Usability Test Report

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Date: 4/3/18

To: International Primate Protection League (IPPL) Advertising

From: IPPL Public Relations Team
Subject: Edit of Ape Adoption Instructions
Action Required: Review Edits

After our team has tested the instructions for ape adoption by allowing several users to
go through the instructions as we observed their confusion and ability to complete the
instructions, we edited the original instructions given to us and made a new version of
the instructions.
Formatted: Indent: First line: 0"
Test Objectives Formatted: Left
The objective of the test was to find any confusing parts of the original
instructions and see how people responded to the instructions. These tests helped us to
re-write the instructions to make them more user-friendly, easier to read, and more

Results Formatted: Left

Strengths: Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Bold
 Users seemed to like the websites that showed the credibility of charities. This Formatted: Font: Bold
allowed the user to trust the charity. The links made the instructions easier. Formatted: Font: 12 pt
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Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Bold
 : The users were confused by having to do their own research to find an ape and
Formatted: Font: Bold
a charity for them to choose. They thought it would be easier to focus on one charity, so
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
you can navigate the user through that charity’s website. The users also thought the
instructions could be improved by pictures. Formatted: Normal, No bullets or numbering

 Questionnaire Results: Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Bold, Underline

Formatted: Normal, No bullets or numbering
1. What step was the most confusing? Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Bold
The users found steps 2 and 3 confusing, because they had to do research on
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
their own with little guidance.
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2. How many steps did you get stuck on?
Formatted: Font color: Auto
The users got stuck on 2 and 3, because they were confusing.
3. What do you think would improve these instructions? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5"

The users suggested focusing on one charity and one type of ape to make the Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5"
instructions clearer. The users also suggested pictures of the adoption websites. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5"
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Font color: Red
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Multiple 1.15 li
We recommend that the instructions are re-written to focus on the International Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5"
Primate Protection League and our gibbon adoption process. We also recommend that Formatted: Left, Don't add space between paragraphs
the instructions keep the credibility check. We have created a new set of instructions of the same style
that include these changes that is shown below along with the original instructions. Formatted: Don't add space between paragraphs of
the same style

Appendixes Formatted: Left

Original Instructions:
How to Adopt an Ape
1. Find out what type of ape you want to adopt. Many apes need the support of donations,
so finding the ape that you want to help is important. Here is a link that explains the
types of apes:

2. Google “adopt [your chosen ape]” and many different organizations will show up. Write
down the name of some of these organizations.

3. Research how trustworthy the organizations you saw were using websites like to see what charities are credible or to see what zoos are credible. Also look for
any past news stories of the organizations, good or bad. Remove all organization that
seem untrustworthy.

4. With the names of the remaining organizations, go through each one and look to see
what it is like to adopt an ape using their website. See what you like and hate about their
ape adoption process.

5. Decide which organization is best for you, by considering the credibility and reputation of
the organization, and your opinion of their ape adoption process and website.

6. Now go to the chosen organization and go through the ape adoption process. When
choosing the amount of money, you want to donate, consider how much you can afford
and if you can afford giving monthly or yearly donations. After all of that is decided and
filled in properly, the ape adoption should be done.

Edited Instructions:
How to Adopt a Gibbon from IPPL
1. Find out more about gibbons and their endangerment using these links Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", No bullets or
p_10/gibbons.cfm and

3. rResearch how trustworthy our organization is by using this website: Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", No bullets or and looking for any past news stories of the

4.1.Go to and explore the

page. Learn about each of the gibbons and pick your favorite.

5.2.CThen click “Adopt Online” at the top or bottom of the page. Formatted: Font: Bold
Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.5"

Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering

CWhen choosing the amount of money, you want to donate, consider how much you can Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
afford and if you can afford giving monthly donations or just a one-time donation. If you at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"
chose monthly donations, pick out the t-shirt size for the complimentary t-shirt you will
receive. You can also choose to not receive a shirt.
Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.5"

8. If you chose monthly donations, pick out the t-shirt size for the complimentary t- Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", No bullets or
shirt you will receive. You can also choose to not receive a shirt.

9.4.Choose debit/credit or PayPal for how you would like to pay and then fill out the

10.5. Select your favorite gibbon that you chose from step 3.
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11.6. If you want to honor or remember with your donation, you can fill in their
name.Fill out the name of anyone you want to dedicate the donation for, if you this
applies to you.
Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.5"
12.7. Consider the two options at the bottom and decide on what you feel is the best
option for you.

13.8. FThen you can finish your donation by hitting the large DONATE NOW‘donate
now’ button.

You have now successfully adopted a Gibbon!

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