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Life Sc project

1. How do ciliary muscles help in accommodation of eye?

Ans. According to Hermann von Helmholtz's theory, the circular ciliary muscle fibers affect zonular fibers
in the eye (fibers that suspend the lens in position during accommodation), enabling changes in lens
shape for light focusing. When the ciliary muscle contracts, it pulls itself forward and moves the frontal
region toward the axis of the eye. This releases the tension on the lens caused by the zonular fibers
(fibers that hold or flatten the lens). This release of tension of the zonular fibers causes the lens to
become more spherical, adapting to short range focus. Conversely, relaxation of the ciliary muscle
causes the zonular fibers to become taut, flattening the lens, increasing the focal distance,[10]
increasing long range focus. Although Helmholtz's theory has been widely accepted since 1855, its
mechanism still remains controversial. Alternative theories of accommodation have been proposed by
others, including L. Johnson, M. Tscherning, and especially Ronald A. Schachar.

2. What eye problems can arise from working of the computer for long hours? And 3. Measures.

Ans. Working for long hours at the computers is definitely not healthy, but unfortunately for most of us
it is a simple way of life. Working on the computer has become ubiquitous. They are seen in every house
and are used even by children. In addition internet has become an indispensable part of our life in the
modern era.

We are so used to using the computer on a daily basis that we tend to ignore the negative effects it can
have on our body. But you would argue that working on a computer is unavoidable. Though working
behind the screen is unavoidable, but this does not diminish its negative effect. The increased use of
computers in the workplace can lead to a number of health concerns.

Many individuals are unaware of the health hazards of their techy lifestyle until it is too late. If working
at the computer for long hours is a daily task, it is important to consider the associated potential health
risks as well.

Eye strain:

eye strain Eye fatigue and discomforts are a common health hazards associated with prolonged
exposure to working on the computers. Constantly starring at the computer screen without blinking the
eye can cause dry eyes or watery eyes. Excessive strain on the eyes can also cause Computer Vision
Syndrome (CVS) that can lead to itchy or burning eyes, headaches, blurred or double vision.

Tips to avoid eye strain:

To prevent dryness and irritation in your eyes blink more often. After every half an hour blink at least 10
times by closing your eyes very slowly. You can also relax your eye by closing your eyes after every 20 -
30 minutes. You can also perform eye exercises that can relax your eye. Dr Nayan Thakkar, well Known
Ophthalmologist from Nova Medicals says, “Blinking the eyes every 20-30 minutes or closing the eye for
a couple of minutes helps to relieve eye strain caused due to working long hours at the computer.”

Neck and shoulder pain

Neck and shoulder painThere is a growing number of middle aged people who experience neck pain.
Neck pain is caused in most individuals who work for long hours at the computers and have to strain
their neck to see and work on a computer screen. Poor seating posture and excessive computer usage
can lead to neck and shoulder pain.

Tips to avoid neck and shoulder pain:

Sit straight while working on the computer and avoid slouching Dr. Kavita Tiwari, renowned
Physiotherapist from Sanjeevani hospitals says, “Working for long hours at the computers strains the
trapeziul muscles which lead to spasms. Shoulder strengthening exercises like shoulder shrugs should be
performed to relax the trapeziul muscles.”

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndromeUsing the computer mouse or key board for longer duration can cause Carpal
Tunnel Syndrome. Dr Kavita Tiwari explains, “Carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway on the palm side of
your wrist that protects a main nerve to your hand and nine tendons that bend your fingers. The
compression of the median nerve in this tunnel causes pain and numbness.”

This syndrome is generally caused due to repetitive use of wrist movements and is commonly seen in
computer professionals. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome causes pain, numbness and tingling sensation in the
arm mostly in the thumb and index finger.
Tips to prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

Spread fingers apart for several seconds while keeping the wrists straight. Dr Kavita Tiwari adds, “Carpal
Tunnel syndrome can be prevented by performing rotation of wrist exercises every 30 minutes of using
the computer.”

Social disconnect.

The internet has provided us with a platform where we can meet old friend say whatever we want. But
in on the flip side people act in certain ways and say certain things they otherwise would not do in real
life. Many people lose friends and dwell in the feeling of loneliness and are stressed and depressed.

Tips to avoid social disconnect:

Meet friends and socialize. Go out for a walk with your friends. Talking to friends in a social atmosphere
is a different experience than sharing your thoughts on the social network websites.

It is important to remember that computer is a man made invention that has been designed to offer
convenience and make life easier and not to deprive you of life. By simply making changes in your own
behavior, you can use your computer in a manner that will keep you in good health.

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