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The current conveyor: history, progress and new

A.S. Sedra
G.W. Roberts
F. Gohh

Indexing terms: History, Reviews of progress, Filters andfiltering

control voltage V , . Transistor Qz is the compensating

Abstract: With the growing interest in current- diode-connected transistor; its emitter was connected to
mode analogue circuits, an historical account of ground. Transistors Q3, Q4 and Q 5 form what is now
the invention of the current conveyor is given. known as a two-output current mirror. The mirror pro-
Some observations are made on the progress in its vided a current to Q 2equal to that in Q1, thus making
realisation and application over the past two their V,,s equal and making the voltage at the emitter of
decades. New results on the monolithic implemen- Q1 equal to zero. This in turn made the current in Q1
tation of the current conveyor are presented. equal to V,/R. The mirror supplied an equal current at
the collector of Q s, at a high impedance level. Since Qs,
Q4 and Q 5 were discrete devices, their matching was not
1 A specific problem and its solution good and emitter resistors were added to improve the
mirror performance.
In the autumn of 1966, the first author began work on a Y X
Master's thesis project under the supervision of Prof. 7 7

K.C. Smith at the University of Toronto. The goal of the

project was the design of programmable instruments for ~

incorporation in a system for computer controlled experi-

ments. Within this framework, the first task was to design
a voltage controlled waveform generator, and he came up
with a circuit that was thought to be novel [l]. Unfor-
tunately (or fortunately, from the point of view of the * * * -12
present context !), however, the control variable was
current and not voltage as required. To convert voltage Q3
to current, the obvious solution (at that time) was to use
a grounded-base pnp transistor and connect its emitter
via a resistor to the positive control voltage. However,
this simple voltage-to-current convertor introduced a
number of problems, all due to the transistor VE,. Not
only did the finite V, introduce a lateral shift in the "55
frequency-voltage characteristic of the waveform gener- Fig. 1 First order bipolar implementation of CCl
= Matched resistors
ator, but the variation of V', with current also made the *, + Matched transistors
control characteristic nonlinear. Furthermore, the depen-
dence of V,, on temperature considerably reduced the The circuit of Fig. 1 provided a nice solution to the
temperature stability of the entire circuit. problem of creating a precise voltage-to-current conver-
To create a better voltage-to-current convertor it tor and was incorporated into the circuit for the con-
seemed natural to use another junction, that of a trolled oscillator with good results [l].
matched pnp transistor connected as a diode, to compen-
sate for the V, of the current-source pnp transistor. 2 Generalisingthe idea: the first current
However, for this compensation to be effective it was conveyor
necessary to arrange that the current in the additional Rather than moving on to the design of another part of
pnp transistor track that in the current-source transistor,
the programmable instrumentation system, the first
which was supposed to vary over a number of decades. author, being a graduate student at the time, had the
The solution to this problem was the five-transistor luxury of pausing and contemplating, together with his
circuit shown in Fig. 1.
advisor, the beauty of the circuit of Fig. 1. It should also
In the circuit of Fig. 1, Q1 is the current source tran- be noted that the time was ripe to think of current-mode
sistor, its emitter was connected via a resistor R to circuits. In February 1968 he attended the International
Paper 71546 (E10, E1-5). received 30th August 1989
Solid-state Circuit Conference in Philadelphia and was
greatly inspired by two papers: Barrie Gilbert presented
The paper is based in part on an invited presentation made at the 1989
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Portland a technique, which has become a classic, for wideband
Oregon, May 1989 amplification of current signals [2]. The other paper was
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Uni- by G. Wilson [3] and contained a novel current-mirror
versity of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A4 configuration; now known as the Wilson current mirror.
78 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 137, Pt. G, No. 2, APRIL 1990
The idea that much higher speeds of processing signals conveyor required that the measured circuit be broken to
are possible if the signals are in current form was gaining insert terminals X and Y of the conveyor, very impressive
in popularity. results were obtained. Input impedances less than one
It was observed that in the circuit of Fig. 1, Y need not ohm and a frequency range of operation extending from
be grounded but can be connected to a voltage u y . An DC to 1 0 0 MHz were measured.
equal voltage then appears at X independent of the Another early application of the CCI was its use as a
current supplied to X. Thus the circuit exhibits a virtual negative impedance converter (NIC). For this application
short circuit at X. Also a current flows through Y equal terminal Z is grounded and the resistor to be converted is
to the current supplied to X and independent of uy . Thus connected either between X and ground or between Y
the circuit exhibits a virtual open circuit at Y.Finally, the and ground. If a resistor R is connected between X and
current supplied to X is conoeyed to the output terminal ground, then the input impedance looking into Y is a
Z where the impedance level is very high. The circuit negative resistance of R that is short circuit stable
operation is independent of the exact value of the nega- (similar to that observed in a tunnel diode). Alternatively,
tive supply Vss.We were thus led to think of the circuit if R is connected between Y and ground then the input
of Fig. 1 as an implementation of a three-port network resistance at X is - R and is open circuit stable (similar
represented by the block diagram of Fig. 2 and described to that observed in a silicon controlled switch). It is inter-

[;I =[' :q[q

O l O U ,
where the variables represent total instantaneous quan-
esting to note that a recently published paper [7]
describes an NIC using a CMOS current conveyor.
It should be obvious that the circuit of Fig. 1 is a first-
order implementation of the CCI. Circuit performance
can be improved through, for instance, using more elabo-
rate current mirrors. Also, the polarity of the output
current at Z can be inverted by using an additional
tities. The resulting three-port network was named mirror stage. The entire circuit can of course be inverted
current conveyor [4]. (pnps replaced by npns and vice versa, and the negative
supply replaced by a positive supply). Connecting two
complementary current conveyors as in Fig. 4 results in a
class AB circuit capable of bipolar operation. A number
of variations on this latter circuit have been reported (see
for example Reference 8).
Fig. 2 Black box representation ofthe current conveyor

figure a single ellipse is used to represent the nullator

element and two intersecting ellipses to respresent the
norator element. The nullator element has constitutive
M4] in this circuit can be found as part of the biasing The first widely-available paper on the CCII [ll]
network of some CMOS op amps[lO] illustrated its application in the realisation of controlled
sources, impedance convertors, impedance inverters,
gyrators, and various analogue computation elements. A
companion paper [12] gave realisations for a number of
nonlinear building blocks that had been postulated by
Chua. Unfortunately, however, no circuit realisations for
the CCII were given at that time. One such realisation
utilising bipolar transistors was known [13], but not
widely available.
The inventors of the current conveyor knew that
although they had a powerful building block it would
have little impact unless it became available in IC form.
They attempted to interest Canada's only semiconductor
manufacturer at that time (Microsystems International
Limited) in the current conveyor with no success. As an
"ss alternative, their attention was directed to devising CCII
Fig. 5 First order CMOS implementation of CCI realisations utilising the then emerging IC op amp. One
such realisation utilising an IC op amp and an IC tran-
4 The second generation current conveyor (CCII) sistor array was reported at that time [14]. It was their
view, however, that the op amp is not the most conve-
To increase the versatility of the current conveyor, a nient building block for realising CCII; the op amp is
second version in which no current flows in terminal Y, fundamentally a voltage-mode device, while the current
was introduced in 1968 (at the first IEEE International conveyor is a current-mode device. This view proved not
Symposium on Circuit Theory, later named ISCAS). Uti- entirely valid in light of the ingenious schemes suggested
lising the same block diagram representation of Fig. 2, a number of years later [15-171.
the CCII is described by By about 1970, the inventors of the current conveyor
abandoned further research on it. Fortunately, however,
other workers picked up the subject, and over the
ensuing two decades over 100 papers have been
published on current conveyors. The limited space avail-
able here will not permit even a listing let alone a review,
Thus, terminal Y exhibits an infinite input impedance. of these articles. (A brief review of some of this work was
The voltage at X follows that applied to Y, thus X
given in Reference 18).
exhibits a zero input impedance. The current supplied to The CCII has proved to be by far the more useful of
X is conveyed to the high impedance output terminal Z the two current conveyor types. The published literature
where it is supplied with either positive polarity (in provides CCII realisations for almost all known active
CCII+) or negative polarity (in CCII-). In terms of a
network building blocks. A great deal of work has also
nullor, the port behavior of the second generation current
been reported on the design of active-RC filters utilising
conveyor (positive or negative) can be depicted as shown
in Fig. 6a. The similarity and difference between a CCI
Until the past half dozen years or so, few circuit realis-
and CCII are clearly evident when one compares their ations of the CCII have been reported. The situation has
equivalent circuits in Figs. 3 and 6a. In the case of a
changed dramatically with the appearance of a number
CCII -, the dependent current source is redundant; of good implementations; some of these utilise op amps
current flowing into terminal X must flow out of terminal
alone (for example Reference 19); others utilise IC op
2. Hence, the equivalent circuit of the CCII - can be rep- amps together with BJT IC arrays [15-171 and others yet
resented with a single nullor element as shown in Fig. 6b.
utilise CMOS technology, resulting in fully integrated
This representation has important design implications
conveyors [20, 211. It is also interesting to report that
that will be discussed in the next section.
several monolithic bipolar realisations of the CCII -
"7 have been fabricated, although these have been labelled

nv as monolithic nullor elements [22, 231. Many of these

realisations can be derived using the rationale outlined in
the following section.

5 Basis for the circuit realisation of CCll

The CCII may be viewed as an ideal transistor, either

a bipolar or MOS. To illustrate this point, consider the
nMOS transistor shown in Fig. 7. If the transistor were

- Gd{J1n

Fig. 6 Nullator-norator representations of CCIIs llS
a Positive or negative CCII 5
b Simplised representationof negative CCII Fig. 7 Comparison of C C I I - and nMOS transistor

80 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 137, Pt. G , No. 2, APRIL 1990

ideal, its V,, would approach zero. In such a case a and 4 (or 1 and 3) of the op amp creates a nullor circuit
voltage applied to the gate would result in an equal that is identical to the one used to represent the CCII -
voltage at the source. While the gate terminal would (see Fig. 66). We can therefore equate the CCII- to a
approximate an open circuit (as the conveyor terminal
Y), the source terminal would exhibit a zero input imped-
ance (just as the conveyor terminal X). A current injected
at the source would be conveyed to the drain, where the
impedance level would be infinite (just as terminal 2 in
the conveyor). It follows that an ideal transistor behaves
as a negative current conveyor (CCII-). This equiva-
lence should also be obvious from the fact that the T
nullator-norator equivalent circuit of a transistor is that
in Fig. 66.
To create a more ideal transistor, we place the nMOS
transistor in the negative feedback loop of an op amp, as
shown in Fig. 8. The result is a CCII- with reasonably

Fig. 8 Negative current conveyor using a 'supertransistor'

good performance. In this CCII - realisation, however,

current is restricted to flow out of terminal X.An alterna-
tive CCII- realisation can be obtained by placing a
PMOS transistor in the negative feedback loop of an op

amp, in which case current will be restricted to flow into VDD
the X terminal. It follows that a CCII realisation that t
allows bidirectional current flow can be obtained by
placing a complementary pair of MOS transistors in the MPp MP)
op amp feedback path as shown in Fig. 9a. Observe,
however, that this circuit is now a CCII + realisation. To
obtain a CCII- circuit two additional mirrors are pb
required, as shown in Fig. 96.
In the circuits of Fig. 9 the M,-M2 pair of transistors V r \
may be thought of as a class B output stage for the op
amp. This circuit, therefore, is not much different to that
used by Wilson [l5] and Toumazou and Lidgey [16, 171
except that they sense the total supply current of a com-
mercially available op amp (simply because they do not
have access to the output stage of the op amp as would
be available in a fully integrated conveyor realisation).
We have recently fabricated a realisation based on the
circuits of Fig. 9 with Northern Telecom's 5 pm CMOS
process [21]. The design details and the measured per- t
formance of these monolithic current conyeyor circuits vss
will be reported in the following section. Fig. 9 Current conveyors
While current mirrors form an essential part of the a Positive
CCII realisation, the CCII may be thought of as provid- b Negative
ing a current mirror with greatly improved performance.
This ingenious point of view has enabled the application floating differential-input, differential-output op amp as
of current conveyors in the design of a high performance shown in Fig. lob. The significance of this correspon-
algorithmic A/D convertor [24]. dence is that it suggests alternative ways of realising a
Before leaving this section, it is interesting to point out negative current conveyor. For example, a CCII - can be
that, in addition to the similarity between a CCII- and approached quite closely by replacing the fully differen-
an ideal transistor, a similar correspondence can be tial op amp with a floating VCVS of large voltage gain A
drawn between a CCII - and an ideal fully differential op as depicted in Fig. lOc, or alternatively, with a floating
amp. The terminal behavior of a floating differential op VCCS of large transconductance as illustrated in Fig.
amp connected in a negative feedback arrangement can 10d. This approach was outlined by Huijsing and De
be represented by the nullor circuit shown in Fig. loa. It Korte [22] in the context of creating a fully integrated
should be obvious that a connection between terminals 2 nullor circuit (or more appropriately in the present
IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 137, Pt. G, No. 2, APRIL 1990 81
context, a CCII -), however, they realised their nuilor will be avilable in the near future. In the mean time we
circuit in a manner similar to that described for the cir- shall present the experimental results pertaining to a
cuits of Fig. 9, the difference being that they used a 5 pm CMOS implementation of a positive and negative
current steering approach to accomplish the current buf- CCII based on the circuits of Fig. 9.

6 5 pm CMOS CCll implementation

The current conveyor circuit relies upon the ability of the
circuit to act as a voltage buffer between its inputs and
a upon the ability to convey current between two ports at
extremely different impedance levels. Interestingly
enough, these two attributes of a current conveyor can be
realised independent of one another and later be com-
bined to form the current conveyor. It is this approach
that we have used in the design of our monolithic current
I 6
x b
conveyor. Specifically, we have fabricated a high gain op
amp circuit with a class AB output buffer stage and
several different types of current mirrors. Separate pins
Y- provide access to the input/output points of each of these
- YZ building blocks allowing one to investigate various

3"' c
circuit combinations. Invariably the high frequency per-
formance will suffer due to the additional stray capac-
itances at the pins, but this is an acceptable cost when
one considers the flexibility purchased.
The op amp topology is based on the popular two-
stage CMOS op amp configuration [lo] with an addi-
tional low output impedance stage. The circuit schematic
of the CMOS op amp is shown in Fig. 11. The drains of
the transistors that make up the output buffer stage (M,,
and M,,) are not connected directly to the power rails,
but rather connected to external pins of the integrated
b circuit. This provides a possible means of sensing the
current in the output stage, as required in the conveyor
realisations of Fig. 9. In fact, transistors M1 and M, of
the current conveyors depicted in Fig. 9 are actually tran-
Fig. 10 Correspondence between an ideal op amp and a C U I - sistors M,, and M,, of the CMOS op amp.
a Nullor reprsssntation of an ideal op amp
b Op amp equivalent circuit of a CCII -
The op amp circuit shown in Fig. 11 utilises two
c VCVS representationof a CCII -, A m
d VCCS representationof a CCII - G, m - power supplies of f.5V and is biased externally through
a resistor to obtain a bias current of 25 pA. M, and M,,
with current source M, , form the differential input stage.
fering between terminals X and Z, in contrast to the M, and M, in the current mirror configuration converts
above mentioned current mirroring approach. At the the ouput differential signal to a single-ended signal.
present time we are investigating the feasibility of using Transistor M, along with biasing transistor M, form the
floating transconductance stages in a negative feedback second stage. M, and M, provide a bias voltage for the
arrangement to realise a CCII- and hopefully results output stage consisting of MI, and M,, . Devices M,,



I 150/10


402 5/5
5 1pF

M3 M&
50/10 50/10
Fig. 11 Circuit schematic of the CMOS op amp

82 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 137, Pi G, No. 2, APRIL I990

and M,, along with compensation capacitor C, provide input bias voltage of the p-channel current mirror. Since
the internal compensation of the op amp. MI, with bias the supply lines are limited to + 5 V, the use of current
resistor R,, supply the bias voltage for current sources mirrors with large input bias voltages would severely
M, and M,. In Table 1 we list a typical set of op amp restrict the signal swing at terminal X.
The circuit implementation of the positive current con-
Table 1 : Measured CMOS OD am0 Darameters veyor is as shown in Fig. 9. The dimensions of the PMOS
Parameters Experimental results Units transistors of the current mirror, MP, and MP,, are
U . = 25 uA) 365 pm by 10 pm, while the dimensions of the nMOS
Open loop 72.7 dB transistors, MN, and MN,, are 200 pm by 10 pm. The
gain (50 Hz) larger than minimum lengths of the transistors are used
output 1051 n to provide an improved output impedance at terminal Y,
resistance while the large W / L ratio of the transistors results in
3 dB 400 Hz
smaller input bias voltage requirements.
6.2 Netagive current conveyor
Unity gain 2.2 MHz
frequency The negative current conveyor circuit can be derived
from the positive current conveyor through the addition
Slew rate (pos) +2.26 V per p e c
of two current mirrors. Unlike the current mirrors of the
Slew rate (neg) -6.87 V per w s positive current conveyor, the additional current mirrors
Power 1.21 mW are not restricted to small input voltages. As such, either
dissipation simple or stacked current mirrors can be used to achieve
Input offset 17.4 mV different current conveyor performances.
voltage A negative current conveyor using simple current
PSRR mirrors was illustrated in Fig. 9b. The dimensions of the
100 Hz 68.3 dB transistors making up the simple current mirrors are
10 KHz 47.8 dB identical to those used in the positive current conveyor.
500 KHz 13.1 dB We depict a negative current conveyor using stacked
current mirrors in Fig. 12. The only difference between
characteristics measured from a small sample set of fabri-
cated op amps.
The requirements on the current mirrors to be used "OD
within the current conveyors are: linear current gain, t
large output impedance, wide output voltage swing, small
input bias voltage and good high frequency response.
The ability to satisfy some of the above requirements
depends upon the type of current mirror chosen. There
are basically five different types of current mirrors in
CMOS technology [lo]: (i) simple current mirror, (ii)

cascode or stacked current mirror, herein referred to as
the stacked current mirror, (iii) Wilson current mirror,
(iv) improved Wilson current mirror and (v) cascode
current mirror with improved biasing, herein referred to
as a modified cascode current mirror. Prior to fabrication I II
a SPICE investigation was performed to compare the
various attributes of the 5 current mirrors above and
thus we came to the conclusion that one must trade off
output impedance and current conveying accuracy for
larger output voltage swing. The simple and stacked --?----
current mirrors typify this performance tradeoff and will
be the only mirrors considered for implementation in this
+ "ss
work. Fig. 12 Negntiue current conueyor design using stacked current
6.1 Positive current conveyor
The first circuit implemented is the positive current con- Fig. 12 and Fig. 9b is that the second pair of simple
veyor since the negative current conveyor can be con- current mirrors have been replaced by a pair of stacked
sidered an extension of the positive current conveyor. In current mirrors. The stacked current mirrors are con-
its implementation, simple current mirrors were used, structed of 342.5 pm by 5 pm PMOS transistors and
despite their low output impedance and poor current 207.5 pm by 5 pm nMOS transistors. Reduction of the
gain. The reason behind this choice follows from the channel length is possible in the stacked current mirrors
allowable signal swing at the X terminal. The positive due to the high impedance nature of the circuit. The W / L
signal swing of the X terminal (refer to Fig. 9 4 is deter- ratios of the transistors within the stacked current
mined by the state of transistor M, while the negative mirrors were increased, to reduce the input bias voltage,
signal swing is determined by M, . As long as both tran- as well as providing as much output signal swing as pos-
sistors remain saturated, the output stage of the op amp sible.
will perform as expected. Thus the negative signal swing
is restricted to V's,2 above the negative input bias 6.3 Experimental results
voltage of the nchannel current mirror, while the positive The current conveyors were constructed with the appro-
signal swing is restricted to Vk,l below the positive priate building blocks and measurements were taken to
IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 137, Pt. G, No. 2, APRIL 1990 83
determine the small and large signal characteristics. Due difference i, - iz is displayed as a function of i x . If one
to the building block concept, the positive and negative excludes any offset current error, one can see from these
current conveyors can physically be constructed with the results that the CCII + has the lowest current error, fol-
same op amp and first pair of current mirrors. This pro- lowed by the CCII- (stacked mirrors) and then the
vides the opportunity to compare the effects of using CCII - (simple mirrors).
different current mirrors with additional variables intro-
duced by employing different op amps and first pair of
current mirrors. As anticipated, the voltage transfer char-
acteristics between terminal Y and X are identical for all
current conveyors since they utilise the same op amp.
The large signal voltage transfer characteristic between
terminals Y and X is shown in Fig. 13.
The test points of Fig. 13 were taken with terminal X 5ol -2-
loaded with a 10 MR probe and terminal Z grounded. U

- -4-
-8 -
1hO lobo 10600 100000 106 10;
1- frequency, Hz
.' Fig. 14 Measured small-signal magnitude response of the voltage gain
>x 0-
- between terminals X and Y
0 = CCII+
-2- A = CCII - (simplemirrors)
0 = CCII - (stocked mirrors)

- L - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 o 1 2 3 4

"V." 301
Fig. 13 Measured large signal voltage characteristics between termin- Q, 20-
aJs Y and X for the positive and negative current conveyors N

0 = CCII+
A = CCII - (simpk mirrors)

0 = CCII- (stocked mirrors) gU 0-

Under this 'open circuit' test condition, the maximum 2 -20-
voltage difference between Y and X did not exceed 8 mV
over the linear range. For the situation with X loaded, -30-
the large signal voltage gain remains unchanged provided
the current supplied by terminal X does not exceed the A O L '
' "
100 200

current supplying capability of the op amp output stage.
source current Ix .PA
Thus, for linear circuit operation, the large-signal voltage
gain between terminals Y and X is 1.0 V/V. Fig. 15 Measured large signal current error
The small-signal magnitude response of the voltage = CCII+
A = CCII- (simplemirrors)
gain from terminal Y to X as a function of frequency is 0 = CCII - (stocked mirrors)
shown in Fig. 14. The same open circuit test conditions
were used for this measurement as for the above large-
signal voltage transfer characteristics. As expected, the The small-signal magnitude response of the current
bandwidth of this voltage gain response corresponds with gain from terminal X to Z as a function of frequency can
the unity-gain bandwidth of the op amp (see Table 1) and be estimated from the voltage-gains displayed in Fig. 16
is the same for all three current conveyors investigated. for the above mentioned inverting amplifier test setup.
Other large-signal parameters related to the input ter- Here we include only those measured results applicable
minals include the input resistance at terminal Y, which to the positive current conveyor and the negative current
was measured to be greater than 10 MR (the input resist- conveyor with stacked mirrors. (The frequency response
ance of the multimeter), while the large-signal input of the negative current conveyor with simple mirrors was
resistance at terminal X was found to be approximately not measured). It is evident from the various voltage-gain
0.5 R. measurements that the current-gain bandwidth is not as
The large-signal current gain between terminal X and large as should be expected, in fact it is somewhat less
Z (iJi,) was measured by loading X and 2 with 10 kR than the bandwidth of the voltage gain uu/ux as illus-
resistances while applying a voltage source at terminal Y trated in Fig. 14. We attribute this loss of current-gain
(i.e. inverting amplifier configuration). In this manner, i , bandwidth to the parasitic poles created by the stray
and iz can be controlled and measured with voltage capacitance at the pins interconnecting the amplifier and
levels, although these measurements will be affected by the various current mirrors, and the poles created by the
the output resistance at terminal Z. The results of the capacitance shunting the output resistance of the inver-
measurements are plotted in Fig. 15 where the current ting amplifier. This was the price we paid for fabricating
84 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 137, Pt. G, N o . 2, APRIL I990
our conveyor circuits in building block form and for 7 Filter circuits using current conveyors
using a voltage gain to estimate a current gain. It is inter-
esting to note that the effective unity-gain-bandwidth 7.1 Inductance Simulation
In the area of active filter design, inductor simulation has
product exhibited by these current conveyors circuits is
attracted considerable interest. The advantage of design-
larger than the gain-bandwidth product of the op amp.
ing active filters by simulating the inductors of a passive
LCR realisation of the filter include low component sen-
sitivities and the ability to utilise the extensive knowledge
of LCR filter design. One of the methods in which an
RX:lOOkQRZ:lOkfl inductor can be simulated is through the use of a gyrator
LO - and a single capacitor. A gyrator can be realised by con-
necting together two current conveyors of opposite
:- 30-
R X :lkn.RZ ;lOkA
polarity [ll] as shown in Fig. 17. By terminating one of



9 10
RX:lOknbRZ=lOkn I -~

-10 '

Fig. 17 Grounded gyrator realisation using current conueyors

the ports with a grounded capacitor the impedance seen

looking into the opposite port is made the same as that
of a grounded inductor. Measurements have determined
that the effective inductance seen looking into port 1 is
For example, the effective 3 dB bandwidth of the inver- L,, U 0.85C, R l z RZ1when constructed with our mono-
ting amplifier with a voltage gain of 100 is 100 kHz, lithic current conveyor. The deviation from the theoreti-
hence the gain-bandwidth product is 10 MHz. This is 4.5 cal inductance value of c, R,, R,, is due to the nonunity
times greater than the unity-gain-bandwidth of the op current gain of each current conveyor.
amp. These results corroborate recent results reported by As an application of this simulated inductance, we
other researchers [23,25]. have replaced the grounded inductors in the fifth-order
The output impedance seen at the Z output of each highpass elliptic LC ladder prototype network displayed
current conveyor varies depending upon whether the in Fig. 18a with the active circuit shown in Fig. 17. Fre-
current conveyor is sourcing or sinking current. Specifi- quency and impedance scaling were used to give the
cally, when the current conveyor is sourcing c'urrent, the highpass filter a passband edge of 10 kHz and a load
output impedance is less than when it is sinking current. impedance of 10 kR. The circuit was designed to have a
This is attributed to the lower output resistance of p- passband ripple of 1 dB and a minimum stopband
channel devices as compared to their n-channel counter- attenuation of 54 dB. In Fig. 18b the measured and theo-
parts. When sourcing currents of approximately 100 PA, retical passband response are plotted. It can be seen that
the output impedance of the positive current conveyor is near the passband edge the circuit response closely
approximately 280 kR, the output impedance of the matches the ideal response. Also observable is the effect
negative current conveyor with simple current mirrors is of the limited frequency response of the gyrator on the
approximately 270 kR and the output impedance of the filter. Specifically, for frequencies greater than 100 kHz,
negative current conveyor with stacked current mirrors is the filter passband response exceeds the 1 dB attenuation
approximately 1.0 MR. margin indicated with the dotted lines. Fig. 18c shows a
photograph of the frequency response of the filter as dis-
6.4 Remark played on an HP3580A Spectrum Analyser. Observable
For the fabricated current conveyors, the voltage buffer- are the two zeros in the filter stopband located at 4.8 kHz
ing between terminals Y and X was shown to approach and 6.8 kHz. These values match reasonably closely to
the ideal situation much more closely than the current the locations of the ladder transmission zeros of 4.66 kHz
transfer ratio from terminal X to terminal Z. The reason and 6.85 kHz; however, the difference is enough to
for this lies in the fact that the voltage buffering is accom- decrease the minimum stop band loss from 54dB to
plished via a high gain op amp circuit connected in a 50 dB.
negative feedback loop, whereas the current buffering
relies solely upon the matching properties of several tran- 7.2 Current amplifier-based filter circuits
sistors. Simulations and experiments have shown that Recently we have introduced a general method for syn-
better current buffering and higher output impedance is thesising active filter circuits that perform signal filtering
possible with stacked current mirrors as opposed to exclusively in the current domain with voltage amplifiers
simple mirrors. But this is obtained at the expense of replaced by current amplifiers and all signal variables
reduced signal swing. Even with these circuit non- represented by currents [26]. We believe that one can
idealities. we shall demonstrate in the next Section that achieve higher signal bandwidths, greater linearity and
current conveyors can be successfully utilised in the con- larger dynamic range with these current-mode circuits
struction of reasonable-precision filter circuits. than with the corresponding voltage amplifier based filter
IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 137, Pt. G, No. 2, APRIL 1990 85
circuits. Specific details of how this synthesis is performed nected to the output port. Except for a possible scale
are provided in Reference 26. Here we shall present our factor correction, the voltage transfer function of this
first experimental results pertaining to these current- voltage driven circuit should be equivalent to the current
transfer function lout/linfor the circuit displayed in Fig.
lOkn 092nF 064nF 080nF
19b. To demonstrate the feasiblity of this approach we
constructed this current amplifier based filter circuit to
T 4 T t d 1 *


I XI .

Fig. 19 Current-mode implementation of SABfilter

a Voltage amplifierb a d SAB
b Current amplifierbased SAB
5 10 20 50 100 400
frequency, kHz
realise a second order lowpass Butterworth function
having a 3 dB passband edge at 1 kHz. The measured
results are displayed in Fig. 20 and are compared to the

6 5
1 1
frequency, kHz

Fig. 18 Applicationfor CCII inductor simulations

(1 Fifth-order high-pass Hter

b Passband frequencyresponse
e Photograph of the measured frequency response illustrating both passband and
stopbaod operation
10 100 1000 10000
mode filter circuits. We will realise the current amplifiers
with the monolithic current conveyors described in the Fig. 20 Ideal and measured frequency response of current amplifer
last Section. By simply grounding the Y terminal of the based SAB circuit
current conveyor, a virtual ground is created at terminal 0 = Measured
- = Ideal
X from which current entering terminal X will be con-
veyed to terminal Z, thus realising a current amplifier.
Fig. 19a shows the well known Sallen and Key SAB ideal transfer function. As is evident, the measured results
filter circuit, and Fig. 19b shows the corresponding agree quite closely with the expected results.
current amplifier based filter circuit; see Reference 26. At
the present time, our lab is not equipped with a current 8 Conclusions
source generator or an oscilloscope with an accurate
current probe, so we had to improvise to measure the Although more than twenty years old, the current con-
transfer function of the circuit of Fig. 19b. By exploiting veyor appears to be an 'idea whose time has come'. This
the fact that a virtual ground exists at terminal X, one optimistic view is based on the growing interest in ana-
can inject current into this circuit by simply using a logue current-mode signal processing, the improved fully
voltage source and a series resistance. The output current integrated conveyor realisations and the vast literature
can be derived from the voltage across the resistor con- on the application of current conveyors.
86 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 137, Pt. G, No. 2, APRIL I990
9 Acknowledgments 12 SMITH, K.C., and SEDRA, AS.: ‘Realization of the Chua family of
new non-linear network elements using the current conveyor’, IEEE
Thanks are due to Kin Chan who has conducted a liter- Trans, 1970, CT-17, pp. 137-139
ature search that has uncovered over 100 papers on 13 SEDRA, AS.: ‘A new approach to active network synthesis’. PhD
Thesis, University of Toronto, Canada, 1969
current conveyors. This work was supported by NSERC 14 BLACK, G.G.A., FRIEDMANN, R.T., and SEDRA, A.S.: ‘Gyrator
and by the Information Technology Research Centre. implementation with integrable current conveyors’, IEEE J., 1976,
sc-6, pp. 395-399
15 WILSON, B.: ‘High performance current conveyor implementation’,
10 References Electron. Lett., 1984,20, (24), pp. S 9 9 1
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1 SMITH, K.C., and SEDRA, AS.: ‘Simple wideband linear voltage-
Electron. Wire. World, 1985,91, (1590). pp. 17-19
to-frequency converter’, Electron. Eng., 1968, pp. 1 4
17 TOUMAZOU, C., and LIDGEY, F.J.: ‘Floating-impedanceconver-
2 GILBERT, B.: ‘A new wide-band amplifier technique’, IEEE J.,
tors using current conveyors’, Electron. Lett., 1985, 21, (IS), pp.
1968, SC-3,pp. 353-365
4 summary appeared in 1968 International Solid-state Circuits 18 KUMAR, U., and SHUKLA, S.K.: ‘Recent developments in current
Digest of Tech. Papers, pp. 116115, February 1968
3 WILSON, G.: ‘A monolithic junction FET-npn operational ampli- conveyors and their applications’, Microelectron. J . 1985, 16, pp.
fier’, IEEE J. 1968, SC-3,pp. 341-348
A summary appeared in 1968 International Solid-state Circuits 19 HUERTAS, J.L.: ‘Circuit implementation of current conveyor’,
Digest of Tech. Papers, February 1968 Electron. Lett., 1980, 16, (6). pp. 22S227
20 NISHIO, M., SATO, H., and SUZUKI, T.: ‘A gyrator constructed
4 SMITH, K.C., and SEDRA, A.S.: ‘The current conveyor-a new
circuit building block’, IEEE P r w . 1968.56. pp. 1368-1369 by CCII with variable current transfer ratio’. IEEE International
Symposium on Circuits and Systems Proceedings, 1985, pp. 93-96
5 BRUTON, L.T.: ‘RC-Active Circuits’ (Prentice-Hall, New Jersey,
1980) 21 GO”, F.: ‘CMOS current conveyors’. MASc Thesis, University of
6 SMITH, K.C., and SEDRA, A.S.: ‘A new simple wide-band current- Toronto, Canada, 1988
measuring device’, IEEE Trans. 1969, IM-18, pp. 125-128 22 HUIJSING, J.H., and DE KORTE, J. : ‘Monolithic nullor-a univer-
7 BRENNAN, B.L., VISWANATHAN, T.R., and HANSON, J.V.: sal active network element’, IEEE J., 1977, SC-12, pp. 5 9 4 4
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11 SEDRA, A.S., and SMITH, K.C.: ‘A second-generationcurrent con- 26 ROBERTS, G.W., and SEDRA, A.S.: ‘All-current-mode frequency
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IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 137, Pt. G , No. 2, APRIL 1990 87

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