.
Select Discrete > Discrete Jobs
Select the Parent Assembly for which the Job is to be defined.
Enter the Qty for the Job to be produced.
Select the Start Date for the job to be started.

Please note the Job Order number generated in the Job field.
Set the Status of the Job Order to “Released” from the Status LOV
Save the record.

When the job is released, immediately a Purchase Requisition is raised for the Outside
Processing Item MB-120407-C3.

Step 8
To view the Purchase Requisition which is raised by the Job Order for the Outside
Processing Item MB-120407-C3.
Switch to “Toyota Purchasing Super User” responsibility.
Select View > Request
Select Request Name – “Requisition Import”
Select Import Source – WIP
OK > Submit
To view the Purchase Requisition for Item MB-120407-C3.
Switch to “Toyota Purchasing Super User” responsibility.
Navigation –
Select Requisition Summary
Find the Requisition by entering the Item MB-120407-C3 in the Item, Rev of Line tab.
Step 9
Purchase Requisition to be auto created to Purchase Order
Switch to “Toyota Purchasing Super User” responsibility.
Navigation –
Select Autocreate
Click the Clear button & Click Find the Purchase Requisition.
Select the Purchase Requisition by checking the check box next to the Requisition line.
Select Action – Create, Document Type – Standard PO
Click Automatic button and a new window Pops up.
Select Create and the PO number is generated in a new pop-up window.
The Purchase Order is generated
To View the Purchase Order
Navigation -
Switch to “Toyota Purchasing Super User” responsibility.
Select Purchase Order > Purchase Orders
Query the Purchase Order Number by pressing Find icon or F11 (Query) & enter the PO
No. & press control F11 to execute the query.
The Purchase Order is in Incomplete Status.
To send the PO for approval, Click the Approve button.
The PO is then sent for Approval

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