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Dear Provost Committee on Scholarship Review,

I am writing this letter of appeal in hopes that you reconsider your decision to not renew my
scholarship for the 2012 Fall semester. The decision to not renew my scholarship was based on
the fact that I failed to meet the minimum academic GPA of 3.0; my cumulative GPA for the Fall
2011/Spring 2012 academic year was a 2.94. I fully acknowledge that the loss of my scholarship
was entirely my fault, and regardless of your response to this letter, I thank the committee for
granting me the scholarship in the first place, as well as taking the time to read this letter.

I hope that the following information will help you to understand my situation. In the last school-
year, I was faced with a host of stress-inducing news and dilemmas that took a toll on me and
ultimately, my grades. In October, I was involved in a car accident that totaled my car; luckily I
walked away relatively unscathed. However, it greatly affected my mobility, driving to and from
school was a mere 25 minute trip but, since I had totaled the car, I had to use public
transportation to get to and from school, which was a one and a half to two hour commute each
way. During the school year, I was also working closing shifts at the Roosevelt Field Mall, which
unfortunately meant that due to the commute on the bus, I wouldn't get home until midnight,
sometimes later.

In addition to the car accident and the circumstances it put me in, I also received the news in
November that my step-father had been killed. I was extremely close to my step-father, and the
news that he had died sent me into a sort of depression. I spent the free time, where I was
neither working nor at to school, locked in my room by myself. I had let the death affect all
aspects of my life, for weeks I would sulk, and the times I should have been focusing on my
studies were lost. At the end of the fall semester, I received a letter warning that my 2.7 GPA
was far below where it needed to be.

Upon receiving this letter, I realized that I needed to perform much better in the Spring
semester. I began the Spring 2012 semester with the mindset to do better, regardless of the
events that had occurred in the previous semester. Unfortunately in March of 2012 I received
the news that another one of my family members, my uncle, had unexpectedly died, this news,
inevitably affected my studies yet again, and because I was not able to handle the deaths of two
family members, working over 25 hours per week, as well as the two hour commute to and from
school and work, my grades suffered yet again, and I fell short of finishing the semester with the
GPA that I needed to keep my scholarship.

I plan to raise my GPA during the next semesters, I fully intend to remedy the issues that I can,
so that I can ensure my grades do not fall this low again. I plan on working less during the rest
of my years in school, and I have also given myself Fridays off next semester, which should
allow me sufficient time to focus on my studying and ultimately bring my GPA to the point where
it should be.

I do understand that these circumstances should not have been an excuse to let my grades slip,
but I hope that you can understand my situation. I realize that my scholarship was a privilege
and the renewal of said privilege was contingent on me meeting all the requirements, which I
failed to do. If I am granted this scholarship again I will respect and honor it more; I fully intend
on meeting all the requirements. I know how important this scholarship is and I know that it is
not something I should take lightly. I sincerely hope that my situation has appealed to the
committee to reconsider their decision and renew my scholarship for the fall. Again, I thank the
Scholarship Committee for taking time to read this letter, as well as providing me the opportunity
to try and explain my situation and the reasons for making the mistakes I made.


Dear Scholarship Appeal Committee,

My name is Stephanie Tan and I am a sophomore Electrical and Computer Engineering

student. I am writing this letter of appeal in the hopes that you will reconsider your decision to
not renew my scholarship for the 2014-2015 academic year. I realize that my GPA was a 2.9
and thus below the minimum requirement for keeping my scholarship. I do not have any
extenuating circumstances that cause me to let my GPA fall. I simply under estimated how hard
college engineering courses were going to be. Every single class was an important core class.
There were no easy classes meant to boost your GPA.

In high school I breezed through all of my classes while putting in minimal effort and thought I
could do that in college too. I wasn't prepared for the differences between college and high
school. Near the end of the Spring Semester I realized that I had to try harder or I would fail my
classes. I started studying more and joined study groups with my friends to try and bring up
grades. However it was still too late to get a 3.0. In the end I got a bunch of B's and barely
passed my calculus class.

I am going to take a summer course during summer session 4 to boost my GPA. I am taking
General Photography and if I get an A in the class it will boost my GPA to just above a 3.0. I will
do whatever I can to get that A. If I don't get that A please consider my circumstances and let
me use the 2014 Fall Semester to boost my GPA more.

I will do my best to avoid having this situation happen again. I promise that in the next semester
I will work hard when the semester starts instead of frantically trying to boost my grades at the
end of a semester. I will set aside a time to study and do assignments ahead of time so I'm not
doing everything the night before. I will also go over material before class so I won't be
bombarded with new information during the class. I learned a lot of study tips during the 2014
Spring Semester and I intend to apply them for the rest of my college career.

Stephanie Tan

To the Head of the Scholarship Committee,

Greetings of Peace!

I am Elisha Fortworth, an incoming 4th year college student of the University of California. I am
writing to appeal for the reconsideration of my current scholarship status, which is for “partial
scholarship". This is because I have incurred incomplete grades for the reason that a few of my
professors were not able to pass the said grades on time.
A national teacher’s convention was held on the week that the final grades were supposed to be
passed by our professors. They were not able to complete the grades in time for the deadline that
was given by your committee because the convention was unplanned. It was, however, a
requirement for all of them to attend the said calibration so they were left with no choice but to
choose a higher priority over another one. In this case, the calibration was more important.
I hope that you reconsider my plea. A letter from one of my professors explaining the said matter is
attached together with this letter. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my appeal.


Elisha Fortworth

Graduating Scholar

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