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Literature Review

One fundamental problem in sentiment analysis is categorization of

sentiment polarity. Given a piece of written text, the problem is to
categorize te text into one specific sentiment polarity, positive,
negative or neutral. Based on the scope of the text, there are three
levels of sentiment polarity categorization, namely the document
level, the sentence level, and the entity and aspect level. The
document level concerns whether a document, as a whole , expresses
negative or positive sentiment, while the sentence level deals with
each sentence’s sentiment categorization; The entity and aspect level
then targets on what exactly people like or dislike from their opinions.

Since reviews of much work on sentiment analysis have already been

included in ,in this section, we will only review some previous work,
upon which our research is essentially based. Hu and Liu summarized
a list of positive words and a list of negative words, respectively, based
on customer reviews.

 Data Collection

Consumers usually express their sentiments on public forums like the blogs,
discussion boards, product reviews as well as on their private logs – Social
network sites like Facebook and Twitter. Opinions and feelings are expressed in
different way, with different vocabulary, context of writing, usage of short forms
and slang, making the data huge and disorganized. Manual analysis of sentiment
data is virtually impossible. Therefore, special programming languages like ‘R’ are
used to process and analyze the data.

 Text Preparation

Text preparation is nothing but filtering the extracted data before analysis. It
includes identifying and eliminating non-textual content and content that is
irrelevant to the area of study from the data.

 Sentiment Detection

At this stage, each sentence of the review and opinion is examined for
subjectivity. Sentences with subjective expressions are retained and that which
conveys objective expressions are discarded. Sentiment analysis is done at
different levels using common computational techniques like Unigrams, lemmas,
negation and so on.

 Sentiment Classification

Sentiments can be broadly classified into two groups, positive and negative. At
this stage of sentiment analysis methodology, each subjective sentence detected
is classified into groups-positive, negative, good, bad, like, dislike.

 Presentation of Output

The main idea of sentiment analysis is to convert unstructured text into

meaningful information. After the completion of analysis, the text results are
displayed on graphs like pie chart, bar chart and line graphs.
Social Media Sentiment Analysis can promise 7 benefits:

1. Adjust marketing strategy

2. Measure ROI of your marketing campaign

3. Develop product quality

4.Improve customer service

5. Crisis management

6. Lead generation

7. Sales Revenue

Results And Findings

Social Media Sentiment Analysis and Big Data Prediction model is
used in many scenarios to predict and analyze data. For example;
predicting the result of the UK Parliamentary Elections have been
successfully executed by sentiment analyzing of streaming Twitter
data. Big data technologies like Social Media Sentiment Analysis, Data
mining, Predictive Modelling etc. Have opened new avenues for
businesses across industries. By using these technological innovations,
businesses can improve their decision making for both present and
future events.

Pang B, Lee L (2008) Opinion mining and sentiment analysis. Found Trends Inf Retr 2(1-2):1–135

Chesley P, Vincent B, Xu L, Srihari RK (2006) Using verbs and adjectives to automatically classify blog
sentiment. Training 580(263):233
Tan LK-W, Na J-C, Theng Y-L, Chang K (2011) Sentence-level sentiment polarity classification using a
linguistic approach. In: Digital Libraries: For Cultural Heritage, Knowledge Dissemination, and Future
Creation. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany. pp 77–87

Liu B (2012) Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining. Synthesis Lectures on Human Language
Technologies. Morgan & Claypool Publishers

Hu M, Liu B (2004) Mining and summarizing customer reviews. In: Proceedings of the tenth ACM
SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining. ACM, New York, NY, USA.
pp 168–177

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