Part 2 Critical Analysis of Two Videos

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I analyzed two videos, my personal

Video and that of Jerome Ayuk.
Honore Tabe 201696566

[Document subtitle]
An analysis of my own videos ................................................................. 2
The attitude the interviewee holds towards each setting;...................... 2
What message the interviewee is sending about his or her cultural
identity, and about the cultural identity of his/her hosts; ...................... 2
Ways in which the interviewers or interviewees may have questioned
or made explicit the way these cultural identities were constructed; .... 2
What is indicative of a (non-)essentialist viewpoint on the part of both
the interviewers and the interviewees; .................................................. 3
How interviewees construct Erasmus students’ communities and
people they have met or tried to avoid meeting. What do these
stories/constructions tell us about their attitudes to diversity? ............. 3
Ayuk Jeroms’s Interview with Patricia..................................................... 4
The attitude the interviewee holds towards each setting ....................... 4
What message the interviewee is sending about his or her cultural
identity, and about the cultural identity of his/her hosts ....................... 4
Ways in which the interviewers or interviewees may have questioned
or made explicit the way these cultural identities were constructed ..... 4
What is indicative of a (non-)essentialist viewpoint on the part of both
the interviewers and the interviewees; .................................................. 4
What is indicative of a (non-)essentialist viewpoint on the part of both
the interviewers and the interviewees ................................................... 5
How interviewees construct Erasmus students’ communities and
people they have met or tried to avoid meeting. What do these
stories/constructions tell us about their attitudes to diversity? ............. 5
What would I do Differently? .................................................................. 5

An analysis of my own videos
Coming from Nigeria to study in Belgium, he shows great admiration for
the two cultures. According to him, he has been out of his home
country for a very long time now and he hasn’t gone back for a visit.
This is a clear sign to show that he enjoys his stay and he admires the
Belgian culture. On the other hand, from his own words “home is
home”, it shows he also admires Nigeria too.

The attitude the interviewee holds towards each setting;

His attitude towards Belgium is a positive one fill with admiration for
the culture and the people, reasons why his stay in Belgium has been in
the longest one in his life from home. On the other hand, he still has a
strong attachment to his home land and cultural values. “I still speak
my traditional language with my brother”.

What message the interviewee is sending about his or her cultural

identity, and about the cultural identity of his/her hosts;
He didn’t talk much about his cultural identity, just that he admires the
Belgian and misses his Nigerian home. He also mentioned difficulties in
language when he just came to Belgium, but now he can speak

Ways in which the interviewers or interviewees may have questioned or

made explicit the way these cultural identities were constructed;
He tried to adapt to his new environment by learning the language and
some of the ways and cultures of the country.
What is indicative of a (non-)essentialist viewpoint on the part of both
the interviewers and the interviewees;
The interviewee holds an open mind when it concerns with both
cultures, he has been able to adapt to his present culture yet holding on
his roots. That’s the same with the interviewees.

How interviewees construct Erasmus students’ communities and people

they have met or tried to avoid meeting. What do these
stories/constructions tell us about their attitudes to diversity?
I would say the interviewee has a positive mind when it come to
diversity, just the fact he has been able to stay for 3 years without
going back to his home country, and from his statements, he doesn’t
miss a lot about his home country. He has taken Nederland’s as a
second language, and his able to speak it well.

Ayuk Jeroms’s Interview with Patricia

The attitude the interviewee holds towards each setting

The Interviewee is quite open and polite, she provides all answers to
questions she was asked, but the interviewer faced the camera more
and backed the interviewee. The interviewer asked constructive
questions which made the interview interesting. (Patricia, 2018)

What message the interviewee is sending about his or her cultural

identity, and about the cultural identity of his/her hosts
She is from Ghana and studying in UGent. She admires her host country
and holds strong feelings for her country of origin. She stated she will
like to return to her home country one day.

Ways in which the interviewers or interviewees may have questioned or

made explicit the way these cultural identities were constructed
As earlier stated, questions were interesting and averagely constructed
to make the interview interesting. The interviewee also made some
clear distinctions between the culture of her country of origin and her
host country.

What is indicative of a (non-)essentialist viewpoint on the part of both

the interviewers and the interviewees;
The interviewee based on her studies and research was able to give
some inside about the health system of her country of origin.

What is indicative of a (non-)essentialist viewpoint on the part of both
the interviewers and the interviewees;
At some point, the interview was more focused on socio economic and
political issues.

How interviewees construct Erasmus students’ communities and people

they have met or tried to avoid meeting. What do these
stories/constructions tell us about their attitudes to diversity?
the interviewee understands the differences in cultures between Ghana
and her home country.
She hasn’t still been able to speak good Nederland’s, but she says she is
working on it. One other important different she mentions is the
difference between living condition between Ghent (the city in which
she schools) and Hassel (the city in which she lives).

What would I do Differently?

I would try to face the interviewee during the interview because it gives
some sort of boost during the interview. Finally, I would avoid political
and some economic topics during the interview.

Outcomes after I have learnt… I still have to learn…
watching the videos because…
I have learnt it thanks
and analysing them to…

1. Recognise and I have learnt that all I still need to learn

explain the variety cultures are not the how to adapt to new
and complexity that same. Thanks to the cultures, because I
exist among interviews I have have been in my
individuals in social learnt that not coutry
groups. everyone thing in your
culture might mean
something else in
3. Describe ways in I learnt for my I still need to learn
which people interview with how to be open to
(re)construct and/or Ademola the other cultures and
(re)negotiate their importance of try to kill the believe
own and others’ learning the local of superiority of
multiple identities language of your host. one’s culture
depending on He can easily go about
experiences, the city because he
encounters, can speak the local
contexts, and language

4. Recognize and The problem using I have learnt to look

explain the certain terms such as at everyone as

problematic nature race and nation belonging to one
of using certain especially in a nation, but I need to
terms (e.g. conversation with learn more on how
ethnicity, race, people from different to beat my
nation) to frame cultures give them the sensitivity on
identity. feeling of not belonging
belonging or might
6. Interpret what I believe everyone is However, not every
people say about patriotic and will cultural practice is
their culture as a always praise their there same in the
personal culture. It is rare to world. I believe
observation, and find people who will some practices can
possibly as evidence talk negative about be perceived by
of what they wish their culture. People others to be wrong
others to see about will always want you or shocking
themselves. to see the positive
side of their culture. It
is clear from both
interviews, the
interviewees we very
7. Recognise when Thanks to the I still need to learn
misunderstandings Jarome’s interview, I how to outplay the
may be the result of was able to power of single
stereotyping, understand story.
ethnocentrism, stereotyping can
essentialising and result to
prejudice. misunderstanding,
because he said, “I
heard the roads in
your country are bad”,
the interviewee took a
while before refusing

Patricia. (2018, 4 11). Foreign expirience. (A. Jarom, Interviewer)

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