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Calculation exercise with solution:

Question 1:
A 30mm thick plate is to be reduced to 20mm in one pass in a rolling
operation. Entrance speed is 16 m/min. Roll radius is 300 cm, and roll speed is
18.5 m/min. Determine: (a) the minimum required coefficient of friction that
would make this rolling operation possible, (b) exit velocity (m/min) under the
assumption that the plate widens by 2% during the operation, and (c) forward

(1) Maximum draft d 𝑚𝑎𝑥 = µ²R
Given that d = t 0 – t f = 30 – 20 = 10 mm,
µ² = 10/300 = 0.033
µ = (0.0333) 0.5 = 0.1826
(2) Plate widens by 2%
T0 w0 v0 = tf wf vf
Wf = 1.02 w0
30 (w0) (16) = 20 (1.02 w0) vf
Vf = 30 (w0) (16) / 20 (1.02w0) = 640/30.6 = 23.529 m/min
(3) S= (vf – vr)/vr=(23.529-18.5)/18.5 =0.27

Question 2:
A sheet-metal part 4.0 mm thick and 30.0 mm wide is bent to an included
angle = 60° and a bend radius = 7.5 mm in a V-die. The metal has a tensile
strength = 340 Mpa. Compute the required force to bend the part, given that
the die opening dimension= 15 mm

Solution: For V-bending, K bf = 1.33.
F=K bf (TS) wt²/D = 1.33(340)(30)(4)²/15 = 14470.4 N
Question 3:
In a production turning operation, the technician has decided that a single pass
machining must be completed on the cylindrical workpiece in 5.0 min. The
piece is 400 mm long and 150 mm in diameter. Using a feed = 0.30 mm/rev
and a depth of cut = 4.0 mm, what cutting speed must be used to meet this
machining time requirement?

Solution: Starting with : Tm = L/fr
Substitute Equation: (fr=Nf) into the denominator to obtain Tm =L/Nf
Then substituting for N we get Tm = pDol/vf. Rearranging to determine
cutting speed: v = pDol/fTm
Tm= p(0.4)(0.15)/(0.30)(10-3)(5.0) = 0.1257 (103) m/min = 125.7 m/min

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