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Name: Student N0. ……………….….

Explanation about the Grammar Placement Test

The Language Centre’s Intensive English Programme (IEP) offers English

language courses from a Pre-Intermediate level (A2) to an Advanced level (C1).
Students whose level of English is at a Beginner or Elementary level (A1) will not
be accommodated. Therefore, it is advisable to first check your level of English by
completing the Grammar Placement Test and then submit it and wait for the test

1. Complete the test.

2. Scan the test and then email it to
3. The test will be marked and the result emailed to you.
4. If your level of English is at the Pre-Intermediate level (A2), Intermediate
level (B1), Upper-Intermediate level (B2) or the Advanced level (C1), you
may apply to take up studies in the Intensive English Programme. If so,
please download the 2014 IEP Application Form and the 2014 IEP Student
Guide. Follow the instructions carefully and ensure that your completed
application and supporting documents are returned before the registration

5. Your level of English will be assessed once again when you arrive at
Stellenbosch University. Should your level of English be at either the
Beginner or Elementary level (A1), you will not be permitted to register for
any English courses at the university.

Grammar Placement Test

1. Choose the line with English words by circling either A, B, C. or D in each

A. Is waz
B. Ezy his
C. Aet eat
D. Were was

2. Choose the correct sentence.

A. I go everyday school.
B. I am go everyday school.
C. I go to school every day.
D. I everyday school going.

3. Choose the correct sentence.

A. Lizel studying math.
B. Lizel are study math.
C. Lizel is studying math.

D. Lizel is to study math.

4. Choose the correct question.

A. What is your name?
B. What is you?
C. What your name?
D. What your name’s?

5. Choose the correct question.

A. Do we going to class?
B. Does he go to class?
C. Is he go to class?
D. Does he went to class?

6. Which word is an adjective? Circle the correct letter.

A. book B. nice C. slowly D. at E. read

7. Find the best word to put with this group of uncountable words:
coffee traffic news weather travel
A. apples B. luggage C. shoes D. cups

8. Which of these things are on your face?

A. lips B. ankle C. eyes D. shoulders

9. Which of these things would you find below your hips?

A. lips B. ankles C. eyes D. shoulders

10. What is the word for your brother’s or sister’s daughter?

A. cousin B. aunt C. nephew D. niece

11. Which person usually works outside ?

A. hairdresser B. secretary C. chef D. farmer

12. Which of these are fruit?

A. garlic B. peach C. potato D. beans

13. What does one usually find in a bathroom?

A. couch B. shower C. desk D. fridge

14 What is the best answer to the question, ’What does your husband do‘?

A. He’s cutting the grass.

B. I don’t know that he’s doing?
C. He’s a nurse.

Please feel free to come
15. What does the sign mean? in

A. Come in whenever you like.

B. Please call for an appointment.
C. Visitors pleas wait outside.
D. You will be called when we are free.

16. What does the sign mean? DO NOT CLIMB ON THESE

A. Stay away because the rocks are unsafe? DANGEROUS
B. Be careful of the sharp rocks.
C. Don’t climb the rocks without a guide.
D. Be careful not to fall off the rocks.

17. What does the sign mean? Please lock this door
when you leave
A. The door should be kept open during the day.
B. Please leave the key when you go.
C. Close the door after you come in.
D. Check that the door is locked when you depart.

Questions 18 – 22

Which sign (A – H) says this (18 – 22)?

18. Next week these will be more expensive. A. CLOSED FOR LUNCH
19. You cannot eat this meal in the evening.

20. You may be late. C. FIRE DOOR –

A B C D E F G H Keep closed at all times

21. It’s cheaper to buy three of these. D. Children under three eat
A B C D E F G H free!

22. You must not leave this open. E. Chips R3.00 each
A B C D E F G H or 3 for R8.50

100% fresh and tasty

G. Yogurt half-price
until Saturday

H. Special lunch
until 3:00 P.M.

Fredelene and Nawaal are good friends. The met when they both started working
at Stellenbosch University. They have been friends ever since. Tomorrow,
Nawaal will leave for Johannesburg to start a new job at Wits University.
Fredelene is a little sad. She will miss her friend, but is glad for Nawaal.
Fredelene hopes to visit Nawaal sometime in the near future.

Write the words “True” or “False” next to each of the statements according to
the above.
23. Fredelene and Nawaal are childhood friends.
24. Both Nawaal and Fredelene will work for Wits University.
25. Fredelene hopes never to see Nawaal again.
26. Nawaal will be going to Johannesburg in two weeks’ time.

27. Which of these do we usually put on the table at dinner time?

A. waste bin B. fork C. piano D. frying pan

28 Put the following words in the correct order:

Never, Sometimes, Usually, Often, Always






29. Write a, an, or some.

___________ strawberry

30. Choose the correct word from each pair to complete the following sentences.
Melvin is a _____________________ carefully / careful driver.

31. This test is _____________________ boring / bored.

32. I speak English _____________________ easy / easily.

Complete the following sentences with the correct verb forms. The verbs are in
brackets ( ).

33. They (be) _____________________ to Canada last year.

34. She (be) _____________________ to Canada many time before.

Complete the sentences with while, during, or for.

35. I fell and injured myself …..…….... I was playing rugby.

36. The family went on holiday to Durban ……..….... five days.
37. …….….... the day was very hot and humid, it was cool in the evening.

Complete the sentences with some or any.

38. Have you had …..…….... problems with this test?

39. I don’t have ………
40. My teacher gave us …..…….... homework to do at the weekend.

Complete the sentences with much or many.

41. Why aren’t there ……….…....students in the class?

42. There isn’t ……....….... furniture.
43. This library doesn’t have ……….….... information.
44. The shop has ……….….... bottles of water.

Choose the correct form of the verb by circling the correct words marked in bold.

45. A: Why have you been studying so hard this week?

B: Because I’ll have an exam / I’m going to have an exam, so I’m
preparing for it now.

46. A: I have an appointment with a student advisor this morning.

B: Why will you see / are you seeing one?
A: Because I will drop out of school / am considering dropping out of

47. A: I haven’t got enough money for lunch.

B: I’ll lend / I’m going to lend you some.

48. When driving a car and coming to a stop sign, you ……….….... stop.

a) can b) may c) must d) will e) should

Choose the correct form of the verb.

49. He agreed start / starting / to start the job as soon as possible.

50. My teacher always expected me doing / to do well in exams.

51 The decision ____ before we arrived at the meeting.

a) has been made
b) was making
c) had been made
d) had made

52 How long ____ you had this motor car?
a) did
b) do
c) have
d) were

53 What time ____ they call you last night?

a) did
b) were
c) have
d) had

54. He ____ about tennis which drives me mad!

a) forever talk
b) is forever talking
c) will forever be talking
d) has forever been talking

55. She keeps ____ her things all around the place which is so annoying.
a) to leave
b) leaves
c) leave
d) leaving

56. He ____ me to my first game when I was only 6.

a) used to take
b) would take
c) took
d) has taken

57. At first, I ____ working so early but this has changed.

a) didn't use to
b) wouldn't
c) didn't have to
d) wasn't used to

58. My new PC, ____ I bought last week, has already broken down.
a) that
b) which
c) whose
d) ─

59. I'd like to see the photos ____ you took while you were on holiday.
a) who
b) whose
c) where
d) ─

60. You'd better take your rain jacket ____ the weather gets worse.
a) in case
b) otherwise
c) so that
d) in order to

61. She did a course in touch-typing ____ improve her qualifications.

a) so that
b) in order to
c) although
d) in case

62. He ____ in Italy for a number of years after the war.

a) has lived
b) has been living
c) lived
d) used to living

63. She ____ much better since she left the hospital last month.
a) is feeling
b) feels
c) felt
d) has been feeling

64. He realized that he ____ his car keys in the office.

a) left
b) has left
c) had left
d) was leaving

65. We couldn't fall asleep because our next-door neighbours ____ a lot of noise.
a) made
b) had made
c) have made
d) were making

66. ____ plans you might have for the holiday, you'll have to change them.
a) Wherever
b) Whoever
c) Whatever
d) However

67. They ____ out for a few years before they decided to get married.
a) had gone
b) have been going
c) were going
d) had been going

68. You won't pass the exam ____ you start revising immediately.
a) as long as
b) provided
c) unless
d) if

69. We wouldn't have missed the train if you ____ to chat with Anne!
a) didn't stop
b) hadn't stopped
c) don't stop
d) wouldn't have stopped

70. If only you ____ more time to spend with the family.
a) would have
b) have had
c) had
d) have

71. Oh, you're busy? I ____ you later, OK?

a) am calling
b) call
c) have called
d) will call

72. By the time the guests arrive, we ____ everything for the party.
a) will be preparing
b) will have prepared
c) prepare
d) have prepared

73. During the next meeting, we ____ about the problem of drugs.
a) are talking
b) will have talked
c) will be talking
d) talk

74. I can't find my keys. I ____ them.

a) may lose
b) must lost
c) might have lost
d) should have lost

75. Admission was free so we ____ any tickets.

a) needn't buy
b) mustn't buy
c) didn't need to buy
d) mustn't have bought

76. I'm not sure if you're aware ____ the risk.
a) of
b) to
c) at
d) in

77. The view wasn't just nice! It was ____ astonishing!

a) extremely
b) absolutely
c) very
d) fairly

78. ____ the weather was horrible, we decided to go out for a short walk.
a) Even though
b) However
c) In spite of
d) Despite

79. She ____ him of having an affair.

a) blamed
b) threatened
c) admitted
d) accused

80. She was only 19 when she sailed across ____ Atlantic.
a) a
b) an
c) the
d) ─

81. Two climbers are reported to ____ during the storm last night.
a) die
b) have died
c) had died
d) died

82. I'll need to have the stairs ____.

a) renovate
b) renovating
c) to renovate
d) renovated

83. He was found guilty and _____ a 30-year prison sentence.

a. is now serving
b. serves
c. was serving
d. served

84. Why are you so tired?

I _____ the house for 4 hours.

a. cleaned
b. was cleaning
c. have been cleaning
d. have cleaned

85. He complained _____ after he lost the match.

a. bitterly
b. highly
c. fully
d. sorely

86. I _____ remember him telling me he wasn’t there.

a. accurately
b. fully
c. sincerely
d. distinctly

87. She avoids _____ arguments with her boss.

a. getting into
b. getting in
c. to get into
d. to get on

88. She succeeded _____ him that she was right.

a. to convince
b. on convincing
c. in convincing
d. at convince

89. Sarah was offered a place at the university _____ Mike was rejected.

a. nevertheless
b. as well as
c. whereas
d. despite

Choose the sentence that has a similar meaning.

90. Of course I’m sure he’s clever

a. I’m quite sure he’s clever.

b. I’m sure he’s quite clever.

91. I saw him at the gym not long ago.

a. I saw him only yesterday at the gym.

b. I saw him yesterday at the gym only.
c. Only I saw him at the gym.

92. Studies done at the university have shown an increase in the number of
students getting below-average results.

a. Studies which were done at the university have shown an increase in the
number of students that got below-average results.

b. Studies that are done at the university have shown an increase in the number
of students which are getting below-average results.

c. Studies that were done at the university have shown an increase in the number
of students who are getting below-average results.

93. The arresting officers acted on information provided by an anonymous


a. The officers who arrested the criminal acted on information that had been
provided by an anonymous person.

b. The officers that were arresting the criminal acted on information that was
being given by an anonymous person.

c. The officers which arrested the criminal acted on information what had been
given by an anonymous person.

94. The dentist I saw yesterday was very good.

a. This is the dentist that I always go to.

b. This was a new dentist that I went to.

c. It’s not important which dentist I went to.

95. By this time tomorrow, we will have been travelling for two years.

a. We will stop travelling next month.
b. We started travelling almost two years ago and will still be travelling next
c. We will never stop travelling.
Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits
each gap.

Laura: It’s OK, mum. I’ll answer it. It (96) ____ be Charlie. … Hello. … No, my Dad
isn’t at home at the moment. … He (97) ____ get back around seven, I think. …
OK. Bye.
Mum: Who was it?
Laura: She didn’t leave her name. It (98) ____ be someone from Dad’s work
because she mentioned his boss.
Mum: Well, what time is Charlie coming round?
Laura: He’s already 20 minutes late. He (99) ____ have been here at six and it’s
nearly 20 past now. Oh, Mum, he (100) ____ have forgotten!

96. A. can B. will C. would D. must

97. A. will B. may C. should D. would
98. A. must B. may C. might D. can
99. A. should B. must C. could D. may
100. A. might B. will C. may D. must


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